Пример #1
							<p class="[ post__excerpt ]"><?php 
        echo wp_trim_words(get_the_excerpt(), 26, '...');
							<p class="[ post__info_sector ]">Sector: <br/><span><?php 
        echo get_sector($post->ID);
							<p class="[ post__info_sector ]">by: <br/><span><?php 
							<p class="[ post__info post__country ][ hidden ]"><?php 
        echo get_country($post->ID);
							<p class="[ post__info post__date ][ hidden ]" ><?php 
        echo get_the_time('U');


function get_country($ip_address)
    // This code demonstrates how to lookup the country, region, city,
    // postal code, latitude, and longitude by IP Address.
    // It is designed to work with GeoIP/GeoLite City
    // Note that you must download the New Format of GeoIP City (GEO-133).
    // The old format (GEO-132) will not work.
    require_once "geoipcity.inc";
    require_once "geoipregionvars.php";
    // uncomment for Shared Memory support
    // geoip_load_shared_mem("/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat");
    // $gi = geoip_open("/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat",GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY);
    $gi = geoip_open("GeoLiteCity.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
    $geo_data = array();
    if (!($record = geoip_record_by_addr($gi, $ip_address))) {
        $geo_data['geo_country'] = 'US';
        $geo_data['geo_countryName'] = 'United States';
        return false;
    $geo_data['geo_country'] = $record->country_code;
    $geo_data['geo_countryName'] = $record->country_name;
    $key = strtolower($geo_data['geo_country']);
    $keywordNum = 10;
    $keywordLIst = [];
    if ($key == 'cn') {
  * Get Bg Image Name
  * @return string
 function getName()
     $fileName = get_country('code') . '.jpg';
     return $fileName;
Пример #4
 private function getCountrySetCoockie()
     $country = get_country();
     setcookie('country', $country, time() + 3600 * 24);
     return $country;
  * Home Page
  * @param ImageService $image
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function home(ImageService $image)
     $image = $image->getHomePageImageUrl();
     $summary = $this->api->summary();
     $countries = count($summary->country_summary);
     $resources = count($summary->resource_summary);
     $contracts = $summary->contract_count;
     $countryName = get_country('name');
     return view('site.home', compact('countries', 'resources', 'contracts', 'image', 'countryName'));
  * Create new Page
  * @param $input
  * @return static
 public function create($input)
     $input = ['title' => (object) $input['title'], 'content' => (object) $input['content'], 'slug' => str_slug($input['title']['en']), 'country' => get_country('code')];
     $validate = $this->page->where('slug', $input['slug'])->country()->count();
     if ($validate == 0) {
         return $this->page->create($input);
     } else {
         return false;
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $country = get_country('code');
     $pages = [['title' => ['en' => 'About', 'fr' => 'Fr About'], 'slug' => 'about', 'content' => ['en' => 'About content for country ' . $country, 'fr' => 'Fr About Content'], 'country' => $country], ['title' => ['en' => 'Contact', 'fr' => 'Fr Contact'], 'slug' => 'contact', 'content' => ['en' => 'Contact content for country ' . $country, 'fr' => 'Fr Contact Content'], 'country' => $country], ['title' => ['en' => 'Resources', 'fr' => 'Fr Resources'], 'slug' => 'resources', 'content' => ['en' => 'Guide content for country ' . $country, 'fr' => 'Fr Guide Content'], 'country' => $country], ['title' => ['en' => 'FAQs', 'fr' => 'Fr Faqs'], 'slug' => 'faqs', 'content' => ['en' => 'FAQs content for country ' . $country, 'fr' => 'Fr FAQS Content'], 'country' => $country], ['title' => ['en' => 'Glossary', 'fr' => 'Fr Glossary'], 'slug' => 'glossary', 'content' => ['en' => 'Glossary content for country ' . $country, 'fr' => 'Fr Glossary Content'], 'country' => $country], ['title' => ['en' => 'Publish Contracts', 'fr' => 'Publish Contracts'], 'slug' => 'publish-contracts', 'content' => ['en' => 'Publish Contracts for country ' . $country, 'fr' => 'Fr Publish Contract Content'], 'country' => $country]];
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $validate = Page::where('slug', $page['slug'])->country()->count();
         if ($validate == 0) {
    echo '<td>';
    echo $val['strRestoLandline'];
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td style="width:20%">';
    if ($val['strRestoAddress'] != '') {
        $strRestoAddress = $val['strRestoAddress'] . ', ';
    } else {
        $strRestoAddress = '';
    if ($val['strRestoCity'] != '') {
        $strRestoCity = $val['strRestoCity'] . ', ';
    } else {
        $strRestoCity = '';
    if ($val['strRestoCountry'] != '') {
        $strRestoCountry = get_country($val['strRestoCountry']);
    } else {
        $strRestoCountry = '';
    echo $strRestoAddress . $strRestoCity . $strRestoCountry;
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td style="width:20%">';
    echo $val['strFirstName'] . ' ' . $val['strMiddleName'] . ' ' . $val['strLastName'];
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td style="width:11%">';
    echo '<div class="btn-group controlHolder">';
    echo '<a href="' . base_url() . 'dashboard/view_branches_account/' . $val['intRestoID'] . '" data-lng ="' . $latlang[1] . '"  data-lat = "' . $latlang[0] . '"data-id="' . $val['intRestoID'] . '" data-title="' . $val['strRestoName'] . '" data-img="' . $val['strRestoThumb'] . '" data-assets="' . $val['strRestoAssets'] . '" data-date="' . $val['dateRestoCreated'] . '" data-location="' . $val['strRestoCity'] . '" data-description="' . strip_tags($val['strRestoDescr']) . '" class="btn btn-mini viewresto" ><i class="icon-eye-open"></i> <span>View</span></a>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
