Пример #1
                     $result = mysql_fetch_array($results);
                 } while ($result['0']);
                 db_query(sprintf("insert into xwi_clan_reset_pass_requests (cid, pass, ctime) values (%d, md5('%s'), unix_timestamp())", $clan['cid'], $cpass));
                 printf("A link to reset the clan admin pass has been emailed to %s", htmlspecialchars($clan['mail']));
                 mail($clan['mail'], sprintf("XWI Clan Manager: Reset pass link for clan %s", $clan['name']), sprintf("To reset the clan admin pass for clan %s, click on %s?a=reset_pass&pass=%s. The request has been send from IP address %s", $clan['name'], $config['clan_manager_url'], $cpass, $remote_addr), "from: XWIS <xwis>");
             } else {
                 echo "Wrong name/mail combo";
             echo "<hr>";
     require 'templates/clans_reset_pass.php';
 case "leave":
     if ($name || $pass) {
         if (get_player($name)) {
             if ($player = get_player2($name, $pass)) {
                 if ($player['cid']) {
                     db_query(sprintf("update xwi_players set cid = 0, mtime = unix_timestamp() where pid = %d", $player['pid']));
                     $clan = get_clan($player['cid']);
                     printf("Player %s left clan %s", $player['name'], $clan['name']);
                     $result = mysql_fetch_array(db_query(sprintf("select count(*) from xwi_players where cid = %d", $player['cid'])));
                     if (!$result['0']) {
                         db_query(sprintf("delete from xwi_clans where cid = %d", $player['cid']));
                 } else {
                     printf("Player %s is not in a clan", $player['name']);
             } else {
                 printf("Invalid pass for player %s", htmlspecialchars($name));
Пример #2
    $tables = reform($db->query("SHOW TABLES FROM " . $dbname . " LIKE 'tank\\_%';")->fetchAll());
} else {
    $tables = array();
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/html_dom.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/curl.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/mcurl.php';
if (file_exists(ROOT_DIR . '/function/rating.php')) {
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/rating.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/func.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/function/get.php';
//$newss = get_last_roster();
if (is_valid_url($config['td']) == true) {
    $new = get_player(CLAN, $config);
    if ($new['error'] != 0 && MYSQL == 'on' && MYSQL_ERROR != 'on') {
        $new = get_last_roster();
    } elseif ($new['error'] != 0 && (MYSQL != 'on' || MYSQL_ERROR == 'on')) {
        $new['data']['request_data']['items'] = array();
} elseif (MYSQL == 'on' && MYSQL_ERROR != 'on') {
    $new = get_last_roster();
} else {
    $new['error'] = 1;
    $new['data']['request_data']['items'] = array();
$roster =& roster_sort($new['data']['request_data']['items']);
Пример #3
			<h3>You are here » Statistics » <?php 
echo $_GET["name"];
 <small>UUID: <?php 
echo $_GET["uuid"];
</small> </h3>


$data = get_player($uuid = $_GET["uuid"]);
$player = $data->fetch_assoc();
	<div class="container">
		<div class="col-lg-3">
				<div class="panel panel-danger">
					<div class="panel-heading" align="center">Player Skin</div>
					<div class="panel-body" align="center"><img src="https://minotar.net/body/<?php 
echo $_GET["name"];
/200.png"><br> </br><p><strong><?php 
echo $_GET["name"];
					<p><small>Skins are provided by minotar.net and the Mojang API</small></p></div>
Пример #4
    echo "<td>" . $has_mines;
    echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td class=\"long-rang-scan-titles-cell\"><span class=\"long-rang-scan-titles\">Fighters</span></td>";
    $has_fighters = NUMBER($defF['fighters']);
    echo "<td>" . $has_fighters;
    echo "</td></tr>";
    if ($playerinfo['dev_lssd'] == 'Y') {
        echo "<tr><td class=\"long-rang-scan-titles-cell\"><span class=\"long-rang-scan-titles\">Last ship seen in this sector</span></td>";
        echo "<td>";
        $resx = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}movement_log WHERE ship_id <> ? AND sector_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1;", array($playerinfo['ship_id'], $sector));
        db_op_result($db, $resx, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
        if (!$resx) {
            echo "None";
        } else {
            $myrow = $resx->fields;
            echo "<span class=\"table_word_red\">" . get_player($db, $myrow['ship_id']) . "</span>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
    } else {
    echo "</tbody></table>";
    echo "<a href=move.php?sector={$sector}>{$l_clickme}</a> {$l_lrs_moveto} {$sector}.";
echo "<br><br>";
Пример #5
  $has_fighters =  NUMBER($defF[fighters] ) ;
  echo "<TR><TD>" . $has_fighters;
  echo "</TD></TR>";
  if($shipinfo['dev_lssd'] == 'Y')
     echo "<TR BGCOLOR=\"$color_line2\"><TD><B>$l_lss</B></TD></TR>";
     echo "<TR><TD>";
     $resx = $db->Execute("SELECT * from $dbtables[movement_log] WHERE player_id <> $playerinfo[player_id] AND sector_id = $sector ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1");
        echo "None";
        $myrow = $resx->fields;
        echo get_player($myrow[player_id]);
  echo "<TR><TD>";
  echo "</TD></TR>";
  echo "</TABLE><BR>";

  echo "<a href=move.php?sector=$sector>$l_clickme</a> $l_lrs_moveto $sector.";

$rspace_bnthelper_string="<!--rspace:" . $sectorinfo[distance] . ":" . $sectorinfo[angle1] . ":" . $sectorinfo[angle2] . ":-->";