Пример #1
function createXls()
    $page = getQUERY("page");
    $from = getQUERY("from");
    $page1 = $page;
    $req = getQUERY("req");
    $req1 = str_replace("**", "&", $req);
    $url = "";
    $temp = explode("&", $req1);
    $cid = getQUERY("c");
    $uid = getQUERY("u");
    $sd = substr($temp[1], 3);
    $ed = substr($temp[2], 3);
    $lang = substr($temp[0], 2);
    /* format na datum */
    $datetimeformat = dlookup("select datetimeformat from users where id=" . $uid);
    //'Y-m-d h:i:s a'; //
    $datfor = explode(" ", $datetimeformat);
    $dateformat = $datfor[0];
    $timeformat = $datfor[1];
    if ($timeformat == "H:i:s") {
        $e_ = " 23:59";
        $e1_ = "_23:59";
        $s_ = " 00:00";
        $s1_ = "_00:00";
        $tf = " H:i";
    } else {
        $e_ = " 11:59 PM";
        $e1_ = "_11:59_PM";
        $s_ = " 12:00 AM";
        $s1_ = "_12:00_AM";
        $tf = " h:i a";
    $sdG = DateTimeFormat($sd, 'd-m-Y H:i:s');
    $edG = DateTimeFormat($ed, 'd-m-Y H:i:s');
    /* format na datum */
    $nameXls = $page1 . '_' . $cid . '_' . DateTimeFormat($sdG, $dateformat) . $s1_ . '_' . DateTimeFormat($edG, $dateformat) . $e1_ . '.xls';
    $url = $page . "1.php?l=" . $lang . "&u=" . $uid . "&c=" . $cid . "&sd=" . DateTimeFormat($sd, "d-m-Y") . "%2000:00:00&ed=" . DateTimeFormat($ed, "d-m-Y") . "%2023:59:00&from=s";
    if ($from == "s") {
        $handle = fopen('../savePDF/' . $nameXls, 'w+') or die('Cannot open file:  ' . $nameXls);
        $data = file_get_contents("http://panorama.gps.mk/settings/" . $url);
        fwrite($handle, $data);
        echo $nameXls;
Пример #2
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/db.php";

include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";
$_routeID = getQUERY("id");
$str = "";
//echo "select ND.rbr, PP.ID, ST_X(pp.geom) lat, ST_Y(pp.geom) long, PP.Name from pointsofinterest PP left join rNalogDetail ND on PP.ID=ND.ppid where PP.ID in (select ND.ppid from rNalogDetail ND where ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . ") and pp.clientid=" . session("client_id") . " ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . " order by ND.rbr asc";
//$type = dlookup("select type from pointsofinterest where id = (select ppid from rNalogDetail where hederid=" . $_routeID . " limit 1)");
$str1 = "";
$str1 .= " (select ND.rbr, PP.ID, st_y(st_centroid(geom)) long, st_x(st_centroid(geom)) lat, PP.Name, PP.type ";
$str1 .= " from pointsofinterest PP left join rNalogDetailpre ND on PP.ID=ND.ppid  ";
$str1 .= " where pp.active='1' and PP.type=2 and PP.ID in (select ND.ppid from rNalogDetailpre ND where ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . ") and ";
$str1 .= " pp.clientid=" . session("client_id") . " and ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . " order by ND.rbr asc) ";
$str1 .= " union ";
$str1 .= " (select ND.rbr, PP.ID, st_y(st_centroid(geom)) long, st_x(st_centroid(geom)) lat, PP.Name, PP.type ";
$str1 .= " from pointsofinterest PP left join rNalogDetailpre ND on PP.ID=ND.ppid  ";
$str1 .= " where pp.active='1' and PP.type=3 and PP.ID in (select ND.ppid from rNalogDetailpre ND where ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . ") and ";
$str1 .= " pp.clientid=" . session("client_id") . " and ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . " order by ND.rbr asc) ";
$str1 .= " union ";
$str1 .= " (select ND.rbr, PP.ID, ST_X(ST_Transform(pp.geom,4326)) long, ST_Y(ST_Transform(pp.geom,4326)) lat, PP.Name, PP.type ";
$str1 .= " from pointsofinterest PP left join rNalogDetailpre ND on PP.ID=ND.ppid  ";
$str1 .= " where pp.active='1' and PP.type=1 and PP.ID in (select ND.ppid from rNalogDetailpre ND where ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . ") and ";
$str1 .= " pp.clientid=" . session("client_id") . " and ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . " order by ND.rbr asc) order by 1";
$dsR = query($str1);
//$dsR = query("select ND.rbr, PP.ID, st_y(st_centroid(geom)) long, st_x(st_centroid(geom)) lat, PP.Name, PP.type from pointsofinterest PP left join rNalogDetail ND on PP.ID=ND.ppid where PP.ID in (select ND.ppid from rNalogDetail ND where ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . ") and pp.clientid=" . session("client_id") . " and ND.hederID=" . $_routeID . " order by ND.rbr asc");
Пример #3
$metric = pg_fetch_result($dsUsersSett, 0, 'metric');
$currency = pg_fetch_result($dsUsersSett, 0, 'currency');
$currencyvalue = dlookup("select value from currency where name='" . $currency . "'");
$currency = strtolower($currency);
if ($metric == 'mi') {
    $metricvalue = 0.621371;
    $speedunit = "mph";
} else {
    $metricvalue = 1;
    $speedunit = "Km/h";
$Allow = getPriv("idlingreport", session("user_id"));
if ($Allow == False) {
    echo header('Location: ../permission/?l=' . $cLang);
$vh = getQUERY("v");
$datetimeformat = pg_fetch_result($dsUsersSett, 0, 'datetimeformat');
$datfor = explode(" ", $datetimeformat);
$dateformat = $datfor[0];
$timeformat = $datfor[1];
if ($timeformat == 'h:i:s') {
    $timeformat = $timeformat . " a";
if ($timeformat == "H:i:s") {
    $e_ = " 23:59";
    $e1_ = "_23:59";
    $s_ = " 00:00";
    $s1_ = "_00:00";
    $tf = " H:i";
} else {
    $e_ = " 11:59 PM";
Пример #4
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/db.php";

