  * @param $path string 例如 Travel/detail/12
  * @param $uid int 评论给谁?
  * @author caipeichao
 public function localComment($param)
     $path = $param['path'];
     $aPath = explode('/', $path);
     $app = $aPath[0];
     $mod = $aPath[1];
     $row_id = $aPath[2];
     $count = modC($mod . '_LOCAL_COMMENT_COUNT', 10, $app);
     $list = $this->getCommentList($app, $mod, $row_id, 1, $count);
     $total_count = $this->getCommentCount($app, $mod, $row_id);
     foreach ($list as &$e) {
         $e['user'] = query_user(array('uid', 'avatar32', 'nickname', 'space_url'), $e['uid']);
     $pageCount = ceil($total_count / $count);
     $pageHtml = getPageHtml('local_comment_page', $pageCount, array('app' => $app, 'mod' => $mod, 'row_id' => $row_id), 1);
     $can_guest = modC($mod . '_LOCAL_COMMENT_CAN_GUEST', 1, $app);
     $this->assign('can_guest', $can_guest);
     $this->assign('pageHtml', $pageHtml);
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     $this->assign('total_count', $total_count);
     $this->assign('count', $count);
     $this->assign('app', $app);
     $this->assign('mod', $mod);
     $this->assign('row_id', $row_id);
     $this->assign('myInfo', query_user(array('avatar32', 'nickname', 'uid', 'space_url'), is_login()));
Пример #2
 public function lzllist($to_f_reply_id, $page = 1, $p = 1)
     $limit = 5;
     $list = D('ForumLzlReply')->getLZLReplyList($to_f_reply_id, 'ctime asc', $page, $limit);
     $totalCount = D('forum_lzl_reply')->where('is_del=0 and to_f_reply_id=' . $to_f_reply_id)->count();
     $data['to_f_reply_id'] = $to_f_reply_id;
     $pageCount = ceil($totalCount / $limit);
     $html = getPageHtml('changePage', $pageCount, $data, $page);
     $this->assign('lzlList', $list);
     $this->assign('html', $html);
     $this->assign('p', $p);
     $this->assign('nowPage', $page);
     $this->assign('totalCount', $totalCount);
     $this->assign('limit', $limit);
     $this->assign('count', count($list));
     $this->assign('to_f_reply_id', $to_f_reply_id);
Пример #3
 private function assignData($reply_id)
     $reply = D('Group/GroupPostReply')->getReply($reply_id);
     $lzlModel = D('GroupLzlReply');
     $map = array('status' => 1, 'to_f_reply_id' => $reply_id);
     $r = modC('GROUP_LZL_SHOW_COUNT', 5, 'GROUP');
     $order = modC('GROUP_LZL_REPLY_ORDER', 1, 'GROUP') == 1 ? 'create_time asc' : 'create_time desc';
     $lzl_list = $lzlModel->getList(array('where' => $map, 'order' => $order, 'page' => 1, 'count' => $r));
     $lzl_total_count = $lzlModel->where($map)->count();
     $data['to_f_reply_id'] = $reply_id;
     $pageCount = ceil($lzl_total_count / $r);
     $html = getPageHtml('group_lzl_page', $pageCount, $data, 1);
     $this->assign('post', D('Group/GroupPost')->getPost($reply['post_id']));
     $this->assign('html', $html);
     $this->assign('lzl_total_count', $lzl_total_count);
     $this->assign('r', $r);
     $this->assign('lzl_list', $lzl_list);
     $this->assign('reply', $reply);
Пример #4
  *This is a stub function that call a function to generate the HTML for quizzes and 
  *allows the user to take one
  *@return string representing the quizzes
  *@see    frontend/display.php::getPageHtml
function Quiz_Display_page()
    require_once SCRIPTBASE . 'ww.plugins/quiz/frontend/display.php';
    return getPageHtml();
 public function addMoreReply()
     $aPage = I('post.page', 1, 'op_t');
     $aCount = I('post.count', 10, 'op_t');
     $aLzlPage = I('post.lzlpage', 1, 'op_t');
     $aLzlCount = I('post.lzlcount', 3, 'op_t');
     $aId = I('post.group_id', 10, 'op_t');
     $postComment = M('GroupPostReply')->where(array('post_id' => $aId, 'status' => 1))->page($aPage, $aCount)->select();
     foreach ($postComment as &$v) {
         $v['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar32', 'space_mob_url'), $v['uid']);
         $v['content'] = parse_expression($v['content']);
         if ($postComment['uid'] == $v['uid']) {
             $v['floormaster'] = "楼主";
         $v['lzllist'] = $list = M('GroupLzlReply')->getLZLReplyList($v['id'], 'create_time asc', $aLzlPage, $aLzlCount);
