function eventOnQueryTestStatus($i_parameters = array()) { global $g_db, $G_SESSION, $lngstr, $srv_settings, $g_vars, $i_rSet1; $i_testno = $i_parameters['testno']; $i_testid = $i_parameters['testid']; $i_result = $i_parameters['status']; if ($i_rSet1->fields['test_prevtestid'] > 0 && getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'results', 'testid=' . $i_rSet1->fields['test_prevtestid'] . ' AND id=' . $G_SESSION['id'] . ' AND gscale_gradeid > 0') <= 0) { $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_testno]['visible'] = false; $i_result = IGT_TEST_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE; } return $i_result; }
<?php $f_testid = (int) readGetVar('testid'); $f_test_questionid = (int) readGetVar('test_questionid'); $i_questioncount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'tests_questions', "testid=" . $f_testid); if ($f_test_questionid < $i_questioncount) { $g_db->Execute("LOCK TABLES " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions WRITE"); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions SET test_questionid=0 WHERE test_questionid=" . ($f_test_questionid + 1) . " AND testid=" . $f_testid); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions SET test_questionid=test_questionid+1 WHERE test_questionid=" . $f_test_questionid . " AND testid=" . $f_testid); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions SET test_questionid=" . $f_test_questionid . " WHERE test_questionid=0 AND testid=" . $f_testid); $g_db->Execute("UNLOCK TABLES"); } gotoLocation('test-manager.php' . getURLAddon('?action=editt', array('action')));
function createGrade($i_gscaleid) { global $g_db, $srv_settings; $i_gradecount = 0; $i_gradecount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'gscales_grades', 'gscaleid=' . $i_gscaleid); $i_gradecount++; if ($g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades (gscale_gradeid, gscaleid, grade_feedback) VALUES(" . $i_gradecount . ", " . $i_gscaleid . ", '')") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } return $i_gradecount; }
$i_order_no = isset($_GET["order"]) ? (int) $_GET["order"] : 0; if ($i_order_no >= count($i_tablefields)) { $i_order_no = -1; } if ($i_order_no >= 0) { $i_direction = isset($_GET["direction"]) && $_GET["direction"] ? "DESC" : ""; $i_order_addon = "&order=" . $i_order_no . "&direction=" . $i_direction; $i_sql_order_addon = " ORDER BY " . $i_tablefields[$i_order_no][2] . " " . $i_direction; } $i_url_limitto_addon = ""; $i_url_pageno_addon = ""; $i_url_limit_addon = ""; $i_pageno = 0; $i_limitcount = isset($_GET["limitto"]) ? (int) $_GET["limitto"] : $G_SESSION['config_itemsperpage']; if ($i_limitcount > 0) { $i_recordcount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'tests', $i_sql_where_addon . "1=1"); $i_pageno = isset($_GET["pageno"]) ? (int) $_GET["pageno"] : 1; if ($i_pageno < 1) { $i_pageno = 1; } $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; $i_pageno_count = floor(($i_recordcount - 1) / $i_limitcount) + 1; if ($i_limitfrom > $i_recordcount) { $i_pageno = $i_pageno_count; $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; } $i_url_limitto_addon .= "&limitto=" . $i_limitcount; $i_url_pageno_addon .= "&pageno=" . $i_pageno; $i_url_limit_addon .= $i_url_limitto_addon . $i_url_pageno_addon; } else { $i_url_limitto_addon = "&limitto=";
$i_order_no = isset($_GET["order"]) ? (int) $_GET["order"] : 0; if ($i_order_no >= count($i_tablefields)) { $i_order_no = -1; } if ($i_order_no >= 0) { $i_direction = isset($_GET["direction"]) && $_GET["direction"] ? "DESC" : ""; $i_order_addon = "&order=" . $i_order_no . "&direction=" . $i_direction; $i_sql_order_addon = " ORDER BY " . $i_tablefields[$i_order_no][2] . " " . $i_direction; } $i_url_limitto_addon = ""; $i_url_pageno_addon = ""; $i_url_limit_addon = ""; $i_pageno = 0; $i_limitcount = isset($_GET["limitto"]) ? (int) $_GET["limitto"] : $G_SESSION['config_itemsperpage']; if ($i_limitcount > 0) { $i_recordcount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'sections', "testid=" . $f_testid); $i_pageno = isset($_GET["pageno"]) ? (int) $_GET["pageno"] : 1; if ($i_pageno < 1) { $i_pageno = 1; } $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; $i_pageno_count = floor(($i_recordcount - 1) / $i_limitcount) + 1; if ($i_limitfrom > $i_recordcount) { $i_pageno = $i_pageno_count; $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; } $i_url_limitto_addon .= "&limitto=" . $i_limitcount; $i_url_pageno_addon .= "&pageno=" . $i_pageno; $i_url_limit_addon .= $i_url_limitto_addon . $i_url_pageno_addon; } else { $i_url_limitto_addon = "&limitto=";
function initATest($testid, $existing_resultid = 0, $existing_answered_questionids = array()) { global $g_db, $G_SESSION, $lngstr, $srv_settings, $g_vars; $i_now = time(); $i_rSet1 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests WHERE testid=" . $testid . " AND test_enabled=1 AND test_datestart<=" . $i_now . " AND test_dateend>" . $i_now, 1); if (!$i_rSet1) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } else { if (!$i_rSet1->EOF) { $i_isallowed = $i_rSet1->fields['test_forall']; if (!$i_isallowed) { //9917//9917 $i_isallowed = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'groups_users, ' . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'groups_tests', "(" . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_tests.testid=" . $i_rSet1->fields['testid'] . " AND " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_tests.groupid=" . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_users.groupid AND " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "" . $G_SESSION['id'] . ")") > 0; } if ($i_isallowed) { $i_isallowed = $i_rSet1->fields['test_price'] <= 0 || getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'tests_own', 'testid=' . $testid . ' AND id=' . $G_SESSION['id']) > 0; } if ($i_isallowed) { $yt_questionids = array(); $i_rSet2 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions.questionid, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions.test_sectionid, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions.subjectid, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions.question_points, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions.question_type FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions WHERE testid=" . $testid . " AND " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions.questionid=" . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions.questionid ORDER BY " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests_questions.test_questionid"); if (!$i_rSet2) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } else { $i_questioncounter = 0; $yt_pointsmax = 0; while (!$i_rSet2->EOF) { if ($i_rSet2->fields['question_type'] != QUESTION_TYPE_RANDOM) { $yt_questionids[$i_questioncounter + 1] = $i_rSet2->fields['questionid']; $yt_pointsmax += $i_rSet2->fields['question_points']; $i_questioncounter++; } else { $i_questioncount_by_subjectid = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'questions', "subjectid=" . $i_rSet2->fields['subjectid'] . " AND question_type NOT IN (" . QUESTION_TYPE_RANDOM . ")" . ($yt_questionids ? " AND questionid NOT IN (" . implode(',', $yt_questionids) . ")" : "")); if ($i_questioncount_by_subjectid > 0) { srand((double) microtime() * 10000000); $i_rSet3 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT questionid, question_points FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions WHERE subjectid=" . $i_rSet2->fields['subjectid'] . " AND question_type NOT IN (" . QUESTION_TYPE_RANDOM . ")" . ($yt_questionids ? " AND questionid NOT IN (" . implode(',', $yt_questionids) . ")" : ""), 1, rand(0, $i_questioncount_by_subjectid - 1)); if (!$i_rSet3) { showDBError(__FILE__, 3); } else { if (!