function symptoms_form($selected_id = "", $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('symptoms');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == "") {
        return "";
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='symptoms' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='symptoms' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `symptoms` where `id`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    } else {
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if (($_POST['dvprint_x'] != '' || $_GET['dvprint_x'] != '') && $selected_id) {
        $templateCode = @implode('', @file('./templates/symptoms_templateDVP.html'));
        $dvprint = true;
    } else {
        $templateCode = @implode('', @file('./templates/symptoms_templateDV.html'));
        $dvprint = false;
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Symptom details', $templateCode);
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1] && !$selected_id) {
        // allow insert and no record selected?
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<input type="image" src="insert.gif" name="insert" alt="' . $Translation['add new record'] . '" onclick="return validateData();">', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<input type="image" src="print.gif" vspace="1" name="dvprint" id="dvprint" alt="' . $Translation['printer friendly view'] . '" onclick="document.myform.reset(); return true;" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<input type="image" src="update.gif" vspace="1" name="update" alt="' . $Translation['update record'] . '" onclick="return validateData();">', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
            // set records to read only if user can't insert new records
            if (!$arrPerm[1]) {
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('id').length){ document.getElementsByName('id')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('name').length){ document.getElementsByName('name')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $noUploads = true;
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<input type="image" src="delete.gif" vspace="1" name="delete" alt="' . $Translation['delete record'] . '" onClick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');">', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', "<input type=image src=deselect.gif vspace=1 name=deselect alt=\"" . $Translation['deselect record'] . "\" onclick=\"document.myform.reset(); return true;\">", $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? "<input type=image src=cancel.gif vspace=1 name=deselect alt=\"" . $Translation['deselect record'] . "\" onclick=\"document.myform.reset(); return true;\">" : '', $templateCode);
    // process combos
    // process foreign key links
    if ($selected_id) {
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(comments)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(id)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['id'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(name)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(description)%%>', '<textarea name="description" id="description" cols="50" rows="5" class="TextBox">' . htmlspecialchars($row['description'], ENT_QUOTES) . '</textarea>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(description)%%>', $row['description'], $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', $row['description'], $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(comments)%%>', '<textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="50" rows="5" class="TextBox">' . htmlspecialchars($row['comments'], ENT_QUOTES) . '</textarea>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(comments)%%>', $row['comments'], $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(comments)%%>', $row['comments'], $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(description)%%>', '<textarea name="description" id="description" cols="50" rows="5" class="TextBox"></textarea>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(comments)%%>', '<textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="50" rows="5" class="TextBox"></textarea>', $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!--', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', '-->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\tif(document.getElementById('" . $name . "_link')!=undefined){\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $name . "_link').style.visibility='visible';\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t}\n";
            for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
                $templateCode .= "\tif(document.getElementById('" . $name . "_plink{$i}')!=undefined){\n";
                $templateCode .= "\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $name . "_plink{$i}').style.visibility='visible';\n";
                $templateCode .= "\t}\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n\tfunction validateData(){";
        $templateCode .= "\n\t\tif(\$F('name')==''){ alert('" . addslashes($Translation['error:']) . ' "Name": ' . addslashes($Translation['field not null']) . "'); \$('name').focus(); return false; }";
        $templateCode .= "\n\t\treturn true;";
        $templateCode .= "\n\t}";
        $templateCode .= "\n</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= "<script>";
    $templateCode .= "document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {";
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: symptoms_dv
    if (function_exists('symptoms_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        symptoms_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
Пример #2
// hook: products_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('products_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = products_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: products_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('products_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = products_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
