Пример #1
        $sql = "SELECT catid FROM #__content WHERE id = " . $temp[0];
        return $database->loadResult();
$catId = getCategory(JRequest::getInt('id'));
#------------------------- Ancestor Category IDs --------------------------#
if ($catId && ($inheritStyle || $inheritLayout)) {
    function getParentCategory($id)
        $database = JFactory::getDBO();
        $sql = "SELECT parent_id\n        FROM #__categories\n        WHERE id = {$id}";
        return $database->loadResult();
    $parentCategory = getParentCategory($catId);
    function getAncestorCategories($id)
        $database = JFactory::getDBO();
        $sql = "SELECT b.id, b.title\n        FROM #__categories a,\n        #__categories b\n        WHERE a.id = {$id}\n        AND a.lft > b.lft\n        AND a.rgt < b.rgt\n        AND a.id <> b.id\n        AND b.lft > 0";
        return $database->loadObjectList();
#--------------------------------- Alias ----------------------------------#
if ($itemId) {
    $currentAlias = $app->getMenu()->getActive()->alias;
#------------------Extended Template Style Overrides------------------------#
$styleOverride = new ConstructTemplateHelper();
$styleOverride->includeFile = array();
Пример #2
function sc_slider($atts, $content = null)
    if (in_shortcode_blogger()) {
        return '';
    extract(shortcode_atts(array("id" => "", "class" => "", "engine" => get_custom_option('substitute_slider_engine'), "chop_effect" => "", "alias" => "", "ids" => "", "cat" => "", "count" => "0", "offset" => "", "orderby" => "date", "order" => 'desc', "border" => "none", "controls" => "no", "pagination" => "no", "titles" => "no", "descriptions" => get_custom_option('slider_descriptions'), "links" => "no", "align" => "", "interval" => "", "date_format" => "", "crop" => "on", "width" => "", "height" => "", "top" => "", "bottom" => "", "left" => "", "right" => ""), $atts));
    global $THEMEREX_sc_slider_engine, $THEMEREX_sc_slider_width, $THEMEREX_sc_slider_height, $THEMEREX_sc_slider_links;
    if (empty($width)) {
        $width = "100%";
    if (empty($interval)) {
        $interval = mt_rand(5000, 10000);
    if ($engine == 'chop' && !file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('/js/chopslider/jquery.id.chopslider-2.0.0.free.min.js'))) {
        $engine = 'swiper';
    if ($engine == 'chop' && empty($chop_effect)) {
        $effects2D = array("vertical", "horizontal", "half", "multi");
        $effects3D = array("3DBlocks", "3DFlips");
        $chop_effect = $effects2D[min(3, mt_rand(0, 3))] . '|' . $effects3D[min(1, mt_rand(0, 1))];
    $THEMEREX_sc_slider_engine = $engine;
    $THEMEREX_sc_slider_width = getStyleValue($width);
    $THEMEREX_sc_slider_height = getStyleValue($height);
    $THEMEREX_sc_slider_links = sc_param_is_on($links);
    if (empty($id)) {
        $id = "sc_slider_" . str_replace('.', '', mt_rand());
    $ms = getStyleString($top, $right, $bottom, $left);
    $ws = getStyleString('', '', '', '', $width);
    $hs = getStyleString('', '', '', '', '', $height);
    $s = ($border == 'none' && !in_array($pagination, array('full', 'over')) ? $ms : '') . $hs . $ws;
    if ($border != 'none' && in_array($pagination, array('full', 'over'))) {
        $pagination = 'yes';
    if ($engine != 'flex' && $engine != 'chop' && $engine != 'swiper' && in_array($pagination, array('full', 'over'))) {
        $pagination = 'yes';
    $output = ($border != 'none' ? '<div class="sc_border sc_border_' . $border . ($align != '' && $align != 'none' ? ' sc_align' . $align : '') . '"' . ($ms . $hs ? ' style="' . $ms . $hs . '"' : '') . '>' : '') . (in_array($pagination, array('full', 'over')) ? '<div class="sc_slider_pagination_area sc_slider_pagination_' . $pagination . '"' . ($ms . $hs ? ' style="' . $ms . $hs . '"' : '') . '>' : '') . '<div' . ($id ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ' class="sc_slider' . (!empty($class) ? ' ' . $class : '') . ' sc_slider_' . $engine . (sc_param_is_on($controls) ? ' sc_slider_controls' : ' sc_slider_nocontrols') . (sc_param_is_on($pagination) ? ' sc_slider_pagination' : ' sc_slider_nopagination') . ($border == 'none' && $align != '' && $align != 'none' ? ' sc_align' . $align : '') . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' swiper-slider-container' : '') . '"' . ((int) $interval > 0 ? ' data-interval="' . $interval . '"' : '') . ($engine == 'chop' ? ' data-effect="' . $chop_effect . '"' : '') . ($s != '' ? ' style="' . $s . '"' : '') . '>';
    $pagination_items = '';
    if ($engine == 'revo') {
        if (revslider_exists() && !empty($alias)) {
            $output .= do_shortcode('[rev_slider ' . $alias . ']');
        } else {
            $output = '';
    } else {
        if ($engine == 'royal') {
            if (royalslider_exists() && !empty($alias)) {
                $output .= do_shortcode('[[new_royalslider id="' . $alias . '"]');
            } else {
                $output = '';
        } else {
            if ($engine == 'flex' || $engine == 'chop' || $engine == 'swiper') {
                $imageAsBackground = $engine != 'chop';
                $caption = '';
                $output .= '<ul class="slides' . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' swiper-wrapper' : '') . '">';
                $content = do_shortcode($content);
                if ($content) {
                    $output .= $content;
                } else {
                    global $post;
                    if (!empty($ids)) {
                        $posts = explode(',', $ids);
                        $count = count($posts);
                    $args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => $count, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'order' => $order == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc');
                    if ($offset > 0 && empty($ids)) {
                        $args['offset'] = $offset;
                    $args = addSortOrderInQuery($args, $orderby, $order);
                    $args = addFiltersInQuery($args, array('thumbs'));
                    $args = addPostsAndCatsInQuery($args, $ids, $cat);
                    $query = new WP_Query($args);
                    $numSlide = 0;
                    while ($query->have_posts()) {
                        $post_id = get_the_ID();
                        $post_title = get_the_title();
                        $post_link = get_permalink();
                        $post_date = get_the_date(!empty($date_format) ? $date_format : 'd.m.y');
                        $post_attachment = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id));
                        if (sc_param_is_on($crop)) {
                            $post_attachment = $imageAsBackground ? getResizedImageURL($post_attachment, !empty($width) && themerex_strpos($width, '%') === false ? $width : null, !empty($height) && themerex_strpos($height, '%') === false ? $height : null) : getResizedImageTag($post_attachment, !empty($width) && themerex_strpos($width, '%') === false ? $width : null, !empty($height) && themerex_strpos($height, '%') === false ? $height : null);
