if ($login != '__public__') {
         if (!$is_nonuser && $readonly == 'N') {
             if (!access_is_enabled() || access_can_access_function(ACCESS_ADMIN_HOME) || access_can_access_function(ACCESS_PREFERENCES)) {
                 $goto_link[] = '<a title="' . $adminStr . '" class="bold" href="adminhome.php' . ($is_nonuser_admin ? '?user='******'') . "\">{$adminStr}" . '</a>';
             if ($REQUIRE_APPROVALS == 'Y' || $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y') {
                 $goto_link[] = '<a title="' . $unapprovedStr . '" href="list_unapproved.php' . ($is_nonuser_admin ? '?user='******'user') : '') . "\">{$unapprovedStr}" . '</a>';
     if ($login == '__public__' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_OTHERS != 'Y' || $is_nonuser && !access_is_enabled()) {
         // Don't allow them to see other people's calendar.
     } else {
         if (($ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER == 'Y' || $is_admin) && (!access_is_enabled() || access_can_access_function(ACCESS_ANOTHER_CALENDAR))) {
             // Get count of users this user can see. If > 1, then...
             $ulist = array_merge(get_my_users(), get_my_nonusers($login, true));
             if (count($ulist) > 1) {
                 $calStr = translate('Another Users Calendar');
                 $goto_link[] = '<a title="' . $calStr . '" href="select_user.php">' . $calStr . '</a>';
 } else {
     $goto_link[] = '<a title="' . $myCalStr . '" class="bold" href="' . "{$mycal}\">{$myCalStr}" . '</a>';
     $goto_link[] = '<a title="' . $todayStr . '" class="bold" href="' . "{$todayURL}\">{$todayStr}" . '</a>';
     if ($readonly == 'N') {
         $goto_link[] = '<a title="' . $adminStr . '" class="bold" href="adminhome.php">' . $adminStr . '</a>';
 // Only display some links if we're viewing our own calendar.
 if (empty($user) || $user == $login) {
Пример #2
echo '
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">';
include 'includes/js/usersel.php';
echo '
      <form action="#" name="userselform">
        <table style="borderh: 0; width: 100%;">
            <td class="aligntop">
              <b>' . translate('Users') . ':</b><br />
              <select name="users" size="15" multiple="multiple">';
$users = get_my_users();
if ($NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y') {
    $nonusers = get_my_nonusers($login, true);
    $users = $NONUSER_AT_TOP == 'Y' ? array_merge($nonusers, $users) : array_merge($users, $nonusers);
//modif lcs
for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
    $u = $users[$i]['cal_login'];
    if ($users[$i]['cal_cat'] . "_" . $users[$i]['cal_group'] != $users[$i - 1]['cal_cat'] . "_" . $users[$i - 1]['cal_group']) {
        echo "<optgroup label='" . $users[$i]['cal_cat'] . "_" . $users[$i]['cal_group'] . "'>\n";
    echo "<option value=\"{$u}\"";
    if (!empty($selected[$u])) {
        echo " selected=\"selected\"";
    echo ">" . $users[$i]['cal_fullname'] . "</option>\n";
    if ($users[$i]['cal_cat'] . "_" . $users[$i]['cal_group'] != $users[$i + 1]['cal_cat'] . "_" . $users[$i + 1]['cal_group']) {
        echo "<\\optgroup>\n";
Пример #3
 <input type="hidden" name="public" value="1" />
/*if ( $updating_public )*/
// If user is admin of a non-user cal, and non-user cal is "public"
// (meaning it is a public calendar that requires no login), then allow
// the current user to modify prefs for that nonuser cal
if ($is_admin && !$updating_public) {
    if (empty($public) && !empty($PUBLIC_ACCESS) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y') {
        $public_option = '<option value="pref.php?public=1">' . translate('Public Access calendar') . "</option>\n";
    if ((empty($user) || $user == $login) && !$updating_public) {
        $nulist = get_my_nonusers($login);
        echo '<select onchange="location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">' . "\n";
        echo "<option {$selected} disabled=\"disabled\" value=\"\">" . translate('Modify Non User Calendar Preferences') . "</option>\n";
        if (!empty($public_option)) {
            echo $public_option . "\n";
        for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($nulist); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
            echo '<option value="pref.php?user='******'cal_login'] . '">' . $nulist[$i]['cal_fullname'] . "</option>\n";
        echo "</select>\n";
    } else {
        $linktext = translate('Return to My Preferences');
        echo "<a title=\"{$linktext}\" class=\"nav\" href=\"pref.php\">&laquo;&nbsp; {$linktext} </a>";
function get_my_users($user = '', $reason = 'invite')
    global $GROUPS_ENABLED, $is_admin, $is_nonuser, $is_nonuser_admin, $login, $my_user_array, $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS, $USER_SORT_ORDER;
    $this_user = empty($user) ? $login : $user;
    // Return the global variable (cached).