function notify_birthday()
    $rows_member = getAllActiveMid();
    $output = array();
    $n = 0;
    foreach ($rows_member as $row_member) {
        $time = time();
        $mid = $row_member['mid'];
        $name = getMemberInfo($mid)['name'];
        $birthday_raw = getMemberInfo($mid)['birthday'];
        if ($birthday_raw != '0000-00-00') {
            $Ymd = explode('-', $birthday_raw);
            $birthday = $Ymd[1] . '-' . $Ymd[2];
            for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
                if (date('m-d', $time) == $birthday) {
                    $output[$n]['mid'] = $mid;
                    $output[$n]['name'] = $name;
                    $output[$n]['birthday_raw'] = $birthday_raw;
                    $output[$n]['age'] = date('Y', $time) - $Ymd[0];
                    $output[$n]['days_left'] = $i;
                $time = $time + 24 * 3600;
    $output = sort_array($output, 'days_left');
    return $output;
Пример #4
$urlStr = "javascript:papercheckbox( 'view_emails_list.php' , '?sort=3&showing=" . $_GET["showing"] . "')";
echo format_Sorting_URL($urlStr, "ASC");
        &nbsp;<strong>Email Address</strong>&nbsp; 
$urlStr = "javascript:papercheckbox( 'view_emails_list.php' , '?sort=4&showing=" . $_GET["showing"] . "')";
echo format_Sorting_URL($urlStr, "DESC");
      <td width="35%"><strong>Full Name</strong></td>
while (list($userName, $email) = each($arrCurrentEmails)) {
    //Retrieve all the user information
    $emailInfo = getMemberInfo($userName);
    if ($edit == "false") {
        $memberURL = "<a href=\"view_letter.php?memberName=" . $emailInfo->MemberName . "&letterID=" . $letterInfo->LetterID . "\">" . $emailInfo->MemberName . "</a>";
    } else {
        $memberURL = $emailInfo->MemberName;
    echo $from + $i . ".";
    echo $memberURL;
Пример #5
function outcomes_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('outcomes');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    $filterer_outcome_area = thisOr(undo_magic_quotes($_REQUEST['filterer_outcome_area']), '');
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    // combobox: outcome_area
    $combo_outcome_area = new DataCombo();
    // combobox: strata
    $combo_strata = new Combo();
    $combo_strata->ListType = 0;
    $combo_strata->MultipleSeparator = ', ';
    $combo_strata->ListBoxHeight = 10;
    $combo_strata->RadiosPerLine = 1;
    if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/outcomes.strata.csv')) {
        $strata_data = addslashes(implode('', @file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/outcomes.strata.csv')));
        $combo_strata->ListItem = explode('||', entitiesToUTF8(convertLegacyOptions($strata_data)));
        $combo_strata->ListData = $combo_strata->ListItem;
    } else {
        $combo_strata->ListItem = explode('||', entitiesToUTF8(convertLegacyOptions("Individuals;;Community, Sector & Society")));
        $combo_strata->ListData = $combo_strata->ListItem;
    $combo_strata->SelectName = 'strata';
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='outcomes' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='outcomes' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `outcomes` where `outcome_id`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
        $combo_outcome_area->SelectedData = $row['outcome_area'];
        $combo_strata->SelectedData = $row['strata'];
    } else {
        $combo_outcome_area->SelectedData = $filterer_outcome_area;
        $combo_strata->SelectedText = $_REQUEST['FilterField'][1] == '4' && $_REQUEST['FilterOperator'][1] == '<=>' ? get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1]) : $_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1] : "";
    $combo_outcome_area->HTML = $combo_outcome_area->MatchText = '<span id="outcome_area-container' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="outcome_area" id="outcome_area' . $rnd1 . '">';

		// initial lookup values
		var current_outcome_area__RAND__ = { text: "", value: "<?php 
    echo addslashes($selected_id ? $urow['outcome_area'] : $filterer_outcome_area);
		jQuery(function() {
		function outcome_area_reload__RAND__(){
    if (($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) && !$dvprint) {

				/* initial default value */
				initSelection: function(e, c){
						url: 'ajax_combo.php',
						dataType: 'json',
						data: { id: current_outcome_area__RAND__.value, t: 'outcomes', f: 'outcome_area' }
							id: resp.results[0].id,
							text: resp.results[0].text

						if(typeof(outcome_area_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') outcome_area_update_autofills__RAND__();
				width: '100%',
				formatNoMatches: function(term){ return '<?php 
        echo addslashes($Translation['No matches found!']);
'; },
				minimumResultsForSearch: 10,
				loadMorePadding: 200,
				ajax: {
					url: 'ajax_combo.php',
					dataType: 'json',
					cache: true,
					data: function(term, page){ return { s: term, p: page, t: 'outcomes', f: 'outcome_area' }; },
					results: function(resp, page){ return resp; }
			}).on('change', function(e){
				current_outcome_area__RAND__.value =;
				current_outcome_area__RAND__.text = e.added.text;

				if(typeof(outcome_area_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') outcome_area_update_autofills__RAND__();
    } else {

				url: 'ajax_combo.php',
				dataType: 'json',
				data: { id: current_outcome_area__RAND__.value, t: 'outcomes', f: 'outcome_area' }
				jQuery('#outcome_area-container__RAND__').html('<span id="outcome_area-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

				if(typeof(outcome_area_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') outcome_area_update_autofills__RAND__();

    $lookups = str_replace('__RAND__', $rnd1, ob_get_contents());
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/outcomes_templateDVP.html');
    } else {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/outcomes_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Outcome details', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1]) {
        // allow insert?
