Пример #1
  * Parse a tarball of .gcov files.
 public function Parse($filename)
     // Create a new directory where we can extract our tarball.
     $dirName = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     // Extract the tarball.
     $result = extract_tar($filename, $dirName);
     if ($result === false) {
         add_log('Could not extract ' . $filename . ' into ' . $dirName, 'GCovTarHandler::Parse', LOG_ERR);
         return false;
     // Find the data.json file and extract the source directory from it.
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dirName), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
         if ($fileinfo->getFilename() == 'data.json') {
             $jsonContents = file_get_contents($fileinfo->getRealPath());
             $jsonDecoded = json_decode($jsonContents, true);
             if (is_null($jsonDecoded) || !array_key_exists('Source', $jsonDecoded) || !array_key_exists('Binary', $jsonDecoded)) {
                 return false;
             $this->SourceDirectory = $jsonDecoded['Source'];
             $this->BinaryDirectory = $jsonDecoded['Binary'];
     if (empty($this->SourceDirectory) || empty($this->BinaryDirectory)) {
         return false;
     // Check if any Labels.json files were included
     foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
         if ($fileinfo->getFilename() == 'Labels.json') {
     // Lookup some data used during coverage aggregation.
     if ($this->Build->Type === 'Nightly') {
         $aggregateBuild = get_aggregate_build($this->Build);
         $aggregateParentId = $aggregateBuild->GetParentId();
         if ($aggregateParentId > 0) {
             $this->AggregateBuildId = $aggregateParentId;
             $aggregateParent = new Build();
             $aggregateParent->Id = $aggregateParentId;
             $this->PreviousAggregateParentId = $aggregateParent->GetPreviousBuildId();
         } else {
             $this->AggregateBuildId = $aggregateBuild->Id;
     // Recursively search for .gcov files and parse them.
     foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
         if (pathinfo($fileinfo->getFilename(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'gcov') {
     // Search for uncovered files.
     if (file_exists("{$dirName}/uncovered")) {
         $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator("{$dirName}/uncovered"), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
         foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
             if ($fileinfo->isFile()) {
                 // Get the path of this uncovered file relative to its
                 // source directory.
                 $relativePath = str_replace("{$dirName}/uncovered/", "./", $fileinfo);
                 $this->ParseUncoveredSourceFile($fileinfo, $relativePath);
     // Insert coverage summary
     foreach ($this->SubProjectSummaries as $buildid => $subprojectSummary) {
     // Delete the directory when we're done.
     return true;
Пример #2
 /** Update the aggregate coverage build to include these results. */
 public function UpdateAggregate()
     if (!$this->Build) {
         $this->Build = new Build();
         $this->Build->Id = $this->BuildId;
     // Only nightly builds count towards aggregate coverage.
     if ($this->Build->Type !== 'Nightly' || $this->Build->Name === 'Aggregate Coverage') {
     // Find the build ID for this day's edition of 'Aggregate Coverage'.
     $aggregateBuildId = null;
     if ($this->AggregateBuildId) {
         if ($this->Build->SubProjectId) {
             // For SubProject builds, AggregateBuildId refers to the parent.
             // Look up the ID of the appropriate child.
             $query = "SELECT id FROM build\n                    INNER JOIN subproject2build AS sp2b ON (build.id=sp2b.buildid)\n                    WHERE parentid='{$this->AggregateBuildId}' AND\n                    projectid='" . $this->Build->ProjectId . "' AND\n                    sp2b.subprojectid='" . $this->Build->SubProjectId . "'";
             $row = pdo_single_row_query($query);
             if (!$row || !array_key_exists('id', $row)) {
                 // An aggregate build for this SubProject doesn't exist yet.
                 // Create it here.
                 $aggregateBuild = create_aggregate_build($this->Build);
                 $aggregateBuildId = $aggregateBuild->Id;
             } else {
                 $aggregateBuildId = $row['id'];
         } else {
             // For standalone builds AggregateBuildId is exactly what we're
             // looking for.
             $aggregateBuildId = $this->AggregateBuildId;
         $aggregateBuild = new Build();
         $aggregateBuild->Id = $aggregateBuildId;
     } else {
         // AggregateBuildId not specified, look it up here.
         $aggregateBuild = get_aggregate_build($this->Build);
         $aggregateBuildId = $aggregateBuild->Id;
     // Abort if this log refers to a different version of the file
     // than the one already contained in the aggregate.
     $row = pdo_single_row_query("SELECT id, fullpath FROM coveragefile WHERE id='{$this->FileId}'");
     $path = $row['fullpath'];
     $row = pdo_single_row_query("SELECT id FROM coveragefile AS cf\n                INNER JOIN coveragefilelog AS cfl ON (cfl.fileid=cf.id)\n                WHERE cfl.buildid='{$aggregateBuildId}' AND cf.fullpath='{$path}'");
     if ($row && array_key_exists('id', $row) && $row['id'] != $this->FileId) {
         add_log("Not appending coverage of '{$path}' to aggregate as it " . 'already contains a different version of this file.', 'CoverageFileLog::UpdateAggregate', LOG_INFO, $this->BuildId);
     // Append these results to the aggregate coverage log.
     $aggregateLog = clone $this;
     $aggregateLog->BuildId = $aggregateBuildId;
     $aggregateLog->Build = $aggregateBuild;
     // Update the aggregate coverage summary.
     $aggregateSummary = new CoverageSummary();
     $aggregateSummary->BuildId = $aggregateBuildId;
     $coverageFile = new CoverageFile();
     $coverageFile->Id = $this->FileId;
     // Query the log to get how many lines & branches were covered.
     // We do this after inserting the filelog because we want to
     // accurately reflect the union of the current and previously
     // existing results (if any).
     $stats = $aggregateLog->GetStats();
     $aggregateCoverage = new Coverage();
     $aggregateCoverage->CoverageFile = $coverageFile;
     $aggregateCoverage->LocUntested = $stats['locuntested'];
     $aggregateCoverage->LocTested = $stats['loctested'];
     if ($aggregateCoverage->LocTested > 0 || $aggregateCoverage->LocUntested > 0) {
         $aggregateCoverage->Covered = 1;
     } else {
         $aggregateCoverage->Covered = 0;
     $aggregateCoverage->BranchesUntested = $stats['branchesuntested'];
     $aggregateCoverage->BranchesTested = $stats['branchestested'];
     // Add this Coverage to the summary.
     // Insert/Update the aggregate summary.
     if ($this->Build->SubProjectId && $this->AggregateBuildId) {
         // Compute diff for the aggregate parent too.
         $aggregateParentSummary = new CoverageSummary();
         $aggregateParentSummary->BuildId = $this->AggregateBuildId;