function emiglio_exhibit_builder_page_nav($exhibitPage = null, $currentPageId) { if (!$exhibitPage) { $exhibitPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page'); } $parents = array(); $currentPage = get_record_by_id('Exhibit Page', $currentPageId); while ($currentPage->parent_id) { $currentPage = $currentPage->getParent(); array_unshift($parents, $currentPage->id); } $class = ''; $class .= $exhibitPage->id == $currentPageId ? 'current' : ''; $parent = array_search($exhibitPage->id, $parents) !== false ? ' parent' : ''; $html = '<li class="' . $class . $parent . '">' . '<a href="' . exhibit_builder_exhibit_uri(get_current_record('exhibit'), $exhibitPage) . '">' . metadata($exhibitPage, 'title') . '</a>'; $children = $exhibitPage->getChildPages(); if ($children) { $html .= '<ul>'; foreach ($children as $child) { $html .= emiglio_exhibit_builder_page_nav($child, $currentPageId); release_object($child); } $html .= '</ul>'; } $html .= '</li>'; return $html; }
/** * Get the sources for a video stream. * * @param Item $item * @return array The list of sources. */ public function videoStreamSources($item = null) { $view = $this->view; if (is_null($item)) { $item = get_current_record('item'); } $sources = array(); if (get_option('videostream_jwplayer_flash_streaming')) { $segmentFlashUrl = metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'Video Streaming URL')); $segmentFlashType = metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'Video Type')); $segmentFlashFile = metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'Video Filename')); $sources[] = array('file' => $segmentFlashUrl . $segmentFlashType . $segmentFlashFile); } if (get_option('videostream_jwplayer_http_streaming')) { $segmentHttpDir = metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'HTTP Streaming Directory')); $segmentHttpFile = metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'HTTP Video Filename')); $sources[] = array('file' => $segmentHttpDir . $segmentHttpFile); } if (get_option('videostream_jwplayer_hls_streaming')) { $segmentHlsDir = metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'HLS Streaming Directory')); $segmentHlsFile = metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'HLS Video Filename')); $sources[] = array('file' => $segmentHlsDir . $segmentHlsFile); } return $sources; }
function return_files_for_item($options = array(), $wrapperAttributes = array('class' => 'item-file'), $item = null) { if (!$item) { $item = get_current_record('item'); } return return_files($item->Files, $options, $wrapperAttributes); }
/** * Tests whether an item contains Fedora streams. * * @param Item $item The item. * @return bool Is the item a Fedora stream? * @author Eric Rochester <*****@*****.**> **/ function fc_isFedoraStream($item = null) { $item = $item ? $item : get_current_record('item'); $objects = get_db()->getTable('FedoraConnectorObject'); $isStream = $item && $objects->findByItem($item); return $isStream; }
public function filterDisplayElements($elementSets) { if (!($item = get_current_record('item', false))) { return $elementSets; } if (!metadata($item, array('Item Type Metadata', 'Player'))) { return $elementSets; } $newElementSets = array(); foreach ($elementSets as $set => $elements) { $newElements = $elements; if ($set === "Moving Image Item Type Metadata") { $newElements = array(); foreach ($elements as $key => $element) { if ($key === "Player") { $playerElement = $element; } else { $newElements[$key] = $element; } } } $newElementSets[$set] = $newElements; } if (isset($playerElement)) { return array_merge(array('Player' => array('' => $playerElement)), $newElementSets); } else { return $elementSets; } }
private function _getRecordType($params) { if (isset($params['module'])) { switch ($params['module']) { case 'exhibit-builder': //ExhibitBuilder uses slugs in the params, so need to negotiate around those //to dig up the record_id and model if (!empty($params['page_slug_1'])) { $page = get_current_record('exhibit_page', false); $model = 'ExhibitPage'; } else { if (!empty($params['item_id'])) { $model = 'Item'; } else { //TODO: check for other possibilities } } break; default: $model = Inflector::camelize($params['module']) . ucfirst($params['controller']); break; } } else { $model = ucfirst(Inflector::singularize($params['controller'])); } return $model; }
function rhythm_display_date_added($format = 'F j, Y', $item = null) { if (!$item) { $item = get_current_record('item'); } $dateAdded = metadata($item, 'added'); return date($format, strtotime($dateAdded)); }