  * call API
  * @param       $resource
  * @param array $query
  * @param bool  $array
  * @return null
 protected function downloadAPI($resource, array $query = [], $array = false)
     try {
         $request = new Request('GET', $this->apiURL($resource));
         $query['country_code'] = get_country('code');
         $response = $this->client->send($request);
         $data = $response->getBody()->getContents();
         $filename = "export" . date('Y-m-d');
         header('Content-type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '.csv"');
         print $data;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Log::error($resource . ":" . $e->getMessage(), $query);
         return null;
Пример #10
  * Function used to get anonymous user
 function get_anonymous_user()
     global $db;
     $uid = config('anonymous_id');
     if ($this->user_exists($uid)) {
         return $uid;
     } else {
         $result = $db->select(tbl("users"), "userid", " level='6' AND status='unverified' ", "1");
         if ($result[0]['userid']) {
             return $result[0]['userid'];
         } else {
             $pass = RandomString(10);
             if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'localhost') {
                 $email = 'anonymous' . RandomString(5) . '@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
             } else {
                 $email = 'anonymous' . RandomString(5) . '@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '.tld';
             //Create Anonymous user
             $uid = $this->signup_user(array('username' => 'anonymous' . RandomString(5), 'email' => $email, 'password' => $pass, 'cpassword' => $pass, 'country' => get_country(config('default_country_iso2')), 'gender' => 'Male', 'dob' => '2000-10-10', 'category' => '1', 'level' => '6', 'active' => 'yes', 'agree' => 'yes'), false);
             return $uid;
Пример #11
        // Developers by Nationality
        case "nationality":
            stats_title($t->translate("Developers listed by Nationality"));
            $db->query("SELECT *,COUNT(*) AS nat_cnt FROM developers GROUP BY developers.nationality ORDER BY nat_cnt DESC");
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                stats_display(get_country($db->f("nationality")), $db->f("nat_cnt"), "", "", $total_number_dev);
            // Developers by Countries currently live in
        // Developers by Countries currently live in
        case "lives_in":
            stats_title($t->translate("Developers listed by Countries currently live in"));
            $db->query("SELECT *,COUNT(*) AS nat_cnt FROM developers GROUP BY developers.actual_country ORDER BY nat_cnt DESC");
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                stats_display(get_country($db->f("actual_country")), $db->f("nat_cnt"), "", "", $total_number_dev);
            // Developers by Mother Tonque
        // Developers by Mother Tonque
        case "mother_tonque":
            stats_title($t->translate("Developers listed by Mother Tongue"));
            $db->query("SELECT *,COUNT(*) AS nat_cnt FROM developers GROUP BY developers.mother_tongue ORDER BY nat_cnt DESC");
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                stats_display(get_lang($db->f("mother_tongue")), $db->f("nat_cnt"), "", "", $total_number_dev);
    if ($strUserProvince != '') {
        echo $strUserProvince;
    } else {
        echo 'Not yet updated!';
    if ($strUserCountry != '') {
        echo get_country($strUserCountry);
    } else {
        echo 'Not yet updated!';
                                <dl class="dl-horizontal dl-header">
                                    <dt><h5><i class="icon-tint"></i> Contact Information</h5></dt>
                                <dl class="dl-horizontal">
                                    <dt>Mobile Phone</dt>
    if ($strUserMobile != '') {
        echo $strUserMobile;
Пример #13

include 'db.php';
$db = new db();
$sql = "SELECT count(*) total from registros where cedula = '{$cedula}' and id_promo = {$id_promo}";
$total = $db->SelectUnico($sql);
//$response = array();
if ($total == 0) {
    $edad = age($anio . '-' . $mes . '-' . $dia);
    $pais_ip = get_country(get_IP_address());
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `registros` (`id_registro`, `id_promo`, `nombre`, `apellido`, `email`, `pais`, `ciudad`, `cedula`, `celular`,`sexo`, `edad`, `dia_nacimiento`, `mes_nacimiento`, `anio_nacimiento`, `ip`, `pais_ip`, `fecha`) VALUES (null, {$id_promo}, '{$nombre}', '{$apellido}', '{$email}', '{$pais}', '{$ciudad}', '{$cedula}', '{$celular}','{$sexo}', '" . $edad . "', '{$dia}', '{$mes}', '{$anio}', '" . get_IP_address() . "', '" . $pais_ip . "', NOW()); ";
    $response['status'] = $db->Insert($sql);
    $sql = "SELECT mailing,texto_mailing from promos where id_promo = {$id_promo}";
    $a_data = $db->Select($sql);
    $HTML = $a_data[0]['texto_mailing'] . '<br/><br/><img src="http://bonovirtualcolineal.com/admin/actions/uploads/' . $a_data[0]['mailing'] . '" />';
    sendHTMLemail($HTML, $email, 'COLINEAL - Bono Virtual');
} else {
    $response['status'] = 0;
header("Content-Type: application/json", true);
echo json_encode($response);
function get_IP_address()
        if (array_key_exists($key, $_SERVER) === true) {
            foreach (explode(',', $_SERVER[$key]) as $IPaddress) {
                $IPaddress = trim($IPaddress);
                // Just to be safe
                if (filter_var($IPaddress, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) !== false) {
                    return $IPaddress;
function transaction_results($sessionid, $echo_to_screen = true, $transaction_id = null)
    global $wpdb, $_SESSION, $Debug, $_GET;
    //why are autoglobal arrays here?
