</select></td> </tr> <?php if ($GLOBALS['restrict_user_facility']) { ?> <tr> <td colspan=2> </td> <td><span class=text><?php xl('Schedule Facilities:', 'e'); ?> </td> <td> <select name="schedule_facility[]" multiple style="width:150px;" > <?php $userFacilities = getUserFacilities($_GET['id']); $ufid = array(); foreach ($userFacilities as $uf) { $ufid[] = $uf['id']; } $fres = sqlStatement("select * from facility where service_location != 0 order by name"); if ($fres) { while ($frow = sqlFetchArray($fres)) { ?> <option <?php echo in_array($frow['id'], $ufid) || $frow['id'] == $iter['facility_id'] ? "selected" : null; ?> value="<?php echo $frow['id']; ?> "><?php
<tr> <td nowrap><b><?php xl('Facility', 'e'); ?> :</b></td> <td> <select name="facility" id="facility" > <?php // =========================== // EVENTS TO FACILITIES //(CHEMED) added service_location WHERE clause // get the facilities /*************************************************************** $qsql = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM facility WHERE service_location != 0"); ***************************************************************/ $facils = getUserFacilities($_SESSION['authId']); $qsql = sqlStatement("SELECT id, name FROM facility WHERE service_location != 0"); /**************************************************************/ while ($facrow = sqlFetchArray($qsql)) { /************************************************************* $selected = ( $facrow['id'] == $e2f ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ; echo "<option value={$facrow['id']} $selected>{$facrow['name']}</option>"; *************************************************************/ if ($_SESSION['authorizedUser'] || in_array($facrow, $facils)) { $selected = $facrow['id'] == $e2f ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; echo "<option value={$facrow['id']} {$selected}>{$facrow['name']}</option>"; } else { $selected = $facrow['id'] == $e2f ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; echo "<option value={$facrow['id']} {$selected}>{$facrow['name']}</option>"; } /************************************************************/
<div id="bigCalHeader"> </div> <div id="providerPicker"> <?php xl('Providers','e'); ?> <div> <?php // ============================== // FACILITY FILTERING (lemonsoftware) /********************************************************************* $facilities = getFacilities(); *********************************************************************/ if ($_SESSION['authorizeduser'] == 1) { $facilities = getFacilities(); } else { $facilities = getUserFacilities($_SESSION['authId']); // from users_facility if (count($facilities) == 1) $_SESSION['pc_facility'] = key($facilities); } /********************************************************************/ if (count($facilities) > 1) { echo " <select name='pc_facility' id='pc_facility' class='view1' >\n"; if ( !$_SESSION['pc_facility'] ) $selected = "selected='selected'"; // echo " <option value='0' $selected>" .xl('All Facilities'). "</option>\n"; if (!$GLOBALS['restrict_user_facility']) echo " <option value='0' $selected>" . xl('All Facilities') . "</option>\n"; foreach ($facilities as $fa) { $selected = ( $_SESSION['pc_facility'] == $fa['id']) ? "selected='selected'" : "" ; echo " <option style=background-color:".htmlspecialchars($fa['color'],ENT_QUOTES)." value='" .htmlspecialchars($fa['id'],ENT_QUOTES). "' $selected>" .htmlspecialchars($fa['name'],ENT_QUOTES). "</option>\n"; } echo " </select>\n"; }