Пример #1
function get_project_info_for_member($sa_url, $signer, $member_id, $include_expired = false)
    if (!is_object($signer)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Null signer');
    if (!$signer instanceof GeniUser) {
        /* Signer must be a GeniUser because we need its URN. */
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Signer is not a GeniUser');
    $client = XMLRPCClient::get_client($sa_url, $signer);
    $member_urn = $signer->urn;
    $rows = $client->lookup_projects_for_member($member_urn, $client->creds(), $client->options());
    $result = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $expired = $row['EXPIRED'];
        if ($expired && !$include_expired) {
        //    error_log("ROW = " . print_r($row, true));
        $new_row = project_details_chapi2portal($row);
        $new_row['role'] = $row['PROJECT_ROLE'];
        $project_urn = $new_row['project_urn'];
        $project_name = get_name_from_urn($project_urn);
        $new_row[PA_PROJECT_TABLE_FIELDNAME::PROJECT_NAME] = $project_name;
        //    error_log("NEW_ROW = " . print_r($new_row, true));
        $result[] = $new_row;
    return $result;
Пример #2
function print_rspec_pretty($xml, $manifestOnly = True, $filterToAM = False, $componentMgrURN = "", $am_id = null)
    $err_str = "<p><i>Resource Specification returned was not valid XML.</i></p>";
    try {
        $rspec = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
        if (!$rspec) {
            error_log("Call to print_rspec_pretty() FAILED to parse xml: " . substr((string) $xml, 0, 40) . "...");
            echo $err_str;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        error_log("Call to print_rspec_pretty() FAILED to parse xml: " . substr((string) $xml, 0, 40) . "... : " . (string) $e);
        echo $err_str;
    $rspec->registerXPathNamespace("def", "http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3/manifest.xsd");
    $nodes = $rspec->node;
    // $nodes = $rspec->xpath('//def:node[@component_manager_id=$componentMgrURN]');
    // $nodes = $rspec->xpath('/def:node');
    $links = $rspec->link;
    $stitching = $rspec->stitching;
    $num_nodes = $nodes->count();
    //  $num_nodes = count($nodes);
    $num_links = $links->count();
    $num_stitching = $stitching->count();
    if ($num_nodes + $num_links == 0) {
        error_log("print-rspec-pretty got RSpec with 0 nodes and links: " . substr((string) $xml, 0, 40));
    $nodes_text = "<b>" . $num_nodes . "</b> node";
    if ($num_nodes != 1) {
        $nodes_text = $nodes_text . "s";
    $links_text = "<b>" . $num_links . "</b> link";
    if ($num_links != 1) {
        $links_text = $links_text . "s";
    //COUNT ONLY NODES FOR THIS AM  echo "<p>There are ",$nodes_text," and ",$links_text," at this aggregate.</p>";
    print "<div class='xml'>";
    $node_num = 0;
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        $num_ifs = $node->interface->count();
        $client_id = $node['client_id'];
        $comp_id = $node['component_id'];
        $comp_mgr_id = $node['component_manager_id'];
        // if no sliver id, then skip
        $sliver_id = $node['sliver_id'];
        if (!isset($sliver_id) or is_null($sliver_id) or $sliver_id === '') {
        if ($filterToAM and $comp_mgr_id != $componentMgrURN) {
            $sliver_id = $node['sliver_id'];
            if (!isset($sliver_id) or is_null($sliver_id) or $sliver_id === '') {
                // This is expected if this node was not for the AM that we submitted it to.
