Пример #1
 * Process CMS tags into HTML for comments.
function cms_tag_trackbacks($tag_attr, $tag_default)
    global $db, $row, $block, $Current_weblog, $Weblogs, $Paths;
    if (strlen($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['trackback_format']) > 1) {
        $format = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['trackback_format'];
    } else {
        $format = "%anchor%<p><strong>%title%</strong><br />%excerpt%<br /><small>Sent on %date%, via %url%</small></p>";
    // If %editlink% is not present, insert it right after %date%..
    if (strpos($format, "%editlink%") == 0) {
        $format = str_replace("%date%", "%date% %editlink%", $format);
    $content_code = get_attr_value('content_code', $tag_attr);
    $entrydate = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['fulldate_format'];
    if ($content_code == "") {
        $content_code = $row["code"];
    $output = '<a id="track"></a>';
    $last_trackback = "";
    if (isset($db->entry['trackbacks']) && count($db->entry['trackbacks']) > 0) {
        foreach ($db->entry['trackbacks'] as $count => $temp_row) {
             * this is a record we have to output in some form..
            $temp_row['url'] = strip_tags($temp_row['url']);
            if (!ip_check_block($temp_row["ip"])) {
                 * Make 'edit' and 'delete' links..
                $editlink = get_edittrackbacklink($db->entry['code'], $count);
                 * make link achnor
                $anchor = "<a id=\"" . safe_string($temp_row["name"], TRUE) . "-" . format_date($temp_row["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%") . "\"></a>";
                 * substite all of the parameters into the comment, and add it to the output.
                $this_tag = $format;
                $this_tag = str_replace("%count%", $count + 1, $this_tag);
                $this_tag = str_replace("%even-odd%", $count % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd', $this_tag);
                $this_tag = str_replace("%ip%", $temp_row["ip"], $this_tag);
                $this_tag = str_replace("%date%", format_date($temp_row["date"], $entrydate), $this_tag);
                $this_tag = str_replace("%excerpt%", comment_format($temp_row["excerpt"]), $this_tag);
                $this_tag = str_replace("%title%", $temp_row["title"], $this_tag);
                $url = '<a href="' . $temp_row["url"] . '">' . stripslashes($temp_row["name"]) . '</a>';
                $this_tag = str_replace("%url%", $url, $this_tag);
                $this_tag = str_replace("%anchor%", $anchor, $this_tag);
                $this_tag = str_replace("%editlink%", $editlink, $this_tag);
                $output .= $this_tag;
    // make an array of strings with the notices to print
    $text = array($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['trackbacks_text_0'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['trackbacks_text_1'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['trackbacks_text_2']);
    //   $track_ind = sprintf("<p><b>%s:</b></p>", $text[min(2,count($db->entry['trackbacks']))]);
    //   $track_ind = str_replace("%num%", lang('numbers', count($db->entry['trackbacks'])), $track_ind);
    //   $track_ind = str_replace("%n%", count($db->entry['trackbacks']), $track_ind);
    $output = $output;
    return $output;
Пример #2
function store_message($items, $form)
    global $xoopsUser, $xoopsDB, $xoopsModuleConfig;
    $uid = is_object($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0;
    $store = $form['store'];
    if ($store == _DB_STORE_NONE) {
        $showaddr = true;
        // no store to need show address
    } else {
        $showaddr = get_attr_value(null, 'notify_with_email');
    $from = $email = "";
    $attach = array();
    $vals = array();
    $rtext = '';
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if (empty($item['name'])) {
        $name = $item['name'];
        $val = $item['value'];
        $vals[$name] = $val;
        $opts =& $item['options'];
        switch ($item['type']) {
            case 'mail':
                if (empty($email)) {