/** * Load viewer properties when instantiating class * * @param object the database object, defaults to standard Omeka db * @return null */ public function __construct($db = null) { parent::__construct($db); if (!empty($this->viewer)) { $this->setViewerByName($this->viewer); } try { $this->_item = get_current_record('Item'); } catch (Exception $e) { //ignore for now } }
/** * Returns the form code for segmenting video for items. * * @param Item $item * @return string Html string. */ public function segmentTuningForm($item = null) { $view = $this->view; $db = get_db(); if (is_null($item)) { $item = get_current_record('item'); } $sources = $view->videoStreamSources($item); $sources = version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<') ? json_encode($sources) : json_encode($sources, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $html = $view->partial('common/segment-tuning-form.php', array('item' => $item, 'sources' => $sources, 'segment_start' => (string) metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start')), 'segment_end' => (string) metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End')), 'segment_description' => (string) metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Description')))); return $html; }
function custom_item_image_gallery($attrs = array(), $imageType = 'square_thumbnail', $filesShow = false, $item = null) { if (!$item) { $item = get_current_record('item'); } $files = $item->Files; if (!$files) { return ''; } $defaultAttrs = array('wrapper' => array('id' => 'item-images'), 'linkWrapper' => array(), 'link' => array(), 'image' => array()); $attrs = array_merge($defaultAttrs, $attrs); $html = ''; if ($attrs['wrapper'] !== null) { $html .= '<div ' . tag_attributes($attrs['wrapper']) . '>' . "\n"; } foreach ($files as $file) { if ($attrs['linkWrapper'] !== null) { $html .= '<div ' . tag_attributes($attrs['linkWrapper']) . '>' . "\n"; } $fileTitle = metadata($file, 'display title'); $webPath = $file->getWebPath('original'); // Taille de l'image en fonction du type de fichier if (preg_match("/\\.jpg\$/", $webPath)) { $imageType = 'fullsize'; $attrs['image'] = array('style' => 'max-width: 100%'); } else { $imageType = 'thumbnail'; $attrs['image'] = array('style' => 'width:5em;vertical-align:middle;'); } $image = file_image($imageType, $attrs['image'], $file); $html .= '<h2 class="title" style="text-align:center;">' . $fileTitle . '</h2>' . "\n"; if ($filesShow) { $html .= link_to($file, 'show', $image, $attrs['link']); } else { if (preg_match("/\\.pdf\$/", $webPath)) { $html .= '<p style="padding:0 1em 1em 1em;color: #333333;">Télécharger le fichier PDF : '; } $linkAttrs = $attrs['link'] + array('href' => $webPath); $html .= '<a ' . tag_attributes($linkAttrs) . '>' . $image . '</a>' . "\n"; if (preg_match("/\\.pdf\$/", $webPath)) { $html .= '</p>'; } } if ($attrs['linkWrapper'] !== null) { $html .= '</div>' . "\n"; } } if ($attrs['wrapper'] !== null) { $html .= '</div>' . "\n"; } return $html; }
/** * Get the specified BookReader. * * @param array $args Associative array of optional values: * - (integer|Item) item: The item is the current one if not set. * - (integer) page: set the page to be shown when including the iframe. * - (boolean) embed_functions: include buttons (Zoom, Search...). * - (integer) mode_page: allow to display 1 or 2 pages side-by-side. * - (integer) part: can be used to display the specified part of a book. * * @return string. The html string corresponding to the BookReader. */ public function getBookReader($args = array()) { if (!isset($args['item'])) { $item = get_current_record('item'); } elseif ($args['item'] instanceof Item) { $item = $args['item']; } else { $item = get_record_by_id('Item', (int) $args['item']); } if (empty($item)) { return ''; } $part = empty($args['part']) ? 0 : (int) $args['part']; $page = empty($args['page']) ? '0' : $args['page']; // Currently, all or none functions are enabled. $embed_functions = isset($args['embed_functions']) ? $args['embed_functions'] : get_option('bookreader_embed_functions'); // TODO Count leaves, not files. if ($item->fileCount() > 1) { $mode_page = isset($args['mode_page']) ? $args['mode_page'] : get_option('bookreader_mode_page'); } else { $mode_page = 1; } // Build url of the page with iframe. $queryParams = array(); if ($part > 1) { $queryParams['part'] = $part; } if (empty($embed_functions)) { $queryParams['ui'] = 'embed'; } $url = absolute_url(array('id' => $item->id), 'bookreader_viewer', $queryParams); $url .= '#'; $url .= empty($page) ? '' : 'page/n' . $page . '/'; $url .= 'mode/' . $mode_page . 'up'; $class = get_option('bookreader_class'); if (!empty($class)) { $class = ' class="' . $class . '"'; } $width = get_option('bookreader_width'); if (!empty($width)) { $width = ' width="' . $width . '"'; } $height = get_option('bookreader_height'); if (!empty($height)) { $height = ' height="' . $height . '"'; } $html = '<div><iframe src="' . $url . '"' . $class . $width . $height . ' frameborder="0"></iframe></div>'; return $html; }
