function pay($mchid, $appid, $no, $payurl, $openid, $money, $desc = '美啦啦砸金蛋活动') { //签名参与参数 $parameters = ['partner_trade_no' => $mchid . date('Ymd') . $no, 'mchid' => $mchid, 'mch_appid' => $appid, 'openid' => $openid, 'check_name' => 'NO_CHECK', 'amount' => $money, 'desc' => $desc, 'spbill_create_ip' => '', 'nonce_str' => createNoncestr()]; $sign = getSign($parameters); //获取签名 $parameters['sign'] = $sign; $xml = arrayToXml($parameters); //生成请求XML return postXmlSSLCurl($xml, $payurl); }
function getSign($data, $salt) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $validate[$key] = getSign($value, $salt); } else { $validate[$key] = $value; } } $validate['salt'] = $salt; sort($validate, SORT_STRING); return sha1(implode($validate)); }
/** * 增强验签 * @param type $data * @param type $enhancedKey * @return boolean */ function checkEnhancedSign($data, $enhancedKey) { if (empty($data) || !isset($data['enhanced_sign']) || empty($enhancedKey)) { return false; } $enhancedSign = $data['enhanced_sign']; //sign及enhanced_sign 不参与签名 unset($data['sign'], $data['enhanced_sign']); $_enhancedSign = getSign($data, $enhancedKey); if ($_enhancedSign != $enhancedSign) { return false; } return true; }
/*$appid= AppId; $secret= AppSecret; $appkey= 支付专用签名串PaySignKey*/ $appid = 'wxfea3e92ddf4936d5'; $secret = '674828c37381378ba816825c3d533a82'; $appkey = 'd1qOVI3KEMQWz2uX2koFros8U2NZpTN5CX8JU6cN50UU4SO38fqRKZ3GD8jv3Ut6UzMmChnc1JerftH1Opdg0hnCW4GC35f09HCkqad3ashj9MVJVVSglknlMZMsJCgi'; $url_get = '' . $appid . '&secret=' . $secret; $json = json_decode(curlGet($url_get)); $access_token = $json->access_token; $openid = $postObj->OpenId; $deliver_msg = "ok"; $deliver_status = "1"; $deliver_timestamp = time(); $out_trade_no = $_GET['out_trade_no']; $transid = $_GET['transaction_id']; $sign = getSign($appid, $appkey, $deliver_msg, $deliver_status, $deliver_timestamp, $openid, $out_trade_no, $transid); $url = "" . $access_token; $data = '{ "appid" : "' . $appid . '", "openid" : "' . $openid . '", "transid" : "' . $transid . '", "out_trade_no" : "' . $out_trade_no . '", "deliver_timestamp" : "' . $deliver_timestamp . '", "deliver_status" : "' . $deliver_status . '", "deliver_msg" : "' . $deliver_msg . '", "app_signature" : "' . $sign . '", "sign_method" : "sha1" }'; $result = json_decode(api_notice_increment($url, $data)); if ($result->errmsg == "ok") { //如果发货成功,则向客服发送微信文本信息
//替换appkey $partner2 = "1220019101"; //替换partnerid $partnerKey2 = "b01d961b83bd549b5593f0f0a41b18a2"; //替换partnerkey $notify_url2 = ""; $input_charset2 = "UTF-8"; //传递下列参数 $body2 = !empty($_GET['orderName']) ? $_GET['orderName'] : ''; $out_trade_no2 = !empty($_GET['orderid']) ? $_GET['orderid'] : ''; //订单号,商户需要保证该字段对于本商户的唯一性 $total_fee2 = !empty($_GET['price']) ? $_GET['price'] : ''; $packageString = getPackage($body2, $input_charset2, $notify_url2, $out_trade_no2, $partner2, $spbill_create_ip2, $total_fee2, $partnerKey2); $time_stamp = time(); $nonce_str = randomkeys(); $sign = getSign($appid2, $appkey2, $nonce_str, $packageString, $time_stamp); function getPackage($body2, $input_charset2, $notify_url2, $out_trade_no2, $partner2, $spbill_create_ip2, $total_fee2, $partnerKey2) { $banktype = "WX"; $fee_type = "1"; //费用类型,这里1为默认的人民币 $body = $body2; $input_charset = $input_charset2; $notify_url = $notify_url2; $out_trade_no = $out_trade_no2; $partner = $partner2; $spbill_create_ip = $spbill_create_ip2; $total_fee = $total_fee2; $partnerKey = $partnerKey2; $signString = "bank_type=" . $banktype . "&body=" . $body . "&fee_type=" . $fee_type . "&input_charset=" . $input_charset . "¬ify_url=" . $notify_url . "&out_trade_no=" . $out_trade_no . "&partner=" . $partner . "&spbill_create_ip=" . $spbill_create_ip . "&total_fee=" . $total_fee . "&key=" . $partnerKey; $md5SignValue = strtoupper(md5($signString));
