/** The purpose of this script is to find earnings/max earnings for this term */ function generate_xls() { //Would like to ask for term to generate report for. Can we do this? global $CFG, $DB, $USER; //find all workers $workers = $DB->get_records('block_timetracker_workerinfo'); foreach ($workers as $worker) { //demo courses, et. al. if ($worker->courseid >= 73 && $worker->courseid <= 76) { continue; } $earnings = get_earnings_this_term($worker->id, $worker->courseid); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $worker->courseid)); echo $course->shortname . ',' . $worker->lastname . ',' . $worker->firstname . ',' . $earnings . ',' . $worker->maxtermearnings . "\n"; } }
/** The purpose of this script is to find earnings/max earnings for this term */ function generate_xls() { global $CFG, $DB, $USER; //find all workers $workers = $DB->get_records('block_timetracker_workerinfo'); foreach ($workers as $worker) { //demo courses, et. al. if ($worker->courseid >= 73 && $worker->courseid <= 76) { continue; } $earnings = get_earnings_this_term($worker->id, $worker->courseid); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $worker->courseid)); $remaining = $worker->maxtermearnings - $earnings; //Formatting $format_bold =& $workbook->add_format(); $format_bold->set_bold(); //Create worksheet $worksheet = array(); $worksheet[1] =& $workbook->add_worksheet('Earnings'); // Set column widths $worksheet[1]->set_column(0, 8, 10.57); //Write header data $worksheet[1]->write_string(0, 0, 'Department', $format_bold); $worksheet[1]->write_string(1, 0, 'Worker Name', $format_bold); $worksheet[1]->write_string(2, 0, 'Earnings This Term', $format_bold); $worksheet[1]->write_string(3, 0, 'Maximum Term Earnings', $format_bold); $worksheet[1]->write_string(4, 0, 'Amount Remaining', $format_bold); //Write data to spreadsheet //Finish worksheet and workbook and close $workbook->close(); return $fn; } //Print results in a table echo '<table cellspacing="10" cellpadding="5" width="85%">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><b>Department</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Worker Name</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Earnings This Term</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Maximum Term Earnings</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>Amount Remaining</b></td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr><td>' . $course->shortname . '</td><td>' . $worker->lastname . ', ' . $worker->firstname . '</td><td>' . $earnings . '</td><td>' . $worker->maxtermearnings . '</td><td>' . $remaining . '</td></tr>'; }
define('CLI_SCRIPT', true); require_once '../../config.php'; require_once 'lib.php'; /** The purpose of this script is to find earnings/max earnings for this term */ global $CFG, $DB, $USER; //find all workers $workers = $DB->get_records('block_timetracker_workerinfo'); foreach ($workers as $worker) { //demo courses, et. al. if ($worker->courseid >= 73 && $worker->courseid <= 76) { continue; } $earnings = get_earnings_this_term($worker->id, $worker->courseid); $remaining = $worker->maxtermearnings - $earnings; $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $worker->courseid)); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $worker->courseid); $teachers = get_users_by_capability($context, 'block/timetracker:manageworkers'); /* if(!$teachers){ echo ('No supervisor is enrolled in the course.'); } */ $supervisor = ''; $email = ''; foreach ($teachers as $teacher) { if (is_enrolled($context, $teacher->id)) { $supervisor .= $teacher->firstname . ' ' . $teacher->lastname . ',' . $teacher->email . ','; }
/** * Gives an array with worker stats: * $stats['totalhours'] * $stats['monthhours' * $stats['yearhours'] * $stats['termhours'] * $stats['totalearnings'] * $stats['monthearnings'] * $stats['yearearnings'] * $stats['termearnings'] * @return an array with useful values */ function get_worker_stats($userid, $courseid) { global $DB; $stats['totalhours'] = get_total_hours($userid, $courseid); $stats['monthhours'] = get_hours_this_month($userid, $courseid); $stats['yearhours'] = get_hours_this_year($userid, $courseid); $stats['termhours'] = get_hours_this_term($userid, $courseid); $stats['totalearnings'] = get_total_earnings($userid, $courseid); $stats['monthearnings'] = get_earnings_this_month($userid, $courseid); $stats['yearearnings'] = get_earnings_this_year($userid, $courseid); $stats['termearnings'] = get_earnings_this_term($userid, $courseid); return $stats; }