/** * Get the specified JW Player to display a video stream. * * @param Item $item * @return string Html string. */ public function videoStream($item = null) { $view = $this->view; $db = get_db(); if (is_null($item)) { $item = get_current_record('item'); } $sources = $view->videoStreamSources($item); $sources = version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<') ? json_encode($sources) : json_encode($sources, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $partial = get_option('videostream_jwplayer_external_control') ? 'video-stream-external-control' : 'video-stream-internal-control'; $html = $view->partial('common/' . $partial . '.php', array('item' => $item, 'sources' => $sources, 'segment_start' => (string) metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start')), 'segment_end' => (string) metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End')), 'segment_description' => (string) metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Description')))); if (get_option('videostream_display_current')) { $html .= $view->partial('common/video-stream-current.php', array('item' => $item, 'video_filename' => (string) metadata($item, array('Streaming Video', 'Video Filename')))); } return $html; }
/** * Tests whether metadata() returns the correct value for an exhibit page. * * @uses metadata() **/ public function testCanRetrieveCorrectExhibitPageValue() { $exhibit = $this->helper->createNewExhibit(true, false, 'Exhibit Title', 'Exhibit Description', 'Exhibit Credits', 'exhibitslug'); $this->assertTrue($exhibit->exists()); $exhibitPage = $this->helper->createNewExhibitPage($exhibit, null, 'Exhibit Page Title', 'exhibitpageslug', 1, 'text'); $this->assertTrue($exhibitPage->exists()); $this->dispatch('exhibits/show/exhibitslug/exhibitpageslug'); $exhibitPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page'); $this->assertTrue($exhibitPage->exists()); $this->assertEquals('Exhibit Page Title', $exhibitPage->title); $this->assertEquals('exhibitpageslug', $exhibitPage->slug); // Exhibit Page Title $this->assertEquals('Exhibit Page Title', metadata('exhibitPage', 'Title')); // Exhibit Page Layout $this->assertEquals('text', metadata('exhibitPage', 'Layout')); // Exhibit Page Order $this->assertEquals(1, metadata('exhibitPage', 'Order')); // Exhibit Page Slug $this->assertEquals('exhibitpageslug', metadata('exhibitPage', 'Slug')); }
/** * Get the IIIF manifest for the specified collection. * * @param Record|integer|null $record Collection * @param boolean $asJson Return manifest as object or as a json string. * @return Object|string|null. The object or the json string corresponding to the * manifest. */ public function iiifCollection($record = null, $asJson = true) { if (is_null($record)) { $record = get_current_record('collection'); } elseif (is_numeric($record)) { $record = get_record_by_id('Collection', (int) $record); } if (empty($record)) { return null; } $recordClass = get_class($record); if ($recordClass != 'Collection') { return null; } $result = $this->_buildManifestCollection($record); if ($asJson) { return version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<') ? json_encode($result) : json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } // Return as array return $result; }
/** * Get the IIIF manifest for the specified record. * * @param Record|integer|null $record * @param boolean $asJson Return manifest as object or as a json string. * @return Object|string|null. The object or the json string corresponding to the * manifest. */ public function iiifManifest($record = null, $asJson = true, $alternative = false, $currentImage = false) { if (is_null($record)) { $record = get_current_record('item'); } elseif (is_numeric($record)) { $record = get_record_by_id('Item', (int) $record); } if (empty($record)) { return null; } $recordClass = get_class($record); if ($recordClass == 'Item') { $result = $this->_buildManifestItem($record, $alternative, $currentImage); } elseif ($recordClass == 'Collection') { return $this->view->iiifCollection($record, $asJson); } else { return null; } if ($asJson) { return version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<') ? json_encode($result) : json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } // Return as array return $result; }