/** * Склеить из массива SQL-выражение для фильтра * @param array $arFilter * @param array $arTables * @return string */ function filterGlue($arFilter, $arTables = false) { //d($arFilter); $cnt = 0; $str = ''; $signs = array('=', '!', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='); if (is_array($arFilter['CATALOG_ID']) and !empty($arFilter['CATALOG_ID'])) { $arCatalogIDs = $arFilter['CATALOG_ID']; unset($arFilter['CATALOG_ID']); } foreach ($arFilter as $key => $value) { if ($value == "" and !in_array($key, $signs)) { unset($arFilter[$key]); } } foreach ($arFilter as $key => $value) { $cnt++; $sign = getSign($key); $key = str_replace($signs, '', $key); $arConstants = array("NULL", "null", "FALSE", "false", "TRUE", "true"); if ($value === "NULL" or $value === "null") { switch ($sign) { case '=': $sign = 'IS'; break; case '!=': $sign = 'IS NOT'; break; default: $sign = $sign; break; } } $bTbl = false; if ($arTables and is_array($arTables)) { foreach ($arTables as $t => $v) { if (strstr($value, $t . '.')) { $bTbl = true; } } } if ($arTables and $bTbl or in_array($value, $arConstants)) { $str .= sSql($key) . " " . $sign . " " . sSql($value); } else { $str .= sSql($key) . " " . $sign . " '" . sSql($value) . "'"; } if ($cnt != count($arFilter)) { $str .= " AND "; } } if (is_array($arCatalogIDs) and !empty($arCatalogIDs)) { if (!empty($str)) { $str .= " AND"; } $str .= " ("; $cntr = 1; foreach ($arCatalogIDs as $catID) { if ($arTables === false) { $str .= "CATALOG_ID = '" . intVal($catID) . "'"; } else { $str .= "ELEMENT.CATALOG_ID = '" . intVal($catID) . "'"; } if ($cntr != count($arCatalogIDs)) { $str .= " OR "; $cntr++; } } $str .= ') GROUP BY '; if ($arTables === false) { $str .= "ID"; } else { $str .= "ELEMENT.ID"; } } return $str; }
$where_sql_list = array(); foreach ($filter_list as $filter) { $field = getClmnName($filter['field']); $data = $filter['data']; if ($data['type'] == 'string') { array_push($where_sql_list, " {$field} LIKE '%{$data['value']}%'"); } if ($data['type'] == 'numeric') { $sign = getSign($data['comparison']); array_push($where_sql_list, " {$field} {$sign} {$data['value']}"); } if ($data['type'] == 'list') { array_push($where_sql_list, " {$field} IN ({$data['value']})"); } if ($data['type'] == 'date') { $sign = getSign($data['comparison']); $date = str_replace('/', '-', $data['value']); if ($sign == '=') { $sdate = "{$date} 00:00:00"; $edate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("{$date} 00:00:00 +1 day")); array_push($where_sql_list, " {$field} >= '{$sdate}' AND {$field} < '{$edate}'"); } else { array_push($where_sql_list, " {$field} {$sign} '{$date}'"); } } } $where_sql = implode(" AND ", $where_sql_list); // --- ORDER BY 句 $sort_prop = 'user_id'; $sort_dir = 'ASC'; if ($sort != '') {
/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: xiehaowei * Date: 2016/11/8 * Time: 下午8:01 */ require_once 'config.php'; $user_id = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : (isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : 1610202); $device = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : 'a6ee478108b348ef96a2f75747e7c54a'; $i = 2500; while ($i > 1000) { $user_sig = getUserSign($user_id); $content = isset($_GET['content']) ? $_GET['content'] : '{"h":{"u":' . $user_id . ',"s":"' . $user_sig . '","v":2,"t":"json","d":"' . $device . '","os":"IOS","av":"2.3.2","dt":"phone","target":"main","thumb":"l","ts":"timestamp"},"ptype":"' . mt_rand(1, 2) . '","pid":"' . $i . '"}'; $timestamp = time(); $content = str_replace('timestamp', $timestamp, $content); $sign = getSign($content); $ch = curl_init('' . $sign); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $content); $ret = curl_exec($ch); echo $ret . PHP_EOL; $i--; sleep(1); } //file_put_contents('','',FILE_APPEND); exit(PHP_EOL); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
