function lightboxgallery_add_images($stored_file, $context, $cm, $gallery, $resize = 0)
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/imageclass.php';
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    $images = array();
    if ($stored_file->get_mimetype() == 'application/zip') {
        // Unpack.
        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_lightboxgallery', 'unpacktemp', 0);
        $stored_file->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'mod_lightboxgallery', 'unpacktemp', 0, '/');
        $images = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_lightboxgallery', 'unpacktemp', 0);
    } else {
        $images[] = $stored_file;
    foreach ($images as $stored_file) {
        if ($stored_file->is_valid_image()) {
            $filename = $stored_file->get_filename();
            $fileinfo = array('contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => 'mod_lightboxgallery', 'filearea' => 'gallery_images', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename);
            if (!$fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_lightboxgallery', 'gallery_images', 0, '/', $filename)) {
                $stored_file = $fs->create_file_from_storedfile($fileinfo, $stored_file);
                $image = new lightboxgallery_image($stored_file, $gallery, $cm);
                if ($resize > 0) {
                    $resizeoptions = lightboxgallery_resize_options();
                    list($width, $height) = explode('x', $resizeoptions[$resize]);
                    $image->resize_image($width, $height);
    $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_lightboxgallery', 'unpacktemp', 0);
Пример #2
 static function process_attachments($context, $email, $table, $id)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $base_path = "block_quickmail/{$USER->id}";
     $moodle_base = "{$CFG->tempdir}/{$base_path}";
     if (!file_exists($moodle_base)) {
         mkdir($moodle_base, $CFG->directorypermissions, true);
     $zipname = $zip = $actual_zip = '';
     if (!empty($email->attachment)) {
         $zipname = "";
         $actual_zip = "{$moodle_base}/{$zipname}";
         $safe_path = preg_replace('/\\//', "\\/", $CFG->dataroot);
         $zip = preg_replace("/{$safe_path}\\//", '', $actual_zip);
         $packer = get_file_packer();
         $fs = get_file_storage();
         $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'block_quickmail', 'attachment_' . $table, $id, 'id');
         $stored_files = array();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if ($file->is_directory() and $file->get_filename() == '.') {
             $stored_files[$file->get_filepath() . $file->get_filename()] = $file;
         $packer->archive_to_pathname($stored_files, $actual_zip);
     return array($zipname, $zip, $actual_zip);
Пример #3
 * Export one book as IMSCP package
 * @param stdClass $book book instance
 * @param context_module $context
 * @return bool|stored_file
function booktool_exportimscp_build_package($book, $context)
    global $DB;
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    if ($packagefile = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'booktool_exportimscp', 'package', $book->revision, '/', '')) {
        return $packagefile;
    // fix structure and test if chapters present
    if (!book_preload_chapters($book)) {
        print_error('nochapters', 'booktool_exportimscp');
    // prepare temp area with package contents
    booktool_exportimscp_prepare_files($book, $context);
    $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
    $areafiles = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'booktool_exportimscp', 'temp', $book->revision, "sortorder, itemid, filepath, filename", false);
    $files = array();
    foreach ($areafiles as $file) {
        $path = $file->get_filepath() . $file->get_filename();
        $path = ltrim($path, '/');
        $files[$path] = $file;
    $packagefile = $packer->archive_to_storage($files, $context->id, 'booktool_exportimscp', 'package', $book->revision, '/', '');
    // drop temp area
    $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'booktool_exportimscp', 'temp', $book->revision);
    // delete older versions
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT itemid\n              FROM {files}\n             WHERE contextid = :contextid AND component = 'booktool_exportimscp' AND itemid < :revision";
    $params = array('contextid' => $context->id, 'revision' => $book->revision);
    $revisions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
    foreach ($revisions as $rev => $unused) {
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'booktool_exportimscp', 'temp', $rev);
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'booktool_exportimscp', 'package', $rev);
    return $packagefile;
Пример #4
  * Backup a course and return its backup ID.
  * @param int $courseid The course ID.
  * @param int $userid The user doing the backup.
  * @return string
 protected function backup_course($courseid, $userid = 2)
     global $CFG;
     $packer = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
     $bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1COURSE, $courseid, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $userid);
     $results = $bc->get_results();
     $results['backup_destination']->extract_to_pathname($packer, "{$CFG->tempdir}/backup/core_course_testcase");
     return 'core_course_testcase';
Пример #5
 public function test_archive_with_both_options()
     global $CFG;
     // Get backup packer.
     $packer = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/filestorage/tgz_packer.php';
     if (!tgz_packer::has_required_extension()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('zlib not available');
     // Set up basic archive contents.
     $files = array('1.txt' => array('frog'));
     // Create 2 archives (each with one file in) in default mode.
     $CFG->enabletgzbackups = false;
     $filefalse = $CFG->tempdir . '/false.mbz';
     $this->assertNotEmpty($packer->archive_to_pathname($files, $filefalse));
     $context = context_system::instance();
     $this->assertNotEmpty($storagefalse = $packer->archive_to_storage($files, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'data', 0, '/', 'false.mbz'));
     // Create 2 archives in tgz mode.
     $CFG->enabletgzbackups = true;
     $filetrue = $CFG->tempdir . '/true.mbz';
     $this->assertNotEmpty($packer->archive_to_pathname($files, $filetrue));
     $context = context_system::instance();
     $this->assertNotEmpty($storagetrue = $packer->archive_to_storage($files, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'data', 0, '/', 'false.mbz'));
     // Check the sizes are different (indicating different formats).
     $this->assertNotEquals(filesize($filefalse), filesize($filetrue));
     $this->assertNotEquals($storagefalse->get_filesize(), $storagetrue->get_filesize());
     // Extract files into storage and into filesystem from both formats.
     // (Note: the setting does not matter, but set to false just to check.)
     $CFG->enabletgzbackups = false;
     // Extract to path (zip).
     $packer->extract_to_pathname($filefalse, $CFG->tempdir);
     $onefile = $CFG->tempdir . '/1.txt';
     $this->assertEquals('frog', file_get_contents($onefile));
     // Extract to path (tgz).
     $packer->extract_to_pathname($filetrue, $CFG->tempdir);
     $onefile = $CFG->tempdir . '/1.txt';
     $this->assertEquals('frog', file_get_contents($onefile));
     // Extract to storage (zip).
     $packer->extract_to_storage($storagefalse, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'data', 1, '/');
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     $out = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'phpunit', 'data', 1, '/', '1.txt');
     $this->assertEquals('frog', $out->get_content());
     // Extract to storage (tgz).
     $packer->extract_to_storage($storagetrue, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'data', 2, '/');
     $out = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'phpunit', 'data', 2, '/', '1.txt');
     $this->assertEquals('frog', $out->get_content());
Пример #6
 static function zip_attachments($context, $table, $id)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $base_path = "block_quickmail/{$USER->id}";