    if (!empty($my_user_array[$this_user][$reason]) && is_array($my_user_array)) {
        return $my_user_array[$this_user][$reason];
    if ($GROUPS_ENABLED == 'Y' && $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS == 'Y' && !$is_admin) {
        // Get groups with current user as member.
        $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows('SELECT cal_group_id FROM webcal_group_user
      WHERE cal_login = ?', array($this_user));
        $groups = $ret = $u_byname = array();
        if ($rows) {
            for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($rows); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
                $row = $rows[$i];
                $groups[] = $row[0];
        $groupcnt = count($groups);
        // Nonuser (public) can only see themself (unless access control is on).
        if ($is_nonuser && !access_is_enabled()) {
            return array($this_user);
        $u = user_get_users();
        if ($is_nonuser_admin) {
            $u = array_merge(get_my_nonusers(), $u);
        for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($u); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
            $u_byname[$u[$i]['cal_login']] = $u[$i];
        if ($groupcnt == 0) {
            // Eek. User is in no groups... Return only themselves.
            if (isset($u_byname[$this_user])) {
                $ret[] = $u_byname[$this_user];
            $my_user_array[$this_user][$reason] = $ret;
            return $ret;
        // Get other members of users' groups.
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(webcal_group_user.cal_login), cal_lastname,
      cal_firstname FROM webcal_group_user LEFT JOIN webcal_user
      ON webcal_group_user.cal_login = webcal_user.cal_login WHERE cal_group_id ';
        if ($groupcnt == 1) {
            $sql .= '= ?';
        } else {
            // Build count ( $groups ) placeholders separated with commas.
            $placeholders = '';
            for ($p_i = 0; $p_i < $groupcnt; $p_i++) {
                $placeholders .= $p_i == 0 ? '?' : ', ?';
            $sql .= "IN ( {$placeholders} )";
        $rows = dbi_get_cached_rows($sql . ' ORDER BY ' . (empty($USER_SORT_ORDER) ? '' : "{$USER_SORT_ORDER}, ") . 'webcal_group_user.cal_login', $groups);
        if ($rows) {
            for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($rows); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
                $row = $rows[$i];
                if (isset($u_byname[$row[0]])) {
                    $ret[] = $u_byname[$row[0]];
    } else {
        // Groups not enabled... return all users.
        $ret = user_get_users();
    // If user access control enabled,
    // remove any users that this user does not have required access.
    if (access_is_enabled()) {
        $newlist = array();
        for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($ret); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
            $can_list = access_user_calendar($reason, $ret[$i]['cal_login'], $this_user);
            if ($can_list == 'Y' || $can_list > 0) {
                $newlist[] = $ret[$i];
        $ret = $newlist;
    $my_user_array[$this_user][$reason] = $ret;
    return $ret;
$updating_public = $is_admin && !empty($public) && $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y';
$report_user = $updating_public ? '__public__' : '';
if (empty($report_id)) {
    $adding_report = true;
    $include_header = $report_allow_nav = 'Y';
    $report_id = -1;
    $report_is_global = 'N';
// Set date range options.
