function make_trans($i, $wid, $trans, $word, $lang) { global $tbpref; $trans = trim($trans); $widset = is_numeric($wid); if ($widset) { $alltrans = get_first_value("select WoTranslation as value from " . $tbpref . "words where WoID = " . $wid); $transarr = preg_split('/[' . get_sepas() . ']/u', $alltrans); $r = ""; $set = false; foreach ($transarr as $t) { $tt = trim($t); if ($tt == '*' || $tt == '') { continue; } if (!$set && $tt == $trans) { $set = true; $r .= '<span class="nowrap"><input class="impr-ann-radio" checked="checked" type="radio" name="rg' . $i . '" value="' . tohtml($tt) . '" /> ' . tohtml($tt) . '</span> <br /> '; } else { $r .= '<span class="nowrap"><input class="impr-ann-radio" type="radio" name="rg' . $i . '" value="' . tohtml($tt) . '" /> ' . tohtml($tt) . '</span> <br /> '; } } if (!$set) { $r .= '<span class="nowrap"><input class="impr-ann-radio" checked="checked" type="radio" name="rg' . $i . '" value="" /> <input class="impr-ann-text" type="text" name="tx' . $i . '" id="tx' . $i . '" value="' . tohtml($trans) . '" maxlength="50" size="40" />'; } else { $r .= '<span class="nowrap"><input class="impr-ann-radio" type="radio" name="rg' . $i . '" value="" /> <input class="impr-ann-text" type="text" name="tx' . $i . '" id="tx' . $i . '" value="" maxlength="50" size="40" />'; } } else { $r = '<span class="nowrap"><input checked="checked" type="radio" name="rg' . $i . '" value="" /> <input class="impr-ann-text" type="text" name="tx' . $i . '" id="tx' . $i . '" value="' . tohtml($trans) . '" maxlength="50" size="40" />'; } $r .= ' <img class="click" src="icn/eraser.png" title="Erase Text Field" alt="Erase Text Field" onclick="$(\'#tx' . $i . '\').val(\'\').trigger(\'change\');" />'; $r .= ' <img class="click" src="icn/star.png" title="* (Set to Term)" alt="* (Set to Term)" onclick="$(\'#tx' . $i . '\').val(\'*\').trigger(\'change\');" />'; if ($widset) { $r .= ' <img class="click" src="icn/plus-button.png" title="Save another translation to existent term" alt="Save another translation to existent term" onclick="addTermTranslation(' . $wid . ', \'#tx' . $i . '\',\'\',' . $lang . ');" />'; } else { $r .= ' <img class="click" src="icn/plus-button.png" title="Save translation to new term" alt="Save translation to new term" onclick="addTermTranslation(0, \'#tx' . $i . '\',' . prepare_textdata_js($word) . ',' . $lang . ');" />'; } $r .= '</span>'; return $r; }
function Segmenter(array $t_args, array $input, array $output, array $given_states) { $resType = ['fragment', 'multi']; $system_headers = ['array', 'vector', 'memory', 'cinttypes', 'unordered_map']; $user_headers = ['HashFunctions.h']; $lib_headers = []; $preferFragment = get_default($t_args, 'inner.prefer.fragment', false); $wantedRes = $preferFragment ? ['fragment', 'multi'] : ['multi', 'fragment']; $nInputs = \count($input); grokit_assert($nInputs > 1, 'Segmenter: Not enough inputs specified!'); $keyName = array_keys($input)[0]; $keyType = array_get_index($input, 0); $innerInputs = array_slice($input, 1, $nInputs - 1, true); $gla = get_first_key($t_args, ['gla', 'GLA', 0]); grokit_assert(is_gla($gla), 'Segmenter: [gla] argument must be a valid GLA'); $gla = $gla->apply($innerInputs, $output, $given_states); $n_passes = get_default($t_args, 'passes', 1); grokit_assert(is_int($n_passes), 'Segmenter: [passes] argument must be an integer'); grokit_assert($n_passes > 0, 'Segmenter: [passes] argument must be > 0'); $libraries = $gla->libraries(); $innerRes = get_first_value($gla->result_type(), $wantedRes); $innerInputs = $gla->input(); $innerOutput = $gla->output(); $input = array_merge([$keyName => $keyType], $innerInputs); $output = $innerOutput; $segments = get_default($t_args, 'segments', 64); $constState = lookupResource('BASE::SegmenterState', ['gla' => $gla, 'passes' => $n_passes, 'segments' => $segments]); $className = generate_name('Segmenter_'); $savedArgs = []; $cArgs = []; $innerCArgs = []; if ($gla->configurable()) { $savedArgs['json_init'] = 'Json::Value'; $cArgs['json_init'] = 'Json::Value'; $innerCArgs[] = 'json_init'; } $cArgs['const_state'] = $constState; if ($gla->has_state()) { $innerCArgs[] = 'constState.inner_cstate'; } $cstStr = \count($innerCArgs) > 0 ? '(' . implode(',', $innerCArgs) . ')' : ''; grokit_assert(!$gla->iterable(), 'Segementer does not support iterable GLAs'); $iterable = $n_passes > 1; ?> class <?php echo $className; ?> { private: using ConstantState = <?php echo $constState; ?> ; using SplitState = ConstantState::SplitState; static constexpr const size_t NUM_STATES = SplitState::NUM_STATES; using InnerGLA = <?php echo $gla; ?> ; using InnerGLAPtr = std::unique_ptr<InnerGLA>; using GLA_Array = std::array<InnerGLAPtr, NUM_STATES>; public: using size_type = std::size_t; <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> class Iterator { private: InnerGLA * gla; int fragmentNum; InnerGLA::Iterator * innerIter; public: Iterator( InnerGLA * _gla, int _fragmentNum, int _innerFrag ) : gla(_gla), fragmentNum(_fragmentNum), innerIter(nullptr) { innerIter = gla->Finalize(_innerFrag); } ~Iterator(void) { if( innerIter != nullptr ) { delete innerIter; innerIter = nullptr; } } bool GetNextResult( <?php echo typed_ref_args($gla->output()); ?> ) { return innerIter->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($gla->output()); ?> ); } int FragmentNumber() { return fragmentNum; } }; <?php } else { // if inner result type is fragment ?> class Iterator { private: InnerGLA * gla; int fragmentNum; public: Iterator( InnerGLA * _gla, int fragNo ) : gla(_gla), fragmentNum(fragNo) { gla->Finalize(); } ~Iterator(void) { } bool GetNextResult( <?php echo typed_ref_args($gla->output()); ?> ) { return gla->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($gla->output()); ?> ); } int FragmentNumber() { return fragmentNum; } }; <?php } // if inner result type is multi ?> private: const ConstantState & constState; GLA_Array localState; // Iteration state for multi result type int numFrags; int multiFragNo; Iterator * multiIter; <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> using frag_info = std::pair<int, int>; using frag_map_t = std::unordered_map<int, frag_info>; frag_map_t fragMap; <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($savedArgs as $name => $type) { ?> const <?php echo $type; ?> <?php echo $name; ?> ; <?php } // foreach saved arg ?> public: // Constructor <?php echo $className; ?> ( <?php echo const_typed_ref_args($cArgs); ?> ) : constState(const_state) , localState() , numFrags(0) , multiFragNo(0) , multiIter(nullptr) <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> , fragMap() <?php } foreach ($savedArgs as $name => $type) { ?> , <?php echo $name; ?> (<?php echo $name; ?> ) <?php } // foreach constructor arg to save ?> { for( auto & elem : localState ) { elem.reset(new InnerGLA<?php echo $cstStr; ?> ); } } void AddItem( <?php echo const_typed_ref_args($input); ?> ) { uint64_t hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php echo $keyName; ?> ), H_b + 1); uint64_t passNum = (hashVal / NUM_STATES) % ConstantState::N_PASSES; uint64_t segNum = hashVal % NUM_STATES; <?php if ($n_passes > 1) { ?> if( passNum != constState.pass ) { return; } <?php } // more than 1 pass ?> localState[segNum]->AddItem(<?php echo args($innerInputs); ?> ); } void ChunkBoundary(void) { // Merge local states into the global state SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; int theseAreOk[NUM_STATES]; for( int i = 0; NUM_STATES > i; i++ ) { theseAreOk[i] = 1; } int segsLeft = NUM_STATES; while( segsLeft > 0 ) { InnerGLA * checkedOut = nullptr; int whichOne = globalStates.CheckOutOne( theseAreOk, checkedOut ); if( checkedOut == NULL ) { checkedOut = new InnerGLA<?php echo $cstStr; ?> ; } checkedOut->AddState( *(localState[whichOne]) ); globalStates.CheckIn( whichOne, checkedOut ); theseAreOk[whichOne] = 0; segsLeft--; } // Re-initialize the local states for( auto & elem : localState ) { <?php if ($gla->is('resettable')) { ?> elem->Reset(); <?php } else { // if resettable ?> elem.reset(new InnerGLA<?php echo $cstStr; ?> ); <?php } // if not resettable ?> } } void AddState( <?php echo $className; ?> & o ) { // Do nothing } void Finalize() { SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; if( multiIter != nullptr) delete multiIter; multiFragNo = 0; <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> frag_info fInfo = fragMap[multiFragNo]; multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fInfo.first), multiFragNo, fInfo.second); <?php } else { ?> multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(multiFragNo), multiFragNo); <?php } ?> } bool GetNextResult(<?php echo typed_ref_args($output); ?> ) { bool gotResult = false; SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; while( (multiFragNo < numFrags && multiIter != nullptr) && !gotResult ) { gotResult = multiIter->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($output); ?