                        } else {
                            if (!$imageAsBackground) {
                                $post_attachment = '<img src="' . $post_attachment . '" alt="">';
                        $post_accent_color = '';
                        $post_category = '';
                        $post_category_link = '';
                        if (in_array($pagination, array('full', 'over'))) {
                            // Get all post's tags
                            $post_tags_links = '';
                            if (($post_tags_list = get_the_tags()) != 0) {
                                $tag_number = 0;
                                foreach ($post_tags_list as $tag) {
                                    $post_tags_links .= '<span class="slide_tag">' . $tag->name . ($tag_number == count($post_tags_list) ? '' : ',') . '</span> ';
                            $pagination_items .= '<li' . (empty($pagination_items) ? ' class="' . ($engine == 'chop' ? 'cs-active-pagination' : 'active') . '"' : '') . '>' . '<div class="slide_pager">' . '<div class="slide_date">' . $post_date . '</div>' . '<div class="slide_info">' . '<h4 class="slide_title">' . $post_title . '</h4>' . '<div class="slide_tags">' . $post_tags_links . '</div>' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '</li>';
                        $output .= '<li' . ' class="' . $engine . '-slide' . ($engine == 'chop' && $numSlide == 1 ? ' cs-activeSlide' : '') . '"' . ' style="' . ($engine == 'chop' && $numSlide == 1 ? 'display:block;' : '') . ($imageAsBackground ? 'background-image:url(' . $post_attachment . ');' : '') . $ws . $hs . '"' . '>' . (sc_param_is_on($links) ? '<a href="' . $post_link . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($post_title) . '">' : '') . (!$imageAsBackground ? $post_attachment : '');
                        $caption = $engine == 'swiper' || $engine == 'flex' ? '' : $caption;
                        if (!sc_param_is_off($titles)) {
                            $post_hover_bg = get_custom_option('theme_color', null, $post_id);
                            $post_bg = '';
                            if ($post_hover_bg != '' && !is_inherit_option($post_hover_bg)) {
                                $rgb = Hex2RGB($post_hover_bg);
                                $post_hover_ie = str_replace('#', '', $post_hover_bg);
                                $post_bg = "background-color: rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.8);";
                            $caption .= ($engine == 'chop' ? '<div class="sc_slider_info_item">' : '') . '<div class="sc_slider_info' . ($titles == 'fixed' ? ' sc_slider_info_fixed' : '') . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' content-slide' : '') . '"' . ($post_bg != '' ? ' style="' . $post_bg . '"' : '') . '>';
                            $post_descr = getPostDescription();
                            if (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") == 'yes') {
                                // || empty($cat)) {
                                // Get all post's categories
                                $post_categories = getCategoriesByPostId($post_id);
                                $post_categories_str = '';
                                for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_categories); $i++) {
                                    if ($post_category == '') {
                                        if (get_theme_option('close_category') == 'parental') {
                                            $parent_cat_id = 0;
                                            //(int) get_custom_option('category_id');
                                            $parent_cat = getParentCategory($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], $parent_cat_id);
                                            if ($parent_cat) {
                                                $post_category = $parent_cat['name'];
                                                $post_category_link = $parent_cat['link'];
                                                if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                                    $post_accent_color = get_category_inherited_property($parent_cat['term_id'], 'theme_color');
                                        } else {
                                            $post_category = $post_categories[$i]['name'];
                                            $post_category_link = $post_categories[$i]['link'];
                                            if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                                $post_accent_color = get_category_inherited_property($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], 'theme_color');
                                    if ($post_category != '' && $post_accent_color != '') {
                                if ($post_category == '' && count($post_categories) > 0) {
                                    $post_category = $post_categories[0]['name'];
                                    $post_category_link = $post_categories[0]['link'];
                                    if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                        $post_accent_color = get_category_inherited_property($post_categories[0]['term_id'], 'theme_color');
                                if ($post_category != '') {
                                    $caption .= '<div class="sc_slider_category"' . (themerex_substr($post_accent_color, 0, 1) == '#' ? ' style="background-color: ' . $post_accent_color . '"' : '') . '><a href="' . $post_category_link . '">' . $post_category . '</a></div>';
                            $output_reviews = '';
                            if (get_custom_option('show_reviews') == 'yes' && get_custom_option('slider_reviews') == 'yes') {
                                $avg_author = marksToDisplay(get_post_meta($post_id, 'reviews_avg' . (get_theme_option('reviews_first') == 'author' && $orderby != 'users_rating' || $orderby == 'author_rating' ? '' : '2'), true));
                                if ($avg_author > 0) {
                                    $output_reviews .= '<div class="sc_slider_reviews reviews_summary blog_reviews' . (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") == 'yes' ? ' after_category' : '') . '">' . '<div class="criteria_summary criteria_row">' . getReviewsSummaryStars($avg_author) . '</div>' . '</div>';
                            if (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") == 'yes') {
                                $caption .= $output_reviews;
                            $caption .= '<h2 class="sc_slider_subtitle"><a href="' . $post_link . '">' . $post_title . '</a></h2>';
                            if (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") != 'yes') {
                                $caption .= $output_reviews;