<?php require_once '../components/Config.php'; if (Config::$sCurrentEnvironment == Config::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION) { $aConfig = (require_once '../config/production/config.php'); } else { $aConfig = (require_once '../config/local/config.php'); } Config::init()->setCurrentConfig($aConfig); if (!empty($_POST)) { header(sprintf("location: %s/?action=recurringPaymentSecondary&token=%s&biller_client_id=%s&amount=%s¤cy=%s×tamp=%s&sign=%s", Config::init()->get('bridge_url'), $_POST['token'], $_POST['biller_client_id'], $_POST['amount'], $_POST['currency'], $_POST['timestamp'], getSign($_POST['token'] . $_POST['biller_client_id'] . $_POST['amount'] . $_POST['currency'] . $_POST['timestamp']))); } function getSign($sMessage) { $sPrivateKey = file_get_contents('private.pem'); $rPrivateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($sPrivateKey); openssl_sign($sMessage, $sSign, $rPrivateKey, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1); return bin2hex($sSign); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> <div class="container span8"> <!-- START: Recurring form --> <div class="clearfix"></div>
<?php require_once '../components/Config.php'; if (Config::$sCurrentEnvironment == Config::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION) { $aConfig = (require_once '../config/production/config.php'); } else { $aConfig = (require_once '../config/local/config.php'); } Config::init()->setCurrentConfig($aConfig); if (!empty($_POST)) { header(sprintf("location: %s/?action=authPaymentCompletion&token=%s&type=%s×tamp=%s&sign=%s", Config::init()->get('bridge_url'), $_POST['token'], $_POST['type'], $_POST['timestamp'], getSign($_POST['token'] . $_POST['type'] . $_POST['timestamp']))); } function getSign($sMessage) { $sPrivateKey = file_get_contents('private.pem'); $rPrivateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($sPrivateKey); openssl_sign($sMessage, $sSign, $rPrivateKey, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1); return bin2hex($sSign); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> <div class="container span8"> <!-- START: Payment form --> <div class="clearfix"></div>
array_push($query_string, $key . '=' . $val); } $query_string = join('&', $query_string); return $query_string; } function https_get($url, $timeout = 10) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // 要求结果为字符串且输出到屏幕上 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // 不要http header 加快效率 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // https请求 不验证证书和hosts curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); $output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $output; } // $uri = 'gmtype=adddiamond&uin=10050&value=20'; $uri = array('gmtype' => 'adddiamond', 'uin' => 10000014, 'value' => 20); $str = getDataStr($uri); $uri['sign'] = urlencode(getSign($str, $priKey)); //必需urlencode $str = getDataStr($uri); $url = '' . $str; echo "url is {$url}\n"; echo https_get($url);
</td> </tr> </table> </td> <td valign="top" width=100%> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=600> <tr> <td align=right valign=bottom><img src="img/design/border-1x1.gif" width=10 height=10 border=0 hspace=0 vspace=0></td> <td style="background:url(img/design/border-h.gif) repeat-x bottom left"></td> <td align=left valign=bottom><img src="img/design/border-3x1.gif" width=10 height=10 border=0 hspace=0 vspace=0></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="background:url(img/design/border-v.gif) repeat-y top right"></td> <td style="padding: 3px;"> <?php echo "<img src=img/zodiac/" . getSign($zd, $zm) . "> "; if ($db["marry"] != "") { if ($db["sex"] == "male") { $pol = "Женат на: " . $db["marry"]; } else { if ($db["sex"] == "female") { $pol = "Замужем за: " . $db["marry"]; } } echo "<a href='info.php?log=" . str_replace(" ", "%20", $db["marry"]) . "' target='_blank'><img src='img/index/married.gif' title='{$pol}' border=0></a> "; } if ($db["vip"] > time()) { echo "<img src='img/naqrada/vip.gif' border=0 alt='V.I.P Клуб WWW.OlDmeydan.Pe.Hu. \nЕще: " . convert_time($db["vip"]) . "'> "; } if ($db["dealer"]) { echo "<img src='img/naqrada/dealer.gif' alt='Персонаж является ДИЛЛЕРОМ' border=0> ";
