function select_media(&$out, &$lang) { require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php'; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.multimedia.php'; $form = new Form(); $from = importVar("from"); $item_id = (int) importVar("item_id"); $src = ""; $title = ""; $path = ""; switch ($from) { case "cms": if (!canAccessCmsMedia()) { die("You can't access!"); } $path = _FPATH_INTERNAL; $relative_path = _FPATH; $preview_path = _PPATH; $qtxt = "SELECT t1.fname, t1.real_fname, t1.media_url, t2.title FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_cms"] . "_media as t1 "; $qtxt .= "LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS["prefix_cms"] . "_media_info as t2 ON (t2.idm=t1.idMedia) "; $qtxt .= "WHERE t1.idMedia='" . $item_id . "' AND t1.publish='1'"; $q = sql_query($qtxt); if ($q && mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($q); $src = $row["real_fname"]; $title = $row["title"]; if (!empty($row["media_url"])) { $src = $row["media_url"]; } else { $src = $row["real_fname"]; } } break; case "personal": if (!canAccessPersonalMedia()) { die("You can't access!"); } $user_id = Docebo::user()->getIdSt(); $path = _USER_FPATH_INTERNAL; $relative_path = _USER_FPATH; $preview_path = _USER_FPATH; $qtxt = "SELECT real_fname, media_url FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_fw"] . "_user_file "; $qtxt .= "WHERE id='" . $item_id . "' AND user_idst='" . $user_id . "' AND type='image'"; $q = sql_query($qtxt); if ($q && mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($q); if (!empty($row["media_url"])) { $src = $row["media_url"]; } else { $src = $row["real_fname"]; } } break; } // $src=rawurlencode($src); $res = ""; $url = getPopupBaseUrl() . "&op=main"; if (!empty($row["media_url"])) { $media_url = $row["media_url"]; $popup_file_path = $media_url; } else { $popup_file_path = $path . $src; } addMediaPopupJS($popup_file_path); // TODO: remove inline style if (file_exists($preview_path . $src)) { $style = "width: 100px; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; margin-bottom: 0.4em;"; $res .= "<img style=\"" . $style . "\" src=\"" . $preview_path . $src . "\" alt=\"" . $title . "\" title=\"" . $title . "\" />\n"; } else { $media_type = getMediaType($src); $style = "width: 64px; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; margin-bottom: 0.4em;"; $res .= "<img style=\"" . $style . "\" src=\"" . getPathImage('fw') . "media/" . $media_type . ".png\" alt=\"" . $title . "\" title=\"" . $title . "\" />\n"; } $res .= $form->openForm("popup_form", $url, false, false, '', "onSubmit=\"insItem();\" onReset=\"closePopup();\""); $res .= $form->openElementSpace(); $type = getPopupSelType(); switch ($type) { case "image": $res .= $form->getTextfield($lang->def("_ALT_TXT"), "alt_text", "alt_text", 255, $title); $res .= $form->getTextfield($lang->def("_TITLE"), "title_text", "title_text", 255, $title); //$res.=$form->getTextfield($lang->def("_BORDER"), "border", "border", 3, "0"); break; case "flash": $flash_info = getSwfInfoArray($relative_path . $src); $res .= $form->getTextfield($lang->def("_WIDTH"), "width", "width", 4, $flash_info["width"]); $res .= $form->getTextfield($lang->def("_HEIGHT"), "height", "height", 4, $flash_info["height"]); $res .= $form->getTextfield($lang->def("_BGCOLOR"), "bgcolor", "border", 7, "#FFF"); break; case "audio": case "video": case "streaming": require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.json.php'; $json = new Services_JSON(); if (!empty($media_url)) { $code = getStreamingEmbed($media_url, FALSE, $src); } else { $cut_from = strlen($GLOBALS["where_files_relative"]); $base_relative_path = $GLOBALS["base_where_files_relative"] . substr($relative_path, $cut_from); $current_pl = Get::cur_plat(); $site_file_path = getPLSetting($current_pl, "url") . $base_relative_path; $code = getEmbedPlay($site_file_path, $src, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); } $code = '<div>' . $code . '</div>'; $core_url = getPLSetting("framework", "url"); $bad_path = $GLOBALS["where_framework_relative"] . "/addons/players/"; $good_path = $core_url . "addons/players/"; $code = str_replace($bad_path, $good_path, $code); $content = array("code" => $code); $embed_code = $json->encode($content); $res .= $form->getHidden("embed_code", "embed_code", rawurlencode($embed_code)); $res .= $src; break; } $res .= $form->closeElementSpace(); $res .= $form->openButtonSpace(); $res .= $form->getButton('apply', 'apply', $lang->def('_SAVE')); $res .= $form->getReset('undo', 'undo', $lang->def('_UNDO')); $res .= $form->closeButtonSpace(); $res .= $form->closeForm(); $out->add($res); }
