$title = "OpenThesaurus admin interface: Search senses != NULL";
include "../include/top.php";
$i = 1;
$query = sprintf("SELECT id, distinction FROM meanings\n\t\tWHERE distinction IS NOT NULL\n\t\t\tAND hidden = 0\n\t\t\tORDER BY id");
while ($db->next_record()) {
    print $i;
		<a href="../synset.php?id=<?php 
    print $db->f('id');
    print join(', ', getSynset($db->f('id')));
		in terms of '<?php 
    print $db->f('distinction');
		<br />
include "../include/bottom.php";
function setNewAntonym($thisWMID, $newWMID)
    global $db;
    $this_id = myaddslashes($thisWMID);
    $new_antonym_id = myaddslashes($newWMID);
    $query = sprintf("SELECT id FROM antonyms\n\t\tWHERE word_meaning_id1 = %d OR word_meaning_id2 = %d", $this_id, $this_id);
    #print $query."<p>";
    if ($db->nf() == 0) {
        $next_id = $db->nextid("antonyms");
        # The INSERT statement can lead to an duplicate key error if the new antonym
        # is already connected to a different word as its antonym, so check before:
        $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM antonyms WHERE word_meaning_id1 = %d OR word_meaning_id2 = %d", myaddslashes($newWMID), myaddslashes($newWMID));
        if ($db->nf() > 0) {
            print T_("Error: the antonym you selected is already connected to a different word.");
        $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO antonyms (id, word_meaning_id1, word_meaning_id2)\n\t\t\tVALUES (%d, %d, %d)", $next_id, myaddslashes($newWMID), myaddslashes($thisWMID));
        #print $query;
        // Logging:
        // FIXME: should be moved before the INSERT query is executed, but the
        // INSERT can lead to an error and we don't want to log the action in that case:
        list($word1, $mid) = getAntonymWord($this_id, $db);
        list($word2, $mid) = getAntonymWord($newWMID, $db);
        doLog(join(', ', getSynset($this_id, 3)), $mid, ADD_ANTONYM, $word1 . "<->" . $word2);
    } else {
        if ($db->nf() == 1) {
            // Logging:
            list($word1, $mid) = getAntonymWord($this_id, $db);
            list($word2, $mid) = getAntonymWord($newWMID, $db);
            doLog(join(', ', getSynset($this_id, 3)), $mid, CHANGE_ANTONYM, $word1 . "<->" . $word2);
            # one of the next two UPDATE statements will succeed:
            $query = sprintf("UPDATE antonyms\n\t\t\tSET word_meaning_id2 = %d\n\t\t\tWHERE word_meaning_id1 = %d", $newWMID, $this_id);
            #print $query."<p>";
            $query = sprintf("UPDATE antonyms\n\t\t\tSET word_meaning_id1 = %d\n\t\t\tWHERE word_meaning_id2 = %d", $newWMID, $this_id);
            #print $query."<p>";
        } else {
            print "Internal error: more than one match for {$query}";
$c = 0;
while (list($id, $val) = each($ids)) {
    $query = sprintf("SELECT id\n\t\tFROM word_meanings\n\t\tWHERE word_meanings.meaning_id = %d", $id);
    #print $query."<br>";
    $s = getSynset($id);
    if (sizeof($s) == $synset_size) {
        print $c;
		<a href="../synset.php?id=<?php 
        print $id;
        print join(', ', getSynset($id));
</a> &nbsp;
		<a href="hide.php?id=<?php 
        print $id;
			<br />
include "../include/bottom.php";
Пример #4
include "../include/phplib/prepend.php3";
page_open(array("sess" => "Thesaurus_Session", "auth" => "Thesaurus_Auth"));
$db = new DB_Thesaurus();
include "../include/tool.php";
if ($auth->auth['uname'] != 'admin') {
    print "Access denied.";
$title = "OpenThesaurus admin interface: random synsets";
include "../include/top.php";
$word = "";
// Show random word
# FIXME: this can fail if the word is in no synset:
$query = sprintf("SELECT id FROM meanings ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 40");
#print $query;

