private static function rangeLength($value, $min_length, $max_length)
     return $min_length <= getStrLen($value) && $max_length >= getStrLen($value);
 * 字符串截断处理
 * @param string $string 要处理的字符串
 * @param int  $length 指定长度
 * @param string $dot 超出指定长度时显示
 * @return array
function cutStr($string, $length, $dot = '...')
    if (getStrLen($string) <= $length) {
        return $string;
    $pre = '{%';
    $end = '%}';
    $string = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), array($pre . '&' . $end, $pre . '"' . $end, $pre . '<' . $end, $pre . '>' . $end), $string);
    $strcut = '';
    if (strtolower(CHARSET) == 'utf-8') {
        $n = $tn = $noc = 0;
        while ($n < strlen($string)) {
            $t = ord($string[$n]);
            if ($t == 9 || $t == 10 || 32 <= $t && $t <= 126) {
                $tn = 1;
            } elseif (194 <= $t && $t <= 223) {
                $tn = 2;
                $n += 2;
                $noc += 2;
            } elseif (224 <= $t && $t <= 239) {
                $tn = 3;
                $n += 3;
                $noc += 2;
            } elseif (240 <= $t && $t <= 247) {
                $tn = 4;
                $n += 4;
                $noc += 2;
            } elseif (248 <= $t && $t <= 251) {
                $tn = 5;
                $n += 5;
                $noc += 2;
            } elseif ($t == 252 || $t == 253) {
                $tn = 6;
                $n += 6;
                $noc += 2;
            } else {
            if ($noc >= $length) {
        if ($noc > $length) {
            $n -= $tn;
        $strcut = substr($string, 0, $n);
    } else {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
            $strcut .= ord($string[$i]) > 127 ? $string[$i] . $string[++$i] : $string[$i];
    $strcut = str_replace(array($pre . '&' . $end, $pre . '"' . $end, $pre . '<' . $end, $pre . '>' . $end), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $strcut);
    return $strcut . $dot;
Пример #3
    public function run()
        global $_FANWE;
        $root = array();
        $root['return'] = 1;
        $share_id = (int) $_FANWE['requestData']['share_id'];
        $act2 = $_FANWE['requestData']['act_2'];
        $share = FS('Share')->getShareById($share_id);
        $max_width = 320;
        $max_height = 234;
        $scale = 2;
        if ($share) {
            switch ($act2) {
                case 'follow':
                    if ($_FANWE['uid'] > 0) {
                case 'collect':
                    if ($_FANWE['uid'] > 0 && $share['uid'] != $_FANWE['uid']) {
                        if (FS('Share')->getIsCollectByUid($share_id, $_FANWE['uid'])) {
                            FS('Share')->deleteShareCollectUser($share_id, $_FANWE['uid']);
                        } else {
                        $share = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('share') . ' WHERE share_id = ' . $share_id);
            $cache_data = fStripslashes(unserialize($share['cache_data']));
            $share['prev_share'] = (int) FDB::resultFirst('SELECT share_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share') . ' 
				WHERE share_id < ' . $share_id . " AND share_data IN ('goods','photo','goods_photo') ORDER BY share_id DESC LIMIT 1");
            $share['next_share'] = (int) FDB::resultFirst('SELECT share_id FROM ' . FDB::table('share') . ' 
				WHERE share_id > ' . $share_id . " AND share_data IN ('goods','photo','goods_photo') ORDER BY share_id ASC LIMIT 1");
            $share['time'] = getBeforeTimelag($share['create_time']);
            $share['url'] = FU('note/index', array('sid' => $share_id), true);
            $site_url = ';网址:' . $share['url'];
            $root['share_content'] = cutStr($share['content'], 140 - getStrLen($site_url) - 3) . $site_url;
            m_express(&$share, $share['content']);
            $share_user = FS('User')->getUserById($share['uid']);
            $share['user_name'] = $share_user['user_name'];
            $share['user_avatar'] = FS("Image")->getImageUrl('.' . avatar($share_user['uid'], 'm', 1), 2);
            if ($share['source'] == 'web') {