     $moodle_base = "{$CFG->tempdir}/{$base_path}";
     if (!file_exists($moodle_base)) {
         mkdir($moodle_base, $CFG->directorypermissions, true);
     $zipname = "";
     $actual_zip = "{$moodle_base}/{$zipname}";
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     $packer = get_file_packer();
     $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'block_quickmail', 'attachment_' . $table, $id, 'id');
     $stored_files = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file->is_directory() and $file->get_filename() == '.') {
         $stored_files[$file->get_filepath() . $file->get_filename()] = $file;
     $packer->archive_to_pathname($stored_files, $actual_zip);
     return $actual_zip;
Пример #7
  * Test that triggering a course_restored event works as expected.
 public function test_course_restored_event()
     global $CFG;
     // Get the necessary files to perform backup and restore.
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/backup_includes.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/restore_includes.php';
     // Set to admin user.
     // The user id is going to be 2 since we are the admin user.
     $userid = 2;
     // Create a course.
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     // Create backup file and save it to the backup location.
     $bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1COURSE, $course->id, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $userid);
     $results = $bc->get_results();
     $file = $results['backup_destination'];
     $fp = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
     $filepath = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/test-restore-course-event';
     $file->extract_to_pathname($fp, $filepath);
     // Now we want to catch the restore course event.
     $sink = $this->redirectEvents();
     // Now restore the course to trigger the event.
     $rc = new restore_controller('test-restore-course-event', $course->id, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $userid, backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE);
     // Capture the event.
     $events = $sink->get_events();
     // Validate the event.
     $event = array_pop($events);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\core\\event\\course_restored', $event);
     $this->assertEquals('course', $event->objecttable);
     $this->assertEquals($rc->get_courseid(), $event->objectid);
     $this->assertEquals(context_course::instance($rc->get_courseid())->id, $event->contextid);
     $this->assertEquals('course_restored', $event->get_legacy_eventname());
     $legacydata = (object) array('courseid' => $rc->get_courseid(), 'userid' => $rc->get_userid(), 'type' => $rc->get_type(), 'target' => $rc->get_target(), 'mode' => $rc->get_mode(), 'operation' => $rc->get_operation(), 'samesite' => $rc->is_samesite());
     $url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $event->objectid));
     $this->assertEquals($url, $event->get_url());
     $this->assertEventLegacyData($legacydata, $event);
     // Destroy the resource controller since we are done using it.
Пример #8
  * Process the attached file(s). If multiple files, create a zip file.
 public static function process_attachments($context, $email, $table, $id)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $base_path = "block_clampmail/{$USER->id}";
     $moodle_base = "{$CFG->tempdir}/{$base_path}";
     if (!file_exists($moodle_base)) {
         mkdir($moodle_base, $CFG->directorypermissions, true);
     $filename = $file = $actual_file = '';
     if (!empty($email->attachment)) {
         $fs = get_file_storage();
         $stored_files = array();
         $safe_path = preg_replace('/\\//', "\\/", $CFG->dataroot);
         $base_file_path = preg_replace("/{$safe_path}\\//", '', $moodle_base);
         $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'block_clampmail', 'attachment_' . $table, $id, 'id');
         // Cycle through files.
         foreach ($files as $item) {
             if ($item->is_directory() && $item->get_filename() == '.') {
             $stored_files[$item->get_filepath() . $item->get_filename()] = $item;
         // Create a zip archive if more than one file.
         if (count($stored_files) == 1) {
             $obj = current($stored_files);
             $filename = $obj->get_filename();
             $file = $base_file_path . '/' . $filename;
             $actual_file = $moodle_base . '/' . $filename;
         } else {
             $filename = '';
             $file = $base_file_path . '/' . $filename;
             $actual_file = $moodle_base . '/' . $filename;
             $packer = get_file_packer();
             $packer->archive_to_pathname($stored_files, $actual_file);
     return array($filename, $file, $actual_file);
Пример #9
 protected function define_execution()
     // Get basepath
     $basepath = $this->get_basepath();
     // Get the list of files in directory
     $filestemp = get_directory_list($basepath, '', false, true, true);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($filestemp as $file) {
         // Add zip paths and fs paths to all them
         $files[$file] = $basepath . '/' . $file;
     // Calculate the zip fullpath (in OS temp area it's always backup.mbz)
     $zipfile = $basepath . '/backup.imscc';
     // Get the zip packer
     $zippacker = get_file_packer('application/zip');
     // Zip files
     $zippacker->archive_to_pathname($files, $zipfile);
Пример #10
 function validation($data, $files)
     $errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
     $type = $data['scormtype'];
     if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL) {
         if (!empty($data['update'])) {
             //ok, not required
         } else {
             if (empty($files['packagefile'])) {
                 $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('required');
             } else {
                 $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
                 $filelist = $packer->list_files($files['packagefile']);
                 if (!is_array($filelist)) {
                     $errors['packagefile'] = 'Incorrect file package - not an archive';
                     //TODO: localise
                 } else {
                     $manifestpresent = false;
                     $aiccfound = false;
                     foreach ($filelist as $info) {
                         if ($info->pathname == 'imsmanifest.xml') {
                             $manifestpresent = true;
                         if (preg_match('/\\.cst$/', $info->pathname)) {
                             $aiccfound = true;
                     if (!$manifestpresent and !$aiccfound) {
                         $errors['packagefile'] = 'Incorrect file package - missing imsmanifest.xml or AICC structure';
                         //TODO: localise
     } else {
         if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_EXTERNAL) {
             $reference = $data['packageurl'];
             if (!preg_match('/(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/|www).*\\/imsmanifest.xml$/i', $reference)) {
                 $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('required');
                 // TODO: improve help
         } else {
             if ($type === 'packageurl') {
                 $reference = $data['reference'];
                 if (!preg_match('/(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/|www).*(\\.zip|\\.pif)$/i', $reference)) {
                     $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('required');
                     // TODO: improve help
             } else {
                 if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_IMSREPOSITORY) {
                     $reference = $data['packageurl'];
                     if (stripos($reference, '#') !== 0) {
                         $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('required');
     return $errors;
Пример #11
 * Extracts scrom package, sets up all variables.
 * Called whenever scorm changes
 * @param object $scorm instance - fields are updated and changes saved into database
 * @param bool $full force full update if true
 * @return void
function scorm_parse($scorm, $full) {
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $cfg_scorm = get_config('scorm');

