function get_cache($host, $value) { global $dev_cache; $host = strtolower(trim($host)); // Check cache expiration $now = time(); $expired = TRUE; if (isset($dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'])) { if ($now - $dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'] < 3600) { $expired = FALSE; } // will expire after 1 hour } if ($expired) { $dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'] = $now; } if (!isset($dev_cache[$host][$value]) || $expired) { switch ($value) { case 'device_id': // Try by hostname $dev_cache[$host]['device_id'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ? OR `sysName` = ?', array($host, $host)); // If failed, try by IP if (!is_numeric($dev_cache[$host]['device_id'])) { $ip = $host; $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if ($ip_version !== FALSE) { if ($ip_version == 6) { $ip = Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); } $address_count = dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses` WHERE `ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?;', array($ip)); if ($address_count) { $query = 'SELECT `device_id` FROM `ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses` AS A, `ports` AS I WHERE A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ? AND I.`port_id` = A.`port_id`'; // If more than one IP address, also check the status of the port. if ($address_count > 1) { $query .= " AND I.`ifOperStatus` = 'up'"; } $dev_cache[$host]['device_id'] = dbFetchCell($query, array($ip)); } } } break; case 'os': case 'version': $dev_cache[$host][$value] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `' . $value . '` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array(get_cache($host, 'device_id'))); break; case 'os_group': $os = get_cache($host, 'os'); $dev_cache[$host]['os_group'] = isset($GLOBALS['config']['os'][$os]['group']) ? $GLOBALS['config']['os'][$os]['group'] : ''; break; default: return NULL; } } return $dev_cache[$host][$value]; }
// Other way by using Pear::Net_MAC, see here: $url = '' . urlencode($vars['entity_id']); $response = get_http_request($url); if ($response) { echo 'MAC vendor: ' . $response; } else { echo 'Not Found'; } } else { echo 'Not correct MAC address'; } exit; break; case "ip": list($ip) = explode('/', $vars['entity_id']); $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if ($ip_version) { if (isset($_SESSION['cache']['response_' . $vars['entity_type'] . '_' . $ip])) { echo $_SESSION['cache']['response_' . $vars['entity_type'] . '_' . $ip]; //echo '<h2>CACHED!</h2>'; exit; } $response = ''; $reverse_dns = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($reverse_dns) { $response .= '<h4>' . $reverse_dns . '</h4><hr />' . PHP_EOL; } // WHOIS if (is_executable($config['whois']) && !isset($config['http_proxy'])) { // Use direct whois cmd query (preferred) // NOTE, for now not tested and not supported for KRNIC, ie:, 2001:02B8:00A2::
//$pws = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'pwRemoteIfMtu', $pws, 'JUNIPER-VPN-MIB'); $pws = snmpwalk_cache_threepart_oid($device, 'jnxVpnPwRemoteSiteId', $pws, 'JUNIPER-VPN-MIB', NULL, $flags); // pwMplsPeerLdpID if (OBS_DEBUG > 1) { echo 'PWS_WALK: ' . count($pws) . "\n"; print_vars($pws); } foreach ($pws as $pw_type => $entry) { foreach ($entry as $pw_name => $entry2) { foreach ($entry2 as $pw_ifIndex => $pw) { //if (strlen($pw['jnxVpnPwRowStatus']) && $pw['jnxVpnPwRowStatus'] != 'active') { continue; } // Skip inactive (active, notinService, notReady, createAndGo, createAndWait, destroy) // Get full index $pw_index = snmp_translate('jnxVpnPwRowStatus.' . $pw_type . '."' . $pw_name . '".' . $pw_ifIndex, 'JUNIPER-VPN-MIB'); $pw_index = str_replace('.', '', $pw_index); $peer_addr = hex2ip($pw['jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddress']); $peer_addr_version = get_ip_version($peer_addr); $peer_addr_type = $pw['jnxVpnRemotePeIdAddrType']; if ($peer_addr_version) { $peer_addr_type = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_version; // Override address type, because snmp sometime return incorrect $peer_rdns = gethostbyaddr6($peer_addr); // PTR name if ($peer_addr_type == 'ipv6') { $peer_addr = Net_IPv6::uncompress($peer_addr, TRUE); } // FIXME. Retarded way $remote_device = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? LIMIT 1;', array($peer_addr)); } else { $peer_rdns = '';
function discover_new_device($hostname, $source = 'xdp', $protocol = NULL, $device = NULL, $port = 161) { global $config; $source = strtolower($source); if ($config['autodiscovery'][$source]) { if (!$protocol) { $protocol = strtoupper($source); } print_message("Discovering new host {$hostname} through {$protocol}"); // By first detect hostname is IP or domain name (IPv4/6 == 4/6, hostname == FALSE) $ip_version = get_ip_version($hostname); if ($ip_version) { // Hostname is IPv4/IPv6 $use_ip = TRUE; } else { $use_ip = FALSE; if (!empty($config['mydomain']) && isDomainResolves($hostname . '.' . $config['mydomain'])) { $hostname .= '.' . $config['mydomain']; } $ip = gethostbyname6($hostname); if ($ip) { $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); print_debug("Host {$hostname} resolved as {$ip}"); } else { // No DNS records print_debug("Host {$hostname} not resolved, autodiscovery fails."); return FALSE; } } if (match_network($ip, $config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'])) { print_debug("Host {$hostname} ({$ip}) founded inside configured nets, try to adding:"); if (isPingable($ip)) { // Check if device duplicated by IP $ip = $ip_version == 4 ? $hostname : Net_IPv6::uncompress($hostname, TRUE); $db = dbFetchRow('SELECT D.`hostname` FROM ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses AS A LEFT JOIN `ports` AS P ON A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON D.`device_id` = P.`device_id` WHERE D.`disabled` = 0 AND A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($ip)); if ($db) { print_debug('Already have device ' . $db['hostname'] . " with {$ip}"); return FALSE; } // Detect snmp transport $transport = $ip_version == 4 ? 