function find_ip_interface($ip, $bits = null) { if (!is_ipaddr($ip)) { return false; } $isv6ip = is_ipaddrv6($ip); /* if list */ $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_list(); foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $ifip = $isv6ip ? get_interface_ipv6($ifname) : get_interface_ip($ifname); if (is_null($ifip)) { continue; } if (is_null($bits)) { if ($ip == $ifip) { $int = get_real_interface($ifname); return $int; } } else { if (ip_in_subnet($ifip, $ip . "/" . $bits)) { $int = get_real_interface($ifname); return $int; } } } return false; }
$input_errors[] = gettext("For this type of vip localhost is not allowed."); } else { if (strpos($_POST['interface'], '_vip')) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A CARP parent interface can only be used with IP Alias type Virtual IPs."); } } break; case 'ipalias': if (strstr($_POST['interface'], "_vip")) { if (is_ipaddrv4($_POST['subnet'])) { $parent_ip = get_interface_ip($_POST['interface']); $parent_sn = get_interface_subnet($_POST['interface']); $subnet = gen_subnet($parent_ip, $parent_sn); } else { if (is_ipaddrv6($_POST['subnet'])) { $parent_ip = get_interface_ipv6($_POST['interface']); $parent_sn = get_interface_subnetv6($_POST['interface']); $subnet = gen_subnetv6($parent_ip, $parent_sn); } } if (isset($parent_ip) && !ip_in_subnet($_POST['subnet'], "{$subnet}/{$parent_sn}") && !ip_in_interface_alias_subnet(link_carp_interface_to_parent($_POST['interface']), $_POST['subnet'])) { $cannot_find = $_POST['subnet'] . "/" . $_POST['subnet_bits']; $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("Sorry, we could not locate an interface with a matching subnet for %s. Please add an IP alias in this subnet on this interface."), $cannot_find); } unset($parent_ip, $parent_sn, $subnet); } break; default: if ($_POST['interface'] == 'lo0') { $input_errors[] = gettext("For this type of vip localhost is not allowed."); } else {
?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" colspan="2"> <? if ($do_ping) { echo "<font face='terminal' size='2'>"; echo "<strong>" . gettext("Ping output") . ":</strong><br>"; echo('<pre>'); $ifaddr = get_interface_ip($interface); if ($ifaddr) system("/sbin/ping -S$ifaddr -c$count " . escapeshellarg($host)); else system("/sbin/ping -c$count " . escapeshellarg($host)); $ifaddr = get_interface_ipv6($interface); if ($ifaddr) system("/sbin/ping6 -S$ifaddr -c$count " . escapeshellarg($host)); else system("/sbin/ping6 -c$count " . escapeshellarg($host)); echo('</pre>'); } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22%" valign="top"> </td> <td width="78%"> </td> </tr>
/* make sure no inbound NAT mappings reference this entry */ if (is_array($config['nat']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['nat']['rule'] as $rule) { if ($rule['destination']['address'] != "") { if ($rule['destination']['address'] == $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by at least one NAT mapping."); break; } } } } if (is_ipaddrv6($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet'])) { $is_ipv6 = true; $subnet = gen_subnetv6($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet'], $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet_bits']); $if_subnet_bits = get_interface_subnetv6($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']); $if_subnet = gen_subnetv6(get_interface_ipv6($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']), $if_subnet_bits); } else { $is_ipv6 = false; $subnet = gen_subnet($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet'], $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet_bits']); $if_subnet_bits = get_interface_subnet($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']); $if_subnet = gen_subnet(get_interface_ip($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface']), $if_subnet_bits); } $subnet .