    if (!isset($scorm->cmid)) {
        $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('scorm', $scorm->id);
        $scorm->cmid = $cm->id;
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $scorm->cmid);
    $newhash = $scorm->sha1hash;

    if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL or $scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_LOCALSYNC) {

        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $packagefile = false;

        if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL) {
            if ($packagefile = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'package', 0, '/', $scorm->reference)) {
                $newhash = $packagefile->get_contenthash();
            } else {
                $newhash = null;
        } else {
            if (!$cfg_scorm->allowtypelocalsync) {
                // sorry - localsync disabled
            if ($scorm->reference !== '' and (!$full or $scorm->sha1hash !== sha1($scorm->reference))) {
                $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'package');
                $file_record = array('contextid'=>$context->id, 'component'=>'mod_scorm', 'filearea'=>'package', 'itemid'=>0, 'filepath'=>'/');
                if ($packagefile = $fs->create_file_from_url($file_record, $scorm->reference, array('calctimeout' => true))) {
                    $newhash = sha1($scorm->reference);
                } else {
                    $newhash = null;

        if ($packagefile) {
            if (!$full and $packagefile and $scorm->sha1hash === $newhash) {
                if (strpos($scorm->version, 'SCORM') !== false) {
                    if ($fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content', 0, '/', 'imsmanifest.xml')) {
                        // no need to update
                } else if (strpos($scorm->version, 'AICC') !== false) {
                    // TODO: add more sanity checks - something really exists in scorm_content area

            // now extract files
            $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content');

            $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
            $packagefile->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content', 0, '/');

        } else if (!$full) {

        if ($manifest = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content', 0, '/', 'imsmanifest.xml')) {
            // SCORM
            if (!scorm_parse_scorm($scorm, $manifest)) {
                $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
        } else {
            // AICC
            if (!scorm_parse_aicc($scorm)) {
                $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
            $scorm->version = 'AICC';

    } else if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_EXTERNAL and $cfg_scorm->allowtypeexternal) {
        if (!$full and $scorm->sha1hash === sha1($scorm->reference)) {
        // SCORM only, AICC can not be external
        if (!scorm_parse_scorm($scorm, $scorm->reference)) {
            $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
        $newhash = sha1($scorm->reference);

    } else if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_IMSREPOSITORY and !empty($CFG->repositoryactivate) and $cfg_scorm->allowtypeimsrepository) {
        if (!$full and $scorm->sha1hash === sha1($scorm->reference)) {
        if (!scorm_parse_scorm($scorm, $CFG->repository.substr($scorm->reference, 1).'/imsmanifest.xml')) {
            $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
        $newhash = sha1($scorm->reference);
    } else if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL  and $cfg_scorm->allowtypeexternalaicc) {
        // AICC
        if (!scorm_parse_aicc($scorm)) {
            $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
        $scorm->version = 'AICC';
    } else {
        // sorry, disabled type

    $scorm->sha1hash = $newhash;
    $DB->update_record('scorm', $scorm);
Пример #12
 protected function define_execution()
     // Get basepath
     $basepath = $this->get_basepath();
     // Get the list of files in directory
     $filestemp = get_directory_list($basepath, '', false, true, true);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($filestemp as $file) {
         // Add zip paths and fs paths to all them
         $files[$file] = $basepath . '/' . $file;
     // Add the log file if exists
     $logfilepath = $basepath . '.log';
     if (file_exists($logfilepath)) {
         $files['moodle_backup.log'] = $logfilepath;
     // Calculate the zip fullpath (in OS temp area it's always backup.mbz)
     $zipfile = $basepath . '/backup.mbz';
     // Get the zip packer
     $zippacker = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
     // Track overall progress for the 2 long-running steps (archive to
     // pathname, get backup information).
     $reporter = $this->task->get_progress();
     $reporter->start_progress('backup_zip_contents', 2);
     // Zip files
     $result = $zippacker->archive_to_pathname($files, $zipfile, true, $this);
     // If any sub-progress happened, end it.
     if ($this->startedprogress) {
         $this->startedprogress = false;
     } else {
         // No progress was reported, manually move it on to the next overall task.
     // Something went wrong.
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new backup_step_exception('error_zip_packing', '', 'An error was encountered while trying to generate backup zip');
     // Read to make sure it is a valid backup. Refer MDL-37877 . Delete it, if found not to be valid.
     try {
         backup_general_helper::get_backup_information_from_mbz($zipfile, $this);
     } catch (backup_helper_exception $e) {
         throw new backup_step_exception('error_zip_packing', '', $e->debuginfo);
     // If any sub-progress happened, end it.
     if ($this->startedprogress) {
         $this->startedprogress = false;
     } else {
Пример #13
$data = new stdClass;
$data->id = $cm->id;
$data->pageid = $pageid;
$mform = new lesson_importppt_form();

if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
    $manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($lesson);
    if (!$filename = $mform->get_new_filename('pptzip')) {
        print_error('invalidfile', 'lesson');
    if (!$package = $mform->save_stored_file('pptzip', $context->id, 'mod_lesson', 'ppt_imports', $lesson->id, '/', $filename, true)) {
        print_error('unabletosavefile', 'lesson');
    // extract package content
    $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
    $package->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'mod_lesson', 'imported_files', $lesson->id, '/');

    $fs = get_file_storage();
    if ($files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_lesson', 'imported_files', $lesson->id)) {

        $pages = array();
        foreach ($files as $key=>$file) {
            if ($file->get_mimetype() != 'text/html') {
            $filenameinfo = pathinfo($file->get_filepath().$file->get_filename());

            $page = new stdClass;
            $page->title = '';
            $page->contents = array();
Пример #14
 * Generates list of zip files in array.
 * @param int $batch id of batch
 * @return array|bool False on no files to add to zip, array on success
 * @uses $CFG, $DB
function report_ncccscensus_generate_bulk_zip($batch)
    global $DB, $USER;
    // Check if last report.
    $left = $DB->count_records('report_ncccscensus', array('batchid' => $batch, 'status' => 0));
    if ($left !== 0) {
        return false;
    $files = report_ncccscensus_get_zip_files($batch);
    if (!is_array($files)) {
        return false;
    $date = usergetdate(time(), get_user_timezone());
    $filename = date('MdY_Hi', mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']));
    $filename = $filename . '-' . $batch . '.zip';
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    // Check to see if file exists.
    $contextid = context_system::instance()->id;
    $file = $fs->get_file($contextid, 'report_ncccscensus', 'archive', $batch, '/report_ncccscensus/', $filename);
    if (!$file) {
        // Prepare file record object.
        $fileinfo = array('contextid' => context_system::instance()->id, 'component' => 'report_ncccscensus', 'filearea' => 'archive', 'itemid' => $batch, 'filepath' => '/report_ncccscensus/', 'filename' => $filename);
        $file = $fs->create_file_from_string($fileinfo, '');
    $parentpath = $file->get_parent_directory()->get_filepath();
    $filepath = explode('/', trim($file->get_filepath(), '/'));
    $filepath = array_pop($filepath);
    // Generate zip.
    $zipper = get_file_packer('application/zip');
    $record = $DB->get_record('report_ncccscensus_batch', array('id' => $batch));
    $contextid = context_system::instance()->id;
    $path = 'report_ncccscensus';
    $newfile = $zipper->archive_to_storage($files, $contextid, $path, 'archive', $batch, $parentpath, $filename, $USER->id);
    if ($newfile) {
        // Mark batch as complete.
        $record->zipfile = $filename;
    $record->status = 1;
    $DB->update_record('report_ncccscensus_batch', $record);
    $info = array();
    // Delete pdf files.
    foreach ($files as $filename => $fullfilename) {
        $info = pathinfo($fullfilename);
    if (!empty($info['dirname'])) {
Пример #15
    function validation($data, $files) {
        global $CFG;
        $errors = parent::validation($data, $files);

