function update_with_api() { error_log("Update triggered..."); $client = new Google_Client(); global $api_key; $client->setDeveloperKey($api_key); $youtube = new Google_Service_YouTube($client); global $greyChannelIDs, $bradyChannelIDs; $vids = array(); foreach ($greyChannelIDs as $channelID) { $vids = array_merge($vids, getUploads($channelID, $youtube, 1)); } foreach ($bradyChannelIDs as $channelID) { $vids = array_merge($vids, getUploads($channelID, $youtube, 20)); } foreach ($vids as $vid) { // If this video is already in the database, delete it (we need the updated view count) addVideoReplacing($vid); } // Delete unnecessary videos from both creators. deleteExtraneousVids(); // Record the time recordUpdate(); // Clear the cache (so this update will apply) refresh(); error_log("Updated successfully!"); }
$candiscuss = isset($_POST['discuss']) ? 1 : 0; $canrate = isset($_POST['rate']) ? 1 : 0; $keywords = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $_POST['keywords']); //$keywords = ''; //foreach( $_POST['keyword'] as $word) { // $keywords .= $Keywords[$word]. ','; //} //insert into media table addMedia($title, $username, $type, $catetory, $sharetype, $sharedfriends, $path, $detail, $candiscuss, $canrate, $keywords); $result = "0"; $errortext = "successfully uploaded file"; chmod($upfile, 0644); } } else { $result = "7"; //upload file failed $errortext = "failed to upload file, error code is {$result}"; } //} } //You can process the error code of the $result here. $myUploads = getUploads($_SESSION["username"]); render("upload_template.php", ["errortext" => $errortext, "titile" => "Uploads", "keywords" => $Keywords, "myuploads" => $myUploads]); } else { $myUploads = getUploads($_SESSION["username"]); render("upload_template.php", ["errortext" => $errortext, "titile" => "Uploads", "keywords" => $Keywords, "myuploads" => $myUploads]); } $db->sql_close(); ?>