'udp' : 'udp6'; $new_device = detect_device_snmpauth($ip, $port, $transport); if ($new_device) { if ($use_ip) { // Detect FQDN hostname // by sysName $snmphost = snmp_get($new_device, "sysName.0", "-Oqv", "SNMPv2-MIB", mib_dirs()); if ($snmphost) { $snmp_ip = gethostbyname6($snmphost); } if ($snmp_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $snmphost; } else { // by PTR $ptr = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($ptr) { $ptr_ip = gethostbyname6($ptr); } if ($ptr && $ptr_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $ptr; } else { print_debug("Device IP {$ip} not have FQDN name"); return FALSE; } } print_debug("Device IP {$ip} founded FQDN name: {$hostname}"); } $new_device['hostname'] = $hostname; if (!check_device_duplicated($new_device)) { $v3 = array(); if ($new_device['snmpver'] === 'v3') { $v3['authlevel'] = $new_device['authlevel']; $v3['authname'] = $new_device['authname']; $v3['authpass'] = $new_device['authpass']; $v3['authalgo'] = $new_device['authalgo']; $v3['cryptopass'] = $new_device['cryptopass']; $v3['cryptoalgo'] = $new_device['cryptoalgo']; } $remote_device_id = createHost($new_device['hostname'], $new_device['community'], $new_device['snmpver'], $new_device['port'], $new_device['transport'], $v3); if ($remote_device_id) { $remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1); if ($port) { humanize_port($port); log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'] . " (port " . $port['label'] . ")", $remote_device_id, 'port', $port['port_id']); } else { log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, $protocol); } //array_push($GLOBALS['devices'], $remote_device); // createHost() already puth this return $remote_device_id; } } } } } else { print_debug("IP {$ip} ({$hostname}) not permitted inside \$config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'] in config.php"); } print_debug('Autodiscovery for host ' . $hostname . ' fails.'); } else { print_debug('Autodiscovery for protocol ' . $protocol . ' disabled.'); } return FALSE; }
/** * Params: * * pagination, pageno, pagesize * device, port */ function get_pseudowires_array($vars) { $array = array(); // With pagination? (display page numbers in header) $array['pagination'] = isset($vars['pagination']) && $vars['pagination']; pagination($vars, 0, TRUE); // Get default pagesize/pageno $array['pageno'] = $vars['pageno']; $array['pagesize'] = $vars['pagesize']; $start = $array['pagesize'] * $array['pageno'] - $array['pagesize']; $pagesize = $array['pagesize']; // Begin query generate $param = array(); $where = ' WHERE 1 '; foreach ($vars as $var => $value) { if ($value != '') { switch ($var) { case 'device': case 'device_a': $where .= generate_query_values($value, 'device_id'); break; case 'port': case 'port_a': $where .= generate_query_values($value, 'port_id'); break; //case 'type': // $where .= generate_query_values($value, 'type'); // break; //case 'message': // $where .= generate_query_values($value, 'message', '%LIKE%'); // break; } } } // Show pseudowires only for permitted devices and ports $query_permitted = generate_query_permitted(array('device', 'port')); $query = 'FROM `pseudowires` '; $query .= $where . $query_permitted; $query_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $query; //$query_updated = 'SELECT MAX(`timestamp`) '.$query; $query = 'SELECT * ' . $query; //$query .= ' ORDER BY `event_id` DESC '; $query .= " LIMIT {$start},{$pagesize}"; // Query pseudowires foreach (dbFetchRows($query, $param) as $entry) { if ($entry['peer_addr']) { $peer_addr = $entry['peer_addr']; } else { if ($entry['pwMplsPeerLdpID']) { $peer_addr = preg_replace('/:\\d+$/', '', $pw['pwMplsPeerLdpID']); } } $peer_addr_type = get_ip_version($peer_addr); if ($peer_addr_type) { if ($peer_addr_type == 6) { $peer_addr = Net_IPv6::uncompress($peer_addr, TRUE); } $peer_addr_type = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_type; $entry['peer_addr'] = $peer_addr; $entry['peer_addr_type'] = $peer_addr_type; } else { continue; // Peer address unknown } if (!is_array($cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr])) { $cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `port_id` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? ' . generate_query_values($GLOBALS['cache']['ports']['pseudowires'], 'port_id') . ' LIMIT 1;', array($peer_addr)); if (!is_numeric($cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'])) { $cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `port_id` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? ' . $GLOBALS['cache']['where']['ports_permitted'] . ' LIMIT 1;', array($peer_addr)); if (is_numeric($cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'])) { // If we found port on remote device, than both devices in DB and will try to fix real port $peer_port_tmp = get_port_by_id_cache($cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id']); $peer_port_fix = dbFetchCell('SELECT `port_id` FROM `pseudowires` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `pwID` = ? LIMIT 1;', array($peer_port_tmp['device_id'], $entry['pwID'])); if (is_numeric($peer_port_fix)) { $cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'] = $peer_port_fix; } } } //$cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['host'] = $entry['reverse_dns']; } $entry['peer_port_id'] = $cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id']; //$entry['peer_port'] = get_port_by_id_cache($entry['peer_port_id']); //$entry['peer_device_id'] = $entry['peer_port']['device_id']; //$entry['peer_device'] = device_by_id_cache($entry['peer_device_id']); $array['entries'][] = $entry; } // Query pseudowires count if ($array['pagination']) { $array['count'] = dbFetchCell($query_count, $param); $array['pagination_html'] = pagination($vars, $array['count']); } else { $array['count'] = count($array['entries']); } // Query for last timestamp //$array['updated'] = dbFetchCell($query_updated, $param); return $array; }
function discover_new_device($hostname, $source = 'xdp', $protocol = NULL, $device = NULL, $snmp_port = 161) { global $config; $source = strtolower($source); if ($config['autodiscovery'][$source]) { if (!$protocol) { $protocol = strtoupper($source); } print_message("发现新主机 {$hostname} 通过 {$protocol}"); // By first detect hostname is IP or domain name (IPv4/6 == 4/6, hostname == FALSE) $ip_version = get_ip_version($hostname); if ($ip_version) { // Hostname is IPv4/IPv6 $use_ip = TRUE; $ip = $hostname; } else { $use_ip = FALSE; if (!empty($config['mydomain']) && isDomainResolves($hostname . '.' . $config['mydomain'])) { $hostname .= '.' . $config['mydomain']; } $ip = gethostbyname6($hostname); if ($ip) { $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); print_debug("主机 {$hostname} 解析为 {$ip}"); } else { // No DNS records print_debug("主机 {$hostname} 无法解析, 自动发现失败."); return FALSE; } } if (match_network($ip, $config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'])) { print_debug("主机 {$hostname} ({$ip}) 内部网络创建配置, 尝试增加:"); if (isPingable($ip)) { // Check if device duplicated by IP $ip = $ip_version == 4 ? $ip : Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); $db = dbFetchRow('SELECT D.`hostname` FROM ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses AS A LEFT JOIN `ports` AS P ON A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON D.`device_id` = P.`device_id` WHERE D.`disabled` = 0 AND A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($ip)); if ($db) { print_debug('已经有设备 ' . $db['hostname'] . " 包含 {$ip}"); return FALSE; } // Detect snmp transport $snmp_transport = $ip_version == 4 ? 