        $type = $data['scormtype'];

        if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL) {
            if (!empty($data['update'])) {
                //ok, not required

            } else if (empty($data['packagefile'])) {
                $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('required');

            } else {
                $files = $this->get_draft_files('packagefile');
                if (count($files)<1) {
                    $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('required');
                    return $errors;
                $file = reset($files);
                $filename = $CFG->tempdir.'/scormimport/scrom_'.time();

                $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');

                $filelist = $packer->list_files($filename);
                if (!is_array($filelist)) {
                    $errors['packagefile'] = 'Incorrect file package - not an archive'; //TODO: localise
                } else {
                    $manifestpresent = false;
                    $aiccfound       = false;
                    foreach ($filelist as $info) {
                        if ($info->pathname == 'imsmanifest.xml') {
                            $manifestpresent = true;
                        if (preg_match('/\.cst$/', $info->pathname)) {
                            $aiccfound = true;
                    if (!$manifestpresent and !$aiccfound) {
                        $errors['packagefile'] = 'Incorrect file package - missing imsmanifest.xml or AICC structure'; //TODO: localise

        } else if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_EXTERNAL) {
            $reference = $data['packageurl'];
            // Syntax check.
            if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|www).*\/imsmanifest.xml$/i', $reference)) {
                $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('invalidurl', 'scorm');
            } else {
                // Availability check.
                $result = scorm_check_url($reference);
                if (is_string($result)) {
                    $errors['packageurl'] = $result;

        } else if ($type === 'packageurl') {
            $reference = $data['reference'];
            // Syntax check.
            if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|www).*(\.zip|\.pif)$/i', $reference)) {
                $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('invalidurl', 'scorm');
            } else {
                // Availability check.
                $result = scorm_check_url($reference);
                if (is_string($result)) {
                    $errors['packageurl'] = $result;

        } else if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_IMSREPOSITORY) {
            $reference = $data['packageurl'];
            if (stripos($reference, '#') !== 0) {
                $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('invalidurl', 'scorm');

        } else if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL) {
            $reference = $data['packageurl'];
            // Syntax check.
            if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|www).*/', $reference)) {
                $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('invalidurl', 'scorm');
            } else {
                // Availability check.
                $result = scorm_check_url($reference);
                if (is_string($result)) {
                    $errors['packageurl'] = $result;


        return $errors;
 protected function extract_file_to_dir()
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $this->filepath = restore_controller::get_tempdir_name($this->contextid, $USER->id);
     $fb = get_file_packer();
     return $fb->extract_to_pathname("{$CFG->tempdir}/backup/" . $this->filename, "{$CFG->tempdir}/backup/{$this->filepath}/");
Пример #17
  * Selects appropriate packer for existing archive depending on file contents.
  * @param string|stored_file $archivefile full pathname of zip file or stored_file instance
  * @return file_packer Suitable packer
 protected function get_packer_for_read_operation($archivefile)
     global $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/filestorage/tgz_packer.php';
     if (tgz_packer::is_tgz_file($archivefile)) {
         return get_file_packer('application/x-gzip');
     } else {
         return get_file_packer('application/zip');
Пример #18
 * Check that a Zip file contains a valid SCORM package
 * @param $file stored_file a Zip file.
 * @return array empty if no issue is found. Array of error message otherwise
function scorm_validate_package($file) {
    $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
    $errors = array();
    if ($file->is_external_file()) { // Get zip file so we can check it is correct.
    $filelist = $file->list_files($packer);

