$query .= $conditionAll . " " . getOrderBy('entity', $columns);
$result = $DB->query($query);
for ($row_num = 0; $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result); $row_num++) {
    $dataAll[$row_num] = $data;
//case employment
$queryEmploy = "SELECT `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`entities_id` AS entity,\n                        'Employment' AS typeName,\n                       `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`name` AS name,\n                       `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`id` AS ID,\n                       NULL AS firstname,\n                       NULL AS registration_number,\n                        `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`id` AS profID,\n                        `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`name` AS profession,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`begin_date` AS date_begin,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`end_date` AS date_end,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`begin_date`,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`end_date`\n             FROM `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`\n             LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`\n                  ON (`glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`plugin_resources_professions_id` = `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`id`)\n             WHERE ((`glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`begin_date` < '" . $date . "'\n                     AND (`glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`end_date` IS NULL\n                           OR `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`end_date` > '" . $date . "'))\n                     AND `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`id` IS NOT NULL)\n                     AND ((`glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`begin_date` > `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`end_date`\n                           OR `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`end_date` < `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`begin_date`)\n                        OR (`glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`end_date` < '" . $date . "'\n                           OR `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`begin_date` > '" . $date . "'))";
//             WHERE ((`glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`begin_date` > `glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`end_date`
//                     OR `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`end_date` < `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`begin_date`
//                     OR `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`begin_date` < '".$date."')
//                        AND `glpi_plugin_resources_employments`.`end_date` IS NULL
//                        AND (`glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`end_date` < '".$date."'
//                           OR `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`begin_date` > '".$date."'))
//                     AND `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`id` IS NOT NULL)";
$conditionAll = getEntitiesRestrictRequest('AND', 'glpi_plugin_resources_employments', '', '', true);
$queryEmploy .= $conditionAll . " " . getOrderBy('entity', $columns);
foreach ($DB->request($queryEmploy) as $dataEmploy) {
    $dataAll[$row_num] = $dataEmploy;
$nbtot = count($dataAll);
if ($limit) {
    $start = isset($_GET["start"]) ? $_GET["start"] : 0;
    if ($start >= $nbtot) {
        $start = 0;
} else {
    $start = 0;
if ($nbtot == 0) {
    if (!$HEADER_LOADED) {
Пример #2
if ($res && $nbtot > 0) {
    $nbCols = $DB->num_fields($res);
    $nbrows = $DB->numrows($res);
    $num = 1;
    $link = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $order = 'ASC';
    $issort = false;
    echo Search::showHeader($output_type, $nbrows, $nbCols, true);
    echo Search::showNewLine($output_type);
    showTitle($output_type, $num, __('Entity'), 'entity', true);
    showTitle($output_type, $num, __('Service'), 'groups_id', true);
    showTitle($output_type, $num, PluginTypologyTypology::getTypeName(1), 'typoID', true);
    showTitle($output_type, $num, __('Number', 'typology'), 'COUNT', true);
    echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
    //By service and typology
    $queryService = "SELECT count(*) AS COUNT,\n                           `glpi_plugin_typology_typologies`.`entities_id` AS entity,\n                           `glpi_computers`.`groups_id`,\n                           `glpi_plugin_typology_typologies`.`id` AS typoID\n                     FROM `glpi_plugin_typology_typologies_items`\n                     LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_typology_typologies`\n                        ON(`glpi_plugin_typology_typologies_items`.`plugin_typology_typologies_id`\n                            = `glpi_plugin_typology_typologies`.`id`)\n                     LEFT JOIN `glpi_computers`\n                        ON (`glpi_plugin_typology_typologies_items`.`items_id` = `glpi_computers`.`id`\n                            AND `glpi_plugin_typology_typologies_items`.`itemtype` = 'Computer')\n                     LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities`\n                        ON (`glpi_plugin_typology_typologies`.`entities_id` = `glpi_entities`.`id`)\n                     WHERE {$condition} {$sqltypo}\n                     GROUP BY `glpi_entities`.`entities_id`,\n                              `glpi_computers`.`groups_id`,\n                              `glpi_plugin_typology_typologies`.`id`" . getOrderBy('entity', $columns);
    $resultService = $DB->query($queryService);
    $row_num = 1;
    while ($dataService = $DB->fetch_assoc($resultService)) {
        if ($dataService['groups_id'] == 0) {
            $serviceName = __('None');
        } else {
            $serviceName = Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_groups", $dataService['groups_id']);