$i_rSet3->EOF) { $yt_questionids[$i_questioncounter + 1] = $i_rSet3->fields['questionid']; $yt_pointsmax += $i_rSet3->fields['question_points']; $i_questioncounter++; } $i_rSet3->Close(); } } else { showError(__FILE__, $lngstr['err_no_questions_left_in_bank']); } } $i_rSet2->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet2->Close(); } $yt_questioncount = $i_questioncounter; if ($yt_questioncount > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $yt_questioncount; $i++) { $yt_questions[$i] = $i + 1; } if ($i_rSet1->fields['test_shuffleq']) { $yt_questions_2 = array(); if (!empty($existing_answered_questionids)) { foreach ($existing_answered_questionids as $key => $val) { foreach ($yt_questionids as $key2 => $val2) { if ($val2 == $val) { $i_questionno = $key2; break; } } $yt_questions_2[$key] = $i_questionno; unset($yt_questions[$i_questionno - 1]); } } $yt_questions = array_merge($yt_questions_2, getShuffledArray($yt_questions)); } $yt_shufflea = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_shufflea']; $i_testtime = (int) $i_rSet1->fields['test_time']; $yt_test_timeforceout = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_timeforceout']; if ($i_testtime < 0) { $i_testtime = 0; } $G_SESSION['testid'] = $testid; if ($existing_resultid > 0) { $G_SESSION['resultid'] = $existing_resultid; } else { if ($g_db->Execute("INSERT INTO " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results (testid,id,result_datestart) VALUES (" . $testid . "," . $G_SESSION['id'] . "," . $i_now . ")") === false) { showDBError(__FILE__, 5); } $G_SESSION['resultid'] = $g_db->Insert_ID($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'results', 'resultid'); } $G_SESSION['yt_name'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_name']; $G_SESSION['yt_result_etemplateid'] = $i_rSet1->fields['result_etemplateid']; if ($i_rSet1->fields['result_etemplateid'] > 0) { $G_SESSION['yt_result_email'] = trim($i_rSet1->fields['test_result_email']); $G_SESSION['yt_result_emailtouser'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_result_emailtouser']; } $G_SESSION['yt_teststart'] = $i_now; $G_SESSION['yt_testtime'] = $i_testtime; $G_SESSION['yt_timeforceout'] = $yt_test_timeforceout; $G_SESSION['yt_attempts'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_attempts']; $G_SESSION['yt_pointsmax'] = $yt_pointsmax; $G_SESSION['yt_questioncount'] = $yt_questioncount; $G_SESSION['yt_questions'] = $yt_questions; $G_SESSION['yt_questionids'] = $yt_questionids; $G_SESSION['yt_answers'] = array(); $G_SESSION['yt_shufflea'] = $yt_shufflea; $G_SESSION['yt_test_qsperpage'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_qsperpage']; $G_SESSION['yt_test_showqfeedback'] = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_showqfeedback']; $G_SESSION['yt_result_showanswers'] = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_result_showanswers']; $G_SESSION['yt_result_showpoints'] = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_result_showpoints']; $G_SESSION['yt_result_showgrade'] = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_result_showgrade']; $G_SESSION['yt_result_showgradefeedback'] = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_result_showgradefeedback']; $G_SESSION['yt_result_showhtml'] = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_result_showhtml'] && $i_rSet1->fields['rtemplateid'] > 0; $G_SESSION['yt_result_showpdf'] = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_result_showpdf'] && $i_rSet1->fields['rtemplateid'] > 0; $G_SESSION['yt_result_rtemplateid'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_result_rtemplateid']; $G_SESSION['yt_reportgradecondition'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_reportgradecondition']; $G_SESSION['yt_gscaleid'] = (int) $i_rSet1->fields['gscaleid']; $G_SESSION['yt_prevtestid'] = (int) $i_rSet1->fields['test_prevtestid']; $G_SESSION['yt_nexttestid'] = (int) $i_rSet1->fields['test_nexttestid']; $G_SESSION['yt_other_repeatuntilcorrect'] = (bool) $i_rSet1->fields['test_other_repeatuntilcorrect']; $G_SESSION['yt_contentprotection'] = (int) $i_rSet1->fields['test_contentprotection']; $G_SESSION['yt_canreview'] = (int) $i_rSet1->fields['test_canreview']; $G_SESSION['yt_subjects'] = array(); $G_SESSION['yt_questionno'] = 1; $G_SESSION['yt_got_answers'] = 0; $G_SESSION['yt_got_points'] = 0; $G_SESSION['yt_points_pending'] = 0; if (!empty($i_rSet1->fields['test_instructions'])) { $G_SESSION['yt_state'] = TEST_STATE_TESTINTRO; } else { $G_SESSION['yt_state'] = TEST_STATE_QSHOW; } eventOnBeforeTestStart(); return true; } else { $g_vars['page']['errors'] = $lngstr['err_no_questions']; return false; } } else { $g_vars['page']['notifications'] = $lngstr['inf_cant_passtest']; return false; } } else { $g_vars['page']['errors'] = $lngstr['err_no_tests']; return false; } $i_rSet1->Close(); } }
function writeResultStats($i_resultid) { global $g_db, $lngstr, $srv_settings, $g_vars; $g_vars['page']['resultid'] = $i_resultid; $i_testid = 0; $i_rSet6 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results WHERE resultid=" . $i_resultid, 1); if (!$i_rSet6) { showDBError(__FILE__, 6); } else { if (!$i_rSet6->EOF) { $i_testid = $i_rSet6->fields['testid']; $g_vars['page']['result_date'] = getDateLocal($lngstr['language']['date_format_full'], $i_rSet6->fields['result_datestart']); $g_vars['page']['time_spent'] = getTimeFormatted($i_rSet6->fields['result_timespent']); $g_vars['page']['got_points'] = $i_rSet6->fields['result_points']; $g_vars['page']['points_max'] = $i_rSet6->fields['result_pointsmax']; $g_vars['page']['score'] = $g_vars['page']['points_max'] != 0 ? round($g_vars['page']['got_points'] * 100 / $g_vars['page']['points_max']) : 100; $g_vars['page']['grade'] = getGradeData($i_rSet6->fields['gscaleid'], $i_rSet6->fields['gscale_gradeid']); $i_id = $i_rSet6->fields['id']; $i_rSet7 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "users WHERE id=" . $i_id, 1); if (!$i_rSet7) { showDBError(__FILE__, 7); } else { if (!$i_rSet7->EOF) { $g_vars['page']['username'] = $i_rSet7->fields['user_firstname'] . ' ' . $i_rSet7->fields['user_lastname']; } $i_rSet7->Close(); } } $i_rSet6->Close(); } $g_vars['page']['test_name'] = ''; $i_gscaleid = 0; $i_rSet1 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests WHERE testid=" . $i_testid, 1); if (!$i_rSet1) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } else { if (!$i_rSet1->EOF) { $g_vars['page']['test_name'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_name']; $i_gscaleid = $i_rSet1->fields['gscaleid']; } $i_rSet1->Close(); } $g_vars['page']['grades_times_total'] = 0; $i_rSet2 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades WHERE gscaleid=" . $i_gscaleid . " ORDER BY gscale_gradeid"); if (!$i_rSet2) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } else { while (!$i_rSet2->EOF) { $i_gradeid = $i_rSet2->fields['gscale_gradeid']; $g_vars['page']['grades'][$i_gradeid]['name'] = $i_rSet2->fields['grade_name']; $g_vars['page']['grades'][$i_gradeid]['times'] = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'results', 'testid=' . $i_testid . ' AND gscaleid=' . $i_gscaleid . ' AND gscale_gradeid=' . $i_gradeid); $g_vars['page']['grades_times_total'] += $g_vars['page']['grades'][$i_gradeid]['times']; $i_rSet2->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet2->Close(); } foreach ($g_vars['page']['grades'] as $i_gradeid => $i_grade) { $g_vars['page']['grades'][$i_gradeid]['times_percents'] = $g_vars['page']['grades_times_total'] != 0 ? $g_vars['page']['grades'][$i_gradeid]['times'] * 100 / $g_vars['page']['grades_times_total'] : 0; } $g_vars['page']['test']['participant_count'] = 0; $i_points_all = array(); $g_vars['page']['test']['points_max'] = 0; $g_vars['page']['test']['points_low'] = IGT_MAX_FLOAT; $g_vars['page']['test']['points_high'] = 0; $i_points_total = 0; $g_vars['page']['test']['points_total_max'] = 0; $i_rSet3 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results WHERE testid=" . $i_testid . " AND gscale_gradeid > 0"); if (!$i_rSet3) { showDBError(__FILE__, 3); } else { while (!$i_rSet3->EOF) { $g_vars['page']['test']['participant_count']++; $i_points = $i_rSet3->fields['result_points']; array_push($i_points_all, $i_points); $g_vars['page']['test']['points_max'] = $i_rSet3->fields['result_pointsmax']; if ($i_points > $g_vars['page']['test']['points_high']) { $g_vars['page']['test']['points_high'] = $i_points; } if ($i_points < $g_vars['page']['test']['points_low']) { $g_vars['page']['test']['points_low'] = $i_points; } $i_points_total += $i_points; $g_vars['page']['test']['points_total_max'] += $g_vars['page']['test']['points_max']; $i_rSet3->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet3->Close(); } $g_vars['page']['test']['points_average'] = $i_points_total / $g_vars['page']['test']['participant_count']; $g_vars['page']['test']['points_average_percents'] = $i_points_total * 100 / $g_vars['page']['test']['points_total_max']; $g_vars['page']['test']['points_high_percents'] = $g_vars['page']['test']['points_high'] * 100 / $g_vars['page']['test']['points_max']; $g_vars['page']['test']['points_low_percents'] = $g_vars['page']['test']['points_low'] * 100 / $g_vars['page']['test']['points_max']; $g_vars['page']['test']['variance'] = 0; if ($g_vars['page']['test']['participant_count'] > 1) { foreach ($i_points_all as $i_points) { $g_vars['page']['test']['variance'] += ($i_points - $g_vars['page']['test']['points_average']) * ($i_points - $g_vars['page']['test']['points_average']); } $g_vars['page']['test']['variance'] = $g_vars['page']['test']['variance'] / ($g_vars['page']['test']['participant_count'] - 1); } $g_vars['page']['test']['std_deviation'] = sqrt($g_vars['page']['test']['variance']); $g_vars['page']['questions'] = array(); $i_rSet4 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT questionid, result_answer_iscorrect FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results_answers WHERE resultid=" . $i_resultid); if (!$i_rSet4) { showDBError(__FILE__, 4); } else { while (!