'udp' : 'udp6'; $new_device = detect_device_snmpauth($ip, $snmp_port, $snmp_transport); if ($new_device) { if ($use_ip) { // Detect FQDN hostname // by sysName $snmphost = snmp_get($new_device, "sysName.0", "-Oqv", "SNMPv2-MIB", mib_dirs()); if ($snmphost) { $snmp_ip = gethostbyname6($snmphost); } if ($snmp_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $snmphost; } else { // by PTR $ptr = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($ptr) { $ptr_ip = gethostbyname6($ptr); } if ($ptr && $ptr_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $ptr; } else { print_debug("设备 IP {$ip} 没有 FQDN 名称"); return FALSE; } } print_debug("设备 IP {$ip} 发现 FQDN 名称: {$hostname}"); } $new_device['hostname'] = $hostname; if (!check_device_duplicated($new_device)) { $snmp_v3 = array(); if ($new_device['snmp_version'] === 'v3') { $snmp_v3['snmp_authlevel'] = $new_device['snmp_authlevel']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authname'] = $new_device['snmp_authname']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authpass'] = $new_device['snmp_authpass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_authalgo']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptopass'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptopass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptoalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptoalgo']; } $remote_device_id = createHost($new_device['hostname'], $new_device['snmp_community'], $new_device['snmp_version'], $new_device['snmp_port'], $new_device['snmp_transport'], $snmp_v3); if ($remote_device_id) { $remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1); if ($port) { humanize_port($port); log_event("设备自动发现通过 {$protocol} 在 " . $device['hostname'] . " (port " . $port['label'] . ")", $remote_device_id, 'port', $port['port_id']); } else { log_event("设备自动发现通过 {$protocol} 在 " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, $protocol); } //array_push($GLOBALS['devices'], $remote_device); // createHost() already puth this return $remote_device_id; } } } } } else { print_debug("IP {$ip} ({$hostname}) 不允许内部 \$config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'] 位于 config.php"); } print_debug('自动发现主机 ' . $hostname . ' 错误.'); } else { print_debug('自动发现协议 ' . $protocol . ' 禁用.'); } return FALSE; }
$vendor_bgp = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $vendor_PeerRemoteAddrType, $vendor_bgp, $vendor_mib, NULL, OBS_SNMP_ALL_NUMERIC_INDEX); } if ($vendor_PeerIndex && !isset($vendor_use_index[$vendor_PeerIndex])) { $vendor_bgp = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $vendor_PeerIndex, $vendor_bgp, $vendor_mib, NULL, OBS_SNMP_ALL_NUMERIC_INDEX); } $vendor_counters = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $vendor_PrefixCountersSafi, array(), $vendor_mib, NULL, OBS_SNMP_ALL_NUMERIC_INDEX); } echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($peerlist as $peer) { $astext = get_astext($peer['as']); $reverse_dns = gethostbyaddr6($peer['ip']); if ($reverse_dns == $peer['ip']) { unset($reverse_dns); } // Search remote device if possible $peer_addr_type = get_ip_version($peer['ip']); if ($peer_addr_type) { if (in_array($peer['ip'], array('', '', '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001', '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000'))) { $ip_array = FALSE; } else { $peer_addr_type = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_type; $query_ip = 'SELECT `device_id`, `port_id`, `ifOperStatus`, `ifAdminStatus` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? AND `device_id` IN (SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `bgpLocalAs` > 0 AND `disabled` = 0)'; $ip_array = dbFetchRows($query_ip, array($peer['ip'])); } if (count($ip_array) > 1) { // multiple devices found, heh I not sure $peer_device_id = array('NULL'); foreach ($ip_array as $entry) {
// interfaceName(5), -> ifName // agentCircuitId(6), -> agent-local identifier of the circuit (defined in RFC 3046) (FIXME, not know) // local(7) -> ifIndex switch ($lldp['lldpRemPortIdSubtype']) { case 'interfaceAlias': $id = snmp_hexstring($id); $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifAlias` = ? OR `ifDescr` = ?) AND `device_id` = ?", array($id, $if, $remote_device_id)); break; case 'interfaceName': $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifName` = ? OR `ifDescr` = ?) AND `device_id` = ?", array($id, $if, $remote_device_id)); break; case 'macAddress': $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `ifPhysAddress` = ? AND `device_id` = ?", array(strtolower(str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '', $id)), $remote_device_id)); break; case 'networkAddress': $ip_version = get_ip_version($id); if ($ip_version) { $ip = $ip_version === 6 ? Net_IPv6::uncompress($id, TRUE) : $id; $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ipv" . $ip_version . "_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`port_id`) WHERE `ipv" . $ip_version . "_address` = ? AND `device_id` = ?", array($ip, $remote_device_id)); } break; case 'local': // local not always ifIndex or FIXME (see: if (!ctype_digit($id)) { // Not sure what should be if $id ifName and it just numeric $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifName`= ? OR `ifDescr` = ?) AND `device_id` = ?", array($id, $if, $remote_device_id)); } case 'ifIndex': // These cases are handled by the ifDescr/ifIndex combination fallback below // These cases are handled by the ifDescr/ifIndex combination fallback below default:
function get_cache($host, $value) { global $dev_cache; if (empty($host)) { return; } // Check cache expiration $now = time(); $expired = TRUE; if (isset($dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'])) { if ($now - $dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'] < 600) { $expired = FALSE; } // will expire after 10 min } if ($expired) { $dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'] = $now; } if (!isset($dev_cache[$host][$value]) || $expired) { switch ($value) { case 'device_id': // Try by map in config if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['syslog']['host_map'][$host])) { $new_host = $GLOBALS['config']['syslog']['host_map'][$host]; if (is_numeric($new_host)) { // Check if device id exist $dev_cache[$host]['device_id'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($new_host)); } else { $dev_cache[$host]['device_id'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ? OR `sysName` = ?', array($new_host, $new_host)); } // If syslog host map correct, return device id or try onward if ($dev_cache[$host]['device_id']) { return $dev_cache[$host]['device_id']; } } // Try by hostname $dev_cache[$host]['device_id'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ? OR `sysName` = ?', array($host, $host)); // If failed, try by IP if (!is_numeric($dev_cache[$host]['device_id'])) { $ip = $host; $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if ($ip_version !== FALSE) { if ($ip_version == 6 && preg_match('/::ffff:(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)/', $ip, $matches)) { // IPv4 mapped to IPv6, like ::ffff: // See: $ip = $matches[1]; $ip_version = 4; } else { if ($ip_version == 6) { $ip = Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); } } $address_count = dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses` WHERE `ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?;', array($ip)); if ($address_count) { $query = 'SELECT `device_id` FROM `ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses` AS A, `ports` AS I WHERE A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ? AND I.`port_id` = A.`port_id`'; // If more than one IP address, also check the status of the port. if ($address_count > 1) { $query .= " AND I.`ifOperStatus` = 'up'"; } $dev_cache[$host]['device_id'] = dbFetchCell($query, array($ip)); } } } break; case 'os': case 'version': if ($device_id = get_cache($host, 'device_id')) { $dev_cache[$host][$value] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `' . $value . '` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device_id)); } else { return NULL; } break; case 'os_group': $os = get_cache($host, 'os'); $dev_cache[$host]['os_group'] = isset($GLOBALS['config']['os'][$os]['group']) ? $GLOBALS['config']['os'][$os]['group'] : ''; break; default: return NULL; } } return $dev_cache[$host][$value]; }