include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";
$opis = getQUERY("o");
$rbr = getQUERY("rbr");
$h = getQUERY("h");
$ppid = getQUERY("ppid");
$pointkm = getQUERY("pointkm");
$pointtime = getQUERY("pointtime");
$sqlInsert = "insert into rnalogdetailpre (opis, ppid, hederid, rbr, poikm, poitime) values ('" . $opis . "', " . $ppid . ", " . $h . ", " . $rbr . ", " . $pointkm . ", " . $pointtime . ") ";
print "OK";
Пример #5
include "../include/db.php";
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";

header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

$table = getQUERY("table");
$id = getQUERY("id");
RunSQL("delete from " . $table . " where id = " . $id);
if ($table == 'fmCosts') {
    RunSQL("delete from newcosts where costtypeid = " . $id);
Пример #6
$sofer2 = getQUERY("d2");
$sofer3 = getQUERY("d3");
$datum = getQUERY("d");
$vreme = getQUERY("v");
$alarm = getQUERY("alarm");
$zadrz = getQUERY("zadrz");
$pause1 = getQUERY("pause1");
$pause2 = getQUERY("pause2");
$pause3 = getQUERY("pause3");
$pause4 = getQUERY("pause4");
$pause5 = getQUERY("pause5");
/*Za ZKPelagonija*/
$culid = nnull(getQUERY("culid"), 0);
/*Za ZKPelagonija*/
$totalkm = getQUERY("totalkm");
$totaltime = getQUERY("totaltime");
if ($alarm == "/") {
    $alarm = 0;
if ($zadrz == "/") {
    $zadrz = 0;
//dim dat() as string = split(datum,"-")
//dim datum1 = dat(2) & "-" & dat(1) & "-" & dat(0)
$tmpDT = new DateTime($datum . ' ' . $vreme);
$tmpDT = $tmpDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$sqlInsert = "insert into rnalogheder (datetime, VehicleID, DriverID1, DriverID2, DriverID3, StartDate, Name, ClientID, userID, Alarm, toStay, Pause1, Pause2, Pause3, Pause4, Pause5, TotalKm, TotalTime, culid) ";
$sqlInsert .= " Values (now(), " . $vozilo . ", " . $sofer1 . ", " . $sofer2 . ", " . $sofer3 . ", '" . $tmpDT . "', '" . $naslov . "', " . session("client_id") . ", " . session("user_id") . ", " . $alarm . ", " . $zadrz . ", " . $pause1 . ", " . $pause2 . ", " . $pause3 . ", " . $pause4 . ", " . $pause5 . ", " . $totalkm . ", " . $totaltime . ", " . $culid . " )";
//$dsInsert = query($sqlInsert);
$dsInsert = dlookup($sqlInsert . " RETURNING id");
//$dsInsert1 = query("select id from rnalogheder order by id desc limit 1");
Пример #7
include "../include/db.php";
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";

header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

$action = nnull(getQUERY("action"), "");
if ($action == 'delete') {
if ($action == 'read') {
Пример #8
    <link href="../css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <!--script src="js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js" type="text/javascript"></script-->
    <script src="../js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
   <script src="../js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

