  * Fix permissions
 function permissions(&$error, $selected)
     global $umil;
     $data = $permission_rows = $existing_permissions = array();
     get_permission_rows($data, $permission_rows, $existing_permissions);
     foreach ($permission_rows as $name) {
         // Skip ones that are in the default install and are in the existing permissions
         if (isset($this->db_cleaner->data->acl_options[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_permissions)) {
         if (isset($selected[$name])) {
             if (isset($this->db_cleaner->data->acl_options[$name]) && !in_array($name, $existing_permissions)) {
                 // Add it with the default settings we've got...
                 $umil->permission_add($name, $this->db_cleaner->data->acl_options[$name]['is_global'] ? true : false);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($this->db_cleaner->data->acl_options[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_permissions)) {
                     // Remove it
                     $umil->permission_remove($name, true);
                     $umil->permission_remove($name, false);
  * Validate all permissions
 function permissions()
     global $template, $user;
     $this->_section_data['permissions'] = array('NAME' => 'PERMISSION_SETTINGS', 'TITLE' => 'ROWS');
     $permission_rows = $existing_permissions = array();
     get_permission_rows($this->db_cleaner->data->acl_options, $permission_rows, $existing_permissions);
     foreach ($permission_rows as $name) {
         // Skip ones that are in the default install and are in the existing permissions
         if (isset($this->db_cleaner->data->acl_options[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_permissions)) {
         $this->_section_data['permissions']['ITEMS'][] = array('NAME' => $name, 'FIELD_NAME' => $name, 'MISSING' => !in_array($name, $existing_permissions) ? true : false, 'FIND' => append_sid("" . STK_ROOT_PATH . "finder." . PHP_EXT . "", 'p=' . $name . ''));
         if ($this->_has_changes === false) {
             $this->_has_changes = true;
     $template->assign_vars(array('NO_CHANGES_TEXT' => $user->lang['SECTION_NOT_CHANGED_EXPLAIN'][$this->db_cleaner->step_to_action[$this->db_cleaner->step]], 'NO_CHANGES_TITLE' => $user->lang['SECTION_NOT_CHANGED_TITLE'][$this->db_cleaner->step_to_action[$this->db_cleaner->step]]));
     $this->success_message = 'EXTENSIONS_SUCCESS';
Пример #3
	function display_options()
		global $config, $db, $plugin, $template, $umil, $user;

		$continue = (isset($_POST['continue'])) ? true : false;
		$step = request_var('step', 0);
		$selected = request_var('items', array('' => ''));

		// Apply Changes to the DB?
		$apply_changes = true;

		if ($step > 0)
			// Kick them if bad form key
			check_form_key('database_cleaner', false, append_sid(STK_INDEX, 't=database_cleaner'), true);

		// include the required file for this version
		$version_file = preg_replace('#([^0-9]+)#', '_', $config['version']) . '.' . PHP_EXT;
		if (!file_exists(STK_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/database_cleaner/' . $version_file))
		include(STK_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/database_cleaner/functions.' . PHP_EXT);
		include(STK_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/database_cleaner/' . $version_file);
		$cleaner = new database_cleaner_data();


		switch ($step)
			case 0 :
				// Display a quick intro here and make sure they know what they are doing...
					'S_NO_INSTRUCTIONS'	=> true,
					'SUCCESS_TITLE'		=> $user->lang['DATABASE_CLEANER'],
					'ERROR_TITLE'		=> ' ',

			case 1 :
				// Redirect if they selected quit
				if (isset($_POST['quit']))
					redirect(append_sid(STK_ROOT_PATH . 'index.' . PHP_EXT));

				// Start by disabling the board
				if ($apply_changes)
					set_config('board_disable', 1);
				$template->assign_var('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', $user->lang['BOARD_DISABLE_SUCCESS']);

				// Find any extra tables and list them as options to remove
				if (!function_exists('get_tables'))
					include(PHPBB_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/functions_install.' . PHP_EXT);

				$existing_tables = get_tables($db);
				$tables = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($cleaner->tables), $existing_tables));

				$template->assign_block_vars('section', array(
					'NAME'		=> $user->lang['DATABASE_TABLES'],
					'TITLE'		=> $user->lang['DATABASE_TABLES'],

				foreach ($tables as $table)
					if ((isset($cleaner->tables[$table]) && !in_array($table, $existing_tables)) || (!isset($cleaner->tables[$table]) && in_array($table, $existing_tables)))
						$template->assign_block_vars('section.items', array(
							'NAME'			=> $table,
							'FIELD_NAME'	=> $table,
							'MISSING'		=> (isset($cleaner->tables[$table])) ? true : false,


			case 2:

