Пример #1
@(include_once S_ROOT . './data/data_usergroup.php');
$space['star'] = getstar($space['experience']);
$space['domainurl'] = space_domain($space);
$feedlist = array();
if ($_SGLOBAL['mygroupid'] == 3 || ckprivacy('feed')) {
    $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('feed') . " WHERE uid='{$space['uid']}' AND isdeleted=0 ORDER BY top DESC,dateline DESC  LIMIT 0,20 ");
    while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) {
        $value['share_url'] = get_shareurl($value['idtype'], $value['id']);
        if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
            realname_set($value['uid'], $value['username']);
            $value['num'] = get_commentnum($value['idtype'], $value['id']);
            $feedlist[] = $value;
    $feednum = count($feedlist);
$oluids = array();
$friendlist = array();
$friendnum = 0;
if ($space[groupid] == 3) {
    $friendfans = '我的粉丝';
    $friendnumquery = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT count(x.uid) FROM " . tname('friend') . " x , " . tname('space') . " y WHERE x.uid='{$space['uid']}' AND x.fuid = y.uid AND y.groupid != 3 AND x.status='1' ORDER BY x.num DESC, x.dateline DESC");
    $friendnumarray = mysql_fetch_array($friendnumquery);
    $friendnum = $friendnumarray['0'];
    $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT x.* , y.* FROM " . tname('friend') . " x , " . tname('space') . " y WHERE x.uid='{$space['uid']}' AND x.fuid = y.uid AND y.groupid != 3 AND x.status='1' ORDER BY x.num DESC, x.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,6");
Пример #2
<div class="tttop">
<div class="bm_h cl">
<?php if($_G['setting']['rssstatus'] && !$_GET['archiveid']) { ?><a href="portal.php?mod=rss&amp;catid=<?php echo $cat['catid'];?>" class="y xi2 rss" target="_blank" title="RSS">我要订阅</a><?php } if(($_G['group']['allowpostarticle'] || $_G['group']['allowmanagearticle'] || $categoryperm[$catid]['allowmanage'] || $categoryperm[$catid]['allowpublish']) && empty($cat['disallowpublish'])) { ?>
<a href="portal.php?mod=portalcp&amp;ac=article&amp;catid=<?php echo $cat['catid'];?>" class="y xi2 addnew">发布文章</a>
<?php } ?>
<h1 class="xs2"><?php echo $cat['catname'];?>列表</h1>
<?php if($cat['subs']) { ?>
<div class="bm_c bbda">
下级分类:&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php $i = 1;?><?php if(is_array($cat['subs'])) foreach($cat['subs'] as $value) { if($i != 1) { ?><span class="pipe">|</span><?php } ?><a href="<?php echo $portalcategory[$value['catid']]['caturl'];?>" class="xi2"><?php echo $value['catname'];?></a><?php $i--;?><?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

<div class="bm_c xld zxlblb">
            <?php $i = 1;?><?php if(is_array($list['list'])) foreach($list['list'] as $value) { $highlight = article_title_style($value);?><?php $article_url = fetch_article_url($value);?><?php if(isset($_G['cache']['plugin']['will_subnav'])) { $art_comment = get_commentnum($value[aid]);?><?php } else { $art_comment =0;?><?php } ?>
<div class="top_new cl newss_<?php echo $i;?>">
<div class="box01 cl">
<?php if($value['pic']) { ?>
<div class="new_pic pic02">
    <a href="<?php echo $article_url;?>" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo $value['pic'];?>" alt="<?php echo $value['title'];?>" class="tn" /></a>
<?php } ?>	
<div class="rig">

<h2><a href="<?php echo $article_url;?>" target="_blank" class="xi2" <?php echo $highlight;?>><?php echo cutstr($value['title'],70); ?></a> <?php if($value['status'] == 1) { ?>(待审核)<?php } ?></h2>