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return outcomes_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return outcomes_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if (!$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="dvprint" name="dvprint_x" value="1" onclick="$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return outcomes_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate && !$arrPerm[1] || !$selected_id && !$arrPerm[1]) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#outcome_area').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#outcome_area_caption').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: 'white' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#description').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"description\">' + (jQuery('#description').val() || '') + '</p>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#strata').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"strata\">' + (jQuery('#strata').val() || '') + '</p>'); jQuery('#strata-multi-selection-help').hide();\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    // process combos
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(outcome_area)%%>', $combo_outcome_area->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(outcome_area)%%>', $combo_outcome_area->MatchText, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLCOMBOTEXT(outcome_area)%%>', urlencode($combo_outcome_area->MatchText), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(strata)%%>', $combo_strata->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(strata)%%>', $combo_strata->SelectedData, $templateCode);
    // process foreign key links
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%PLINK(outcome_area)%%>', $combo_outcome_area->SelectedData ? "<span id=\"outcome_areas_plink1\" class=\"hidden\"><a class=\"btn btn-default\" href=\"outcome_areas_view.php?SelectedID=" . urlencode($combo_outcome_area->SelectedData) . "\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-search\"></i></a></span>" : '', $templateCode);
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(outcome_id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(outcome_area)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(strata)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(outcome_id)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['outcome_id'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(outcome_id)%%>', urlencode($urow['outcome_id']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(outcome_area)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['outcome_area'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(outcome_area)%%>', urlencode($urow['outcome_area']), $templateCode);
        if ($dvprint) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row['description'], ENT_QUOTES)), $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['description'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(description)%%>', urlencode($urow['description']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(strata)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['strata'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(strata)%%>', urlencode($urow['strata']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(outcome_id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(outcome_id)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(outcome_area)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(outcome_area)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(description)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(strata)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(strata)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>jQuery(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\tjQuery('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\tjQuery('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\tjQuery('[id^=\"{$name}_plink\"]').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= "<script>";
    $templateCode .= "document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {";
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: outcomes_dv
    if (function_exists('outcomes_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        outcomes_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
// hook: beneficiary_groups_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('beneficiary_groups_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = beneficiary_groups_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: beneficiary_groups_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('beneficiary_groups_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = beneficiary_groups_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
Пример #7
// hook: submitlog_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('submitlog_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = submitlog_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: submitlog_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('submitlog_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = submitlog_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
Пример #8
function outcome_areas_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('outcome_areas');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='outcome_areas' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='outcome_areas' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `outcome_areas` where `outcome_area_id`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
    } else {

		// initial lookup values
		jQuery(function() {
    $lookups = str_replace('__RAND__', $rnd1, ob_get_contents());
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/outcome_areas_templateDVP.html');
    } else {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/outcome_areas_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Outcome area details', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1]) {
        // allow insert?
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return outcome_areas_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return outcome_areas_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if (!$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="dvprint" name="dvprint_x" value="1" onclick="$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return outcome_areas_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button tabindex="2" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate && !$arrPerm[1] || !$selected_id && !$arrPerm[1]) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#name').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"name\">' + (jQuery('#name').val() || '') + '</p>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#description').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"description\">' + (jQuery('#description').val() || '') + '</p>');\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    // process combos
    // process foreign key links
    if ($selected_id) {
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(outcome_area_id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(outcome_area_id)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['outcome_area_id'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(outcome_area_id)%%>', urlencode($urow['outcome_area_id']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(name)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(name)%%>', urlencode($urow['name']), $templateCode);
        if ($dvprint) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row['description'], ENT_QUOTES)), $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['description'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(description)%%>', urlencode($urow['description']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(outcome_area_id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(outcome_area_id)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(name)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(description)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>jQuery(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\tjQuery('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\tjQuery('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\tjQuery('[id^=\"{$name}_plink\"]').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= "<script>";
    $templateCode .= "document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {";
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: outcome_areas_dv
    if (function_exists('outcome_areas_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        outcome_areas_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
// hook: residence_and_rental_history_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('residence_and_rental_history_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = residence_and_rental_history_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: residence_and_rental_history_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('residence_and_rental_history_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = residence_and_rental_history_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
Пример #10
function submitlog_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('submitlog');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    $AllowInsert = $arrPerm[1] ? true : false;
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    // combobox: pdate
    $combo_pdate = new DateCombo();
    $combo_pdate->DateFormat = "mdy";
    $combo_pdate->MinYear = 1900;
    $combo_pdate->MaxYear = 2100;
    $combo_pdate->DefaultDate = parseMySQLDate('', '');
    $combo_pdate->MonthNames = $Translation['month names'];
    $combo_pdate->NamePrefix = 'pdate';
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='submitlog' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='submitlog' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `submitlog` where `submid`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) {
            return error_message($Translation['No records found']);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
        $combo_pdate->DefaultDate = $row['pdate'];
    } else {
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/submitlog_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Filtered Submissions', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%EMBEDDED%%>', $_REQUEST['Embedded'] ? 'Embedded=1' : '', $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1] && !$selected_id) {
        // allow insert and no record selected?