         $v['lzltotalCount'] = $totalCountLzl = M('GroupLzlReply')->where('status=1 and to_f_reply_id=' . $v['id'])->count();
         if ($totalCountLzl <= $aLzlPage * $aLzlCount) {
             $v['lzlcount'] = 0;
         } else {
             $v['lzlcount'] = 1;
         $data['to_f_reply_id'] = $v['id'];
         $pageCount = ceil($totalCountLzl / $aLzlCount);
         $v['lzlhtml'] = $html = getPageHtml('changePage', $pageCount, $data, $aLzlPage);
     if ($postComment) {
         $data['html'] = "";
         foreach ($postComment as $key => $val) {
             $this->assign("vl", $val);
             $this->assign("k", ($aPage - 1) * $aCount + $key + 1);
             $data['html'] .= $this->fetch("_postcomment");
             $data['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         $data['stutus'] = 0;
Пример #6
 public function lzlList()
     $aToFReplyId = I('post.reply_id', 0, 'intval');
     $aPage = I('post.page', 1, 'intval');
     $r = modC('GROUP_LZL_SHOW_COUNT', 5, 'GROUP');
     $order = modC('GROUP_LZL_REPLY_ORDER', 0, 'GROUP') == 1 ? 'create_time asc' : 'create_time desc';
     $lzlModel = D('GroupLzlReply');
     $map['to_f_reply_id'] = $aToFReplyId;
     $map['status'] = 1;
     $list = $lzlModel->getList(array('where' => $map, 'order' => $order, 'page' => $aPage, 'count' => $r));
     $totalCount = $lzlModel->where($map)->count();
     $this->assign('lzl_list', $list);
     $data['to_f_reply_id'] = $aToFReplyId;
     $pageCount = ceil($totalCount / $r);
     $html = getPageHtml('group_lzl_page', $pageCount, $data, $aPage);
     $this->assign('html', $html);
     $resutl = $this->fetch('lzllist');
 public function getCommentList()
     $aApp = I('post.app', '', 'text');
     $aMod = I('post.mod', '', 'text');
     $aRowId = I('post.row_id', '', 'intval');
     $aPage = I('post.page', '', 'intval');
     $count = modC($aMod . '_LOCAL_COMMENT_COUNT', 10, $aApp);
     $commentModel = $this->commentModel;
     $param['where'] = array('app' => $aApp, 'mod' => $aMod, 'row_id' => $aRowId, 'status' => 1);
     $param['page'] = $aPage;
     $param['count'] = $count;
     $sort = modC($aMod . '_LOCAL_COMMENT_ORDER', 0, $aApp) == 0 ? 'desc' : 'asc';
     $param['order'] = 'create_time ' . $sort;
     $param['field'] = 'id';
     $list = $commentModel->getList($param);
     $html = '';
     $class = get_addon_class('LocalComment');
     $object = new $class();
     foreach ($list as $v) {
         $html .= $object->getCommentHtml($v);
     $total_count = $object->getCommentCount($aApp, $aMod, $aRowId);
     $pageCount = ceil($total_count / $count);
     $html .= '<div class="pager">' . getPageHtml('local_comment_page', $pageCount, array('app' => $aApp, 'mod' => $aMod, 'row_id' => $aRowId), $aPage) . '</div>';
     $this->ajaxReturn(array('html' => $html));
 public function addMoreLzlreply()
     $aLzlPage = I('post.lzlpage', 0, 'op_t');
     $aLzlCount = I('post.lzlcount', 3, 'op_t');
     $aId = I('post.id', '', 'op_t');
     $map['id'] = array('eq', $aId);
     $forum_detail = M('ForumPost')->where($map)->find();
     $forum_detail['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar128'), $forum_detail['uid']);
     //   dump($v['id']);exit;
     $post_detail['lzllist'] = $list = M('Mob/ForumLzlReply')->getLZLReplyList($aId, 'ctime asc', $aLzlPage, $aLzlCount);
     $post_detail['lzltotalCount'] = $totalCount = M('forum_lzl_reply')->where('is_del=0 and to_f_reply_id=' . $post_detail['id'])->count();
     $data['to_f_reply_id'] = $post_detail['id'];
     $pageCount = ceil($totalCount / $aLzlCount);
     $post_detail['lzlhtml'] = $html = getPageHtml('changePage', $pageCount, $data, $aLzlPage);
     if ($post_detail) {
         $data['html'] = "";
         $this->assign("vl", $post_detail);
         $this->assign("vl", $post_detail);
         $data['html'] .= $this->fetch("_lzlreply");
         if ($data['html']) {
             $data['status'] = 1;
         } else {
             $data['stutus'] = 0;
     } else {
         $data['stutus'] = 0;