Пример #1

if (have_rows('blocks')) {
    <!--=== Content Part ===-->
    <div class="one-page">
    $i = 0;
    while (have_rows('blocks')) {
        $align_content = $i % 2 == 1 ? 'col-md-6' : 'col-md-6 col-md-push-6';
        $align_image = $i % 2 == 1 ? 'col-md-6' : 'col-md-6 col-md-pull-6';
        $text_color = get_brightness(get_sub_field('background_color')) > 170 ? 'text-dark' : 'text-light';
        <div class="one-page-inner one-default <?php 
        echo $text_color;
" style="background-color:<?php 
            <div class="container content">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="<?php 
        echo $align_content;
Пример #2
 public function get_json()
     $event_json = array();
     $filters = $this->in->exists('filters', 'int') ? $this->in->getArray('filters', 'int') : false;
     $range_start = $this->time->fromformat($this->in->get('start', ''), 'Y-m-d');
     $range_end = $this->time->fromformat($this->in->get('end', ''), 'Y-m-d');
     $filterby = $this->in->get('filterby', 'all');
     // parse the feeds
     $feeds = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'idlist', array('feed', $filters));
     if (is_array($feeds) && count($feeds) > 0) {
         foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
             $feedurl = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'feed', array($feed));
             if (isValidURL($feedurl)) {
                 require_once $this->root_path . 'libraries/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php';
                 $vcalendar = new vcalendar(array('url' => $feedurl));
                 if (TRUE === $vcalendar->parse()) {
                     while ($comp = $vcalendar->getComponent('vevent')) {
                         $startdate = $comp->getProperty('dtstart', 1);
                         $enddate = $comp->getProperty('dtend', 1);
                         // set the date for the events
                         $allday = isset($enddate['hour']) && isset($startdate['hour']) ? false : true;
                         if ($allday) {
                             $startdate_out = sprintf("%04d", $startdate['year']) . '-' . sprintf("%02d", $startdate['month']) . '-' . sprintf("%02d", $startdate['day']) . ' 00:00';
                             $enddate_out = sprintf("%04d", $enddate['year']) . '-' . sprintf("%02d", $enddate['month']) . '-' . sprintf("%02d", $enddate['day'] - 1) . ' 00:00';
                         } else {
                             $startdate_out = sprintf("%04d", $startdate['year']) . '-' . sprintf("%02d", $startdate['month']) . '-' . sprintf("%02d", $startdate['day']) . ' ' . (isset($startdate['hour']) ? sprintf("%02d", $startdate['hour']) . ':' . sprintf("%02d", $startdate['min']) : '00:00');
                             $enddate_out = sprintf("%04d", $enddate['year']) . '-' . $enddate['month'] . '-' . $enddate['day'] . ' ' . (isset($enddate['hour']) ? $enddate['hour'] . ':' . $enddate['min'] : '00:00');
                         // build the event colours
                         $eventcolor = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'color', $feed);
                         $eventcolor_txt = get_brightness($eventcolor) > 130 ? 'black' : 'white';
                         $event_json[] = array('eventid' => $calid, 'title' => $comp->getProperty('summary', 1), 'start' => $startdate_out, 'end' => $enddate_out, 'allDay' => $allday, 'note' => $comp->getProperty('description', 1), 'color' => $eventcolor . ' !important', 'textColor' => $eventcolor_txt . ' !important');
     // add the calendar events to the json feed
     $calendars = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'idlist', array('nofeed', $filters));
     $caleventids = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'id_list', array(false, $range_start, $range_end, false, $filterby));
     if (is_array($caleventids) && count($caleventids) > 0) {
         foreach ($caleventids as $calid) {
             $eventextension = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'extension', array($calid));
             $raidmode = $eventextension['calendarmode'];
             $eventcolor = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'color', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'calendar_id', array($calid)));
             $eventcolor_txt = get_brightness($eventcolor) > 130 ? 'black' : 'white';
             if (in_array($this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'calendar_id', array($calid)), $calendars)) {
                 if ($raidmode == 'raid') {
                     // fetch the attendees
                     $attendees_raw = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'attendees', array($calid));
                     $attendees = array();
                     if (is_array($attendees_raw)) {
