function __construct($domid) { global $DB; if (intval($domid) > 0) { $this->id = intval($domid); $dane = $DB->pobierz_wyniki("select,h.descr,h.X,h.Y,h.Z,h.koszt,h.ownerid,h.restrict_gang, gang_name,p.nick owner_nick,h.paidTo,datediff(paidTo,NOW()) dni,h.vehicles_allowed,hv.model vehicle_model, vehicle_name FROM fs_houses h LEFT JOIN fs_players p ON LEFT JOIN fs_houses_vehicles hv on LEFT JOIN fs_vehicles v ON v.vid=hv.model LEFT JOIN fs_gangs g ON where" . $this->id . " AND h.homeX!=0 LIMIT 1"); foreach ($dane as $k => $v) { $this->{$k} = $v; } if ($this->ownerid == 0 || $this->dni < 0) { $this->wolny = true; } else { $this->wolny = false; } $this->ok = true; $this->zone_name = getZoneName($this->X, $this->Y, $this->Z); $zdj = IMG_dir . "dom_" . sprintf("%d", $domid) . ".jpg"; if (file_exists($zdj)) { $this->zdj = "/s/i/domy/dom_" . sprintf("%d", $domid) . ".jpg"; } } $r = $DB->pobierz_tabele_wynikow("select id,(ownerid=0 or paidto<DATE(NOW())) wolny from fs_houses order by id asc;"); $cidx = -1; $widx = -1; foreach ($r as $k => $v) { $this->wszystkieID[] = $v['id']; if ($v['wolny']) { $this->wolneID[] = $v['id']; if ($cidx < 0) { $widx++; } } if ($v['id'] == intval($domid)) { $cidx = $k; } } if ($cidx > 0) { $this->prevID = $this->wszystkieID[$cidx - 1]; } if ($cidx < sizeof($this->wszystkieID)) { $this->nextID = $this->wszystkieID[$cidx + 1]; } if ($widx >= -1) { $this->nextFID = $this->wolneID[$widx + 1]; } if ($widx < sizeof($this->wolneID)) { $this->prevFID = $this->wolneID[$widx - 1]; } }
<td align="center" width="20%"><strong>Item</strong></td> <td align="center" width="5%"><strong>Level</strong></td> <td align="center" width="5%"><strong>Chance</strong></td> <th width="5%"></th> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#<? echo ($x % 2 == 0) ? "BBBBBB" : "AAAAAA";?>"> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $fgid; ?> </td> <?if($zoneid == 0):?> <td align="center" width="10%">All</td> <?endif;?> <?if($zoneid != 0):?> <td align="center" width="10%"><?php echo getZoneName($zoneid); ?> </td> <?endif;?> <td align="center" width="20%"><?php echo get_item_name($fgiid); ?> <span>[<a href="<?php echo $fgiid; ?> ">lucy</a>]</span></td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $level; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php
?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $v['target_z']; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $v['target_heading']; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $v['target_instance']; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo getZoneName($v['target_zone_id']); ?> </td> <td align="right"> <a href="index.php?editor=zone&z=<?php echo $currzone; ?> &zoneid=<?php echo $currzoneid; ?> &zpid=<?php echo $v['zpid']; ?> &action=13"><img src="images/edit2.gif" border="0" title="Edit Entry"></a> <a onClick="return confirm('Really Delete Point <?php echo $v['zpid'];
<td align="center"><u>Z</u></td> <td align="center"><u>Heading</td> </tr> <?php foreach ($binds as $bind) { ?> <tr> <td align="center"><?php echo $bind_slots[$bind['slot']]; ?> (<?php echo $bind['slot']; ?> )</td> <td align="center"><?php echo getZoneName($bind['zone_id']); ?> (<?php echo $bind['zone_id']; ?> )</td> <td align="center"><?php echo $bind['instance_id']; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $bind['x']; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $bind['y'];