    if (!is_array($filelist)) {
        $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('badarchive', 'scorm');
    } else {
        $aiccfound = false;
        $badmanifestpresent = false;
        foreach ($filelist as $info) {
            if ($info->pathname == 'imsmanifest.xml') {
                return array();
            } else if (strpos($info->pathname, 'imsmanifest.xml') !== false) {
                // This package has an imsmanifest file inside a folder of the package.
                $badmanifestpresent = true;
            if (preg_match('/\.cst$/', $info->pathname)) {
                return array();
        if (!$aiccfound) {
            if ($badmanifestpresent) {
                $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('badimsmanifestlocation', 'scorm');
            } else {
                $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('nomanifest', 'scorm');
    return $errors;
Пример #19
 public function execute()
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/backup/util/includes/backup_includes.php";
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/backup/util/includes/restore_includes.php";
     $arguments = $this->arguments;
     $options = $this->expandedOptions;
     if (empty($CFG->tempdir)) {
         $CFG->tempdir = $CFG->dataroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp';
     // Check if category is OK.
     if (!$options['existing']) {
         $category = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $this->arguments[1]), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     } else {
         $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->arguments[1]), '*', MUST_EXIST);
         $category = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $course->category), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     if (!$options['directory']) {
         if ($arguments[0][0] != '/') {
             $arguments[0] = $this->cwd . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $arguments[0];
         if (!file_exists($arguments[0])) {
             cli_error("Backup file '" . $arguments[0] . "' does not exist.");
         if (!is_readable($arguments[0])) {
             cli_error("Backup file '" . $arguments[0] . "' is not readable.");
     } else {
         $path = $CFG->tempdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "backup" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $arguments[0];
         if (!file_exists($path) || !is_dir($path) || !is_readable($path)) {
             cli_error("Directory '{$path}' does not exist, not a directory or not readable.");
     if (!$options['directory']) {
         //unzip into $CFG->tempdir / "backup" / "auto_restore_" . $split[1];
         $backupdir = "moosh_restore_" . uniqid();
         $path = $CFG->tempdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "backup" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $backupdir;
         if ($this->verbose) {
             echo "Extracting Moode backup file to: '" . $path . "'\n";
         /** @var $fp file_packer */
         $fp = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
         $fp->extract_to_pathname($arguments[0], $path);
     } else {
         $backupdir = $arguments[0];
     //extract original full & short names
     $xmlfile = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "course" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "course.xml";
     // Different XML file in Moodle 1.9 backup
     if (!file_exists($xmlfile)) {
         $xmlfile = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "moodle.xml";
     $xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlfile);
     $fullname = $xml->xpath('/course/fullname');
     if (!$fullname) {
         $fullname = $xml->xpath('/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/HEADER/FULLNAME');
     $shortname = $xml->xpath('/course/shortname');
     if (!$shortname) {
         $shortname = $xml->xpath('/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/HEADER/SHORTNAME');
     $fullname = (string) $fullname[0];
     $shortname = (string) $shortname[0];
     if (!$shortname) {
         cli_error('No shortname in the backup file.');
     if (!$fullname) {
         $fullname = $shortname;
     // Get unique shortname if creating new course.
     if (!$options['existing'] && $DB->get_record('course', array('category' => $category->id, 'shortname' => $shortname))) {
         $matches = NULL;
         preg_match('/(.*)_(\\d+)$/', $shortname, $matches);
         if ($matches) {
             $base = $matches[1];
             $number = $matches[2];
         } else {
             $base = $shortname;
             $number = 1;
         $shortname = $base . '_' . $number;
         while ($DB->get_record('course', array('category' => $category->id, 'shortname' => $shortname))) {
             $shortname = $base . '_' . $number;
     if ($options['existing']) {
         $courseid = $arguments[1];
         $rc = new restore_controller($backupdir, $courseid, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $USER->id, backup::TARGET_CURRENT_ADDING);
     } else {
         $courseid = restore_dbops::create_new_course($fullname, $shortname, $category->id);
         $rc = new restore_controller($backupdir, $courseid, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $USER->id, backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE);
     echo "Restoring (new course id,shortname,destination category): {$courseid},{$shortname}," . $category->id . "\n";
     if ($rc->get_status() == backup::STATUS_REQUIRE_CONV) {
     $plan = $rc->get_plan();
     $tasks = $plan->get_tasks();
     foreach ($tasks as &$task) {
         $setting = $task->get_setting('enrol_migratetomanual');
     echo "New course ID for '{$shortname}': {$courseid} in {$category->id}\n";
Пример #20
  * Tests the progress reporting.
 public function test_file_progress()
     global $CFG;
     // Set up.
     $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
     $archive = "{$CFG->tempdir}/";
     $context = context_system::instance();
     // Archive to pathname.
     $this->progress = array();
     $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname($this->files, $archive, true, $this);
     // Should send progress at least once per file.
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files));
     // Each progress will be indeterminate.
     $this->assertEquals(array(file_progress::INDETERMINATE, file_progress::INDETERMINATE), $this->progress[0]);
     // Archive to pathname using entire folder and subfolder instead of file list.
     $folder = make_temp_directory('zip_packer_progress');
     file_put_contents($folder . '/test1.txt', 'hello');
     $subfolder = $folder . '/sub';
     file_put_contents($subfolder . '/test2.txt', 'world');
     file_put_contents($subfolder . '/test3.txt', 'and');
     file_put_contents($subfolder . '/test4.txt', 'other');
     file_put_contents($subfolder . '/test5.txt', 'worlds');
     $this->progress = array();
     $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname(array('' => $folder), $archive, true, $this);
     // Should send progress at least once per file.
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= 5);
     // Archive to storage.
     $this->progress = array();
     $archivefile = $packer->archive_to_storage($this->files, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'test', 0, '/', '', null, true, $this);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('stored_file', $archivefile);
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files));
     $this->assertEquals(array(file_progress::INDETERMINATE, file_progress::INDETERMINATE), $this->progress[0]);
     // Extract to pathname.
     $this->progress = array();
     $target = "{$CFG->tempdir}/test/";
     $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, $target, null, $this);
     $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result));
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files));
     // Extract to storage (from storage).
     $this->progress = array();
     $result = $packer->extract_to_storage($archivefile, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'target', 0, '/', null, $this);
     $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result));
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files));
     // Extract to storage (from path).
     $this->progress = array();
     $result = $packer->extract_to_storage($archive, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'target', 0, '/', null, $this);
     $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result));
     $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files));
     // Wipe created disk file.
Пример #21
 * Zip an array of files/dirs to a destination zip file
 * Both parameters must be FULL paths to the files/dirs
 * @global object
 * @param array $originalfiles Files to zip
 * @param string $destination The destination path
 * @return bool Outcome
function zip_files ($originalfiles, $destination) {
    global $CFG;

    //Extract everything from destination
    $path_parts = pathinfo(cleardoubleslashes($destination));
    $destpath = $path_parts["dirname"];       //The path of the zip file
    $destfilename = $path_parts["basename"];  //The name of the zip file
    $extension = $path_parts["extension"];    //The extension of the file

    //If no file, error
    if (empty($destfilename)) {
        return false;

    //If no extension, add it
    if (empty($extension)) {
        $extension = 'zip';
        $destfilename = $destfilename.'.'.$extension;

    //Check destination path exists
    if (!is_dir($destpath)) {
        return false;

    //Check destination path is writable. TODO!!

    //Clean destination filename
    $destfilename = clean_filename($destfilename);

    //Now check and prepare every file
    $files = array();
    $origpath = NULL;

    foreach ($originalfiles as $file) {  //Iterate over each file
        //Check for every file
        $tempfile = cleardoubleslashes($file); // no doubleslashes!
        //Calculate the base path for all files if it isn't set
        if ($origpath === NULL) {
            $origpath = rtrim(cleardoubleslashes(dirname($tempfile)), "/");
        //See if the file is readable
        if (!is_readable($tempfile)) {  //Is readable
        //See if the file/dir is in the same directory than the rest
        if (rtrim(cleardoubleslashes(dirname($tempfile)), "/") != $origpath) {
        //Add the file to the array
        $files[] = $tempfile;

    $zipfiles = array();
    $start = strlen($origpath)+1;
    foreach($files as $file) {
        $zipfiles[substr($file, $start)] = $file;

    $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');

    return $packer->archive_to_pathname($zipfiles, $destpath . '/' . $destfilename);
Пример #22
 public function __construct($course, $cm, $module, $filepath) {
     global $USER;
     if (is_file($filepath)) {
         $fp = get_file_packer();
         if ($fp->extract_to_pathname($filepath, $filepath.'_extracted')) {
         $filepath .= '_extracted';
     parent::__construct($course, $cm, $module, $filepath);
Пример #23
 * Update imscp instance.
 * @param object $data
 * @param object $mform
 * @return bool true
function imscp_update_instance($data, $mform) {
    global $CFG, $DB;

    $cmid = $data->coursemodule;

    $data->timemodified = time();
    $data->id           = $data->instance;
    $data->structure   = null; // better reparse structure after each update

    $DB->update_record('imscp', $data);

    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmid);
    $imscp = $DB->get_record('imscp', array('id'=>$data->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);

    if ($filename = $mform->get_new_filename('package')) {
        $fs = get_file_storage();

        $DB->update_record('imscp', $imscp);

        // get a list of existing packages before adding new package
        if ($imscp->keepold > -1) {
            $packages = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'backup', false, "itemid ASC", false);
        } else {
            $packages = array();

        $package = $mform->save_stored_file('package', $context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'backup', $imscp->revision, '/', $filename);

        // purge all extracted content
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'content');

        // extract package content
        if ($package) {
            $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
            $package->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'content', $imscp->revision, '/');

        // cleanup old package files, keep current + keepold
        while ($packages and (count($packages) > $imscp->keepold)) {
            $package = array_shift($packages);
            $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'backup', $package->get_itemid());