$pws = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "cpwVcRemoteIfString", $pws, $mib, mib_dirs('cisco')); // For MPLS pseudowires $pws = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "cpwVcMplsLocalLdpID", $pws, "CISCO-IETF-PW-MPLS-MIB", mib_dirs('cisco')); $pws = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "cpwVcMplsPeerLdpID", $pws, "CISCO-IETF-PW-MPLS-MIB", mib_dirs('cisco')); //echo("PWS_WALK: ".count($pws)."\n"); var_dump($pws); foreach ($pws as $pw_id => $pw) { $peer_addr_type = $pw['cpwVcPeerAddrType']; if ($peer_addr_type == "ipv4" || $peer_addr_type == "ipv6") { $peer_addr = hex2ip($pw['cpwVcPeerAddr']); } if (!get_ip_version($peer_addr) && $pw['cpwVcMplsPeerLdpID']) { // Sometime return wrong peer addr (not hex string): // cpwVcPeerAddr.8 = "\\<h&" $peer_addr = preg_replace('/:\\d+$/', '', $pw['cpwVcMplsPeerLdpID']); } if (get_ip_version($peer_addr)) { $peer_rdns = gethostbyaddr6($peer_addr); // PTR name if ($peer_addr_type == 'ipv6') { $peer_addr = Net_IPv6::uncompress($peer_addr, TRUE); } // FIXME. Retarded way $cpw_remote_device = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` AS A, `ports` AS I WHERE A.`' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? AND A.`port_id` = I.`port_id` LIMIT 1;', array($peer_addr)); } else { $peer_addr = ''; // Unset peer address print_debug("Not found correct peer address. See snmpwalk for 'cpwVcPeerAddr' and 'cpwVcMplsPeerLdpID'."); } if (empty($cpw_remote_device)) { $cpw_remote_device = array('NULL'); }
function get_pseudowire_table($vars) { $sql = generate_pseudowire_query($vars); $entries = array(); foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $entry) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['cache']['devices']['id'][$entry['device_id']])) { continue; } // Device hostname $entry['hostname'] = $GLOBALS['cache']['devices']['id'][$entry['device_id']]['hostname']; // Remote Peer $peer_addr = $entry['peer_addr']; $peer_addr_type = get_ip_version($peer_addr); if ($peer_addr_type && $entry['peer_device_id']) { if ($peer_addr_type == 6) { $peer_addr = Net_IPv6::uncompress($peer_addr, TRUE); } $peer_addr_type = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_type; //$entry['peer_addr'] = $peer_addr; //$entry['peer_addr_type'] = $peer_addr_type; if (!is_array($cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr])) { $cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `port_id` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? ' . generate_query_values($GLOBALS['cache']['ports']['pseudowires'], 'port_id') . ' LIMIT 1;', array($peer_addr)); if (!is_numeric($cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'])) { // Separate entry for find correct port $cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id_fix'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `port_id` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ? ' . $GLOBALS['cache']['where']['ports_permitted'] . ' LIMIT 1;', array($peer_addr)); } //$cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['host'] = $entry['reverse_dns']; } $entry['peer_port_id'] = $cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id']; if (is_numeric($cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id_fix'])) { // If we found port on remote device, than both devices in DB and will try to fix real port $peer_port_tmp = get_port_by_id_cache($cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id_fix']); $peer_port_fix = dbFetchCell('SELECT `port_id` FROM `pseudowires` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `pwID` = ? LIMIT 1;', array($peer_port_tmp['device_id'], $entry['pwID'])); if (is_numeric($peer_port_fix)) { $entry['peer_port_id'] = $peer_port_fix; } else { $entry['peer_port_id'] = $cache_pseudowires['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id_fix']; } } //r($entry['peer_port_id']); if ($entry['peer_port_id']) { $entry['peer_port'] = get_port_by_id_cache($entry['peer_port_id']); //r($entry['peer_port']); $entry['peer_device_id'] = $entry['peer_port']['device_id']; //r($entry['peer_device_id']); $entry['peer_device'] = device_by_id_cache($entry['peer_device_id']); } } $entry['hostname'] = $GLOBALS['cache']['devices']['id'][$entry['device_id']]['hostname']; // Attach hostname for sorting $entries[] = $entry; } // Sorting switch ($vars['sort_order']) { case 'desc': $sort_order = SORT_DESC; $sort_neg = SORT_ASC; break; case 'reset': unset($vars['sort'], $vars['sort_order']); // no break here // no break here default: $sort_order = SORT_ASC; $sort_neg = SORT_DESC; } switch ($vars['sort']) { case 'device': $entries = array_sort_by($entries, 'hostname', $sort_order, SORT_STRING); break; case 'pwid': $entries = array_sort_by($entries, 'pwID', $sort_order, SORT_NUMERIC); break; case 'pwtype': $entries = array_sort_by($entries, 'pwType', $sort_order, SORT_STRING, 'pwPsnType', $sort_order, SORT_STRING); //$pws = array_sort_by($pws, 'pwType', $sort_order, SORT_STRING); break; case 'peer_addr': $entries = array_sort_by($entries, 'peer_addr', $sort_order, SORT_NUMERIC); break; case 'event': $entries = array_sort_by($entries, 'event', $sort_order, SORT_STRING); break; case 'uptime': $entries = array_sort_by($entries, 'pwUptime', $sort_order, SORT_NUMERIC); break; case 'last_change': $entries = array_sort_by($entries, 'last_change', $sort_neg, SORT_NUMERIC); break; case 'status': $entries = array_sort_by($entries, 'pwOperStatus', $sort_order, SORT_STRING); break; default: // Not sorted } return $entries; }
