Пример #1
function sendRDPfile()
    global $user;
    # for more info on this file, see
    # http://dev.remotenetworktechnology.com/ts/rdpfile.htm
    $requestid = getContinuationVar("requestid");
    $resid = getContinuationVar("resid");
    $request = getRequestInfo("{$requestid}");
    if ($request['stateid'] == 11 || $request['stateid'] == 12 || $request['stateid'] == 14 && ($request['laststateid'] == 11 || $request['laststateid'] == 12)) {
        $cont = addContinuationsEntry('viewRequests');
        header("Location: " . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?continuation={$cont}");
    foreach ($request["reservations"] as $res) {
        if ($res['reservationid'] == $resid) {
            $ipaddress = $res["connectIP"];
    if (empty($ipaddress)) {
    $passwd = $request['passwds'][$resid][$user['id']];
    $connectData = getImageConnectMethodTexts($res['imageid'], $res['imagerevisionid']);
    $natports = getNATports($resid);
    $port = '';
    foreach ($connectData as $cmid => $method) {
        if (preg_match('/remote desktop/i', $method['description']) || preg_match('/RDP/i', $method['description'])) {
            # assume index 0 of ports for nat
            if (!empty($natports) && array_key_exists($method['ports'][0]['key'], $natports[$cmid])) {
                $port = ':' . $natports[$cmid][$method['ports'][0]['key']]['publicport'];
            } else {
                if ($method['ports'][0]['key'] == '#Port-TCP-3389#' && $user['rdpport'] != 3389) {
                    $port = ':' . $user['rdpport'];
                } else {
                    $port = ':' . $method['ports'][0]['port'];
    $width = $user["width"];
    $height = $user["height"];
    if ($width == 0) {
        $screenmode = 2;
        $width = 1024;
        $height = 768;
    } else {
        $screenmode = 1;
    $bpp = $user["bpp"];
    if ($user["audiomode"] == "none") {
        $audiomode = 2;
    } else {
        $audiomode = 0;
    $redirectdrives = $user["mapdrives"];
    $redirectprinters = $user["mapprinters"];
    $redirectcomports = $user["mapserial"];
    header("Content-type: application/rdp");
    if ($request['serverrequest']) {
        if (count($request['reservations']) == 1) {
            header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$request['servername']}.rdp\"");
        } else {
            header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$request['servername']}-{$res['prettyimage']}.rdp\"");
    } else {
        header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$res['prettyimage']}.rdp\"");
    print "screen mode id:i:{$screenmode}\r\n";
    print "desktopwidth:i:{$width}\r\n";
    print "desktopheight:i:{$height}\r\n";
    print "session bpp:i:{$bpp}\r\n";
    print "winposstr:s:0,1,382,71,1182,671\r\n";
    print "full address:s:{$ipaddress}{$port}\r\n";
    print "compression:i:1\r\n";
    print "keyboardhook:i:2\r\n";
    print "audiomode:i:{$audiomode}\r\n";
    print "redirectdrives:i:{$redirectdrives}\r\n";
    print "redirectprinters:i:{$redirectprinters}\r\n";
    print "redirectcomports:i:{$redirectcomports}\r\n";
    print "redirectsmartcards:i:1\r\n";
    print "displayconnectionbar:i:1\r\n";
    print "autoreconnection enabled:i:1\r\n";
    if ($request["forimaging"] && $res['OStype'] == 'windows') {
        print "username:s:Administrator\r\n";
    } else {
        if (preg_match('/(.*)@(.*)/', $user['unityid'], $matches)) {
            print "username:s:" . $matches[1] . "\r\n";
        } else {
            print "username:s:" . $user["unityid"] . "\r\n";
    print "clear password:s:{$passwd}\r\n";
    print "domain:s:\r\n";
    print "alternate shell:s:\r\n";
    print "shell working directory:s:\r\n";
    print "disable wallpaper:i:1\r\n";
    print "disable full window drag:i:1\r\n";
    print "disable menu anims:i:1\r\n";
    print "disable themes:i:0\r\n";
    print "disable cursor setting:i:0\r\n";
    print "bitmapcachepersistenable:i:1\r\n";
    //print "connect to console:i:1\r\n";
Пример #2
function AJconnectRequest()
    global $remoteIP, $user;
    $requestid = getContinuationVar('requestid');
    $requestData = getRequestInfo($requestid, 1);
    if (is_null($requestData)) {
        $h = i("This reservation is no longer available.");
        sendJSON(array('html' => $h, 'refresh' => 1));
    if ($requestData['stateid'] == 11 || $requestData['stateid'] == 12 || $requestData['stateid'] == 14 && ($requestData['laststateid'] == 11 || $requestData['laststateid'] == 12)) {
        $h = i("This reservation has timed out due to lack of user activity and is no longer available.");
        sendJSON(array('html' => $h, 'refresh' => 1));
    $h = '';
    $now = time();
    if ($requestData['reservations'][0]['remoteIP'] != $remoteIP) {
        $query = "UPDATE reservation " . "SET remoteIP = '{$remoteIP}' " . "WHERE requestid = {$requestid}";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 226);
        addChangeLogEntry($requestData["logid"], $remoteIP);