/** * Return a URL to an item within an exhibit. * * @param Item $item * @param Exhibit|null $exhibit If null, will use the current exhibit. * @return string */ function exhibit_builder_exhibit_item_uri($item, $exhibit = null) { if (!$exhibit) { $exhibit = get_current_record('exhibit'); } return url(array('slug' => $exhibit->slug, 'item_id' => $item->id), 'exhibitItem'); }
<?php echo link_to_collection(__('Edit'), array('class' => 'big green button'), 'edit'); ?> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo html_escape(public_url('collections/show/' . metadata('collection', 'id'))); ?> " class="big blue button" target="_blank"><?php echo __('View Public Page'); ?> </a> <?php if (is_allowed(get_current_record('collection'), 'delete')) { ?> <?php echo link_to_collection(__('Delete'), array('class' => 'big red button delete-confirm'), 'delete-confirm'); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="public-featured panel"> <p><span class="label"><?php echo __('Public'); ?> :</span> <?php
/** * Shortcode to display viewer. * * @param array $args * @param Omeka_View $view * @return string */ public static function shortcodeOpenLayersZoom($args, $view) { // Check required arguments $recordType = isset($args['record_type']) ? $args['record_type'] : 'Item'; $recordType = ucfirst(strtolower($recordType)); if (!in_array($recordType, array('Item', 'File'))) { return; } // Get the specified record. if (isset($args['record_id'])) { $recordId = (int) $args['record_id']; $record = get_record_by_id($recordType, $recordId); } else { $record = get_current_record(strtolower($recordType)); } if (empty($record)) { return; } $html = $view->openLayersZoom()->zoom($record); if ($html) { $html = '<link href="' . css_src('ol') . '" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >' . js_tag('ol') . js_tag('OpenLayersZoom') . $html; return $html; } }
public function append($args) { ?> <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_external_control')) { ?> <?php if (metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start'))) { ?> <div id="vid_player"> <div id="jwplayer_plugin">Player failed to load... </div> <div id="vidcontrols"> <ul class="vidControlsLayout" style="width='<?php echo get_option("jwplayer_width_public"); ?> '"> <li id="start_img"><img src="<?php echo img('pause.png'); ?> " title="Start/Stop" class="btnPlay"/></li> <li id="playback-display"><span class="current">0:00:00</span></li> <li class="progressBar"></li> <li id="slider-display"><span class="duration">0:00:00</span> </li> <li id="vol_img"><img class="muted" src="<?php echo img('volume_speaker.png'); ?> " /></a></li> <li class="volumeBar"></li> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var is_play = true; var startTime= calculateTime("<?php echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start')); ?> "); var endTime = calculateTime("<?php echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End')); ?> "); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").setup({ playlist: [{ sources: [ <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_hls_streaming')) { ?> { file: '<?php echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "HLS Streaming Directory")); echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "HLS Video Filename")); ?> ' }, <?php } ?> <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_flash_streaming')) { ?> { file: '<?php echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Streaming URL")); echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Type")); echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "Video Filename")); ?> '} , <?php } ?> <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_http_streaming')) { ?> { file: '<?php echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "HTTP Streaming Directory")); echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "HTTP Video Filename")); ?> '}, <?php } ?> ] } ], <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_flash_primary')) { ?> primary: "flash", <?php } ?> autostart: false, controls: false, width: "100%", height: "<?php echo get_option('jwplayer_height_public'); ?> ", } ); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").onReady(function(){ jQuery('.current').text(getFormattedTimeString(startTime)); jQuery('.duration').text(getFormattedTimeString(endTime)); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").seek(startTime); <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_autostart') == 0) { ?> jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").pause(); <?php } ?> } ); jQuery( ".progressBar" ).slider( { min: startTime, max: endTime, range: "max", slide: function(event, ui) { jwplayer().seek(ui.value); }, change: function(event,ui){ if (jwplayer().getPosition() > endTime){ jwplayer().seek(startTime); } } }); jQuery( ".volumeBar" ).slider( { min: 0, max: 100, range: "max", slide: function(event, ui) { jwplayer().setVolume(ui.value); }, change: function(event,ui){ jwplayer().setVolume(ui.value); } }); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").onTime(function(event){ jQuery(".progressBar").slider("value", jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").getPosition()); jQuery('.current').text(getFormattedTimeString(jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").getPosition())); }); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").onPlay(function(){ jQuery('.btnPlay').attr("src","<?php echo img('pause.png'); ?> "); }); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").onPause(function(){ jQuery('.btnPlay').attr("src","<?php echo img('play.png'); ?> "); }); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").onMute(function(event){ if (event.mute){ jQuery('.muted').attr("src","<?php echo img('volume_speaker_mute.png'); ?> "); }else{ jQuery('.muted').attr("src","<?php echo img('volume_speaker.png'); ?> "); } } ); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").onVolume(function(event){ if (event.volume <= 0 ){ jQuery('.muted').attr("src","<?php echo img('volume_speaker_mute.png'); ?> "); }else{ jQuery('.muted').attr("src","<?php echo img('volume_speaker.png'); ?> "); } } ); jQuery('.btnPlay').on('click', function() { if (jwplayer().getPosition() > endTime){ jwplayer().seek(startTime); } jwplayer().play(); return false; }); jQuery('.btnStop').on('click', function() { jwplayer().stop(); jwplayer().seek(startTime); jQuery(".progressBar").slider("value", jwplayer().getPosition()); jQuery('.current').text(getFormattedTimeString(jwplayer().getPosition())); return false; }); jQuery('.muted').click(function() { jwplayer().setMute(); return false; }); jQuery('#vid_player')[0].onmouseover = (function() { var onmousestop = function() { jQuery('#vidcontrols').css('display', 'none'); }, thread; return function() { jQuery('#vidcontrols').css('display', 'block'); clearTimeout(thread); thread = setTimeout(onmousestop, 3000); }; })(); jQuery('#vid_player')[0].onmousedown = (function() { var moveend = function() { jQuery('#vidcontrols').css('display', 'none'); }, thread; return function() { jQuery('#vidcontrols').css('display', 'block'); clearTimeout(thread); thread = setTimeout(moveend, 3000); }; })(); </script> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } else { //use jwplayer control ?> <?php if ($bText = metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start'))) { ?> <div id="vid_player" style="width:100%; margin:0 auto;"> <div id="jwplayer_plugin" style="margin:0 auto;">Player failed to load... </div> </div> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var is_play = true; var startTime= calculateTime("<?php echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start')); ?> "); var endTime = calculateTime("<?php echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End')); ?> "); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").setup({ playlist: [{ sources: [ <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_hls_streaming')) { ?> { file: '<?php echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "HLS Streaming Directory")); echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "HLS Video Filename")); ?> ' }, <?php } ?> <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_flash_streaming')) { ?> { file: '<?php echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Streaming URL")); echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Type")); echo metadata('item', array("Streaming Video", "Video Filename")); ?> '} , <?php } ?> <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_http_streaming')) { ?> { file: '<?php echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "HTTP Streaming Directory")); echo metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "HTTP Video Filename")); ?> '}, <?php } ?> ] } ], <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_flash_primary')) { ?> primary: "flash", <?php } ?> autostart: false, width: "95%", height: <?php echo get_option('jwplayer_height_public'); ?> } ); jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").onReady(function(){ jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").seek(startTime); <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_autostart') == 0) { ?> jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").pause(); <?php } ?> } ); <?php } ?> </script> <?php if (get_option('jwplayer_display_current')) { ?> <?php $orig_item = get_current_record('item'); $orig_video = metadata("item", array("Streaming Video", "Video Filename")); ?> <?php $items = get_records('item', array('collection' => metadata('item', 'collection id'), 'sort_field' => 'Streaming Video,Segment Start'), null); ?> <?php set_loop_records('items', $items); if (has_loop_records('items')) { $items = get_loop_records('items'); } ?> <?php foreach (loop('items') as $item) { ?> <?php if (metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Type')) == 'Scene' && metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Video Filename')) == $orig_video) { ?> <div class="scene" id="<?php echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start')); ?> " title="<?php echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End')); ?> " style="display:none;"> <h2>Current video segment:</h2> <h3><?php echo link_to_item(metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Title'))); ?> </h3> <div style="overflow:auto; max-height:150px;"> <p> <?php echo metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Description')); ?> </p> </div> <p>Segment: <?php echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment Start')); ?> -- <?php echo metadata('item', array('Streaming Video', 'Segment End')); ?> </p> </div> <!-- end of loop div for display --> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <hr style="color:lt-gray;"/> <?php set_current_record('item', $orig_item); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function getElementsByClass(searchClass, domNode, tagName) { if (domNode == null) { domNode = document; } if (tagName == null) { tagName = '*'; } var el = new Array(); var tags = domNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName); var tcl = " "+searchClass+" "; for (i=0,j=0; i<tags.length; i++) { var test = " " + tags[i].className + " "; if (test.indexOf(tcl) != -1) { el[j++] = tags[i]; } } return el; } jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").onTime(function(event){ var ctime = "0:00:00"; var scenes; var sel; var i = 0; ctime = getTimeString(jwplayer("jwplayer_plugin").getPosition()); scenes = getElementsByClass("scene"); for (i; i < scenes.length; i++) { sel = scenes[i]; if (sel.getAttribute('id') <= ctime && sel.getAttribute('title') >= ctime) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } } } ); </script> <?php } ?> <?php }
/** * Get a list item for a page, containing a sublist of all its children. */ function exhibit_builder_page_summary($exhibitPage = null) { if (!$exhibitPage) { $exhibitPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page'); } $html = '<li>' . '<a href="' . exhibit_builder_exhibit_uri(get_current_record('exhibit'), $exhibitPage) . '">' . metadata($exhibitPage, 'title') . '</a>'; $children = $exhibitPage->getChildPages(); if ($children) { $html .= '<ul>'; foreach ($children as $child) { $html .= exhibit_builder_page_summary($child); release_object($child); } $html .= '</ul>'; } $html .= '</li>'; return $html; }
/** * Display the links to the catalogs on the public item page. */ public function hookPublicItemsShow() { $item = get_current_record('item'); $subject_full = strip_formatting(metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Subject'))); $subject_simple = cleanSubjectString($subject_full); /* Only display the links if the item has a subject */ if ($subject_full !== "") { echo "<div id='catalog-search' class='element'>"; echo "<h3>" . __("Catalog Search") . "</h3>"; echo "<p>" . __("Search for related records in these catalogs:") . "</p>"; $searches = get_db()->getTable('CatalogSearchSearch')->getAllCatalogSearches(); foreach ($searches as $search) { // Decide whether to use full or simple query terms. if ($search->query_type == '0') { $subject_use = $subject_full; } elseif ($search->query_type == '1') { $subject_use = $subject_simple; } // Echo the search link to the catalog. echo "<div class='element-text'><a href='" . getCatalogSearchUrl($search->query_string, $subject_use) . "'>" . $search->catalog_name . "</a></div>"; } echo "</div>"; } }
<div class="five columns offset-by-two omega"> <p class="element-set-description"> <?php echo html_escape(@get_current_record('item')->Type->description); ?> </p> </div> <?php echo element_set_form(get_current_record('item'), 'Item Type Metadata');
