Пример #1
 public function termSearchByUrl(Request $request)
     $url = $request['url'];
     $connection = getSiteName(getDomain($url));
     $path_alias = getUri($url);
     if (empty($connection) || empty($path_alias)) {
         return AJAX::argumentError();
     $termModule = new TermModule($connection);
     $result = $termModule->getTermInfo(array('path_alias' => $path_alias));
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         return AJAX::success(array('info' => $result));
     } else {
         return AJAX::notExist();
Пример #2
  * Parse attachments
  * @return array    Returns array with failed or success data
  *                  (See parser-common/src/Parser.php) for more info.
 public function parse()
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($this->parsedMail->getMessageBody());
     $timestamp = strtotime($xml->attributes()->date);
     foreach ($xml->list as $reports) {
         $this->feedName = (string) $reports->attributes()->type;
         // If feed is known and enabled, validate data and save report
         if ($this->isKnownFeed() && $this->isEnabledFeed()) {
             foreach ($reports->url_info as $url_info) {
                 $url = (string) $url_info->attributes()->url;
                 $ip = (string) $url_info->attributes()->ip;
                 $urlData = getUrlData($url);
                 if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) {
                     // No IP supplied by Google
                     if (!empty($urlData['host']) && !filter_var($urlData['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) {
                         // Hostname is an IP address
                         $ip = $urlData['host'];
                     } else {
                         // We have no IP address, try to get the IP address by resolving the domain
                         $ip = @gethostbyname($urlData['host']);
                         // If it fails, set to localhost
                         $ip = $ip == $urlData['host'] ? '' : $ip;
                 $report = ['domain' => getDomain($url), 'uri' => getUri($url), 'category' => config("{$this->configBase}.feeds.{$this->feedName}.category")];
                 // Sanity check
                 if ($this->hasRequiredFields($report) === true) {
                     // incident has all requirements met, filter and add!
                     $report = $this->applyFilters($report);
                     $incident = new Incident();
                     $incident->source = config("{$this->configBase}.parser.name");
                     $incident->source_id = false;
                     $incident->ip = $ip;
                     $incident->domain = $report['domain'];
                     $incident->class = config("{$this->configBase}.feeds.{$this->feedName}.class");
                     $incident->type = config("{$this->configBase}.feeds.{$this->feedName}.type");
                     $incident->timestamp = $timestamp;
                     $incident->information = json_encode(array_merge($urlData, $report));
                     $this->incidents[] = $incident;
     return $this->success();
Пример #3
function deleteArticle($papi, $mid)
Пример #4
function getUriSegment($n)
    $segs = getUri();
    return count($segs) > 0 && count($segs) >= $n - 1 ? $segs[$n] : '';
Пример #5

if(count($_POST)) {
	$unhostedAccount = new UnhostedAccount(getUserAddress("user_address", $_POST), getString("pwd", $_POST));
	$token = $unhostedAccount->addAPP(getDomain("scope", $_POST));
	if($token) {
		header("Location:".getUri("redirect_uri", $_POST)."#access_token=".$token."&token_type=unhosted");
		echo "redirecting you back to the application.\n";
	} else {
		echo "Wrong password!";
} else {
	$userAddress = getUserAddress('user_address', $_GET);
	$clientId = getDomain('client_id', $_GET);
	$dataScope = getDomain('scope', $_GET);
	$redirectUri = getUri('redirect_uri', $_GET);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<script src="/jQuery/jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="/css/html5.js"></script><!-- this is the javascript allowing html5 to run in older browsers -->

<title>My Unhosted node</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/uncompressed/reset.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/uncompressed/text.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/general.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/uncompressed/login.css" />
Пример #6
  * 网页授权
 public function Oauth()
     try {
         $this->user = cookie("weixin_user");