$ranges = array('0' => translate('Tomorrow'), '1' => translate('Today'), '2' => translate('Yesterday'), '3' => translate('Day before yesterday'), '10' => translate('Next week'), '11' => translate('This week'), '12' => translate('Last week'), '13' => translate('Week before last'), '20' => translate('Next week and week after'), '21' => translate('This week and next week'), '22' => translate('Last week and this week'), '23' => translate('Last two weeks'), '30' => translate('Next month'), '31' => translate('This month'), '32' => translate('Last month'), '33' => translate('Month before last'), '40' => translate('Next year'), '41' => translate('This year'), '42' => translate('Last year'), '43' => translate('Year before last'), '50' => translate('Next 14 days'), '51' => translate('Next 30 days'), '52' => translate('Next 60 days'), '53' => translate('Next 90 days'), '54' => translate('Next 180 days'), '55' => translate('Next 365 days'));
// Get list of users visible to the current user.
if (empty($error) && $show_participants) {
    $userlist = get_my_users('', 'view');
    if ($NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y') {
        // Restrict NUC list if groups are enabled.
        $nonusers = get_my_nonusers($login, true, 'view');
        $userlist = $NONUSER_AT_TOP == 'Y' ? array_merge($nonusers, $userlist) : array_merge($userlist, $nonusers);
    $userlistcnt = count($userlist);
// Default values.
$day_template = '<dt><b>${date}</b></dt>
$event_template = '<dt>${name}</dt>
<dd><b>' . translate('Date') . ':</b> ${date}<br />
<b>' . translate('Time') . ':</b> ${time}<br />
$page_template = '<dl>${days}</dl>';
// Setup option arrays.
$day_options = array('events', 'date', 'fulldate', 'report_id');
Пример #6
    // List Unapproved.
    if ($login != '__public__' && !$is_nonuser && $readonly == 'N' && ($REQUIRE_APPROVALS == 'Y' || $PUBLIC_ACCESS == 'Y')) {
        $unapproved_url = 'list_unapproved.php' . ($is_nonuser_admin ? '?user='******'user') : '');
    // Another User's Calendar.
    if ($login == '__public__' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_OTHERS != 'Y' || $is_nonuser && !access_is_enabled()) {
        // Don't allow them to see other people's calendar.
    } else {
        if ($ALLOW_VIEW_OTHER == 'Y' || $is_admin) {
            // Also, make sure they able to access either day/week/month/year view.
            // If not, the only way to view another user's calendar is a custom view.
            if (!access_is_enabled() || access_can_access_function(ACCESS_ANOTHER_CALENDAR)) {
                // Get count of users this user can see. If > 1, then...
                $ulist = array_merge(get_my_users($login, 'view'), get_my_nonusers($login, true, 'view'));
                //remove duplicates if any
                if (function_exists('array_intersect_key')) {
                    $ulist = array_intersect_key($ulist, array_unique(array_map('serialize', $ulist)));
                if (count($ulist) > 1) {
                    $select_user_url = 'select_user.php';
// Only display some links if we're viewing our own calendar.
if (empty($user) || $user == $login || !empty($user) && access_is_enabled() && access_user_calendar('view', $user)) {
    // Search
    if (access_can_access_function(ACCESS_SEARCH, $user)) {
    $defIdx = !empty($viewisglobal) && $viewisglobal == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N';
    echo '<tr><td><label>' . translate('Global') . ":</label></td>\n<td>" . print_radio('is_global', '', '', $defIdx, '</td><td>') . "</td></tr>\n";
$defIdx = !empty($all_users) && $all_users == true ? 'Y' : 'N';
echo '<tr><td><label>' . translate('Users') . ":</label></td>\n<td>" . print_radio('viewuserall', array('N' => 'Selected', 'Y' => 'All'), 'usermode_handler', $defIdx, '</td><td>') . "</td></tr>\n";

<tr><td colspan="4">
<div id="viewuserlist">
 <select name="users[]" id="viewusers" size="10" multiple="multiple">
// get list of all users
$users = get_my_users('', 'view');
if ($NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y') {
    $nonusers = get_my_nonusers($user, true, 'view');
    $users = $NONUSER_AT_TOP == 'Y' ? array_merge($nonusers, $users) : array_merge($users, $nonusers);
for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($users); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
    $u = $users[$i]['cal_login'];
    echo "<option value=\"{$u}\"";
    if (!empty($viewuser[$u])) {
        echo $selected;
    echo '>' . $users[$i]['cal_fullname'] . "</option>\n";
if ($GROUPS_ENABLED == 'Y') {
Пример #8
function get_list_of_users($user)
    global $is_admin, $is_nonuser_admin;
    //Let Admins userlist be returnd
    if ($user == '__default__') {
        $user = '';
    $u = get_my_users($user, 'view');
    if ($is_admin || $is_nonuser_admin) {
        // Get public NUCs also.