				// Remove the extra selected tables, and add the missing removed tables
				$error = array();
				if ($apply_changes)
					if (!function_exists('get_tables'))
						include(PHPBB_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/functions_install.' . PHP_EXT);

					$existing_tables = get_tables($db);
					$tables = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($cleaner->tables), $existing_tables));

					foreach ($tables as $table)
						if (isset($selected[$table]))
							if (isset($cleaner->tables[$table]) && !in_array($table, $existing_tables))
								$result = $umil->table_add($table, $cleaner->tables[$table]);
								if (stripos($result, 'SQL ERROR'))
									$error[] = $result;
							else if (!isset($cleaner->tables[$table]) && in_array($table, $existing_tables))
								$result = $umil->table_remove($table);
								if (stripos($result, 'SQL ERROR'))
									$error[] = $result;

				if (!empty($error))
					$template->assign_var('ERROR_MESSAGE', implode('<br />', $error));
					$template->assign_var('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', $user->lang['DATABASE_TABLES_SUCCESS']);

				// Time to start going through the database and listing any extra/missing fields
				$last_output_table = '';
				foreach ($cleaner->tables as $table_name => $data)
					// We shouldn't mess with profile fields here.  Users probably will not know what this table does or what would happen if they remove fields added to it.
					if ($table_name == PROFILE_FIELDS_DATA_TABLE)

					$existing_columns = $this->get_columns($table_name);

					if ($existing_columns === false)
						// Table doesn't exist, don't handle here.

					$columns = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($data['COLUMNS']), $existing_columns));

					foreach ($columns as $column)
						if ((!isset($data['COLUMNS'][$column]) && in_array($column, $existing_columns)) || (isset($data['COLUMNS'][$column]) && !in_array($column, $existing_columns)))
							// Output the table block if it's not been done yet
							if ($last_output_table != $table_name)
								$last_output_table = $table_name;

								$template->assign_block_vars('section', array(
									'NAME'		=> $table_name,
									'TITLE'		=> $user->lang['ROWS'],

							$template->assign_block_vars('section.items', array(
								'NAME'			=> $column,
								'FIELD_NAME'	=> $table_name . '_' . $column,
								'MISSING'		=> (!in_array($column, $existing_columns)) ? true : false,


			case 3:

				// Update the tables according to what they selected last time
				$error = array();
				if ($apply_changes)
					foreach ($cleaner->tables as $table_name => $data)
						if ($table_name == PROFILE_FIELDS_DATA_TABLE)

						$existing_columns = $this->get_columns($table_name);

						if ($existing_columns === false)
							// Table doesn't exist, don't handle here.

						$columns = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($data['COLUMNS']), $existing_columns));

						foreach ($columns as $column)
							if (isset($selected[$table_name . '_' . $column]))
								if (!isset($data['COLUMNS'][$column]) && in_array($column, $existing_columns))
									$result = $umil->table_column_remove($table_name, $column);
									if (stripos($result, 'SQL ERROR'))
										$error[] = $result;
								else if (isset($data['COLUMNS'][$column]) && !in_array($column, $existing_columns))
									// This can return an error under some circumstances, like when trying to add an auto-increment field (hope to hell nobody drops one of those)
									$result = $umil->table_column_add($table_name, $column, $data['COLUMNS'][$column]);
									if (stripos($result, 'SQL ERROR'))
										$error[] = $result;

									// We can re-add *some* keys
									if (isset($data['KEYS']))
										if (in_array($column, $data['KEYS']))
											if ($data['KEYS'][$column][0] == 'INDEX' && $data['KEYS'][$column][1] == $column)
												$result = $umil->table_index_add($table_name, $column, $column);
												if (stripos($result, 'SQL ERROR'))
													$error[] = $result;

				if (!empty($error))
					$template->assign_var('ERROR_MESSAGE', implode('<br />', $error));
					$template->assign_var('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', $user->lang['DATABASE_COLUMNS_SUCCESS']);

				// display extra config variables and let them check/uncheck the ones they want to add/remove
				$template->assign_block_vars('section', array(
					'NAME'		=> $user->lang['CONFIG_SETTINGS'],
					'TITLE'		=> $user->lang['ROWS'],