/** * Check username and password against RADIUS authentication backend. * * @param string $username User name to check * @param string $password User password to check * @return int Authentication success (0 = fail, 1 = success) FIXME bool */ function radius_authenticate($username, $password) { global $config, $rad; radius_init(); if ($username && $rad) { //print_vars(radius_server_secret($rad)); radius_create_request($rad, RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST); radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_USER_NAME, $username); switch (strtolower($config['auth_radius_method'])) { // CHAP-MD5 see RFC1994 case 'chap': case 'chap_md5': $chapid = 1; // Specify a CHAP identifier //$challenge = mt_rand(); // Generate a challenge //$cresponse = md5(pack('Ca*', $chapid, $password.$challenge), TRUE); new Crypt_CHAP(); // Pre load class $crpt = new Crypt_CHAP_MD5(); $crpt->password = $password; $challenge = $crpt->challenge; $resp_md5 = $crpt->challengeResponse(); $resp = pack('C', $chapid) . $resp_md5; radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_CHAP_PASSWORD, $resp); // Add the Chap-Password attribute radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE, $challenge); // Add the Chap-Challenge attribute. break; // MS-CHAPv1 see RFC2433 // MS-CHAPv1 see RFC2433 case 'mschapv1': $chapid = 1; // Specify a CHAP identifier $flags = 1; // 0 = use LM-Response, 1 = use NT-Response (we not use old LM) new Crypt_CHAP(); // Pre load class $crpt = new Crypt_CHAP_MSv1(); $crpt->password = $password; $challenge = $crpt->challenge; $resp_lm = str_repeat("", 24); $resp_nt = $crpt->challengeResponse(); $resp = pack('CC', $chapid, $flags) . $resp_lm . $resp_nt; radius_put_vendor_attr($rad, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_RESPONSE, $resp); radius_put_vendor_attr($rad, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE, $challenge); break; // MS-CHAPv2 see RFC2759 // MS-CHAPv2 see RFC2759 case 'mschapv2': $chapid = 1; // Specify a CHAP identifier $flags = 1; // 0 = use LM-Response, 1 = use NT-Response (we not use old LM) new Crypt_CHAP(); // Pre load class $crpt = new Crypt_CHAP_MSv2(); $crpt->username = $username; $crpt->password = $password; $challenge = $crpt->authChallenge; $challenge_p = $crpt->peerChallenge; $resp_nt = $crpt->challengeResponse(); // Response: chapid, flags (1 = use NT Response), Peer challenge, reserved, Response $resp = pack('CCa16a8a24', $chapid, $flags, $challenge_p, str_repeat("", 8), $resp_nt); radius_put_vendor_attr($rad, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_RESPONSE, $resp); radius_put_vendor_attr($rad, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE, $challenge); break; // PAP (Plaintext) // PAP (Plaintext) default: radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_USER_PASSWORD, $password); } // Puts standard attributes $radius_ip = get_ip_version($config['auth_radius_nas_address']) ? $config['auth_radius_nas_address'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; if (get_ip_version($radius_ip) == 6) { // FIXME, not sure that this work correctly radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_NAS_IPV6_ADDRESS, $radius_ip); } else { radius_put_addr($rad, RADIUS_NAS_IP_ADDRESS, $radius_ip); } $radius_id = empty($config['auth_radius_id']) ? get_localhost() : $config['auth_radius_id']; radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_NAS_IDENTIFIER, $radius_id); //radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_NAS_PORT_TYPE, RADIUS_VIRTUAL); //radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_SERVICE_TYPE, RADIUS_FRAMED); //radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_FRAMED_PROTOCOL, RADIUS_PPP); radius_put_attr($rad, RADIUS_CALLING_STATION_ID, isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''); $response = radius_send_request($rad); //print_vars($response); switch ($response) { case RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT: // An Access-Accept response to an Access-Request indicating that the RADIUS server authenticated the user successfully. //echo 'Authentication successful'; return 1; break; case RADIUS_ACCESS_REJECT: // An Access-Reject response to an Access-Request indicating that the RADIUS server could not authenticate the user. //echo 'Authentication failed'; break; case RADIUS_ACCESS_CHALLENGE: // An Access-Challenge response to an Access-Request indicating that the RADIUS server requires further information // in another Access-Request before authenticating the user. //echo 'Challenge required'; break; default: print_error('A RADIUS error has occurred: ' . radius_strerror($rad)); } } //session_logout(); return 0; }
function get_port_id_by_ip_cache($device, $ip) { global $cache; $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if (is_array($device) && isset($device['device_id'])) { $device_id = $device['device_id']; } else { if (is_numeric($device)) { $device_id = $device; } } if (!isset($device_id) || !$ip_version) { print_error("Invalid arguments passed into function get_port_id_by_ip_cache(). Please report to developers."); return FALSE; } if ($ip_version == 6) { $ip = Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); } if (isset($cache['port_ip'][$device_id][$ip])) { return $cache['port_ip'][$device_id][$ip]; } $ips = dbFetchRows('SELECT `port_id`, `ifOperStatus`, `ifAdminStatus` FROM `ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING(`port_id`) WHERE `deleted` = 0 AND `device_id` = ? AND `ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($device_id, $ip)); if (count($ips) === 1) { // Simple $port = current($ips); //return $port['port_id']; } else { foreach ($ips as $entry) { if ($entry['ifAdminStatus'] == 'up' && $entry['ifOperStatus'] == 'up') { // First UP entry $port = $entry; break; } else { if ($entry['ifAdminStatus'] == 'up') { // Admin up, but port down or other state $ips_up[] = $entry; } else { // Admin down $ips_down[] = $entry; } } } if (!isset($port)) { if ($ips_up) { $port = current($ips_up); } else { $port = current($ips_down); } } } $cache['port_ip'][$device_id][$ip] = $port['port_id'] ? $port['port_id'] : FALSE; return $cache['port_ip'][$device_id][$ip]; }
function short_hostname($hostname, $len = NULL, $escape = TRUE) { $len = is_numeric($len) ? (int) $len : (int) $GLOBALS['config']['short_hostname']['length']; if (function_exists('custom_shorthost')) { $short_hostname = custom_shorthost($hostname, $len); } else { if (function_exists('custom_short_hostname')) { $short_hostname = custom_short_hostname($hostname, $len); } else { if (get_ip_version($hostname)) { return $hostname; } // If hostname is IP address, always return full hostname $parts = explode('.', $hostname); $short_hostname = $parts[0]; $i = 1; while ($i < count($parts) && strlen($short_hostname . '.' . $parts[$i]) < $len) { $short_hostname = $short_hostname . '.' . $parts[$i]; $i++; } } } if ($escape) { $short_hostname = escape_html($short_hostname); } return $short_hostname; }