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return submitlog_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return submitlog_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return submitlog_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate || !$selected_id && !$AllowInsert) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#cstatus').prop('disabled', true);\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#logtime').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"logtime\">' + (jQuery('#logtime').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ipaddr').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"ipaddr\">' + (jQuery('#ipaddr').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#company').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"company\">' + (jQuery('#company').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#country').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"country\">' + (jQuery('#country').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#website').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"website\">' + (jQuery('#website').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#website, #website-edit-link').hide();\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#contactname').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"contactname\">' + (jQuery('#contactname').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#email').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"email\">' + (jQuery('#email').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#title').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"title\">' + (jQuery('#title').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#version').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"version\">' + (jQuery('#version').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#pdate').prop('readonly', true);\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#pdateDay, #pdateMonth, #pdateYear').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#cost').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"cost\">' + (jQuery('#cost').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ptype').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"ptype\">' + (jQuery('#ptype').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#install').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"install\">' + (jQuery('#install').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#os').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"os\">' + (jQuery('#os').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#languages').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"languages\">' + (jQuery('#languages').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#changeinfo').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"changeinfo\">' + (jQuery('#changeinfo').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#category').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"category\">' + (jQuery('#category').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#requirements').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"requirements\">' + (jQuery('#requirements').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ksize').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"ksize\">' + (jQuery('#ksize').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#keywords').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"keywords\">' + (jQuery('#keywords').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#description').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"description\">' + (jQuery('#description').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#descrlarge').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"descrlarge\">' + (jQuery('#descrlarge').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#homepage').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"homepage\">' + (jQuery('#homepage').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#screenshot').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"screenshot\">' + (jQuery('#screenshot').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#screenshot, #screenshot-edit-link').hide();\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#icon').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"icon\">' + (jQuery('#icon').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#padfile').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"padfile\">' + (jQuery('#padfile').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#download').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"download\">' + (jQuery('#download').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#aspnumber').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"aspnumber\">' + (jQuery('#aspnumber').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#backlink').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"backlink\">' + (jQuery('#backlink').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#backlink, #backlink-edit-link').hide();\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#affiliate').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"affiliate\">' + (jQuery('#affiliate').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#affiliateid').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"affiliateid\">' + (jQuery('#affiliateid').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('.select2-container').hide();\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    } elseif ($AllowInsert && !$selected_id || $AllowUpdate && $selected_id) {
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', true);";
        // temporarily disable form change handler
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', false);";
        // re-enable form change handler
    // process combos
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(pdate)%%>', $selected_id && !$arrPerm[3] ? '<div class="form-control-static">' . $combo_pdate->GetHTML(true) . '</div>' : $combo_pdate->GetHTML(), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(pdate)%%>', $combo_pdate->GetHTML(true), $templateCode);
    /* lookup fields array: 'lookup field name' => array('parent table name', 'lookup field caption') */
    $lookup_fields = array();
    foreach ($lookup_fields as $luf => $ptfc) {
        $pt_perm = getTablePermissions($ptfc[0]);
        // process foreign key links
        if ($pt_perm['view'] || $pt_perm['edit']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%PLINK({$luf})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default view_parent hspacer-lg" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_view_parent" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['View'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i></button>', $templateCode);
        // if user has insert permission to parent table of a lookup field, put an add new button
        if ($pt_perm['insert'] && !$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%ADDNEW({$ptfc[0]})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success add_new_parent" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_add_new" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['Add New'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i></button>', $templateCode);
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(submid)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(cstatus)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(logtime)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ipaddr)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(company)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(country)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(website)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(contactname)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(email)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(title)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(version)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(pdate)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(cost)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ptype)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(install)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(os)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(languages)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(changeinfo)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(category)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(requirements)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ksize)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