				$config_rows = $existing_config = array();
				get_config_rows($cleaner, $config_rows, $existing_config);
				foreach ($config_rows as $name)
					// Skip ones that are in the default install and are in the existing config
					if (isset($cleaner->config[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_config))

					$template->assign_block_vars('section.items', array(
						'NAME'			=> $name,
						'FIELD_NAME'	=> $name,
						'MISSING'		=> (!in_array($name, $existing_config)) ? true : false,


			case 4 :

				// Add/remove the extra config variables they selected.
				if ($apply_changes)
					$config_rows = $existing_config = array();
					get_config_rows($cleaner, $config_rows, $existing_config);
					foreach ($config_rows as $name)
						if (isset($cleaner->config[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_config))

						if (isset($selected[$name]))
							if (isset($cleaner->config[$name]) && !in_array($name, $existing_config))
								// Add it with the default settings we've got...
								set_config($name, $cleaner->config[$name]['config_value'], $cleaner->config[$name]['is_dynamic']);
							else if (!isset($cleaner->config[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_config))
								// Remove it
								$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " WHERE config_name = '" . $db->sql_escape($name) . "'");
				$template->assign_var('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', $user->lang['CONFIG_UPDATE_SUCCESS']);

				// Display the extra permission fields and again let them select ones to add/remove
				$template->assign_block_vars('section', array(
					'NAME'		=> $user->lang['PERMISSION_SETTINGS'],
					'TITLE'		=> $user->lang['ROWS'],

				$permission_rows = $existing_permissions = array();
				get_permission_rows($cleaner, $permission_rows, $existing_permissions);
				foreach ($permission_rows as $name)
					// Skip ones that are in the default install and are in the existing permissions
					if (isset($cleaner->permissions[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_permissions))

					$template->assign_block_vars('section.items', array(
						'NAME'			=> $name,
						'FIELD_NAME'	=> $name,
						'MISSING'		=> (!in_array($name, $existing_permissions)) ? true : false,


			case 5 :

				// Add/remove the permission fields they selected
				if ($apply_changes)
					$permission_rows = $existing_permissions = array();
					get_permission_rows($cleaner, $permission_rows, $existing_permissions);
					foreach ($permission_rows as $name)
						// Skip ones that are in the default install and are in the existing permissions
						if (isset($cleaner->permissions[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_permissions))

						if (isset($selected[$name]))
							if (isset($cleaner->permissions[$name]) && !in_array($name, $existing_permissions))
								// Add it with the default settings we've got...
								$umil->permission_add($name, (($cleaner->permissions[$name]['is_global']) ? true : false));
							else if (!isset($cleaner->permissions[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_permissions))
								// Remove it
								$umil->permission_remove($name, true);
								$umil->permission_remove($name, false);
				$template->assign_var('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', $user->lang['PERMISSION_UPDATE_SUCCESS']);

				// Display the system groups that are missing or aren't from a vanilla installation
				$template->assign_block_vars('section', array(
					'NAME'		=> $user->lang['ACP_GROUPS_MANAGEMENT'],
					'TITLE'		=> $user->lang['ROWS'],

				$group_rows = $existing_groups = array();
				get_group_rows($cleaner, $group_rows, $existing_groups);
				foreach ($group_rows as $name)
					// Skip ones that are in the default install and are in the existing permissions
					if (isset($cleaner->groups[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_groups))

					$template->assign_block_vars('section.items', array(
						'NAME'			=> $name,
						'FIELD_NAME'	=> $name,
						'MISSING'		=> (!in_array($name, $existing_groups)) ? true : false,


			case 6:

				// Add/remove selected system groups
				if ($apply_changes)
					$group_rows = $existing_groups = array();
					get_group_rows($cleaner, $group_rows, $existing_groups);
					foreach ($group_rows as $name)
						// Skip ones that are in the default install and are in the existing permissions
						if (isset($cleaner->groups[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_groups))

						if (isset($selected[$name]))
							if (isset($cleaner->groups[$name]) && !in_array($name, $existing_groups))
								// Add it with the default settings we've got...
								$group_id = false;
								group_create($group_id, $cleaner->groups[$name]['group_type'], $name, $cleaner->groups[$name]['group_desc'], array('group_colour' => $cleaner->groups[$name]['group_colour'], 'group_legend' => $cleaner->groups[$name]['group_legend'], 'group_avatar' => $cleaner->groups[$name]['group_avatar'], 'group_max_recipients' => $cleaner->groups[$name]['group_max_recipients']));
							else if (!isset($cleaner->groups[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_groups))
								// Remove it
								$db->sql_query('SELECT group_id FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE group_name = \'' . $name . '\'');
								$group_id = $db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');
								group_delete($group_id, $name);