> ); if( !gotResult ) { multiFragNo++; delete multiIter; if( numFrags > multiFragNo ) { <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> frag_info fInfo = fragMap[multiFragNo]; multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fInfo.first), multiFragNo, fInfo.second); <?php } else { ?> multiIter = new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(multiFragNo), multiFragNo); <?php } ?> } else { multiIter = nullptr; } } } return gotResult; } int GetNumFragments(void) { <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; numFrags = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STATES; i++) { int curFrags = globalStates.Peek(i)->GetNumFragments(); for (int curFrag = 0; curFrag < curFrags; curFrag++) { fragMap[numFrags] = frag_info(i, curFrag); numFrags++; } } <?php } else { ?> numFrags = NUM_STATES; <?php } ?> return numFrags; } Iterator * Finalize( int fragment ) { SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; <?php if ($innerRes == 'fragment') { ?> frag_info info = fragMap[fragment]; return new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(info.first), fragment, info.second); <?php } else { ?> return new Iterator(globalStates.Peek(fragment), fragment); <?php } ?> } bool GetNextResult( Iterator * it, <?php echo typed_ref_args($output); ?> ) { bool ret = it->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($output); ?> ); return ret; } <?php if ($iterable) { ?> bool ShouldIterate( ConstantState & modible ) { modible.pass++; return modible.pass < ConstantState::N_PASSES; } void PostFinalize() { constState.segments.Reset(); } <?php } // iterable ?> <?php if ($gla->is('finite container')) { ?> size_type size() { SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; size_type s = 0; for( int i = 0; NUM_STATES > i; i++ ) { InnerGLA * ptr = globalStates.Peek(i); s += ptr->size(); } return s; } size_type size(int frag) { SplitState & globalStates = constState.segments; return globalStates.Peek(frag)->size(); } <?php } // if the gla is a container ?> }; typedef <?php echo $className; ?> ::Iterator <?php echo $className; ?> _Iterator; <?php return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $system_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'lib_headers' => $lib_headers, 'libraries' => $libraries, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => $resType, 'generated_state' => $constState, 'required_states' => $gla->req_states(), 'chunk_boundary' => true, 'configurable' => $gla->configurable(), 'iterable' => $iterable, 'post_finalize' => $iterable, 'intermediates' => true]; }
In case this is not legally possible, any entity is granted the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law. Developed by J. Pierre in 2011. ***************************************************************/ /************************************************************** Call: insert_word_wellknown.php?tid=[textid]&ord=[textpos] Ignore single word (new term with status 99) ***************************************************************/ include ""; include ""; include ""; $word = get_first_value("select TiText as value from textitems where TiWordCount = 1 and TiTxID = " . $_REQUEST['tid'] . " and TiOrder = " . $_REQUEST['ord']); $wordlc = mb_strtolower($word, 'UTF-8'); $langid = get_first_value("select TxLgID as value from texts where TxID = " . $_REQUEST['tid']); pagestart("Term: " . $word, false); $m1 = runsql('insert into words (WoLgID, WoText, WoTextLC, WoStatus, WoStatusChanged,' . make_score_random_insert_update('iv') . ') values( ' . $langid . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($word) . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($wordlc) . ', 99, NOW(), ' . make_score_random_insert_update('id') . ')', 'Term added'); $wid = get_last_key(); echo "<p>OK, you know this term well!</p>"; $hex = strToClassName($wordlc); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var context = window.parent.frames['l'].document; var contexth = window.parent.frames['h'].document; var title = make_tooltip(<?php echo prepare_textdata_js($word); ?> ,'*','','99'); $('.TERM<?php
<th class="th1 clickable">Tag Text</th> <th class="th1 clickable">Tag Comment</th> <th class="th1 clickable">Terms With Tag</th> </tr> <?php $sql = 'select TgID, TgText, TgComment from tags where (1=1) ' . $wh_query . ' order by ' . $sorts[$currentsort - 1] . ' ' . $limit; if ($debug) { echo $sql; } $res = mysql_query($sql); if ($res == FALSE) { die("Invalid Query: {$sql}"); } while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $c = get_first_value('select count(*) as value from wordtags where WtTgID=' . $record['TgID']); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="td1 center"><a name="rec' . $record['TgID'] . '"><input name="marked[]" type="checkbox" class="markcheck" value="' . $record['TgID'] . '" ' . checkTest($record['TgID'], 'marked') . ' /></a></td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center" nowrap="nowrap"> <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?chg=' . $record['TgID'] . '"><img src="icn/document--pencil.png" title="Edit" alt="Edit" /></a> <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?del=' . $record['TgID'] . '"><img src="icn/minus-button.png" title="Delete" alt="Delete" /></a> </td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center">' . tohtml($record['TgText']) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center">' . tohtml($record['TgComment']) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center">' . ($c > 0 ? '<a href="edit_words.php?page=1&query=&text=&status=&filterlang=&status=&tag12=0&tag2=&tag1=' . $record['TgID'] . '">' . $c . '</a>' : '0') . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } mysql_free_result($res); ?> </table> </form> <?php if ($pages > 1) {
$g = ''; } $w = limitlength($w, 250); $wl = limitlength(mb_strtolower($w, 'UTF-8'), 250); $t = limitlength($t, 500); $r = limitlength($r, 100); $s = limitlength($s, 1000); $g = explode(",", trim(str_replace(" ", ",", $g))); $g = array_filter($g, "notempty"); array_walk($g, 'limit20'); $protokoll .= '<tr><td class="td1 right">' . ($i + 1) . '</td><td class="td1">' . tohtml($w) . '</td><td class="td1">' . tohtml($t) . '</td><td class="td1">' . tohtml($r) . '</td><td class="td1">' . tohtml($s) . '</td><td class="td1">' . implode(", ", $g) . '</td>'; if ($w != '') { if ($t == '') { $t = '*'; } $excnt = get_first_value('select count(*) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoTextLC=' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($wl)); if ($excnt > 0) { // exists if ($overwrite) { // update $msg1 = runsql('delete from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoTextLC=' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($wl), "Exists, deleted"); runsql("DELETE " . $tbpref . "wordtags FROM (" . $tbpref . "wordtags LEFT JOIN " . $tbpref . "words on WtWoID = WoID) WHERE WoID IS NULL", ''); $msg2 = runsql('insert into ' . $tbpref . 'words (WoLgID, WoTextLC, WoText, WoStatus, WoTranslation, WoRomanization, WoSentence, WoStatusChanged,' . make_score_random_insert_update('iv') . ') values ( ' . $lang . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($wl) . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($w) . ', ' . $status . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($t) . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($r) . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($s) . ', NOW(), ' . make_score_random_insert_update('id') . ')', "Imported"); $wid = get_last_key(); array_walk($g, 'savetag', $wid); $sqlct++; $protokoll .= '<td class="td1">' . tohtml($msg1 . ' / ' . $msg2) . ' (' . $sqlct . ')</td></tr>'; } else { // no overwrite $protokoll .= '<td class="td1"><span class="red2">EXISTS, NOT IMPORTED</span></td></tr>'; }
// ********* WORDPRESS LOGOUT ********* ?> <br /><br /></li> <li><a href="info.htm">Help/Information</a></li> <li><a href="mobile.php">Mobile LWT (Experimental)</a></li> </ul> <p class="smallgray graydotted"> </p> <table><tr><td class="width50px"><a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="Public Domain" title="Public Domain" src="img/public_domain.png" /></a></td><td><p class="smallgray"><a href="" target="_blank">"Learning with Texts" (LWT)</a> is free and unencumbered software released<br />into the <b>PUBLIC DOMAIN</b>. <a href="" target="_blank">More information and detailed Unlicense ...</a><br /> <?php flush(); // optimizedb(); $p = convert_string_to_sqlsyntax_nonull($tbpref); $mb = get_first_value("SELECT round(sum(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024,1) as value FROM information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = " . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($dbname) . " and table_name in (" . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'archivedtexts')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'archtexttags')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'languages')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'sentences')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'settings')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'tags')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'tags2')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'textitems')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'texts')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'texttags')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'words')," . "CONCAT(" . $p . ",'wordtags'))"); if (!isset($mb)) { $mb = '0.0'; } ?> This is <b>LWT <?php echo get_version(); ?> </b><br />Database: <b><?php echo $dbname; ?> </b> on <b><?php echo $server; ?> </b> / <?php
FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to []. ***************************************************************/ /************************************************************** Call: all_words_wellknown.php?text=[textid] Setting all unknown words to Well Known (99) ***************************************************************/ require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; $langid = get_first_value("select TxLgID as value from " . $tbpref . "texts where TxID = " . $_REQUEST['text']); pagestart("Setting all blue words to Well-known", false); $sql = 'select distinct TiText, TiTextLC from (' . $tbpref . 'textitems left join ' . $tbpref . 'words on (TiTextLC = WoTextLC) and (TiLgID = WoLgID)) where TiIsNotWord = 0 and WoID is null and TiWordCount = 1 and TiTxID = ' . $_REQUEST['text'] . ' order by TiOrder'; $res = do_mysql_query($sql); $count = 0; $javascript = "var title='';"; while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $term = $record['TiText']; $termlc = $record['TiTextLC']; $count1 = 0 + runsql('insert into ' . $tbpref . 'words (WoLgID, WoText, WoTextLC, WoStatus, WoStatusChanged,' . make_score_random_insert_update('iv') . ') values( ' . $langid . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($term) . ', ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($termlc) . ', 99 , NOW(), ' . make_score_random_insert_update('id') . ')', ''); $wid = get_last_key(); if ($count1 > 0) { $javascript .= "title = make_tooltip(" . prepare_textdata_js($term) . ",'*','','99');"; } $javascript .= "\$('.TERM" . strToClassName($termlc) . "', context).removeClass('status0').addClass('status99 word" . $wid . "').attr('data_status','99').attr('data_wid','" . $wid . "').attr('title',title);"; $count += $count1;
unless such conditions are required by law. Developed by J. Pierre in 2011. ***************************************************************/ /************************************************************** Call: delete_mword.php?wid=[wordid]&tid=[textid] Delete an expression ***************************************************************/ include ""; include ""; include ""; $showAll = getSetting('showallwords'); $showAll = $showAll == '' ? 1 : ((int) $showAll != 0 ? 1 : 0); $tid = $_REQUEST['tid']; $wid = $_REQUEST['wid']; $word = get_first_value("select WoText as value from words where WoID = " . $wid); pagestart("Term: " . $word, false); $m1 = runsql('delete from words where WoID = ' . $wid, ''); adjust_autoincr('words', 'WoID'); echo "<p>OK, term deleted (" . $m1 . ").</p>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var context = window.parent.frames['l'].document; var contexth = window.parent.frames['h'].document; $('.word<?php echo $wid; ?> ', context).removeClass('status1 status2 status3 status4 status5 status98 status99 word<?php echo $wid; ?>
function get_annotation_link($textid) { global $tbpref; if (get_first_value('select length(TxAnnotatedText) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'texts where TxID=' . $textid) > 0) { return ' <a href="print_impr_text.php?text=' . $textid . '" target="_top"><img src="icn/tick.png" title="Annotated Text" alt="Annotated Text" /></a>'; } else { return ''; } }
<th class="th1 sorttable_numeric clickable">Terms</th> </tr> <?php $sql = 'select LgID, LgName from languages order by LgName'; if ($debug) { echo $sql; } $res = mysql_query($sql); if ($res == FALSE) { die("Invalid Query: {$sql}"); } while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $textcount = get_first_value('select count(TxID) as value from texts where TxLgID=' . $record['LgID']); $archtextcount = get_first_value('select count(AtID) as value from archivedtexts where AtLgID=' . $record['LgID']); $wordcount = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from words where WoLgID=' . $record['LgID']); echo '<tr>'; if ($current == $record['LgID']) { $tdth = 'th'; echo '<th class="th1"><img src="icn/exclamation-red.png" title="Current Language" alt="Current Language" /></th>'; } else { $tdth = 'td'; echo '<td class="td1 center"><a href="save_setting_redirect.php?k=currentlanguage&v=' . $record['LgID'] . '&u=edit_languages.php"><img src="icn/tick-button.png" title="Set as Current Language" alt="Set as Current Language" /></a></td>'; } echo '<' . $tdth . ' class="' . $tdth . '1 center"><a href="do_test.php?lang=' . $record['LgID'] . '"><img src="icn/question-balloon.png" title="Test" alt="Test" /></a></' . $tdth . '>'; echo '<' . $tdth . ' class="' . $tdth . '1 center" nowrap="nowrap"> <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?chg=' . $record['LgID'] . '"><img src="icn/document--pencil.png" title="Edit" alt="Edit" /></a>'; if ($textcount == 0 && $archtextcount == 0 && $wordcount == 0) { echo ' <span class="click" onclick="if (confirm (\'Are you sure?\')) location.href=\'' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?del=' . $record['LgID'] . '\';"><img src="icn/minus-button.png" title="Delete" alt="Delete" /></span>'; } else { echo ' <img src="icn/placeholder.png" title="Delete not possible" alt="Delete not possible" />'; }
$kt = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) = curdate()'); $cy = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99) and cast(WoCreated as date) = subdate(curdate(), \'1 day\')'); $ay = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) = subdate(curdate(), \'1 day\')'); $ky = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) = subdate(curdate(), \'1 day\')'); $cw = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99) and cast(WoCreated as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'6 day\') and curdate()'); $aw = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'6 day\') and curdate()'); $kw = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'6 day\') and curdate()'); $cm = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99) and cast(WoCreated as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'29 day\') and curdate()'); $am = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'29 day\') and curdate()'); $km = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'29 day\') and curdate()'); $ca = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99) and cast(WoCreated as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'364 day\') and curdate()'); $aa = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'364 day\') and curdate()'); $ka = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (5,99) and cast(WoStatusChanged as date) between subdate(curdate(), \'364 day\') and curdate()'); $call = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99)'); $aall = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (1,2,3,4,5,99)'); $kall = get_first_value('select count(WoID) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $lang . ' and WoStatus in (5,99)'); $sumct += $ct; $sumat += $at; $sumkt += $kt; $sumcy += $cy; $sumay += $ay; $sumky += $ky; $sumcw += $cw; $sumaw += $aw; $sumkw += $kw; $sumcm += $cm; $sumam += $am; $sumkm += $km; $sumca += $ca; $sumaa += $aa; $sumka += $ka;
pageend(); exit; } ?> <p>OK: <?php echo tohtml($message); ?> </p> <?php $lang = get_first_value('select WoLgID as value from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoID = ' . $wid); if (!isset($lang)) { my_die('Cannot retrieve language in edit_tword.php'); } $regexword = get_first_value('select LgRegexpWordCharacters as value from ' . $tbpref . 'languages where LgID = ' . $lang); if (!isset($regexword)) { my_die('Cannot retrieve language data in edit_tword.php'); } $sent = tohtml(repl_tab_nl($_REQUEST["WoSentence"])); $sent1 = str_replace("{", ' <b>[', str_replace("}", ']</b> ', mask_term_in_sentence($sent, $regexword))); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var context = window.parent.frames['l'].document; var woid = <?php echo prepare_textdata_js($wid); ?> ; if(window.parent.frames['l'].location.href.indexOf('do_test_table') !== -1) {