                    // save first email for contact
                    $email = $vals[$name];
                    $mail_name = $name;
                    if ($showaddr) {
                        $from = $email;
                    continue 2;
                    /* PHP switch catch continue! */
            case 'file':
                $val = $vals[$name];
                if ($val) {
                    $vals[$name] = "file=" . $val;
                    $attach[] = $val;
            case 'radio':
            case 'select':
                if (isset($opts[$val])) {
                    $val = strip_tags($opts[$val]);
            case 'checkbox':
                foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                    $val[$k] = isset($opts[$v]) ? strip_tags($opts[$v]) : $v;
                $val = join(', ', $val);
        if (!empty($val) && preg_match('/\\n/', $val)) {
            $val = "\n\t" . preg_replace('/\\n/', "\n\t", $val);
        $rtext .= strip_tags($item['label']) . ": {$val}\n";
    // remove if not show/store email address in database
    if (!$showaddr && isset($mail_name)) {
    $text = serialize_text($vals);
    // store value
    $onepass = $uid == 0 ? cc_onetime_ticket($email) : "";
    if ($form['priuid'] < 0) {
        $touid = empty($form['priuser']) ? 0 : $form['priuser']['uid'];
    } else {
        $touid = $form['priuid'];
    $now = time();
    $values = array('uid' => $uid, 'touid' => $touid, 'ctime' => $now, 'mtime' => $now, 'atime' => $now, 'fidref' => $form['formid'], 'email' => $xoopsDB->quoteString($email), 'onepass' => $xoopsDB->quoteString($onepass));
    $parg = $onepass ? "&p=" . urlencode($onepass) : "";
    if ($store == _DB_STORE_YES) {
        $values['body'] = $xoopsDB->quoteString($text);
    if ($store != _DB_STORE_NONE) {
        $res = $xoopsDB->query("INSERT INTO " . CCMES . "(" . join(',', array_keys($values)) . ") VALUES (" . join(',', $values) . ")");
        if ($res === false) {
            return array("Error in DATABASE insert");
        $id = $xoopsDB->getInsertID();
        if (empty($id)) {
            return array("Internal Error in Store Message");
    } else {
        $id = 0;
    $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
    if ($touid) {
        $toUser = $member_handler->getUser($touid);
        $toUname = $toUser->getVar('uname');
    } else {
        $toUser = false;
        $toUname = _MD_CONTACT_NOTYET;
    $atext = "";
    // reply sender
    $btext = "";
    // to contact and monitors
    if (count($attach)) {
        $atext = $btext = "\n" . _MD_ATTACHMENT . "\n";
        foreach ($attach as $i => $file) {
            move_attach_file('', $file, $id);
            $a = cc_attach_image($id, $file, true);
            $atext .= "{$a}{$parg}\n";
            $btext .= "{$a}\n";
        rmdir(XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . cc_attach_path(0, ''));
    $dirname = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
    $uname = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uname') : $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['anonymous'];
    $tags = array('SUBJECT' => $form['title'], 'TO_USER' => $toUname, 'FROM_USER' => $uname, 'FROM_EMAIL' => $email, 'REMOTE_ADDR' => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 'MSGID' => $id);
    foreach ($vals as $k => $v) {
        $tags[$k] = is_array($v) ? implode(', ', $v) : $v;
    $tpl = get_attr_value(null, 'from_confirm_tpl', 'form_confirm.tpl');
    $msgurl = XOOPS_URL . ($id ? "/modules/{$dirname}/message.php?id={$id}" : '/');
    if ($email) {
        // reply automaticaly
        $tags['VALUES'] = "{$rtext}{$atext}";
        $tags['MSG_URL'] = $store == _DB_STORE_NONE ? '' : "\n" . _MD_NOTIFY_URL . "\n{$msgurl}{$parg}";
        cc_notify_mail($tpl, $tags, $email, $toUser ? $toUser->getVar('email') : '');
    $tags['VALUES'] = "{$rtext}{$btext}";
    $tags['MSG_URL'] = $store == _DB_STORE_NONE ? '' : "\n" . _MD_NOTIFY_URL . "\n" . $msgurl;
    $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
    $notification_handler->triggerEvent('global', 0, 'new', $tags);