                            if ($descriptions > 0) {
                                $caption .= '<div class="sc_slider_descr">' . getShortString($post_descr, $descriptions) . '</div>';
                            $caption .= '</div>' . ($engine == 'chop' ? '</div>' : '');
                        $output .= ($engine == 'swiper' || $engine == 'flex' ? $caption : '') . (sc_param_is_on($links) ? '</a>' : '') . '</li>';
                $output .= '</ul>';
                if ($engine == 'swiper' || $engine == 'chop') {
                    if (sc_param_is_on($controls)) {
                        $output .= '
					<ul class="flex-direction-nav">
					<li><a class="flex-prev" href="#"></a></li>
					<li><a class="flex-next" href="#"></a></li>
                    if (sc_param_is_on($pagination)) {
                        $output .= '<div class="flex-control-nav"></div>';
                if ($engine == 'chop') {
                    $output .= '
				<div class="sc_slider_info_slides">' . $caption . '</div>
				<div class="sc_slider_info_holder"></div>
            } else {
                $output = '';
    if (!empty($output)) {
        $output .= '</div>' . ($border != 'none' ? '</div>' : '');
        if ($pagination_items) {
            $output .= '
				<div class="flex-control-nav manual"' . ($hs ? ' style="' . $hs . '"' : '') . '>
					<div id="' . $id . '_scroll" class="sc_scroll sc_scroll_vertical swiper-slider-container scroll-container"' . ($hs ? ' style="' . $hs . '"' : '') . '>
						<div class="sc_scroll_wrapper swiper-wrapper">
							<div class="sc_scroll_slide swiper-slide">
								<ul>' . $pagination_items . '</ul>
						<div id="' . $id . '_scroll_bar" class="sc_scroll_bar sc_scroll_bar_vertical"></div>
            $output .= '</div>';
    return $output;
Пример #3
 function themerex_get_post_data_for_theme($post_data, $opt, $post_obj)
     $post_data['post_accent_color'] = $opt['parent_cat_id'] > 0 ? empty($opt['accent_color']) ? get_category_inherited_property($opt['parent_cat_id'], 'theme_accent_color') : $opt['accent_color'] : '';
     if ($post_data['post_accent_color'] == '') {
         $ex_cats = explode(',', get_theme_option('exclude_cats'));
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_data['post_categories_list']); $i++) {
             if (in_array($post_data['post_categories_list'][$i]['term_id'], $ex_cats)) {
             if (get_theme_option('close_category') == 'parental') {
                 $parent_cat = getParentCategory($post_data['post_categories_list'][$i]['term_id'], $opt['parent_cat_id']);
                 if ($parent_cat) {
                     $post_data['post_accent_color'] = get_category_inherited_property($parent_cat['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color');
             } else {
                 $post_data['post_accent_color'] = get_category_inherited_property($post_categories_list[$i]['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color');
             if ($post_data['post_accent_color'] != '') {
     return $post_data;
Пример #4
        $post_url_target = $post_url_data['target'];
// Get all post's categories
$post_categories = getCategoriesByPostId($post_id);
$post_categories_str = '';
$post_accent_color = $parent_cat_id > 0 ? !isset($post_accent_color) || $post_accent_color == '' ? getCategoryInheritedProperty($parent_cat_id, 'theme_accent_color') : $post_accent_color : '';
$post_accent_category = '';
$ex_cats = explode(',', get_theme_option('exclude_cats'));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_categories); $i++) {
    if (in_array($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], $ex_cats)) {
    if ($post_accent_category == '') {
        if (get_theme_option('close_category') == 'parental') {
            $parent_cat = getParentCategory($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], $parent_cat_id);
            if ($parent_cat) {
                $post_accent_category = $parent_cat['name'];
                if ($post_accent_color == '' && $parent_cat_id == 0) {
                    $post_accent_color = getCategoryInheritedProperty($parent_cat['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color');
        } else {
            $post_accent_category = $post_categories[$i]['name'];
            if ($post_accent_color == '' && $parent_cat_id == 0) {
                $post_accent_color = getCategoryInheritedProperty($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color');
    $post_categories_str .= '<a class="cat_link" href="' . $post_categories[$i]['link'] . '">' . $post_categories[$i]['name'] . ($i < count($post_categories) - 1 ? ',' : '') . '</a> ';
Пример #5
function sc_slider($atts, $content = null)
    if (in_shortcode_blogger()) {
        return '';
    extract(shortcode_atts(array("id" => "", "engine" => "flex", "alias" => "", "ids" => "", "theme" => "dark", "cat" => "", "count" => "0", "offset" => "", "orderby" => "date", "order" => 'desc', "controls" => "no", "pagination" => "no", "titles" => "no", "links" => "no", "rev_style" => "rev_full", "align" => "", "width" => "100%", "height" => "400", "top" => "", "bottom" => "", "left" => "", "right" => ""), $atts));
    /*scripts & styles*/
    themerex_enqueue_style('swiperslider-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.css', array(), null);
    themerex_enqueue_script('swiperslider', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper-2.1.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_style('swiperslider-scrollbar-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.scrollbar.css', array(), null);
    themerex_enqueue_script('swiperslider-scrollbar', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/swiper/idangerous.swiper.scrollbar-2.1.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_script('hover-dir', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/hover/jquery.hoverdir.js', array(), null, true);
    themerex_enqueue_style('hover-intent', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/hover/hoverIntent.js', array(), null);
    global $THEMEREX_sc_slider_engine, $THEMEREX_sc_slider_width, $THEMEREX_sc_slider_height, $THEMEREX_sc_slider_links;
    $THEMEREX_sc_slider_engine = $engine;
    $THEMEREX_sc_slider_width = $width;
    $THEMEREX_sc_slider_height = $height;
    $THEMEREX_sc_slider_links = sc_param_is_on($links);
    $s = ($top !== '' ? 'margin-top:' . $top . 'px;' : '') . ($bottom !== '' ? 'margin-bottom:' . $bottom . 'px;' : '') . ($left !== '' ? 'margin-left:' . $left . ((int) $left > 0 || (int) $left < 0 ? 'px' : '') . ';' : '') . ($right !== '' ? 'margin-right:' . $right . ((int) $right > 0 || (int) $right < 0 ? 'px' : '') . ';' : '') . (!empty($width) ? 'width:' . $width . (themerex_strpos($width, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '') . (!empty($height) ? 'height:' . $height . (themerex_strpos($height, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '');