$remote_device_id = $GLOBALS['cache']['discovery-protocols'][$isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId']]; } else { $remote_device_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `sysName` = ? OR `hostname` = ?", array($isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId'], $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId'])); // FIXME do LLDP-code-style hostname overwrite here as well? (see below) if (!$remote_device_id && is_valid_hostname($isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId']) && !is_bad_xdp($isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId'], $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCachePlatform'])) { // For now it's a Cisco so CDP discovery is ok $remote_device_id = discover_new_device($isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId'], 'xdp', 'ISDP', $device, $port); } // Cache remote device ID for other protocols $GLOBALS['cache']['discovery-protocols'][$isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId']] = $remote_device_id; } if ($remote_device_id) { $if = $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDevicePort']; $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifDescr` = ? OR `ifName` = ?) AND `device_id` = ?", array($if, $if, $remote_device_id)); } else { $remote_port_id = "0"; } if (!is_bad_xdp($isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId']) && $port['port_id'] && $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId'] && $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDevicePort']) { $remote_address = $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheAddress']; if (!get_ip_version($remote_address)) { $remote_address = NULL; } discover_link($valid_link, $port['port_id'], 'isdp', $remote_port_id, $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDeviceId'], $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheDevicePort'], $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCachePlatform'], $isdp_entry['agentIsdpCacheVersion'], $remote_address); } } else { echo "X"; } } } } // EOF
function discover_new_device($hostname, $source = 'xdp', $protocol = NULL, $device = NULL, $snmp_port = 161) { global $config; $source = strtolower($source); // Check if source is enabled for autodiscovery if ($config['autodiscovery'][$source]) { $flags = OBS_DNS_ALL; if (!$protocol) { $protocol = strtoupper($source); } print_cli_data("Try discovering host", "{$hostname} through {$protocol}", 3); // By first detect hostname is IP or domain name (IPv4/6 == 4/6, hostname == FALSE) $ip_version = get_ip_version($hostname); if ($ip_version) { // Hostname is IPv4/IPv6 $use_ip = TRUE; $ip = $hostname; } else { $use_ip = FALSE; // Add "mydomain" configuration if this resolves, converts switch1 -> if (!empty($config['mydomain']) && isDomainResolves($hostname . '.' . $config['mydomain'], $flags)) { $hostname .= '.' . $config['mydomain']; } // Determine v4 vs v6 $ip = gethostbyname6($hostname, $flags); if ($ip) { $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); print_debug("Host {$hostname} resolved as {$ip}"); } else { // No DNS records print_debug("Host {$hostname} not resolved, autodiscovery fails."); return FALSE; } } if ($ip_version == 6) { $flags = $flags ^ OBS_DNS_A; // Exclude IPv4 } if (isset($config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) && $config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) { $flags = $flags | OBS_PING_SKIP; // Add skip pings flag } if (match_network($ip, $config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'])) { print_debug("Host {$hostname} ({$ip}) founded inside configured nets, trying to add:"); // By first check if pingable $pingable = isPingable($ip, $flags); if (!$pingable && (isset($config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) && $config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip'])) { $flags = $flags | OBS_PING_SKIP; // Add skip pings flag if allowed in config $pingable = TRUE; } if ($pingable) { // Check if device duplicated by IP $ip = $ip_version == 4 ? $ip : Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); $db = dbFetchRow('SELECT D.`hostname` FROM ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses AS A LEFT JOIN `ports` AS P ON A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON D.`device_id` = P.`device_id` WHERE D.`disabled` = 0 AND A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($ip)); if ($db) { print_debug('Already have device ' . $db['hostname'] . " with IP {$ip}"); return FALSE; } // Detect snmp transport, net-snmp needs udp6 for ipv6 $snmp_transport = $ip_version == 4 ? 'udp' : 'udp6'; $new_device = detect_device_snmpauth($ip, $snmp_port, $snmp_transport); if ($new_device) { if ($use_ip) { // Detect FQDN hostname // by sysName $snmphost = snmp_get($new_device, 'sysName.0', '-Oqv', 'SNMPv2-MIB'); if ($snmphost) { $snmp_ip = gethostbyname6($snmphost, $flags); } if ($snmp_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $snmphost; } else { // by PTR $ptr = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($ptr) { $ptr_ip = gethostbyname6($ptr, $flags); } if ($ptr && $ptr_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $ptr; } else { if ($config['autodiscovery']['require_hostname']) { print_debug("Device IP {$ip} does not seem to have FQDN."); return FALSE; } else { $hostname = $ip_version == 4 ? $ip : Net_IPv6::compress($hostname, TRUE); // Always use compressed IPv6 name } } } print_debug("Device IP {$ip} linked to FQDN name: {$hostname}"); } $new_device['hostname'] = $hostname; if (!check_device_duplicated($new_device)) { $snmp_v3 = array(); if ($new_device['snmp_version'] === 'v3') { $snmp_v3['snmp_authlevel'] = $new_device['snmp_authlevel']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authname'] = $new_device['snmp_authname']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authpass'] = $new_device['snmp_authpass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_authalgo']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptopass'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptopass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptoalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptoalgo']; } $remote_device_id = createHost($new_device['hostname'], $new_device['snmp_community'], $new_device['snmp_version'], $new_device['snmp_port'], $new_device['snmp_transport'], $snmp_v3); if ($remote_device_id) { if (is_flag_set(OBS_PING_SKIP, $flags)) { set_entity_attrib('device', $remote_device_id, 'ping_skip', 1); } $remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1); if ($port) { humanize_port($port); log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'] . " (port " . $port['port_label'] . ")", $remote_device_id, 'port', $port['port_id']); } else { log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, $protocol); } //array_push($GLOBALS['devices'], $remote_device); // createHost() already puth this return $remote_device_id; } } } } } else { print_debug("IP {$ip} ({$hostname}) not permitted inside \$config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'] in config.php"); } print_debug('Autodiscovery for host ' . $hostname . ' failed.'); } else { print_debug('Autodiscovery for protocol ' . $protocol . ' disabled.'); } return FALSE; }
