<?php include_once 'bdd.php'; $bdd = connexionbdd(); $stats = get_last(); $i = 0; $data = []; foreach ($stats as $key => $value) { //$data[$value['date']] = $value['places']; $data['date'][$i] = $value['date']; $data['places'][$i] = $value['places']; $data['velos'][$i] = $value['velos']; $i++; } echo json_encode($stats);
$sql = "INSERT INTO users_duty (workdate,user_id,backstamp,createstamp,updatestamp) VALUES ('" . date("Y-m-d") . "','" . $login_id . "','now','now','now')"; $res = pg_query($conn, $sql); } else { if (get_first("users_duty", "backstamp", "workdate='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND user_id='" . $login_id . "'", 0) == 0) { $sql = "UPDATE users_duty SET backstamp='now',updatestamp='now' WHERE workdate='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND user_id='" . $login_id . "'"; $res = pg_query($conn, $sql); } } } // 在席情報の更新 // ※ ロギングしてるのでうまく使えば工程管理の実績収集なんかにつかえるかも if (!empty($_GET["location"]) || ($_GET["location"] == "1" || $_GET["location"] == "2")) { $sql = "DELETE FROM users_location WHERE updatestamp+'" . 24 * 60 . ":00'<now()"; pg_query($conn, $sql); // 60日間以前のログを削除 $lastseqno = get_last("users_location", "seqno", "user_id='" . $login_id . "'", 0); $seqno = $lastseqno + 1; $code = $_GET["location"]; $text = get_first("locations", "name", "id=" . $code, ""); if ($lastseqno > 0) { $lastcode = get_first("users_location", "code", "user_id='" . $login_id . "' AND seqno=" . $lastseqno, 0); } else { $lastcode = ""; } if ($lastcode != $code) { $sql = "INSERT INTO users_location (seqno,user_id,code,text,updatestamp) VALUES ("; $sql .= $seqno . ","; $sql .= "'" . $login_id . "',"; $sql .= "'" . $code . "',"; $sql .= "'" . db_textsafe($text) . "',"; $sql .= "'now'";
function html_home() { global $repos, $repo_suffix; echo "<div class=\"git-home\">\n"; echo "<table>\n<tr>"; echo "<th>Project</th>"; echo "<th>Description</th>"; echo "<th>Owner</th>"; echo "<th>Last Changed</th>"; echo "<th>Download</th>"; echo "<th>Hits</th>"; echo "</tr>\n"; foreach ($repos as $repo) { $today = 0; $total = 0; stat_get_count($repo, $today, $total); $desc = short_desc(file_get_contents($repo . $repo_suffix . "/description")); $owner = get_file_owner($repo); $last = get_last($repo); $proj = get_project_link($repo); $dlt = get_project_link($repo, "targz"); $dlz = get_project_link($repo, "zip"); echo "<tr><td>{$proj}</td><td>{$desc}</td><td>{$owner}</td><td>{$last}</td><td>{$dlt} | {$dlz}</td><td> ({$today} / {$total}) </td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>"; echo "</div>\n"; }
function change_title_of_page($title) { if (in_the_loop()) { global $wpdb; $job_id = get_last(); if ($job_id != 0 || $job_id != '') { $entry = $wpdb->get_row("select * from " . $wpdb->prefix . HELIOS_TABLE . " WHERE id = '{$job_id}' and publishedStatus = 'Y'", OBJECT); //return ($entry->title!='')?$entry->title:$title; return $title; } else { return $title; } } else { return $title; } }
function html_home($repos) { $str = ''; $str .= "<table>\n"; $str .= "<tr><th>Project</th><th>Description</th><th>Owner</th><th>Last Changed</th><th>Download</th></tr>\n"; foreach ($repos as $repo) { $desc = short_desc(file_get_contents("{$repo}/description")); $owner = get_file_owner($repo); $last = get_last($repo); $proj = get_project_link($repo); $dlt = get_project_link($repo, "targz"); $dlz = get_project_link($repo, "zip"); $str .= "<tr><td>{$proj}</td><td>{$desc}</td><td>{$owner}</td><td>{$last}</td><td>{$dlt} | {$dlz}</td></tr>\n"; } $str .= "</table>"; return $str; }
$quote->hidden = false; } } $key = check_key(); /* $quote->status = ($key != 0) ? 'approved' : 'pending'; */ $quote->status = 'pending'; $quote->ip = isset($_POST['ip']) && $key !== null ? $_POST['ip'] : $session->ip; $quote->api = $key; if ($quote->save() === false) { out(array('results' => array('success' => 0, 'error' => 'invalid_quote'))); } $last = get_last(); out(array('results' => array('success' => 1, 'url' => sprintf('%s%s', $settings->full_url, $last), 'permaid' => $last))); break; case 'last': $last = get_last(); out(array('results' => array('url' => sprintf('%s%s', $settings->full_url, $last), 'permaid' => $last))); break; case 'read': required_post(array('permaid')); $quote = new Quote(); $quote->permaid = $_POST['permaid']; $key = check_key(); if (!$quote->read() || $key === null && $quote->status != 'approved') { out(array('results' => array('success' => 0, 'error' => 'no_such_quote'))); } $quote = sanitize($quote); out(array('results' => array('success' => 1, 'data' => $quote))); break; case 'search': required_post(array('criteria'));