$vendorTP = substr($vendorTP, 0, -2); } $vendorTP .= '</td></tr>'; } $vendorTP .= '</tbody></table></div>'; } $tp->assign('vendor', $vendorTP); // Reward $reward = $mysql->getRows("SELECT Title, QuestLevel,MinLevel,ZoneOrSort\n FROM `quest_template` WHERE `RewChoiceItemId1` = ?1 OR `RewChoiceItemId2` = ?1\n\tOR `RewChoiceItemId3` = ?1 OR `RewChoiceItemId4` = ?1 OR `RewChoiceItemId5` = ?1 OR `RewChoiceItemId6` = ?1\n\tOR `RewItemId1` = ?1 OR `RewItemId2` = ?1 OR `RewItemId3` = ?1 OR `RewItemId4` = ?1 limit 20", $itemData['entry'], 'world'); if ($reward) { $rewardTP = '<div class="rel-tab"><p class="rel-reward"/><h3>Reward from:</h3></div> <div class="data" style="clear: both;"> <table class="data-table"><tbody><tr class="masthead"><td><a class="noLink">Title</a></td><td align="center"><a class="noLink">Level</a></td><td align="center"><a class="noLink">Location</a></td></tr>'; foreach ($reward as $mob) { $rewardTP .= '<tr><td><strong>' . $mob['Title'] . '</strong></td><td class="centeralign">' . $mob['QuestLevel'] . ($mob['MinLevel'] > 0 ? ' (<span class="subClass">Req. ' . $mob['MinLevel'] . '</span>)' : '') . '</td> <td>' . getZoneName($mob['ZoneOrSort']); $rewardTP .= '</td></tr>'; } $rewardTP .= '</tbody></table></div>'; } $tp->assign('reward', $rewardTP); // Disenchant if ($itemData['DisenchantID']) { $de = $mysql->getRows("SELECT,item_template.entry,item_template.Quality,disenchant_loot_template.item,disenchant_loot_template.ChanceOrQuestChance,disenchant_loot_template.mincountOrRef,disenchant_loot_template.maxcount\n\t FROM `disenchant_loot_template`,`item_template`\n\t WHERE disenchant_loot_template.item = item_template.entry and disenchant_loot_template.entry = ?1 limit 20", $itemData['DisenchantID'], 'world'); if ($de) { $deTP = '<div class="rel-tab"><p class="rel-de"/><h3>Disenchants into:</h3></div> <div class="data" style="clear: both;" id="big-results"> <table class="data-table"><thead><tr class="masthead"><td><a class="noLink">Name</a></td><td align="center"><a class="noLink">Drop Chance</a></td><td align="center"><a class="noLink">Count</a></td></tr></thead><tbody>'; foreach ($de as $mob) { $ids .= $mob['entry'] . ','; }
function get_npcs_by_grid() { global $mysql; $pathgrid = $_GET['pathgrid']; $zone = getZoneName(getZoneID($_GET['z'])); $query = "SELECT AS name, sp.spawngroupid AS spawngroupid, AS zone, se.npcid AS npcid FROM spawngroup sg, spawn2 sp, spawnentry se WHERE = sp.spawngroupid AND sp.spawngroupid = se.spawngroupid AND pathgrid = {$pathgrid} AND zone = \"{$zone}\""; $results = $mysql->query_mult_assoc($query); return $results; }
/** * Compute the full inventory on devices in the data centers and return the data * center summary statistics * * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $worksheet * @param array $DProps properties defined for the Excel document * @return (array|array|array|boolean)[] * statistics array, device inventory, cabinet inventory */ function computeSheetBodyDCInventory($DProps) { global $person; global $sessID; $dc = new DataCenter(); $cab = new Cabinet(); $device = new Device(); $invData = array(); $invCab = array(); $sheetColumns = $DProps['DC Inventory']['Columns']; $cabinetColumns = $DProps['Rack Inventory']['Columns']; $devTemplates = DeviceTemplate::getTemplateListIndexedbyID(); $deptList = Department::GetDepartmentListIndexedbyID(); $contactList = $person->GetUserList('indexed'); $limitedUser = false; $dcList = $dc->GetDCList(); $Stats = array(); // A little code to update the counter $percentDone = 0; $sectionMaxPercent = 40; $incrementalPercent = 1 / sizeof($dcList) * $sectionMaxPercent; foreach ($dcList as $dc) { $dcContainerList = $dc->getContainerList(); $dcStats = array(); $cab->DataCenterID = $dc->DataCenterID; $dcStats['Fl_Spc'] = $dc->SquareFootage; $dcStats['DesignPower'] = $dc->MaxkW; $dcStats['Watts'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_Num'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_UtT'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_Res'] = 0; $cabList = $cab->ListCabinetsByDC(); if (count($cabList) == 0) { // empty data center room $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $invData[] = $devSpec; } else { foreach ($cabList as $cab) { if (!$person->ReadAccess and $cab->AssignedTo == 0 or $cab->AssignedTo > 0 and !