(keywords)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(descrlarge)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(homepage)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(screenshot)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(icon)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(padfile)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(download)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(aspnumber)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(backlink)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(affiliate)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(affiliateid)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(submid)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['submid'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(submid)%%>', urlencode($urow['submid']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%CHECKED(cstatus)%%>', $row['cstatus'] ? "checked" : "", $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(logtime)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['logtime'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(logtime)%%>', urlencode($urow['logtime']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ipaddr)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['ipaddr'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ipaddr)%%>', urlencode($urow['ipaddr']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(company)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['company'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(company)%%>', urlencode($urow['company']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(country)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['country'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(country)%%>', urlencode($urow['country']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(website)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['website'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(website)%%>', urlencode($urow['website']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(contactname)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['contactname'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(contactname)%%>', urlencode($urow['contactname']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(email)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['email'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(email)%%>', urlencode($urow['email']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(title)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(title)%%>', urlencode($urow['title']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(version)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['version'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(version)%%>', urlencode($urow['version']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(pdate)%%>', @date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($row['pdate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(pdate)%%>', urlencode(@date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($urow['pdate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1')))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(cost)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['cost'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(cost)%%>', urlencode($urow['cost']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ptype)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['ptype'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ptype)%%>', urlencode($urow['ptype']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(install)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['install'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(install)%%>', urlencode($urow['install']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(os)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['os'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(os)%%>', urlencode($urow['os']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(languages)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['languages'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(languages)%%>', urlencode($urow['languages']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(changeinfo)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['changeinfo'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(changeinfo)%%>', urlencode($urow['changeinfo']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(category)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['category'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(category)%%>', urlencode($urow['category']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(requirements)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['requirements'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(requirements)%%>', urlencode($urow['requirements']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ksize)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['ksize'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ksize)%%>', urlencode($urow['ksize']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(keywords)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['keywords'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(keywords)%%>', urlencode($urow['keywords']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['description'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(description)%%>', urlencode($urow['description']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(descrlarge)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['descrlarge'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(descrlarge)%%>', urlencode($urow['descrlarge']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(homepage)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['homepage'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(homepage)%%>', urlencode($urow['homepage']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(screenshot)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['screenshot'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(screenshot)%%>', urlencode($urow['screenshot']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(icon)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['icon'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(icon)%%>', urlencode($urow['icon']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(padfile)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['padfile'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(padfile)%%>', urlencode($urow['padfile']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(download)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['download'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(download)%%>', urlencode($urow['download']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(aspnumber)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['aspnumber'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(aspnumber)%%>', urlencode($urow['aspnumber']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(backlink)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['backlink'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(backlink)%%>', urlencode($urow['backlink']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(affiliate)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['affiliate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(affiliate)%%>', urlencode($urow['affiliate']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(affiliateid)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['affiliateid'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(affiliateid)%%>', urlencode($urow['affiliateid']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(submid)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(submid)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%CHECKED(cstatus)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(logtime)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(logtime)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ipaddr)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ipaddr)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(company)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(company)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(country)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(country)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(website)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(website)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(contactname)