This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible, any entity is granted the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law. Developed by J.P. in 2011, 2012. ***************************************************************/ /************************************************************** Call: do_text.php?start=[textid] Start Reading a text (frameset) ***************************************************************/ include ""; include ""; include ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['start'])) { $audio = get_first_value('select TxAudioURI as value from texts where TxID = ' . $_REQUEST['start']); framesetheader('Read'); ?> <frameset cols="<?php echo tohtml(getSettingWithDefault('set-text-l-framewidth-percent')); ?> %,*"> <frameset rows="<?php echo isset($audio) ? getSettingWithDefault('set-text-h-frameheight-with-audio') : getSettingWithDefault('set-text-h-frameheight-no-audio'); ?> ,*"> <frame src="do_text_header.php?text=<?php echo $_REQUEST['start']; ?> " scrolling="no" name="h" /> <frame src="do_text_text.php?text=<?php
);"><img src="icn/sticky-notes-stack.png" title="Show Sentences" alt="Show Sentences" /> Show Sentences</span></div> <?php } else { $sql = 'select WoTranslation, WoSentence, WoRomanization, WoStatus from words where WoID = ' . $wid; $res = mysql_query($sql); if ($res == FALSE) { die("Invalid Query: {$sql}"); } if ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $status = $record['WoStatus']; if ($status >= 98) { $status = 1; } $sentence = repl_tab_nl($record['WoSentence']); if ($sentence == '') { $seid = get_first_value("select TiSeID as value from textitems where TiTxID = " . $_REQUEST['tid'] . " and TiOrder = " . $_REQUEST['ord']); $sent = getSentence($seid, $termlc, (int) getSettingWithDefault('set-term-sentence-count')); $sentence = repl_tab_nl($sent[1]); } $transl = repl_tab_nl($record['WoTranslation']); if ($transl == '*') { $transl = ''; } ?> <form name="editword" class="validate" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="WoID" value="<?php echo $wid;
function Multiplexer(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs) { $className = generate_name('Multiplexer'); if (\count($inputs) == 0) { grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $t_args), 'No inputs specified for Multiplexer'); $inputs = $t_args['input']; foreach ($t_args['inputs'] as $name => &$type) { if (is_identifier($type)) { $type = lookupType(strval($type)); } grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Only types may be specified as inputs to Multiplexer.'); } $inputs = ensure_valid_names($inputs, 'multi_input'); } $glas = get_first_key($t_args, ['glas', 0]); grokit_assert(\count($glas) > 0, 'No GLAs specified for Multiplexer.'); $myGLAs = []; $glaInputs = []; $glaOutputs = []; $resultType = 'multi'; $usedOutputs = []; $libraries = []; $glaGenStates = []; $glaReqStates = []; $configurable = false; $constArgs = []; $genStates = []; $reqStates = []; $iterable = null; foreach ($glas as $name => $glaInfo) { grokit_assert(is_array($glaInfo), 'Template argument \'glas\' must be an array'); grokit_assert(array_key_exists('gla', $glaInfo), 'No GLA given for glas[' . $name . ']'); grokit_assert(array_key_exists('inputs', $glaInfo), 'No inputs given for glas[' . $name . ']'); grokit_assert(array_key_exists('outputs', $glaInfo), 'No outputs given for glas[' . $name . ']'); $gla = $glaInfo['gla']; $glaInAtts = $glaInfo['inputs']; $glaOutAtts = $glaInfo['outputs']; grokit_assert(is_gla($gla), 'Non-GLA given for glas[' . $name . '][gla]'); grokit_assert(is_array($glaInAtts), 'Non-array given for inputs for gla ' . $name); grokit_assert(is_array($glaOutAtts), 'Non-array given for outputs for gla ' . $name); $glaInAtts = array_map('strval', $glaInAtts); $glaOutAtts = array_map('strval', $glaOutAtts); $glaName = "innerGLA_" . $name; $glaInputs[$glaName] = []; $glaOutputs[$glaName] = []; foreach ($glaInAtts as $att) { grokit_assert(array_key_exists($att, $inputs), 'Input ' . $att . ' for GLA ' . $name . ' not found in inputs'); $glaInputs[$glaName][$att] = $inputs[$att]; } foreach ($glaOutAtts as $att) { grokit_assert(array_key_exists($att, $outputs), 'Output ' . $att . ' for GLA ' . $name . ' not found in outputs'); grokit_assert(!in_array($att, $usedOutputs), 'Output ' . $att . ' used by multiple GLAs'); $usedOutputs[] = $att; $glaOutputs[$glaName][$att] = $outputs[$att]; } //fwrite(STDERR, "Inputs for GLA " . $glaName . ": " . print_r($glaInputs[$glaName], true) . PHP_EOL ); //fwrite(STDERR, "Outputs for GLA " . $glaName . ": " . print_r($glaOutputs[$glaName], true) . PHP_EOL ); $gla = $gla->apply($glaInputs[$glaName], $glaOutputs[$glaName]); $myGLAs[$glaName] = $gla; $glaRez[$glaName] = get_first_value($gla->result_type(), ['multi', 'single', 'state']); $libraries = array_merge($libraries, $gla->libraries()); if ($glaRez[$glaName] == 'state') { grokit_assert(\count($glaOutputs[$glaName]) == 1, "GLA {$glaName} is produced as state, and thus must have exactly 1 output."); $stateType = lookupType('base::STATE', ['type' => $gla]); $glaOutputs[$glaName] = array_combine(array_keys($glaOutputs[$glaName]), [$stateType]); } else { grokit_assert(\count($glaOutputs[$glaName]) == \count($gla->output()), 'GLA ' . $glaName . ' produces different number of outputs than expected'); $glaOutputs[$glaName] = array_combine(array_keys($glaOutputs[$glaName]), $gla->output()); } // Set types for our output foreach ($glaOutputs[$glaName] as $attName => $type) { $outputs[$attName] = $type; } if (is_null($iterable)) { $iterable = $gla->iterable(); } else { grokit_assert($iterable == $gla->iterable(), 'Multiplexer does not support mixing iterable and non-iterable GLAs'); } $glaReqStates[$glaName] = $gla->req_states(); foreach ($gla->req_states() as $rstate) { $reqStates[] = $rstate; } $glaGenStates[$glaName] = $gla->state(); // TODO: Support constant states grokit_assert(!$gla->has_state(), 'Multiplexer currently does not support constant states.'); } $libraries = array_unique($libraries); $extra = ['glas' => $myGLAs]; ?> class <?php echo $className; ?> { <?php foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) { ?> <?php echo $type; ?> <?php echo $name; ?> ; <?php } // foreach inner gla ?> class Iterator { bool _gotResultsOnce; bool _valid; <?php foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) { ?> <?php echo $type; ?> * it_<?php echo $name; ?> ; <?php } // foreach inner gla ?> public: Iterator(void) : _gotResultsOnce(false), _valid(false), <?php echo array_template('it_{key}(nullptr)', ', ', $myGLAs); ?> { } Iterator(<?php echo typed_ref_args($myGLAs); ?> ) : _gotResultsOnce(false), _valid(true), <?php echo array_template('it_{key}(&{key})', ', ', $myGLAs); ?> { <?php foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) { if ($glaRez[$name] == 'multi') { ?> <?php echo $name; ?> .Finalize(); <?php } // if inner GLA is multi } // foreach inner gla ?> } Iterator( const Iterator & other) = default; ~Iterator() { } bool GetNextResult( <?php echo typed_ref_args($outputs); ?> ) { FATALIF(!_valid, "Tried to get results from an invalid iterator."); bool ret = !_gotResultsOnce; _gotResultsOnce = true; <?php foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) { if ($glaRez[$name] == 'multi') { ?> ret |= it_<?php echo $name; ?> ->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($glaOutputs[$name]); ?> ); <?php } // if inner GLA is multi } // foreach inner gla ?> if( ret ) { <?php foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) { if ($glaRez[$name] == 'single') { ?> it_<?php echo $name; ?> ->GetResult(<?php echo args($glaOutputs[$name]); ?> ); <?php } else { if ($glaRez[$name] == 'state') { $stateVar = array_keys($glaOutputs[$name])[0]; $stateType = $glaOutputs[$name][$stateVar]; ?> <?php echo $stateVar; ?> = <?php echo $stateType; ?> (it_<?php echo $name; ?> ); <?php } } // if inner GLA is state } // foreach inner gla ?> } return ret; } }; Iterator multiIterator; public: <?php echo $className; ?> () { } ~<?php echo $className; ?> () { } void AddItem(<?php echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs); ?> ) { // Call AddItem individually on each GLA. <?php foreach ($myGLAs as $gName => $gType) { ?> <?php echo $gName; ?> .AddItem(<?php echo args($glaInputs[$gName]); ?> ); <?php } // foreach inner gla ?> } void AddState( <?php echo $className; ?> & other ) { // Call AddState individually on each GLA. <?php foreach ($myGLAs as $gName => $gType) { ?> <?php echo $gName; ?> .AddState(other.<?php echo $gName; ?> ); <?php } // foreach inner gla ?> } void Finalize() { multiIterator = Iterator(<?php echo args($myGLAs); ?> ); } bool GetNextResult(<?php echo typed_ref_args($outputs); ?> ) { return multiIterator.GetNextResult(<?php echo args($outputs); ?> ); } void GetResult(<?php echo typed_ref_args($outputs); ?> ) { Finalize(); GetNextResult(<?php echo args($outputs); ?> ); } <?php foreach (array_keys($myGLAs) as $index => $name) { ?> const <?php echo $myGLAs[$name]; ?> & GetGLA<?php echo $index; ?> () const { return <?php echo $name; ?> ; } <?php } ?> }; <?php return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => $resultType, 'libraries' => $libraries, 'configurable' => $configurable, 'extra' => $extra); }
