function get($lastmodified, $api) { $sync = new Sync(); $output = array(); if ($lastmodified < $sync->get(Sync::USER)) { $output[Sync::USER] = getUser($api); } if ($lastmodified < $sync->get(Sync::SCENARIOS)) { $output[Sync::SCENARIOS] = getScenarios(); } if ($lastmodified < $sync->get(Sync::LIGHTS)) { $output[Sync::LIGHTS] = getLights(); } if ($lastmodified < $sync->get(Sync::ROOMS)) { $output[Sync::ROOMS] = getRooms(); } if ($lastmodified < $sync->get(Sync::PLANTS)) { $output[Sync::PLANTS] = getPlants(); } if ($lastmodified < $sync->get(Sync::DEVICES)) { $output[Sync::DEVICES] = getDevices(); } if ($lastmodified < $sync->get(Sync::SENSORS)) { $output[Sync::SENSORS] = getSensors(); } if ($lastmodified < $sync->get(Sync::EAN)) { $output[Sync::EAN] = getEan(); } return $output; }
function get() { $hue = new Hue(); $rooms = getRooms(); $lights_hue = $hue->loadLights(); $output = array('lights' => $lights_hue, 'rooms' => $rooms); http_response_code(202); return $output; }
function getRooms($pointer) { global $rooms; $room = getRoomAt($pointer); if (!isset($rooms[$room['id']])) { $rooms[$room['id']] = $room; foreach ($room['exits'] as $e) { getRooms($e['dest']); } } }
$sFiles = ""; $res = getResult("SELECT * FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Messages` WHERE `Type`='file' AND `Recipient`='" . $sId . "'"); while ($aFile = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $sFileName = $aFile['ID'] . ".file"; if (!file_exists($sFilesPath . $sFileName)) { continue; } $sFiles .= parseXml($aXmlTemplates['file'], $aFile['Sender'], $sFileName, $aFile['Message']); } getResult("DELETE FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Messages` WHERE `Type`='file' AND `Recipient`='" . $sId . "'"); $sContents = makeGroup($sFiles, "files"); //--- update user's info ---// $sContents .= refreshUsersInfo($sId, 'update'); //--- check for new rooms ---// $sContents .= makeGroup(getRooms('update', $sId), "rooms"); $sContents .= makeGroup(getRooms('updateUsers', $sId), "roomsUsers"); //--- check for new messages ---// $iUpdateInterval = (int) getSettingValue($sModule, "updateInterval"); $sMsgs = ""; $sRooms = getValue("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `Room` SEPARATOR ',') FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "RoomsUsers` WHERE `User`='" . $sId . "' AND `Status`='" . ROOM_STATUS_NORMAL . "'"); if (empty($sRooms)) { $sRooms = "''"; } $sSql = "SELECT * FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Messages` WHERE `Type`='text' AND `Sender`<>'" . $sId . "' AND ((`Room` IN (" . $sRooms . ") AND `Whisper`='" . FALSE_VAL . "') OR `Recipient`='" . $sId . "') AND `When`>='" . (time() - $iUpdateInterval) . "' ORDER BY `ID`"; $res = getResult($sSql); while ($aMsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $aStyle = unserialize($aMsg['Style']); $sMsgs .= parseXml($aXmlTemplates['message'], $aMsg['ID'], stripslashes($aMsg['Message']), $aMsg['Room'], $aMsg['Sender'], $aMsg['Recipient'], $aMsg['Whisper'], $aStyle['color'], $aStyle['bold'], $aStyle['underline'], $aStyle['italic'], $aStyle['size'], $aStyle['font'], $aStyle['smileset'], $aMsg['When']); } $sContents .= makeGroup($sMsgs, "messages"); break;
function show_metabox_new_room() { global $post; $html = '<label for="nombre_cuarto" class="label-paquetes-desc">Nombre: </label>'; $html .= '<input type="text" name="nombre_cuarto" class="widefat-medium" value="" id="name-cuarto"/>'; $html .= '<br><br><label for="descripcion_cuarto" class="label-paquetes-desc">Descripción: </label>'; $html .= '<textarea type="text" name="descripcion_cuarto" class="widefat-medium" id="description-cuarto"/></textarea>'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" id="post_id" class="widefat" value="' . $post->ID . '">'; $html .= '<br><br><a href="#" class="button button-upload-select button-upload" data-editor="content"><span class="wp-media-buttons-icon" ></span> Agregar Imagen </a>'; $html .