    $c = ' sc_slider_' . $engine . (sc_param_is_on($controls) ? ' sc_slider_controls' : '') . (sc_param_is_on($pagination) ? ' sc_slider_pagination' : '') . ($align != '' && $align != 'none' ? ' sc_float_' . $align : '') . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' swiper-container' : '');
    $output = '<div' . ($id ? ' id="sc_slider_' . $id . '"' : '') . ' class="sc_slider ' . $c . '" ' . ($s != '' ? ' style="' . $s . '"' : '') . ' data-settings="horizontal">';
    if ($engine == 'revo') {
        if (revslider_exists() && !empty($alias)) {
            $output .= do_shortcode('[rev_slider ' . $alias . ']');
        } else {
            $output = '';
    } else {
        if ($engine == 'royal') {
            if (royalslider_exists() && !empty($alias)) {
                $output .= do_shortcode('[[new_royalslider id="' . $alias . '"]');
            } else {
                $output = '';
        } else {
            if ($engine == 'flex' || $engine == 'swiper') {
                $output .= '<ul class="slides' . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' swiper-wrapper' : '') . '">';
                $content = do_shortcode($content);
                if ($content) {
                    $output .= $content;
                } else {
                    global $post;
                    if (!empty($ids)) {
                        $posts = explode(',', $ids);
                        $count = count($posts);
                    $args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => $count, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'order' => $order == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc');
                    if ($offset > 0 && empty($ids)) {
                        $args['offset'] = $offset;
                    $args = addSortOrderInQuery($args, $orderby, $order, true);
                    $args = addPostsAndCatsInQuery($args, $ids, $cat);
                    $query = new WP_Query($args);
                    while ($query->have_posts()) {
                        $post_id = get_the_ID();
                        $post_link = get_permalink();
                        $post_attachment = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id));
                        $post_accent_color = '';
                        $post_category = '';
                        $post_category_link = '';
                        $post_title = getPostTitle($post_id);
                        $avg_author = 0;
                        $ed = themerex_substr($width, -1) == '%' ? '%' : 'px';
                        //image crop
                        $no_crop = getThumbSizes(array('thumb_size' => 'image_large', 'thumb_crop' => true, 'sidebar' => false));
                        $crop = array("w" => $width != '' && $ed != '%' ? $width : $no_crop['w'], "h" => $height != '' && $ed != '%' ? $height : null);
                        $post_attachment = getResizedImageURL($post_attachment, $crop['w'], $crop['h']);
                        $output .= '<li' . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' class="swiper-slide"' : '') . ' data-theme="' . ($theme != '' ? $theme : 'dark') . '" style="background-image:url(' . $post_attachment . ');' . (!empty($width) ? ' width:' . $width . (themerex_strpos($width, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '') . (!empty($height) ? ' height:' . $height . (themerex_strpos($height, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '') . '">' . (sc_param_is_on($links) ? '<a href="' . $post_attachment . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($post_title) . '">' : '');
                        if (!sc_param_is_off($titles)) {
                            $post_hover_bg = get_custom_option('theme_color', null, $post_id);
                            $post_bg = '';
                            if ($post_hover_bg != '' && !is_inherit_option($post_hover_bg)) {
                                $rgb = Hex2RGB_1($post_hover_bg);
                                $post_hover_ie = str_replace('#', '', $post_hover_bg);
                                $post_bg = "background-color: rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.8);";
                            $output .= '<div class="sc_slider_info' . ($titles == 'fixed' ? ' sc_slider_info_fixed' : ' sc_slider_info_slide') . ($engine == 'swiper' ? ' content-slide' : '') . '"><div class="main">';
                            $post_descr = getPostDescription();
                            if (get_custom_option('show_reviews') == 'yes' && get_custom_option('slider_reviews') == 'yes') {
                                $output_reviews = '';
                                $rating_max = get_custom_option('reviews_max_level');
                                $review_title = sprintf($rating_max < 100 ? __('Rating: %s from %s', 'themerex') : __('Rating: %s', 'themerex'), number_format($avg_author, 1) . ($rating_max < 100 ? '' : '%'), $rating_max . ($rating_max < 100 ? '' : '%'));
                                $avg_author = marksToDisplay(get_post_meta($post_id, 'reviews_avg' . (get_theme_option('reviews_first') == 'author' && $orderby != 'users_rating' || $orderby == 'author_rating' ? '' : '2'), true));
                                if ($avg_author > 0 && get_custom_option('slider_reviews_style') == 'rev_short') {
                                    $output .= '<div class="sc_slider_reviews_short" title="' . $review_title . '"><span class="rInfo">' . $avg_author . '</span><span class="rDelta">' . ($rating_max < 100 ? '<span class="icon-star"></span>' : '%') . '</span></div>';
                                } else {
                                    if ($avg_author > 0 && get_custom_option('slider_reviews_style') == 'rev_full') {
                                        $output_reviews .= '<div class="sc_slider_reviews reviews_summary blog_reviews" title="' . $review_title . '">' . '<div class="criteria_summary criteria_row">' . getReviewsSummaryStars($avg_author) . '</div>' . '</div>';
                                $output .= $output_reviews;
                            if (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") == 'yes') {
                                // || empty($cat)) {
                                // Get all post's categories
                                $post_categories = getCategoriesByPostId($post_id);
                                $post_categories_str = '';
                                for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_categories); $i++) {
                                    if ($post_category == '') {
                                        if (get_theme_option('close_category') == 'parental') {
                                            $parent_cat_id = 0;
                                            //(int) get_custom_option('category_id');
                                            $parent_cat = getParentCategory($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], $parent_cat_id);
                                            if ($parent_cat) {