         if (empty($this->user)) {
             $appid = $this->model_config->val("appid");
             $code = I("get.code");
             if (empty($code)) {
                 $url = getUri();
                 $url = urlencode($url);
                 $url = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid={$appid}&redirect_uri={$url}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&state=STATE#wechat_redirect";
                 header("Location:" . $url);
             } else {
                 $this->access_token($appid, $code);
             $this->user = $this->model_user->where("openid='{$this->openid}' and is_subscribe=1")->find();
             if (!$this->user) {
             $this->user['score'] = D("Users")->where("openid='{$this->openid}'")->getField("score");
             $this->user['uid'] = D("Users")->where("openid='{$this->openid}'")->getField("id");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Пример #7
 public static function extractClaims($ICschema, $nodeList)
     //Returns the Uri attribute from an attribute list
     function getUri($attrList)
         $uri = null;
         $end = false;
         $i = 0;
         do {
             if ($i > $attrList->length) {
                 $end = true;
             } else {
                 if (strcmp($attrList->item($i)->name, 'Uri') == 0) {
                     $end = true;
                     $uri = $attrList->item($i)->value;
                 } else {
         } while (!$end);
         return $uri;
     $requiredClaims = array();
     $schema = $ICschema . "/claims/";
     SimpleSAML_Logger::debug("schema:   " . $schema);
     $pattern = '/\\//';
     $replacement = '\\/';
     $schema = '/' . preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $schema) . '/';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nodeList->length; $i++) {
         $replacement = '';
         $uri = getUri($nodeList->item($i)->attributes);
         $claim = preg_replace($schema, $replacement, $uri);
         $requiredClaims[$i] = $claim;
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug("uri:   " . $uri);
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug("claim: " . $claim);
     return $requiredClaims;
Пример #8
/** function getHostelRegistrarUrl - ?
 * @return $uri 
function getHostelRegistrarUrl()
    global $wayfURL, $lang, $hostelRegistrarURL;
    $uri = $hostelRegistrarURL . "?";
    foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
        $uri .= $key . "=";
        if ($key == "return") {
            $uri .= urlencode($wayfURL . getUri($lang) . "fromHostel=true");
        } else {
            $uri .= urlencode($value) . "&";
    return $uri;
Пример #9
  * Adds a source description to the current collection.
  * @param SourceDescription $source
  * @param StateTransitionOption $option,...
  * @throws GedcomxApplicationException
  * @return SourceDescriptionState|null
 public function addSourceDescription(SourceDescription $source, StateTransitionOption $option = null)
     $link = $this->getLink(Rel::SOURCE_DESCRIPTIONS);
     if ($link == null || $link->getHref() == null) {
         throw new GedcomxApplicationException(sprintf("Collection at %s doesn't support adding source descriptions.", getUri()));
     $entity = new Gedcomx();
     $request = $this->createAuthenticatedGedcomxRequest('POST', $link->getHref(), [], null, $entity->toJson());
     return $this->stateFactory->createState("SourceDescriptionState", $this->client, $request, $this->passOptionsTo('invoke', array($request), func_get_args()), $this->accessToken);
Пример #10

/* ********************************************************************* *\
\* ********************************************************************* */
//setup session
//setup database connection
require 'dbConfig.php';
//setup global object
$USER = new stdClass();
$PAGE = new stdClass();
//get path to a service
$service = getRoute(getUri());
//set the debug flag
$SERVERDEBUG = setDebug();
//exit with msg if path doesnt exist
if ($service == false) {
    return errorHandler('Invalid Path', 501);
//if path was valid, load service
require $service;
//if debug, dump server response
    echo "\r\n page:";
    echo json_encode($PAGE);
//at the end of it all, close db
/* ********************************************************************* *\
Пример #11
 function path($uri)
     // todo escape module, controller, action
     $module = $controller = $action = '';
     $parts = explode('/', $uri);
     $parts_size = count($parts);
     if ($parts_size >= 1 && $parts[0] === $this->get('adminString')) {