<li><a href="upload_words.php">Import Terms</a></li> <li><a href="backup_restore.php">Backup/Restore LWT Database</a> <br /><br /></li> <li><a href="settings.php">Settings/Preferences</a> <br /><br /></li> <li><a href="info.htm">Help/Information</a></li> <li><a href="mobile.php">Mobile LWT (Experimental)</a></li> </ul> <p class="smallgray graydotted"> </p> <table><tr><td class="width50px"><a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="Public Domain" src="img/public_domain.png" /></a></td><td><p class="smallgray"><a href="" target="_blank">"Learning with Texts" (LWT)</a> is released into the Public Domain. This applies worldwide.<br />In case this is not legally possible, any entity is granted the right to use this work for any purpose,<br />without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.<br /> <?php flush(); optimizedb(); $mb = get_first_value("SELECT round(sum(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024,1) as value FROM information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = " . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($dbname) . " GROUP BY table_schema"); ?> This is <b>LWT <?php echo get_version(); ?> </b> / Database: <b><?php echo $dbname; ?> </b> on <b><?php echo $server; ?> </b> / DB-Size: <b><?php echo $mb; ?> MB</b></p></td></tr></table>
if (trim($record["SeText"]) != '¶') { echo '<li><a href="mobile.php?action=4&lang=' . $lang . '&text=' . $text . '&sent=' . $record["SeID"] . '">' . tohtml($record["SeText"]) . '</a></li>'; } } ?> </ul> <?php mysql_free_result($res); } elseif ($action == 4 || $action == 5) { $lang = $_REQUEST["lang"]; $text = $_REQUEST["text"]; $sent = $_REQUEST["sent"]; $senttext = get_first_value('select SeText as value from sentences where SeID = ' . $sent); $nextsent = get_first_value('select SeID as value from sentences where SeTxID = ' . $text . ' and trim(SeText) != \'¶\' and SeID > ' . $sent . ' order by SeID limit 1'); $sql = 'select TiWordCount as Code, TiText, TiOrder, TiIsNotWord, WoID, WoTranslation, WoRomanization, WoStatus from (textitems left join words on (TiTextLC = WoTextLC) and (TiLgID = WoLgID)) where TiSeID = ' . $sent . ' and (not (TiWordCount > 1 and WoID is null)) order by TiOrder asc, TiWordCount desc'; $res = mysql_query($sql); if ($res == FALSE) { die("Invalid Query: {$sql}"); } if ($action == 4) { ?> <ul id="<?php echo $action . '-' . $sent; ?> " title="<?php echo tohtml($senttext); ?> ">
?> );"><img src="icn/sticky-notes-stack.png" title="Show Sentences" alt="Show Sentences" /> Show Sentences</span></div> <?php } else { $sql = 'select WoTranslation, WoSentence, WoRomanization, WoStatus from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoID = ' . $wid; $res = do_mysql_query($sql); if ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $status = $record['WoStatus']; if ($fromAnn == '') { if ($status >= 98) { $status = 1; } } $sentence = repl_tab_nl($record['WoSentence']); if ($sentence == '' && isset($_REQUEST['tid']) && isset($_REQUEST['ord'])) { $seid = get_first_value("select TiSeID as value from " . $tbpref . "textitems where TiTxID = " . $_REQUEST['tid'] . " and TiWordCount = 1 and TiOrder = " . $_REQUEST['ord']); $sent = getSentence($seid, $termlc, (int) getSettingWithDefault('set-term-sentence-count')); $sentence = repl_tab_nl($sent[1]); } $transl = repl_tab_nl($record['WoTranslation']); if ($transl == '*') { $transl = ''; } ?> <form name="editword" class="validate" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="WoLgID" id="langfield" value="<?php echo $lang;
$stchange = 1; } } else { $stchange = $stchange + 0; $status = $oldstatus + $stchange; if ($status < 1) { $status = 1; } if ($status > 5) { $status = 5; } } $word = get_first_value("select WoText as value from words where WoID = " . $wid); pagestart("Term: " . $word, false); $m1 = runsql('update words set WoStatus = ' . $status . ', WoStatusChanged = NOW(),' . make_score_random_insert_update('u') . ' where WoID = ' . $wid, 'Status changed'); $newscore = get_first_value('select greatest(0,round(WoTodayScore,0)) AS value from words where WoID = ' . $wid) + 0; if ($oldstatus == $status) { echo '<p>Status ' . get_colored_status_msg($status) . ' not changed.</p>'; } else { echo '<p>Status changed from ' . get_colored_status_msg($oldstatus) . ' to ' . get_colored_status_msg($status) . '.</p>'; } echo "<p>Old score was " . $oldscore . ", new score is now " . $newscore . ".</p>"; $totaltests = $_SESSION['testtotal']; $wrong = $_SESSION['testwrong']; $correct = $_SESSION['testcorrect']; $notyettested = $totaltests - $correct - $wrong; if ($notyettested > 0) { if ($stchange >= 0) { $_SESSION['testcorrect']++; } else { $_SESSION['testwrong']++;
$ann = get_first_value("select TxAnnotatedText as value from " . $tbpref . "texts where TxID = " . $textid); $ann_exists = strlen($ann) > 0; if ($ann_exists) { $ann = recreate_save_ann($textid, $ann); $ann_exists = strlen($ann) > 0; } if ($textid == 0) { header("Location: edit_texts.php"); exit; } if ($delmode) { // Delete if ($ann_exists) { $dummy = runsql('update ' . $tbpref . 'texts set ' . 'TxAnnotatedText = ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax("") . ' where TxID = ' . $textid, ""); } $ann_exists = get_first_value("select length(TxAnnotatedText) as value from " . $tbpref . "texts where TxID = " . $textid) + 0 > 0; if (!$ann_exists) { header("Location: print_text.php?text=" . $textid); exit; } } $sql = 'select TxLgID, TxTitle, TxAudioURI, TxSourceURI from ' . $tbpref . 'texts where TxID = ' . $textid; $res = do_mysql_query($sql); $record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $title = $record['TxTitle']; $sourceURI = $record['TxSourceURI']; $langid = $record['TxLgID']; $audio = $record['TxAudioURI']; if (!isset($audio)) { $audio = ''; }
CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to []. ***************************************************************/ /************************************************************** Call: delete_word.php?wid=[wordid]&tid=[textid] Delete a word ***************************************************************/ require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; $tid = $_REQUEST['tid']; $wid = $_REQUEST['wid']; $term = get_first_value("select WoText as value from " . $tbpref . "words where WoID = " . $wid); pagestart("Term: " . $term, false); $m1 = runsql('delete from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoID = ' . $wid, ''); adjust_autoincr('words', 'WoID'); echo "<p>OK, term deleted, now unknown (" . $m1 . ").</p>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var context = window.parent.frames['l'].document; var contexth = window.parent.frames['h'].document; var title = make_tooltip(<?php echo prepare_textdata_js($term); ?> ,'','',''); $('.word<?php echo $wid;
if (file_exists($file)) { $handle = gzopen($file, "r"); if ($handle === FALSE) { $message = "Error: File ' . {$file} . ' could not be opened"; } else { // $handle OK $message = restore_file($handle, "Demo Database"); } // $handle OK } else { $message = "Error: File ' . {$file} . ' does not exist"; } } pagestart('Install LWT Demo Database', true); echo error_message_with_hide($message, 1); $langcnt = get_first_value('select count(*) as value from ' . $tbpref . 'languages'); if ($tbpref == '') { $prefinfo = "(Default Table Set)"; } else { $prefinfo = "(Table Set: <i>" . tohtml(substr($tbpref, 0, -1)) . "</i>)"; } ?> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method="post" onsubmit="return confirm('Are you sure?');"> <table class="tab3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <th class="th1 center">Install Demo</th> <td class="td1"> <p class="smallgray2">
function sql_upd_client($is_query=1) { // update record // *********************************************************** $this->add_field('login_upd', TIME, 'int'); $this->add_field('contact_upd', TIME, 'int'); $this->add_field('account_upd', TIME, 'int'); $this->add_field('account_balance', get_balance($this->client_id)); $this->add_field('account_hpsp', get_hpsp($this->client_id)); $this->add_field('account_lcsp', get_lcsp($this->client_id)); $this->add_field('account_trades', get_nof_rec('trades', 'trade_account='.$this->client_id.' AND trade_status>0')); $this->add_field('account_lastfnd', get_first_value('fund_valdate', 'funds', 'fund_account='.$this->client_id, 'DESC')); $this->add_field('account_lasttrd', get_first_value('trade_valdate', 'trades', 'trade_account='.$this->client_id, 'DESC')); $this->add_field('account_options', get_total_options($this->client_id)); $this->add_field('bank_upd', TIME, 'int'); // account_status if (($this->account_trades>1)&&($this->account_status>1)){ $this->add_field('account_status', 9); }elseif (($this->account_trades==1)&&($this->account_status>1)){ $this->add_field('account_status', 3); }elseif ($this->account_status>1){ $this->add_field('account_status', 2); }elseif (($this->account_logged<(TIME-DAYS_TILL_EXPIRY))&&($this->account_status>1)){ $this->add_field('account_status', 1); } $sql_login='******'; foreach ($this->field_value as $key=>$val){ if ('login'==substr($key, 0, 5)){ $val=set_insql($val, $this->field_type[$key]); $sql_login.=$key.'='.$val.', '; } } $sql_login=substr($sql_login, 0, -2); $sql_login.=' WHERE login_id='.$this->login_id; $sql_contact='UPDATE contacts SET '; foreach ($this->field_value as $key=>$val){ if ('contact'==substr($key, 0, 7)){ $val=set_insql($val, $this->field_type[$key]); $sql_contact.=$key.'='.$val.', '; } } $sql_contact=substr($sql_contact, 0, -2); $sql_contact.=' WHERE contact_id='.$this->contact_id; $sql_account='UPDATE accounts SET '; foreach ($this->field_value as $key=>$val){ if ('account'==substr($key, 0, 7)){ $val=set_insql($val, $this->field_type[$key]); $sql_account.=$key.'='.$val.', '; } } $sql_account=substr($sql_account, 0, -2); $sql_account.=' WHERE account_id='.$this->account_id; $sql_bank='UPDATE banks SET '; foreach ($this->field_value as $key=>$val){ if ('bank'==substr($key, 0, 4)){ $val=set_insql($val, $this->field_type[$key]); $sql_bank.=$key.'='.$val.', '; } } $sql_bank=substr($sql_bank, 0, -2); $sql_bank.=' WHERE bank_id='.$this->bank_id; if ($is_query){ // process query mysql_query($sql_login); mysql_query($sql_contact); mysql_query($sql_account); mysql_query($sql_bank); }else{ echo $sql_login.'<br/>'.$sql_contact.'<br/>'.$sql_account.'<br/>'.$sql_bank; } }