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(contactname)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(email)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(email)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(title)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(title)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(version)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(version)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(pdate)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(pdate)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(cost)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(cost)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ptype)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ptype)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(install)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(install)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(os)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(os)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(languages)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(languages)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(changeinfo)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(changeinfo)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(category)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(category)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(requirements)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(requirements)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ksize)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ksize)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(keywords)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(keywords)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(description)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(descrlarge)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(descrlarge)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(homepage)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(homepage)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(screenshot)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(screenshot)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(icon)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(icon)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(padfile)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(padfile)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(download)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(download)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(aspnumber)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(aspnumber)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(backlink)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(backlink)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(affiliate)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(affiliate)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(affiliateid)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(affiliateid)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\$j(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        $templateCode .= $jsEditable;
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode .= "\n\tif(document.getElementById('websiteEdit')){ document.getElementById('websiteEdit').style.display='inline'; }";
            $templateCode .= "\n\tif(document.getElementById('websiteEditLink')){ document.getElementById('websiteEditLink').style.display='none'; }";
            $templateCode .= "\n\tif(document.getElementById('screenshotEdit')){ document.getElementById('screenshotEdit').style.display='inline'; }";
            $templateCode .= "\n\tif(document.getElementById('screenshotEditLink')){ document.getElementById('screenshotEditLink').style.display='none'; }";
            $templateCode .= "\n\tif(document.getElementById('backlinkEdit')){ document.getElementById('backlinkEdit').style.display='inline'; }";
            $templateCode .= "\n\tif(document.getElementById('backlinkEditLink')){ document.getElementById('backlinkEditLink').style.display='none'; }";
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= '<script>';
    $templateCode .= '$j(function() {';
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" data-lightbox=".*?"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: submitlog_dv
    if (function_exists('submitlog_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        submitlog_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
Пример #11
function customers_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('customers');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    $AllowInsert = $arrPerm[1] ? true : false;
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    // combobox: Country
    $combo_Country = new Combo();
    $combo_Country->ListType = 0;
    $combo_Country->MultipleSeparator = ', ';
    $combo_Country->ListBoxHeight = 10;
    $combo_Country->RadiosPerLine = 1;
    if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/customers.Country.csv')) {
        $Country_data = addslashes(implode('', @file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/customers.Country.csv')));
        $combo_Country->ListItem = explode('||', entitiesToUTF8(convertLegacyOptions($Country_data)));
        $combo_Country->ListData = $combo_Country->ListItem;
    } else {
        $combo_Country->ListItem = explode('||', entitiesToUTF8(convertLegacyOptions("Afghanistan;;Albania;;Algeria;;American Samoa;;Andorra;;Angola;;Anguilla;;Antarctica;;Antigua, Barbuda;;Argentina;;Armenia;;Aruba;;Australia;;Austria;;Azerbaijan;;Bahamas;;Bahrain;;Bangladesh;;Barbados;;Belarus;;Belgium;;Belize;;Benin;;Bermuda;;Bhutan;;Bolivia;;Bosnia, Herzegovina;;Botswana;;Bouvet Is.;;Brazil;;Brunei Darussalam;;Bulgaria;;Burkina Faso;;Burundi;;Cambodia;;Cameroon;;Canada;;Canary Is.;;Cape Verde;;Cayman Is.;;Central African Rep.;;Chad;;Channel Islands;;Chile;;China;;Christmas Is.;;Cocos Is.;;Colombia;;Comoros;;Congo, D.R. Of;;Congo;;Cook Is.;;Costa Rica;;Croatia;;Cuba;;Cyprus;;Czech Republic;;Denmark;;Djibouti;;Dominica;;Dominican Republic;;Ecuador;;Egypt;;El Salvador;;Equatorial Guinea;;Eritrea;;Estonia;;Ethiopia;;Falkland Is.;;Faroe Is.;;Fiji;;Finland;;France;;French Guiana;;French Polynesia;;French Territories;;Gabon;;Gambia;;Georgia;;Germany;;Ghana;;Gibraltar;;Greece;;Greenland;;Grenada;;Guadeloupe;;Guam;;Guatemala;;Guernsey;;Guinea-bissau;;Guinea;;Guyana;;Haiti;;Heard, Mcdonald Is.;;Honduras;;Hong Kong;;Hungary;;Iceland;;India;;Indonesia;;Iran;;Iraq;;Ireland;;Israel;;Italy;;Ivory Coast;;Jamaica;;Japan;;Jersey;;Jordan;;Kazakhstan;;Kenya;;Kiribati;;Korea, D.P.R Of;;Korea, Rep. Of;;Kuwait;;Kyrgyzstan;;Lao Peoples D.R.;;Latvia;;Lebanon;;Lesotho;;Liberia;;Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;;Liechtenstein;;Lithuania;;Luxembourg;;Macao;;Macedonia, F.Y.R Of;;Madagascar;;Malawi;;Malaysia;;Maldives;;Mali;;Malta;;Mariana Islands;;Marshall Islands;;Martinique;;Mauritania;;Mauritius;;Mayotte;;Mexico;;Micronesia;;Moldova;;Monaco;;Mongolia;;Montserrat;;Morocco;;Mozambique;;Myanmar;;Namibia;;Nauru;;Nepal;;Netherlands Antilles;;Netherlands;;New Caledonia;;New Zealand;;Nicaragua;;Niger;;Nigeria;;Niue;;Norfolk Island;;Norway;;Oman;;Pakistan;;Palau;;Palestinian Terr.;;Panama;;Papua New Guinea;;Paraguay;;Peru;;Philippines;;Pitcairn;;Poland;;Portugal;;Puerto Rico;;Qatar;;Reunion;;Romania;;Russian Federation;;Rwanda;;Samoa;;San Marino;;Sao Tome, Principe;;Saudi Arabia;;Senegal;;Seychelles;;Sierra Leone;;Singapore;;Slovakia;;Slovenia;;Solomon Is.;;Somalia;;South Africa;;South Georgia;;South Sandwich Is.;;Spain;;Sri Lanka;;St. Helena;;St. Kitts, Nevis;;St. Lucia;;St. Pierre, Miquelon;;St. Vincent, Grenadines;;Sudan;;Suriname;;Svalbard, Jan Mayen;;Swaziland;;Sweden;;Switzerland;;Syrian Arab Republic;;Taiwan;;Tajikistan;;Tanzania;;Thailand;;Timor-leste;;Togo;;Tokelau;;Tonga;;Trinidad, Tobago;;Tunisia;;Turkey;;Turkmenistan;;Turks, Caicoss;;Tuvalu;;Uganda;;Ukraine;;United Arab Emirates;;United Kingdom;;United States;;Uruguay;;Uzbekistan;;Vanuatu;;Vatican City;;Venezuela;;Viet Nam;;Virgin Is. British;;Virgin Is. U.S.;;Wallis, Futuna;;Western Sahara;;Yemen;;Yugoslavia;;Zambia;;Zimbabwe")));
        $combo_Country->ListData = $combo_Country->ListItem;
    $combo_Country->SelectName = 'Country';
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='customers' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='customers' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `customers` where `CustomerID`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) {