= "/" . $a_vip[$_GET['id']]['subnet_bits']; $if_subnet .= "/" . $if_subnet_bits; if (is_array($config['gateways']['gateway_item'])) { foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_item'] as $gateway) { if ($a_vip[$_GET['id']]['interface'] != $gateway['interface']) { continue; } if ($is_ipv6 && $gateway['ipprotocol'] == 'inet') { continue;
$cached_ip_s = explode("|", file_get_contents($filename)); $cached_ip = $cached_ip_s[0]; if ($ipaddr != $cached_ip) { print '<span class="text-danger">'; } else { print '<span class="text-success">'; } print htmlspecialchars($cached_ip); print '</span>'; } else { print 'IPv4: N/A'; } print '<br />'; if (file_exists("{$filename}.ipv6")) { print 'IPv6: '; $ipaddr = get_interface_ipv6($rfc2136['interface']); $cached_ip_s = explode("|", file_get_contents("{$filename}.ipv6")); $cached_ip = $cached_ip_s[0]; if ($ipaddr != $cached_ip) { print '<span class="text-danger">'; } else { print '<span class="text-success">'; } print htmlspecialchars($cached_ip); print '</span>'; } else { print 'IPv6: N/A'; } ?> </td> <td>
$filename = "/conf/dyndns_{$dyndns['interface']}{$dyndns['type']}" . escapeshellarg($dyndns['host']) . "{$dyndns['id']}.cache"; $filename_v6 = "/conf/dyndns_{$dyndns['interface']}{$dyndns['type']}" . escapeshellarg($dyndns['host']) . "{$dyndns['id']}_v6.cache"; if (file_exists($filename)) { $ipaddr = dyndnsCheckIP($dyndns['interface']); $cached_ip_s = explode(":", file_get_contents($filename)); $cached_ip = $cached_ip_s[0]; if ($ipaddr != $cached_ip) { echo "<font color='red'>"; } else { echo "<font color='green'>"; } echo htmlspecialchars($cached_ip); echo "</font>"; } else { if (file_exists($filename_v6)) { $ipv6addr = get_interface_ipv6($dyndns['interface']); $cached_ipv6_s = explode("|", file_get_contents($filename_v6)); $cached_ipv6 = $cached_ipv6_s[0]; if ($ipv6addr != $cached_ipv6) { echo "<font color='red'>"; } else { echo "<font color='green'>"; } echo htmlspecialchars($cached_ipv6); echo "</font>"; } else { echo "N/A"; } } ?> </td>
function build_interface_list() { global $pconfig; $iflist = array('options' => array(), 'selected' => array()); $interfaces = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); foreach ($interfaces as $iface => $ifacename) { if (!is_ipaddr(get_interface_ip($iface)) && !is_ipaddrv6(get_interface_ipv6($iface))) { continue; } $iflist['options'][$iface] = $ifacename; if (in_array($iface, $pconfig['interface'])) { array_push($iflist['selected'], $iface); } } return $iflist; }
##|+PRIV ##|*IDENT=page-services-dhcpv6relay ##|*NAME=Services: DHCPv6 Relay ##|*DESCR=Allow access to the 'Services: DHCPv6 Relay' page. ##|*MATCH=services_dhcpv6_relay.php* ##|-PRIV require ""; $pconfig['enable'] = isset($config['dhcrelay6']['enable']); if (empty($config['dhcrelay6']['interface'])) { $pconfig['interface'] = array(); } else { $pconfig['interface'] = explode(",", $config['dhcrelay6']['interface']); } $pconfig['agentoption'] = isset($config['dhcrelay6']['agentoption']); $iflist = array_intersect_key(get_configured_interface_with_descr(), array_flip(array_filter(array_keys(get_configured_interface_with_descr()), function ($if) { return is_ipaddrv6(get_interface_ipv6($if)); }))); /* set the enabled flag which will tell us if DHCP server is enabled * on any interface. We will use this to disable dhcp-relay since * the two are not compatible with each other. */ $dhcpd_enabled = false; if (is_array($config['dhcpdv6'])) { foreach ($config['dhcpdv6'] as $dhcp) { if (isset($dhcp['enable']) && isset($config['interfaces'][$dhcpif]['enable'])) { $dhcpd_enabled = true; break; } } } if ($_POST) {
