<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../admin/img/styles/base.css,liquid.css,layout.css,sprite.css,last_minute_fixes.css" />
		<!--[if IE]>
			<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../admin/img/styles/ie.css" />
	<div id="backup-module" class="module">
		<div id="status-report" 

 * Delete current backup archives
$btn_delete = getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('btn_delete');
if ($do == 'delete' && !empty($btn_delete)) {
    echo 'style="display: block;" ';
    if (!empty($_POST['file'])) {
        // Only if current user has the rights
        if ($perm->is_level_okay('manageModBackup', $_SESSION['ccms_userLevel'])) {
            echo 'class="notice center-text">';
            foreach ($_POST['file'] as $value) {
                $value = filterParam4Filename($value);
                // strips any slashes as well, so attacks like '../../../../../../../../../etc/passwords' won't pass
                if (!empty($value)) {
                    unlink('../../../../media/files/' . $value);
                    echo ucfirst($value) . ' ' . $ccms['lang']['backend']['statusremoved'] . '.<br/>';
                } else {
                    echo $ccms['lang']['auth']['featnotallowed'];
 * Create a new user as posted by an authorized user
if ($do_action == 'add-user' && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && checkAuth()) {
    try {
        // Only if current user has the rights
        if ($perm->is_level_okay('manageUsers', $_SESSION['ccms_userLevel'])) {
            //if($i <= 6) error
            if (empty($_POST['userPass'])) {
                throw new FbX($ccms['lang']['system']['error_tooshort']);
            $userName = strtolower(getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('user'));
            $userPass = md5($_POST['userPass'] . $cfg['authcode']);
            $userFirst = getPOSTparam4HumanName('userFirstname');
            $userLast = getPOSTparam4HumanName('userLastname');
            $userEmail = getPOSTparam4Email('userEmail');
            $userActive = getPOSTparam4boolean('userActive');
            $userLevel = getPOSTparam4Number('userLevel');
            if (empty($userName) || empty($userFirst) || empty($userLast) || empty($userEmail) || !$userLevel) {
                throw new FbX($ccms['lang']['system']['error_tooshort']);
            // Set variables
            $values = array();
            // [i_a] make sure $values is an empty array to start with here
            $values['userName'] = MySQL::SQLValue($userName, MySQL::SQLVALUE_TEXT);
            $values['userPass'] = MySQL::SQLValue($userPass, MySQL::SQLVALUE_TEXT);
            $values['userFirst'] = MySQL::SQLValue($userFirst, MySQL::SQLVALUE_TEXT);
Пример #3
 * Save configuration
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $do_action == 'save-cfg' && checkAuth()) {
    $page_id = getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('page_id');
    try {
        if (!empty($page_id)) {
            FbX::SetFeedbackLocation('comment.Manage.php', 'page_id=' . $page_id);
            // Only if current user has the rights
            if ($perm->is_level_okay('manageModComment', $_SESSION['ccms_userLevel'])) {
                $showMessage = getPOSTparam4Number('messages');
                $showLocale = getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('locale');
                if (!empty($showMessage) && !empty($showLocale)) {
                    $values = array();
                    // [i_a] make sure $values is an empty array to start with here
                    $values['page_id'] = MySQL::SQLValue($page_id, MySQL::SQLVALUE_NUMBER);
                    $values['showMessage'] = MySQL::SQLValue($showMessage, MySQL::SQLVALUE_NUMBER);
                    $values['showLocale'] = MySQL::SQLValue($showLocale, MySQL::SQLVALUE_TEXT);
                    // Insert or update configuration
                    if ($db->AutoInsertUpdate($cfg['db_prefix'] . 'cfgcomment', $values, array('cfgID' => MySQL::BuildSQLValue($cfgID)))) {
                        header('Location: ' . makeAbsoluteURI('comment.Manage.php?page_id=' . $page_id . '&status=notice&msg=' . rawurlencode($ccms['lang']['backend']['settingssaved'])));
                    } else {
                        throw new FbX($db->MyDyingMessage());
                } else {
                    throw new FbX($ccms['lang']['system']['error_forged'] . ' (' . __FILE__ . ', ' . __LINE__ . ')');
    define('CCMS_PERFORM_MINIMAL_INIT', true);
// Define default location
if (!defined('BASE_PATH')) {
    $base = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))));
    define('BASE_PATH', $base);
// Include general configuration
require_once BASE_PATH . '/lib/sitemap.php';
// security check done ASAP
if (!checkAuth() || empty($_SESSION['rc1']) || empty($_SESSION['rc2'])) {
    die("No external access to file");
$do = getGETparam4IdOrNumber('do');
$btn_backup = getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('btn_backup');
if ($do == 'backup' && $btn_backup == 'dobackup') {
    // Include back-up functions
    require_once './functions.php';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<title>Back-up &amp; Restore module</title>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../admin/img/styles/base.css,liquid.css,layout.css,sprite.css,last_minute_fixes.css" />
	<!--[if IE]>
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../admin/img/styles/ie.css" />
Пример #5
// Close step three
// Step four
if ($nextstep == '4' && checkAuth()) {
    // Installation actions
    //  - Process database
    $db_host = array("db_host" => getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('db_host'));
    $db_user = array("db_user" => getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('db_user'));
    $db_pass = array("db_pass" => $_POST['db_pass']);
    // must be RAW
    $db_name = array("db_name" => getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('db_name'));
    $db_prefix = array("db_prefix" => getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('db_prefix'));
    // Add new data to variable session
    $_SESSION['variables'] = array_merge($_SESSION['variables'], $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_prefix);
    // make sure that these directories exist (previous manual efforts may have removed them):
    @mkdir(BASE_PATH . '/media');
    @mkdir(BASE_PATH . '/media/albums');
    @mkdir(BASE_PATH . '/media/files');
    @mkdir(BASE_PATH . '/lib/includes/cache');
    // Check for current chmod(); we only are interesting in whether these files and directories are readable and writeable:
    // this also works out for Windows-based servers.
    $chfile = array();
Пример #6
 * switch user ('su'): 
 * - check whether we are authorized to perform this action, and if we are...
 * - check whether we may switch to the indicated user (who should have equal or 
 *   lower permission settings compared to us (where 'us' is the pluralis majestatis 
 *   for 'admin'), and when so...
 * - switch the session over to the given user credentials while marking it as a 
 *   'switched user': we may not 'nest' switching!
if ($target_form == 'switch_user' && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && checkAuth()) {
    $su_userName = getPOSTparam4IdOrNumber('su_userName');
    if (empty($_SESSION['ccms_userID']) || empty($_SESSION['ccms_userLevel']) || $_SESSION['ccms_userLevel'] < 4 || !empty($_SESSION['ccms_isSwitchedUser']) || empty($su_userName)) {
        die_with_forged_failure_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    $logmsg = null;
    $su_arr = explode('_', $su_userName, 2);
    if (count($su_arr) != 2) {
        die_with_forged_failure_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    $values = array();
    $values['userID'] = MySQL::SQLValue($su_arr[0], MySQL::SQLVALUE_NUMBER);
    $values['userName'] = MySQL::SQLValue($su_arr[1], MySQL::SQLVALUE_TEXT);
    $values[] = 'userLevel < ' . MySQL::SQLValue($_SESSION['ccms_userLevel'], MySQL::SQLVALUE_NUMBER);
    $values['userActive'] = MySQL::SQLValue(true, MySQL::SQLVALUE_BOOLEAN);
    $row = $db->SelectSingleRowArray($cfg['db_prefix'] . 'users', $values);
    if ($db->ErrorNumber()) {