                                                $post_category = $parent_cat['name'];
                                                $post_category_link = $parent_cat['link'];
                                                if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                                    $post_accent_color = get_category_inherited_property($parent_cat['term_id'], 'theme_color');
                                        } else {
                                            $post_category = $post_categories[$i]['name'];
                                            $post_category_link = $post_categories[$i]['link'];
                                            if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                                $post_accent_color = get_category_inherited_property($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], 'theme_color');
                                    if ($post_category != '' && $post_accent_color != '') {
                                if ($post_category == '' && count($post_categories) > 0) {
                                    $post_category = $post_categories[0]['name'];
                                    $post_category_link = $post_categories[0]['link'];
                                    if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                        $post_accent_color = get_category_inherited_property($post_categories[0]['term_id'], 'theme_color');
                                if ($post_category != '') {
                                    $output .= '<div class="sc_slider_category"' . (themerex_substr($post_accent_color, 0, 1) == '#' ? ' style="background-color: ' . $post_accent_color . '"' : '') . '><a href="' . $post_category_link . '">' . $post_category . '</a></div>';
                            if (strlen($post_title) > 25) {
                                $post_title = substr($post_title, 0, 25) . '...';
                            $output .= '<h2 class="sc_slider_subtitle"><a href="' . $post_link . '">' . $post_title . '</a></h2>';
                            if (get_custom_option('slider_descriptions') == 'yes') {
                                $output .= '<div class="sc_slider_descr">' . $post_descr . '</div>';
                            $output .= '</div></div>';
                        $output .= (sc_param_is_on($links) ? '</a>' : '') . '</li>';
                $output .= '</ul>';
                if ($engine == 'swiper') {
                    if (sc_param_is_on($controls)) {
                        $output .= '
					<ul class="slider-control-nav">
						<li class="slide-prev"><a class="icon-left-open-big" href="#"></a></li>
						<li class="slide-next"><a class="icon-right-open-big" href="#"></a></li>
                    if (sc_param_is_on($pagination)) {
                        $output .= '
					<div class="slider-pagination-nav"></div>
            } else {
                $output = '';
    $output .= !empty($output) ? '</div>' : '';
    return $output;
Пример #6
function sc_slider($atts, $content = null)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array("id" => "", "engine" => "flex", "links" => "0", "controls" => "0", "titles" => "0", "alias" => "", "ids" => "", "cat" => "", "count" => "0", "offset" => "", "orderby" => "date", "order" => 'desc', "width" => "", "height" => "", "align" => "", "border" => "0", "top" => "", "bottom" => "", "left" => "", "right" => ""), $atts));
    $s = ($top !== '' ? 'margin-top:' . $top . 'px;' : '') . ($bottom !== '' ? 'margin-bottom:' . $bottom . 'px;' : '') . ($left !== '' ? 'margin-left:' . $left . 'px;' : '') . ($right !== '' ? 'margin-right:' . $right . 'px;' : '') . (!empty($width) ? 'width:' . $width . (themerex_strpos($width, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '') . (!empty($height) ? 'height:' . $height . (themerex_strpos($height, '%') !== false ? '' : 'px') . ';' : '');
    $output = '<div' . ($id ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . ' class="sc_slider' . ' sc_slider_' . $engine . ($controls > 0 ? ' sc_slider_controls' : '') . ($align != '' ? ' align' . $align : '') . ($border > 0 ? ' sc_slider_border' : '') . '"' . ($s != '' ? ' style="' . $s . '"' : '') . '>';
    if ($engine == 'revo') {
        if (is_plugin_active('revslider/revslider.php') && !empty($alias)) {
            $output .= do_shortcode('[rev_slider ' . $alias . ']');
        } else {
            $output = '';
    } else {
        if ($engine == 'flex') {
            $output .= '<ul class="slides">';
            global $post;
            if (!empty($ids)) {
                $posts = explode(',', $ids);
                $count = count($posts);
            $args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => $count, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'order' => $order == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc');
            if ($offset > 0 && empty($ids)) {
                $args['offset'] = $offset;
            $args = addSortOrderInQuery($args, $orderby, $order, true);
            $args = addPostsAndCatsInQuery($args, $ids, $cat);
            $query = new WP_Query($args);
            while ($query->have_posts()) {
                $post_id = get_the_ID();
                $post_link = get_permalink();
                $post_attachment = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id));
                $post_accent_color = '';
                $post_accent_category = '';
                $post_title = getPostTitle($post_id);
                $output .= '<li style="background-image:url(' . $post_attachment . ')">' . ($links > 0 ? '<a href="' . $post_attachment . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($post_title) . '">' : '');
                if ($titles) {
                    $post_hover_bg = get_custom_option('puzzles_post_bg', null, $post_id);
                    $post_bg = '';
                    if ($post_hover_bg != '' && $post_hover_bg != 'default') {
                        $rgb = Hex2RGB($post_hover_bg);
                        $post_hover_ie = str_replace('#', '', $post_hover_bg);
                        $post_bg = "background-color: rgba({$rgb['r']},{$rgb['g']},{$rgb['b']},0.8);";
                    $output .= '<div class="sc_slider_info' . ($titles > 1 ? ' sc_slider_info_fixed' : '') . ' theme_accent_bg"' . ($post_bg != '' ? ' style="' . $post_bg . '"' : '') . '>';
                    $post_descr = getPostDescription();
                    if (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") == 'yes') {
                        // || empty($cat)) {
                        // Get all post's categories
                        $post_categories = getCategoriesByPostId($post_id);
                        $post_categories_str = '';
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_categories); $i++) {
                            if ($post_accent_category == '') {
                                if (get_theme_option('close_category') == 'parental') {