        if ($dataService['typoID'] == '0') {
            $typoName = __('None');
        } else {
            $typoName = Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_plugin_typology_typologies", $dataService["typoID"]);
        $entityName = Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $dataService['entity']);
Пример #3
 function getOrderBy()
     return getOrderBy($this);
Пример #4
function find($inFindCol, $inFind = '', $inOb = '', $inFindFrom = 0, $inFindForward = true, $inFullText = true)
    global $table;
    // build order by clause
    $desc = (bool) getPostString("desc");
    if (!$inOb) {
        $inOb = getOrderBy();
    if ($inOb) {
        $inOb = "`" . $inOb . "`";
    $orderby = $inOb ? " ORDER BY {$inOb} " . ($desc ? " DESC" : "") : "";
    // update inputs from post
    if (!$inFind) {
        $inFind = getPostString('findText');
    if (!$inFindCol) {
        $inFindCol = getPostString('findCol');
    if (empty($inFindFrom)) {
        $inFindFrom = getPostString('findFrom');
    $ff = getPostString('findForward');
    if ($ff) {
        $inFindForward = strtolower($ff) == 'true' ? true : false;
    $ft = getPostString('findFullText');
    if ($ft) {
        $inFullText = strtolower($ft) == 'true' ? true : false;
    // get find data
    $f = findData($inFindCol, $inFind, $orderby, $inFullText);
    $pk = getPk();
    // execute query
    $where = buildFindWhere($f, $pk->index, 'f');
    $query = "SELECT Row, f FROM (SELECT @row := @row + 1 AS Row, {$pk->name} as f FROM `{$table}` {$orderby}) AS tempTable {$where}";
    mysql_query('SET @row = -1;');
    if (!($result = mysql_query($query))) {
        error("failed to perform query: {$query}. " . mysql_error());
    // return row number
    return findRow(getArray($result), $inFindFrom, $inFindForward);
 $result = $DB->query($query);
 for ($row_num = 0; $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result); $row_num++) {
     if ($row_num == 0) {
         $dataAll[$row_num]['professionline'] = PluginResourcesProfession::getTypeName(1);
     $dataAll[$row_num] = $data;
 //Case of specific management for each grade of a profession
 $rankList = "SELECT DISTINCT(`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`plugin_resources_ranks_id`)\n               FROM `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`\n               WHERE ((`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`begin_date` < '" . $date . "')\n                  AND (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` IS NOT NULL\n                  OR `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` > '" . $date . "'))\n               ORDER BY `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`plugin_resources_ranks_id`";
 foreach ($DB->request($rankList) as $d) {
     if ($d['plugin_resources_ranks_id'] != 0) {
         $rank = new PluginResourcesRank();
         $qRank = "SELECT  `glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`name` AS rank_name,\n                              `glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`code` AS rank_code,\n                              `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`plugin_resources_professionlines_id` AS professionline,\n                              `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`plugin_resources_professioncategories_id` AS professioncategory,\n                              `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`name` AS profession,\n                              `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`id` AS profession_id,\n                              `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`code` AS profession_code,\n                              `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`begin_date`,\n                              `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`end_date`\n                      FROM `glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`\n                           ON (`glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`plugin_resources_professions_id` = `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`id`)\n                      LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`\n                           ON (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`plugin_resources_ranks_id` = `glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`id`\n                                 AND ((`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`begin_date` IS NULL)\n                                    OR (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`begin_date` < '" . $date . "')\n                                 AND (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` IS NULL)\n                                    OR (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` > '" . $date . "')))\n                      WHERE `glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`plugin_resources_professions_id`='" . $rank->getField('plugin_resources_professions_id') . "'\n                           AND `glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`is_active` = 1\n                           AND ((`glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`end_date` IS NULL )\n                                 OR (`glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`end_date` > '" . $date . "' ))\n                           AND ((`glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`begin_date` IS NULL)\n                                 OR ( `glpi_plugin_resources_ranks`.`begin_date` < '" . $date . "'))\n                           AND ((`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`id` IS NULL)\n                              OR (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`begin_date` IS NOT NULL\n                                 AND `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`begin_date` > '" . $date . "')\n                              OR (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` IS NOT NULL\n                                 AND `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` < '" . $date . "')) " . $sqlprofessioncategory . $sqlprofessionline;