$word_ids = array();
$words = array();
$prev_word_id = -1;
while ($db->next_record()) {
    #print $db->f('id')."<br>";
    print join(', ', getSynset($db->f('id'))) . "<br>\n";

include "../include/bottom.php";
    $word_regexp = join('|', $word_regexp_array);
    $word_query .= ")";
    $query = sprintf("SELECT AS word_id, word, meaning_id\n\t\tFROM words, word_meanings, meanings\n\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t{$word_query} AND\n\t\t\ = word_meanings.word_id AND\n\t\t\tword_meanings.meaning_id = AND\n\t\t\tmeanings.hidden = 0 AND\n\t\t\ != %d\n\t\tORDER BY meaning_id", $_GET['meaning_id']);
    $prev_word_id = -1;
    $prev_meaning_id = -1;
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        if ($db->f('meaning_id') == $prev_meaning_id) {
            # filter duplicates:
            $prev_meaning_id = $db->f('meaning_id');
        $prev_meaning_id = $db->f('meaning_id');
        $synset = getSynset($db->f('meaning_id'));
        $synset_str = join(', ', $synset);
        # TODO: \b doesn't react on "�" etc.:
        $synset_str = preg_replace("/\\b({$word_regexp})\\b/i", "<strong>\$1</strong>", $synset_str);
		<span class="myhoverbright"><label><input type="radio" name="super_id" value="<?php 
        print $db->f('meaning_id');
" /><?php 
        print T_("Use synset:");
			<a href="synset.php?id=<?php 
        print $db->f('meaning_id');
Пример #6

include "../include/phplib/prepend.php3";
page_open(array("sess" => "Thesaurus_Session", "auth" => "Thesaurus_Auth"));
$db = new DB_Thesaurus();
include "../include/tool.php";
if ($auth->auth['uname'] != 'admin') {
    print "Access denied.";
$title = "OpenThesaurus admin interface: find short forms";
include "../include/top.php";
$i = 1;
print "<p><b>Words that end with a dot (but not \"...\"):</b></p>";
$query = "SELECT word, AS wid, word_meanings.meaning_id AS mid\n\tFROM words, word_meanings, meanings\n\tWHERE \n\t\twords.word LIKE '%.' AND\n\t\t(words.word NOT LIKE '%...') AND\n\t\tword_meanings.word_id = AND\n\t\ = word_meanings.meaning_id AND\n\t\tmeanings.hidden = 0\n\tORDER BY word";
while ($db->next_record()) {
    #print $db->f('mid');
    $s = getSynset($db->f('mid'));
    #print $i.". <a title=\"hide\" href=\"hide.php?id=".$db->f('mid')."\">".join(', ', $s)."</a>";
    print $i . ". <a href=\"../synset.php?id=" . $db->f('mid') . "\">" . join(', ', $s) . "</a>";
    print "<br>";
    #print $i.". <a href=\"../synset.php?id=".$db->f('mid')."\">".join(', ', $s)."</a><br>";
    #print $i.". <a href=\"../synset.php?word=".urlencode($db->f('word'))."\">".$db->f('word')."</a><br>\n";
include "../include/bottom.php";
include "../include/phplib/prepend.php3";
page_open(array("sess" => "Thesaurus_Session", "auth" => "Thesaurus_Auth"));
$db = new DB_Thesaurus();
include "../include/tool.php";
if ($auth->auth['uname'] != 'admin') {
    print "Access denied.";
$title = "OpenThesaurus admin interface: average synset size";
include "../include/top.php";
$i = 1;
$query = "SELECT id FROM meanings\n\tWHERE hidden = 0";
$i = 0;
$count = 0;
while ($db->next_record()) {
    if ($i % 1000 == 0) {
        print "{$i}...<br>\n";
    $synset = getSynset($db->f('id'));
    $count = $count + sizeof($synset);
print "<p>";
print "Synsets: " . $db->nf() . "<br>";
print "Words in synsets: " . $count . "<br>";
print "Words/synset: " . $count / $db->nf() . "<br>";
include "../include/bottom.php";
Пример #8
/** Get the synset as a string. */
function getSynsetString($id, $max_elements = -1)
    $syn_arr = getSynset($id, $max_elements);
    $s = join(', ', $syn_arr);
    return $s;
// first read all non-hidden meanings into an
// meaning -> word1,word2,... hash table:
while ($db->next_record()) {
    if ($db->f('meaning_id') != $prev_id) {
        array_push($ids, $db->f('word_id'));
        $meanings[$prev_id] = $ids;
        $ids = array();
    } else {
        array_push($ids, $db->f('word_id'));
    $prev_id = $db->f('meaning_id');
$keys = array_keys($meanings);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
    $meaning_id = $key;
    $word_ids = $meanings[$key];
    print $meaning_id . "<br>\n";
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
        #print "*".join('-', $word_ids)." -- \n";
        $meaning_id_tmp = $key;
        $word_ids_tmp = $meanings[$key];
        if ($meaning_id != $meaning_id_tmp && sizeof(array_intersect($word_ids, $word_ids_tmp)) > 2) {
            #print $meaning_id.": ".join(',', $word_ids)."<br>";
            print join(',', getSynset($meaning_id)) . " -- " . join(',', getSynset($meaning_id_tmp)) . "<br>\n";
include "../../include/bottom.php";
$page = "get_delete_comment";
$title = _("Comment on the deletion");
include "../include/top.php";

