public function index() { $cat_id = $_GET['cat_id']; $config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'category/?cat_id=' . $_GET['cat_id']; $config['total_rows'] = $this->product_model->total_product_by_category($_GET['cat_id']); $config['per_page'] = 20; $config['uri_segment'] = isset($_GET['per_page']) ? $_GET['per_page'] : 9; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $offset = $config['uri_segment']; $limit = $config['per_page']; $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE; $config['page_query_string'] = TRUE; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $products = $this->product_model->product_by_category($cat_id, $limit, $offset); $pro_html = ''; if ($products) { foreach ($products as $products) { if ($products['product_image']) { $image_path_original = other_asset_url($products['product_image'] . '_m.' . $products['product_ext'], '', 'uploads/images/products'); } $iarr = @getimagesize($image_path_original); if (!is_array($iarr)) { $image_path_original = image_asset_url('no_image.gif'); } $img_featue = 'header.jpg'; $heart_class = '<div class="heart" rel="' . $products['pro_id'] . '" id="wish_heart_' . $products['pro_id'] . '" style="display:none"> ' . image_asset($img_featue) . ' </div>'; $whislist_detail = $this->wishlist_model->get_wishlist_detail_product($products['pro_id']); if ($this->wishlist_model->get_wishlist_detail_product($products['pro_id'])) { $img_featue = 'heart_red.jpg'; $heart_class = '<div class="heartred" rel="' . $products['pro_id'] . '" id="wish_heart_' . $products['pro_id'] . '"> ' . image_asset($img_featue) . ' </div>'; } $sale_tag = ''; if ($products['sale_type_id'] == '1') { $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> Before: ' . round($products['product_price']) . ' kr <br> <label style="color:red">Now: ' . round($products['sale_value']) . ' kr</label> </span> <div class="persentage_imgs"> -' . round(100 - $products['sale_value'] / $products['product_price'] * 100) . '% </div>'; } elseif ($products['sale_type_id'] == '2') { $now_price = $products['product_price'] * ($products['sale_value'] / 100); $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> Before: ' . round($products['product_price']) . ' kr <br> <label style="color:red">Now: ' . round($products['product_price'] - $now_price) . ' kr</label> </span> <div class="persentage_imgs"> -' . round($products['sale_value']) . '% </div><!--persentage_img-->'; } else { $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> <label style="color:red">Now:' . round($products['product_price']) . ' kr</label> </span>'; if ($products['sale_type_id'] == '3') { $sale_tag .= '<br /><span style="float:left;"><label> Buy 1 get ' . $products['sale_value'] . ' free</label></span>'; } if ($products['sale_type_id'] == '4') { $deals = explode('_', $products['sale_value']); $sale_tag .= '<span style="float:left;"><label >Buy ' . $deals[0] . ' and pay for ' . $deals[1] . '</label></span>'; } } $pro_html .= '<div class="cata_pro product_detail" rel="' . $products['pro_id'] . '"> <a id="product_' . $products['pro_id'] . '" href="' . base_url() . 'product/product_detail/' . $products['pro_id'] . '" ><img height="256" width="200" src="' . $image_path_original . '"/></a> ' . $heart_class . ' <p> ' . trim_text(strip_tags($products['product_name']), 30) . ' </p> <div class="clear"></div> ' . $sale_tag . ' </div><!--cata_pro-->'; } } else { $pro_html .= '<div class="cata_pro"><p>Sorry No Record Yet!</p></div>'; } $cat_id = $this->input->get("cat_id"); $data['category_name'] = get_categroy_name($cat_id); $data['category_detail'] = $this->categories_model->get_category_detail($cat_id); $data['product_category'] = get_product_oncategory($cat_id); //$data['product_category'] = ''; $data['other_choice'] = other_choice_category(); $data['related_categories'] = related_categories($cat_id); $data['sales_to_missed'] = sales_not_missed(); $data['products'] = $pro_html; $data['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $data['query_params'] = $this->input->get(); $data['total_records'] = $config['base_url']; $this->load->view('main/category.html', $data); }