= '<div class="imagen-a-agregar"></div>'; $html .= '<span class="button-primary guardar-cuarto">Guardar</span><br><br><hr>'; $html .= '<h3 id="box-cuartos">Cuartos</h3>'; $html .= '<div class="rooms-container">'; $rooms = getRooms($post->ID); if (!empty($rooms)) { foreach ($rooms as $key => $room) { $html .= '<div class="container-expu">'; $html .= '<span class="eliminar-cuarto" data-id="' . $room->id . '" data-name="' . $room->name . '" > Eliminar </span>'; $html .= wp_get_attachment_image($room->id_attachmend, 'thumbnail'); $html .= '<p>' . $room->name . '</p>'; $html .= '<p>' . $room->description . '</p>'; $html .= '</div>'; } } $html .= '</div>'; echo $html; }
<?php } ?> </select> <br><br> Device Name:<br> <input type="text" name="wdevice_name" value="<?php echo utf8_encode($workdata['device']); ?> "> <br><br> Room:<br> <select name="wroom_id"> <?php $ro = getRooms(); for ($x = 0; $x < count($ro); $x++) { if ($ro[$x]["id"] == $workdata['room_id']) { echo '<option value="' . $ro[$x]["id"] . '" selected>' . utf8_encode($ro[$x]["room"]) . '</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="' . $ro[$x]["id"] . '">' . utf8_encode($ro[$x]["room"]) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select> <br><br> Letter:<br> <?php $letters = array("A", "B", "C", "D"); ?> <select name="wletter">
echo wp_get_attachment_image($id_attachment, 'full', false, ['class' => '[ img-responsive ][ hidden-md hidden-lg ]']); ?> <!-- Diagrama desktop --> <?php echo wp_get_attachment_image($id_attachment, 'full', false, ['class' => '[ img-responsive ][ hidden-xs hidden-sm ]']); ?> </section> </div> </div> <section> <!-- Cuartos --> <h3 class="[ text-center ][ color-primary ][ margin-bottom ]">Cabinas</h3> <div class="[ row ]"> <?php $rooms = getRooms($post->ID); if (!empty($rooms)) { foreach ($rooms as $room) { ?> <div class="[ col-xs-6 col-md-3 ][ margin-bottom ]"> <?php echo wp_get_attachment_image($room->id_attachmend, 'medium', false, ['class' => '[ img-responsive ][ margin-bottom--small ]']); ?> <p class="[ color-primary ][ normal ][ line-height-small ][ margin-bottom--small ]"><?php echo $room->name; ?> </p> <p><?php echo $room->description; ?>
getResult("REPLACE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "CurrentUsers` SET `ID`='" . $sId . "', `Nick`='" . $aUserInfo['nick'] . "', `RoomID`='" . $iRoomId . "', `Sex`='" . $aUserInfo['sex'] . "', `Age`='" . $aUserInfo['age'] . "', `Desc`='" . addslashes($aUserInfo['desc']) . "', `Photo`='" . $aUserInfo['photo'] . "', `Profile`='" . $aUserInfo['profile'] . "', `When` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `Status` = '" . USER_STATUS_NEW . "'"); } //--- Update user's info and return info about all online users. ---// $sContents = refreshUsersInfo($sId); break; /** * Check for chat changes: new users, rooms, messages. * Note. This action is used in XML mode and by ADMIN. */ /** * Check for chat changes: new users, rooms, messages. * Note. This action is used in XML mode and by ADMIN. */ case 'update': //--- check for new rooms ---// $sContents .= makeGroup(getRooms('upd', $sId), "rooms"); //--- update user's info ---// $sContents .= refreshUsersInfo($sId, 'upd'); //--- check for new messages ---// $iUpdateInterval = (int) getSettingValue($sModule, "updateInterval"); $sMsgs = ""; $res = getResult("SELECT cm.`ID` AS `ID`, cm.`Msg` AS `Msg`, cm.`Style` AS `Style`, ccu.`ID` AS `userID` FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Messages` AS cm, `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "CurrentUsers` AS ccu WHERE cm.`UserID`=ccu.`ID` AND cm.`UserID`<>'" . $sId . "' AND cm.`When`>=(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-" . $iUpdateInterval . ") ORDER BY cm.`ID`"); while ($aMsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $aStyle = unserialize($aMsg['Style']); $sMsgs .= parseXml($aXmlTemplates['message'], $aMsg['ID'], stripslashes($aMsg['Msg']), $aMsg['userID'], $aStyle['color'], $aStyle['bold'], $aStyle['underline'], $aStyle['italic'], $aStyle['smileset']); } $sContents .= makeGroup($sMsgs, "msgs"); break; /** * Add message to database. */