$p = "lang=" . $langid; $title = "All Terms in " . get_first_value('select LgName as value from ' . $tbpref . 'languages where LgID = ' . $langid); $testsql = ' ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoLgID = ' . $langid . ' '; } if (isset($_REQUEST['text'])) { $textid = getreq('text'); $p = "text=" . $textid; $title = get_first_value('select TxTitle as value from ' . $tbpref . 'texts where TxID = ' . $textid); saveSetting('currenttext', $_REQUEST['text']); $testsql = ' ' . $tbpref . 'words, ' . $tbpref . 'textitems where TiLgID = WoLgID and TiTextLC = WoTextLC and TiTxID = ' . $textid . ' '; } if ($p == '') { my_die("do_test_header.php called with wrong parameters"); } $totalcountdue = get_first_value('SELECT count(distinct WoID) as value FROM ' . $testsql . ' AND WoStatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND WoTranslation != \'\' AND WoTranslation != \'*\' AND WoTodayScore < 0'); $totalcount = get_first_value('SELECT count(distinct WoID) as value FROM ' . $testsql . ' AND WoStatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND WoTranslation != \'\' AND WoTranslation != \'*\''); pagestart_nobody(tohtml($title), $addcss = 'html, body {margin-bottom:0;}'); echo '<h4>'; echo '<a href="edit_texts.php" target="_top">'; echo_lwt_logo(); echo 'LWT'; echo '</a> | '; quickMenu(); if (substr($p, 0, 4) == 'text') { echo getPreviousAndNextTextLinks($textid, 'do_test.php?text=', FALSE, ' | '); echo ' | <a href="do_text.php?start=' . $textid . '" target="_top"><img src="icn/book-open-bookmark.png" title="Read" alt="Read" /></a> <a href="print_text.php?text=' . $textid . '" target="_top"><img src="icn/printer.png" title="Print" alt="Print" /></a>' . get_annotation_link($textid); } echo '</h4><table><tr><td><h3>TEST ▶</h3></td><td class="width99pc"><h3>' . tohtml($title) . ' (Due: ' . $totalcountdue . ' of ' . $totalcount . ')</h3></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">'; $_SESSION['teststart'] = time() + 2; $_SESSION['testcorrect'] = 0; $_SESSION['testwrong'] = 0;
<th class="th1 clickable">Texts<br />With Tag</th> <th class="th1 clickable">Arch.Texts<br />With Tag</th> </tr> <?php $sql = 'select T2ID, T2Text, T2Comment from tags2 where (1=1) ' . $wh_query . ' order by ' . $sorts[$currentsort - 1] . ' ' . $limit; if ($debug) { echo $sql; } $res = mysql_query($sql); if ($res == FALSE) { die("Invalid Query: {$sql}"); } while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $c = get_first_value('select count(*) as value from texttags where TtT2ID=' . $record['T2ID']); $ca = get_first_value('select count(*) as value from archtexttags where AgT2ID=' . $record['T2ID']); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="td1 center"><a name="rec' . $record['T2ID'] . '"><input name="marked[]" type="checkbox" class="markcheck" value="' . $record['T2ID'] . '" ' . checkTest($record['T2ID'], 'marked') . ' /></a></td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center" nowrap="nowrap"> <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?chg=' . $record['T2ID'] . '"><img src="icn/document--pencil.png" title="Edit" alt="Edit" /></a> <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?del=' . $record['T2ID'] . '"><img src="icn/minus-button.png" title="Delete" alt="Delete" /></a> </td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center">' . tohtml($record['T2Text']) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center">' . tohtml($record['T2Comment']) . '</td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center">' . ($c > 0 ? '<a href="edit_texts.php?page=1&query=&tag12=0&tag2=&tag1=' . $record['T2ID'] . '">' . $c . '</a>' : '0') . '</td>'; echo '<td class="td1 center">' . ($ca > 0 ? '<a href="edit_archivedtexts.php?page=1&query=&tag12=0&tag2=&tag1=' . $record['T2ID'] . '">' . $ca . '</a>' : '0') . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } mysql_free_result($res); ?> </table> </form> <?php
For more information, please refer to []. ***************************************************************/ /************************************************************** Call: display_impr_text.php?text=[textid] Display an improved annotated text (frame set) ***************************************************************/ require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once 'php-mobile-detect/Mobile_Detect.php'; $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $mobileDisplayMode = getSettingWithDefault('set-mobile-display-mode') + 0; $mobile = $mobileDisplayMode == 0 && $detect->isMobile() || $mobileDisplayMode == 2; if (isset($_REQUEST['text'])) { $audio = get_first_value('select TxAudioURI as value from ' . $tbpref . 'texts where TxID = ' . $_REQUEST['text']); framesetheader('Display'); if ($mobile) { ?> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #cccccc; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; } #frame-h, #frame-l { position:absolute; overflow:scroll; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; }
function GLAGenerate_Finalize($wpName, $queries, $attMap) { ?> #ifndef PER_QUERY_PROFILE #define PER_QUERY_PROFILE #endif //+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Finalize (Chunk)", "action":"start"} extern "C" int GLAFinalizeWorkFunc_<?php echo $wpName; ?> (WorkDescription &workDescription, ExecEngineData &result) { GLAFinalizeWD myWork; myWork.swap (workDescription); QueryExit whichOne = myWork.get_whichQueryExit(); GLAState& glaState = myWork.get_glaState(); <?php cgDeclareQueryIDs($queries); ?> // Set up the output chunk Chunk output; QueryIDSet queriesToRun = whichOne.query; <?php // Extract the state for the query foreach ($queries as $query => $info) { $gla = $info['gla']; ?> // Do query <?php echo queryName($query); ?> : <?php echo $gla; ?> * state_<?php echo queryName($query); ?> = NULL; if( whichOne.query == <?php echo queryName($query); ?> ) { // Look for the state of query <?php echo queryName($query); ?> . GLAPtr state; state.swap(glaState); FATALIF( state.get_glaType() != <?php echo $gla->cHash(); ?> , "Got GLA of unexpected type"); state_<?php echo queryName($query); ?> = (<?php echo $gla; ?> *) state.get_glaPtr(); } <?php } // foreach query ?> // Start columns for all possible outputs. <?php foreach ($queries as $query => $info) { $output = $info['output']; cgConstructColumns($output); } // foreach query ?> // This is the output bitstring MMappedStorage myStore; Column bitmapOut( myStore ); BStringIterator myOutBStringIter( bitmapOut, queriesToRun ); PROFILING2_START; int64_t numTuples = 0; #ifdef PER_QUERY_PROFILE <?php foreach ($queries as $query => $info) { ?> int64_t numTuples_<?php echo queryName($query); ?> = 0; <?php } // foreach query ?> #endif // PER_QUERY_PROFILE // Extract results <?php foreach ($queries as $query => $info) { $gla = $info['gla']; $output = $info['output']; // If this is true, we return the GLA as a const state. // Otherwise, we pack the results into a chunk. $retState = $info['retState']; $stateName = 'state_' . queryName($query); ?> if( whichOne.query == <?php echo queryName($query); ?> ) { <?php if ($retState) { ?> FATAL( "Called normal finalize for query that was supposed to be returned as a const state" ); <?php } else { $resType = $gla->result_type(); $resType = get_first_value($resType, ['fragment', 'multi', 'single', 'state']); if ($resType == 'single') { ?> <?php echo $stateName; ?> ->GetResult(<?php echo implode(', ', $output); ?> ); numTuples++; #ifdef PER_QUERY_PROFILE numTuples_<?php echo queryName($query); ?> ++; #endif // PER_QUERY_PROFILE myOutBStringIter.Insert(<?php echo queryName($query); ?