                         foreach ($attendees_raw as $attendeeid => $attendeerow) {
                             $attendees[$attendeerow['signup_status']][$attendeeid] = $attendeerow;
                     // Build the guest array
                     $guests = array();
                     if (registry::register('config')->get('calendar_raid_guests') == 1) {
                         $guestarray = registry::register('plus_datahandler')->get('calendar_raids_guests', 'members', array($calid));
                         if (is_array($guestarray)) {
                             foreach ($guestarray as $guest_row) {
                                 $guests[] = $guest_row['name'];
                     // fetch per raid data
                     $raidcal_status = $this->config->get('calendar_raid_status');
                     $rstatusdata = '';
                     if (is_array($raidcal_status)) {
                         foreach ($raidcal_status as $raidcalstat_id) {
                             if ($raidcalstat_id != 4) {
                                 $actcount = isset($attendees[$raidcalstat_id]) ? count($attendees[$raidcalstat_id]) : 0;
                                 if ($raidcalstat_id == 0) {
                                     $actcount += is_array($guests) ? count($guests) : 0;
                                 $rstatusdata .= '<div class="raid_status' . $raidcalstat_id . '">' . $this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_status', $raidcalstat_id)) . ': ' . $actcount . '</div>';
                     $rstatusdata .= '<div class="raid_status_total">' . $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_required') . ': ' . (isset($eventextension) ? $eventextension['attendee_count'] : 0) . '</div>';
                     $deadlinedate = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_start', array($calid)) - $eventextension['deadlinedate'] * 3600;
                     $deadline = $deadlinedate > $this->time->time || $this->config->get('calendar_raid_allowstatuschange') == '1' && $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'status', array($calid, $this->user->id)) > 0 && $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'status', array($calid, $this->user->id)) != 4 && $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_end', array($calid)) > $this->time->time ? false : true;
                     $deadlineflag = $deadline ? '<i class="fa fa-lock fa-lg" title="' . $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_deadl_reach') . '"></i>' : '';
                     // Build the JSON
                     $event_json[] = array('type' => 'raid', 'eventid' => $calid, 'editable' => $this->user->check_auth('a_cal_revent_conf', false) || $this->check_permission($calid) ? true : false, 'title' => $this->in->decode_entity($this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'name', array($calid))), 'url' => $this->routing->build('calendarevent', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'name', array($calid)), $calid), 'start' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_start', array($calid))), 'end' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_end', array($calid))), 'closed' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'raidstatus', array($calid)) == 1 ? true : false, 'flag' => $deadlineflag . $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'html_status', array($calid, $this->user->data['user_id'])), 'icon' => $eventextension['raid_eventid'] ? $this->pdh->get('event', 'icon', array($eventextension['raid_eventid'], true)) : '', 'note' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'notes', array($calid)), 'raidleader' => $eventextension['raidleader'] > 0 ? implode(', ', $this->pdh->aget('member', 'name', 0, array($eventextension['raidleader']))) : '', 'rstatusdata' => $rstatusdata, 'color' => $eventcolor . ' !important', 'textColor' => $eventcolor_txt . ' !important');
                 } else {
                     // check if the event is private
                     if (!$this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'private_userperm', array($calid))) {
                     $alldayevents = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'allday', array($calid)) > 0 ? true : false;