                                    $parent_cat_id = 0;
                                    //(int) get_custom_option('category_id');
                                    $parent_cat = getParentCategory($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], $parent_cat_id);
                                    if ($parent_cat) {
                                        $post_accent_category = $parent_cat['name'];
                                        if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                            $post_accent_color = getCategoryInheritedProperty($parent_cat['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color');
                                } else {
                                    $post_accent_category = $post_categories[$i]['name'];
                                    if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                        $post_accent_color = getCategoryInheritedProperty($post_categories[$i]['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color');
                            if ($post_accent_category != '' && $post_accent_color != '') {
                        if ($post_accent_category == '' && count($post_categories) > 0) {
                            $post_accent_category = $post_categories[0]['name'];
                            if ($post_accent_color == '') {
                                $post_accent_color = getCategoryInheritedProperty($post_categories[0]['term_id'], 'theme_accent_color');
                        if ($post_accent_category != '') {
                            $output .= '<div class="sc_slider_category theme_accent_bg"' . (themerex_substr($post_accent_color, 0, 1) == '#' ? ' style="background-color: ' . $post_accent_color . '"' : '') . '>' . $post_accent_category . '</div>';
                    $output_reviews = '';
                    if (get_custom_option('show_reviews') == 'yes' && get_custom_option('slider_reviews') == 'yes') {
                        $avg_author = marksToDisplay(get_post_meta($post_id, 'reviews_avg' . (get_theme_option('reviews_first') == 'author' && $orderby != 'users_rating' || $orderby == 'author_rating' ? '' : '2'), true));
                        if ($avg_author > 0) {
                            $output_reviews .= '<div class="sc_slider_reviews reviews_summary blog_reviews' . (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") == 'yes' ? ' after_category' : '') . '">' . '<div class="criteria_summary criteria_row">' . getReviewsSummaryStars($avg_author) . '</div>' . '</div>';
                    if (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") == 'yes') {
                        $output .= $output_reviews;
                    $output .= '<h2 class="sc_slider_subtitle"><a href="' . $post_link . '">' . $post_title . '</a></h2>';
                    if (get_custom_option("slider_info_category") != 'yes') {
                        $output .= $output_reviews;
                    if (get_custom_option('slider_descriptions') == 'yes') {
                        $output .= '<div class="sc_slider_descr">' . $post_descr . '</div>';
                    $output .= '</div>';
                } else {
                    //$output .= '<a href="'. $post_link . '">'.$titles.'</a>';
                $output .= ($links > 0 ? '</a>' : '') . '</li>';
            $output .= '</ul>';
        } else {
            $output = '';
    $output .= !empty($output) ? '</div>' : '';
    return $output;
Пример #7
function getProductCategory($product_id)
    if (empty($product_id) or $product_id == 0 or $product_id == "") {
        return "";
    $sql = "SELECT tn.tid as id_category, v.name as base_category, td.name as category ";
    $sql .= "FROM term_node tn ";
    $sql .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN term_data td ON tn.tid = td.tid ";
    $sql .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN vocabulary v ON v.vid = td.vid ";
    $sql .= "WHERE nid={$product_id} ";
    $req = mysql_query($sql);
    $count = mysql_num_rows($req);
    $result = array();
    if ($count > 0) {
        while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($req)) {
            $category_list = array();
            $id_category = $res["id_category"];
            $base_category = $res["base_category"];
            $category = $res["category"];
            $category_list[] = $category;
            while ($id_category != 0) {
                $parent_info = getParentCategory($id_category);
                $id_category = $parent_info["id_category"];
                $category = $parent_info["title"];
                if ($id_category != 0) {
                    $category_list[] = $category;
            if (isset($base_category)) {
                $category_list[] = $base_category;
                $full_category = implode("/", array_reverse($category_list));
                $result[] = $full_category;
    return $result;
Пример #8
 function getPostData(&$opt, $post_obj = null)
     $opt = getPostDataOptions($opt);
     if (empty($opt['layout'])) {
         $opt['layout'] = !empty($opt['thumb_size']) ? $opt['thumb_size'] : 'excerpt';
     global $post, $wp_query;
     $old_post = null;
     if (!empty($post) && is_object($post)) {
         $old_post = clone $post;
     if ($post_obj != null) {
         $post = $post_obj;
     $cur_post = clone $post;
     $post_id = get_the_ID();
     $post_protected = post_password_required();
     $post_format = get_post_format();
     if (empty($post_format)) {
         $post_format = 'standard';
     $post_icon = getPostFormatIcon($post_format);
     $post_type = get_post_type();
     $post_flags = array('sticky' => is_sticky());
     $post_link = get_permalink();
     $post_comments_link = get_comments_link();
     $post_date_sql = get_the_date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $post_date_stamp = get_the_date('U');
     $post_date = getDateOrDifference($post_date_sql);
     if (!empty($opt['date_format'])) {
         $parts = explode('+', $opt['date_format']);
         $post_date_part1 = empty($parts[0]) ? '' : date($parts[0], $post_date_stamp);
         $post_date_part2 = empty($parts[1]) ? '' : date($parts[1], $post_date_stamp);
         if ($post_date_part1 . $post_date_part2 != '') {
             $post_date = $post_date_part1 . ($post_date_part2 != '' ? ' ' . $post_date_part2 : '');
         $post_date_part1 = get_the_date('j M');
     $post_comments = $post_views = $post_likes = 0;
     if ($opt['counters'] != 'none') {
         $post_comments = get_comments_number();
         $post_views = getPostViews($post_id);
         $post_likes = getPostLikes($post_id);
     $post_reviews_author = $post_reviews_users = 0;
     if ($opt['reviews']) {
         $post_reviews_author = '';
         $post_reviews_users = '';
     $post_author = get_the_author();
     $post_author_id = get_the_author_meta('ID');
     $post_author_url = get_author_posts_url($post_author_id, '');
     // Is user can edit and/or delete this post?