$LastDay = DateTimeFormat(addDay(-1), "d-m-Y");
$vehID_ = getQUERY("vehid");
$tpoint = getQUERY("tpoint");
$reg = "";
//dlookup("select registration from vehicles where id=" . $vehID);
$cLang = getQUERY("l");

<table class="text2_" width=400px align="center" style="padding-top: 13px; margin-left:60px">
  <td width=160px style="font-size:13px" ><b><?php 
echo dic_("Reports.ChooseCost");
      <td style="padding-left:0px">      
       <input id="searchCost" type="text" onkeyup="OnKeyPressSearchCost(event.keyCode)" onclick="OnKeyPressSearchCost()" onblur="hideSearchCost()" style="margin-top:5px; color: #2F5185; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; height:25px; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width:180px; padding-left:5px"/>
    	 <div class="corner5" style="color:#2F5185; opacity:1; padding:5px; background-color:#fff; display:none; position:absolute; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; width:170px;height: 74px; float:left; overflow-y: auto; z-index:9999" id="listCost">
		<a id="a-F" class="" onmouseover="overDiv('F')" onmouseout="outDiv('F')" style="cursor:pointer; color:#2F5185; width:100%; display: inline-block;  float:left; padding-left:3px" onclick="">
			<span onclick="OnCLickCost('F')"><?php 
echo dic_("Reports.Fuel");
Пример #9
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/db.php";

include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";
$vehid = getQUERY("vehid");
$lon = getQUERY('lon');
$lat = getQUERY('lat');
$_name = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY('name')), "");
$_description = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY('description')), "");
$garminid = dlookup("select coalesce((select garminid from stopstatus where toid=" . $vehid . " order by datetime desc limit 1), 0)");
$garminid = $garminid + 1;
$sqlAddPoi = "insert into stopstatus (fromid, toid, clientid, userid, datetime, text, garminid, latitude, longitude, location) values";
$sqlAddPoi .= "(" . session("user_id") . ", " . $vehid . ", " . session("client_id") . ", " . session("user_id") . ", now(),";
$sqlAddPoi .= "'" . $_name . "', " . $garminid . ", " . $lat . ", " . $lon . ", '" . $_description . "')";
$ret = RunSQL($sqlAddPoi);
echo $garminid;
Пример #10
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/OpenLayers.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/mlColorPicker.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/mlColorPicker.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

$DefMap = nnull(dlookup("select defaultmap from users where id=" . session("user_id")), 1);
$cntz = dlookup("select count(*) from pointsofinterest where clientid=" . session("client_id"));
$dsStartLL = query("select * from cities where id = (select cityid from clients where id=" . session("client_id") . " limit 1)");
$idGroup = getQUERY("id");
$cntRows1 = dlookup("select count(*) from pointsofinterest where type = 1 and groupid=" . $idGroup);
$cntRows2 = dlookup("select count(*) from pointsofinterest where type = 2 and groupid=" . $idGroup);
$glavnoQuery = query("select st_x(st_transform(geom, 4326)) lon, st_y(st_transform(geom, 4326)) lat, type,groupid from pointsofinterest where type = 1 and groupid =" . $idGroup);
$type = pg_fetch_result($glavnoQuery, 0, "type");
if ($type == "1") {
    $dsPp = query("select id,st_x(st_transform(geom, 4326)) lon, st_y(st_transform(geom, 4326)) lat, type,groupid from pointsofinterest where type = 1 and groupid =" . $idGroup);
    $idTocka = pg_fetch_result($dsPp, 0, "id");
    $boicka = pg_fetch_result($dsPp, 0, "groupid");
    if ($boicka == "1") {
        $boja2 = "ff0000";
    } else {
        $boja = query("select * from pointsofinterestgroups where clientid=" . session("client_id") . " and id = " . $boicka . "");
        $boja2 = pg_fetch_result($boja, 0, "fillcolor");
    $sLon = pg_fetch_result($dsPp, 0, "lon");
Пример #11
//$cLang = getQUERY('lang');
    <div id="div-add" style="display:none" title=""></div>
    <div id="dialog-message" title="<?php 
echo dic("Reports.Message");
" style="display:none">
	        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-check" style="float:left; margin:0 7px 50px 0;"></span>
	        <div id="div-msgbox" style="font-size:14px"></div>
$id = getQUERY('id');
$code = NNull(DlookUP("select Code from organisation where id=" . $id), "");
$name = NNull(DlookUP("select Name from organisation where id=" . $id), "");
$desc = NNull(DlookUP("select Description from organisation where id=" . $id), "");