> ); myOutBStringIter.Advance(); <?php cgInsertAttributesList($output, '_Column_Out', 2); } elseif ($resType == 'multi') { ?> <?php echo $stateName; ?> ->Finalize(); while( <?php echo $stateName; ?> ->GetNextResult(<?php echo implode(', ', $output); ?> ) ) { numTuples++; #ifdef PER_QUERY_PROFILE numTuples_<?php echo queryName($query); ?> ++; #endif // PER_QUERY_PROFILE myOutBStringIter.Insert(<?php echo queryName($query); ?> ); myOutBStringIter.Advance(); <?php cgInsertAttributesList($output, '_Column_Out', 3); ?> } <?php } elseif ($resType == 'fragment') { ?> int fragment = myWork.get_fragmentNo(); <?php echo $gla; ?> _Iterator * iterator = <?php echo $stateName; ?> ->Finalize(fragment); while( <?php echo $stateName; ?> ->GetNextResult(iterator, <?php echo implode(', ', $output); ?> ) ) { numTuples++; #ifdef PER_QUERY_PROFILE numTuples_<?php echo queryName($query); ?> ++; #endif // PER_QUERY_PROFILE myOutBStringIter.Insert(<?php echo queryName($query); ?> ); myOutBStringIter.Advance(); <?php cgInsertAttributesList($output, '_Column_Out', 3); ?> } delete iterator; <?php } elseif ($resType == 'state') { reset($output); $att = current($output); // Output attribute if ($gla->finalize_as_state()) { ?> <?php echo $stateName; ?> ->FinalizeState(); <?php } // if GLA finalized as state ?> <?php echo $att; ?> = <?php echo $att->type(); ?> ( <?php echo $stateName; ?> ); numTuples++; #ifdef PER_QUERY_PROFILE numTuples_<?php echo queryName($query); ?> ++; #endif // PER_QUERY_PROFILE myOutBStringIter.Insert(<?php echo queryName($query); ?> ); myOutBStringIter.Advance(); <?php cgInsertAttributesList($output, '_Column_Out', 2); } else { grokit_error('GLA ' . $gla . ' has no known result type: [' . implode(',', $resType) . ']'); } // switch GLA result type } // else GLA produces into a chunk ?> myOutBStringIter.Done(); output.SwapBitmap(myOutBStringIter); // Write columns <?php foreach ($output as $att) { ?> Column col_<?php echo $att; ?> ; <?php echo $att; ?> _Column_Out.Done(col_<?php echo $att; ?> ); output.SwapColumn( col_<?php echo $att; ?> , <?php echo $att->slot(); ?> ); <?php } // foreach output attribute ?> } <?php } // foreach query ?> PROFILING2_END; PCounterList counterList; PCounter totalCnt("tpo", numTuples, "<?php echo $wpName; ?> "); counterList.Append(totalCnt); #ifdef PER_QUERY_PROFILE <?php foreach ($queries as $query => $info) { ?> { PCounter qCount("tpo <?php echo queryName($query); ?> ", numTuples_<?php echo queryName($query); ?> , "<?php echo $wpName; ?> "); counterList.Append(qCount); } <?php } // foreach query ?> #endif // PER_QUERY_PROFILE PROFILING2_SET(counterList, "<?php echo $wpName; ?> "); ChunkContainer tempResult(output); tempResult.swap(result); return WP_FINALIZE; } //+{"kind":"WPF", "name":"Finalize (Chunk)", "action":"end"} <?php }
exit; } ?> <div id="body"> <?php $count = get_first_value('SELECT count(distinct WoID) as value FROM ' . $testsql . ' AND WoStatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND WoTranslation != \'\' AND WoTranslation != \'*\' AND WoTodayScore < 0'); if ($debug) { echo 'DEBUG - COUNT TO TEST: ' . $count . '<br />'; } $notyettested = $count; if ($count <= 0) { $count2 = get_first_value('SELECT count(distinct WoID) as value FROM ' . $testsql . ' AND WoStatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND WoTranslation != \'\' AND WoTranslation != \'*\' AND WoTomorrowScore < 0'); echo '<p class="center"><img src="img/ok.png" alt="Done!" /><br /><br /><span class="red2">Nothing ' . ($totaltests ? 'more ' : '') . 'to test here!<br /><br />Tomorrow you\'ll find here ' . $count2 . ' test' . ($count2 == 1 ? '' : 's') . '!</span></p></div>'; $count = 0; } else { $lang = get_first_value('select WoLgID as value from ' . $testsql . ' limit 1'); $sql = 'select LgName, LgDict1URI, LgDict2URI, LgGoogleTranslateURI, LgTextSize, LgRemoveSpaces, LgRegexpWordCharacters, LgRightToLeft from languages where LgID = ' . $lang; $res = mysql_query($sql); if ($res == FALSE) { die("Invalid query: {$sql}"); } $record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $wb1 = isset($record['LgDict1URI']) ? $record['LgDict1URI'] : ""; $wb2 = isset($record['LgDict2URI']) ? $record['LgDict2URI'] : ""; $wb3 = isset($record['LgGoogleTranslateURI']) ? $record['LgGoogleTranslateURI'] : ""; $textsize = $record['LgTextSize']; $removeSpaces = $record['LgRemoveSpaces']; $regexword = $record['LgRegexpWordCharacters']; $rtlScript = $record['LgRightToLeft']; $langname = $record['LgName']; mysql_free_result($res);
<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="location.href='edit_archivedtexts.php#rec<?php echo $_REQUEST['chg']; ?> ';" /> <input type="submit" name="op" value="Change" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } mysql_free_result($res); } else { echo error_message_with_hide($message, 0); $sql = 'select count(*) as value from (select AtID from (archivedtexts left JOIN archtexttags ON AtID = AgAtID) where (1=1) ' . $wh_lang . $wh_query . ' group by AtID ' . $wh_tag . ') as dummy'; $recno = get_first_value($sql); if ($debug) { echo $sql . ' ===> ' . $recno; } $maxperpage = getSettingWithDefault('set-archivedtexts-per-page'); $pages = $recno == 0 ? 0 : intval(($recno - 1) / $maxperpage) + 1; if ($currentpage < 1) { $currentpage = 1; } if ($currentpage > $pages) { $currentpage = $pages; } $limit = 'LIMIT ' . ($currentpage - 1) * $maxperpage . ',' . $maxperpage; $sorts = array('AtTitle', 'AtID desc'); $lsorts = count($sorts); if ($currentsort < 1) {
function GroupBy(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs, array $states) { // Ensure we have valid inputs. if (\count($inputs) == 0) { // No inputs given, try to get them from template arguments. grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $t_args), 'No inputs given for GroupBy'); $inputs = $t_args['input']; if (!is_array($inputs)) { $inputs = [$inputs]; } foreach ($inputs as $name => &$type) { if (is_identifier($type)) { $type = lookupType(strval($type)); } grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Invalid type given for input ' . $name); } } grokit_assert(array_key_exists('group', $t_args), 'No groups specified for GroupBy'); $gbyAttMap = $t_args['group']; grokit_assert(is_array($gbyAttMap), 'Invalid value given for groups, expected an expression name or list of expression names'); $gbyAttMap = array_map('strval', $gbyAttMap); $gbyAttNames = array_keys($gbyAttMap); foreach ($gbyAttMap as $in => $out) { grokit_assert(array_key_exists($in, $inputs), 'Group ' . $in . ' not present in input'); grokit_assert(array_key_exists($out, $outputs), 'Output Attribute ' . $out . ' for group ' . $in . ' not found in outputs'); } $numGByAtts = \count($gbyAttNames); grokit_assert(array_key_exists('aggregate', $t_args), 'No aggregate specified for GroupBy'); $innerGLA = $t_args['aggregate']; grokit_assert(is_gla($innerGLA), 'Non-GLA specified as aggregate for GroupBy'); $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0); $init_size = get_default($t_args, 'init.size', 1024); $use_mct = get_default($t_args, 'use.mct', true); $keepHashes = get_default($t_args, 'mct.keep.hashes', false); grokit_assert(is_bool($keepHashes), 'GroupBy mct.keep.hashes argument must be boolean'); // determine the result type $use_fragments = get_default($t_args, 'use.fragments', true); $resType = $use_fragments ? ['fragment', 'multi'] : ['multi']; $fragSize = get_default($t_args, 'fragment.size', 2000000); // Always support state $resType[] = 'state'; // Class name randomly generated $className = generate_name("GroupBy"); // instantiate the inner GLA. input/output is derived from the main input/output $gbyAtts = []; $gbyAttsOut = []; $glaInputAtts = []; $glaOutputAtts = []; foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) { if (in_array($name, $gbyAttNames)) { $gbyAtts[$name] = $type; $gbyAttsOut[$gbyAttMap[$name]] = $type; $outputs[$gbyAttMap[$name]] = $type; } else { $glaInputAtts[$name] = $type; } } foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) { if (!in_array($name, $gbyAttMap)) { $glaOutputAtts[$name] = $type; } } $innerGLA = $innerGLA->apply($glaInputAtts, $glaOutputAtts, $states); $libraries = $innerGLA->libraries(); $innerRes = get_first_value($innerGLA->result_type(), ['multi', 'single', 'state']); if ($innerRes == 'state') { // If the result type is state, the only output is a state object // containing the GLA. $outputName = array_keys($glaOutputAtts)[0]; $innerOutputs = [$outputName => lookupType('base::STATE', ['type' => $innerGLA])]; } else { $innerOutputs = $innerGLA->output(); grokit_assert(\count($innerOutputs) == \count($glaOutputAtts), 'Expected ' . \count($glaOutputAtts) . ' outputs fromm Inner GLA, got ' . \count($innerOutputs)); } $constState = lookupResource('GroupByState', ['gla' => $innerGLA, 'groups' => $gbyAtts, 'debug' => $debug]); // constructor argumetns are inherited from inner GLA $configurable = $innerGLA->configurable(); $reqStates = $innerGLA->req_states(); // We need to specially create the constructor string because apparently // declaring Type Name(); is a function declaration instead of a variable // declaration for some reason. $constructorParts = []; if ($configurable) { $constructorParts[] = 'jsonInit'; } if ($innerGLA->has_state()) { $constructorParts[] = 'innerState'; } $constructorString = \count($constructorParts) > 0 ? '(' . implode(', ', $constructorParts) . ')' : ''; // add the outputs we got from the gla foreach ($innerOutputs as $name => $type) { grokit_assert(array_key_exists($name, $outputs), 'Inner GLA\'s outputs refer to unknown attribute ' . $name); grokit_assert($type !