    $curgateway = get_option('payment_gateway');
    $errorcode = '';
    $order_status = 2;
    $siteurl = get_option('siteurl');
     * {Notes} Double check that $Echo_To_Screen is a boolean value
    $echo_to_screen = !is_bool($echo_to_screen) ? true : $echo_to_screen;
    if (is_numeric($sessionid)) {
        $report = TXT_WPSC_EMAILMSG2;
        $selectsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "purchase_logs` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1";
        $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_row($selectsql, ARRAY_A);
        if ($purchase_log['gateway'] == "testmode" && $purchase_log['processed'] < 2) {
            $message = "" . TXT_WPSC_YOUR_ORDER . ":\n";
            $message_html = "<h2  style='padding-top: 0px;' >" . TXT_WPSC_YOUR_ORDER . "</h2>";
        } else {
            $message = TXT_WPSC_EMAILMSG1;
            $message_html = $message;
        $order_url = $siteurl . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=" . WPSC_DIR_NAME . "/display-log.php&amp;purchcaseid=" . $purchase_log['id'];
        if ($_GET['ipn_request'] != 'true' and get_option('paypal_ipn') == 1) {
            if ($purchase_log == null) {
                echo TXT_WPSC_ORDER_FAILED;
                if (get_option('purch_log_email') != null && $purchase_log['email_sent'] != 1) {
                    mail(get_option('purch_log_email'), TXT_WPSC_NEW_ORDER_PENDING_SUBJECT, TXT_WPSC_NEW_ORDER_PENDING_BODY . $order_url, "From: " . get_option('return_email') . "");
                return false;
            } else {
                if ($purchase_log['email_sent'] != 1 && $purchase_log['processed'] < 2) {
                    //added by Thomas on 20/6/2007
                    echo TXT_WPSC_ORDER_PENDING . "<p style='margin: 1em 0px 0px 0px;' >" . nl2br(get_option('payment_instructions')) . "</p>";
                    if ($purchase_log['gateway'] != 'testmode') {
                        if (get_option('purch_log_email') != null && $purchase_log['email_sent'] != 1) {
                            mail(get_option('purch_log_email'), TXT_WPSC_NEW_ORDER_PENDING_SUBJECT, TXT_WPSC_NEW_ORDER_PENDING_BODY . $order_url, "From: " . get_option('return_email') . "");
                        return false;
        } else {
            if ($purchase_log['processed'] < 2) {
                //added by Thomas on 20/6/2007
                echo TXT_WPSC_ORDER_PENDING . "<p style='margin: 1em 0px 0px 0px;' >" . nl2br(get_option('payment_instructions')) . "</p>";
                if ($purchase_log['gateway'] != 'testmode') {
                    if (get_option('purch_log_email') != null && $purchase_log['email_sent'] != 1) {
                        mail(get_option('purch_log_email'), TXT_WPSC_NEW_ORDER_PENDING_SUBJECT, TXT_WPSC_NEW_ORDER_PENDING_BODY . $order_url, "From: " . get_option('return_email') . "");
                    return false;
        $cartsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cart_contents` WHERE `purchaseid`=" . $purchase_log['id'] . "";
        $cart = $wpdb->get_results($cartsql, ARRAY_A);
        if ($purchase_log['shipping_country'] != '') {
            $billing_country = $purchase_log['billing_country'];
            $shipping_country = $purchase_log['shipping_country'];
        } else {
            $country = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "submited_form_data` WHERE `log_id`=" . $purchase_log['id'] . " AND `form_id` = '" . get_option('country_form_field') . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
            $billing_country = $country[0]['value'];
            $shipping_country = $country[0]['value'];
        $email_form_field = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`,`type` FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "collect_data_forms` WHERE `type` IN ('email') AND `active` = '1' ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
        $email_address = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "submited_form_data` WHERE `log_id`=" . $purchase_log['id'] . " AND `form_id` = '" . $email_form_field[0]['id'] . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
        $email = $email_address[0]['value'];
        $previous_download_ids = array(0);
        if ($cart != null && $errorcode == 0) {
            foreach ($cart as $row) {
                $link = "";
                $productsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "product_list` WHERE `id`=" . $row['prodid'] . "";
                $product_data = $wpdb->get_results($productsql, ARRAY_A);
                if ($product_data[0]['file'] > 0) {
                    if ($purchase_log['email_sent'] != 1) {
                        $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->prefix . "download_status` SET `active`='1' WHERE `fileid`='" . $product_data[0]['file'] . "' AND `purchid` = '" . $purchase_log['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
                    			$digitalsql = "SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."cart_contents` WHERE purchaseid=".$purchase_log['id']."";
                    			$digital = $wpdb->get_results($digitalsql,ARRAY_A);
                    			$digitalsql = "SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."cart_item_variations` WHERE `cart_id`=".$digital[0]['id']."";
                    			$digital = $wpdb->get_results($digitalsql,ARRAY_A);
                    			$digitalsql = "SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."variation_priceandstock` WHERE `variation_id_1`=".$digital[0]['value_id']." AND product_id=".$product_data[0]['id']."";
                    			$digital = $wpdb->get_results($digitalsql,ARRAY_A);*/
                    $downloadable = '1';
                    // 		if ($digital[0]['file'] == '1'){
                    // 			$downloadable='1';
                    // 		}
                    if ($downloadable) {
                        $download_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "download_status` WHERE `fileid`='" . $product_data[0]['file'] . "' AND `purchid`='" . $purchase_log['id'] . "' AND `id` NOT IN (" . make_csv($previous_download_ids) . ") LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
                        $download_data = $download_data[0];
                        if ($download_data['uniqueid'] == null) {