$person->canRead($cab->AssignedTo)) { // User is not allowed to see anything in here $limitedUser = true; continue; } $zoneName = getZoneName($cab); $rowName = getRowName($cab); addRackStat($invCab, $cab, $cabinetColumns, $dc, $dcContainerList); $cab_height = $cab->CabinetHeight; if (mb_strtoupper($cab->Model) == 'RESERVED') { $dcStats['Rk_Res']++; } else { $dcStats['Rk_Num']++; } $dcStats['Rk_UtT'] += $cab_height; $device->Cabinet = $cab->CabinetID; $device_list = $device->ViewDevicesByCabinet(); // empty cabinet if (count($device_list) == 0 && $cab->CabinetHeight > 0) { $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $cab_height; $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName; $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName; $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location; $devSpec['Position'] = 1; $devSpec['Height'] = $cab->CabinetHeight; $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY'; $invData[] = $devSpec; } else { usort($device_list, 'cmpDevPos'); $low_idx = 1; foreach ($device_list as $dev) { if ($low_idx < $dev->Position) { // range of empty slots if ($dev->Position <= $cab_height) { $height = $dev->Position - $low_idx; } else { $height = $cab_height - $low_idx + 1; } if ($height > 0) { $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $height; $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); ${$devSpec}['Zone'] = $zoneName; $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName; $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location; $devSpec['Position'] = $low_idx; $devSpec['Height'] = $height; $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY'; $invData[] = $devSpec; } $low_idx = $dev->Position; } // device in cabinet $reserved = $dev->Reservation ? 'reserved' : null; list($manufacturer, $model) = getDeviceTemplateName($devTemplates, $dev); $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); $devSpec['DevID'] = $dev->DeviceID; $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName; $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName; $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location; $devSpec['Position'] = $dev->Position; $devSpec['Half Depth'] = getDeviceDepthPos($dev); $devSpec['Height'] = $dev->Height; $devSpec['Device'] = $dev->Label; $devSpec['Parent Device'] = null; $devSpec['Manufacturer'] = $manufacturer; $devSpec['Model'] = $model; $devSpec['Device Type'] = $dev->DeviceType; $devSpec['Asset Number'] = $dev->AssetTag; $devSpec['Serial No.'] = $dev->SerialNo; $devSpec['Install Date'] = $dev->InstallDate; $devSpec['Warranty End'] = $dev->WarrantyExpire; $devSpec['Owner'] = getOwnerName($dev, $deptList); $devSpec['Power (W)'] = $dev->NominalWatts; $devSpec['Reservation'] = $reserved; $devSpec['Contact'] = getContactName($contactList, $dev->PrimaryContact); $devSpec['Tags'] = getTagsString($dev); $devSpec['Notes'] = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($dev->Notes), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $invData[] = $devSpec; $dcStats['Watts'] += $dev->NominalWatts; // devices can be installed at the same position and // could be of different height; count only the free // rack units which are not covered by any device if ($low_idx == $dev->Position) { $low_idx += $dev->Height; $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] += $dev->Height; } else { $rest_height = $dev->Position + $dev->Height - $low_idx; $rest_height = $rest_height > 0 ? $rest_height : 0; $low_idx += $rest_height; $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] += $rest_height; } if ($dev->DeviceType == 'Chassis') { list($watts, $invData) = computeDeviceChildren($sheetColumns, $invData, $dev, $dc->Name, $cab, $devTemplates, $deptList, $contactList, $dcContainerList); $dcStats['Watts'] += $watts; } } if ($low_idx <= $cab->CabinetHeight) { // empty range at the top of the cabinet, $low_idx is // the potentially free location $height = $cab->CabinetHeight - $low_idx + 1; $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $height; $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName; $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName; $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location; $devSpec['Position'] = $low_idx; $devSpec['Height'] = $height; $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY'; $invData[] = $devSpec; } } } } assignStatsVal($Stats, $dc, $dcStats); $percentDone += $incrementalPercent; JobQueue::updatePercentage($sessID, $percentDone); } return array($Stats, $invData, $invCab, $limitedUser); }
?> <td align="center" width="18%">Any</td> <?php } ?> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $v['type_count']; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="20%"><?php echo $themetype[$v['theme']]; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="10%"><?php echo getZoneName($v['zone_in_zone_id']); ?> </td> <td align="right"> <a href="index.php?editor=adventures&z=<?php echo $currzone; ?> &zoneid=<?php echo $currzoneid; ?> &npcid=<?php echo $npcid; ?> &id=<?php echo $v['id']; ?>
?> &zoneid=<?php echo get_zoneid_by_npcid($v['delivertonpc']); ?> &npcid=<?php echo $v['delivertonpc']; ?> "><?php echo $v['delivertonpc']; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo getZoneName($v['zoneid']); ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $yesno[$v['optional']]; ?> </td> <td align="right"> <a href="index.php?editor=tasks&tskid=<?php echo $id; ?> &activityid=<?php echo $v['activityid']; ?> &action=6"><img src="images/edit2.gif" border="0" title="Edit Entry"></a> <a onClick="return confirm('Really Delete Activity <?php
</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" width="5%"> </td> <td align="center" width="19%"> </td> <td align="center" width="19%"><strong>Zone</strong></td> <td align="center" width="19%"><strong>Urgency</strong></td> <td align="center" width="19%"><strong>Checkouts</strong></td> <td align="center" width="19%"><strong>Unavailables</strong></td> <td align="center" width="19%"><strong>Date</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" width="5%"> </td> <td align="center" width="19%"> </td> <td align="center" width="19%"><?php echo getZoneName($zone); ?> </td> <td align="center" width="19%"><?php echo $urgency; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="19%"><?php echo $checkouts; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="19%"><?php echo $unavailables; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="19%"><?php
?> &zoneid=<?php echo get_zoneid_by_npcid($v['delivertonpc']); ?> &npcid=<?php echo $v['delivertonpc']; ?> "><?php echo $v['delivertonpc']; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $v['zoneid'] > 0 ? getZoneName($v['zoneid']) : "NONE"; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $yesno[$v['optional']]; ?> </td> <td align="right"> <a href="index.php?editor=tasks&tskid=<?php echo $id; ?> &activityid=<?php echo $v['activityid']; ?> &action=6"><img src="images/edit2.gif" border="0" title="Edit Entry"></a> <a onClick="return confirm('Really Delete Activity <?php
<td width="5%"> </td> </tr> <?$x=0; foreach($qglobals as $qglobal):?> <tr bgcolor="#<? echo ($x % 2 == 0) ? "BBBBBB" : "AAAAAA";?>"> <td align="center"><?php echo $qglobal['name']; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $qglobal['value']; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?echo ($qglobal['charid'] > 0) ? '<a href="index.php?editor=player&playerid=' . $qglobal['charid'] . '">' . getPlayerName($qglobal['charid']) . '</a>' : "ANY";?></td> <td align="center"><?echo ($qglobal['npcid'] > 0) ? '<a href="index.php?editor=npc&npcid=' . $qglobal['npcid'] . '">' . getNPCName($qglobal['npcid']) . '</a>' : "ANY";?