} $found = false; foreach ($subnets as $subnet) { if (ip_in_subnet($pconfig['gateway'], $subnet)) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The gateway address %1\$s does not lie within one of the chosen interface's subnets."), $pconfig['gateway']); } } } elseif (is_ipaddrv6($pconfig['gateway'])) { /* do not do a subnet match on a link local address, it's valid */ if (!is_linklocal($pconfig['gateway'])) { $parent_ip = get_interface_ipv6($pconfig['interface']); $parent_sn = get_interface_subnetv6($pconfig['interface']); if (empty($parent_ip) || empty($parent_sn)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("Cannot add IPv6 Gateway Address because no IPv6 address could be found on the interface."); } else { $subnets = array(gen_subnetv6($parent_ip, $parent_sn) . "/" . $parent_sn); $vips = link_interface_to_vips($pconfig['interface']); if (is_array($vips)) { foreach ($vips as $vip) { if (!is_ipaddrv6($vip['subnet'])) { continue; } $subnets[] = gen_subnetv6($vip['subnet'], $vip['subnet_bits']) . "/" . $vip['subnet_bits']; } } $found = false;
$nc_args .= " -6"; } else { switch ($ipprotocol) { case "ipv4": $ifaddr = get_interface_ip($sourceip); $nc_ipproto = " -4"; break; case "ipv6": $ifaddr = is_linklocal($sourceip) ? $sourceip : get_interface_ipv6($sourceip); $nc_ipproto = " -6"; break; case "any": $ifaddr = get_interface_ip($sourceip); $nc_ipproto = !empty($ifaddr) ? " -4" : ""; if (empty($ifaddr)) { $ifaddr = is_linklocal($sourceip) ? $sourceip : get_interface_ipv6($sourceip); $nc_ipproto = !empty($ifaddr) ? " -6" : ""; } break; } /* Netcat doesn't like it if we try to connect using a certain type of IP without specifying the family. */ if (!empty($ifaddr)) { $nc_args .= $nc_ipproto; } elseif ($sourceip == "any") { switch ($ipprotocol) { case "ipv4": $nc_ipproto = " -4"; break; case "ipv6": $nc_ipproto = " -6"; break;
$cached_ip_s = explode("|", file_get_contents($filename)); $cached_ip = $cached_ip_s[0]; if ($ipaddr != $cached_ip) { print '<span class="text-danger">'; } else { print '<span class="text-success">'; } print htmlspecialchars($cached_ip); print '</span>'; } else { print 'IPv4: N/A'; } print '<br />'; if (file_exists("{$filename}.ipv6")) { print 'IPv6: '; $ipaddr = get_interface_ipv6($if); $cached_ip_s = explode("|", file_get_contents("{$filename}.ipv6")); $cached_ip = $cached_ip_s[0]; if ($ipaddr != $cached_ip) { print '<span class="text-danger">'; } else { print '<span class="text-success">'; } print htmlspecialchars($cached_ip); print '</span>'; } else { print 'IPv6: N/A'; } ?> </td> <td>
/** * delete virtual ip */ function deleteVIPEntry($id) { global $config; $input_errors = array(); $a_vip =& $config['virtualip']['vip']; /* make sure no inbound NAT mappings reference this entry */ if (isset($config['nat']['rule'])) { foreach ($config['nat']['rule'] as $rule) { if (!empty($rule['destination']['address'])) { if ($rule['destination']['address'] == $a_vip[$id]['subnet']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by at least one NAT mapping."); break; } } } } if (is_ipaddrv6($a_vip[$id]['subnet'])) { $is_ipv6 = true; $subnet = gen_subnetv6($a_vip[$id]['subnet'], $a_vip[$id]['subnet_bits']); $if_subnet_bits = get_interface_subnetv6($a_vip[$id]['interface']); $if_subnet = gen_subnetv6(get_interface_ipv6($a_vip[$id]['interface']), $if_subnet_bits); } else { $is_ipv6 = false; $subnet = gen_subnet($a_vip[$id]['subnet'], $a_vip[$id]['subnet_bits']); $if_subnet_bits = get_interface_subnet($a_vip[$id]['interface']); $if_subnet = gen_subnet(get_interface_ip($a_vip[$id]['interface']), $if_subnet_bits); } $subnet .