         if ($parts_size >= 2) {
             $module = $parts[1];
         if ($parts_size >= 3) {
             $controller = $parts[2];
         if ($parts_size >= 4) {
             $action = $parts[3];
     return [$module, $controller, $action];
     $uriRemain = '';
     if (strpos($uri, '?')) {
         $uri = substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, '?'));
     if (strpos($uri, '#')) {
         $uri = substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, '#'));
         $uriRemain = substr($uri, strpos($uri, '#'));
     // figure out the language, remove part from uri
     $lang = null;
     $langs = $this->get('langUris');
     $urimap = $this->get('urimap');
     // check aliases
     if ($urimap) {
         $urirec = $urimap->getByAlias($uri);
         if ($urirec) {
             $uri = $urirec . getUri();
             $lang = $urirec . getLang();
     if (!$lang) {
         $lang = $this->get('mainLang');
     $this->action = $this->getActionFromURL($this->uri);
     if ($this->action) {
         // frameworks own actions
         $this->page = $this->settings->getByData($this->params['uri'], $this->params['lang'], 'slug');
         $this->pageFile = $this->params['uri'];
     } else {
         // check aliases
         // get page identified with an alias
         $this->page = $this->settings->getByData($this->uri, $this->lang, 'slug');
         // page's unique name (a file in {$this->pageDir}/curr_lang dir)
         if (is_dir("{$this->pageDir}/{$this->lang}")) {
             $this->pageFile = discoverFiles("{$this->pageDir}/{$this->lang}", array($this->page->getKey()), true);
         } else {
             $this->pageFile = array();
         if (count($this->pageFile) > 0) {
             $this->pageFile = $this->pageFile[0];
         } else {
             if (!is_dir($this->params['pageDir'])) {
                 die("Put your pages in {$this->params['pageDir']} directory");
             // page's unique name (a file in {$this->pageDir} dir)
             $this->pageFile = discoverFiles($this->pageDir, array($this->page->getKey()), true);
             if (count($this->pageFile) > 0 && substr(basename($this->pageFile[0]), 0, 1) != '_') {
                 // found in {$this->pageDir} dir, doesn't start with _
                 $this->pageFile = $this->pageFile[0];
             } else {
                 $this->page = $this->settings->get("site.notfound", $this->lang, 'notfound.html', 'admin');
                 $this->pageFile = discoverFiles($this->pageDir, array($this->page->getData()), true);
                 if (count($this->pageFile) > 0) {
                     $this->pageFile = $this->pageFile[0];
                 } else {
                     die("Create dir {$this->pageDir} and the files\n                             index.html and notfound.html inside it.");
     // check language uris
     $this->params['langURIs'] = array();
     if ($langURIs[0] != 'langsURI') {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($langURIs as $l) {
             $this->langURIs[$this->params['langs'][$i]] = $l;
             $pos = strpos($this->params['uri'], '/' . $l . '/');
             if ($pos === 0 || $this->params['uri'] === '/' . $l) {
                 $this->params['lang'] = $this->params['langs'][$i];
                 $this->params['langURI'] = $l;
                 $this->params['uri'] = substr($this->params['uri'], strlen($l) + 1);
     // entrance uri from settings
     $defURI = $this->settings->get('site.defURI', '', 'index.html');
     if (strpos($this->params['uri'], '/') === 0) {
         $this->params['uri'] = substr($this->params['uri'], 1);
     if (!$this->params['uri']) {
         $this->params['uri'] = $defURI == 'site.defURI' ? 'index.html' : $defURI;
     $this->params['uri'] = strval($this->params['uri']);
Пример #12
        Respuesta correcta: <select name="correcta">
                <option value="1" ';
    if ($correcta == "1") {
        echo "selected";
    echo '>1</option>
                <option value="2" ';
    if ($correcta == "2") {
        echo "selected";
    echo '>2</option>
                <option value="3" ';
    if ($correcta == "3") {
        echo "selected";
    echo '>3</option>
                <option value="4" ';
    if ($correcta == "4") {
        echo "selected";
    echo '>4</option>
        <input type="submit" name="guardar" value="GUARDAR"/>
    echo '<p><a href="' . preg_replace("/&preg=?\\d*/", "", getUri()) . '">CERRAR</a></p>';
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";