Пример #1
 function AJcompNATchange()
     $natenabled = processInputVar('natenabled', ARG_NUMERIC);
     $nathostid = processInputVar('nathostid', ARG_NUMERIC);
     $nathosts = getNAThosts();
     if ($natenabled != 0 && $natenabled != 1 || $nathostid != 0 && !array_key_exists($nathostid, $nathosts)) {
         $ret = array('status' => 'error', 'errormsg' => 'Invalid value submitted.');
     $compids = $this->validateCompIDs();
     if (array_key_exists('error', $compids)) {
         $ret = array('status' => 'error', 'errormsg' => $compids['msg']);
     if (count($compids) == 0) {
         $ret = array('status' => 'noaction');
     $allids = implode(',', $compids);
     $inusecompids = array();
     $vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
     $query = "SELECT rs.computerid " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE rs.requestid = rq.id AND " . "rs.computerid IN ({$allids}) AND " . "rq.start <= NOW() AND " . "rq.end > NOW() AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND " . "rq.laststateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND " . "rq.userid != {$vclreloadid}";
     $qh = doQuery($query);
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
         $inusecompids[] = $row['computerid'];
     $tmp = getUserResources(array($this->restype . "Admin"), array("administer"), 0, 1);
     $computers = $tmp['computer'];
     $msg = '';
     if (count($inusecompids)) {
         $msg .= "The following computers are currently in use and cannot have<br>";
         $msg .= "NAT settings changed at this time:<br><br>\n";
         $complist = '';
         foreach ($inusecompids as $compid) {
             $complist .= $computers[$compid] . "<br>\n";
         $msg .= "<div class=\"wait\">{$complist}<br></div>\n";
         $compids = array_diff($compids, $inusecompids);
     if (count($compids)) {
         if ($natenabled) {
             $msg .= "<strong>Enable</strong> Connect Using NAT and set the NAT ";
             $msg .= "host<br>to <strong>{$nathosts[$nathostid]['hostname']}";
             $msg .= "</strong> for the following computers?<br><br>";
         } else {
             $msg .= "<strong>Disable</strong> Connect Using NAT for the following ";
             $msg .= "computers?<br><br>";
     $complist = '';
     foreach ($compids as $compid) {
         $complist .= $computers[$compid] . "<br>\n";
     $complist .= "<br>\n";
     $cdata = $this->basecdata;
     $cdata['compids'] = $compids;
     $cdata['natenabled'] = $natenabled;
     $cdata['nathostid'] = $nathostid;
     $cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitCompNATchange', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0);
     $ret = array('status' => 'success', 'title' => "Connect Using NAT Change", 'btntxt' => 'Submit Connect Using NAT Change', 'cont' => $cont, 'actionmsg' => $msg, 'complist' => $complist);
     if (empty($compids)) {
         $ret['status'] = 'error';
         $ret['errormsg'] = $ret['actionmsg'];
Пример #2
function getComputers($sort = 0, $includedeleted = 0, $compid = "")
    $nathosts = getNAThosts();
    $return = array();
    $query = "SELECT c.id AS id, " . "st.name AS state, " . "c.stateid AS stateid, " . "CONCAT(u.unityid, '@', a.name) AS owner, " . "u.id AS ownerid, " . "p.name AS platform, " . "c.platformid AS platformid, " . "sc.name AS schedule, " . "c.scheduleid AS scheduleid, " . "cur.prettyname AS currentimg, " . "c.currentimageid AS currentimgid, " . "c.imagerevisionid, " . "next.prettyname AS nextimg, " . "c.nextimageid AS nextimgid, " . "c.RAM AS ram, " . "c.procnumber AS procnumber, " . "c.procspeed AS procspeed, " . "c.network AS network, " . "c.hostname AS hostname, " . "c.IPaddress AS IPaddress, " . "c.privateIPaddress, " . "c.eth0macaddress, " . "c.eth1macaddress, " . "c.type AS type, " . "c.deleted AS deleted, " . "r.id AS resourceid, " . "c.notes, " . "c.vmhostid, " . "c2.hostname AS vmhost, " . "c2.id AS vmhostcomputerid, " . "c.location, " . "c.provisioningid, " . "pr.prettyname AS provisioning, " . "vh2.vmprofileid, " . "c.predictivemoduleid, " . "m.prettyname AS predictivemodule, " . "nh.id AS nathostid, " . "nh2.id AS nathostenabledid, " . "COALESCE(nh2.publicIPaddress, '') AS natpublicIPaddress, " . "COALESCE(nh2.internalIPaddress, '') AS natinternalIPaddress " . "FROM state st, " . "platform p, " . "schedule sc, " . "image cur, " . "user u, " . "affiliation a, " . "module m, " . "computer c " . "LEFT JOIN resourcetype t ON (t.name = 'computer') " . "LEFT JOIN resource r ON (r.resourcetypeid = t.id AND r.subid = c.id) " . "LEFT JOIN vmhost vh ON (c.vmhostid = vh.id) " . "LEFT JOIN vmhost vh2 ON (c.id = vh2.computerid) " . "LEFT JOIN computer c2 ON (c2.id = vh.computerid) " . "LEFT JOIN image next ON (c.nextimageid = next.id) " . "LEFT JOIN provisioning pr ON (c.provisioningid = pr.id) " . "LEFT JOIN nathostcomputermap nm ON (nm.computerid = c.id) " . "LEFT JOIN nathost nh ON (nm.nathostid = nh.id) " . "LEFT JOIN nathost nh2 ON (r.id = nh2.resourceid) " . "WHERE c.stateid = st.id AND " . "c.platformid = p.id AND " . "c.scheduleid = sc.id AND " . "c.currentimageid = cur.id AND " . "c.ownerid = u.id AND " . "u.affiliationid = a.id AND " . "c.predictivemoduleid = m.id ";
    if (!$includedeleted) {
        $query .= "AND c.deleted = 0 ";
    if (!empty($compid)) {
        $query .= "AND c.id = {$compid} ";
    $query .= "ORDER BY c.hostname";
    $qh = doQuery($query, 180);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
        if (is_null($row['nathostid'])) {
            $row['natenabled'] = 0;
            $row['nathost'] = '';
        } else {
            $row['natenabled'] = 1;
            $row['nathost'] = $nathosts[$row['nathostid']]['hostname'];
        if (is_null($row['nathostenabledid'])) {
            $row['nathostenabled'] = 0;
        } else {
            $row['nathostenabled'] = 1;
        $return[$row['id']] = $row;
    if ($sort) {
        uasort($return, "sortComputers");
    return $return;