				// Ask if they would like to reset the modules (handled in the template)
					'S_MODULE_OPTIONS'		=> true,
					'S_NO_INSTRUCTIONS'		=> true,


			case 7 :

				// Reset the modules if they wanted to
				if (isset($_POST['yes']) && $apply_changes)
					// Remove existing modules
					$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . MODULES_TABLE);

					// Add the modules
					$db->sql_multi_insert(MODULES_TABLE, $cleaner->modules);

					$template->assign_var('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', $user->lang['RESET_MODULE_SUCCESS']);

				// Ask if they would like to reset the bots (handled in the template)
					'S_BOT_OPTIONS'		=> true,
					'S_NO_INSTRUCTIONS'	=> true,


			case 8 :

				// Reset the bots if they wanted to
				if (isset($_POST['yes']) && $apply_changes)
					$sql = 'SELECT group_id, group_colour
						FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . "
						WHERE group_name = 'BOTS'";
					$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
					$group_id		= (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('group_id', false, $result);
					$group_colour	= $db->sql_fetchfield('group_colour', 0, $result);

					if (!$group_id)
						// If we reach this point then something has gone very wrong
						$template->assign_var('ERROR_MESSAGE', $user->lang['NO_BOT_GROUP']);
						if (!function_exists('user_add'))
							include(PHPBB_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/functions_user.' . PHP_EXT);

						// Remove existing bots
						$uids = array();
						$sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . BOTS_TABLE;
						$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
						while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
							$uids[] = $row['user_id'];
						if (!empty($uids))
							$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('user_id', $uids));
							$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . BOTS_TABLE);

						// Add the bots
						foreach ($this->bot_list as $bot_name => $bot_ary)
							$user_row = array(
								'user_type'				=> USER_IGNORE,
								'group_id'				=> $group_id,
								'username'				=> $bot_name,
								'user_regdate'			=> time(),
								'user_password'			=> '',
								'user_colour'			=> $group_colour,
								'user_email'			=> '',
								'user_lang'				=> $config['default_lang'],
								'user_style'			=> 1,
								'user_timezone'			=> 0,
								'user_dateformat'		=> $config['default_dateformat'],
								'user_allow_massemail'	=> 0,

							$user_id = user_add($user_row);

							if ($user_id)
								$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . BOTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
									'bot_active'	=> 1,
									'bot_name'		=> (string) $bot_name,
									'user_id'		=> (int) $user_id,
									'bot_agent'		=> (string) $bot_ary[0],
									'bot_ip'		=> (string) $bot_ary[1],

								$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

						$template->assign_var('SUCCESS_MESSAGE', $user->lang['RESET_BOT_SUCCESS']);

				// Misc things will be done next
					'SUCCESS_MESSAGE'	=> $user->lang['FINAL_STEP'],
					'S_NO_INSTRUCTIONS'	=> true,


			case 9 :

				if ($apply_changes)
					set_config('board_disable', 0);


				// Finished?


		page_header($user->lang['DATABASE_CLEANER'], false);

			'STEP'			=> $step,

			'U_NEXT_STEP'	=> append_sid(STK_INDEX, 't=database_cleaner&amp;step=' . ($step + 1)),

			'body' => 'tools/database_cleaner.html',

  * Validate all permissions
 function permissions()
     $this->_section_data['permissions'] = array('NAME' => 'PERMISSION_SETTINGS', 'TITLE' => 'ROWS');
     $permission_rows = $existing_permissions = array();
     get_permission_rows($this->db_cleaner->data->acl_options, $permission_rows, $existing_permissions);
     foreach ($permission_rows as $name) {
         // Skip ones that are in the default install and are in the existing permissions
         if (isset($this->db_cleaner->data->acl_options[$name]) && in_array($name, $existing_permissions)) {
         $this->_section_data['permissions']['ITEMS'][] = array('NAME' => $name, 'FIELD_NAME' => $name, 'MISSING' => !in_array($name, $existing_permissions) ? true : false);
         if ($this->_has_changes === false) {
             $this->_has_changes = true;
     $this->success_message = 'EXTENSIONS_SUCCESS';