                            // if the uniqueid is not equal to null, its "valid", regardless of what it is
                            $link = $siteurl . "?downloadid=" . $download_data['id'];
                        } else {
                            $link = $siteurl . "?downloadid=" . $download_data['uniqueid'];
                        $previous_download_ids[] = $download_data['id'];
                        $order_status = 4;
                do_action('wpsc_confirm_checkout', $purchase_log['id']);
                $shipping = nzshpcrt_determine_item_shipping($row['prodid'], $row['quantity'], $shipping_country);
                $total_shipping += $shipping;
                if ($product_data[0]['special'] == 1) {
                    $price_modifier = $product_data[0]['special_price'];
                } else {
                    $price_modifier = 0;
                $total += $row['price'] * $row['quantity'];
                $message_price = nzshpcrt_currency_display($row['price'] * $row['quantity'], $product_data[0]['notax'], true);
                $shipping_price = nzshpcrt_currency_display($shipping, 1, true);
                $variation_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "cart_item_variations` WHERE `cart_id`='" . $row['id'] . "'";
                $variation_data = $wpdb->get_results($variation_sql, ARRAY_A);
                $variation_count = count($variation_data);
                if ($variation_count > 1) {
                    $variation_list = " (";
                    if ($purchase['gateway'] != 'testmode') {
                        if ($gateway['internalname'] == $purch_data[0]['gateway']) {
                            $gateway_name = $gateway['name'];
                    } else {
                        $gateway_name = "Manual Payment";
                    $i = 0;
                    foreach ($variation_data as $variation) {
                        if ($i > 0) {
                            $variation_list .= ", ";
                        $value_id = $variation['value_id'];
                        $value_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "variation_values` WHERE `id`='" . $value_id . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
                        $variation_list .= $value_data[0]['name'];
                    $variation_list .= ")";
                } else {
                    if ($variation_count == 1) {
                        $value_id = $variation_data[0]['value_id'];
                        $value_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "variation_values` WHERE `id`='" . $value_id . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
                        $variation_list = " (" . $value_data[0]['name'] . ")";
                    } else {
                        $variation_list = '';
                if ($link != '') {
                    $message .= " - " . $product_data[0]['name'] . $variation_list . "  " . $message_price . "  " . TXT_WPSC_CLICKTODOWNLOAD . ": {$link}\n";
                    $message_html .= " - " . $product_data[0]['name'] . $variation_list . "  " . $message_price . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{$link}'>" . TXT_WPSC_DOWNLOAD . "</a>\n";
                } else {
                    $plural = '';
                    if ($row['quantity'] > 1) {
                        $plural = "s";
                    $message .= " - " . $row['quantity'] . " " . $product_data[0]['name'] . $variation_list . "  " . $message_price . "\n - " . TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING . ":" . $shipping_price . "\n\r";
                    $message_html .= " - " . $row['quantity'] . " " . $product_data[0]['name'] . $variation_list . "  " . $message_price . "\n - " . TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING . ":" . $shipping_price . "\n\r";
                $report .= " - " . $product_data[0]['name'] . $variation_list . "  " . $message_price . "\n";
            if ($purchase_log['discount_data'] != '') {
                $coupon_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "wpsc_coupon_codes` WHERE coupon_code='" . $wpdb->escape($purchase_log['discount_data']) . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
                if ($coupon_data['use-once'] == 1) {
                    $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->prefix . "wpsc_coupon_codes` SET `active`='0', `is-used`='1' WHERE `id`='" . $coupon_data['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
            //$wpdb->query("UPDATE `".$wpdb->prefix."download_status` SET `active`='1' WHERE `fileid`='".$product_data[0]['file']."' AND `purchid` = '".$purchase_log['id']."' LIMIT 1");
            $total_shipping = nzshpcrt_determine_base_shipping($total_shipping, $shipping_country);
            $total = $total + $total_shipping - $purchase_log['discount_value'];
            // $message.= "\n\r";
            $message .= "Your Purchase No.: " . $purchase_log['id'] . "\n\r";
            if ($purchase_log['discount_value'] > 0) {
                $message .= TXT_WPSC_DISCOUNT . ": " . nzshpcrt_currency_display($purchase_log['discount_value'], 1, true) . "\n\r";
            $message .= TXT_WPSC_TOTALSHIPPING . ": " . nzshpcrt_currency_display($total_shipping, 1, true) . "\n\r";
            $message .= TXT_WPSC_TOTAL . ": " . nzshpcrt_currency_display($total, 1, true) . "\n\r";
            $message_html .= "Your Purchase No.: " . $purchase_log['id'] . "\n\n\r";
            if ($purchase_log['discount_value'] > 0) {
                $message_html .= TXT_WPSC_DISCOUNT . ": " . nzshpcrt_currency_display($purchase_log['discount_value'], 1, true) . "\n\r";
            $message_html .= TXT_WPSC_TOTALSHIPPING . ": " . nzshpcrt_currency_display($total_shipping, 1, true) . "\n\r";
            $message_html .= TXT_WPSC_TOTAL . ": " . nzshpcrt_currency_display($total, 1, true) . "\n\r";
            if (isset($_GET['ti'])) {
                $message .= "\n\r" . TXT_WPSC_YOURTRANSACTIONID . ": " . $_GET['ti'];
                $message_html .= "\n\r" . TXT_WPSC_YOURTRANSACTIONID . ": " . $_GET['ti'];
                $report .= "\n\r" . TXT_WPSC_TRANSACTIONID . ": " . $_GET['ti'];
            } else {
                $report_id = "Purchase No.: " . $purchase_log['id'] . "\n\r";
            if ($email != '' && $purchase_log['email_sent'] != 1) {
                if ($purchase_log['processed'] < 2) {
