echo '<p style="font-size:120%;"><strong>WARNING: The upgrade script failed ...</strong></p>';
        echo '<form action="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '">';
        echo '&nbsp;<input name="send" type="submit" value="Restart upgrade script" />';
        echo '</form>';
        echo '<br /><br /></div></body></html>';
 * upgrade modules if newer version is available
$aModuleList = array('news');
foreach ($aModuleList as $sModul) {
    if (file_exists(WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $sModul . '/upgrade.php')) {
        $currModulVersion = get_modul_version($sModul, false);
        $newModulVersion = get_modul_version($sModul, true);
        if (version_compare($currModulVersion, $newModulVersion) <= 0) {
            echo '<h2>Step ' . $stepID++ . ' : Upgrade module \'' . $sModul . '\' to version ' . $newModulVersion . '</h2>';
            require_once WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $sModul . '/upgrade.php';
 *  - Reload all addons
echo '<h2>Step ' . $stepID++ . ' : Reload all addons database entry (no upgrade)</h2>';
////delete modules
//$database->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."addons WHERE type = 'module'");
// Load all modules
if ($handle = opendir(WB_PATH . '/modules/')) {
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
Пример #2
             } else {
                 $error_msg[] = '<span class="normal bold red">' . $value['directory'] . ' ' . $MESSAGE['RECORD_MODIFIED_FAILED'] . '</span> ';
  *	Now check modules folder with entries in addons
 $modules = scan_current_dir(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules');
 if (count($modules['path']) > 0) {
     foreach ($modules['path'] as &$value) {
         $code_version = get_modul_version($value);
         $db_version = get_modul_version($value, false);
         if ($db_version != null && $code_version != null) {
             if (versioncompare($db_version, $code_version, '>')) {
                 $error_msg[] = '<span class="normal bold red">' . $value . ' ( ' . $db_version . ' > ' . $code_version . ' ) ' . $MESSAGE['GENERIC_MODULE_VERSION_ERROR'] . '</span>';
             } else {
                 require LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/' . $value . "/info.php";
                 load_module(LEPTON_PATH . '/modules/' . $value);
                 $msg[] = '<span class="normal bold green">' . $value . ' :: ' . $MESSAGE['ADDON_MODULES_RELOADED'] . '</span>';
 } else {
     $error_msg[] = '<span class="normal bold red">' . $MESSAGE['ADDON_ERROR_RELOAD'] . '</span>';
        echo '&nbsp;<input name="send" type="submit" value="Restart upgrade script" />';
        echo '</form>';
        echo '<br /><br /></div></body></html>';
 * upgrade modules if newer version is available
echo '<h2>Step ' . ++$stepID . ' : Checking all addons with a newer version (upgrade)</h2>';
$aModuleList = glob(WB_PATH . '/modules/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
$upgradeID = 0;
foreach ($aModuleList as $sModul) {
    if (in_array(basename($sModul), $aModuleWhiteList) && file_exists($sModul . '/upgrade.php')) {
        $currModulVersion = get_modul_version(basename($sModul), false);
        $newModulVersion = get_modul_version(basename($sModul), true);
        //            echo '<h4>Step '.(++$upgradeID).' : Upgrade module \''.$sModul.'\' to version '.$newModulVersion.'</h4>';
        if (version_compare($currModulVersion, $newModulVersion, '<=')) {
            echo '<h5> ' . sprintf("[%2s]", ++$upgradeID) . ' : Upgrade module \'' . basename($sModul) . '\' from version ' . $currModulVersion . ' to version' . $newModulVersion . '</h5>';
            require_once $sModul . '/upgrade.php';
 *  - Reload all addons
echo '<h2>Step ' . ++$stepID . ' : Reload all addons database entry (no upgrade)</h2>';
////delete modules
$sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'addons` ' . 'WHERE `type` = \'module\'';
// Load all modules