$i_rSet4->EOF) { $i_questionid = $i_rSet4->fields['questionid']; $g_vars['page']['questions'][$i_questionid]['iscorrect'] = $i_rSet4->fields['result_answer_iscorrect']; $i_rSet4->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet4->Close(); } $g_vars['page']['subjects'] = array(); foreach ($g_vars['page']['questions'] as $i_questionid => $i_question) { $i_rSet5 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "subjects.subjectid, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "subjects.subject_name FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "subjects WHERE questionid=" . $i_questionid . " AND " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "questions.subjectid=" . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "subjects.subjectid", 1); if (!$i_rSet5) { showDBError(__FILE__, 5); } else { if (!$i_rSet5->EOF) { $i_subjectid = $i_rSet5->fields['subjectid']; $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_count'] = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'questions', 'subjectid=' . $i_subjectid); if (!isset($g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_got'])) { $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['name'] = $i_rSet5->fields['subject_name']; $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_got'] = 0; $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_correct'] = 0; } $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_got']++; if ($i_question['iscorrect'] == IGT_ANSWER_IS_CORRECT) { $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_correct']++; } } $i_rSet5->Close(); } } foreach ($g_vars['page']['subjects'] as $i_subjectid => $i_grade) { $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_correct_percents'] = $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_correct'] * 100 / $g_vars['page']['subjects'][$i_subjectid]['question_got']; } }
} } if (getConfigItem(CONFIG_reg_userfield9) > CONFIG_CONST_donotshow) { if (isset($_POST['user_ufield9'])) { $arrValuesToUpdate['user_ufield9'] = readPostVar('user_ufield9'); } } if (getConfigItem(CONFIG_reg_userfield10) > CONFIG_CONST_donotshow) { if (isset($_POST['user_ufield10'])) { $arrValuesToUpdate['user_ufield10'] = readPostVar('user_ufield10'); } } if (isset($_POST['user_notes'])) { $arrValuesToUpdate['user_notes'] = readPostVar('user_notes'); } $bIsUserNameDuplicated = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'users', 'username='******'username'] . (!$bIsNewUser ? ' AND id<>' . $arrValuesToUpdate['id'] : '')) > 0; if ($bIsUserNameDuplicated) { $g_vars['page']['errors'] .= $lngstr['err_username_duplicate']; } if ($g_vars['page']['errors']) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . ""; } else { if ($bIsNewUser) { $f_id = addNewUser($arrValuesToUpdate, array(), true); } else { updateUser($arrValuesToUpdate); } if (isset($_POST['group']) && !empty($_POST['group'][0])) { $arrGroupIDsNew = readPostVar('group'); unset($arrGroupIDsNew[0]); $arrGroupIDsToAdd = array();
$i_isallowed = $i_rSet1->fields['test_forall']; if (!$i_isallowed) { //9917//9917 $i_isallowed = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'groups_users, ' . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'groups_tests', "(" . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_tests.testid=" . $i_rSet1->fields['testid'] . " AND " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_tests.groupid=" . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_users.groupid AND " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "" . $G_SESSION['id'] . ")") > 0; } if ($i_isallowed) { $i_test_count++; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['testid'] = $i_rSet1->fields['testid']; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['name'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_name'] ? convertTextValue($i_rSet1->fields['test_name']) : $lngstr['label_noname']; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['code'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_code']; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['description'] = convertTextValue($i_rSet1->fields['test_description']); $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['startdate'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_datestart']; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['attempts'] = getTestAttemptsUsed($i_rSet1->fields['testid'], $G_SESSION['id']); $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['attempts_total'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_attempts']; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['test_price'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_price'] / 100; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['test_purchased'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_price'] <= 0 || getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'tests_own', 'testid=' . $i_rSet1->fields['testid'] . ' AND id=' . $G_SESSION['id']) > 0; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['content_protection'] = $i_rSet1->fields['test_contentprotection']; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['status'] = IGT_TEST_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE; $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['visible'] = true; if ($i_rSet1->fields['test_datestart'] > $now) { $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['status_label'] = sprintf($lngstr['page_panel_status_will_be_available_on'], getDateLocal($lngstr['language']['date_format'], $i_rSet1->fields['test_datestart'])); } else { if ($g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['attempts_total'] > 0) { if ($g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['attempts'] >= $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['attempts_total']) { $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['status_label'] = $lngstr['page-takeatest']['attempts_limit_reached']; } else { $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['status_label'] = sprintf($lngstr['page-takeatest']['attempts_left'], $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['attempts_total'] - $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['attempts']); $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['status'] = IGT_TEST_STATUS_AVAILABLE; } } else { $g_vars['page']['test'][$i_test_count]['status_label'] = $lngstr['page_panel_status_available'];
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<?php $f_gscaleid = (int) readGetVar('gscaleid'); $f_gscale_gradeid = (int) readGetVar('gscale_gradeid'); $i_gradecount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'gscales_grades', "gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid); if ($f_gscale_gradeid < $i_gradecount) { $g_db->Execute("LOCK TABLES " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades WRITE"); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades SET gscale_gradeid=0 WHERE gscale_gradeid=" . ($f_gscale_gradeid + 1) . " AND gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades SET gscale_gradeid=gscale_gradeid+1 WHERE gscale_gradeid=" . $f_gscale_gradeid . " AND gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid); $g_db->Execute("UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades SET gscale_gradeid=" . $f_gscale_gradeid . " WHERE gscale_gradeid=0 AND gscaleid=" . $f_gscaleid); $g_db->Execute("UNLOCK TABLES"); } gotoLocation('grades.php' . getURLAddon('?action=edit', array('action')));
function makeAllHtml($columnType, $columnName, $columnId) { $action = ''; $s = ''; $i = ''; $nPageSize = ''; $nCountSize = ''; $nPage = ''; $addSql = ''; $url = ''; $articleSql = ''; handlePower('生成全部HTML页面'); //管理权限处理 writeSystemLog('', '生成全部HTML页面'); //系统日志 $GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] = true; //栏目 aspEcho('栏目', ''); if ($columnType != '') { $addSql = 'where columnType=\'' . $columnType . '\''; } if ($columnName != '') { $addSql = getWhereAnd($addSql, 'where columnName=\'' . $columnName . '\''); } if ($columnId != '') { $addSql = getWhereAnd($addSql, 'where id in(' . $columnId . ')'); } $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn ' . $addSql . ' order by sortrank asc'); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] = ''; //开启生成html if ($rss['isonhtml'] == true) { if (inStr('|产品|新闻|视频|下载|案例|留言|反馈|招聘|订单|', '|' . $rss['columntype'] . '|') > 0) { if ($rss['columntype'] == '留言') { $nCountSize = getRecordCount($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'guestbook', ''); //记录数 } else { $nCountSize = getRecordCount($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail', ' where parentid=' . $rss['id']); //记录数 } $nPageSize = $rss['npagesize']; $nPage = getPageNumb(CInt($nCountSize), CInt($nPageSize)); if ($nPage <= 0) { $nPage = 1; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $nPage; $i++) { $url = getHandleRsUrl($rss['filename'], $rss['customaurl'], '/nav' . $rss['id']); $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($url, $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] == '') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } //call echo("glb_filePath",glb_filePath) $action = ' action actionType=\'nav\' columnName=\'' . $rss['columnname'] . '\' npage=\'' . $i . '\' listfilename=\'' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '\' '; //call echo("action",action) makeWebHtml($action); if ($i > 1) { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = mid($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1, len($GLOBALS['glb_filePath']) - 5) . $i . '.html'; } $s = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '" target=\'_blank\'>' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '</a>(' . $rss['isonhtml'] . ')'; aspEcho($action, $s); if ($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] != '') { CreateDirFolder(getFileAttr($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '1')); createFileGBK($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $GLOBALS['code']); } doEvents(); $GLOBALS['templateName'] = ''; //清空模板文件名称 } } else { $action = ' action actionType=\'nav\' columnName=\'' . $rss['columnname'] . '\''; makeWebHtml($action); $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace(getColumnUrl($rss['columnname'], 'name'), $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] == '') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } $s = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '" target=\'_blank\'>' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '</a>(' . $rss['isonhtml'] . ')'; aspEcho($action, $s); if ($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] != '') { CreateDirFolder(getFileAttr($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '1')); createFileGBK($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $GLOBALS['code']); } doEvents(); $GLOBALS['templateName'] = ''; } connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'WebColumn set ishtml=true where id=' . $rss['id']); //更新导航为生成状态 } } //单独处理指定栏目对应文章 if ($columnId != '') { $articleSql = 'select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail where parentid=' . $columnId . ' order by sortrank asc'; //批量处理文章 } else { if ($addSql == '') { $articleSql = 'select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail order by sortrank asc'; } } if ($articleSql != '') { //文章 aspEcho('文章', ''); $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query($articleSql); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] = ''; $action = ' action actionType=\'detail\' columnName=\'' . $rss['parentid'] . '\' id=\'' . $rss['id'] . '\''; //call echo("action",action) makeWebHtml($action); $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($GLOBALS['glb_url'], $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } $s = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '" target=\'_blank\'>' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '</a>(' . $rss['isonhtml'] . ')'; aspEcho($action, $s); //文件不为空 并且开启生成html if ($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] != '' && $rss['isonhtml'] == true) { CreateDirFolder(getFileAttr($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '1')); createFileGBK($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $GLOBALS['code']); connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'ArticleDetail set ishtml=true where id=' . $rss['id']); //更新文章为生成状态 } $GLOBALS['templateName'] = ''; //清空模板文件名称 } } if ($addSql == '') { //单页 aspEcho('单页', ''); $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage order by sortrank asc'); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_columnName'] = ''; $action = ' action actionType=\'onepage\' id=\'' . $rss['id'] . '\''; //call echo("action",action) makeWebHtml($action); $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($GLOBALS['glb_url'], $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } $s = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '" target=\'_blank\'>' . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . '</a>(' . $rss['isonhtml'] . ')'; aspEcho($action, $s); //文件不为空 并且开启生成html if ($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] != '' && $rss['isonhtml'] == true) { CreateDirFolder(getFileAttr($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '1')); createFileGBK($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $GLOBALS['code']); connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage set ishtml=true where id=' . $rss['id']); //更新单页为生成状态 } $GLOBALS['templateName'] = ''; //清空模板文件名称 } } }
<?php require_once "inc/"; if (isset($G_SESSION['id'])) { $i_can_access = false; if (isset($_GET['resultid'])) { $f_resultid = (int) readGetVar('resultid'); if ($G_SESSION['access_reportsmanager'] > 1) { $i_can_access = true; } else { $i_can_access = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'results', 'id=' . $G_SESSION['id'] . ' AND resultid=' . $f_resultid) > 0; } } switch (readGetVar('action')) { case 'tpdf': if ($i_can_access) { if (isset($_GET['resultid'])) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . ""; } } break; case 'thtml': if ($i_can_access) { if (isset($_GET['resultid'])) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . ""; } } break; case 'cpdf': include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . ""; break;
function isOpenTemplate() { $templatePath = ''; $templateName = ''; $editValueStr = ''; $url = ''; handlePower('启用模板'); //管理权限处理 $templatePath = @$_REQUEST['templatepath']; $templateName = @$_REQUEST['templatename']; if (getRecordCount($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website', '') == 0) { connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website(webtitle) values(\'测试\')'); } $editValueStr = 'webtemplate=\'' . $templatePath . '\',webimages=\'' . $templatePath . 'Images/\''; $editValueStr = $editValueStr . ',webcss=\'' . $templatePath . 'css/\',webjs=\'' . $templatePath . 'Js/\''; connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website set ' . $editValueStr); $url = '?act=displayLayout&templateFile=layout_manageTemplates.html&lableTitle=模板'; Rw(getMsg1('启用模板成功,正在进入模板界面...', $url)); writeSystemLog('', '应用模板' . $templatePath); //系统日志 }
function resetAccessData_temp() { handlePower('恢复模板数据'); //管理权限处理 $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn(); $splStr = ''; $i = ''; $s = ''; $columnname = ''; $title = ''; $nCount = ''; $webdataDir = ''; $webdataDir = @$_REQUEST['webdataDir']; if ($webdataDir != '') { if (checkFolder($webdataDir) == false) { eerr('网站数据目录不存在,恢复默认数据未成功', $webdataDir); } } else { $webdataDir = '/Data/WebData/'; } aspEcho('提示', '恢复数据完成'); rw('<hr><a href=\'../index.php\' target=\'_blank\'>进入首页</a> | <a href="?" target=\'_blank\'>进入后台</a>'); $content = ''; $filePath = ''; $parentid = ''; $author = ''; $adddatetime = ''; $fileName = ''; $bodycontent = ''; $webtitle = ''; $webkeywords = ''; $webdescription = ''; $sortrank = ''; $labletitle = ''; $target = ''; $websitebottom = ''; $webTemplate = ''; $webimages = ''; $webcss = ''; $webjs = ''; $flags = ''; $websiteurl = ''; $splxx = ''; $columntype = ''; $relatedtags = ''; $npagesize = ''; $customaurl = ''; $nofollow = ''; $templatepath = ''; $isthrough = ''; $titlecolor = ''; $showreason = ''; $ncomputersearch = ''; $nmobliesearch = ''; $ncountsearch = ''; $ndegree = ''; //竞价表 $displaytitle = ''; $aboutcontent = ''; $isonhtml = ''; //单页表 $columnenname = ''; //导航表 $smallimage = ''; $bigImage = ''; $bannerimage = ''; //文章表 $httpurl = ''; $price = ''; $morepageurl = ''; $charset = ''; $thispage = ''; $countpage = ''; $bigClassName = ''; $startStr = ''; $endStr = ''; $startaddstr = ''; $endaddstr = ''; $sType = ''; $saction = ''; $fieldName = ''; $fieldcheck = ''; //网站配置 $content = GetFText($webdataDir . '/website.txt'); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } if ($content != '') { $webtitle = newGetStrCut($content, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($content, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($content, 'webdescription'); $websitebottom = newGetStrCut($content, 'websitebottom'); $webTemplate = newGetStrCut($content, 'webtemplate'); $webimages = newGetStrCut($content, 'webimages'); $webcss = newGetStrCut($content, 'webcss'); $webjs = newGetStrCut($content, 'webjs'); $flags = newGetStrCut($content, 'flags'); $websiteurl = newGetStrCut($content, 'websiteurl'); if (getRecordCount($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website', '') == 0) { connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website(webtitle) values(\'测试\')'); } connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website set webtitle=\'' . $webtitle . '\',webkeywords=\'' . $webkeywords . '\',webdescription=\'' . $webdescription . '\',websitebottom=\'' . $websitebottom . '\',webtemplate=\'' . $webTemplate . '\',webimages=\'' . $webimages . '\',webcss=\'' . $webcss . '\',webjs=\'' . $webjs . '\',flags=\'' . $flags . '\',websiteurl=\'' . $websiteurl . '\''); } //导航 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/webcolumn/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('导航', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【webtitle】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription'); $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl'); $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '') { $sortrank = 0; } $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename'); $columnname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnname'); $columnenname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnenname'); $columntype = newGetStrCut($s, 'columntype'); $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags'); $parentid = newGetStrCut($s, 'parentid'); $parentid = phpTrim(getColumnId($parentid)); //可根据栏目名称找到对应ID 不存在为-1 //call echo("parentid",parentid) $labletitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'labletitle'); //每页显示条数 $npagesize = newGetStrCut($s, 'npagesize'); if ($npagesize == '') { $npagesize = 10; } //默认分页数为10条 $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage'); $bigImage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigImage'); $bannerimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bannerimage'); $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent); //是否启用生成html $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml'); if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') { $isonhtml = 0; } else { $isonhtml = 1; } //是否为nofollow $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow'); if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') { $nofollow = 1; } else { $nofollow = 0; } //call echo(columnname,nofollow) $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent'); $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent); connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn (webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,columnname,columnenname,columntype,sortrank,filename,customaurl,flags,parentid,labletitle,aboutcontent,bodycontent,npagesize,isonhtml,nofollow,target,smallimage,bigImage,bannerimage,templatepath) values(\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $columnname . '\',\'' . $columnenname . '\',\'' . $columntype . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $fileName . '\',\'' . $customaurl . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',' . $parentid . ',\'' . $labletitle . '\',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',' . $npagesize . ',' . $isonhtml . ',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $bigImage . '\',\'' . $bannerimage . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\')'); } } } } //文章 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail'); $content = getDirAllFileList($webdataDir . '/articledetail/', 'txt'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('文章', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $parentid = newGetStrCut($s, 'parentid'); $parentid = getColumnId($parentid); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $titlecolor = newGetStrCut($s, 'titlecolor'); $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription'); $author = newGetStrCut($s, 'author'); $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '') { $sortrank = 0; } $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename'); $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath'); $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags'); $relatedtags = newGetStrCut($s, 'relatedtags'); $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl'); $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage'); $bigImage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigImage'); $bannerimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bannerimage'); $labletitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'labletitle'); $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent'); $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent); //是否启用生成html $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml'); if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') { $isonhtml = 0; } else { $isonhtml = 1; } //是否为nofollow $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow'); if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') { $nofollow = 1; } else { $nofollow = 0; } //价格 $price = getDianNumb(newGetStrCut($s, 'price')); if ($price == '') { $price = 0; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail (parentid,title,titlecolor,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,author,sortrank,adddatetime,filename,flags,relatedtags,aboutcontent,bodycontent,updatetime,isonhtml,customaurl,nofollow,target,smallimage,bigImage,bannerimage,templatepath,labletitle,price) values(' . $parentid . ',\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $titlecolor . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $author . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $fileName . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',\'' . $relatedtags . '\',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . now() . '\',' . $isonhtml . ',\'' . $customaurl . '\',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $bigImage . '\',\'' . $bannerimage . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\',\'' . $labletitle . '\',' . $price . ')'); } } } } //单页 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'OnePage'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/OnePage/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('单页', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【webkeywords】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $displaytitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'displaytitle'); $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription'); $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename'); $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent'); $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent); $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent); //是否启用生成html $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml'); if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') { $isonhtml = 0; } else { $isonhtml = 1; } //是否为nofollow $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow'); if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') { $nofollow = 1; } else { $nofollow = 0; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage (title,displaytitle,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,adddatetime,filename,isonhtml,aboutcontent,bodycontent,nofollow,target,templatepath) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $displaytitle . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $fileName . '\',' . $isonhtml . ',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\')'); } } } } //竞价 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'Bidding'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/Bidding/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('竞价', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【webkeywords】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $showreason = newGetStrCut($s, 'showreason'); $ncomputersearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'ncomputersearch'); $nmobliesearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'nmobliesearch'); $ncountsearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'ncountsearch'); $ndegree = newGetStrCut($s, 'ndegree'); $ndegree = getNumber($ndegree); if ($ndegree == '') { $ndegree = 0; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'Bidding (webkeywords,showreason,ncomputersearch,nmobliesearch,ndegree) values(\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $showreason . '\',' . $ncomputersearch . ',' . $nmobliesearch . ',' . $ndegree . ')'); } } } } //搜索统计 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'SearchStat'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/SearchStat/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('搜索统计', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle'); $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords'); $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription'); $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl'); $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') { $isthrough = 0; } else { $isthrough = 1; } $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '') { $sortrank = 0; } //是否启用生成html $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml'); if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') { $isonhtml = 0; } else { $isonhtml = 1; } //是否为nofollow $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow'); if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') { $nofollow = 1; } else { $nofollow = 0; } //call echo("title",title) connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'SearchStat (title,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,customaurl,target,isthrough,sortrank,isonhtml,nofollow) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $customaurl . '\',\'' . $target . '\',' . $isthrough . ',' . $sortrank . ',' . $isonhtml . ',' . $nofollow . ')'); } } } } $itemid = ''; $userName = ''; $ip = ''; $reply = ''; $tableName = ''; //评论 //评论 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'TableComment'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/TableComment/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('评论', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $tableName = newGetStrCut($s, 'tablename'); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $itemid = getArticleId(newGetStrCut($s, 'itemid')); if ($itemid == '') { $itemid = 0; } //call echo("itemID",itemID) $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $userName = newGetStrCut($s, 'username'); $ip = newGetStrCut($s, 'ip'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $reply = newGetStrCut($s, 'reply'); $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') { $isthrough = 0; } else { $isthrough = 1; } //call echo("title",title) connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'TableComment (tablename,title,itemid,adddatetime,username,ip,bodycontent,reply,isthrough) values(\'' . $tableName . '\',\'' . $title . '\',' . $itemid . ',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $userName . '\',\'' . $ip . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $reply . '\',' . $isthrough . ')'); } } } } //友情链接 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'FriendLink'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/FriendLink/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('评论', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title'); $httpurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'httpurl'); $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage'); $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags'); $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target'); $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '0' || lCase($sortrank) == 'false') { $sortrank = 0; } else { $sortrank = 1; } $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') { $isthrough = 0; } else { $isthrough = 1; } //call echo("title",title) connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'FriendLink (title,httpurl,smallimage,flags,sortrank,isthrough,target) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $httpurl . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',' . $sortrank . ',' . $isthrough . ',\'' . $target . '\')'); } } } } //留言 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'GuestBook'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/GuestBook/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('留言', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【adddatetime】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $reply = newGetStrCut($s, 'reply'); $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') { $isthrough = 0; } else { $isthrough = 1; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'GuestBook (adddatetime,bodycontent,reply,isthrough) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $reply . '\',' . $isthrough . ')'); } } } } //采集网站 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiWeb'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/CaiWeb/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('采集网站', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【bigclassname】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $bigClassName = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigclassname'); $httpurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'httpurl'); $morepageurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'morepageurl'); $charset = newGetStrCut($s, 'charset'); $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent'); $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '') { $sortrank = 0; } $thispage = newGetStrCut($s, 'thispage'); if ($thispage == '') { $thispage = 0; } $countpage = newGetStrCut($s, 'countpage'); if ($countpage == '') { $thispage = 0; } $columnname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnname'); connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiWeb (adddatetime,bodycontent,httpurl,morepageurl,charset,sortrank,thispage,countpage,bigclassname,columnname) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $httpurl . '\',\'' . $morepageurl . '\',\'' . $charset . '\',' . $sortrank . ',' . $thispage . ',' . $countpage . ',\'' . $bigClassName . '\',\'' . $columnname . '\')'); } } } } //采集配置 connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiConfig'); $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/CaiConfig/'); $content = contentNameSort($content, ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); HR(); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { $fileName = getFileName($filePath); if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) { aspEcho('采集配置', $filePath); $content = GetFText($filePath); //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10) 20160409 if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) { $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf()); } $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------'); foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) { if (inStr($s, '【bigclassname】') > 0) { $s = $s . vbCrlf(); $bigClassName = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigclassname'); $sType = newGetStrCut($s, 'stype'); $startStr = newGetStrCut($s, 'startstr'); $endStr = newGetStrCut($s, 'endstr'); $startaddstr = newGetStrCut($s, 'startaddstr'); $endaddstr = newGetStrCut($s, 'endaddstr'); $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime'); $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank'); if ($sortrank == '') { $sortrank = 0; } $saction = newGetStrCut($s, 'saction'); $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough'); $isthrough = IIF($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false', 0, 1); $fieldName = newGetStrCut($s, 'fieldname'); $fieldcheck = newGetStrCut($s, 'fieldcheck'); if ($fieldcheck == '') { $fieldcheck = 0; } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiConfig (adddatetime,sortrank,bigclassname,stype,startstr,endstr,startaddstr,endaddstr,saction,isthrough,fieldname,fieldcheck) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $bigClassName . '\',\'' . $sType . '\',\'' . $startStr . '\',\'' . $endStr . '\',\'' . $startaddstr . '\',\'' . $endaddstr . '\',\'' . $saction . '\',' . $isthrough . ',\'' . $fieldName . '\',' . $fieldcheck . ')'); } } } } writeSystemLog('', '恢复默认数据' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX']); //系统日志 }
<div class="list-group text-success"> <div class="list-group-item">[UID]代表指定某个用户能解析此域名,[UID:0]代表所有有均可以解析此域名!</div> <div class="list-group-item"><form method="post" class="form-inline"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="zd"><div class="form-group"><label> 指定域名 </label><select name="domain_id" class="form-control"> <?php foreach ($domainList as $value) { echo '<option value="' . $value['domain_id'] . '">' . $value['name'] . '</option>'; } ?> </select></div><div class="form-group"><label> 所属权归 </label><input type="number" name="uid" size=4 class="form-control" placeholder="输入用户UID"> 使用!</div><button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">确定</button></form></div> <?php $img['dnspod'] = '<img src="/assets/images/dnspod.jpg" width=50 height=18> '; $img['aliyun'] = '<img src="/assets/images/aliyun.jpg" width=50 height=18> '; $img['cloudxns'] = '<img src="/assets/images/cloudxns.jpg" width=50 height=18> '; if (!empty($domainList)) { foreach ($domainList as $value) { echo '<a href="recordList.php?domain_id=' . $value['domain_id'] . '" class="list-group-item">' . $img[$value['dns']] . $value['name'] . '-[UID:' . $value['allow_uid'] . '] <span class="badge">' . getRecordCount($value['domain_id']) . '</span></a>'; } } ?> </div> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="list-group text-center"> <a href="addDomain.php" class="list-group-item">添加域名</a> </div> </div> </div> </div>
echo '<td width=32><img src="images/button-last-big-inactive.gif" border=0 title="' . $lngstr['button_last_page'] . '"></td>'; } } echo '<td width=2><img src="images/toolbar-right.gif" width=2 height=32></td></tr></table>'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td>'; echo '<table class=rowtable2 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 border=0 width="100%">'; echo '<tr vAlign=top><td class=rowhdr1 title="' . $lngstr['label_hdr_select_hint'] . '" width=22><input type=checkbox name=toggleAll onclick="toggleCBs(this);"></td>'; writeQryTableHeaders('users.php?action=groups' . $i_ids_addon . $i_order_addon . $i_2_url_limit_addon, $i_2_tablefields, $i_2_order_no, $i_2_direction, '2'); echo '<td class=rowhdr1 title="' . $lngstr['label_managegroups_hdr_member_of_hint'] . '" vAlign=top>' . $lngstr['label_managegroups_hdr_member_of'] . '</td>'; echo '<td class=rowhdr1 colspan=2>' . $lngstr['label_hdr_action'] . '</td></tr>'; //9917 $i_rSet2 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups" . $i_2_sql_order_addon, $i_2_limitcount, $i_2_limitfrom); if (!$i_rSet2) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } else { $i_counter = 0; while (!