        $nonusers = get_my_nonusers($user, true);
        $u = array_merge($nonusers, $u);
    return $u;
   <legend>' . translate('Participants') . '</legend>') . '
 // .
 // Only ask for participants if we are multi-user.
 $show_participants = $DISABLE_PARTICIPANTS_FIELD != 'Y';
 if ($is_admin) {
     $show_participants = true;
 if ($login == '__public__' && $PUBLIC_ACCESS_OTHERS != 'Y') {
     $show_participants = false;
 if ($single_user == 'N' && $show_participants) {
     $userlist = get_my_users($create_by, 'invite');
     if ($NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y') {
         // Include public NUCs.
         $nonusers = get_my_nonusers($real_user, false);
         $userlist = $NONUSER_AT_TOP == 'Y' ? array_merge($nonusers, $userlist) : array_merge($userlist, $nonusers);
     $num_users = $size = 0;
     $usercnt = count($userlist);
     $users = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $usercnt; $i++) {
         $l = $userlist[$i]['cal_login'];
         $users .= '
           <option value="' . $l . '"';
         if ($id > 0) {
             if (!empty($participants[$l])) {
                 $users .= $selected;
         } else {
Пример #10
 * Remove any users from the view list who this user is not
 * allowed to view.
 * @param int $view_id id of the view
 * @return the array of valid users
function view_get_user_list($view_id)
    global $error, $login, $is_admin, $NONUSER_ENABLED, $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS;
    // get users in this view
    $res = dbi_execute('SELECT cal_login FROM webcal_view_user WHERE cal_view_id = ?', array($view_id));
    $ret = array();
    $all_users = false;
    if ($res) {
        while ($row = dbi_fetch_row($res)) {
            $ret[] = $row[0];
            if ($row[0] == '__all__') {
                $all_users = true;
    } else {
        $error = db_error();
    if ($all_users) {
        $users = get_my_users('', 'view');
        $ret = array();
        $usercnt = count($users);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $usercnt; $i++) {
            $ret[] = $users[$i]['cal_login'];
    } else {
        $myusers = get_my_users('', 'view');
        if (!empty($NONUSER_ENABLED) && $NONUSER_ENABLED == 'Y') {
            $myusers = array_merge($myusers, get_my_nonusers($login, true, 'view'));
        // Make sure this user is allowed to see all users in this view
        // If this is a global view, it may include users that this user
        // is not allowed to see.
        if (!empty($USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS) && $USER_SEES_ONLY_HIS_GROUPS == 'Y') {
            $userlookup = array();
            $myusercnt = count($myusers);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $myusercnt; $i++) {
                $userlookup[$myusers[$i]['cal_login']] = 1;
            $newlist = array();
            $retcnt = count($ret);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $retcnt; $i++) {
                if (!empty($userlookup[$ret[$i]])) {
                    $newlist[] = $ret[$i];
            $ret = $newlist;
        //Sort user list...
        $sortlist = array();
        $myusercnt = count($myusers);
        $retcnt = count($ret);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $myusercnt; $i++) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $retcnt; $j++) {
                if ($myusers[$i]['cal_login'] == $ret[$j]) {
                    $sortlist[] = $ret[$j];
        $ret = $sortlist;
    // If user access control enabled, check against that as well.
    if (access_is_enabled() && !$is_admin) {
        $newlist = array();
        $retcnt = count($ret);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $retcnt; $i++) {
            if (access_user_calendar('view', $ret[$i])) {
                $newlist[] = $ret[$i];
        $ret = $newlist;
    //echo "<pre>"; print_r ( $ret ); echo "</pre>\n";
    return $ret;