                    $payment_instructions = strip_tags(get_option('payment_instructions'));
                    $message = TXT_WPSC_ORDER_PENDING . "\n\r" . $payment_instructions . "\n\r" . $message;
                    mail($email, TXT_WPSC_ORDER_PENDING_PAYMENT_REQUIRED, $message, "From: " . get_option('return_email') . "");
                } else {
                    mail($email, TXT_WPSC_PURCHASERECEIPT, $message, "From: " . get_option('return_email') . "");
            $report_user = TXT_WPSC_CUSTOMERDETAILS . "\n\r";
            $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "submited_form_data` WHERE `log_id` = '" . $purchase_log['id'] . "'";
            $form_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
            if ($form_data != null) {
                foreach ($form_data as $form_field) {
                    $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "collect_data_forms` WHERE `id` = '" . $form_field['form_id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
                    $form_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
                    $form_data = $form_data[0];
                    if ($form_data['type'] == 'country') {
                        $report_user .= $form_data['name'] . ": " . get_country($form_field['value']) . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $report_user .= $form_data['name'] . ": " . $form_field['value'] . "\n";
            $report_user .= "\n\r";
            $report = $report_user . $report_id . $report;
            if (get_option('purch_log_email') != null && $purchase_log['email_sent'] != 1) {
                mail(get_option('purch_log_email'), TXT_WPSC_PURCHASEREPORT, $report, "From: " . get_option('return_email') . "");
            if ($purchase_log['gateway'] == 'testmode' && $purchase_log['processed'] < 2) {
                echo "<br />" . nl2br(str_replace("\$", '\\$', $message_html));
            $_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'] = '';
            $_SESSION['nzshpcrt_cart'] = array();
            if (true === $echo_to_screen) {
                echo '<div class="wrap">';
                if ($sessionid != null) {
                    echo TXT_WPSC_THETRANSACTIONWASSUCCESSFUL . "<br />";
                    echo "<br />" . nl2br(str_replace("\$", '\\$', $message_html));
                echo '</div>';
        } else {
            if (true === $echo_to_screen) {
                echo '<div class="wrap">';
                echo TXT_WPSC_BUYPRODUCTS;
                echo '</div>';
        if ($purchase_log['email_sent'] != 1 and $sessionid != '') {
            if (preg_match("/^[\\w\\s._,-]+\$/", $transaction_id)) {
                $transact_id_sql = "`transactid` = '" . $transaction_id . "',";
            $update_sql = "UPDATE `" . $wpdb->prefix . "purchase_logs` SET {$transact_id_sql} `date` = '" . time() . "',`email_sent` = '1', `processed` = '{$order_status}' WHERE `sessionid` = " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1";
Пример #15
 case 'load_countries':
 case 'load_countries_disabled':
 case 'load_states':
 case 'load_states_disabled':
 case 'get_country':
 case 'get_state':
 case 'save_country':
     save_country($vars['country'], $vars['title'], $vars['tag'], $vars['act']);
 case 'save_state':
     save_state($vars['country'], $vars['state'], $vars['title'], $vars['tag'], $vars['act']);
 case 'get_expire':
     get_expire($vars['product_id'], $vars['begin_date']);
 case 'calculate_tax':
     calculate_tax($vars['product_id'], $vars['member_id'], $vars['amount'], $vars['incl_tax']);
Пример #16
if (isset($cart) && $cart != null && $cart_content != '' && $errorcode == 0) {
    $headers = "From: " . get_option('return_email') . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion() . "\r\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n";
    $purch_sql = "SELECT * FROM `wp_purchase_logs` WHERE `id`!='" . $check[0]['id'] . "'";
    $purch_data = $wpdb->get_results($purch_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $report_user = "******";
    $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `wp_submited_form_data` WHERE `log_id` = '" . $check[0]['id'] . "'";
    $form_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
    if ($form_data != null) {
        foreach ($form_data as $form_field) {
            $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `wp_collect_data_forms` WHERE `id` = '" . $form_field['form_id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
            $form_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
            $form_data = $form_data[0];
            if ($form_data['type'] == 'country') {
                $report_user .= $form_data['name'] . ": " . get_country($form_field['value']) . "\n";
            } else {
                $report_user .= $form_data['name'] . ": " . $form_field['value'] . "\n";
    $report_user .= "\n\r";
    $report = $report_user . $report;
    if ($email != '') {
        $mess = $report . " <br /><br /> " . $message;
        //mail($email, 'Подтверждение покупки изображения. Cartoonbank.ru .', $message, $headers);
        //mail("*****@*****.**", 'Подтверждение покупки изображения. Копия.', $mess, $headers);
        // Send licenses as attchment
        send_email_multi_attachments($email, $result_no_license_text);
        send_email_multi_attachments("*****@*****.**", $result_no_license_text);
        send_email_multi_attachments("*****@*****.**", $result_no_license_text);
Пример #17
function getBlock_Select_country($id = '')
    $res = get_country();
    $options = '';
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
        $options .= '<option ' . ($row['country_id'] == $id ? ' selected ' : '') . ' value="' . $row['country_id'] . '" >' . $row['name'] . '</option>';
    return '<select class="element select medium" name="country_id">' . $options . '</select>';
Пример #18

require "config.php";
require "includes/functions.php";
require "includes/mysql.php";
require "includes/geoip.php";
$db = new odbcClass();
// если есть ось и идентификатор бота
if (isset($_GET["bid"]) && isset($_GET["os"])) {
    $bid = $_GET["bid"];
    $os = get_os($_GET['os']);
    // правильный ли формат идентификатора бота
    if (preg_match("/^[[:xdigit:]]{16}\$/", $bid)) {
        // смотрим страну по IP. А IP проверяем на валидность.