<form action="do_save.php" method="post" name="commentform">
<input type="hidden" name="do_remove" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="meaning_id" value="<?php 
print intval(uservar('meaning_id'));
" />

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0">
	<td colspan="2"><?php 
print sprintf(_("Please add a short comment that explains why the synset <span class='inp'>%s</span> can be deleted:"), join(', ', getSynset(uservar('meaning_id'))));
print _("Short comment:");
	<td><input size="50" type="text" name="comment" value="" /></td>
	<td align="right"><?php 
print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Send") . "\" />";
Пример #11
foreach ($del_list as $id) {
    # delete from synset
    $query = sprintf("SELECT word FROM words WHERE id = %d", $id);
    doLog(unescape($db->f('word')), uservar('meaning_id'), REMOVE_SYNONYM);
    $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM word_meanings\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\tword_id = %d AND\n\t\t\tmeaning_id = %d", $id, uservar('meaning_id'));
if (uservar('do_remove') == 1) {
    $title = T_("Synset removed");
    include "include/top.php";
    print sprintf(T_("The synset <span class='inp'>%s</span> has been deleted."), join(', ', getSynset(uservar('meaning_id'))));

	<p><a href="./"><?php 
    print T_("Return to homepage");

    include "include/bottom.php";
} else {
    // time() tries to force reload:
    $url = sprintf("synset.php?id=%d&changed=1&oldmode=%s&rand=%d", intval(uservar('meaning_id')), uservar('mode'), time());
Пример #12
		} else {
			print T_("No superordinate concept defined yet for this synset. Set one now:");
			<input accesskey="o" type="text" name="super_new" value="" />
		<br />
		$query = sprintf("SELECT id
			FROM meanings
			WHERE super_id = %s", $meaning_id);
		$subsets = array();
		while( $db->next_record() ) {
			array_push($subsets, '<a href="synset.php?id='.$db->f('id').'">'.join(', ', getSynset($db->f('id'), $max_synset_size)).'</a>');
		if( sizeof($subsets) > 0 ) {
			print T_("Subordinate concepts:")." ";
			print join(' -- ', $subsets);
			$can_delete = 0;
			$sub_defined = 1;
		} else {
			print T_("There are no subordinate concepts yet for this synset.");
	<?php if( $sub_defined || $super_defined ) { ?>
Пример #13

include "../../include/phplib/prepend.php3";
page_open(array("sess" => "Thesaurus_Session", "auth" => "Thesaurus_Auth"));
$db = new DB_Thesaurus();
$db_tmp = new DB_Thesaurus();
include "../../include/tool.php";
if ($auth->auth['uname'] != 'admin') {
    print "Access denied.";
$title = "OpenThesaurus admin interface: Loose synsets";
include "../../include/top.php";
print "<p>Searching synsets which have a superordinate synset but\nwhich are not below the top synset...</p>";
$query = sprintf("SELECT id FROM meanings WHERE hidden = 0");
$i = 1;
print "Checking " . $db->nf() . " meanings:<br />\n";
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $synsets = getSuperordinateSynsets($db_tmp, $db->f('id'));
    if (sizeof($synsets) > 0) {
        $top_id = $synsets[sizeof($synsets) - 1];
        if (sizeof($synsets) > 0 && $top_id != TOP_SYNSET_ID) {
            print "{$i}. <a href=\"../synset.php?id=" . $db->f('id') . "\">" . join(', ', getSynset($db->f('id'), 3)) . "</a> is a " . "<a href=\"../synset.php?id=" . $top_id . "\">" . join(', ', getSynset($top_id, 3)) . "</a><br />\n";
print "<hr />\n";