    $structure = imscp_parse_structure($imscp, $context);
    $imscp->structure = is_array($structure) ? serialize($structure) : null;
    $DB->update_record('imscp', $imscp);

    return true;
Пример #24
     * Duplicate a course
     * @param int $courseid
     * @param string $fullname Duplicated course fullname
     * @param string $shortname Duplicated course shortname
     * @param int $categoryid Duplicated course parent category id
     * @param int $visible Duplicated course availability
     * @param array $options List of backup options
     * @return array New course info
     * @since Moodle 2.3
    public static function duplicate_course($courseid, $fullname, $shortname, $categoryid, $visible = 1, $options = array()) {
        global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
        require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/backup_includes.php');
        require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/restore_includes.php');

        // Parameter validation.
        $params = self::validate_parameters(
                      'courseid' => $courseid,
                      'fullname' => $fullname,
                      'shortname' => $shortname,
                      'categoryid' => $categoryid,
                      'visible' => $visible,
                      'options' => $options

        // Context validation.

        if (! ($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$params['courseid'])))) {
            throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid', 'error');

        // Category where duplicated course is going to be created.
        $categorycontext = context_coursecat::instance($params['categoryid']);

        // Course to be duplicated.
        $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);

        $backupdefaults = array(
            'activities' => 1,
            'blocks' => 1,
            'filters' => 1,
            'users' => 0,
            'role_assignments' => 0,
            'comments' => 0,
            'userscompletion' => 0,
            'logs' => 0,
            'grade_histories' => 0

        $backupsettings = array();
        // Check for backup and restore options.
        if (!empty($params['options'])) {
            foreach ($params['options'] as $option) {

                // Strict check for a correct value (allways 1 or 0, true or false).
                $value = clean_param($option['value'], PARAM_INT);

                if ($value !== 0 and $value !== 1) {
                    throw new moodle_exception('invalidextparam', 'webservice', '', $option['name']);

                if (!isset($backupdefaults[$option['name']])) {
                    throw new moodle_exception('invalidextparam', 'webservice', '', $option['name']);

                $backupsettings[$option['name']] = $value;

        // Capability checking.

        // The backup controller check for this currently, this may be redundant.
        require_capability('moodle/course:create', $categorycontext);
        require_capability('moodle/restore:restorecourse', $categorycontext);
        require_capability('moodle/backup:backupcourse', $coursecontext);

        if (!empty($backupsettings['users'])) {
            require_capability('moodle/backup:userinfo', $coursecontext);
            require_capability('moodle/restore:userinfo', $categorycontext);

        // Check if the shortname is used.
        if ($foundcourses = $DB->get_records('course', array('shortname'=>$shortname))) {
            foreach ($foundcourses as $foundcourse) {
                $foundcoursenames[] = $foundcourse->fullname;

            $foundcoursenamestring = implode(',', $foundcoursenames);
            throw new moodle_exception('shortnametaken', '', '', $foundcoursenamestring);

        // Backup the course.

        $bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1COURSE, $course->id, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE,
        backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_SAMESITE, $USER->id);

        foreach ($backupsettings as $name => $value) {

        $backupid       = $bc->get_backupid();
        $backupbasepath = $bc->get_plan()->get_basepath();

        $results = $bc->get_results();
        $file = $results['backup_destination'];


        // Restore the backup immediately.

        // Check if we need to unzip the file because the backup temp dir does not contains backup files.
        if (!file_exists($backupbasepath . "/moodle_backup.xml")) {
            $file->extract_to_pathname(get_file_packer(), $backupbasepath);

        // Create new course.
        $newcourseid = restore_dbops::create_new_course($params['fullname'], $params['shortname'], $params['categoryid']);

        $rc = new restore_controller($backupid, $newcourseid,
                backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_SAMESITE, $USER->id, backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE);

        foreach ($backupsettings as $name => $value) {
            $setting = $rc->get_plan()->get_setting($name);
            if ($setting->get_status() == backup_setting::NOT_LOCKED) {

        if (!$rc->execute_precheck()) {
            $precheckresults = $rc->get_precheck_results();
            if (is_array($precheckresults) && !empty($precheckresults['errors'])) {
                if (empty($CFG->keeptempdirectoriesonbackup)) {

                $errorinfo = '';

                foreach ($precheckresults['errors'] as $error) {
                    $errorinfo .= $error;

                if (array_key_exists('warnings', $precheckresults)) {
                    foreach ($precheckresults['warnings'] as $warning) {
                        $errorinfo .= $warning;

                throw new moodle_exception('backupprecheckerrors', 'webservice', '', $errorinfo);


        $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $newcourseid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
        $course->fullname = $params['fullname'];
        $course->shortname = $params['shortname'];
        $course->visible = $params['visible'];

        // Set shortname and fullname back.
        $DB->update_record('course', $course);

        if (empty($CFG->keeptempdirectoriesonbackup)) {

        // Delete the course backup file created by this WebService. Originally located in the course backups area.