     $allow_editor = get_theme_option("allow_editor") == 'yes';
     $post_edit_enable = $allow_editor && ($post_type == 'post' && current_user_can('edit_posts', $post_id) || $post_type == 'page' && current_user_can('edit_pages', $post_id));
     $post_delete_enable = $allow_editor && ($post_type == 'post' && current_user_can('delete_posts', $post_id) || $post_type == 'page' && current_user_can('delete_pages', $post_id));
     // Post content
     global $more;
     $old_more = $more;
     $more = -1;
     $post_content_original = trim(chop($post->post_content));
     $post_content_plain = trim(chop(get_the_content()));
     $more = $old_more;
     $post_content = trim(chop(get_the_content($opt['more_tag'], $opt['strip_teaser'])));
     // Substitute WP [gallery] shortcode
     $thumb_sizes = getThumbSizes(array('thumb_size' => $opt['thumb_size'], 'thumb_crop' => $opt['thumb_crop'], 'sidebar' => $opt['sidebar']));
     if ($opt['content']) {
         if ($opt['substitute_gallery']) {
             $post_content = substituteGallery($post_content, $post_id, $thumb_sizes['w'], $thumb_sizes['h_crop'], 'none', true);
         $post_content = apply_filters('the_content', $post_content);
         if ($post_id != get_the_ID()) {
             // Fix bug in the WPML
             $post = $cur_post;
         if ($opt['substitute_video']) {
             $post_content = substituteVideo($post_content, $thumb_sizes['w'], $thumb_sizes['h_crop']);
         if ($opt['substitute_audio']) {
             $post_content = substituteAudio($post_content);
     // Post excerpt
     $post_excerpt_original = $post->post_excerpt;
     $post_excerpt = has_excerpt() || $post_protected ? get_the_excerpt() : '';
     if (empty($post_excerpt)) {
         if (($more_pos = themerex_strpos($post_content_plain, '<span id="more-')) !== false) {
             $post_excerpt = themerex_substr($post_content_plain, 0, $more_pos);
         } else {
             $post_excerpt = in_array($post_format, array('quote', 'link')) ? $post_content : strip_shortcodes(strip_tags(get_the_excerpt()));
     if ($opt['substitute_gallery']) {
         $post_excerpt = substituteGallery($post_excerpt, $post_id, $thumb_sizes['w'], $thumb_sizes['h_crop']);
     $post_excerpt = apply_filters('themerex_sc_clear_around', $post_excerpt);
     $post_excerpt = apply_filters('the_excerpt', $post_excerpt);
     $post_excerpt = apply_filters('themerex_p_clear_around', $post_excerpt);
     if ($post_id != get_the_ID()) {
         // Fix bug in the WPML
         $post = $cur_post;
     if ($opt['substitute_video']) {
         $post_excerpt = substituteVideo($post_excerpt, $thumb_sizes['w'], $thumb_sizes['h_crop']);
     if ($opt['substitute_audio']) {
         $post_excerpt = substituteAudio($post_excerpt);
     $post_excerpt = trim(chop(str_replace(array('[...]', '[&hellip;]'), array('', ''), $post_excerpt)));
     // Post Title
     $post_title = $post_title_plain = trim(chop(get_the_title()));
     $post_title = apply_filters('the_title', $post_title);
     if ($post_id != get_the_ID()) {
         // Fix bug in the WPML
         $post = $cur_post;
     // Prepare dedicated content
     $opt['dedicated'] = get_dedicated_content();
     //$opt['location']  = !empty($opt['location']) ? $opt['location'] : get_custom_option('dedicated_location');
     $opt['location'] = !empty($opt['location']) ? $opt['location'] : 'left';
     if (empty($opt['location']) || $opt['location'] == 'default') {
         $opt['location'] = get_custom_option('dedicated_location', '', $post_id);
     if ($opt['location'] == 'alter' && !is_single() && (!is_page() || isset($wp_query->is_posts_page) && $wp_query->is_posts_page == 1)) {
         $loc = array('center', 'right', 'left');
         $opt['location'] = $loc[($opt['number'] - 1) % count($loc)];
     if (!empty($opt['dedicated'])) {
         $class = getTagAttrib($opt['dedicated'], '<div class="sc_section>', 'class');
         if ($opt['location'] == 'default') {
             if (($pos = themerex_strpos($class, 'sc_align')) !== false) {
                 $pos += 8;
                 $pos2 = themerex_strpos($class, ' ', $pos);
                 $opt['location'] = $pos2 === false ? themerex_substr($class, $pos) : themerex_substr($class, $pos, $pos2 - $pos);
             if ($opt['location'] == '' || $opt['location'] == 'default') {
                 $opt['location'] = 'center';
         if (!is_singular() || in_shortcode_blogger(true) || themerex_strpos($class, 'sc_align') !== false && themerex_strpos($class, 'columns') === false) {
             $class = str_replace(array('sc_alignright', 'sc_alignleft', 'sc_aligncenter'), array('', '', ''), $class) . ' sc_align' . $opt['location'];
             if ($opt['location'] == 'center' && themerex_strpos($class, 'columns2_3') === false && $opt['sidebar']) {
                 $class = str_replace('columns', '_columns', $class) . ' columns2_3';
             } else {
                 if (($opt['location'] == 'left' || $opt['location'] == 'right') && themerex_strpos($class, 'columns1_2') === false) {
                     // && $opt['sidebar'])
                     $class = str_replace('columns', '_columns', $class) . ' columns1_2';
             $opt['dedicated'] = setTagAttrib($opt['dedicated'], '<div class="sc_section>', 'class', $class);
     //else if ($opt['location']=='' || $opt['location']=='default')
     //$opt['location'] = 'center';
     //if ($opt['location']=='default') $opt['location']='center';
     $opt['post_class'] = themerex_strtoproper($opt['location']);
     // Substitute <video> tags to <iframe> in dedicated content
     if ($opt['substitute_video']) {
         $opt['dedicated'] = substituteVideo($opt['dedicated'], $thumb_sizes['w'], $thumb_sizes['h_crop']);
     // Substitute <audio> tags with src from soundcloud to <iframe>
     if ($opt['substitute_audio']) {
         $opt['dedicated'] = substituteAudio($opt['dedicated']);
     // Extract gallery, video and audio from full post content
     $post_thumb = $post_attachment = $post_gallery = $post_video = $post_audio = $post_url = $post_url_target = '';
     if (themerex_substr($opt['layout'], 0, 6) == 'single') {
         $post_thumb = getResizedImageTag($post_id, $thumb_sizes['w'], $thumb_sizes['h'], null, false, false, true);
     } else {
         $post_thumb = getResizedImageTag($post_id, $thumb_sizes['w'], $post_type == 'product' && get_theme_option('crop_product_thumb') == 'no' ? null : $thumb_sizes['h']);
     $post_attachment = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id));
     if ($post_format == 'gallery') {
         $post_gallery = buildGalleryTag(getPostGallery($post_content_plain, $post_id, max(2, get_custom_option('gallery_max_slides'))), $thumb_sizes['w'], $thumb_sizes['h_crop'], false, get_custom_option('substitute_slider_engine') != 'flex' ? '' : $post_link);