            return error_message($Translation['No records found']);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
        $combo_Country->SelectedData = $row['Country'];
    } else {
        $combo_Country->SelectedText = $_REQUEST['FilterField'][1] == '9' && $_REQUEST['FilterOperator'][1] == '<=>' ? get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1]) : $_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1] : "";
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/customers_templateDVP.html');
    } else {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/customers_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Detail View', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%EMBEDDED%%>', $_REQUEST['Embedded'] ? 'Embedded=1' : '', $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1] && !$selected_id) {
        // allow insert and no record selected?
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return customers_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return customers_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if (!$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="dvprint" name="dvprint_x" value="1" onclick="$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return customers_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate || !$selected_id && !$AllowInsert) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#CustomerID').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"CustomerID\">' + (jQuery('#CustomerID').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#CompanyName').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"CompanyName\">' + (jQuery('#CompanyName').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ContactName').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"ContactName\">' + (jQuery('#ContactName').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ContactTitle').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"ContactTitle\">' + (jQuery('#ContactTitle').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Address').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Address\">' + (jQuery('#Address').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#City').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"City\">' + (jQuery('#City').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Region').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Region\">' + (jQuery('#Region').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#PostalCode').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"PostalCode\">' + (jQuery('#PostalCode').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Country').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Country\">' + (jQuery('#Country').val() || '') + '</div>'); jQuery('#Country-multi-selection-help').hide();\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Phone').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Phone\">' + (jQuery('#Phone').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Fax').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Fax\">' + (jQuery('#Fax').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('.select2-container').hide();\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    } elseif ($AllowInsert && !$selected_id || $AllowUpdate && $selected_id) {
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', true);";
        // temporarily disable form change handler
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', false);";
        // re-enable form change handler
    // process combos
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(Country)%%>', $combo_Country->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(Country)%%>', $combo_Country->SelectedData, $templateCode);
    /* lookup fields array: 'lookup field name' => array('parent table name', 'lookup field caption') */
    $lookup_fields = array();
    foreach ($lookup_fields as $luf => $ptfc) {
        $pt_perm = getTablePermissions($ptfc[0]);
        // process foreign key links
        if ($pt_perm['view'] || $pt_perm['edit']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%PLINK({$luf})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default view_parent hspacer-lg" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_view_parent" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['View'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i></button>', $templateCode);
        // if user has insert permission to parent table of a lookup field, put an add new button
        if ($pt_perm['insert'] && !$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%ADDNEW({$ptfc[0]})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success add_new_parent" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_add_new" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['Add New'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i></button>', $templateCode);
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CustomerID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CompanyName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ContactName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ContactTitle)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Address)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(City)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Region)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(PostalCode)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Country)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Fax)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CustomerID)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CustomerID'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CustomerID)%%>', urlencode($urow['CustomerID']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CompanyName)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CompanyName'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CompanyName)%%>', urlencode($urow['CompanyName']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ContactName)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['ContactName'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ContactName)%%>', urlencode($urow['ContactName']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ContactTitle)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['ContactTitle'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ContactTitle)%%>', urlencode($urow['ContactTitle']), $templateCode);
        if ($dvprint) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Address)%%>', nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row['Address'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1')), $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Address)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Address'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Address)%%>', urlencode($urow['Address']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(City)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['City'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(City)%%>', urlencode($urow['City']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Region)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Region'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Region)%%>', urlencode($urow['Region']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(PostalCode)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['PostalCode'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(PostalCode)%%>', urlencode($urow['PostalCode']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Country)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Country'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Country)%%>', urlencode($urow['Country']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Phone)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Phone'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Phone)%%>', urlencode($urow['Phone']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Fax)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Fax'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Fax)%%>', urlencode($urow['Fax']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CustomerID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CustomerID)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CompanyName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CompanyName)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ContactName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ContactName)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ContactTitle)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ContactTitle)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Address)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Address)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(City)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(City)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Region)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Region)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(PostalCode)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(PostalCode)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Country)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Country)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Phone)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Fax)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Fax)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\$j(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        $templateCode .= $jsEditable;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= '<script>';