/** * Convert BGP peer index to vendor MIB specific entries * * @param array $peer Array with walked peer oids * @param string $index Peer index * @param string $mib MIB name */ function parse_bgp_peer_index(&$peer, $index, $mib = 'BGP4V2-MIB') { $address_types = $GLOBALS['config']['mibs']['INET-ADDRESS-MIB']['rewrite']['InetAddressType']; $index_parts = explode('.', $index); switch ($mib) { case 'BGP4-MIB': // bgpPeerRemoteAddr if (get_ip_version($index)) { $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr'] = $index; } break; case 'ARISTA-BGP4V2-MIB': // 1. aristaBgp4V2PeerInstance $peer['aristaBgp4V2PeerInstance'] = array_shift($index_parts); // 2. aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddrType. $peer_addr_type = array_shift($index_parts); if (strlen($peer['aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddrType']) == 0) { $peer['aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddrType'] = $peer_addr_type; } if (isset($address_types[$peer['aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddrType']])) { $peer['aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddrType'] = $address_types[$peer['aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddrType']]; } // 3. length of the IP address $ip_len = array_shift($index_parts); // 4. IP address $ip_parts = array_slice($index_parts, 0, $ip_len); // 5. aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddr $peer_ip = implode('.', $ip_parts); if ($ip_len == 16) { $peer_ip = snmp2ipv6($peer_ip); } if ($peer_addr_type = get_ip_version($peer_ip)) { $peer['aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddr'] = $peer_ip; $peer['aristaBgp4V2PeerRemoteAddrType'] = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_type; // FIXME. not sure, but seems as Arista use only ipv4/ipv6 for afi } break; case 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER': // 1. jnxBgpM2PeerRoutingInstance $peer['jnxBgpM2PeerRoutingInstance'] = array_shift($index_parts); // 2. jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddrType $local_addr_type = array_shift($index_parts); if (strlen($peer['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddrType']) == 0) { $peer['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddrType'] = $local_addr_type; } if (isset($address_types[$peer['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddrType']])) { $peer['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddrType'] = $address_types[$peer['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddrType']]; } // 3. length of the local IP address $ip_len = strstr($peer['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddrType'], 'ipv6') ? 16 : 4; // 4. IP address $ip_parts = array_slice($index_parts, 0, $ip_len); // 5. jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddr $local_ip = implode('.', $ip_parts); if ($ip_len == 16) { $local_ip = snmp2ipv6($local_ip); } if (get_ip_version($local_ip)) { $peer['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddr'] = $local_ip; } // Get second part of index $index_parts = array_slice($index_parts, $ip_len); // 6. jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType $peer_addr_type = array_shift($index_parts); if (strlen($peer['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']) == 0) { $peer['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'] = $peer_addr_type; } if (isset($address_types[$peer['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']])) { $peer['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'] = $address_types[$peer['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']]; } // 7. length of the remote IP address $ip_len = strstr($peer['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'], 'ipv6') ? 16 : 4; // 8. IP address $ip_parts = array_slice($index_parts, 0, $ip_len); // 9. jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddr $peer_ip = implode('.', $ip_parts); if ($ip_len == 16) { $peer_ip = snmp2ipv6($peer_ip); } if (get_ip_version($peer_ip)) { $peer['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddr'] = $peer_ip; } break; case 'FORCE10-BGP4-V2-MIB': // 1. f10BgpM2PeerInstance $peer['f10BgpM2PeerInstance'] = array_shift($index_parts); // 2. f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddrType $local_addr_type = array_shift($index_parts); if (strlen($peer['f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddrType']) == 0) { $peer['f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddrType'] = $local_addr_type; } if (isset($address_types[$peer['f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddrType']])) { $peer['f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddrType'] = $address_types[$peer['f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddrType']]; } // 3. length of the local IP address $ip_len = strstr($peer['f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddrType'], 'ipv6') ? 16 : 4; // 4. IP address $ip_parts = array_slice($index_parts, 0, $ip_len); // 5. f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddr $local_ip = implode('.', $ip_parts); if ($ip_len == 16) { $local_ip = snmp2ipv6($local_ip); } if (get_ip_version($local_ip)) { $peer['f10BgpM2PeerLocalAddr'] = $local_ip; } // Get second part of index $index_parts = array_slice($index_parts, $ip_len); // 6. f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType $peer_addr_type = array_shift($index_parts); if (strlen($peer['f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']) == 0) { $peer['f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'] = $peer_addr_type; } if (isset($address_types[$peer['f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']])) { $peer['f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'] = $address_types[$peer['f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']]; } // 7. length of the remote IP address $ip_len = strstr($peer['f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'], 'ipv6') ? 16 : 4; // 8. IP address $ip_parts = array_slice($index_parts, 0, $ip_len); // 9. f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddr $peer_ip = implode('.', $ip_parts); if ($ip_len == 16) { $peer_ip = snmp2ipv6($peer_ip); } if (get_ip_version($peer_ip)) { $peer['f10BgpM2PeerRemoteAddr'] = $peer_ip; } break; } }
/** * Generate common popup links which uses ajax/entitypopup.php * * @param string $type Popup type, see possible types in html/ajax/entitypopup.php * @param string $text Text used as link name and ajax data * @param array $vars Array for generate url * @param string Additional css classes for link * @param boolean $escape Escape or not text in url * @return string Returns string with link, when hover on this link show popup message based on type */ function generate_popup_link($type, $text = NULL, $vars = array(), $class = NULL, $escape = TRUE) { if (!is_string($type) || !is_string($text)) { return ''; } if ($type == 'ip') { list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $text, 2); $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if ($ip_version === 6) { // Autocompress IPv6 addresses $ip = Net_IPv6::compress($ip); $text = $ip; if (strlen($mask)) { $text .= '/' . $mask; } } if (!$ip_version || in_array($ip, array('', '', '::', '::1'))) { return $text; } } $url = count($vars) ? generate_url($vars) : 'javascript:void(0)'; // If vars empty, set link not clickable $data = $text; if ($escape) { $text = escape_html($text); } return '<a href="' . $url . '" class="entity-popup' . ($class ? " {$class}" : '') . '" data-eid="' . $data . '" data-etype="' . $type . '">' . $text . '</a>'; }