                $share['source'] = $_FANWE['setting']['site_name'] . '网站';
            if ($_FANWE['uid'] == $share['uid']) {
                $share['is_follow_user'] = -1;
                $share['is_collect_share'] = -1;
            } else {
                if (FS('User')->getIsFollowUId($share['uid'], false)) {
                    $share['is_follow_user'] = 1;
                } else {
                    $share['is_follow_user'] = 0;
                if (FS('Share')->getIsCollectByUid($share_id, $_FANWE['uid'])) {
                    $share['is_collect_share'] = 1;
                } else {
                    $share['is_collect_share'] = 0;
            $share['comments'] = array();
            $sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT comment_id) FROM " . FDB::table("share_comment") . " WHERE share_id = " . $share_id;
            $total = FDB::resultFirst($sql_count);
            $page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
            $page_total = ceil($total / $page_size);
            $limit = "0," . $page_size;
            $sql = 'SELECT c.*,u.user_name,u.server_code FROM ' . FDB::table('share_comment') . ' AS c 
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('user') . ' AS u ON u.uid = c.uid 
				WHERE c.share_id = ' . $share_id . ' ORDER BY c.comment_id DESC LIMIT ' . $limit;
            $res = FDB::query($sql);
            $list = array();
            while ($item = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                $item['user_avatar'] = FS("Image")->getImageUrl('.' . avatar($item['uid'], 'm', 1), 2);
                $item['time'] = getBeforeTimelag($item['create_time']);
                m_express(&$item, $item['content']);
                $share['comments']['list'][] = $item;
            $share['comments']['page'] = array("page" => 1, "page_total" => $page_total);
            $share['collects'] = array();
            if (!empty($cache_data['collects'])) {
                $collect_ids = array_slice($cache_data['collects'], 0, 20);
                if ($share['is_follow_user'] == 1) {
                    if ($ckey = array_search($_FANWE['uid'], $collect_ids) === FALSE) {
                        array_unshift($collect_ids, $_FANWE['uid']);
                    } else {
                        array_unshift($collect_ids, $_FANWE['uid']);
                $collect_ids = implode(',', $collect_ids);
                $res = FDB::query("SELECT uid,user_name,server_code FROM " . FDB::table('user') . ' 
					WHERE uid IN (' . $collect_ids . ')');
                while ($item = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                    $item['user_avatar'] = FS("Image")->getImageUrl('.' . avatar($item['uid'], 'm', 1), 2);
                    $share['collects'][] = $item;
            $share['imgs'] = array();
            $img = array();
            $img_sql = 'select photo_id,img,img_width,img_height from ' . FDB::table('share_photo') . ' where share_id = ' . $share_id;
            $img_data = FDB::fetchFirst($img_sql);
            $img['share_id'] = $share_id;
            $img['id'] = $img_data['photo_id'];
            $img['name'] = '';
            $img['type'] = '';
            $img['price'] = '';
            $img['goods_url'] = '';
            $img['taoke_url'] = '';
            $img['price_format'] = '';
            $img['server_code'] = '';
            if ($img_data['img_width'] > $img_data['img_height']) {
                if ($img_data['img_width'] > $max_width) {
                    $img['img_width'] = $max_width;
                    $img['img_height'] = $img_data['img_height'] * ($max_width / $img_data['img_width']);
            } else {
                if ($img_data['img_height'] > $max_height) {
                    $img['img_height'] = $max_height;
                    $img['img_width'] = $img_data['img_width'] * ($max_height / $img_data['img_height']);
            $img['img'] = FS("Image")->getImageUrl($img_data['img'], 2);
            $img['small_img'] = FS("Image")->getImageUrl(getImgName($img_data['img'], $img['img_width'], $img['img_height'], 0, true), 2);
            $share['imgs'][] = $img;
        $root['item'] = $share;