        if ($requestData['reservations'][0]['remoteIP'] == '') {
            addConnectTimeout($requestData['reservations'][0]['reservationid'], $requestData['reservations'][0]['computerid']);
    $timeout = getReservationNextTimeout($requestData['reservations'][0]['reservationid']);
    if (!is_null($timeout)) {
        $h .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"connecttimeout\" value=\"{$timeout}\">\n";
    if ($requestData['forimaging']) {
        $h .= "<font color=red><big>";
        $m = "<strong>" . i("NOTICE:") . "</strong> ";
        $m .= i("Later in this process, you must accept a <a>click-through agreement</a> about software licensing.");
        $h .= preg_replace('|<a>(.+)</a>|', '<a href="' . BASEURL . SCRIPT . '?mode=viewRequests#" onClick="previewClickThrough();">\\1</a>', $m);
        $h .= "</big></font><br><br>\n";
    $imagenotes = getImageNotes($requestData['reservations'][0]['imageid']);
    if (!preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $imagenotes['usage'])) {
        $h .= "<h3>" . i("Notes on using this environment:") . "</h3>\n";
        $h .= "{$imagenotes['usage']}<br><br><br>\n";
    if (count($requestData["reservations"]) > 1) {
        $cluster = 1;
    } else {
        $cluster = 0;
    if ($cluster) {
        $h .= "<h2>" . i("Cluster Reservation") . "</h2>\n";
        $h .= i("This is a cluster reservation. Depending on the makeup of the cluster, you may need to use different methods to connect to the different environments in your cluster.");
        $h .= "<br><br>\n";
    foreach ($requestData["reservations"] as $key => $res) {
        $osname = $res["OS"];
        if (array_key_exists($user['id'], $requestData['passwds'][$res['reservationid']])) {
            $passwd = $requestData['passwds'][$res['reservationid']][$user['id']];
        } else {
            $passwd = '';
        $connectData = getImageConnectMethodTexts($res['imageid'], $res['imagerevisionid']);
        $natports = getNATports($res['reservationid']);
        $usenat = 0;
        if (count($natports)) {
            $usenat = 1;
        $first = 1;
        if ($cluster) {
            $h .= "<fieldset>\n";
            $h .= "<legend><big><b>{$res['prettyimage']}</b></big></legend>\n";
        foreach ($connectData as $cmid => $method) {
            if ($first) {
                $first = 0;
            } else {
                $h .= "<hr>\n";
            if ($requestData['forimaging'] && $res['OStype'] == 'windows') {
                $conuser = '******';
            } elseif (preg_match('/(.*)@(.*)/', $user['unityid'], $matches)) {
                $conuser = $matches[1];
            } else {
                $conuser = $user['unityid'];
            if (!strlen($passwd)) {
                $passwd = i('(use your campus password)');
            if ($cluster) {
                $h .= "<h4>" . i("Connect to reservation using") . " {$method['description']}</h4>\n";
            } else {
                $h .= "<h3>" . i("Connect to reservation using") . " {$method['description']}</h3>\n";
            $froms = array('/#userid#/', '/#password#/', '/#connectIP#/');
            # check that connecttext includes port if nat is being used
            if ($usenat) {
                $found = 0;
                foreach ($method['ports'] as $port) {
                    if (preg_match("/{$port['key']}/", $method['connecttext'])) {
                        $found = 1;
                if (!$found) {
                    # no port in connect text, assume first port will work
                    $method['connecttext'] = preg_replace("/#connectIP#/", "#connectIP#:{$method['ports'][0]['key']}", $method['connecttext']);
            $tos = array($conuser, $passwd, $res['connectIP']);
            $msg = preg_replace($froms, $tos, $method['connecttext']);
            foreach ($method['ports'] as $port) {
                if ($usenat && array_key_exists($port['key'], $natports[$cmid])) {
                    $msg = preg_replace("/{$port['key']}/", $natports[$cmid][$port['key']]['publicport'], $msg);
                } else {
                    if ((preg_match('/remote desktop/i', $method['description']) || preg_match('/RDP/i', $method['description'])) && $port['key'] == '#Port-TCP-3389#') {
                        $msg = preg_replace("/{$port['key']}/", $user['rdpport'], $msg);
                    } else {
                        $msg = preg_replace("/{$port['key']}/", $port['port'], $msg);
            #$h .= preg_replace("/(.{1,120}([ ]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
            $h .= $msg;
            if (preg_match('/remote desktop/i', $method['description']) || preg_match('/RDP/i', $method['description'])) {
                #$h .= "<div id=\"counterdiv\" class=\"hidden\"></div>\n";
                #$h .= "<div id=\"connectdiv\">\n";
                $h .= "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n";
                $cdata = array('requestid' => $requestid, 'resid' => $res['reservationid']);