/** * Params: * * pagination, pageno, pagesize * device, type, adminstatus, state */ function get_bgp_array($vars) { $array = array(); // With pagination? (display page numbers in header) $array['pagination'] = isset($vars['pagination']) && $vars['pagination']; pagination($vars, 0, TRUE); // Get default pagesize/pageno $array['pageno'] = $vars['pageno']; $array['pagesize'] = $vars['pagesize']; $start = $array['pagesize'] * $array['pageno'] - $array['pagesize']; $pagesize = $array['pagesize']; // Require cached IDs from html/includes/ $cache_bgp =& $GLOBALS['cache']['bgp']; // Begin query generate $param = array(); $where = ' WHERE 1 '; foreach ($vars as $var => $value) { if ($value != '') { switch ($var) { case 'device': case 'device_id': $where .= generate_query_values($value, 'B.device_id'); break; case 'type': if ($value == 'external' || $value == 'ebgp') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['external'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); } else { if ($value == 'internal' || $value == 'ibgp') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['internal'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); } } break; case 'adminstatus': if ($value == 'stop') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['start'], 'B.bgpPeer_id', '!='); // NOT IN } else { if ($value == 'start') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['start'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); } } break; case 'state': if ($value == 'down') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['up'], 'B.bgpPeer_id', '!='); // NOT IN } else { if ($value == 'up') { $where .= generate_query_values($cache_bgp['up'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); } } break; } } } // Cache IP array $cache_ip = dbFetchColumn("SELECT `ipv4_address` FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` NOT IN (?, ?)" . $GLOBALS['cache']['where']['ports_permitted'], array('', '')); $cache_ip = array_merge($cache_ip, dbFetchColumn("SELECT `ipv6_address` FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `ipv6_compressed` NOT IN (?)" . $GLOBALS['cache']['where']['ports_permitted'], array('::1'))); //r($cache_ip); // Show peers only for permitted devices $query_permitted = generate_query_values($cache_bgp['permitted'], 'B.bgpPeer_id'); $query = 'FROM `bgpPeers` AS B'; $query_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $query . $where . $query_permitted; // Use only bgpPeer_id and device_id in query! $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `bgpPeers-state` AS S ON B.`bgpPeer_id` = S.`bgpPeer_id`'; $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON B.`device_id` = D.`device_id`'; $query .= $where . $query_permitted; $query = 'SELECT D.`hostname`, D.`bgpLocalAs`, B.*, S.* ' . $query; $query .= ' ORDER BY D.`hostname`, B.`bgpPeerRemoteAs`, B.`bgpPeerRemoteAddr`'; $query .= " LIMIT {$start},{$pagesize}"; // Query BGP foreach (dbFetchRows($query, $param) as $entry) { humanize_bgp($entry); $peer_addr = $entry['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']; $peer_devices[$entry['device_id']] = 1; // Collect devices for AFIs query if (!isset($cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr])) { $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr] = array(); if (in_array($peer_addr, $cache_ip)) { $peer_addr_type = get_ip_version($peer_addr); if ($peer_addr_type) { $peer_addr_type = 'ipv' . $peer_addr_type; $query_ip = 'SELECT `device_id`, `port_id`, `ifOperStatus`, `ifAdminStatus` FROM `' . $peer_addr_type . '_addresses` JOIN `ports` USING (`port_id`) WHERE `' . $peer_addr_type . '_address` = ?;'; $ip_array = dbFetchRows($query_ip, array($peer_addr)); if (count($ip_array) > 1) { // We have multiple ports for same IPs, complicated logic foreach ($ip_array as $ip) { $device_tmp = device_by_id_cache($ip['device_id']); // Crazy logic, exclude down/disabled ports/devices if (!$device_tmp['bgpLocalAs'] || $device_tmp['status'] == 0 || $ip['ifAdminStatus'] != 'up') { continue; } $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['device_id'] = $ip['device_id']; $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'] = $ip['port_id']; } } else { $device_tmp = device_by_id_cache($ip_array[0]['device_id']); if ($device_tmp['bgpLocalAs']) { // We found device in DB by IP, but this device really have BGP? $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['device_id'] = $ip_array[0]['device_id']; $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id'] = $ip_array[0]['port_id']; } } } //r($cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]); } } $entry['peer_port_id'] = $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['port_id']; //$entry['peer_port'] = get_port_by_id_cache($entry['peer_port_id']); $entry['peer_device_id'] = $cache_bgp['ips'][$peer_addr]['device_id']; //$entry['peer_device'] = device_by_id_cache($entry['peer_device_id']); $array['entries'][] = $entry; } // Query AFI/SAFI $query_afi = 'SELECT * FROM `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE 1' . generate_query_values(array_keys($peer_devices), 'device_id'); //.generate_query_values(array_keys($cache_bgp['ips']), 'bgpPeerRemoteAddr'); foreach (dbFetchRows($query_afi) as $entry) { $array['afisafi'][$entry['device_id']][$entry['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']][] = $entry['afi'] . '.' . $entry['safi']; } // Query BGP peers count if ($array['pagination']) { $array['count'] = dbFetchCell($query_count, $param); $array['pagination_html'] = pagination($vars, $array['count']); } else { $array['count'] = count($array['entries']); } return $array; }
function match_network($ip, $nets, $first = FALSE) { $return = FALSE; $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if ($ip_version) { if (!is_array($nets)) { $nets = array($nets); } foreach ($nets as $net) { $ip_in_net = FALSE; $revert = preg_match("/^\\!/", $net) ? TRUE : FALSE; // NOT match network $net = preg_replace("/^\\!/", "", $net); if ($ip_version == 4) { if (strpos($net, '.') === FALSE) { continue; } // NOT IPv4 net, skip if (strpos($net, '/') === FALSE) { $net .= '/32'; } // NET without mask as single IP $ip_in_net = Net_IPv4::ipInNetwork($ip, $net); } else { if (strpos($net, ':') === FALSE) { continue; } if (strpos($net, '/') === FALSE) { $net .= '/128'; } // NET without mask as single IP $ip_in_net = Net_IPv6::isInNetmask($ip, $net); } if ($revert && $ip_in_net) { return FALSE; } // Return FALSE if IP founded in network where should NOT match if ($first && $ip_in_net) { return TRUE; } // Return TRUE if IP founded in first match $return = $return || $ip_in_net; } } return $return; }
/** * @dataProvider providerGetIpVersion * @group ip */ public function testGetIpVersion($string, $result) { $this->assertSame($result, get_ip_version($string)); }