    $notification_handler->triggerEvent('form', $form['formid'], 'new', $tags);
    // force subscribe sender and recipient
    if ($id) {
        $notification_handler->subscribe('message', $id, 'comment');
    if ($touid) {
        if ($id) {
            $notification_handler->subscribe('message', $id, 'comment', null, null, $touid);
        cc_notify_mail(get_attr_value(null, 'charge_notify_tpl', $tpl), $tags, $toUser, $from);
    } elseif ($form['cgroup']) {
        // contact group notify
        $users = $member_handler->getUsersByGroup($form['cgroup'], true);
        cc_notify_mail(get_attr_value(null, 'group_notify_tpl', $tpl), $tags, $users, $from);
    if ($id) {
        $msgurl .= $parg;
    $redirect = get_attr_value(null, 'redirect');
    if (!empty($redirect)) {
        $msgurl = preg_match('/^\\//', $redirect) ? XOOPS_URL . $redirect : $redirect;
    redirect_header($msgurl, 3, _MD_CONTACT_DONE);
Пример #3
    if ($mpos < 0 && $item['type'] == 'mail') {
        $mpos = $n;
    $labels[] = $item['label'];
$contents = strip_tags(csv_str($labels)) . "\n";
while ($data = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($res)) {
    $values = unserialize_text($data['body']);
    if ($mpos >= 0) {
        array_splice($values, $mpos, 0, array($data['email']));
    $fixval = array($data['msgid'], formatTimestamp($data['mtime']), $msg_status[$data['status']], $xoopsUser->getUnameFromId($data['uid']), $xoopsUser->getUnameFromId($data['touid']));
    $contents .= csv_str($fixval) . "," . csv_str($values) . "\n";
if (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding")) {
    $charset = get_attr_value(null, 'export_charset');
    if (!$charset) {
        $charset = _MD_EXPORT_CHARSET;
    $contents = mb_convert_encoding($contents, $charset, _CHARSET);
} else {
    $charset = _CHARSET;
$tm = formatTimestamp(time(), 'Ymd');
$file = "ccenter_form{$id}-{$range}-{$tm}.csv";
header('Content-Disposition:attachment;filename="' . $file . '"');
header("Content-type: text/csv; charset={$charset}");
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Pragma: public");
echo $contents;
Пример #4
function checkScript($checks, $confirm, $pattern)
    global $xoopsTpl;
    $chks = array();
    foreach ($checks as $name => $msg) {
        $pat = $pattern[$name];
        $v = get_attr_value(null, $pat);
        if (!empty($v)) {
            $pat = $v;
        $pat = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/([\\\\\\"])/', '\\\\$1', $pat));
        $chks[$name] = array('message' => $msg, 'pattern' => $pat);
    $tpl = new XoopsTpl();
    $tpl->assign('item', array("type" => "javascript", "confirm" => $confirm, 'checks' => $chks));
    return $tpl->fetch('db:' . _CC_WIDGET_TPL);
Пример #5
function build_form($formid = 0)
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $myts, $fields, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsTpl;
    include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/language/" . $xoopsConfig['language'] . '/main.php';
    if (isset($_POST['formid'])) {
        $data = array();
        $fields[] = 'priuid';
        $fields[] = 'cgroup';
        foreach ($fields as $name) {
            $data[$name] = $myts->stripSlashesGPC($_POST[$name]);
        $data['optvars'] = post_optvars();
        $data['grpperm'] = $_POST['grpperm'];
        $formid = intval($_POST['formid']);
        // form preview
        // set default values
        $items = get_form_attribute($data['defs']);
        if ($_POST['preview']) {
            echo "<h2>" . _PREVIEW . " : " . htmlspecialchars($data['title'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</h2>\n";
            echo "<div class='preview'>\n";
            $data['action'] = '';
            $data['check_script'] = "";
            $data['items'] =& $items;
            if (empty($xoopsTpl)) {
                $xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();
            $out = $xoopsTpl->fetch('db:' . render_form($data, 'form'));
            echo preg_replace('/type=["\']submit["\']/', 'type="submit" disabled="disabled"', $out);
            echo "</div>\n<hr size='5'/>\n";