                $expire = datetimeToUnix($requestData['end']) - $now + 1800;
                # remaining reservation time plus 30 min
                $cont = addContinuationsEntry('sendRDPfile', $cdata, $expire);
                $h .= "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"{$cont}\">\n";
                $h .= "<INPUT type=submit value=\"" . i("Get RDP File") . "\">\n";
                $h .= "</FORM>\n";
                #$h .= "</div>\n";
        if ($cluster) {
            $h .= "</fieldset><br>\n";
    $cdata = array('requestid' => $requestid);
    $cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJcheckConnectTimeout', $cdata, SECINDAY);
    $h .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"refreshcont\" value=\"{$cont}\">\n";
    $return = array('html' => $h);
    if (!is_null($timeout)) {
        $return['timeoutid'] = "timeoutvalue|{$requestid}";
        $return['timeout'] = $timeout;
Пример #3
function XMLRPCgetRequestConnectData($requestid, $remoteIP)
    global $user;
    $requestid = processInputData($requestid, ARG_NUMERIC);
    $remoteIP = processInputData($remoteIP, ARG_STRING, 1);
    if (!preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})$/', $remoteIP, $matches) || $matches[1] < 1 || $matches[1] > 223 || $matches[2] > 255 || $matches[3] > 255 || $matches[4] > 255) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 2, 'errormsg' => 'invalid IP address');
    $userRequests = getUserRequests('all', $user['id']);
    $found = 0;
    foreach ($userRequests as $req) {
        if ($req['id'] == $requestid) {
            $request = $req;
            $found = 1;
    if (!$found) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 1, 'errormsg' => 'unknown requestid');
    // FIXME - add support for cluster requests
    if (requestIsReady($request)) {
        $requestData = getRequestInfo($requestid);
        $query = "UPDATE reservation " . "SET remoteIP = '{$remoteIP}' " . "WHERE requestid = {$requestid}";
        $qh = doQuery($query, 101);
        addChangeLogEntry($requestData["logid"], $remoteIP);
        $serverIP = $requestData["reservations"][0]["connectIP"];
        $passwd = $requestData["reservations"][0]["password"];
        $connectMethods = getImageConnectMethodTexts($requestData["reservations"][0]["imageid"], $requestData["reservations"][0]["imagerevisionid"]);
        if ($requestData["forimaging"]) {
            $thisuser = '******';
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/(.*)@(.*)/', $user['unityid'], $matches)) {
                $thisuser = $matches[1];
            } else {
                $thisuser = $user['unityid'];
        $natports = getNATports($requestData['reservations'][0]['reservationid']);
        $portdata = array();
        foreach ($connectMethods as $key => $cm) {
            $connecttext = $cm["connecttext"];
            $connecttext = preg_replace("/#userid#/", $thisuser, $connecttext);
            $connecttext = preg_replace("/#password#/", $passwd, $connecttext);
            $connecttext = preg_replace("/#connectIP#/", $serverIP, $connecttext);
            foreach ($cm['ports'] as $port) {
                if (!empty($natports) && array_key_exists($port['key'], $natports[$key])) {
                    $connecttext = preg_replace("/{$port['key']}/", $natports[$key][$port['key']]['publicport'], $connecttext);
                    $connectMethods[$key]['connectports'][] = "{$port['protocol']}:{$port['port']}:{$natports[$key][$port['key']]['publicport']}";
                } else {
                    if ((preg_match('/remote desktop/i', $cm['description']) || preg_match('/RDP/i', $cm['description'])) && $port['key'] == '#Port-TCP-3389#') {
                        $connecttext = preg_replace("/{$port['key']}/", $user['rdpport'], $connecttext);
                        $connectMethods[$key]['connectports'][] = "{$port['protocol']}:{$port['port']}:{$user['rdpport']}";
                    } else {
                        $connecttext = preg_replace("/{$port['key']}/", $port['port'], $connecttext);
                        $connectMethods[$key]['connectports'][] = "{$port['protocol']}:{$port['port']}:{$port['port']}";
            $connectMethods[$key]["connecttext"] = $connecttext;
            $portdata[$key] = $connectMethods[$key]['ports'];
        $tmp = array_keys($portdata);
        $cmid = $tmp[0];
        if (empty($natports)) {
            if ((preg_match('/remote desktop/i', $connectMethods[$cmid]['description']) || preg_match('/RDP/i', $connectMethods[$cmid]['description'])) && $portdata[$cmid][0]['port'] == 3389) {
                $connectport = $user['rdpport'];
            } else {
                $connectport = $portdata[$cmid][0]['port'];
        } else {
            $key = $portdata[$cmid][0]['key'];
            $connectport = $natports[$cmid][$key]['publicport'];
        return array('status' => 'ready', 'serverIP' => $serverIP, 'user' => $thisuser, 'password' => $passwd, 'connectport' => $connectport, 'connectMethods' => $connectMethods);
    return array('status' => 'notready');