        return array('id' => $course->id, 'shortname' => $course->shortname);
Пример #25
  * Extracts the file.
  * @param string|stored_file $source Archive file to extract
  * @return bool
 protected function extract_file_to_dir($source)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $this->filepath = restore_controller::get_tempdir_name($this->contextid, $USER->id);
     $fb = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
     $result = $fb->extract_to_pathname($source, $CFG->tempdir . '/backup/' . $this->filepath . '/', null, $this);
     // If any progress happened, end it.
     if ($this->startedprogress) {
     return $result;
Пример #26
 * Update imscp instance.
 * @param object $data
 * @param object $mform
 * @return bool true
function imscp_update_instance($data, $mform)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/imscp/locallib.php";
    $cmid = $data->coursemodule;
    $data->timemodified = time();
    $data->id = $data->instance;
    $data->structure = null;
    // Better reparse structure after each update.
    $DB->update_record('imscp', $data);
    $context = context_module::instance($cmid);
    $imscp = $DB->get_record('imscp', array('id' => $data->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
    if (!empty($data->package) && ($draftareainfo = file_get_draft_area_info($data->package)) && $draftareainfo['filecount']) {
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $DB->update_record('imscp', $imscp);
        // Get a list of existing packages before adding new package.
        if ($imscp->keepold > -1) {
            $packages = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'backup', false, "itemid ASC", false);
        } else {
            $packages = array();
        file_save_draft_area_files($data->package, $context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'backup', $imscp->revision, array('subdirs' => 0, 'maxfiles' => 1));
        $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'backup', $imscp->revision, '', false);
        $package = reset($files);
        // Purge all extracted content.
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'content');
        // Extract package content.
        if ($package) {
            $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
            $package->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'content', $imscp->revision, '/');
        // Cleanup old package files, keep current + keep old.
        while ($packages and count($packages) > $imscp->keepold) {
            $package = array_shift($packages);
            $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_imscp', 'backup', $package->get_itemid());
    $structure = imscp_parse_structure($imscp, $context);
    $imscp->structure = is_array($structure) ? serialize($structure) : null;
    $DB->update_record('imscp', $imscp);
    return true;
Пример #27
  * This function tests that the functions responsible for moving questions to
  * different contexts also updates the tag instances associated with the questions.
 public function test_altering_tag_instance_context()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     // Set to admin user.
     // Create two course categories - we are going to delete one of these later and will expect
     // all the questions belonging to the course in the deleted category to be moved.
     $coursecat1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category();
     $coursecat2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category();
     // Create a couple of categories and questions.
     $context1 = context_coursecat::instance($coursecat1->id);
     $context2 = context_coursecat::instance($coursecat2->id);
     $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question');
     $questioncat1 = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(array('contextid' => $context1->id));
     $questioncat2 = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(array('contextid' => $context2->id));
     $question1 = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, array('category' => $questioncat1->id));
     $question2 = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, array('category' => $questioncat1->id));
     $question3 = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, array('category' => $questioncat2->id));
     $question4 = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, array('category' => $questioncat2->id));
     // Now lets tag these questions.
     core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $question1->id, $context1, array('tag 1', 'tag 2'));
     core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $question2->id, $context1, array('tag 3', 'tag 4'));
     core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $question3->id, $context2, array('tag 5', 'tag 6'));
     core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $question4->id, $context2, array('tag 7', 'tag 8'));
     // Test moving the questions to another category.
     question_move_questions_to_category(array($question1->id, $question2->id), $questioncat2->id);
     // Test that all tag_instances belong to one context.
     $this->assertEquals(8, $DB->count_records('tag_instance', array('component' => 'core_question', 'contextid' => $questioncat2->contextid)));
     // Test moving them back.
     question_move_questions_to_category(array($question1->id, $question2->id), $questioncat1->id);
     // Test that all tag_instances are now reset to how they were initially.
     $this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('tag_instance', array('component' => 'core_question', 'contextid' => $questioncat1->contextid)));
     $this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('tag_instance', array('component' => 'core_question', 'contextid' => $questioncat2->contextid)));
     // Now test moving a whole question category to another context.
     question_move_category_to_context($questioncat1->id, $questioncat1->contextid, $questioncat2->contextid);
     // Test that all tag_instances belong to one context.
     $this->assertEquals(8, $DB->count_records('tag_instance', array('component' => 'core_question', 'contextid' => $questioncat2->contextid)));
     // Now test moving them back.
     question_move_category_to_context($questioncat1->id, $questioncat2->contextid, context_coursecat::instance($coursecat1->id)->id);
     // Test that all tag_instances are now reset to how they were initially.
     $this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('tag_instance', array('component' => 'core_question', 'contextid' => $questioncat1->contextid)));
     $this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('tag_instance', array('component' => 'core_question', 'contextid' => $questioncat2->contextid)));
     // Now we want to test deleting the course category and moving the questions to another category.
     question_delete_course_category($coursecat1, $coursecat2, false);
     // Test that all tag_instances belong to one context.
     $this->assertEquals(8, $DB->count_records('tag_instance', array('component' => 'core_question', 'contextid' => $questioncat2->contextid)));
     // Create a course.
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     // Create some question categories and questions in this course.
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $questioncat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(array('contextid' => $coursecontext->id));
     $question1 = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, array('category' => $questioncat->id));
     $question2 = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, array('category' => $questioncat->id));
     // Add some tags to these questions.
     core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $question1->id, $coursecontext, array('tag 1', 'tag 2'));
     core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $question2->id, $coursecontext, array('tag 1', 'tag 2'));
     // Create a course that we are going to restore the other course to.
     $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     // Create backup file and save it to the backup location.
     $bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1COURSE, $course->id, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, 2);
     $results = $bc->get_results();
     $file = $results['backup_destination'];
     $fp = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
     $filepath = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/test-restore-course';
     $file->extract_to_pathname($fp, $filepath);
     // Now restore the course.
     $rc = new restore_controller('test-restore-course', $course2->id, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, 2, backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE);
     // Get the created question category.
     $restoredcategory = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('contextid' => context_course::instance($course2->id)->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // Check that there are two questions in the restored to course's context.
     $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('question', array('category' => $restoredcategory->id)));
Пример #28
  * The availability data format was changed in Moodle 2.7. This test
  * ensures that a Moodle 2.6 backup with this data can still be correctly
  * restored.
 public function test_restore_legacy_availability()
     global $DB, $USER, $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/grade/querylib.php';
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php';
     $CFG->enableavailability = true;
     $CFG->enablecompletion = true;
     // Extract backup file.
     $backupid = 'abc';
     $backuppath = $CFG->tempdir . '/backup/' . $backupid;
     get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup')->extract_to_pathname(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/availability_26_format.mbz', $backuppath);
     // Do restore to new course with default settings.
     $generator = $this->getDataGenerator();
     $categoryid = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT MIN(id) FROM {course_categories}");
     $newcourseid = restore_dbops::create_new_course('Test fullname', 'Test shortname', $categoryid);
     $rc = new restore_controller($backupid, $newcourseid, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $USER->id, backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE);
     $thrown = null;
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $thrown = $e;
         // Because of the PHPUnit exception behaviour in this situation, we
         // will not see this message unless it is explicitly echoed (just
         // using it in a fail() call or similar will not work).
         echo "\n\nEXCEPTION: " . $thrown->getMessage() . '[' . $thrown->getFile() . ':' . $thrown->getLine() . "]\n\n";