                // And the converse is true: We absolutly expect this to be filled in if this node is for this AM
                //	error_log("print-rspec-pretty skipping node '" . $comp_id . "' (client_id '" . $client_id . "') with no sliver_id, and comp_mgr_id $comp_mgr_id != AM URN $componentMgrURN");
            $sliver_auth = get_auth_from_urn($sliver_id);
            $compMgrAuth = get_auth_from_urn($componentMgrURN);
            if ($sliver_auth == $compMgrAuth) {
                // For debugging
                // This is expected for node reservations through the ExoSM
                // error_log("Node '" . $comp_id . "' is part of desired AM " . $componentMgrURN . " based on sliver_id " . $sliver_id);
            } else {
                error_log("print-rspec-pretty skipping node '" . $comp_id . "' (client_id '" . $client_id . "'): its comp_mgr " . $comp_mgr_id . " != requested " . $componentMgrURN . " and sliver auth doesnt match either. RSpec " . $sliver_auth . " != " . $compMgrAuth);
        $node_num = $node_num + 1;
        $comp_name = get_name_from_urn($comp_id);
        $sliver_type = $node->sliver_type;
        $sliver_status = "Unknown";
        $sliver_expiration = expires_from_manifest($node, $xml);
        $host = $node->host;
        $logins = array();
        foreach ($node->services as $service) {
            foreach ($service->login as $login) {
                $logins[] = $login;
        // don't display authority info if filtering by AM since it's assumed that
        // the AM info will be mentioned elsewhere
        if ($filterToAM) {
            echo "<b>Node #", $node_num, ":</b>";
        } else {
            echo "<b>Node #", $node_num, " (at ", am_name_from_urn((string) $comp_mgr_id), "):</b>";
        echo "<table><tr>\n";
        // This is for Selenium testing
        $client_id_id = 'client_id_' . $node_num;
        echo "<th>Status</th>";
        echo "<th id=\"{$client_id_id}\">Client ID</th>\n";
        echo "<th>Component ID</th>\n";
        echo "<th>Expiration</th>\n";
        echo "<th>Type</th>\n";
        echo "<th>Hostname</th>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "<tr>\n";
        // Replace +, : and . in sliver ID for later jQuery lookup
        $adjusted_sliver_id = str_replace('.', '_', $sliver_id);
        $adjusted_sliver_id = str_replace('+', '_', $adjusted_sliver_id);
        $adjusted_sliver_id = str_replace(':', '_', $adjusted_sliver_id);
        //    error_log("SID = " . $sliver_id . " ASI " . $adjusted_sliver_id);
        echo "<td id='status-{$adjusted_sliver_id}'>{$sliver_status}</td>\n";
        //    echo "<td><div id='status-$adjusted_sliver_id'>$sliver_status</div</td>\n";
        echo "<td>", $client_id, "</td>\n";
        echo "<td>", $comp_name, "</td>";
        echo "<td id='expiration-{$adjusted_sliver_id}'>{$sliver_expiration}</td>";
        //    echo "<td><div id='expiration-$adjusted_sliver_id'></div></td>";
        if ($sliver_type) {
            echo "<td>", $sliver_type['name'], "</td>\n";
        } else {
            echo "<td>(not specified)</td>\n";
        if ($host) {
            echo "<td>", $host['name'], "</td>\n";
        } else {
            echo "<td>(not specified)</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        $hadLogins = false;
        foreach ($logins as $login) {
            $ssh_user = $login['username'];
            $ssh_host = $login['hostname'];
            $ssh_port = $login['port'];
            $ssh_url = "ssh://{$ssh_user}@{$ssh_host}";
            if ($ssh_port and $ssh_port != 22) {
                $ssh_url .= ":{$ssh_port}";
            if (!$hadLogins) {
                $hadLogins = true;
                echo "<tr>\n";
                echo "<th colspan='1'>Login</th>\n";
                echo "<td colspan='5' class='login' id='login_" . $client_id . "'>";
                if ($am_id) {
                    echo "<script>";
                    echo "ansibleInventory.add({$am_id}, '{$client_id}', '{$ssh_host}', {$ssh_port})";
                    echo "</script>";
            } else {
            echo "<a href='{$ssh_url}' target='_blank'>";
            echo "ssh ", $login['username'], "@", $login['hostname'];
            if ($ssh_port and $ssh_port != 22) {
                echo " -p ", $login['port'];
            echo "</a>\n";
        if ($hadLogins) {
            echo "</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        $interfaces = $node->interface;
        /* Add interface header if relevant */
        if ($interfaces->count() > 0) {
            echo "<tr>\n";
            echo "<th colspan='2'>Interfaces</th>";
            echo "<th colspan='2'>MAC</th>\n";
            echo "<th colspan='2'>Layer 3</th>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
            $comp_id = $interface['component_id'];
            $comp_name = get_name_from_urn($comp_id);
            echo "<tr>\n";
            echo "<td>", $interface['client_id'], "</td>";
            echo "<td>", $comp_name, "</td>";
            echo "<td colspan='2'>", $interface['mac_address'], "</td>";
            foreach ($interface as $ip) {
                if ($ip->getName() == "ip") {
                    echo "<td colspan='2'>";
                    if ($ip['type']) {
                        echo $ip['type'], ": ";
                    echo $ip['address'], "</td>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
    $link_num = 1;
    $hadStitch = False;
    foreach ($links as $link) {