require_once $GLOBALS["where_lms"] . "/lib/lib.course.php"; require_once $GLOBALS["where_lms"] . "/modules/coursecatalogue/lib.coursecatalogue.php"; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('standard', 'framework'); $lang->setGlobal(); if (Docebo::user()->isAnonymous()) { $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('catalogue', 'lms'); $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('course', 'lms'); $man_course = new DoceboCourse(importVar('id_course', true, 0)); $course_name = $man_course->getValue('name'); $string = $lang->def('_THANKS_LOGIN_OR_REGISTER'); $string = substr($string, strpos($string, '<a')); $subst = array('[name]' => $course_name, '[link_register]' => 'index.php?modname=login&op=register'); $value = array("next_op" => '', "id" => 'course_editions', "title" => $lang->def('_COURSE_SUBSCRIPTION', 'catalogue'), "content" => str_replace(array_keys($subst), $subst, $string)); } else { if (!defined("_ECOM_CURRENCY")) { $currency_label = getPLSetting("ecom", "currency_label", ""); define("_ECOM_CURRENCY", $currency_label); } $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('course', 'lms'); $id_course = importVar('id_course', true, 0); $man_course = new DoceboCourse($id_course); $cinfo = $man_course->getAllInfo(); $man_courseuser = new Man_CourseUser(); $usercourses =& $man_courseuser->getUserSubscriptionsInfo(getLogUserId(), false); // retrive subscribed ----------------------------------------------------- $select_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as user_count "; $from_count = " FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_courseuser AS u"; $where_count = " WHERE u.idCourse = '" . $id_course . "' " . " AND u.level = '3'" . " AND u.status IN ('" . _CUS_CONFIRMED . "', '" . _CUS_SUBSCRIBED . "', '" . _CUS_BEGIN . "', '" . _CUS_END . "', '" . _CUS_SUSPEND . "', '" . _CUS_WAITING_LIST . "')" . " AND u.absent = '0'"; $re_count = sql_query($select_count . $from_count . $where_count); list($cinfo['enrolled']) = sql_fetch_row($re_count); $action = relationWithCourse($cinfo['idCourse'], $cinfo, isset($usercourses[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $usercourses[$cinfo['idCourse']] : false, false);
/** * Returns the site base url of a website that means the full website * url without the platform-specific folder * example: browsing "" you'll get * "" */ function getSiteBaseUrl() { $current_pl = Get::cur_plat(); $url = substr(getPLSetting($current_pl, "url"), 0, -1); $search = str_replace("\\", '/', $GLOBALS["where_" . $current_pl]); $cut_from = strrpos($search, "/"); $search = substr($search, $cut_from); $search = str_replace('/', '\\/', $search); $base_url = preg_replace('/' . $search . '/i', "", $url); return $base_url; }
/** * Load in a global variable an array with information on bought courses or edition * or their reservations if ecommerce is modered by a buyer. */ function loadEcomItems() { $GLOBALS["lms_bought_items"] = array(); $ecom_type = getPLSetting("ecom", "ecom_type", "none"); if ($ecom_type !== "none") { require_once $GLOBALS["where_ecom"] . "/admin/modules/reservation/lib.reservation.php"; $res = array(); $user_id = getLogUserId(); // --- Transactions: ------------------------------------ // TODO: move this on a ecom lib / class[*] : $qtxt = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_ecom'] . "_transaction_product WHERE id_user='******'"; $q = sql_query($qtxt); $action = "transaction"; $res[$action] = array(); if ($q && mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { if (!isset($res[$action][$row["type"]]) || !in_array($row["id_prod"], $res[$action][$row["type"]])) { $key = $row["id_prod"]; $res[$action][$row["type"]][$key] = $key; } } } // --- Reservations: ------------------------------------ // [*]something like this: $rm = new ReservationManager(); $data_info = $rm->getReservationList(FALSE, FALSE, "user_id='" . $user_id . "'"); $data_arr =& $data_info["data_arr"]; $action = "reservation"; $res[$action] = array(); foreach ($data_arr as $item) { if (!isset($res[$action][$item["type"]]) || !in_array($item["product_code"], $res[$action][$item["type"]])) { $key = $item["product_code"]; $res[$action][$item["type"]][$key] = $key; } } $GLOBALS["lms_bought_items"] = $res; } }