= "/" . $a_vip[$id]['subnet_bits']; $if_subnet .= "/" . $if_subnet_bits; if (isset($config['gateways']['gateway_item'])) { foreach ($config['gateways']['gateway_item'] as $gateway) { if ($a_vip[$id]['interface'] != $gateway['interface']) { continue; } if ($is_ipv6 && $gateway['ipprotocol'] == 'inet') { continue; } if (!$is_ipv6 && $gateway['ipprotocol'] == 'inet6') { continue; } if (ip_in_subnet($gateway['gateway'], $if_subnet)) { continue; } if (ip_in_subnet($gateway['gateway'], $subnet)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by at least one Gateway."); break; } } } if ($a_vip[$id]['mode'] == "ipalias") { $subnet = gen_subnet($a_vip[$id]['subnet'], $a_vip[$id]['subnet_bits']) . "/" . $a_vip[$id]['subnet_bits']; $found_if = false; $found_carp = false; $found_other_alias = false; if ($subnet == $if_subnet) { $found_if = true; } $vipiface = $a_vip[$id]['interface']; foreach ($a_vip as $vip_id => $vip) { if ($vip_id != $id) { if ($vip['interface'] == $vipiface && ip_in_subnet($vip['subnet'], $subnet)) { if ($vip['mode'] == "carp") { $found_carp = true; } else { if ($vip['mode'] == "ipalias") { $found_other_alias = true; } } } } } if ($found_carp === true && $found_other_alias === false && $found_if === false) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by a CARP IP with the description") . " {$vip['descr']}."; } } if (count($input_errors) == 0) { // Special case since every proxyarp vip is handled by the same daemon. if ($a_vip[$id]['mode'] == "proxyarp") { $viface = $a_vip[$id]['interface']; unset($a_vip[$id]); interface_proxyarp_configure($viface); } else { interface_vip_bring_down($a_vip[$id]); unset($a_vip[$id]); } if (count($config['virtualip']['vip']) == 0) { unset($config['virtualip']['vip']); } } return $input_errors; }
} if (count($input_errors) == 0) { $nc_args = "-w 10"; if (empty($pconfig['showtext'])) { $nc_args .= " -z "; } if (!empty($pconfig['srcport'])) { $nc_args .= " -p " . escapeshellarg($pconfig['srcport']) . " "; } switch ($pconfig['ipprotocol']) { case "ipv4": $ifaddr = $pconfig['sourceip'] == "any" ? "" : get_interface_ip($pconfig['sourceip']); $nc_args .= " -4"; break; case "ipv6": $ifaddr = is_linklocal($pconfig['sourceip']) ? $pconfig['sourceip'] : get_interface_ipv6($pconfig['sourceip']); $nc_args .= " -6"; break; } if (!empty($ifaddr)) { $nc_args .= " -s " . escapeshellarg($ifaddr) . " "; $scope = get_ll_scope($ifaddr); if (!empty($scope) && !strstr($host, "%")) { $host .= "%{$scope}"; } } $cmd_action = "/usr/bin/nc {$nc_args} " . escapeshellarg($pconfig['host']) . " " . escapeshellarg($pconfig['port']) . " 2>&1"; $process = proc_open($cmd_action, array(array("pipe", "r"), array("pipe", "w"), array("pipe", "w")), $pipes); if (is_resource($process)) { $cmd_output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); $cmd_output .= stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