require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/connexion.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/checkAPI.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/Settings.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/Alarm.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/Mode.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/VigilanceMeteo.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/Weather.php'; $page_level = 1; $settings = new Settings(); $vigilance = new VigilanceMeteo(); if (isset($_REQUEST['api']) && checkAPI($_REQUEST['api'], $page_level)) { switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'GET': $alarm = $settings->getSettings('Alarm', 'status'); http_response_code(202); echo json_encode(array('alarm' => $alarm, 'weather' => getWeather(), 'rooms' => getRooms(), 'mode' => (new Mode())->getMode())); break; case 'PUT': echo json_encode(update($_REQUEST)); break; } } else { if ($argc > 1) { switch ($argv[1]) { case 'weather': setWeather(); break; } } else { http_response_code(403); }
function add2Room($clientID, $user_id, $room) { global $Server; $mes = 'Приглашен в комнату пользователем ' . $Server->wsClients[$clientID][13]; // sendMess($id, $data); addHistory($user_id, $mes, '000', $room); if (getRoom($room, $user_id)) { updateRoom($room, false, $user_id); } else { updateRoom($room); } foreach ($Server->wsClients as $id => $data) { if ($data[15] != $room) { if ($data[12] == $user_id) { sendMess($id, array('System', $Server->wsClients[$clientID][13] . ' пригласил Вас в чат <a href="index.php?module=kChat&room=' . $room . '">"' . getRoomName($room, $data[12]) . '"</a>', '000;font-weight:bolder')); getRooms($id); } } else { getUsers($id, $room); } } }
* * PiHome Copyright (c) 2012, Sebastian Harke * Lizenz Informationen. * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, * visit: * */ require '../configs/'; require 'configs/'; ?> <ul> <?php $rp = getRooms(); for ($x = 0; $x < count($rp); $x++) { ?> <li> <div class="light"> <div class="name_room"><div class="device"><?php echo utf8_encode($rp[$x]["room"]); ?> </div></div> <div class="btn_room"> <span><a href="javascript:update_room('<?php echo $rp[$x]["id"]; ?> ');"><img src="images/work.png" border="0"></a></span><span><a href="javascript:del_room('<?php echo $rp[$x]["id"];
function get($arr) { $zwave = new Zwave(); if (isset($arr['id'])) { $result = getDeviceDetails($arr['id']); $rooms = getRooms(); $output = array('devices' => $result, 'rooms' => $rooms); return $result; } else { if (isset($arr['scenario'])) { $bdd = getBDD(); $sensor = $arr['scenario']; $req = $bdd->query("SELECT * FROM at_sensors_scenarios WHERE sensor = {$sensor}"); $result = array(); while ($data = $req->fetch()) { $result[] = array('id' => $data['id'], 'sensor' => $data['sensor'], 'scenario' => $data['scenario']); } return $result; } else { if (isset($arr['type'])) { $type = $arr['type']; $bdd = getBDD(); $req = $bdd->query("SELECT at_sensors.*, at_sensors_devices.alias, FROM at_sensors INNER JOIN at_sensors_devices ON at_sensors.device = at_sensors_devices.device WHERE `type` = '{$type}' AND `ignore` = 0"); $result = array(); while ($data = $req->fetch()) { $result[] = array('id' => $data['id'], 'sensor' => $data['sensor'], 'protocol' => $data['protocol'], 'type' => $data['type'], 'unit' => $data['unit'], 'history' => $data['history'], 'date' => $data['date'], 'time' => $data['time']); } return $result; } else { $devices_zwave = $zwave->loadDevices(); $result = array_merge($devices_zwave); $rooms = getRooms(); $output = array('devices' => $result, 'rooms' => $rooms); return $output; } } } }