             <table style="padding-left:20px;" class="text2_" width=50%>
                  <tr style="height:10px"></tr>
                  <tr >
                      <td width=20% style="font-weight:bold"><?php 
                      <td width=30% style="padding-left:10px"><input id="code" value="<?php 
Пример #12
            $ret = query("select cachetaxiparams2('" . $sdH . "', '" . $edH . "', ' clientid = " . $cid . "')");
} else {
    $date = nnull(getQUERY("date"), '');
    if ($date != '') {
        $date = DateTimeFormat($date, 'Y-m-d');
        $sd = $date . " 00:00:00";
        $ed = $date . " 23:59:59";
        $ret = query("select cachereportsparams('" . $sd . "', '" . $ed . "', ' clientid = " . $cid . "')");
        if ($clienttypeid == 2) {
            $ret = query("select cachetaxiparams1('" . $sd . "', '" . $ed . "', ' clientid = " . $cid . "')");
            $ret = query("select cachetaxiparams2('" . $sd . "', '" . $ed . "', ' clientid = " . $cid . "')");
    } else {
        $dayType = getQUERY("dayType");
        $from = '00:00:00';
        $to = '23:59:59';
        $f = addToDate(now(), -1, "months");
        while ($f < now()) {
            if ($dayType >= 1 and $dayType <= 7) {
                if ($dayType == 7) {
                    if (DateTimeFormat($f, 'w') == 0) {
                        $ret = query("select cachereportsparams('" . DateTimeFormat($f, 'Y-m-d') . " " . $from . "', '" . DateTimeFormat($f, 'Y-m-d') . " " . $to . "', ' clientid = " . $cid . "')");
                        if ($clienttypeid == 2) {
                            $ret = query("select cachetaxiparams1('" . DateTimeFormat($f, 'Y-m-d') . " " . $from . "', '" . DateTimeFormat($f, 'Y-m-d') . " " . $to . "', ' clientid = " . $cid . "')");
                            $ret = query("select cachetaxiparams2('" . DateTimeFormat($f, 'Y-m-d') . " " . $from . "', '" . DateTimeFormat($f, 'Y-m-d') . " " . $to . "', ' clientid = " . $cid . "')");
Пример #13
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/db.php";

include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";
$userID = getQUERY("uid");
$lista = getQUERY("lista");
$lista1 = explode(",", $lista);
$list1 = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lista1); $i++) {
    $list1 = $list1 . "'1'";
    if ($i < sizeof($lista1) - 1) {
        $list1 = $list1 . ',';
RunSQL("delete from privilegessettings where userID = " . $userID);
RunSQL("insert into privilegessettings (userid," . $lista . ") values (" . $userID . "," . $list1 . ")");
print "Ok";
Пример #14
	<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/highcharts.src.js"></script>

	<link href="../css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="../js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
	<script src="../report/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

$name = getQUERY("name");
$dtfrom = getQUERY("dtfrom");
$dtto = getQUERY("dtto");
$vozilo = getQUERY("vozilo");
$sofer = getQUERY("sofer");
$alarm = getQUERY("alarm");
$poiid = getQUERY("poiid");
if ($alarm == "/") {
    $alarm = 0;
/*echo "name=".$name."<br/>";
	echo "dtfrom=".$dtfrom."<br/>";
	echo "dtto=".$dtto."<br/>";
	echo "vozilo=".$vozilo."<br/>";
	echo "sofer=".$sofer."<br/>";
	echo "alarm=".$alarm."<br/>";
	echo "poiid=".$poiid."<br/>";
$user_id = session("user_id");
$dsAll = query("select u.cityid, defaultmap, datetimeformat, timezone, metric, cl.clienttypeid, ci.latitude, ci.longitude, cl.allowedrouting, cl.allowedfm, cl.allowedmess, cl.allowedalarms from users u left outer join clients cl on cl.id = u.clientid left outer join cities ci on ci.id = cl.cityid where u.id = " . session("user_id"));
$clientUnit = pg_fetch_result($dsAll, 0, "metric");
Пример #15