        $ip = getip();
        $cc = get_country($ip);
        // вставляем в базу идентификатор бота, если такой уже есть то изменяем время последнего захода
        $db->query("INSERT INTO `bots` (`id`,`ip`,`cc`,`first_time`,`last_time`,`system`) VALUES ('" . $bid . "','" . $ip . "','" . $cc . "','" . time() . "','" . time() . "','" . $os . "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `last_time` = '" . time() . "';");
        // работа с задачами
        // выбираем задачу + данные из таблицы стран относящиеся к задаче + табличку с лимитами ГДЕ id бота в таблице заданий есть как у пришедшего и в списке стран есть страна которая соответствует нашей, и бот не в списке финишировавших для этой задачи
        $task = $db->query("SELECT * FROM tasks\r\nLEFT JOIN ccTaskFilter ON ccTaskFilter.taskId = tasks.id \r\nWHERE tasks.bot = '" . $bid . "' \r\nAND (tasks.count < tasks.`limit` OR tasks.`limit` = 0)\r\nAND (ccTaskFilter.cc = '" . $cc . "' OR ccTaskFilter.cc='all') \r\nAND '" . $bid . "' NOT IN (SELECT botId FROM finished WHERE finished.taskId = tasks.id)\r\nAND (tasks.stop = '0' OR tasks.stop = '-1')");
        if ($task[0] == 0) {
            // выбираем задачу + данные из таблицы стран относящиеся к задаче + табличку с лимитами ГДЕ id бота в таблице заданий для всех и в списке стран есть страна которая соответствует нашей, и бот не в списке финишировавших для этой задачи
            $task = $db->query("SELECT * FROM tasks\r\nLEFT JOIN ccTaskFilter ON ccTaskFilter.taskId = tasks.id \r\nWHERE tasks.bot = 'all' \r\nAND (tasks.count < tasks.`limit` OR tasks.`limit` = 0)\r\nAND (ccTaskFilter.cc = '" . $cc . "' OR ccTaskFilter.cc='all') \r\nAND '" . $bid . "' NOT IN (SELECT botId FROM finished WHERE finished.taskId = tasks.id)\r\nAND (tasks.stop = '0' OR tasks.stop = '-1')");
        $task[0] == 0 ? exit(SECRET_KEY) : false;
        // формируем вывод задания
        $taskOut = '';
        foreach ($task as $k => $v) {
            $v['flags'] = trim($v['flags']);
            if (!empty($v['flags'])) {
Пример #19
if (!empty($allowed_users)) {
    foreach ($allowed_users as $user) {
        if ($user->get_id() == $my_session) {
            $me = "style='font-weight: bold;'";
            $action = "<img class='dis_logout' src='../pixmaps/menu/logout.gif' alt='" . $user->get_login() . "' title='" . $user->get_login() . "'/>";
        } else {
            $action = "<a onclick=\"logout('" . $user->get_id() . "');\"><img src='../pixmaps/menu/logout.gif' alt='" . _("Logout") . " " . $user->get_login() . "' title='" . _("Forced logout") . " " . $user->get_login() . "'/></a>";
            $me = null;
        $gi = geoip_open("/usr/share/geoip/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
        $s_country = strtolower(geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $user->get_ip()));
        $s_country_name = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $user->get_ip());
        $geo_code = get_country($s_country, $s_country_name);
        $flag = !empty($geo_code) ? "<img src='" . $geo_code . "' border='0' align='top'/>" : "";
        $logon_date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", Util::get_utc_unixtime($dbconn, $user->get_logon_date()) + 3600 * Util::get_timezone());
        $activity_date = Util::get_utc_unixtime($dbconn, $user->get_activity());
        $style = Session_activity::is_expired($activity_date) ? "background:#EFE1E0;" : "background:#EFFFF7;";
        $expired = Session_activity::is_expired($activity_date) ? "<span style='color:red'>(" . _("Expired") . ")</span>" : "";
        $agent = explode("###", $user->get_agent());
        if ($agent[1] == "av report scheduler") {
            $agent = array("AV Report Scheduler", "wget");
        echo "  <tr style='{$style}' id='" . $user->get_id() . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_user' {$me}><img class='user_icon' src='" . get_user_icon($user->get_login(), $pro) . "' alt='" . _("User icon") . "' title='" . _("User icon") . "' align='absmiddle'/> " . $user->get_login() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_ip'>" . $user->get_ip() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_host'>" . Host::ip2hostname($dbconn, $user->get_ip()) . $flag . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_agent'><a txt='" . htmlentities($agent[1]) . "' class='info_agent'>" . htmlentities($agent[0]) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_id'>" . $user->get_id() . " {$expired}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_logon'>" . $logon_date . "</td>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_activity'>" . _(TimeAgo($activity_date, gmdate("U"))) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_actions'>{$action}</td>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
} else {
    echo "<tr><td colspan='8' id='no_sessions' class='nobborder'><div class='ossim_info'>" . _("No active sessions") . "</td></tr>";
Пример #20
function form_login_info()
    echo "<div class=\"row\">";
    echo "<strong>Account Information</strong>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"row\">";
    echo "<span class=\"label\">Full Name:</span>";
    echo "<span class=\"formw\"><input maxlength=\"30\" name=\"register[realname]\" /></span>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"row\">";
    echo "<span class=\"label\">E-mail:</span>";
    echo "<span class=\"formw\"><input maxlength=\"40\" name=\"register[email]\" /></span>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"row\">";
    echo "<span class=\"formw\"><font size=\"-2\">A valid e-mail is required.</font></span>";
    echo "</div>";
    // Martel: Never ask for country again
    echo "<input name=\"register[country]\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . get_country() . "\" />";
    echo "<div class=\"row\">";
    echo "<span class=\"label\">Login Name:</span>";
    echo "<span class=\"formw\"><input maxlength=\"20\" name=\"register[login]\" /></span>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"row\">";
    echo "<span class=\"label\">Password:</span>";
    echo "<span class=\"formw\"><input maxlength=\"20\" type=\"password\" name=\"register[password]\" /></span>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"row\">";
    echo "<span class=\"label\">Confirm Password:</span>";
    echo "<span class=\"formw\"><input maxlength=\"20\" type=\"password\" name=\"register[verify]\" /></span>";
    echo "</div>";
Пример #21
 echo "<strong>" . TXT_WPSC_CUSTOMERDETAILS . "</strong>";
 echo "<table>";
 $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "submited_form_data` WHERE  `log_id` = '" . $purchase['id'] . "'";
 $input_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
 if ($input_data != null) {
     foreach ((array) $input_data as $form_field) {
         $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "collect_data_forms` WHERE `active` = '1' AND `id` = '" . $form_field['form_id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
         $form_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
         if ($form_data != null) {
             $form_data = $form_data[0];
             if ($form_data['type'] == 'country') {
                 if ($form_field['value'] != null) {
                     echo "  <tr><td>" . $form_data['name'] . ":</td><td>" . get_country($form_field['value']) . "</td></tr>";
                 } else {
                     echo "  <tr><td>" . $form_data['name'] . ":</td><td>" . get_country($purchase['shipping_country']) . "</td></tr>";
             } else {
                 echo "  <tr><td>" . $form_data['name'] . ":</td><td>" . $form_field['value'] . "</td></tr>";
 } else {
     echo "  <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_NAME . ":</td><td>" . $purchase['firstname'] . " " . $purchase['lastname'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "  <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_ADDRESS . ":</td><td>" . $purchase['address'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "  <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_PHONE . ":</td><td>" . $purchase['phone'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "  <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_EMAIL . ":</td><td>" . $purchase['email'] . "</td></tr>";
 if (get_option('payment_method') == 2) {
     $gateway_name = '';
     foreach ((array) $GLOBALS['nzshpcrt_gateways'] as $gateway) {
Пример #22

//check language setting. Propose switch
if (1 == 0) {
    $hval = get_hide();
//echo "hide: $hval";
if (1 == 0) {
    if ($hval != 1) {
        //never closed notice box
        if ($lang != "de") {
            //switch proposal only on english page
            $skip = 0;
            $cval = read_cookie("lang");
            $langIP = get_country();
            if ($langIP != "en") {
                // US default. Nothing to do
                if ($langIP != "") {
                    //only if we know where to go!