         $qRank .= $conditionAll . " " . getOrderBy('profession', $columns);
         $first = 0;
         foreach ($DB->request($qRank) as $dataRank) {
             if ($first == 0) {
                 $dataAll[$row_num]['professionline'] = PluginResourcesRank::getTypeName(1);
             $dataAll[$row_num] = $dataRank;
 $nbtot = count($dataAll);
 if ($limit) {
     $start = isset($_GET["start"]) ? $_GET["start"] : 0;
Пример #6
function getRecords($con, $where, $orderby, $limit, $offset, $pagesize, &$rowcount)
    $sql_where = getWhere($where);
    $sql_orderby = getOrderBy($orderby, $count);
    $sql_limit = getLimit($limit, 0);
    $sql_page = getLimit($pagesize, $offset);
    if ($limit) {
        if ($pagesize) {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM phones " . $sql_where . $sql_orderby . $sql_limit;
            $sql = "select * from ( " . $sql . " ) a " . $sql_page;
            $records = fetchRows($con, $sql);
            if (!$records) {
                return false;
            $rc_sql = "SELECT 1 FROM phones " . $sql_where . $sql_limit;
            $rc_sql = "select count(*) AS rowcount from ( " . $rc_sql . " ) rc";
            $rowcount = fetchRowCount($con, $rc_sql);
            if (!$rowcount) {
                return false;
            return $records;
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM phones " . $sql_where . $sql_orderby . $sql_limit;
        $records = fetchRows($con, $sql);
        $rowcount = count($records);
        return $records;
    if ($pagesize) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM phones " . $sql_where . $sql_orderby . $sql_page;
        $records = fetchRows($con, $sql);
        if (!$records) {
            return false;
        $rc_sql = "SELECT 1 FROM phones " . $sql_where;
        $rc_sql = "select count(*) AS rowcount from ( " . $rc_sql . " ) rc";
        $rowcount = fetchRowCount($con, $rc_sql);
        if (!$rowcount) {
            return false;
        return $records;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM phones " . $sql_where . $sql_orderby;
    $records = fetchRows($con, $sql);
    if (!$records) {
        return false;
    $rowcount = count($records);
    return $records;
    $output_type = $_POST["display_type"];
    if ($output_type < 0) {
        $output_type = -$output_type;
        $limit = 0;
//else {
//   $output_type = Search::HTML_OUTPUT;
//Report title
$title = $report->getFullTitle();
// SQL statement
$query = "SELECT glpi_tickets.*  \n               FROM `glpi_tickets`\n               WHERE `glpi_tickets`.`status` = '" . Ticket::CLOSED . "'";
$query .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest('AND', "glpi_tickets", '', '', false);
$query .= $date->getSqlCriteriasRestriction();
$query .= getOrderBy('closedate', $columns);
$res = $DB->query($query);
$nbtot = $res ? $DB->numrows($res) : 0;
if ($limit) {
    $start = isset($_GET["start"]) ? $_GET["start"] : 0;
    if ($start >= $nbtot) {
        $start = 0;
    if ($start > 0 || $start + $limit < $nbtot) {
        $res = $DB->query($query . " LIMIT {$start},{$limit}");
} else {
    $start = 0;
if ($nbtot == 0) {
    if (!$HEADER_LOADED) {
Пример #8
     if ($output_type < 0) {
         $output_type = -$output_type;
         $limit = 0;
 } else {
     $output_type = Search::HTML_OUTPUT;
 $title = $report->getFullTitle();
 //to verify if budget exist
 // SQL statement
 $condition = getEntitiesRestrictRequest('', "glpi_plugin_resources_budgets", '', '', false);
 $date = $datecrit->getDate();
 $sqlprofessioncategory = $professioncategory->getSqlCriteriasRestriction('AND');
 $sqlprofessionline = $professionline->getSqlCriteriasRestriction('AND');
 //recover all budgets
 $query = "SELECT `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`plugin_resources_professioncategories_id` AS professioncategory,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`plugin_resources_professionlines_id` AS professionline,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`plugin_resources_professions_id` AS profession,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`plugin_resources_ranks_id` AS rank,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`begin_date` AS begin_date,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` AS end_date,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`plugin_resources_budgettypes_id` AS budget_type,\n                    `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`volume` AS qt_vol_budg_vot\n             FROM `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`\n                  LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`\n                     ON (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`plugin_resources_professions_id`\n                           = `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`id`)\n             WHERE " . $condition . "\n                  AND (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`begin_date` <= '" . $date . "'\n                     AND (`glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` IS NULL\n                        OR `glpi_plugin_resources_budgets`.`end_date` >= '" . $date . "'))\n                  AND `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`is_active` = 1\n                  AND ((`glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`begin_date` <= '" . $date . "')\n                     AND (`glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`end_date` IS NULL\n                        OR `glpi_plugin_resources_professions`.`end_date` >= '" . $date . "')) " . $sqlprofessioncategory . $sqlprofessionline . "\n             GROUP BY profession,\n                      rank,\n                      budget_type " . getOrderBy('profession', $columns);
 $res = $DB->query($query);
 $nbtot = $res ? $DB->numrows($res) : 0;
 if ($limit) {
     $start = isset($_GET["start"]) ? $_GET["start"] : 0;
     if ($start >= $nbtot) {
         $start = 0;
     if ($start > 0 || $start + $limit < $nbtot) {
         $res = $DB->query($query . " LIMIT {$start},{$limit}");
 } else {
     $start = 0;
 if ($nbtot == 0) {
     if (!$HEADER_LOADED) {