    } elseif ($formid) {
        $res = $xoopsDB->query('SELECT * FROM ' . FORMS . " WHERE formid={$formid}");
        $data = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($res);
        $data['grpperm'] = explode('|', trim($data['grpperm'], '|'));
    } else {
        $data = array('title' => '', 'description' => '', 'defs' => '', 'store' => 1, 'custom' => 0, 'weight' => 0, 'active' => 1, 'priuid' => $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'), 'cgroup' => XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, 'optvars' => '', 'grpperm' => array(XOOPS_GROUP_USERS));
    $form = new XoopsThemeForm($formid ? _AM_FORM_EDIT : _AM_FORM_NEW, 'myform', 'index.php');
    $form->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('formid', $formid));
    $form->addElement(new XoopsFormText(_AM_FORM_TITLE, 'title', 35, 80, $data['title']), true);
    if (!empty($data['mtime'])) {
        $form->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel(_AM_FORM_MTIME, formatTimestamp($data['mtime'])));
    $desc = new XoopsFormElementTray(_AM_FORM_DESCRIPTION, "<br/>");
    $description = $data['description'];
    $editor = get_attr_value(null, 'use_fckeditor');
    if ($editor) {
        $desc->addElement(new XoopsFormTextArea('', 'description', $description, 10, 60));
    } else {
        $desc->addElement(new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea('', 'description', $description, 10, 60));
    if (!$editor) {
        $button = new XoopsFormButton('', 'ins_tpl', _AM_INS_TEMPLATE);
        $button->setExtra("onClick=\"myform.description.value += defsToString();\"");
    $error = check_form_tags($data['custom'], $data['defs'], $description);
    if ($error) {
        $desc->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel('', "<div style='color:red;'>{$error}</div>"));
    $custom = new XoopsFormSelect(_AM_FORM_CUSTOM, 'custom', $data['custom']);
    $custom->setExtra(' onChange="myform.ins_tpl.disabled = (this.value==0||this.value==4);"');
    $custom_type = unserialize_vars(_AM_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION);
    if ($editor) {
    $grpperm = new XoopsFormSelectGroup(_AM_FORM_ACCEPT_GROUPS, 'grpperm', true, $data['grpperm'], 4, true);
    $defs_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray(_AM_FORM_DEFS);
    $defs_tray->addElement(new XoopsFormTextArea('', 'defs', $data['defs'], 10, 60));
    $defs_tray->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel('', '<div id="itemhelper" style="display:none; white-space:nowrap;">
  ' . _AM_FORM_LAB . ' <input name="xelab" size="10">
  <input type="checkbox" name="xereq" title="' . _AM_FORM_REQ . '">
  <select name="xetype">
    <option value="text">text</option>
    <option value="checkbox">checkbox</option>
    <option value="radio">radio</option>
    <option value="textarea">textarea</option>
    <option value="select">select</option>
    <option value="const">const</option>
    <option value="hidden">hidden</option>
    <option value="mail">mail</option>
    <option value="file">file</option>
  <input name="xeopt" size="30" />
  <button onClick="return addFieldItem();">' . _AM_FORM_ADD . '</button>
    $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
    $groups = $member_handler->getGroupList(new Criteria('groupid', XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS, '!='));
    $groups = $member_handler->getGroupList(new Criteria('groupid', XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS, '!='));
    $options = array();
    foreach ($groups as $k => $v) {
        $options[-$k] = sprintf(_CC_FORM_PRIM_GROUP, $v);
    $options[0] = _AM_FORM_PRIM_NONE;
    $priuid = new MyFormSelect(_AM_FORM_PRIM_CONTACT, 'priuid', $data['priuid']);
    $cgroup = new XoopsFormSelect('', 'cgroup', $data['cgroup']);
    $cgroup->setExtra(' onChange="setSelectUID(\'priuid\', 0);"');
    $cgroup->addOption(0, _AM_FORM_CGROUP_NONE);
    $groups = $member_handler->getGroupList(new Criteria('groupid', XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS, '!='));
    $cgroup_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray(_AM_FORM_CONTACT_GROUP);