     // Must set restore_controller variable to null so that php
     // garbage-collects it; otherwise the file will be left open and
     // attempts to delete it will cause a permission error on Windows
     // systems, breaking unit tests.
     $rc = null;
     // Get information about the resulting course and check that it is set
     // up correctly.
     $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($newcourseid);
     $pages = array_values($modinfo->get_instances_of('page'));
     $forums = array_values($modinfo->get_instances_of('forum'));
     $quizzes = array_values($modinfo->get_instances_of('quiz'));
     $grouping = $DB->get_record('groupings', array('courseid' => $newcourseid));
     // FROM date.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"date","d":">=","t":1893456000}]}', $pages[1]->availability);
     // UNTIL date.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[false],"c":[{"type":"date","d":"<","t":1393977600}]}', $pages[2]->availability);
     // FROM and UNTIL.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true,false],"c":[' . '{"type":"date","d":">=","t":1449705600},' . '{"type":"date","d":"<","t":1893456000}' . ']}', $pages[3]->availability);
     // Grade >= 75%.
     $grades = array_values(grade_get_grade_items_for_activity($quizzes[0], true));
     $gradeid = $grades[0]->id;
     $coursegrade = grade_item::fetch_course_item($newcourseid);
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"grade","id":' . $gradeid . ',"min":75}]}', $pages[4]->availability);
     // Grade < 25%.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"grade","id":' . $gradeid . ',"max":25}]}', $pages[5]->availability);
     // Grade 90-100%.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"grade","id":' . $gradeid . ',"min":90,"max":100}]}', $pages[6]->availability);
     // Email contains frog.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"profile","op":"contains","sf":"email","v":"frog"}]}', $pages[7]->availability);
     // Page marked complete..
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"completion","cm":' . $pages[0]->id . ',"e":' . COMPLETION_COMPLETE . '}]}', $pages[8]->availability);
     // Quiz complete but failed.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"completion","cm":' . $quizzes[0]->id . ',"e":' . COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL . '}]}', $pages[9]->availability);
     // Quiz complete and succeeded.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"completion","cm":' . $quizzes[0]->id . ',"e":' . COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS . '}]}', $pages[10]->availability);
     // Quiz not complete.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[true],"c":[{"type":"completion","cm":' . $quizzes[0]->id . ',"e":' . COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE . '}]}', $pages[11]->availability);
     // Grouping.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[false],"c":[{"type":"grouping","id":' . $grouping->id . '}]}', $pages[12]->availability);
     // All the options.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&",' . '"showc":[false,true,false,true,true,true,true,true,true],' . '"c":[' . '{"type":"grouping","id":' . $grouping->id . '},' . '{"type":"date","d":">=","t":1488585600},' . '{"type":"date","d":"<","t":1709510400},' . '{"type":"profile","op":"contains","sf":"email","v":"@"},' . '{"type":"profile","op":"contains","sf":"city","v":"Frogtown"},' . '{"type":"grade","id":' . $gradeid . ',"min":30,"max":35},' . '{"type":"grade","id":' . $coursegrade->id . ',"min":5,"max":10},' . '{"type":"completion","cm":' . $pages[0]->id . ',"e":' . COMPLETION_COMPLETE . '},' . '{"type":"completion","cm":' . $quizzes[0]->id . ',"e":' . COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE . '}' . ']}', $pages[13]->availability);
     // Group members only forum.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[false],"c":[{"type":"group"}]}', $forums[0]->availability);
     // Section with lots of conditions.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[false,false,false,false],"c":[' . '{"type":"date","d":">=","t":1417737600},' . '{"type":"profile","op":"contains","sf":"email","v":"@"},' . '{"type":"grade","id":' . $gradeid . ',"min":20},' . '{"type":"completion","cm":' . $pages[0]->id . ',"e":' . COMPLETION_COMPLETE . '}]}', $modinfo->get_section_info(3)->availability);
     // Section with grouping.
     $this->assertEquals('{"op":"&","showc":[false],"c":[{"type":"grouping","id":' . $grouping->id . '}]}', $modinfo->get_section_info(4)->availability);
Пример #29
 * Extracts scrom package, sets up all variables.
 * Called whenever scorm changes
 * @param object $scorm instance - fields are updated and changes saved into database
 * @param bool $full force full update if true
 * @return void
function scorm_parse($scorm, $full)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $cfg_scorm = get_config('scorm');
    if (!isset($scorm->cmid)) {
        $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('scorm', $scorm->id);
        $scorm->cmid = $cm->id;
    $context = context_module::instance($scorm->cmid);
    $newhash = $scorm->sha1hash;
    if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL or $scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_LOCALSYNC) {
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $packagefile = false;
        $packagefileimsmanifest = false;
        if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL) {
            if ($packagefile = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'package', 0, '/', $scorm->reference)) {
                if ($packagefile->is_external_file()) {
                    // Get zip file so we can check it is correct.
                $newhash = $packagefile->get_contenthash();
                if (strtolower($packagefile->get_filename()) == 'imsmanifest.xml') {
                    $packagefileimsmanifest = true;
            } else {
                $newhash = null;
        } else {
            if (!$cfg_scorm->allowtypelocalsync) {
                // sorry - localsync disabled
            if ($scorm->reference !== '' and (!$full or $scorm->sha1hash !== sha1($scorm->reference))) {
                $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'package');
                $file_record = array('contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => 'mod_scorm', 'filearea' => 'package', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/');
                if ($packagefile = $fs->create_file_from_url($file_record, $scorm->reference, array('calctimeout' => true))) {
                    $newhash = sha1($scorm->reference);
                } else {
                    $newhash = null;
        if ($packagefile) {
            if (!$full and $packagefile and $scorm->sha1hash === $newhash) {
                if (strpos($scorm->version, 'SCORM') !== false) {
                    if ($packagefileimsmanifest || $fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content', 0, '/', 'imsmanifest.xml')) {
                        // No need to update.
                } else {
                    if (strpos($scorm->version, 'AICC') !== false) {
                        // TODO: add more sanity checks - something really exists in scorm_content area
            if (!$packagefileimsmanifest) {
                // Now extract files.
                $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content');
                $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
                $packagefile->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content', 0, '/');
        } else {
            if (!$full) {
        if ($packagefileimsmanifest) {
            require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/scorm/datamodels/scormlib.php";
            // Direct link to imsmanifest.xml file.
            if (!scorm_parse_scorm($scorm, $packagefile)) {
                $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
        } else {
            if ($manifest = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'content', 0, '/', 'imsmanifest.xml')) {
                require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/scorm/datamodels/scormlib.php";
                // SCORM
                if (!scorm_parse_scorm($scorm, $manifest)) {
                    $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
            } else {
                require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/scorm/datamodels/aicclib.php";
                // AICC
                if (!scorm_parse_aicc($scorm)) {
                    $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
                $scorm->version = 'AICC';
    } else {
        if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_EXTERNAL and $cfg_scorm->allowtypeexternal) {
            require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/scorm/datamodels/scormlib.php";
            // SCORM only, AICC can not be external
            if (!scorm_parse_scorm($scorm, $scorm->reference)) {
                $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
            $newhash = sha1($scorm->reference);
        } else {
            if ($scorm->scormtype === SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL and $cfg_scorm->allowtypeexternalaicc) {
                require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/scorm/datamodels/aicclib.php";
                // AICC
                if (!scorm_parse_aicc($scorm)) {
                    $scorm->version = 'ERROR';
                $scorm->version = 'AICC';
            } else {
                // sorry, disabled type
    $scorm->sha1hash = $newhash;
    $DB->update_record('scorm', $scorm);
Пример #30
  * Load and format all the needed information from a backup file.
  * This will only extract the moodle_backup.xml file from an MBZ
  * file and then call {@link self::get_backup_information()}.
  * @param string $filepath absolute path to the MBZ file.
  * @return stdClass containing information.
  * @since 2.4
 public static function get_backup_information_from_mbz($filepath)
     global $CFG;
     if (!is_readable($filepath)) {
         throw new backup_helper_exception('missing_moodle_backup_file', $filepath);
     // Extract moodle_backup.xml.
     $tmpname = 'info_from_mbz_' . time() . '_' . random_string(4);
     $tmpdir = $CFG->tempdir . '/backup/' . $tmpname;
     $fp = get_file_packer('application/vnd.moodle.backup');
     $extracted = $fp->extract_to_pathname($filepath, $tmpdir, array('moodle_backup.xml'));
     $moodlefile = $tmpdir . '/' . 'moodle_backup.xml';
     if (!$extracted || !is_readable($moodlefile)) {
         throw new backup_helper_exception('missing_moodle_backup_xml_file', $moodlefile);
     // Read the information and delete the temporary directory.
     $info = self::get_backup_information($tmpname);
     return $info;