                    if ($langIP != "unset") {
                        //only if we know where to go!
                        //  if ($cval != $langIP) {  // first time visit, only propose in this case
                        //  if ($cval != "en") { // US market is default, no message
                        if (is_page()) {
                            if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == "/") {
                                $posturlcom = "";
                                $posturlde = "";
                            } else {
                                $skip = 1;
Пример #23
  * Function used to get anonymous user
 function get_anonymous_user()
     global $db;
     $uid = config('anonymous_id');
     /*Added to resolve bug 222*/
     $result = $db->select(tbl("users"), "userid", " username='******' AND email='anonymous%'", "1");
     if ($result[0]['userid']) {
         return $result[0]['userid'];
     } else {
         $result = $db->select(tbl("users"), "userid", " level='6' AND usr_status='ToActivate' ", "1");
         if ($result[0]['userid']) {
             return $result[0]['userid'];
         } else {
             $pass = RandomString(10);
             if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'localhost') {
                 $email = 'anonymous' . RandomString(5) . '@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
             } else {
                 $email = 'anonymous' . RandomString(5) . '@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '.tld';
             //Create Anonymous user
             $uid = $this->signup_user(array('username' => 'anonymous' . RandomString(5), 'email' => $email, 'password' => $pass, 'cpassword' => $pass, 'country' => get_country(config('default_country_iso2')), 'gender' => 'Male', 'dob' => '2000-10-10', 'category' => '1', 'level' => '6', 'active' => 'yes', 'agree' => 'yes'), false);
             /*Added to resolve bug 222*/
             global $myquery;
             $myquery->Set_Website_Details('anonymous_id', $uid);
             return $uid;
Пример #24
    $recData['email'] = $muujad[0]['email'];
    $recData['password'] = $muujad[0]['password'];
    $recData['telefon'] = $muujad[0]['telefon'];
    $recData['fax'] = $muujad[0]['fax'];
    $recData['http'] = $muujad[0]['http'];
    $recData['markused'] = $muujad[0]['add_info'];
    $recData['index'] = $muujad[0]['postalcode'];
    $recData['country'] = $muujad[0]['country'];
    $recData['region'] = $muujad[0]['region'];
    $recData['city'] = $muujad[0]['city'];
    $recData['address'] = $muujad[0]['address'];
    $country = get_country();
    $region = get_region(0, $recData['country']);
    $city = get_city(0, $recData['region'], $recData['country']);
} else {
    $country = get_country();
    if ($_POST['form_country']) {
        $recData['country'] = $_POST['form_country'];
        $region = get_region(0, $_POST['form_country']);
        if ($_POST['form_region']) {
            $recData['region'] = $_POST['form_region'];
            $city = get_city(0, $_POST['form_region'], $_POST['form_country']);
            $recData['city'] = $_POST['form_city'];
$engSmarty->assign("region", $region);
$engSmarty->assign("country", $country);
$engSmarty->assign("city", $city);
if (is_array($muujad)) {
    $engSmarty->assign("muujad", $muujad);
Пример #25

ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
require "includes/geoip.php";
require "includes/functions.php";
if (isset($_POST["logs"])) {
    $logs = trim($_POST["logs"]);
    $logs = str_replace(" ", "+", $logs);
    $logs = base64_decode($logs);
    if (isset($_POST["module"]) && $_POST["module"] == "grabbers") {
        $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        $country = get_country($ip);
        $date = date("d.m.Y H:i.s");
        save_to_file("logs/grabbers/grabbers.txt", "==============================\r\n IP: {$ip}\r\n Country: {$country}\r\n Date: {$date}\r\n==============================\r\n\r\n" . $logs . "\r\n");
Пример #26
 echo '</tr>';
 echo "</table>";
 echo "<br />";
 echo "<strong>" . TXT_WPSC_CUSTOMERDETAILS . "</strong>";
 echo "<table>";
 $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "submited_form_data` WHERE  `log_id` = '" . $_GET['purchaseid'] . "'";
 $input_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
 if ($input_data != null) {
     foreach ($input_data as $form_field) {
         $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "collect_data_forms` WHERE `active` = '1' AND `id` = '" . $form_field['form_id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
         $form_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
         if ($form_data != null) {
             $form_data = $form_data[0];
             if ($form_data['type'] == 'country') {
                 echo "  <tr><td>" . $form_data['name'] . ":</td><td>" . get_country($form_field['value']) . "</td></tr>";
             } else {
                 echo "  <tr><td>" . $form_data['name'] . ":</td><td>" . $form_field['value'] . "</td></tr>";
 } else {
     echo "  <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_NAME . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data[0]['firstname'] . " " . $purch_data[0]['lastname'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "  <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_ADDRESS . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data[0]['address'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "  <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_PHONE . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data[0]['phone'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "  <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_EMAIL . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data[0]['email'] . "</td></tr>";
 echo "<b>there bug!!!!</b>";
 if (get_option('payment_method') == 2) {
     $gateway_name = '';
     foreach ($GLOBALS['nzshpcrt_gateways'] as $gateway) {
Пример #27
if (!empty($allowed_users) && is_array($allowed_users)) {