    $cgroup_tray->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel('', '<noscript><input type="submit" name="chggrp" id="chggrp" value="' . _AM_CHANGE . '"/></noscript>'));
    $store = new XoopsFormSelect(_AM_FORM_STORE, 'store', $data['store']);
    $store->addOptionArray(unserialize_vars(_CC_STORE_MODE, 1));
    $form->addElement(new XoopsFormRadioYN(_AM_FORM_ACTIVE, 'active', $data['active']));
    $form->addElement(new XoopsFormText(_AM_FORM_WEIGHT, 'weight', 2, 8, $data['weight']));
    $items = get_form_attribute(_CC_OPTDEFS, _AM_OPTVARS_LABEL, 'optvar');
    $vars = unserialize_vars($data['optvars']);
    $others = "";
    foreach ($items as $k => $item) {
        $name = $item['name'];
        if (isset($vars[$name])) {
            $items[$k]['default'] = $vars[$name];
    $val = "";
    foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {
        $val .= "{$i}={$v}\n";
    $items[$k]['default'] = $val;
    $varform = "";
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $br = $item['type'] == "textarea" ? "<br/>" : "";
        $class = $item['default'] ? ' class="changed"' : '';
        $varform .= "<div><span{$class}>" . $item['label'] . "</span>: {$br}" . $item['input'] . "</div>";
    $ck = empty($data['optvars']) ? "" : " checked='checked'";
    $optvars = new XoopsFormLabel(_AM_FORM_OPTIONS, "<script type='text/javascript'>document.write(\"<input type='checkbox' id='optshow' onChange='toggle(this);'{$ck}/> " . _AM_OPTVARS_SHOW . "\");</script><div id='optvars'" . ($ck ? '' : ' style="display:none;"') . ">{$varform}</div>");
    $submit = new XoopsFormElementTray('');
    $submit->addElement(new XoopsFormButton('', 'formdefs', _SUBMIT, 'submit'));
    $submit->addElement(new XoopsFormButton('', 'preview', _PREVIEW, 'submit'));
    echo "<a name='form'></a><style>.changed {font-weight: bold;}</style>";
    if ($editor) {
        $base = XOOPS_URL . "/common/fckeditor";
        global $xoopsTpl;
        echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$base}/fckeditor.js'></script>\n";
        $editor = "var ccFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('description', '100%', '350', '{$editor}');\nccFCKeditor.BasePath = '{$base}/';\nccFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea();";
    echo '<script language="JavaScript">' . $priuid->renderSupportJS(false) . '
// display only JavaScript enable
xoopsGetElementById("itemhelper").style.display = "block";
' . $editor . '
function toggle(a) {
    xoopsGetElementById("optvars").style.display = a.checked?"block":"none";

function addFieldItem() {
    var myform = window.document.myform;
    var item=myform.xelab.value;
    if (item == "") {
	alert("' . _AM_FORM_LABREQ . '");
	return false;
    if (myform.xereq.checked) item += "*";
    var ty = myform.xetype.value;
    var ov = myform.xeopt.value;
    item += ","+ty;
    if (ty != "text" && ty != "textarea" && ty != "file" && ty != "mail" && ov == "") {
	alert(ty+": ' . _AM_FORM_OPTREQ . '");
	return false;
    if (ov != "") item += ","+ov;
    opts = myform.defs;
    if (opts.value!="" && !opts.value.match(/[\\n\\r]$/)) item = "\\n"+item;
    opts.value += item;
    myform.xelab.value = ""; // clear old value
    myform.xeopt.value = "";
    return false; // always return false
function defsToString() {
    value = window.document.myform.defs.value;
    ret = "";
    lines = value.split("\\n");
    conf = "' . _MD_CONF_LABEL . '";
    for (i in lines) {
       lab = lines[i].replace(/,.*$/, "");
       if (lab.match(/^\\s*#/)) {
           ret += "[desc]<div>"+lines[i].replace(/^\\s*#/, "")+"</div>[/desc]\\n";
       } else if (lab != "") {
           ret += "<div>"+lab+": {"+lab.replace(/\\*?$/,"")+"}</div>\\n";
           if (lines[i].match(/^[^,]+,\\s*mail/i)) {
              lab = conf.replace(/%s/, lab);
              ret += "[desc]<div>"+lab+": {"+lab.replace(/\\*?$/,"")+"}</div>[/desc]\\n";
    return "<form {FORM_ATTR}>\\n"+ret+
      "<p>{SUBMIT} {BACK}</p>\\n</form>\\n{CHECK_SCRIPT}";

fvalue = document.myform.custom.value;
document.myform.ins_tpl.disabled = (fvalue==0 || fvalue==4);