$host = trim($pconfig['host']); $ipproto = $pconfig['ipproto']; if ($pconfig['ipproto'] == "ipv4" && is_ipaddrv6($host)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("When using IPv4, the target host must be an IPv4 address or hostname."); } elseif ($pconfig['ipproto'] == "ipv6" && is_ipaddrv4($host)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("When using IPv6, the target host must be an IPv6 address or hostname."); } if (count($input_errors) == 0) { $cmd_args = "-w 2"; $cmd_args .= !empty($pconfig['useicmp']) ? " -I " : ""; $cmd_args .= !empty($pconfig['resolve']) ? "" : " -n "; $cmd_args .= " -m " . escapeshellarg($pconfig['ttl']); $command = "/usr/sbin/traceroute"; if ($pconfig['ipproto'] == "ipv6") { $command .= "6"; $ifaddr = is_ipaddr($pconfig['sourceip']) ? $pconfig['sourceip'] : get_interface_ipv6($pconfig['sourceip']); } else { $ifaddr = is_ipaddr($pconfig['sourceip']) ? $pconfig['sourceip'] : get_interface_ip($pconfig['sourceip']); } if ($ifaddr && (is_ipaddr($host) || is_hostname($host))) { $cmd_args .= " -s " . escapeshellarg($ifaddr) . " "; } $cmd_action = "{$command} {$cmd_args} " . " " . escapeshellarg($host); $process = proc_open($cmd_action, array(array("pipe", "r"), array("pipe", "w"), array("pipe", "w")), $pipes); if (is_resource($process)) { $cmd_output = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); $cmd_output .= stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); } } } legacy_html_escape_form_data($pconfig);
$pconfig['shared_key'] = openvpn_create_key(); } // all input validators if (strpos($pconfig['interface'], '|') !== false) { list($iv_iface, $iv_ip) = explode("|", $pconfig['interface']); } else { $iv_iface = $pconfig['interface']; $iv_ip = null; } if (is_ipaddrv4($iv_ip) && stristr($pconfig['protocol'], "6") !== false) { $input_errors[] = gettext("Protocol and IP address families do not match. You cannot select an IPv6 protocol and an IPv4 IP address."); } elseif (is_ipaddrv6($iv_ip) && stristr($pconfig['protocol'], "6") === false) { $input_errors[] = gettext("Protocol and IP address families do not match. You cannot select an IPv4 protocol and an IPv6 IP address."); } elseif (stristr($pconfig['protocol'], "6") === false && !get_interface_ip($iv_iface) && $pconfig['interface'] != "any") { $input_errors[] = gettext("An IPv4 protocol was selected, but the selected interface has no IPv4 address."); } elseif (stristr($pconfig['protocol'], "6") !== false && !get_interface_ipv6($iv_iface) && $pconfig['interface'] != "any") { $input_errors[] = gettext("An IPv6 protocol was selected, but the selected interface has no IPv6 address."); } if (empty($pconfig['authmode']) && ($pconfig['mode'] == "server_user" || $pconfig['mode'] == "server_tls_user")) { $input_errors[] = gettext("You must select a Backend for Authentication if the server mode requires User Auth."); } if ($result = openvpn_validate_port($pconfig['local_port'], 'Local port')) { $input_errors[] = $result; } if ($result = openvpn_validate_cidr($pconfig['tunnel_network'], 'IPv4 Tunnel Network', false, "ipv4")) { $input_errors[] = $result; } if ($result = openvpn_validate_cidr($pconfig['tunnel_networkv6'], 'IPv6 Tunnel Network', false, "ipv6")) { $input_errors[] = $result; } if ($result = openvpn_validate_cidr($pconfig['remote_network'], 'IPv4 Remote Network', true, "ipv4")) {
} require ""; $if = $_GET['if']; if ($_POST['if']) { $if = $_POST['if']; } if (!$if) { header("Location: services_dhcpv6.php"); exit; } if (!is_array($config['dhcpdv6'][$if]['staticmap'])) { $config['dhcpdv6'][$if]['staticmap'] = array(); } $netboot_enabled = isset($config['dhcpdv6'][$if]['netboot']); $a_maps =& $config['dhcpdv6'][$if]['staticmap']; $ifcfgipv6 = get_interface_ipv6($if); $ifcfgsnv6 = get_interface_subnetv6($if); $ifcfgdescr = convert_friendly_interface_to_friendly_descr($if); $id = $_GET['id']; if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; } if (isset($id) && $a_maps[$id]) { $pconfig['duid'] = $a_maps[$id]['duid']; $pconfig['hostname'] = $a_maps[$id]['hostname']; $pconfig['ipaddrv6'] = $a_maps[$id]['ipaddrv6']; $pconfig['filename'] = $a_maps[$id]['filename']; $pconfig['rootpath'] = $a_maps[$id]['rootpath']; $pconfig['descr'] = $a_maps[$id]['descr']; } else { $pconfig['duid'] = $_GET['duid'];