></td> <td align="center"><?echo ($qglobal['zoneid'] > 0) ? getZoneName($qglobal['zoneid']) : "ANY";?></td> <td align="center"><?echo ($qglobal['expdate'] != '') ? get_real_time($qglobal['expdate']) : "NEVER";?></td> <td align="right"><a href="index.php?editor=qglobal&name=<?php echo $qglobal['name']; ?> &charid=<?php echo $qglobal['charid']; ?> &npcid=<?php echo $qglobal['npcid']; ?> &zoneid=<?php echo $qglobal['zoneid']; ?> &action=4"><img src="images/edit2.gif" width="13" height="13" border="0" title="Edit Quest Global"></a> <a onClick="return confirm('Really delete quest global?');" href="index.php?editor=qglobal&name=<?php echo $qglobal['name'];
echo $v['dib']; ?> - <?php echo $v['petid']; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $v['accountname']; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo $v['charname']; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="5%"><?php echo getZoneName($v['zone']); ?> </td> <td align="center" width="10%"><?php echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v['senttime']); ?> </td> <td align="right"><a href="index.php?editor=server&dib=<?php echo $v['dib']; ?> &action=13"><img src="images/edit2.gif" border="0" title="View Petition"></a> <a onClick="return confirm('Really Delete Petition <?php echo $v['dib']; ?> ?');" href="index.php?editor=server&dib=<?php echo $v['dib']; ?>
$szablon->dodaj_js(''); $szablon->dodaj_js('/s/js/mapa.js'); if ($_REQUEST['m2'] > 0) { // if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']!='') die("Podstrona w trakcie przygotowywania"); $dom = $RDB->GetRow("select,d.descr,d.koszt,(IFNULL(d.ownerid,0)>0 AND d.paidTo>=DATE(NOW())) zajety,d.paidTo,d.drzwi,d.ownerid,u.login,concat(c.imie,' ',c.nazwisko) ownernick FROM lss_domy d LEFT JOIN lss_characters c ON LEFT JOIN lss_users u ON WHERE AND", array(intval($_REQUEST['m2']))); $dom['dzielnica'] = getZoneName($dom['drzwi'][0], $dom['drzwi'][1], $dom['drzwi'][2]); $szablon->add_bc(intval($dom['id']) . ". " . $dom['descr'], "/domy/" . intval($dom['id'])); $dom['drzwi'] = split(",", $dom['drzwi']); $szablon->assign('dom', $dom); $szablon->plik = 'm.dom.tpl'; break; } $domy = $RDB->GetAll("select,d.descr,d.koszt,(IFNULL(d.ownerid,0)>0 AND d.paidTo>=DATE(NOW())) zajety,d.drzwi,d.ownerid,concat(c.imie,' ',c.nazwisko) ownernick FROM lss_domy d LEFT JOIN lss_characters c ON WHERE;"); foreach ($domy as &$d) { $d['drzwi'] = split(",", $d['drzwi']); $d['dzielnica'] = getZoneName($d['drzwi'][0], $d['drzwi'][1], $d['drzwi'][2]); } $szablon->assign('domy', $domy); // $szablon->dodaj_js(''); $szablon->plik = 'm.domy.tpl'; break; case "uslugi": if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') { die("Trwaja prace nad panelem."); } $szablon->add_bc('Usługi płatne', '/uslugi'); $szablon->plik = 'm.uslugi.tpl'; break; case "start": if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') { die("Trwaja prace nad panelem.");
?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $qglobal['value']; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $qglobal['charid'] > 0 ? '<a href="index.php?editor=player&playerid=' . $qglobal['charid'] . '">' . getPlayerName($qglobal['charid']) . '</a>' : "ANY"; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $qglobal['npcid'] > 0 ? '<a href="index.php?editor=npc&npcid=' . $qglobal['npcid'] . '">' . getNPCName($qglobal['npcid']) . '</a>' : "ANY"; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $qglobal['zoneid'] > 0 ? getZoneName($qglobal['zoneid']) : "ANY"; ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php echo $qglobal['expdate'] != '' ? get_real_time($qglobal['expdate']) : "NEVER"; ?> </td> <td align="right"><a href="index.php?editor=qglobal&name=<?php echo $qglobal['name']; ?> &charid=<?php echo $qglobal['charid']; ?> &npcid=<?php echo $qglobal['npcid']; ?>