Пример #1
			$firstCount = substr($firstFrame, 1);
			$lastCount = substr($lastFrame, 1);
			$thumbIndex = substr($thumbnail, 1);
			// echo "<p>firstCount: $firstCount | lastCount: $lastCount | thumbIndex: $thumbIndex</p>";
			if (!(($firstCount + $minFrames) < ($lastCount+2))) {
				echo "<p>Please select at least <b>$minFrames</b> frames.</p>" .
				"<p>First Frame: #$firstCount</p><p>Last frame: #$lastCount</p>" . $back;
			} else
				if (($lastCount - $firstCount) > $maxFrames) {
					echo "<p>Please select a range with a maximum of <b>$maxFrames</b> frames.</p>" .
					"<p>First Frame: #$firstCount</p><p>Last frame: #$lastCount</p>" .
					"<p>Selected range: " . ($lastCount - $firstCount) . " frames</p>" . $back;
				} else {
					// save thumb
					$imgFilesArray = getUserFiles($player_id."_", $wwwroot . $videoThumbsTempDir);
					$arrIndex = $thumbIndex-1;
					$thumbImg = $imgFilesArray[$arrIndex];
					$fileName = $thumbImg[0];
					$fileNoExt = substr($fileName, 0, strrpos($fileName, "_"));
					$fileExt = substr($fileName, strrpos($fileName, ".") + 1);
					$newName = $fileNoExt."_thumb.".$fileExt;
					$newFullPath = $wwwroot.$videoThumbsDir.$newName;
					copy($wwwroot.$videoThumbsTempDir.$fileName, $newFullPath);
					chmod($newFullPath, 0644);
					$thumbImg = '<img src="/'.$videoThumbsDir.$newName.'">';
echo getBoxTop("Thumbnail&nbsp;<span style='font-weight:normal;font-size:10px;'>(" . $videoThumbsDir . $newName . ")", 0, false, null);
Пример #2
					$sqlnew = "UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_sig = '$postTextNew' where user_id = $postId";
					// echo "<p>$sqlnew</p>";
					$resnew = mysql_query($sqlnew);
					echo "<p>Updating sigs - Result: <b>$resnew</b></p>";

				// rename file
				$src = $imagesDir . $fileName;
				$dest = $imagesDir . $newName;
				echo "<p>Trying to rename $src to $dest... ";
				$renameWork = rename($src, $dest);
				chmod($dest, 0644);
				echo "<b>$renameWork</b></p>";

				// update thumbnails
				$thumbsList = getUserFiles($fileNameNoExt . "_", $thumbsDir);
				foreach ($thumbsList as $thumbsArray) {
					$thumbName = $thumbsArray[0];
					if (strstr($thumbName, $fileNameNoExt . "_200") > -1 || strstr($thumbName, $fileNameNoExt . "_300") > -1 || strstr($thumbName, $fileNameNoExt . "_400") > -1) {
						echo "<p>File: $thumbName Modified: $modified</p>";
						$newExt = substr($thumbName, strlen($thumbName) - 8);
						$newName = $id . "_" . $modified . $newExt;
						echo "<p> - New thumb name: " . $newName . "</p>";
						// update forum posts
						$sqlf = "SELECT post_id, post_text from phpbb_posts_text where post_text like '%$thumbName%'";
						$resultf = mysql_query($sqlf);
						while ($rowf = mysql_fetch_array($resultf)) {
							$postId = $rowf[0];
							$postText = $rowf[1];
							$postTextNew = str_replace($thumbName, $newName, $postText);
							$postTextNew = addslashes($postTextNew);
Пример #3
				if ($hasThumbnails) {
			if (!$hasThumbnails && $ext != "fm") {
				// generate them
				//echo "generate:$picName<p>";
				generateThumb($imgDir, $picName, $ext, "");
				//echo "ok:$picName<p>";
			} else {
				//echo "n-ok:$picName<p>";

		$thumbsList = getUserFiles($prefix, $thumbsDir);

		foreach ($filesList as $fileArray) {
			$fileThumbnails = array ();
			$filename = $fileArray[0];
			$lastModified = $fileArray[1];
			$picName = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, "."));
			$ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, ".") + 1);
			if (in_array_nocase($ext, $valid_picture_extensions)) {
				foreach ($thumbsList as $thumbsArray) {
					$thumbname = $thumbsArray[0];
					$isThumbnail = (strstr($thumbname, $picName . "_") == $thumbname);
					if ($isThumbnail) {
						$fileThumbnails[] = $thumbname;