    foreach ($allowed_users as $user) {
        if ($user->get_id() == $my_session) {
            $me = "style='font-weight: bold;'";
            $action = "<img class='info_logout dis_logout' src='../pixmaps/menu/logout.gif' alt='" . $user->get_login() . "' title='" . $user->get_login() . "'/>";
        } else {
            $action = "<a onclick=\"logout('" . $user->get_id() . "');\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t             <img class='info_logout' src='../pixmaps/menu/logout.gif' alt='" . _('Logout') . " " . $user->get_login() . "' title='" . _('Logout') . " " . $user->get_login() . "'/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t           </a>";
            $me = NULL;
        $_country_aux = $geoloc->get_country_by_host($conn, $user->get_ip());
        $s_country = strtolower($_country_aux[0]);
        $s_country_name = $_country_aux[1];
        $geo_code = get_country($s_country);
        $flag = !empty($geo_code) ? "<img src='" . $geo_code . "' border='0' align='top'/>" : '';
        $logon_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', Util::get_utc_unixtime($user->get_logon_date()) + 3600 * Util::get_timezone());
        $activity_date = Util::get_utc_unixtime($user->get_activity());
        $background = Session_activity::is_expired($activity_date) ? 'background:#FFD8D6;' : '';
        $expired = Session_activity::is_expired($activity_date) ? "<span style='color:red'>(" . _('Expired') . ")</span>" : "";
        $agent = explode('###', $user->get_agent());
        if ($agent[1] == 'av report scheduler') {
            $agent = array('AV Report Scheduler', 'wget');
        $host = @array_shift(Asset_host::get_name_by_ip($conn, $user->get_ip()));
        $host = $host == '' ? $user->get_ip() : $host;
        echo "  <tr id='" . $user->get_id() . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_user' {$me}><img class='user_icon' src='" . get_user_icon($user->get_login(), $pro) . "' alt='" . _('User icon') . "' title='" . _('User icon') . "' align='absmiddle'/> " . $user->get_login() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_ip'>" . $user->get_ip() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_host'>" . $host . $flag . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_agent'><a title='" . htmlentities($agent[1]) . "' class='info_agent'>" . htmlentities($agent[0]) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_id'>" . $user->get_id() . " {$expired}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_logon'>" . $logon_date . "</td>\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_activity'>" . _(TimeAgo($activity_date, gmdate('U'))) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='ops_actions'>{$action}</td>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
Пример #28
  * Get the XML registration string to be sent to the gateway
  * @return string
 public function getData()
     //$this->validate('amount', 'currency', 'transactionId');
     // Create the hash
     $timestamp = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S");
     $merchantId = $this->getMerchantId();
     $orderId = $this->getTransactionId() . 'payer-new';
     $secret = $this->getSecret();
     $payerRef = $this->getPayerRef();
     $title = $this->getCard()->getTitle();
     $firstname = $this->getCard()->getFirstName();
     $surname = $this->getCard()->getLastName();
     $address1 = $this->getCard()->getBillingAddress1();
     $address2 = $this->getCard()->getBillingAddress2();
     $city = $this->getCard()->getBillingCity();
     $pcode = $this->getCard()->getBillingPostcode();
     $state = $this->getCard()->getBillingState();
     $country = $this->getCard()->getBillingCountry();
     $phone = $this->getCard()->getBillingPhone();
     $email = $this->getCard()->getEmail();
     $tmp = "{$timestamp}.{$merchantId}.{$orderId}...{$payerRef}";
     $md5hash = md5($tmp);
     $tmp2 = "{$md5hash}.{$secret}";
     $md5hash = md5($tmp2);
     $domTree = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // root element
     $root = $domTree->createElement('request');
     $root->setAttribute('type', 'payer-new');
     $root->setAttribute('timestamp', $timestamp);
     $root = $domTree->appendChild($root);
     // merchant ID
     $merchantEl = $domTree->createElement('merchantid', $merchantId);
     // order ID
     $merchantEl = $domTree->createElement('orderid', $orderId);
     $payer = $domTree->createElement('payer');
     $payer->setAttribute('type', 'Business');
     $payer->setAttribute('ref', $payerRef);
     $titleEl = $domTree->createElement('title', $title);
     $firstnameEl = $domTree->createElement('firstname', $firstname);
     $surnameEl = $domTree->createElement('surname', $surname);
     $addressEl = $domTree->createElement('address');
     $line1El = $domTree->createElement('line1', $address1);
     $line2El = $domTree->createElement('line2', $address2);
     $cityEl = $domTree->createElement('city', $city);
     $countyEl = $domTree->createElement('county', $state);
     $pcodeEl = $domTree->createElement('postcode', $pcode);
     $countryEl = $domTree->createElement('country', get_country($country));
     $countryEl->setAttribute('code', $country);
     //phone numbers
     $phonesEl = $domTree->createElement('phonenumbers');
     $homephoneEl = $domTree->createElement('home', $phone);
     $emailEl = $domTree->createElement('email', $email);
     $md5El = $domTree->createElement('md5hash', $md5hash);
     $xmlString = $domTree->saveXML($root);
     return $xmlString;
 public function scopeCountry($query)
     $query->where('country', get_country('code'));
Пример #30
		<label>Credit Card Number</label>
		<input id = "creditcardinput" type = "text" name ="creditcardnumber">
		<input id ="firstname" type = "text" name ="firstname">
		<input id = "lastname" type = "text" name ="lastname">
		<select name = "country">
		<input id = "address" type = "text" name = "address">
		<input id ="amount" type ="text" name = "amount"> 
	<input class = "btn btn-info" type = "submit" value = "BUY">