function pay_notice_call($payInfo, $ok_msg = 'success', $err_msg = 'fail') { if ($payInfo['err_code'] === 0) { $database_order = D('Order'); $product_model = M('Product'); $product_sku = M('Product_sku'); $condition_order['trade_no'] = $payInfo['order_param']['trade_no']; $nowOrder = $database_order->where($condition_order)->find(); if ($nowOrder && $nowOrder['status'] == 1) { $data_order['third_id'] = $payInfo['order_param']['third_id']; $data_order['payment_method'] = $payInfo['order_param']['pay_type']; $data_order['pay_money'] = $payInfo['order_param']['pay_money']; $data_order['paid_time'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $data_order['status'] = 2; if (D('Order')->where($condition_order)->data($data_order)->save()) { if (is_array($payInfo['order_param']['third_data'])) { $data_order_trade['order_id'] = $nowOrder['order_id']; $data_order_trade['third_data'] = serialize($payInfo['order_param']['third_data']); D('Order_trade')->data($data_order_trade)->add(); /*如果是活动的订单 将返回订单状态*/ if ($nowOrder['bak'] != '') { $bak = unserialize($nowOrder['bak']); if ($bak && isset($bak['from'])) { if (strpos($bak['from'], 'pigcms') !== false) { $apiUrl = rtrim(option('config.syn_domain'), '/') . '/'; $salt = option('config.encryption') ? option('config.encryption') : 'pigcms'; $postData = array('option' => array('where' => array('orderid' => $bak['orderid'])), 'data' => array('paid' => '1', 'paytype' => $data_order['payment_method']), 'model' => str_replace('pigcms_', '', $bak['from']), 'toOrder' => '1', 'token' => $bak['token']); $postData['sign'] = getSign($postData, $salt); $url = $apiUrl . '/index.php?g=Home&m=Auth&a=update'; api_curl_post($url, $postData); } } } } $nowStore = D('Store')->field('`income`,`unbalance`')->where(array('store_id' => $nowOrder['store_id']))->find(); if (empty($nowOrder['useStorePay'])) { $data_store['income'] = $nowStore['income'] + $payInfo['order_param']['pay_money']; $data_store['unbalance'] = $nowStore['unbalance'] + $payInfo['order_param']['pay_money']; } $data_store['last_edit_time'] = time(); //店铺收入 if (D('Store')->where(array('store_id' => $nowOrder['store_id']))->data($data_store)->save()) { //收入记录 $data_financial_record['store_id'] = $nowOrder['store_id']; $data_financial_record['order_id'] = $nowOrder['order_id']; $data_financial_record['order_no'] = $nowOrder['order_no']; $data_financial_record['income'] = $payInfo['order_param']['pay_money']; $data_financial_record['type'] = '1'; $data_financial_record['balance'] = $nowStore['income']; $data_financial_record['payment_method'] = $payInfo['order_param']['pay_type']; $data_financial_record['trade_no'] = $nowOrder['trade_no']; $data_financial_record['add_time'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $data_financial_record['user_order_id'] = $nowOrder['order_id']; $data_financial_record['storeOwnPay'] = $nowOrder['useStorePay']; $financial_record_id = D('Financial_record')->data($data_financial_record)->add(); } if (!empty($nowOrder['uid'])) { M('Store_user_data')->upUserData($nowOrder['store_id'], $nowOrder['uid'], 'unsend'); } //减少库存 因为支付的特殊性,不处理是否有过修改 $database_order_product = D('Order_product'); $condition_order_product['order_id'] = $nowOrder['order_id']; $orderProductList = $database_order_product->where($condition_order_product)->select(); $database_product = D('Product'); $database_product_sku = D('Product_sku'); //分销商品 $fx_product = array(); foreach ($orderProductList as $value) { //分销订单处理 $product = M('Product')->get(array('product_id' => $value['product_id'])); if (!empty($product['supplier_id'])) { //分销商品 $fx_product[$product['supplier_id']][] = array('product_id' => $value['product_id'], 'sku_id' => $value['sku_id'], 'sku_data' => $value['sku_data'], 'quantity' => $value['pro_num'], 'price' => $value['pro_price'], 'cost_price' => $product['cost_price'], 'postage_type' => $product['postage_type'], 'postage' => $product['postage'], 'postage_template_id' => $product['postage_template_id'], 'source_product_id' => $product['source_product_id'], 'original_product_id' => $product['original_product_id'], 'comment' => $value['comment']); //获取分销商品(同步库存) if (!empty($product['original_product_id'])) { $where = array(); $where['_string'] = "product_id = '" . $product['original_product_id'] . "' OR original_product_id = '" . $product['original_product_id'] . "'"; $tmp_fx_products = M('Product')->getFxProducts($where); $tmp_properties = ''; if (!empty($value['sku_data'])) { $sku_data = unserialize($value['sku_data']); $skus = array(); foreach ($sku_data as $sku) { $skus[] = $sku['pid'] . ':' . $sku['vid']; } $tmp_properties = implode(';', $skus); } if (!empty($tmp_fx_products)) { foreach ($tmp_fx_products as $tmp_fx_product) { $database_product->where(array('product_id' => $tmp_fx_product['product_id']))->setDec('quantity', $value['pro_num']); if (!empty($tmp_properties)) { //更新商品属性库存 $database_product_sku->where(array('product_id' => $tmp_fx_product['product_id'], 'properties' => $tmp_properties))->setDec('quantity', $value['pro_num']); } if ($tmp_fx_product['product_id'] == $product['original_product_id'] || $tmp_fx_product['product_id'] == $value['product_id']) { //源商品或当前购买的商品 $database_product->where(array('product_id' => $tmp_fx_product['product_id']))->setInc('sales', $value['pro_num']); //更新销量 if (!empty($tmp_properties)) { //更新商品属性库存 $database_product_sku->where(array('product_id' => $tmp_fx_product['product_id'], 'properties' => $tmp_properties))->setInc('sales', $value['pro_num']); } } } } } } else { //普通商品 if ($value['sku_id']) { $condition_product_sku['sku_id'] = $value['sku_id']; $database_product_sku->where($condition_product_sku)->setInc('sales', $value['pro_num']); $database_product_sku->where($condition_product_sku)->setDec('quantity', $value['pro_num']); } $condition_product['product_id'] = $value['product_id']; $database_product->where($condition_product)->setInc('sales', $value['pro_num']); $database_product->where($condition_product)->setDec('quantity', $value['pro_num']); if (!empty($product['is_fx'])) { //允许分销商品 $where = array(); $where['_string'] = "original_product_id = '" . $product['product_id'] . "'"; $tmp_fx_products = M('Product')->getFxProducts($where); $tmp_properties = ''; if (!empty($value['sku_data'])) { $sku_data = unserialize($value['sku_data']); $skus = array(); foreach ($sku_data as $sku) { $skus[] = $sku['pid'] . ':' . $sku['vid']; } $tmp_properties = implode(';', $skus); } if (!empty($tmp_fx_products)) { foreach ($tmp_fx_products as $tmp_fx_product) { $database_product->where(array('product_id' => $tmp_fx_product['product_id']))->setDec('quantity', $value['pro_num']); if (!empty($tmp_properties)) { //更新商品属性库存 $database_product_sku->where(array('product_id' => $tmp_fx_product['product_id'], 'properties' => $tmp_properties))->setDec('quantity', $value['pro_num']); } } } } } } if (!empty($fx_product)) { //订单中有分销商品 $fx_order = M('Fx_order'); $fx_order_product = M('Fx_order_product'); $nowAddress = unserialize($nowOrder['address']); //默认使用用户收货地址 foreach ($fx_product as $key => $products) { $supplier_id = $key; //供货商id $fx_order_no = date('YmdHis', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . mt_rand(100000, 999999); //分销订单号 $sub_total = 0; $cost_sub_total = 0; $postage = 0; $total = 0; $cost_total = 0; $quantity = 0; $hasTplPostage = false; $postage_arr = array(); foreach ($products as $key => $product) { //订单商品 $properties = ''; if (!empty($product['sku_data'])) { $sku_data = unserialize($product['sku_data']); $skus = array(); foreach ($sku_data as $sku) { $skus[] = $sku['pid'] . ':' . $sku['vid']; } $properties = implode(';', $skus); } $source_product_id = $product['source_product_id']; //分销来源商品 if (!empty($properties)) { //有属性 $sku = $product_sku->getSku($source_product_id, $properties); $cost_price = $sku['cost_price']; //分销来源商品的成本价格 } else { //无属性 $source_product_info = $product_model->get(array('product_id' => $source_product_id), 'cost_price'); $cost_price = $source_product_info['cost_price']; //分销来源商品的成本价格 } $price = $product['price']; $products[$key]['cost_price'] = $cost_price; $sub_total += $price * $product['quantity']; //订单商品总金额 $cost_sub_total += $cost_price * $product['quantity']; //订单商品成本总金额 $quantity += $product['quantity']; //订单商品总数量 //来源商品供货商 $product_info = $product_model->get(array('product_id' => $source_product_id), 'store_id'); $original_supplier_id = $product_info['store_id']; } //订单运费 $fx_postages = array(); if (!empty($nowOrder['fx_postage'])) { $fx_postages = unserialize($nowOrder['fx_postage']); } $postage = !empty($fx_postages[$supplier_id]) ? $fx_postages[$supplier_id] : 0; //供货商运费 //订单总金额 $total = $sub_total + $postage; //订单成本总金额 $cost_total = $cost_sub_total + $postage; $data = array('fx_order_no' => $fx_order_no, 'uid' => $nowOrder['uid'], 'session_id' => $nowOrder['session_id'], 'order_id' => $nowOrder['order_id'], 'order_no' => $nowOrder['order_no'], 'fx_trade_no' => date('YmdHis', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . mt_rand(100000, 999999), 'supplier_id' => $supplier_id, 'store_id' => $nowOrder['store_id'], 'quantity' => $quantity, 'sub_total' => $sub_total, 'cost_sub_total' => $cost_sub_total, 'postage' => $postage, 'total' => $total, 'cost_total' => $cost_total, 'delivery_user' => $nowOrder['address_user'], 'delivery_tel' => $nowOrder['address_tel'], 'delivery_address' => $nowOrder['address'], 'add_time' => time(), 'user_order_id' => $nowOrder['order_id'], 'fx_postage' => $nowOrder['fx_postage'], 'status' => 2); if ($fx_order_id = $fx_order->add($data)) { //添加分销商订单 //标识订单为分销订单(包含分销商品) M('Order')->setFxOrder($nowOrder['store_id'], $nowOrder['order_id']); $suppliers = array(); //添加订单商品 foreach ($products as $product) { if (!empty($product['original_product_id'])) { $product_info = $database_product->field('store_id, original_product_id')->where(array('product_id' => $product['original_product_id']))->find(); $tmp_supplier_id = $product_info['store_id']; } else { $product_info = $database_product->field('store_id')->where(array('product_id' => $product['product_id']))->find(); $tmp_supplier_id = $product_info['store_id']; } $suppliers[] = $tmp_supplier_id; $fx_order_product->add(array('fx_order_id' => $fx_order_id, 'product_id' => $product['product_id'], 'source_product_id' => $product['product_id'], 'price' => $product['price'], 'cost_price' => $product['cost_price'], 'quantity' => $product['quantity'], 'sku_id' => $product['sku_id'], 'sku_data' => $product['sku_data'], 'comment' => $product['comment'])); } $suppliers = array_unique($suppliers); //分销商 $suppliers = implode(',', $suppliers); if (!empty($suppliers)) { //修改订单,设置分销商 D('Fx_order')->where(array('fx_order_id' => $fx_order_id))->data(array('suppliers' => $suppliers))->save(); } } } //获取分销利润 if (!empty($financial_record_id) && !empty($cost_total)) { $profit = $total - $cost_total; if ($profit > 0) { D('Financial_record')->where(array('pigcms_id' => $financial_record_id))->data(array('profit' => $profit))->save(); } } //逐级提交订单 $drp_level = $nowStore['drp_level']; //当前分销等级 $supplier_chain = D('Store_supplier')->where(array('seller_id' => $nowOrder['store_id']))->find(); $supply_chain = $supplier_chain['supply_chain']; if ($supplier_chain['type'] == 1) { //排他分销 $suppliers = explode(',', $supply_chain); sort($suppliers); $suppliers = array_reverse($suppliers); array_pop($suppliers); if (!empty($suppliers)) { foreach ($suppliers as $supplier) { $fx_order_info = D('Fx_order')->where(array('supplier_id' => $supplier, 'user_order_id' => $nowOrder['order_id']))->find(); if (!empty($fx_order_info)) { $tmp_data['trade_no'] = date('YmdHis', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . mt_rand(100000, 999999); $tmp_data['total'] = $fx_order_info['cost_total']; $tmp_data['postage'] = $fx_order_info['postage']; $tmp_data['order_id'] = $fx_order_info['fx_order_id']; $tmp_data['supplier_id'] = $supplier; $tmp_data['seller_id'] = $fx_order_info['store_id']; pay($tmp_data); } } } } } // 更改赠送的优惠券为可用 M('User_coupon')->save(array('is_valid' => 1), array('give_order_id' => $nowOrder['order_id'])); exit($ok_msg); } else { exit($err_msg); } } else { exit($err_msg); } } else { exit($ok_msg); } }