Пример #1
echo $start_ts;
        <input type="hidden" name="range_end" value="<?php 
echo $end_ts;
        <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Save Meeting Notes</button>

if (getTeamConfig('oncall')) {
        <h2>On Call Report
    if ($results = getOnCallReportForWeek($oncall_start, $oncall_end)) {
        echo "<small> for week " . date("l jS F Y", $oncall_start) . " - " . date("l jS F Y", $oncall_end);
        echo " compiled by " . guessPersonOnCall($oncall_start, $oncall_end) . "</small></h2>";
        <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="oncall-table" style='font-size: 90%'>

        foreach ($results as $n) {
            echo formatOnCallRowForPrint($n);
Пример #2
 $year_tag_agg_total = 0;
 $year_sleep_status_agg = array();
 $year_mtts_total = 0;
 $year_rtts_total = 0;
 $year_ntts_count = 0;
 $per_day_total = array();
 $per_day_graph_data[] = array("Day of Week", "Alerts");
 // Graph headers
 $status_graph_data[] = array("Week", "Critical", "Warning", "Down", "Unknown");
 $tag_graph_data[] = array("Week", "Action Taken", "No Action Taken");
 $tag_pct_graph_data[] = array("Week", "Action Taken", "No Action Taken");
 $user_tag_graph_data[] = array("Week/Person", "Action Taken", "No Action Taken");
 if ($num_weeks > 2) {
     // Require at least 2 weeks of data for yearly report
     foreach ($weeks as $week) {
         $results = getOnCallReportForWeek($week['range_start'], $week['range_end']);
         $year_total_notifications = $year_total_notifications + count($results);
         $week_status_summary = array("CRITICAL" => 0, "WARNING" => 0, "DOWN" => 0, "UNKNOWN" => 0);
         $week_tag_summary = array("action" => 0, "noaction" => 0);
         foreach ($results as $n) {
             // This aggregates the state types over the year e.g. CRITICAL
             // This aggregates the state for the week for the status graph per week
             // This aggregates the tags for the week for the tag graph per week
             // This aggregates the tags down to a normalized version for display
             // This is used to form a summary of normalized tags per user for the user graph
             // Count of Total alerts