== null, 'GroupBy Inner GLA left output ' . $name . ' with no type'); $outputs[$name] = $type; } $iterable = $innerGLA->iterable(); // need to keep track of system includes needed $extraHeaders = array(); $allocatorText = "std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, {$innerGLA}> >"; if ($use_mct) { $keepHashesText = $keepHashes ? 'true' : 'false'; $extraHeaders[] = "mct/hash-map.hpp"; $map = "mct::closed_hash_map<Key, {$innerGLA}, HashKey, std::equal_to<Key>, {$allocatorText}, {$keepHashesText}>"; $mapType = 'mct::closed_hash_map'; } else { $extraHeaders[] = "unordered_map"; $map = "std::unordered_map<Key, {$innerGLA}, HashKey, std::equal_to<Key>, {$allocatorText}>"; $mapType = 'std::unordered_map'; } if ($debug > 0) { $extraHeaders[] = 'cstdio'; } ?> class <?php echo $className; ?> { public: using ConstantState = <?php echo $constState; ?> ; <?php if ($innerGLA->has_state()) { ?> using InnerState = ConstantState::InnerState; <?php } // if gla has state ?> using Key = ConstantState::Key; using HashKey = ConstantState::HashKey; using InnerGLA = <?php echo $innerGLA; ?> ; typedef <?php echo $map; ?> MapType; static const size_t INIT_SIZE = <?php echo $init_size; ?> ; public: class Iterator { MapType::iterator it; // current value MapType::iterator end; // last value in the fragment public: Iterator() { } Iterator(MapType::iterator _it, MapType::iterator _end): it(_it), end(_end) { if( it != end ) { <?php switch ($innerRes) { case 'multi': ?> it->second.Finalize(); <?php break; case 'state': if ($innerGLA->finalize_as_state()) { ?> it->second.FinalizeState(); <?php } // if we need to finalize as a state break; } // end switch inner restype ?> } } bool GetNextResult( <?php echo typed_ref_args($outputs); ?> ) { bool gotResult = false; while( it != end && !gotResult ) { <?php echo $innerGLA; ?> & gla = it->second; <?php foreach ($gbyAttMap as $in => $out) { ?> <?php echo $out; ?> = it->first.<?php echo $in; ?> ; <?php } // foreach grouping attribute ?> <?php switch ($innerRes) { case 'multi': ?> gotResult = gla.GetNextResult( <?php echo args($innerOutputs); ?> ); if( !gotResult ) { ++it; if( it != end ) { it->second.Finalize(); } } <?php break; case 'single': ?> gotResult = true; gla.GetResult(<?php echo args($innerOutputs); ?> ); ++it; <?php break; case 'state': reset($innerOutputs); // Assuming that $innerOutputs contains a single value that is // the state type. $oName = key($innerOutputs); $oType = current($innerOutputs); ?> gotResult = true; <?php echo $oName; ?> = <?php echo $oType; ?> ( &gla ); ++it; <?php } // switch inner result type ?> } return gotResult; } }; private: const ConstantState & constState; <?php if ($configurable) { ?> const Json::Value jsonInit; <?php } // if configurable ?> size_t count; MapType groupByMap; std::vector<MapType::iterator> theIterators; // the iterators, only 2 elements if multi, many if fragment Iterator multiIterator; public: <?php echo $className; ?> (<?php if ($configurable) { ?> const Json::Value & _jsonInit, <?php } ?> const ConstantState & _constState ) : constState(_constState) <?php if ($configurable) { ?> , jsonInit(_jsonInit) <?php } // if configurable ?> , count(0) , groupByMap( INIT_SIZE ) , theIterators() , multiIterator() { } ~<?php echo $className; ?> () {} void Reset(void) { count = 0; groupByMap.clear(); theIterators.clear(); } void AddItem(<?php echo array_template('const {val} & {key}', ', ', $inputs); ?> ) { count++; // check if _key is already in the map; if yes, add _value; else, add a new // entry (_key, _value) Key key(<?php echo array_template('{key}', ', ', $gbyAtts); ?> ); MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.find(key); if (it == groupByMap.end()) { // group does not exist // create an empty GLA and insert // better to not add the item here so we do not have // to transport a large state <?php if ($innerGLA->has_state()) { ?> const InnerState & innerState = constState.getConstState(key); <?php } // if gla has state ?> InnerGLA gla<?php echo $constructorString; ?> ; auto ret = groupByMap.insert(MapType::value_type(key, gla)); it = ret.first; // reposition } it->second.AddItem(<?php echo array_template('{key}', ', ', $glaInputAtts); ?> ); } void AddState(<?php echo $className; ?> & other) { count += other.count; // scan other hash and insert or update content in this one for (MapType::iterator it = other.groupByMap.begin(); it != other.groupByMap.end(); ++it) { const Key& okey = it->first; <?php echo $innerGLA; ?> & ogla = it->second; MapType::iterator itt = groupByMap.find(okey); if (itt != groupByMap.end()) { // found the group <?php echo $innerGLA; ?> & gla = itt->second; gla.AddState(ogla); } else { // add the other group to this hash groupByMap.insert(MapType::value_type(okey, ogla)); } } } <?php if ($iterable) { ?> bool ShouldIterate(ConstantState& modibleState) { <?php if ($debug > 0) { ?> fprintf(stderr, "<?php echo $className; ?> : ==== ShouldIterate ====\n"); <?php } // if debugging enabled ?> bool shouldIterate = false; for( MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.begin(); it != groupByMap.end(); ++it ) { const Key & key = it->first; InnerGLA & gla = it->second; <?php if ($innerGLA->has_state()) { ?> InnerState & innerState = modibleState.getModibleState(key); <?php } // if gla has state ?> bool glaRet = gla.ShouldIterate(innerState); shouldIterate = shouldIterate || glaRet; <?php if ($debug > 0) { ?> fprintf(stderr, "<?php echo $className; ?> : Key(%s) shouldIterate(%s)\n", key.to_string().c_str(), glaRet ? "true" : "false"); <?php } // if debugging enabled ?> } return shouldIterate; } <?php } // if iterable ?> <?php if (in_array('fragment', $resType)) { ?> int GetNumFragments(void){ int size = groupByMap.size(); int sizeFrag = <?php echo $fragSize; ?> ; // setup the fragment boundaries // scan via iterator and count int frag=0; int pos=0; MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.begin(); theIterators.clear(); theIterators.push_back( it ); // special case when size < num_fragments // > if (sizeFrag == 0){ it = groupByMap.end(); theIterators.push_back( it ); return 1; // one fragment } while(it!=groupByMap.end()){ while(it!=groupByMap.end() && pos<( frag + 1 )*sizeFrag){ //> ++it; pos++; } theIterators.push_back( it ); frag++; } <?php if ($debug > 0) { ?> fprintf(stderr, "<?php echo $className; ?> : fragments(%d)\n", frag); <?php } ?> return frag; } Iterator* Finalize(int fragment){ // Call finalize on all inner GLAs in this fragment. MapType::iterator iter = theIterators[fragment]; MapType::iterator iterEnd = theIterators[fragment+1]; Iterator* rez = new Iterator(theIterators[fragment], theIterators[fragment+1] ); return rez; } bool GetNextResult(Iterator* it, <?php echo array_template('{val} & {key}', ', ', $outputs); ?> ) { return it->GetNextResult(<?php echo args($outputs); ?> ); } <?php } // if using fragment interface ?> void Finalize() { multiIterator = Iterator( groupByMap.begin(), groupByMap.end() ); <?php if ($debug >= 1) { ?> fprintf(stderr, "<?php echo $className; ?> : groups(%lu) tuples(%lu)\n", groupByMap.size(), count); <?php } ?> } bool GetNextResult(<?php echo array_template('{val} & {key}', ', ', $outputs); ?> ) { return multiIterator.GetNextResult( <?php echo args($outputs); ?> ); } std::size_t size() const { return groupByMap.size(); } const MapType& GetMap() const { return groupByMap; } bool Contains(<?php echo const_typed_ref_args($gbyAtts); ?> ) const { Key key(<?php echo args($gbyAtts); ?> ); return groupByMap.count(key) > 0; } const InnerGLA& Get(<?php echo const_typed_ref_args($gbyAtts); ?> ) const { Key key(<?php echo args($gbyAtts); ?> ); return; } bool Contains(Key key) const { return groupByMap.count(key) > 0; } const InnerGLA& Get(Key key) const { return; } }; <?php if (in_array('fragment', $resType)) { ?> typedef <?php echo $className; ?> ::Iterator <?php echo $className; ?> _Iterator; <?php } ?> <?php $sys_headers = array_merge(['iomanip', 'iostream', 'cstring'], $extraHeaders); return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => array('HashFunctions.h'), 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => $resType, 'configurable' => $configurable, 'generated_state' => $constState, 'required_states' => $reqStates, 'iterable' => $iterable, 'properties' => ['resettable', 'finite container'], 'libraries' => $libraries, 'extra' => ['inner_gla' => $innerGLA]); }