public function accessory()
     //check inventory availability
     $map["isAvailable"] = array('NEQ', "0");
     //get item list and paging
     $itemList = D('Item')->distinct(true)->field('t_item.*, img.image, price.price')->where($map)->join('t_image img ON img.itemId = t_item.itemId AND img.sequence = (SELECT MIN(sequence) FROM t_image WHERE itemId = img.itemId )')->join("t_itemprice price ON price.itemId = t_item.itemId and price.price = (select min(price) from t_itemprice where currency = '" . $this->getCurrency() . "' and itemId = t_item.itemId)")->join("t_category cat ON cat.categoryId = t_item.categoryId and cat.type ='3'")->order('t_item.lastUpdatedDate desc')->page($p . ',18')->select();
     $count = D('Item')->field('t_item.*, img.image, price.price')->where($map)->join('t_image img ON img.itemId = t_item.itemId AND img.sequence = (SELECT MIN(sequence) FROM t_image WHERE itemId = img.itemId )')->join("t_itemprice price ON price.itemId = t_item.itemId and price.price = (select min(price) from t_itemprice where currency = '" . $this->getCurrency() . "' and itemId = t_item.itemId)")->join("t_category cat ON cat.categoryId = t_item.categoryId and cat.type ='3'")->order('t_item.lastUpdatedDate desc')->count('distinct t_item.itemId');
     //age list for each item
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($itemList); $i++) {
         $ageMap["t_inventory.itemId"] = array('EQ', $itemList[$i]["itemId"]);
         $itemList[$i]["ageList"] = D('Inventory')->field('distinct t_inventory.age')->where($ageMap)->select();
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($itemList[$i]["ageList"]); $j++) {
             $itemList[$i]["ageList"][$j]["age"] = getSizeDescriptionByAge($itemList[$i]["ageList"][$j]["age"]);
     $Page = new \Think\Page($count, 18);
     $show = $Page->show();
     $this->assign('page', $show);
     $this->assign('itemList', $itemList);
     //show item list page
Пример #2
function getSizeDescription($size)
    if ($size['age'] != '') {
        return getSizeDescriptionByAge($size['age']);
    } else {
        return $size['footSize'] . '码';