header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/db.php";
include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";
if (!is_numeric(session('user_id'))) {
    echo header('Location: ../sessionexpired/?l=' . $cLang);
$clientid = session("client_id");
$q = getQUERY("q");
$q1 = $q;
$healthy = array("a", "b", "v", "g", "d", "g", "e", "z", "z", "dz", "i", "j", "k", "l", "lj", "m", "n", "nj", "o", "p", "r", "s", "t", "k", "u", "f", "h", "c", "c", "gz", "s");
$yummy = array("а", "б", "в", "г", "д", "ѓ", "е", "ж", "з", "ѕ", "и", "ј", "к", "л", "љ", "м", "н", "њ", "о", "п", "р", "с", "т", "ќ", "у", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "џ", "ш");
$q1 = mb_strtolower($q1, 'UTF-8');
$q1 = str_replace($healthy, $yummy, $q1);
$q = mb_strtolower($q, 'UTF-8');
$q = str_replace($yummy, $healthy, $q);
// Vraboteni
// vaka treba
//$allowedUsers = "-1,".dlookup("select getmembers(".session("user_id").", ".$wsid.")");
//ama sega privremeno ke bide
//$allowedUsers = "select userid from members where wsid=".$wsid." union all select ".session("user_id")." userid";
$srcStringUser = "******";
$srcStringUser .= "from pointsofinterest where type=1 and active='1' and (lower(name) like '%" . $q . "%' or lower(name) like '%" . $q1 . "%') and clientid=" . $clientid . " order by fullname) ";
$srcStringUser .= "union ";
$srcStringUser .= "(select id, name fullname, type, st_x(st_centroid(geom)) latitude, st_y(st_centroid(geom)) longitude ";
$srcStringUser .= "from pointsofinterest where type=2 and active='1' and (lower(name) like '%" . $q . "%' or lower(name) like '%" . $q1 . "%') and clientid=" . $clientid . " order by fullname) ";
Пример #16

include "../../include/functions.php";
include "../../include/db.php";
include "../../include/params.php";
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
$page = getQUERY("page");
$page1 = $page;
$req = getQUERY("req");
$req1 = str_replace("**", "&", $req);
$temp = explode("&", $req1);
$uid = getQUERY("u");
$cid = getQUERY("c");
$sd = substr($temp[1], 3);
$ed = substr($temp[2], 3);
$namePDF = $page1 . '_' . $cid . '_' . $sd . '_' . $ed . '.pdf';
$namePDF1 = str_replace(" ", "_", $namePDF);
$namePDF1 = str_replace("(", "_", $namePDF1);
$namePDF1 = str_replace(")", "_", $namePDF1);
$namePDF1 = str_replace("__", "_", $namePDF1);
$req1 .= "&c=" . $cid . "&u=" . $uid;
if ($page == 'LogReport') {
    $req1 .= "&foruser="******"foruser");
$output = shell_exec('xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1200x800x24" wkhtmltopdf --dpi 300 "panorama.gps.mk/settings/' . $page . 'PDF.php?' . $req1 . '" --redirect-delay 10000 ../../savePDF/' . $namePDF1);
echo $namePDF1;
Пример #17
$toobject = nnull(getQUERY("toobj"), "");
$flag = '0';
$delivery = "";
$deliverycoll = "";
if ($action == 'user') {
    $fromid = session("user_id");
    if ($toobject == 'vehicle') {
        $toid = nnull(getQUERY("toid"), "");
        $toid = dlookup("select id from vehicles where gsmnumber='" . $toid . "'");
    } else {
        $flag = '1';
        $toid = nnull(getQUERY("toid"), "");
        $delivery = ", now()";
        $deliverycoll = ", dtdelivery";
    $garminid = dlookup("select coalesce((select garminid from messages where toid=" . $toid . " order by datetime desc limit 1), 0)");
    $garminid = $garminid + 1;
$clientid = session("client_id");
$userid = session("user_id");
$datetime = nnull(getQUERY("dt"), now());
//$datetime = now();
$subject = nnull(getQUERY("subject"), "");
$body = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY("body")), "");
$checked = '0';