                     $event_json[] = array('type' => 'event', 'eventid' => $calid, 'editable' => $this->user->check_auth('a_cal_revent_conf', false) || $this->check_permission($calid) ? true : false, 'url' => $this->routing->build('calendarevent', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'name', array($calid)), $calid) . 'eventdetails', 'title' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'name', array($calid)), 'start' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_start', array($calid))), 'end' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_end', array($calid, $alldayevents))), 'allDay' => $alldayevents, 'note' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'notes', array($calid)), 'color' => $eventcolor, 'textColor' => $eventcolor_txt, 'isowner' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'is_owner', array($calid)), 'isinvited' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'is_invited', array($calid)), 'joinedevent' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'joined_invitation', array($calid)), 'author' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'creator', array($calid)), 'attendees' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'sharedevent_attendees', array($calid)));
     // birthday calendar
     if ($this->config->get('calendar_show_birthday') && $this->user->check_auth('u_userlist', false)) {
         $birthday_y = $this->time->date('Y', $range_end);
         $birthdays = $this->pdh->get('user', 'birthday_list');
         if (is_array($birthdays)) {
             foreach ($birthdays as $birthday_uid => $birthday_ts) {
                 $birthday_month = $this->time->date('m', $birthday_ts);
                 if ($birthday_month >= $this->time->date('m', $range_start) && $birthday_month <= $this->time->date('m', $range_end)) {
                     $event_json[] = array('type' => 'birthday', 'className' => 'cal_birthday', 'title' => $this->pdh->get('user', 'name', array($birthday_uid)), 'start' => $birthday_y . '-' . $this->time->date('m-d', $birthday_ts), 'end' => $birthday_y . '-' . $this->time->date('m-d', $birthday_ts), 'allDay' => true, 'textColor' => '#000000', 'backgroundColor' => '#E8E8E8', 'borderColor' => '#7F7F7F');
     // hooks
     if ($this->hooks->isRegistered('calendar')) {
         $arrHooksData = $this->hooks->process('calendar', array('start' => $range_start, 'end' => $range_end), false);
         if (count($arrHooksData) > 0) {
             $event_json = array_merge($arrHooksData, $event_json);
     // Output the array as JSON
     echo json_encode($event_json);
Пример #3
 public function get_json()
     $event_json = array();
     $filters = $this->in->exists('filters', 'int') ? $this->in->getArray('filters', 'int') : false;
     // parse the feeds
     $feeds = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'idlist', array('feed', $filters));
     if (is_array($feeds) && count($feeds) > 0) {
         foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
             $feedurl = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'feed', array($feed));
             if (isValidURL($feedurl)) {
                 require_once $this->root_path . 'libraries/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php';
                 $vcalendar = new vcalendar(array('url' => $feedurl));
                 if (TRUE === $vcalendar->parse()) {
                     while ($comp = $vcalendar->getComponent('vevent')) {
                         $startdate = $comp->getProperty('dtstart', 1);
                         $enddate = $comp->getProperty('dtend', 1);
                         $startdate_out = $startdate['year'] . '-' . $startdate['month'] . '-' . $startdate['day'] . ' ' . (isset($startdate['hour']) ? $startdate['hour'] . ':' . $startdate['min'] : '00:00');
                         $enddate_out = $enddate['year'] . '-' . $enddate['month'] . '-' . $enddate['day'] . ' ' . (isset($enddate['hour']) ? $enddate['hour'] . ':' . $enddate['min'] : '00:00');
                         $allday = isset($enddate['hour']) && isset($startdate['hour']) ? false : true;
                         $eventcolor = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'color', $feed);
                         $eventcolor_txt = get_brightness($eventcolor) > 130 ? 'black' : 'white';
                         $event_json[] = array('eventid' => $calid, 'title' => $comp->getProperty('summary', 1), 'start' => $startdate_out, 'end' => $enddate_out, 'allDay' => $allday, 'note' => $comp->getProperty('description', 1), 'color' => '#' . $eventcolor, 'textColor' => $eventcolor_txt);
     // add the calendar events to the json feed
     $calendars = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'idlist', array('nofeed', $filters));
     $caleventids = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'id_list', array(false, $this->in->get('start', 0), $this->in->get('end', 0)));
     if (is_array($caleventids) && count($caleventids) > 0) {
         foreach ($caleventids as $calid) {
             $eventextension = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'extension', array($calid));
             $raidmode = $eventextension['calendarmode'];
             $eventcolor = $this->pdh->get('calendars', 'color', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'calendar_id', array($calid)));
             $eventcolor_txt = get_brightness($eventcolor) > 130 ? 'black' : 'white';