public function product_detail($product_id) { $product_detail = $this->product_model->get_product_detail($product_id, 0); if (!$product_detail) { redirect(base_url()); } $product_view = $product_detail['product_view'] + 1; $update_view = $this->product_model->product_up($product_id, $product_view); $sale_info = $this->sale_model->get_sale($product_detail['sale_type_id']); $detail = ''; $sale_tag = ''; if ($product_detail) { if ($product_detail['from_api'] == 0) { $image_path_original = other_asset_url($product_detail['product_image'] . '_l.' . $product_detail['product_ext'], '', 'uploads/images/products'); } else { $image_path_original = $product_detail['product_image']; } $wish_list = $this->wishlist_model->get_wishlist_detail_product($product_id); $wish_div = ''; if (!$wish_list) { $wish_div = '<a href="#" class="add_wishlist" rel="' . $product_id . '">' . image_asset('btn_02.jpg') . '</a>'; } $product_link = ''; if ($product_detail['buy_link_type'] == '1') { $product_link = '<a href="' . base_url() . 'product/visit/?url=' . urlencode($product_detail['product_buy_link']) . '" class="buylink" target="_blank" rel="' . $product_id . '">' . image_asset('btn_01.jpg') . '</a>'; } $map = ''; if ($product_detail['buy_link_type'] == '2') { $map = '<div id="map_canvas" class="gray_bg" rel="' . $product_detail['product_buy_link'] . '" style="width:300px; height:300px;"> </div>'; } if ($product_detail['sale_type_id'] == '1') { $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> Före: ' . makeCurrency($product_detail['product_price']) . ' kr <br> <label style="color:red">Nu: ' . makeCurrency($product_detail['sale_value']) . ' kr</label> </span> <div class="persentage_imgs" style="float:left"> -' . makeCurrency(100 - $product_detail['sale_value'] / $product_detail['product_price'] * 100) . '% </div> '; } elseif ($product_detail['sale_type_id'] == '5') { $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> Före: ' . makeCurrency($product_detail['product_price']) . ' kr <br> <label style="color:red">Nu: ' . makeCurrency($product_detail['sale_price']) . ' kr</label> </span> <div class="persentage_imgs" style="float:left"> -' . $product_detail['api_reduction_percent'] . '% </div> '; } elseif ($product_detail['sale_type_id'] == '2') { $product_detail['product_price'] . "*" . $product_detail['sale_value']; $now_price = $product_detail['product_price'] * ($product_detail['sale_value'] / 100); $sale_tag = '<span class="beforeprice">Price Före: ' . makeCurrency($product_detail['product_price']) . ' SEK</span> <span class="afterprice" style="float:left">Nu: ' . makeCurrency($product_detail['product_price'] - $now_price) . ' SEK</span> <div class="persentage_imgs" style="float:left"> -' . makeCurrency($product_detail['sale_value']) . '% </div>'; } $detail = ' <div class="product_detail_area"> <div class="img_left"> <a href="' . $product_detail['product_buy_link'] . '" target="_blank"> <img width="" height="" src="' . $image_path_original . '" title="large image" /> </a> <br />'; if (is_array($this->product_model->get_product_more_images($product_id))) { $detail .= '<a href="' . $product_detail['product_buy_link'] . '" target="_blank" class="viewmoreimages" rel="' . $product_id . '" style="margin-left:125px;">' . image_asset('more_images.jpg') . '</a>'; } $detail .= ' </div> <div class="product_info"> <p> ' . $product_detail['product_name'] . ' </p> ' . $sale_tag . ' <div class="clear"></div> <div class="add_btns"> ' . $product_link . ' ' . $wish_div . ' </div><!--add_btns--> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="gray_bg" style="padding:10px;font-size:12px;font-family:tahoma;color:#666"> Produkten finns tillgänglig på: <b>' . $product_detail['store_name'] . '</b> <p><strong>Beskrivning:</strong></p> ' . strip_tags($product_detail['product_description'], "<br><br><b><strong>") . ' </div> ' . $map . ' </div> <div class="share_btns" > <span class="st_sharethis_large" displayText="ShareThis"></span> <span class="st_facebook_large" displayText="Facebook"></span> <span class="st_twitter_large" displayText="Tweet"></span> <span class="st_linkedin_large" displayText="LinkedIn"></span> <span class="st_pinterest_large" displayText="Pinterest"></span> <span class="st_email_large" displayText="Email"></span> </div> </div>'; } $data['category_name'] = get_categroy_name($product_detail['cat_id']); $data['product_category'] = get_product_oncategory($product_detail['cat_id'], 3, 0); $data['other_choice'] = other_choice_category(); $data['related_categories'] = related_categories($product_detail['cat_id']); $data['sales_to_missed'] = sales_not_missed(); $data['product_detail'] = $detail; $data['product_id'] = $product_id; $data['cat_id'] = $product_detail['cat_id']; $data['store_name'] = $product_detail['store_name']; $data['detail'] = $product_detail; //$this->load->view('product_detail.html',$data); $this->template->load('responsive/default', 'responsive/detail', $data); // $this->output->enable_profiler(true); }