} $entered_localid_data = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($entered_local, false, $pconfig['mode']); list($entered_local_network, $entered_local_mask) = explode('/', $entered_localid_data); $entered_remote = array(); $entered_remote['type'] = $pconfig['remoteid_type']; if (isset($pconfig['remoteid_address'])) { $entered_remote['address'] = $pconfig['remoteid_address']; } if (isset($pconfig['remoteid_netbits'])) { $entered_remote['netbits'] = $pconfig['remoteid_netbits']; } $entered_remoteid_data = ipsec_idinfo_to_cidr($entered_remote, false, $pconfig['mode']); list($entered_remote_network, $entered_remote_mask) = explode('/', $entered_remoteid_data); if ($phase1['protocol'] == "inet6") { $if = get_failover_interface($phase1['interface'], "inet6"); $interfaceip = get_interface_ipv6($if); } else { $if = get_failover_interface($phase1['interface']); $interfaceip = get_interface_ip($if); } /* skip validation for hostnames, they're subject to change anyway */ if (is_ipaddr($phase1['remote-gateway'])) { if ($pconfig['mode'] == "tunnel") { if (check_subnets_overlap($interfaceip, 32, $entered_local_network, $entered_local_mask) && check_subnets_overlap($phase1['remote-gateway'], 32, $entered_remote_network, $entered_remote_mask)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The local and remote networks of a phase 2 entry cannot overlap the outside of the tunnel (interface and remote gateway) configured in its phase 1."); break; } } else { if ($pconfig['mode'] == "tunnel6") { if (check_subnetsv6_overlap($interfaceip, 128, $entered_local_network, $entered_local_mask) && check_subnets_overlap($phase1['remote-gateway'], 128, $entered_remote_network, $entered_remote_mask)) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The local and remote networks of a phase 2 entry cannot overlap the outside of the tunnel (interface and remote gateway) configured in its phase 1.");
<header class="content-box-head container-fluid"> <h3><?=gettext("Traceroute output"); ?></h3> </header> <div class="content-box-main col-xs-12"> <pre> <?php $useicmp = isset($_REQUEST['useicmp']) ? "-I" : ""; $n = isset($resolve) ? "" : "-n"; $command = "/usr/sbin/traceroute"; if ($ipproto == "ipv6") { $command .= "6"; $ifaddr = is_ipaddr($sourceip) ? $sourceip : get_interface_ipv6($sourceip); } else { $ifaddr = is_ipaddr($sourceip) ? $sourceip : get_interface_ip($sourceip); } if ($ifaddr && (is_ipaddr($host) || is_hostname($host))) $srcip = "-s " . escapeshellarg($ifaddr); $cmd = "{$command} {$n} {$srcip} -w 2 {$useicmp} -m " . escapeshellarg($ttl) . " " . escapeshellarg($host); //echo "Traceroute command: {$cmd}\n"; system($cmd); ?> </pre> </div>
<strong><?php printf(gettext("Enable DHCPv6 relay on interface")); ?> </strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?php echo gettext('Interface(s)'); ?> </td> <td width="78%" class="vtable"> <select id="interface" name="interface[]" multiple="multiple" class="formselect" size="3"> <?php foreach ($iflist as $ifent => $ifdesc) { if (!is_ipaddrv6(get_interface_ipv6($ifent))) { continue; } echo "<option value=\"{$ifent}\""; if (!empty($pconfig['interface']) && in_array($ifent, $pconfig['interface'])) { echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">{$ifdesc}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <br /><?php echo gettext("Interfaces without an IPv6 address will not be shown."); ?> </td> </tr>