RunSQL("INSERT INTO messages (fromid, toobject, toid, clientid, userid, datetime, subject, body, checked, garminid, flag" . $deliverycoll . ") \r\n\t    VALUES (" . $fromid . ", '" . $toobject . "', " . $toid . ", " . $clientid . ", " . $userid . ", \r\n\t    '" . $datetime . "', '" . $subject . "', '" . $body . "', " . $checked . ", " . $garminid . ", '" . $flag . "'" . $delivery . ")");
echo $garminid;
//echo 54336;
Пример #18
//dim allPOI as integer = dlookup("select count(*) from pinpoints where clientID=" & session("client_id"))
//Dim allPOIs As String = "false"
//If allPOI < 1000 Then allPOIs = "true"
$user_id = Session("user_id");
$client_id = Session("client_id");
$roleid = Session("role_id");
$DefMap = pg_fetch_result($dsAll, 0, "defaultmap");
$currDateTime = new Datetime();
$cdt1 = $currDateTime->format("Y-m-d");
$currDateTime = $currDateTime->format("d-m-Y H:i");
$currDateTime1 = new Datetime();
$cdt2 = $currDateTime1->format("Y-m-d");
$currDateTime1 = $currDateTime1->format("d-m-Y");
$dateS = getQUERY("dateS");
$dateE = getQUERY("dateE");
$tourid = getQUERY("tourid");
if ($tourid == "") {
    if ($dateS == "") {
        if ($roleid == "2") {
            if (dlookup("select count(*) from rNalogHeder where clientid=" . $client_id . " and startdate < cast(now() as date) + cast('1 day' as interval)") > 0) {
                $currDateTime2 = dlookup("select cast(startdate as date) from rNalogHeder where clientid=" . $client_id . " and startdate < cast(now() as date) + cast('1 day' as interval) order by startdate desc limit 1");
            } else {
                $currDateTime2 = "";
        } else {
            if (dlookup("select count(*) from rNalogHeder where userid=" . $user_id . " and startdate < cast(now() as date) + cast('1 day' as interval)") > 0) {
                $currDateTime2 = dlookup("select cast(startdate as date) from rNalogHeder where userid=" . $user_id . " and startdate < cast(now() as date) + cast('1 day' as interval) order by startdate desc limit 1");
            } else {
                $currDateTime2 = "";
Пример #19
$city = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY('city')), "");
$country = getQUERY("country");
$elevation = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY('elevation')), "");
$fullname = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY('fullname')), "");
$lon = getQUERY("lon");
$lat = getQUERY("lat");
$otime = getQUERY("otime");
$temp = getQUERY("temp");
$feelslike = getQUERY("feelslike");
$wind = getQUERY("wind");
$visibility = getQUERY("visibility");
$weather = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY("weather")), "");
$humidity = getQUERY("humidity");
$icon = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY("icon")), "");
$iconurl = nnull(utf8_urldecode(getQUERY("iconurl")), "");
$cntW = dlookup("select count(*) from weatherstations where city='" . $city . "'");
if ($cntW > 0) {
    $sqlAddW = "UPDATE weatherstations set observationtime='" . $otime . "', temerature=" . $temp;
    $sqlAddW .= ", feelslike=" . $feelslike . ", weather='" . $weather . "', humidity='" . $humidity;
    $sqlAddW .= "', visibility=" . $visibility . ", wind=" . $wind . ", icon='" . $icon . "', iconurl='" . $iconurl . "'";
    $sqlAddW .= " where city='" . $city . "'";
    echo "update";
} else {
    $sqlAddW = "INSERT INTO weatherstations (city, country, elevation, fullname, latitude, longitude, observationtime, temerature, feelslike, weather, humidity, visibility, wind, icon, iconurl) VALUES ";
    $sqlAddW .= "('" . $city . "', '" . $country . "', '" . $elevation . "', '" . $fullname . "', " . $lat . ", " . $lon . ", '" . $otime . "', " . $temp . ", " . $feelslike . ", '" . $weather . "', '" . $humidity . "', " . $visibility . ", " . $wind . ", '" . $icon . "', '" . $iconurl . "')";
    echo "insert";
Пример #20
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/db.php";