$i_rSet2->EOF) { //9917//9917 $i_member_count = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'groups_users', ($f_ids ? "id IN (" . implode(',', $f_ids) . ") AND " : "") . "groupid=" . $i_rSet2->fields["groupid"]); $rowname = $i_counter % 2 ? "rowone" : "rowtwo"; echo '<tr id=tr_' . $i_pagewide_id . ' class=' . $rowname . ' onmouseover="rollTR(' . $i_pagewide_id . ',1);" onmouseout="rollTR(' . $i_pagewide_id . ',0);"><td align=center width=22' . ($i_rSet2->fields["groupid"] > SYSTEM_GROUP_MAX_INDEX ? '' : ' class=system') . '><input id=cb_' . $i_pagewide_id . ' type=checkbox name=box_groups[] value="' . $i_rSet2->fields["groupid"] . '" onclick="toggleCB(this);"></td><td align=right>' . $i_rSet2->fields["groupid"] . '</td><td>' . getTruncatedHTML($i_rSet2->fields["group_name"]) . '</td><td>' . $i_rSet2->fields["group_description"] . '</td><td align=center><a href="users.php?action=memberof&groupid=' . $i_rSet2->fields["groupid"] . $i_order_addon . $i_ids_addon . $i_2_order_addon . $i_2_url_limit_addon . '&set=' . ($i_member_count >= sizeof($f_ids) ? '0"><img src="images/button-checkbox-2.gif" width=13 height=13 border=0 title="' . $lngstr['label_yes'] . '">' : ($i_member_count > 0 ? '1"><img src="images/button-checkbox-1.gif" width=13 height=13 border=0 title="' . $lngstr['label_partially'] . '">' : '1"><img src="images/button-checkbox-0.gif" width=13 height=13 border=0 title="' . $lngstr['label_no'] . '">')) . '</a></td>'; echo '<td align=center width=22><a href="groups.php?groupid=' . $i_rSet2->fields["groupid"] . '&action=edit"><img width=20 height=20 border=0 src="images/button-edit.gif" title="' . $lngstr['label_action_group_edit'] . '"></a></td><td align=center width=22>' . ($i_rSet2->fields["groupid"] > SYSTEM_GROUP_MAX_INDEX ? '<a href="groups.php?groupid=' . $i_rSet2->fields["groupid"] . '&action=delete" onclick="return confirmMessage(this, \'' . $lngstr['qst_delete_group'] . '\')"><img width=20 height=20 border=0 src="images/button-cross.gif" title="' . $lngstr['label_action_group_delete'] . '"></a>' : '<img width=20 height=20 border=0 src="images/button-cross-inactive.gif">') . '</td></tr>'; $i_counter++; $i_pagewide_id++; $i_rSet2->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet2->Close(); } echo '</table>'; echo '</td></tr></table></form>'; displayTemplate('_footer');
$i_order_no = isset($_GET["order"]) ? (int) $_GET["order"] : 0; if ($i_order_no >= count($i_tablefields)) { $i_order_no = -1; } if ($i_order_no >= 0) { $i_direction = isset($_GET["direction"]) && $_GET["direction"] ? "DESC" : ""; $i_order_addon = "&order=" . $i_order_no . "&direction=" . $i_direction; $i_sql_order_addon = " ORDER BY " . $i_tablefields[$i_order_no][2] . " " . $i_direction; } $i_url_limitto_addon = ""; $i_url_pageno_addon = ""; $i_url_limit_addon = ""; $i_pageno = 0; $i_limitcount = isset($_GET["limitto"]) ? (int) $_GET["limitto"] : $G_SESSION['config_itemsperpage']; if ($i_limitcount > 0) { $i_recordcount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'rtemplates'); $i_pageno = isset($_GET["pageno"]) ? (int) $_GET["pageno"] : 1; if ($i_pageno < 1) { $i_pageno = 1; } $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; $i_pageno_count = floor(($i_recordcount - 1) / $i_limitcount) + 1; if ($i_limitfrom > $i_recordcount) { $i_pageno = $i_pageno_count; $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; } $i_url_limitto_addon .= "&limitto=" . $i_limitcount; $i_url_pageno_addon .= "&pageno=" . $i_pageno; $i_url_limit_addon .= $i_url_limitto_addon . $i_url_pageno_addon; } else { $i_url_limitto_addon = "&limitto=";
$i_order_no = isset($_GET["order"]) ? (int) $_GET["order"] : 0; if ($i_order_no >= count($i_tablefields)) { $i_order_no = -1; } if ($i_order_no >= 0) { $i_direction = isset($_GET["direction"]) && $_GET["direction"] ? "DESC" : ""; $i_order_addon = "&order=" . $i_order_no . "&direction=" . $i_direction; $i_sql_order_addon = " ORDER BY " . $i_tablefields[$i_order_no][2] . " " . $i_direction; } $i_url_limitto_addon = ""; $i_url_pageno_addon = ""; $i_url_limit_addon = ""; $i_pageno = 0; $i_limitcount = isset($_GET["limitto"]) ? (int) $_GET["limitto"] : $G_SESSION['config_itemsperpage']; if ($i_limitcount > 0) { $i_recordcount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'visitors'); $i_pageno = isset($_GET["pageno"]) ? (int) $_GET["pageno"] : 1; if ($i_pageno < 1) { $i_pageno = 1; } $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; $i_pageno_count = floor(($i_recordcount - 1) / $i_limitcount) + 1; if ($i_limitfrom > $i_recordcount) { $i_pageno = $i_pageno_count; $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; } $i_url_limitto_addon .= "&limitto=" . $i_limitcount; $i_url_pageno_addon .= "&pageno=" . $i_pageno; $i_url_limit_addon .= $i_url_limitto_addon . $i_url_pageno_addon; } else { $i_url_limitto_addon = "&limitto=";
$i_order_no = isset($_GET["order"]) ? (int) $_GET["order"] : 0; if ($i_order_no >= count($i_tablefields)) { $i_order_no = -1; } if ($i_order_no >= 0) { $i_direction = isset($_GET["direction"]) && $_GET["direction"] ? "DESC" : ""; $i_order_addon = "&order=" . $i_order_no . "&direction=" . $i_direction; $i_sql_order_addon = " ORDER BY " . $i_tablefields[$i_order_no][2] . " " . $i_direction; } $i_url_limitto_addon = ""; $i_url_pageno_addon = ""; $i_url_limit_addon = ""; $i_pageno = 0; $i_limitcount = isset($_GET["limitto"]) ? (int) $_GET["limitto"] : $G_SESSION['config_itemsperpage']; if ($i_limitcount > 0) { $i_recordcount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'subjects'); $i_pageno = isset($_GET["pageno"]) ? (int) $_GET["pageno"] : 1; if ($i_pageno < 1) { $i_pageno = 1; } $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; $i_pageno_count = floor(($i_recordcount - 1) / $i_limitcount) + 1; if ($i_limitfrom > $i_recordcount) { $i_pageno = $i_pageno_count; $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; } $i_url_limitto_addon .= "&limitto=" . $i_limitcount; $i_url_pageno_addon .= "&pageno=" . $i_pageno; $i_url_limit_addon .= $i_url_limitto_addon . $i_url_pageno_addon; } else { $i_url_limitto_addon = "&limitto=";
function writeTestStats($i_testid) { global $g_db, $lngstr, $srv_settings; $i_testid = (int) $i_testid; $i_test_name = ''; $i_gscaleid = 0; $i_rSet1 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "tests WHERE testid=" . $i_testid, 1); if (!$i_rSet1) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } else { if (!$i_rSet1->EOF) { $i_test_name = $i_rSet1->fields['test_name']; $i_gscaleid = $i_rSet1->fields['gscaleid']; } $i_rSet1->Close(); } $i_gradecount = 0; $i_grades_times_total = 0; $i_rSet2 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "gscales_grades WHERE gscaleid=" . $i_gscaleid . " ORDER BY gscale_gradeid"); if (!$i_rSet2) { showDBError(__FILE__, 2); } else { while (!$i_rSet2->EOF) { $i_gradecount++; $i_gradeid = $i_rSet2->fields['gscale_gradeid']; $i_grades_names[$i_gradeid] = $i_rSet2->fields['grade_name']; $i_grades_times[$i_gradeid] = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'results', 'testid=' . $i_testid . ' AND gscaleid=' . $i_gscaleid . ' AND gscale_gradeid=' . $i_gradeid); $i_grades_times_total += $i_grades_times[$i_gradeid]; $i_rSet2->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet2->Close(); } $i_resultcount = 0; $i_points_max = 0; $i_points_low = IGT_MAX_FLOAT; $i_points_high = 0; $i_points_total = 0; $i_points_total_max = 0; $i_rSet3 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT * FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "results WHERE testid=" . $i_testid . " AND gscale_gradeid > 0"); if (!$i_rSet3) { showDBError(__FILE__, 3); } else { while (!$i_rSet3->EOF) { $i_resultcount++; $i_points = $i_rSet3->fields['result_points']; $i_points_max = $i_rSet3->fields['result_pointsmax']; if ($i_points > $i_points_high) { $i_points_high = $i_points; } if ($i_points < $i_points_low) { $i_points_low = $i_points; } $i_points_total += $i_points; $i_points_total_max += $i_points_max; $i_rSet3->MoveNext(); } $i_rSet3->Close(); } echo '<tr class=rowone>'; echo '<td rowspan=' . ($i_gradecount + 8) . ' align=right>' . $i_testid . '</td>'; echo '<td colspan=4><b>' . $i_test_name . '</b></td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr class=rowone><td colspan=4><img src="images/1x1.gif" width=1 height=5></td></tr>'; echo '<tr class=rowone>'; echo '<td>' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['test_average_score'] . '</td>'; if ($i_points_total_max > 0 && $i_resultcount > 0) { $i_points_average = $i_points_total / $i_resultcount; $i_points_average_percentage = $i_points_total * 100 / $i_points_total_max; echo '<td>' . getGauge($i_points_average_percentage, 'yellow') . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . sprintf("%.0f", $i_points_average) . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . sprintf("%.2f", $i_points_average_percentage) . '%</td>'; } else { echo '<td colspan=3 align=center class=gray>' . $lngstr['label_notapplicable'] . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr class=rowone>'; echo '<td>' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['test_high_score'] . '</td>'; if ($i_points_max > 0) { $i_points_high_percentage = $i_points_high * 100 / $i_points_max; echo '<td>' . getGauge($i_points_high_percentage, 'green') . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . $i_points_high . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . sprintf("%.2f", $i_points_high_percentage) . '%</td>'; } else { echo '<td colspan=3 align=center class=gray>' . $lngstr['label_notapplicable'] . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr class=rowone>'; echo '<td>' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['test_low_score'] . '</td>'; if ($i_points_max > 0) { $i_points_low_percentage = $i_points_low * 100 / $i_points_max; echo '<td>' . getGauge($i_points_low_percentage, 'red') . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . $i_points_low . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . sprintf("%.2f", $i_points_low_percentage) . '%</td>'; } else { echo '<td colspan=3 align=center class=gray>' . $lngstr['label_notapplicable'] . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr class=rowone><td colspan=4><img src="images/1x1.gif" width=1 height=5></td></tr>'; echo '<tr class=rowone><td colspan=2 class=rowhdr1 title="' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['hdr_grade_data_hint'] . '">' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['hdr_grade_data'] . '</td><td class=rowhdr1 title="' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['hdr_grade_responses_hint'] . '">' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['hdr_grade_responses_hint'] . '</td><td class=rowhdr1 title="' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['hdr_percents_hint'] . '">' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['hdr_percents'] . '</td></tr>'; foreach ($i_grades_names as $i_gradeid => $i_grade_name) { echo '<tr class=rowone>'; echo '<td>' . $i_grade_name . '</td>'; if ($i_grades_times_total > 0) { $i_grade_times_percentage = $i_grades_times[$i_gradeid] * 100 / $i_grades_times_total; echo '<td>' . getGauge($i_grade_times_percentage) . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . $i_grades_times[$i_gradeid] . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . sprintf("%.2f", $i_grade_times_percentage) . '%</td>'; } else { echo '<td colspan=3 align=center class=gray>' . $lngstr['label_notapplicable'] . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '<tr class=rowone>'; echo '<td>' . $lngstr['page_testmanager_stats']['total_responses'] . '</td>'; echo '<td></td>'; echo '<td align=right>' . $i_resultcount . '</td>'; echo '<td align=right></td>'; echo '</tr>'; }
if ($i_order_no >= count($i_tablefields)) { $i_order_no = -1; } if ($i_order_no >= 0) { $i_direction = isset($_GET['direction']) && $_GET['direction'] ? 'DESC' : ''; $i_order_addon = '&order=' . $i_order_no . '&direction=' . $i_direction; $i_sql_order_addon = ' ORDER BY ' . $i_tablefields[$i_order_no][2] . ' ' . $i_direction; } $i_url_limitto_addon = ''; $i_url_pageno_addon = ''; $i_url_limit_addon = ''; $i_pageno = 0; $i_limitcount = isset($_GET['limitto']) ? (int) $_GET['limitto'] : $G_SESSION['config_itemsperpage']; if ($i_limitcount > 0) { //9917 $i_recordcount = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'groups'); $i_pageno = isset($_GET['pageno']) ? (int) $_GET['pageno'] : 1; if ($i_pageno < 1) { $i_pageno = 1; } $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; $i_pageno_count = floor(($i_recordcount - 1) / $i_limitcount) + 1; if ($i_limitfrom > $i_recordcount) { $i_pageno = $i_pageno_count; $i_limitfrom = ($i_pageno - 1) * $i_limitcount; } $i_url_limitto_addon .= '&limitto=' . $i_limitcount; $i_url_pageno_addon .= '&pageno=' . $i_pageno; $i_url_limit_addon .= $i_url_limitto_addon . $i_url_pageno_addon; } else { $i_url_limitto_addon = '&limitto=';
{ global $g_vars, $srv_settings, $lngstr; if ($i_required && !$i_value) { $g_vars['page']['errors'] .= $lngstr['page_register']['no_' . $i_name]; } } if ($g_vars['page']['errors']) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . ""; } else { $i_id = api_addNewUser($f_username, $f_password, array('email' => $f_email, 'title' => $f_title, 'firstname' => $f_firstname, 'lastname' => $f_lastname, 'middlename' => $f_middlename, 'address' => $f_address, 'city' => $f_city, 'state' => $f_state, 'zip' => $f_zip, 'country' => $f_country, 'phone' => $f_phone, 'fax' => $f_fax, 'mobile' => $f_mobile, 'pager' => $f_pager, 'ipphone' => $f_ipphone, 'webpage' => $f_webpage, 'icq' => $f_icq, 'msn' => $f_msn, 'aol' => $f_aol, 'gender' => $f_gender, 'birthday' => $f_birthday, 'husbandwife' => $f_husbandwife, 'children' => $f_children, 'trainer' => $f_trainer, 'photo' => $f_photo, 'company' => $f_company, 'cposition' => $f_cposition, 'department' => $f_department, 'coffice' => $f_coffice, 'caddress' => $f_caddress, 'ccity' => $f_ccity, 'cstate' => $f_cstate, 'czip' => $f_czip, 'ccountry' => $f_ccountry, 'cphone' => $f_cphone, 'cfax' => $f_cfax, 'cmobile' => $f_cmobile, 'cpager' => $f_cpager, 'cipphone' => $f_cipphone, 'cwebpage' => $f_cwebpage, 'cphoto' => $f_cphoto, 'ufield1' => $f_userfield1, 'ufield2' => $f_userfield2, 'ufield3' => $f_userfield3, 'ufield4' => $f_userfield4, 'ufield5' => $f_userfield5, 'ufield6' => $f_userfield6, 'ufield7' => $f_userfield7, 'ufield8' => $f_userfield8, 'ufield9' => $f_userfield9, 'ufield10' => $f_userfield10, 'checkword' => $i_checkword, 'active' => false), array($f_groupid)); if ($i_id == false) { $g_vars['page']['errors'] .= $lngstr['err_username_duplicate']; unset($f_username); include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . ""; } else { if ($i_CONFIG_reg_username == CONFIG_CONST_donotshow_autogenerate || $i_CONFIG_reg_username == CONFIG_CONST_show_autogenerate && getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'users', "username="******"UPDATE " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "users SET username="******" WHERE id=" . $i_id); $_POST['username'] = $f_username; } sendEmailTemplate(array('etemplateid' => SYSTEM_ETEMPLATES_REGISTRATION_INDEX, 'emailto' => array($f_email), 'id' => $i_id, 'username' => $f_username, 'password' => $f_password, 'email' => $f_email, 'title' => $f_title, 'firstname' => $f_firstname, 'lastname' => $f_lastname, 'middlename' => $f_middlename, 'address' => $f_address, 'city' => $f_city, 'state' => $f_state, 'zip' => $f_zip, 'country' => $f_country, 'phone' => $f_phone, 'fax' => $f_fax, 'mobile' => $f_mobile, 'pager' => $f_pager, 'ipphone' => $f_ipphone, 'webpage' => $f_webpage, 'icq' => $f_icq, 'msn' => $f_msn, 'aol' => $f_aol, 'gender' => $f_gender, 'birthday' => $f_birthday, 'husbandwife' => $f_husbandwife, 'children' => $f_children, 'trainer' => $f_trainer, 'photo' => $f_photo, 'company' => $f_company, 'cposition' => $f_cposition, 'department' => $f_department, 'coffice' => $f_coffice, 'caddress' => $f_caddress, 'ccity' => $f_ccity, 'cstate' => $f_cstate, 'czip' => $f_czip, 'ccountry' => $f_ccountry, 'cphone' => $f_cphone, 'cfax' => $f_cfax, 'cmobile' => $f_cmobile, 'cpager' => $f_cpager, 'cipphone' => $f_cipphone, 'cwebpage' => $f_cwebpage, 'cphoto' => $f_cphoto, 'ufield1' => $f_userfield1, 'ufield2' => $f_userfield2, 'ufield3' => $f_userfield3, 'ufield4' => $f_userfield4, 'ufield5' => $f_userfield5, 'ufield6' => $f_userfield6, 'ufield7' => $f_userfield7, 'ufield8' => $f_userfield8, 'ufield9' => $f_userfield9, 'ufield10' => $f_userfield10, 'checkword' => $i_checkword)); $i_admin_emails = getRecordItem($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'etemplates', 'etemplate_from', 'etemplateid=' . SYSTEM_ETEMPLATES_ACTIVATE_INDEX); $i_admin_emails = explode(SYSTEM_ARRAY_ITEM_SEPARATOR, $i_admin_emails); sendEmailTemplate(array('etemplateid' => SYSTEM_ETEMPLATES_REGISTRATION_INDEX_FOR_ADMIN, 'emailto' => $i_admin_emails, 'id' => $i_id, 'username' => $f_username, 'password' => $f_password, 'email' => $f_email, 'title' => $f_title, 'firstname' => $f_firstname, 'lastname' => $f_lastname, 'middlename' => $f_middlename, 'address' => $f_address, 'city' => $f_city, 'state' => $f_state, 'zip' => $f_zip, 'country' => $f_country, 'phone' => $f_phone, 'fax' => $f_fax, 'mobile' => $f_mobile, 'pager' => $f_pager, 'ipphone' => $f_ipphone, 'webpage' => $f_webpage, 'icq' => $f_icq, 'msn' => $f_msn, 'aol' => $f_aol, 'gender' => $f_gender, 'birthday' => $f_birthday, 'husbandwife' => $f_husbandwife, 'children' => $f_children, 'trainer' => $f_trainer, 'photo' => $f_photo, 'company' => $f_company, 'cposition' => $f_cposition, 'department' => $f_department, 'coffice' => $f_coffice, 'caddress' => $f_caddress, 'ccity' => $f_ccity, 'cstate' => $f_cstate, 'czip' => $f_czip, 'ccountry' => $f_ccountry, 'cphone' => $f_cphone, 'cfax' => $f_cfax, 'cmobile' => $f_cmobile, 'cpager' => $f_cpager, 'cipphone' => $f_cipphone, 'cwebpage' => $f_cwebpage, 'cphoto' => $f_cphoto, 'ufield1' => $f_userfield1, 'ufield2' => $f_userfield2, 'ufield3' => $f_userfield3, 'ufield4' => $f_userfield4, 'ufield5' => $f_userfield5, 'ufield6' => $f_userfield6, 'ufield7' => $f_userfield7, 'ufield8' => $f_userfield8, 'ufield9' => $f_userfield9, 'ufield10' => $f_userfield10, 'checkword' => $i_checkword)); switch (getConfigItem(CONFIG_upon_registration)) { case CONFIG_CONST_upon_registration_signinautomatically: activateUserByID($i_id, true); signinUser($f_username, $f_password, false); if ($f_testid > 0) { gotoLocation('test.php?testid=' . $f_testid); } else {