public function index() { $query_params = $this->input->get(); $tmp_url = ''; if (isset($query_params['brand'])) { $tmp_url .= "&brand=" . $query_params['brand']; } if (isset($query_params['min_price'])) { $tmp_url .= "&min_price=" . $query_params['min_price']; } if (isset($query_params['max_price'])) { $tmp_url .= "&max_price=" . $query_params['max_price']; } $cat_id = $_GET['cat_id']; $config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'category/?cat_id=' . $_GET['cat_id'] . $tmp_url; $config['total_rows'] = $this->product_model->total_product_by_category($_GET['cat_id']); $config['per_page'] = 24; $config['prev_link'] = '< Föregående'; $config['next_link'] = 'Nästa >'; $config['uri_segment'] = isset($_GET['per_page']) ? $_GET['per_page'] : 0; //$this->pagination->initialize($config); $offset = $config['uri_segment']; $limit = $config['per_page']; $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE; $config['page_query_string'] = TRUE; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $products = $this->product_model->product_by_category($cat_id, $limit, $offset); $pro_html = ''; if ($products) { foreach ($products as $products) { if ($products['from_api'] == 0) { $image_path_original = other_asset_url($products['product_image'] . '_m.' . $products['product_ext'], '', 'uploads/images/products'); } else { $image_path_original = str_replace('440', '220', $products['product_image']); } // echo $image_path_original ; //$iarr = @getimagesize($image_path_original); //if(!is_array($iarr)){ //$image_path_original = image_asset_url('no_image.gif'); // } $img_featue = 'header.jpg'; $heart_class = '<div class="heart" rel="' . $products['pro_id'] . '" id="wish_heart_' . $products['pro_id'] . '" style="display:none"> ' . image_asset($img_featue) . ' </div>'; $whislist_detail = $this->wishlist_model->get_wishlist_detail_product($products['pro_id']); if ($this->wishlist_model->get_wishlist_detail_product($products['pro_id'])) { $img_featue = 'heart_red.jpg'; $heart_class = '<div class="heartred" rel="' . $products['pro_id'] . '" id="wish_heart_' . $products['pro_id'] . '"> ' . image_asset($img_featue) . ' </div>'; } $sale_tag = ''; if ($products['sale_type_id'] == '1') { $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> Före: ' . makeCurrency($products['product_price']) . ' kr <br> <label style="color:red">Nu: ' . makeCurrency($products['sale_value']) . ' kr</label> </span> <div class="persentage_imgs"> -' . makeCurrency(100 - $products['sale_value'] / $products['product_price'] * 100) . '% </div>'; } elseif ($products['sale_type_id'] == '5') { $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> Före: ' . makeCurrency($products['product_price']) . ' kr <br> <label style="color:red">Nu: ' . makeCurrency($products['sale_price']) . ' kr</label> </span> <div class="persentage_imgs"> -' . $products['api_reduction_percent'] . '% </div>'; } elseif ($products['sale_type_id'] == '2') { $now_price = $products['product_price'] * ($products['sale_value'] / 100); $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> Före: ' . makeCurrency($products['product_price']) . ' kr <br> <label style="color:red">Nu: ' . makeCurrency($products['product_price'] - $now_price) . ' kr</label> </span> <div class="persentage_imgs"> -' . makeCurrency($products['sale_value']) . '% </div><!--persentage_img-->'; } else { $sale_tag = '<span style="float:left;"> <label style="color:red">Nu:' . makeCurrency($products['product_price']) . ' kr</label> </span>'; if ($products['sale_type_id'] == '3') { $sale_tag .= '<br /><span style="float:left;"><label> Buy 1 get ' . $products['sale_value'] . ' free</label></span>'; } if ($products['sale_type_id'] == '4') { $deals = explode('_', $products['sale_value']); $sale_tag .= '<span style="float:left;"><label >Buy ' . $deals[0] . ' and pay for ' . $deals[1] . '</label></span>'; } } $pro_html .= '<div class="cata_pro product_detail" rel="' . $products['pro_id'] . '"> <a id="product_' . $products['pro_id'] . '" href="' . base_url() . 'product/product_detail/' . $products['pro_id'] . '" ><img src="' . $image_path_original . '"/></a> ' . $heart_class . ' <p> ' . trim_text(strip_tags($products['product_name']), 32) . ' </p> <div class="clear"></div> ' . $sale_tag . ' </div><!--cata_pro-->'; } } else { $pro_html .= '<div class="cata_pro"><p>Kommer snart! </p></div>'; } $cat_id = $this->input->get("cat_id"); $data['category_name'] = get_categroy_name($cat_id); $data['category_detail'] = $this->categories_model->get_category_detail($cat_id); $data['product_category'] = get_product_oncategory($cat_id); //$data['product_category'] = ''; $data['other_choice'] = other_choice_category(); $data['related_categories'] = related_categories($cat_id); $data['sales_to_missed'] = sales_not_missed(); $data['products'] = $pro_html; $data['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $data['query_params'] = $this->input->get(); $data['total_records'] = $config['total_rows']; $this->template->load('responsive/default', 'responsive/category', $data); //$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); }