     } else {
         if ($post_format == 'video') {
             $post_video = getPostVideo($post_content_original, false);
             if ($post_video == '') {
                 $src = getVideoPlayerURL(getPostVideo($post_content_original, true), $post_thumb != '');
                 if ($src) {
                     $post_video = substituteVideo('<video src="' . $src . '">', $thumb_sizes['w'], round($thumb_sizes['w'] / 16 * 9), false);
             if ($post_video != '' && $opt['substitute_video']) {
                 $src = getVideoPlayerURL(getPostVideo($post_video), $post_thumb != '');
                 if ($src) {
                     $post_video = substituteVideo('<video src="' . $src . '">', $thumb_sizes['w'], round($thumb_sizes['w'] / 16 * 9), false);
         } else {
             if ($post_format == 'audio') {
                 $post_audio = getPostAudio($post_content_original, false);
                 if ($post_audio == '') {
                     $src = getPostAudio($post_content_original, true);
                     if ($src) {
                         $post_audio = substituteAudio('<audio src="' . $src . '"></audio>');
                 if ($post_audio != '' && $opt['substitute_audio'] == 'yes') {
                     $src = getPostAudio($post_audio);
                     $tag_t = getTagAttrib($post_audio, '[trx_audio]', 'title');
                     $tag_t = $tag_t == '' ? getTagAttrib($post_audio, '[audio]', 'title') : $tag_t;
                     $tag_at = getTagAttrib($post_audio, '[trx_audio]', 'author');
                     $tag_at = $tag_at == '' ? getTagAttrib($post_audio, '[audio]', 'author') : $tag_at;
                     if ($src) {
                         $post_audio = substituteAudio('<audio title="' . $tag_t . '" author="' . $tag_at . '" src="' . $src . '"></audio>');
     if ($post_format == 'image' && !$post_thumb) {
         if (($src = getPostImage($post_content_original)) != '') {
             $post_thumb = getResizedImageTag($src, $thumb_sizes['w'], $thumb_sizes['h_crop']);
     if ($post_format == 'link') {
         $post_url_data = getPostLink($post_content_original, false);
         $post_link = $post_url = $post_url_data['url'];
         $post_url_target = $post_url_data['target'];
     // Get all post's categories
     $post_categories_list = array();
     $post_categories_ids = array();
     $post_categories_slugs = array();
     $post_categories_links = '';
     $post_root_category = '';
     if ($opt['categories_list']) {
         $post_categories_list = getCategoriesByPostId($post_id);
         $ex_cats = explode(',', get_theme_option('exclude_cats'));
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_categories_list); $i++) {
             if (in_array($post_categories_list[$i]['term_id'], $ex_cats)) {
             if ($post_root_category == '') {
                 if (get_theme_option('close_category') == 'parental') {
                     $parent_cat = getParentCategory($post_categories_list[$i]['term_id'], $opt['parent_cat_id']);
                     if ($parent_cat) {
                         $post_root_category = $parent_cat['name'];
                 } else {
                     $post_root_category = $post_categories_list[$i]['name'];
             $post_categories_ids[] = $post_categories_list[$i]['term_id'];
             $post_categories_slugs[] = $post_categories_list[$i]['slug'];
             $post_categories_links .= '<a class="cat_link" href="' . $post_categories_list[$i]['link'] . '">' . $post_categories_list[$i]['name'] . ($i < count($post_categories_list) - 1 ? ',' : '') . '</a> ';
         if ($post_root_category == '' && count($post_categories_list) > 0) {
             $post_root_category = $post_categories_list[0]['name'];
     // Get all post's tags
     $post_tags_list = array();
     $post_tags_ids = array();
     $post_tags_slugs = array();
     $post_tags_links = '';
     if ($opt['tags_list']) {
         if (($post_tags_list = get_the_tags()) != 0) {
             $tag_number = 0;
             foreach ($post_tags_list as $tag) {
                 $post_tags_links .= '<a class="tag_link" href="' . get_tag_link($tag->term_id) . '">' . $tag->name . ($tag_number == count($post_tags_list) ? '' : ',') . '</a> ';
                 $post_tags_ids[] = $tag->term_id;
                 $post_tags_slugs[] = $tag->slug;
         } else {
             if (!is_array($post_tags_list)) {
                 $post_tags_list = array();
     if ($old_post != null) {
         $post = $old_post;
     $post_data = compact('post_id', 'post_protected', 'post_type', 'post_format', 'post_flags', 'post_icon', 'post_link', 'post_comments_link', 'post_date_sql', 'post_date_stamp', 'post_date', 'post_date_part1', 'post_date_part2', 'post_comments', 'post_views', 'post_likes', 'post_reviews_author', 'post_reviews_users', 'post_author', 'post_author_id', 'post_author_url', 'post_title', 'post_title_plain', 'post_content_plain', 'post_content_original', 'post_content', 'post_excerpt_original', 'post_excerpt', 'post_thumb', 'post_attachment', 'post_gallery', 'post_video', 'post_audio', 'post_url', 'post_url_target', 'post_categories_list', 'post_categories_slugs', 'post_categories_ids', 'post_categories_links', 'post_root_category', 'post_tags_list', 'post_tags_ids', 'post_tags_slugs', 'post_tags_links', 'post_edit_enable', 'post_delete_enable');
     return apply_filters('themerex_get_post_data', $post_data, $opt, $post_obj);
Пример #9

require_once "ApiLibrary.php";
//Checks if this is running from a request
    //This checks to see if anything was passed into the parameter userName
    if (!isset($_GET['catId'])) {
        //handle error
    } else {
        $_catId = $_GET['catId'];
        echo getParentCategory($_catId);
Пример #10
* Генерирует путь для раздела в виде html
function generateHtmlPath($node, $enableLast = false)
    if ($enableLast) {
        $enableLastNode = true;
    } else {
        $enableLastNode = false;
        //$chNodes = $node->get_elements_by_tagname("UL");
        //$enableLastNode = (sizeof($chNodes) > 0);
    $category = getCategory($node);
    $parentCategory = getParentCategory($node);
    $path = iconv("UTF-8", "windows-1251", $parentCategory . $category);
    $tmp = explode("/", $path);
    $html = generateRootLink() . CATEGS_SEP;
    $path = INDEX_LINK;
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tmp) - 1; $i++) {
        $path .= validFileName(translitText($tmp[$i]), true) . "/";
        $html .= "<a href=\"{$path}\">" . $tmp[$i] . "</a>" . CATEGS_SEP;
    $i = sizeof($tmp) - 1;
    if ($enableLastNode) {
        $path .= validFileName(translitText($tmp[$i], true));
        $html .= "<a href=\"{$path}\">" . $tmp[$i] . "</a>";
    } else {
        $html .= $tmp[$i];
    return $html;