include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";
$dat = getQUERY("dt");
$reg = getQUERY("reg");
$type = getQUERY("type");
$note = getQUERY("note");
//list($d, $m, $y) = explode('-', $dat);
//$a = explode(" ", $y);
//$d1 = explode(":", $a[1]);
//$d2 = explode(".", $d1[2]);
//echo $dat . "<br />";
//echo $d . "_" . $m . "_" . $a[0] . "_" . $d1[0] . "_" . $d1[1] . "_" . $d2[0] . "_" . $d2[1];
$vehID = dlookup("select id from vehicles where registration='" . $reg . "'");
RunSQL("update alarmshistory set note='" . $note . "' where datetime='" . $dat . "' and vehicleid=" . $vehID . " and name='" . $type . "'");
print "Ok";
Пример #21
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

			lang = '<?php 
echo $cLang;

$cLang = getQUERY("l");
$tpoint = getQUERY("tpoint");
if ($tpoint == '.') {
		<script type="text/javascript" src="./main/main.js"></script>
} else {
		<script type="text/javascript" src="../main/main.js"></script>


Пример #22
include "../include/db.php";
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";

header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

$driverID = nnull(getQUERY("driID"), "");
$payStr = "";
$payStr .= "<option value='g'>Готово</option>";
$payStr .= "<option value='f'>Фактура</option>";
if ($driverID != "") {
    $cntCards = dlookup("select count(*) from drivercard where driverid= " . $driverID);
} else {
    $cntCards = 0;
if ($cntCards > 0) {
    $dsCards = query("select * from drivercard where driverid= " . $driverID);
    while ($drCards = pg_fetch_array($dsCards)) {
        $nameCard = dlookup("select cardname from clubcards where id=" . $drCards["cardid"]);
        $cardID = $drCards["cardid"];
        //$payStr .= "<option value='k-" . $cardID . "' selected='selected'>" . $nameCard . "</option>";
        $payStr .= "<option value='k-" . $cardID . "' >" . $nameCard . "</option>";
Пример #23
 * 		1 - празник за сите граѓани на Р.М
 *	    2 - православен празник
 *		3 - католички празник
 *		4 - муслимански празник
 *		5 - празник за албанската заедница
 *		6 - празник за српската заедница
 *		7 - празник за ромската заедница
 *		8 - празник за влашката заедница
 *		9 - празник за еврејската заедница
 *		10 - празник за бошњачката заедница
 *		11 - празник за турската заедница
$imePraznik = str_replace("'", "''", NNull($_GET['imePraznik'], ''));
$datum = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("Datum"), 'Y-m-d');
$tipDen = str_replace("'", "''", NNull($_GET['tipDen'], ''));
//$den = str_replace("'", "''", NNull($_GET['den'], ''));
$den = dlookup("select getdayofweek(cast('" . $datum . "' as date))");
$color = str_replace("'", "''", NNull($_GET['boja'], ''));
$tipPraznik = str_replace("'", "''", NNull($_GET['tipPraznik'], ''));
if ($tipDen == 8) {
    $proverka = query("select * from companydays");
    if (pg_num_rows($proverka) == 0) {
        $vnes = query("insert into companydays(id,clientid,dayname,typeofday,datum,companyholiday,cellcolor\t,typeofholiday) values(1," . Session("client_id") . ",N'" . $imePraznik . "','" . $den . "','" . DateTimeFormat($datum, "Y-m-d") . "','" . $tipDen . "','#" . $color . "','" . $tipPraznik . "'); ");
    } else {
        $posledno = dlookup("select Max(id)+1 from companydays");
        $vnes = query("insert into companydays(id,clientid,dayname,typeofday,datum,companyholiday,cellcolor,typeofholiday) values('" . $posledno . "'," . Session("client_id") . ",N'" . $imePraznik . "','" . $den . "','" . DateTimeFormat($datum, "Y-m-d") . "','" . $tipDen . "','#" . $color . "','" . $tipPraznik . "'); ");
} else {
Пример #24
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";

include "../include/db.php";

		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
$cost = getQUERY("cost");
		<div class="text5" style="font-size: 13px"><?php 
echo dic_('Reports.SureDelCost');
echo $cost;
Пример #25
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

			lang = '<?php 
echo $cLang;
$messid = getQUERY("messid");
$fromto = getQUERY("fromto");
$datetimeformat = dlookup("select datetimeformat from users where id=" . session("user_id"));
$datfor = explode(" ", $datetimeformat);
$dateformat = $datfor[0];
$timeformat = $datfor[1];
if ($timeformat == 'h:i:s') {
    $timeformat = $timeformat . " a";
$mess = query("select * from messages where id= " . $messid);
if ($fromto == 'inbox') {
    RunSQL("update messages set checked='1' where id= " . $messid);
Пример #26
	$tzoneUser = $xml->timezone->dstOffset;
	$url = "http://ws.geonames.org/timezone?lat=41.995900&lng=21.431500";
	$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
	$tzoneLocal = $xml->timezone->dstOffset;
	$tzone1 = $tzoneUser - $tzoneLocal;*/
$dsUserSett = query("select tzone, datetimeformat from users where id=" . session("user_id"));
$tzone1 = pg_fetch_result($dsUserSett, 0, "tzone");
$FormatDT = pg_fetch_result($dsUserSett, 0, 'datetimeformat');
$FormatDT1 = explode(" ", $FormatDT);
$dateformat = $FormatDT1[0];
$timeformat = $FormatDT1[1];
if ($timeformat == 'h:i:s') {
    $timeformat = $timeformat . " A";
$numveh = getQUERY("numofveh");
$valtraj = getQUERY("valtraj");
if ($valtraj != -1) {
    RunSQL("update users set trace = " . $valtraj . " where id=" . session("user_id"));
$dsv = query("select id from vehicles where clientid=" . session("client_id") . " and code='" . $numveh . "'");
$str = "";
$strSQL = "select latitude, longitude, datetime from historylog where vehicleid = " . pg_fetch_result($dsv, 0, "id");
$strSQL .= " and datetime > (select datetime from historylog where vehicleid = " . pg_fetch_result($dsv, 0, "id") . " and datetime <= now() + cast('" . $tzone1 . " hour' as interval) order by datetime desc limit 1)+cast('-' || (select trace from users where id=" . session("user_id") . ") || ' min' as interval)";
$strSQL .= " and datetime <= now() + cast('" . $tzone1 . " hour' as interval) order by datetime asc";
$ds = query($strSQL);
//"select latitude, longitude from historylog where vehicleid = " . pg_fetch_result($dsv, 0, "id") . " order by datetime desc");
$str1 = "";
$str2 = "";
$dist = "";
$dt = "";
$alpha = "";
Пример #27
include "../include/functions.php";
include "../include/db.php";