/** * Return a tag string given an Item, Exhibit, or a set of tags. * * @package Omeka\Function\View\Tag * @param Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord|array $recordOrTags The record to retrieve * tags from, or the actual array of tags * @param string|null $link The URL to use for links to the tags (if null, tags * aren't linked) * @param string $delimiter ', ' (comma and whitespace) is the default tag_delimiter option. Configurable in Settings * @return string HTML */ function tag_string($recordOrTags = null, $link = 'items/browse', $delimiter = null) { // Set the tag_delimiter option if no delimiter was passed. if (is_null($delimiter)) { $delimiter = get_option('tag_delimiter') . ' '; } if (!$recordOrTags) { $tags = array(); } else { if (is_string($recordOrTags)) { $tags = get_current_record($recordOrTags)->Tags; } else { if ($recordOrTags instanceof Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord) { $tags = $recordOrTags->Tags; } else { $tags = $recordOrTags; } } } if (empty($tags)) { return ''; } $tagStrings = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $name = $tag['name']; if (!$link) { $tagStrings[] = html_escape($name); } else { $tagStrings[] = '<a href="' . html_escape(url($link, array('tags' => $name))) . '" rel="tag">' . html_escape($name) . '</a>'; } } return join(html_escape($delimiter), $tagStrings); }
/** * Print out the COinS span on the admin items browse page. */ public function hookAdminItemsBrowseSimpleEach() { echo get_view()->coins(get_current_record('item')); }
/** * Get the url to tiles or a zoomified file, if any. * * @param object $file * * @return string */ public function getTileUrl($file = null) { if ($file == null) { $file = get_current_record('file'); } if (empty($file)) { return; } $tileUrl = ''; // Does it use a IIPImage server? if ($this->_creator->useIIPImageServer()) { $item = $file->getItem(); $tileUrl = $item->getElementTexts('Item Type Metadata', 'Tile Server URL'); $tileUrl = empty($tileUrl) ? '' : $tileUrl[0]->text; } elseif (file_exists($this->_creator->getZDataDir($file))) { // fetch identifier, to use in link to tiles for this jp2 - pbinkley // $jp2 = item('Dublin Core', 'Identifier') . '.jp2'; // $tileUrl = ZOOMTILES_WEB . '/' . $jp2; $tileUrl = $this->_creator->getZDataWeb($file); } return $tileUrl; }
public function hookPublicCollectionsShow() { if (get_option(SocialBookmarkingPlugin::ADD_TO_OMEKA_COLLECTIONS_OPTION) == '1') { $collection = get_current_record('collection'); $url = record_url($collection, 'show', true); $title = strip_formatting(metadata($collection, array('Dublin Core', 'Title'))); $description = strip_formatting(metadata($collection, array('Dublin Core', 'Description'))); echo '<h2>' . __('Social Bookmarking') . '</h2>'; echo social_bookmarking_toolbar($url, $title, $description); } }
<?php echo get_current_record('item')->id;
/** * Add viewer markup to public item display pages * * @param array $args An array of parameters passed by the hook * @return void */ public function hookPublicItemsShow($args) { $item = get_current_record('Item'); if (empty($item)) { break; } $profile = $this->_db->getTable('MmdProfile')->getPrimaryAssignedProfile($item); if (empty($profile)) { return; } try { echo $profile->getBodyHtml(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "<h3>Error loading viewer</h3><p>" . $e->getMessage() . "</p>"; } }
/** * Intercept get_theme_option calls to allow theme settings on a per-Exhibit basis. * * @param string $themeOptions Serialized array of theme options * @param string $args Unused here */ function exhibit_builder_theme_options($themeOptions, $args) { try { if ($exhibit = get_current_record('exhibit', false)) { $exhibitThemeOptions = $exhibit->getThemeOptions(); if (!empty($exhibitThemeOptions)) { return serialize($exhibitThemeOptions); } } } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { // no view available } return $themeOptions; }
$attrs = array('wrapper' => array('id' => 'slider-id', 'class' => 'liquid-slider')); echo custom_item_image_gallery($attrs); } ?> <!-- Liquid Slider Ends Here --> <div id="primary"> <?php echo all_element_texts('item'); ?> <div> <?php if (!$item) { $item = get_current_record('item'); } $files = $item->Files; foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file->getExtension() == 'pdf') { echo '<iframe width=100% height=800 src="' . metadata($file, 'filename') . '"></iframe>'; break; } } if ($file->getExtension() != 'pdf') { fire_plugin_hook('public_items_show', array('view' => $this, 'item' => $item)); } ?> </div> </div><!-- end primary -->