        // for stitching, skip links that don't have component managers
        if ($num_stitching) {
            if (!isset($link->component_manager)) {
        $comp_mgrs = $link->component_manager;
        $client_id = $link['client_id'];
        // There may be multiple component managers
        $link_has_this_cm = False;
        foreach ($comp_mgrs as $cm) {
            if ($cm['name'] == $componentMgrURN) {
                $link_has_this_cm = True;
                //	error_log("Link is for this CM based on array of CMs. " . $client_id . " has cm name " . $cm['name'] . " that matches AM URN");
                //      } else {
                //	error_log("CM not this AM: " . $cm['name'] . " != " . $componentMgrURN);
        if ($filterToAM and !$link_has_this_cm) {
            $sliver_id = $link['sliver_id'];
            $sliver_auth = get_auth_from_urn($sliver_id);
            $compMgrAuth = get_auth_from_urn($componentMgrURN);
            if ($sliver_auth == $compMgrAuth) {
                //	error_log("Link '" . $client_id . "' is part of desired AM " . $componentMgrURN . " based on sliver_id " . $sliver_id);
            } else {
                if (!isset($sliver_id) or is_null($sliver_id) or $sliver_id === '') {
                    // Links often don't have a sliver_id
                    //	error_log("print-rspec-pretty skipping link '" . $client_id . "': its comp_mgrs (" . $comp_mgrs->count() . " of them) != requested " . $componentMgrURN . " and sliver id not given");
                } else {
                    error_log("print-rspec-pretty skipping link '" . $client_id . "': its comp_mgrs (" . $comp_mgrs->count() . " of them) != requested " . $componentMgrURN . " and sliver auth doesnt match either. RSpec " . $sliver_auth . " != " . $compMgrAuth);
        echo "<b>Link #", $link_num, ":</b>";
        $link_num = $link_num + 1;
        echo "<table style='margin-bottom:0px'><tr>\n";
        $num = 0;
        $num_endpts = $link->interface_ref->count();
        echo "<th>Client ID</th>\n";
        while ($num < $num_endpts) {
            echo "<th>Endpoint #", $num, "</th>\n";
            $num = $num + 1;
        echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "<tr>\n";
        echo "<td>", $link['client_id'], "</td>\n";
        $interface_refs = $link->interface_ref;
        foreach ($interface_refs as $interface_ref) {
            echo "<td>", $interface_ref['client_id'], "</td>";
            /* $comp_id = $interface_ref['component_id']; */
            /* $comp_name = get_name_from_urn($comp_id); */
            /* echo "<td>Component ID: ",$comp_name,"</td>"; */
        print "</tr></table>\n";
        /* foreach ($link as $property) { */
        /* 	if ($property->getName() == "property") { */
        /* 	  echo "<li><b>",$property['source_id']," --> ",$property['dest_id'],"</b></li>"; */
        /* 	  //	  echo "<li><b>Source ID: </b>",$property['source_id'],"</li>"; */
        /* 	  //	  echo "<li><b>Destination ID: </b>",$property['dest_id'],"</li>"; */
        /* 	  print "<ul>\n"; */
        /* 	  echo "<li>Capacity: ",$property['capacity'],"</li>"; */
        /* 	  echo "<li>Latency: ",$property['latency'],"</li>"; */
        /* 	  echo "<li>Packet Loss: ",$property['packet_loss'],"</li>"; */
        /* 	  print "</ul>\n"; */
        /* 	} */
        /* } */
        /* print "</ul>\n"; */
        /* Do stitching stuff */
        foreach ($stitching as $stitch) {
            foreach ($stitch->path as $path) {
                // look for x where <stitching><path id="x"> matches <link client_id="x">
                if ((string) $path['id'] == (string) $client_id) {
                    $hadStitch = True;
                    print "<table style='margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px'><tr>\n";
                    print "<th>Hop #</th>\n";
                    print "<th>Authority</th>\n";
                    print "<th>Interface</th>\n";
                    print "<th>Capacity</th>\n";
                    print "<th>VLAN</th>\n";
                    print "</tr>\n";
                    foreach ($path->hop as $hop) {
                        print "<tr>\n";
                        print "<td>" . $hop['id'] . "</td>\n";
                        foreach ($hop->link as $link) {
                            print "<td>" . get_auth_from_urn($link['id']) . "</td>\n";
                            print "<td>" . get_name_from_urn($link['id']) . "</td>\n";
                            print "<td>" . trim($link->capacity) . "</td>\n";
                            print "<td>";
                            /* VLAN logic:
                                   Show if no aggregates are specified (combined manifest)
                                   Show if authority for this hop == the authority for the requested AM
                            if ($componentMgrURN == "" || get_auth_from_urn($componentMgrURN) == get_auth_from_urn($link['id'])) {
                                print trim($link->switchingCapabilityDescriptor->switchingCapabilitySpecificInfo->switchingCapabilitySpecificInfo_L2sc->suggestedVLANRange);
                            } else {
                                print "N/A";
                            print "</td>\n";
                        print "</tr>\n";
                    print "</table>\n";
    if ($hadStitch == False && $link_num <= 1 && $node_num == 0) {
        //      print_xml($xml);
        print "<p><i>No resources at this aggregate.</i></p>";
    print "</div>\n";