include "../include/params.php";
include "../include/dictionary2.php";
$opis = getQUERY("o");
$rbr = getQUERY("rbr");
$h = getQUERY("h");
$ppid = getQUERY("ppid");
$pointkm = getQUERY("pointkm");
$pointtime = getQUERY("pointtime");
$h1 = getQUERY("h1");
$predefined = getQUERY("predefined");
$sqlInsert = "insert into rnalogdetail (opis, ppid, hederid, rbr, poikm, poitime) values ('" . $opis . "', " . $ppid . ", " . $h . ", " . $rbr . ", " . $pointkm . ", " . $pointtime . ") ";
if ($predefined . '' == 'true') {
    $sqlInsert = "insert into rnalogdetailpre (opis, ppid, hederid, rbr, poikm, poitime) values ('" . $opis . "', " . $ppid . ", " . $h1 . ", " . $rbr . ", " . $pointkm . ", " . $pointtime . ") ";
print "OK";
Пример #28
$tzone = dlookup("select tzone from users where id=" . $uid);
$CreationDate = strtoupper(DateTimeFormat(addToDateU(now(), $tzone, "hour", "Y-m-d H:i"), $datetimeformat));
/*format na datum*/
$_SESSION["user_fullname"] = dlookup("select fullname from users where id='" . $uid . "'");
$_SESSION["company"] = dlookup("select name from clients where id in (select clientid from users where id=" . $uid . " limit 1) limit 1");
$langArr = explode("?", getQUERY("l"));
$cLang = $langArr[0];
$vh = getQUERY("vh");
$meseci = array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
$countALL = 0;
$langArr = explode("?", getQUERY("l"));
$cLang = $langArr[0];

if (getQUERY("from") == "a") {
    $filename = "Log_report_" . $cid . "_" . DateTimeFormat($sdG, $dateformat) . $s1_ . "_" . DateTimeFormat($edG, $dateformat) . $e1_ . ".xls";
    header('Content-type: application/ms-excel; charset=utf-8');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename);


        <tr><td colspan=13 style="border:1px solid #000000; font-weight:bold"><strong><?php 
echo mb_strtoupper(dic_("Reports.Log"), 'UTF-8');
        <tr><td colspan=13></td></tr>
Пример #29
    $s_ = " 00:00";
    $s1_ = "_00:00";
    $tf = " H:i";
} else {
    $e_ = " 11:59 PM";
    $e1_ = "_11:59_PM";
    $s_ = " 12:00 AM";
    $s1_ = "_12:00_AM";
    $tf = " h:i a";
$sd = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("sd"), $dateformat) . $s_;
//'01-09-2012 00:00';
$ed = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("ed"), $dateformat) . $e_;
//'01-09-2012 23:59';
$sdG = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("sd"), 'd-m-Y H:i:s');
$edG = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("ed"), 'd-m-Y H:i:s');
$CreationDate = strtoupper(DateTimeFormat(now(), $datetimeformat));
$meseci = array("January1", "February1", "March1", "April1", "May1", "June1", "July1", "August1", "September1", "October1", "November1", "December1");
$idUsers = "";
<body style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; overflow:auto">
  	<div id="report-content" style="width:100%; text-align:left; height:500px; background-color:#fff;" class="corner5">

  <div class="corner5" style="width:98%; border:1px solid #bbb; background-color:#fafafa; margin-left:1%">
 	 <div style="padding-left:40px; padding-top:10px; width:500px" class="textTitle">
echo mb_strtoupper(dic_("Reports.ReportFor") . '  ' . dic_("Settings.MessagesNew"), 'UTF-8');
				<span class="text5"> <?php 
Пример #30
	<link href="../css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="../js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
	<script src="../report/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../tracking/live.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../tracking/live1.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/OpenLayers.js"></script>

$sd = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY('sd'), 'Y-m-d 00:00:00');
$ed = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY('ed'), 'Y-m-d 23:59:59');
$vehid = getQUERY('vehid');
$culid = getQUERY('culid');
$metric = dlookup("select metric from users where id=" . session("user_id"));
if ($metric == 'mi') {
    $metricvalue = 0.621371;
    $metricvalue1 = 1.0936;
    $speedunit = "mph";
    $metric1 = "yards";
} else {
    $metricvalue = 1;
    $metricvalue1 = 1;
    $speedunit = "Km/h";
    $metric1 = "m";