             if (in_array($this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'calendar_id', array($calid)), $calendars)) {
                 if ($raidmode == 'raid') {
                     // fetch the attendees
                     $attendees_raw = $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'attendees', array($calid));
                     $attendees = array();
                     if (is_array($attendees_raw)) {
                         foreach ($attendees_raw as $attendeeid => $attendeerow) {
                             $attendees[$attendeerow['signup_status']][$attendeeid] = $attendeerow;
                     // Build the guest array
                     $guests = array();
                     if (registry::register('config')->get('calendar_raid_guests') == 1) {
                         $guestarray = registry::register('plus_datahandler')->get('calendar_raids_guests', 'members', array($calid));
                         if (is_array($guestarray)) {
                             foreach ($guestarray as $guest_row) {
                                 $guests[] = $guest_row['name'];
                     // fetch per raid data
                     $raidcal_status = unserialize($this->config->get('calendar_raid_status'));
                     $rstatusdata = '';
                     if (is_array($raidcal_status)) {
                         foreach ($raidcal_status as $raidcalstat_id) {
                             if ($raidcalstat_id != 4) {
                                 $actcount = isset($attendees[$raidcalstat_id]) ? count($attendees[$raidcalstat_id]) : 0;
                                 if ($raidcalstat_id == 0) {
                                     $actcount += is_array($guests) ? count($guests) : 0;
                                 $rstatusdata .= '<div class="raid_status' . $raidcalstat_id . '">' . $this->user->lang(array('raidevent_raid_status', $raidcalstat_id)) . ': ' . $actcount . '</div>';
                     $rstatusdata .= '<div class="raid_status_total">' . $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_required') . ': ' . (isset($eventextension) ? $eventextension['attendee_count'] : 0) . '</div>';
                     $deadlinedate = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_start', array($calid)) - $eventextension['deadlinedate'] * 3600;
                     $deadline = $deadlinedate > $this->time->time || $this->config->get('calendar_raid_allowstatuschange') == '1' && $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'status', array($calid, $this->user->id)) > 0 && $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'status', array($calid, $this->user->id)) != 4 && $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_end', array($calid)) > $this->time->time ? false : true;
                     $deadlineflag = $deadline ? '<img src="' . $this->root_path . 'images/calendar/clock_s.png" alt="Deadline" title="' . $this->user->lang('raidevent_raid_deadl_reach') . '" />' : '';
                     // Build the JSON
                     $event_json[] = array('title' => $this->in->decode_entity($this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'name', array($calid))), 'start' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_start', array($calid))), 'end' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_end', array($calid))), 'closed' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'raidstatus', array($calid)) == 1 ? true : false, 'editable' => true, 'eventid' => $calid, 'flag' => $deadlineflag . $this->pdh->get('calendar_raids_attendees', 'html_status', array($calid, $this->user->data['user_id'])), 'url' => 'calendar/viewcalraid.php' . $this->SID . '&eventid=' . $calid, 'icon' => $eventextension['raid_eventid'] ? $this->pdh->get('event', 'icon', array($eventextension['raid_eventid'], true, true)) : '', 'note' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'notes', array($calid)), 'raidleader' => $eventextension['raidleader'] > 0 ? implode(', ', $this->pdh->aget('member', 'name', 0, array($eventextension['raidleader']))) : '', 'rstatusdata' => $rstatusdata, 'color' => '#' . $eventcolor, 'textColor' => $eventcolor_txt);
                 } else {
                     $event_json[] = array('eventid' => $calid, 'title' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'name', array($calid)), 'start' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_start', array($calid))), 'end' => $this->time->date('Y-m-d H:i', $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'time_end', array($calid))), 'allDay' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'allday', array($calid)) > 0 ? true : false, 'note' => $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'notes', array($calid)), 'color' => '#' . $eventcolor, 'textColor' => $eventcolor_txt);
     // Output the array as JSON
     echo json_encode($event_json);