    $templateCode .= '$j(function() {';
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: customers_dv
    if (function_exists('customers_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        customers_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
Пример #12
function get_home_links($homeLinks, $default_classes, $tgroup = '')
    if (!is_array($homeLinks) || !count($homeLinks)) {
        return '';
    $memberInfo = getMemberInfo();
    foreach ($homeLinks as $link) {
        if (!isset($link['url']) || !isset($link['title']) || !isset($link['target'])) {
        if ($tgroup != $link['table_group'] && $tgroup != '*') {
        /* fall-back classes if none defined */
        if (!$link['grid_column_classes']) {
            $link['grid_column_classes'] = $default_classes['grid_column'];
        if (!$link['panel_classes']) {
            $link['panel_classes'] = $default_classes['panel'];
        if (!$link['link_classes']) {
            $link['link_classes'] = $default_classes['link'];
        if ($memberInfo['admin'] || @in_array($memberInfo['group'], $link['groups']) || @in_array('*', $link['groups'])) {
				<div class="col-xs-12 <?php 
            echo $link['grid_column_classes'];
					<div class="panel <?php 
            echo $link['panel_classes'];
						<div class="panel-body">
							<a class="btn btn-block btn-lg <?php 
            echo $link['link_classes'];
" target="<?php 
            echo $link['target'];
" title="<?php 
            echo preg_replace("/&amp;(#[0-9]+|[a-z]+);/i", "&\$1;", htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($link['description'])));
" href="<?php 
            echo $link['url'];
            echo $link['icon'] ? '<img src="' . $link['icon'] . '">' : '';
            echo $link['title'];
							<div class="panel-body-description"><?php 
            echo $link['description'];
    $html = ob_get_contents();
    return $html;
Пример #13
 function Render()
     // get post and get variables
     global $Translation;
     $adminConfig = config('adminConfig');
     $FiltersPerGroup = 4;
     $buttonWholeWidth = 136;
     $current_view = '';
     /* TV, DV, TVDV, TVP, DVP, Filters */
     $Embedded = intval($_REQUEST['Embedded']);
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {
         $SortField = $_GET["SortField"];
         $SortDirection = $_GET["SortDirection"];
         $FirstRecord = $_GET["FirstRecord"];
         $ScrollUp_y = $_GET["ScrollUp_y"];
         $ScrollDn_y = $_GET["ScrollDn_y"];
         $Previous_x = $_GET["Previous_x"];
         $Next_x = $_GET["Next_x"];
         $Filter_x = $_GET["Filter_x"];
         $SaveFilter_x = $_GET["SaveFilter_x"];
         $NoFilter_x = $_GET["NoFilter_x"];
         $CancelFilter = $_GET["CancelFilter"];
         $ApplyFilter = $_GET["ApplyFilter"];
         $Search_x = $_GET["Search_x"];
         $SearchString = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_GET['SearchString']) : $_GET['SearchString'];
         $CSV_x = $_GET["CSV_x"];
         $FilterAnd = $_GET["FilterAnd"];
         $FilterField = $_GET["FilterField"];
         $FilterOperator = $_GET["FilterOperator"];
         if (is_array($_GET['FilterValue'])) {
             foreach ($_GET['FilterValue'] as $fvi => $fv) {
                 $FilterValue[$fvi] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($fv) : $fv;
         $Print_x = $_GET['Print_x'];
         $PrintTV = $_GET['PrintTV'];
         $PrintDV = $_GET['PrintDV'];
         $SelectedID = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_GET['SelectedID']) : $_GET['SelectedID'];
         $insert_x = $_GET['insert_x'];
         $update_x = $_GET['update_x'];
         $delete_x = $_GET['delete_x'];
         $SkipChecks = $_GET['confirmed'];
         $deselect_x = $_GET['deselect_x'];
         $addNew_x = $_GET['addNew_x'];
         $dvprint_x = $_GET['dvprint_x'];
         $DisplayRecords = in_array($_GET['DisplayRecords'], array('user', 'group')) ? $_GET['DisplayRecords'] : 'all';
     } else {
         $SortField = $_POST['SortField'];
         $SortDirection = $_POST['SortDirection'];
         $FirstRecord = $_POST['FirstRecord'];
         $ScrollUp_y = $_POST['ScrollUp_y'];
         $ScrollDn_y = $_POST['ScrollDn_y'];
         $Previous_x = $_POST['Previous_x'];
         $Next_x = $_POST['Next_x'];
         $Filter_x = $_POST['Filter_x'];
         $SaveFilter_x = $_POST['SaveFilter_x'];
         $NoFilter_x = $_POST['NoFilter_x'];
         $CancelFilter = $_POST['CancelFilter'];
         $ApplyFilter = $_POST['ApplyFilter'];
         $Search_x = $_POST['Search_x'];
         $SearchString = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_POST['SearchString']) : $_POST['SearchString'];
         $CSV_x = $_POST['CSV_x'];
         $FilterAnd = $_POST['FilterAnd'];
         $FilterField = $_POST['FilterField'];
         $FilterOperator = $_POST['FilterOperator'];
         if (is_array($_POST['FilterValue'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['FilterValue'] as $fvi => $fv) {
                 $FilterValue[$fvi] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($fv) : $fv;
         $Print_x = $_POST['Print_x'];
         $PrintTV = $_POST['PrintTV'];
         $PrintDV = $_POST['PrintDV'];
         $SelectedID = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_POST['SelectedID']) : $_POST['SelectedID'];
         $insert_x = $_POST['insert_x'];
         $update_x = $_POST['update_x'];
         $delete_x = $_POST['delete_x'];
         $SkipChecks = $_POST['confirmed'];
         $deselect_x = $_POST['deselect_x'];
         $addNew_x = $_POST['addNew_x'];
         $dvprint_x = $_POST['dvprint_x'];
         $DisplayRecords = in_array($_POST['DisplayRecords'], array('user', 'group')) ? $_POST['DisplayRecords'] : 'all';
     $mi = getMemberInfo();
     // insure authenticity of user inputs:
     if (is_array($FilterAnd)) {
         foreach ($FilterAnd as $i => $f) {
             if ($f && !preg_match('/^(and|or)$/i', trim($f))) {
                 $FilterAnd[$i] = 'and';
     if (is_array($FilterOperator)) {
         foreach ($FilterOperator as $i => $f) {
             if ($f && !in_array(trim($f), array_keys($GLOBALS['filter_operators']))) {
                 $FilterOperator[$i] = '';
     if (!preg_match('/^\\s*[1-9][0-9]*\\s*(asc|desc)?(\\s*,\\s*[1-9][0-9]*\\s*(asc|desc)?)*$/i', $SortField)) {
         $SortField = '';
     if (!preg_match('/^(asc|desc)$/i', $SortDirection)) {
         $SortDirection = '';
     if (!$this->AllowDelete) {
         $delete_x = '';
     if (!$this->AllowDeleteOfParents) {
         $SkipChecks = '';
     if (!$this->AllowInsert) {
         $insert_x = '';
         $addNew_x = '';
     if (!$this->AllowUpdate) {
         $update_x = '';
     if (!$this->AllowFilters) {
         $Filter_x = '';
     if (!$this->AllowPrinting) {
         $Print_x = '';
         $PrintTV = '';
     if (!$this->QuickSearch) {
         $SearchString = '';
     if (!$this->AllowCSV) {
         $CSV_x = '';
     // enforce record selection if user has edit/delete permissions on the current table
     $AllowPrintDV = 1;
     $this->Permissions = getTablePermissions($this->TableName);
     if ($this->Permissions[3] || $this->Permissions[4]) {
         // current user can edit or delete?
         $this->AllowSelection = 1;
     } elseif (!$this->AllowSelection) {
         $SelectedID = '';
         $AllowPrintDV = 0;
         $PrintDV = '';
     if (!$this->AllowSelection || !$SelectedID) {
         $dvprint_x = '';
     $this->QueryFieldsIndexed = reIndex($this->QueryFieldsFilters);
     // determine type of current view: TV, DV, TVDV, TVP, DVP or Filters?
     if ($this->SeparateDV) {
         $current_view = 'TV';
         if ($Print_x != '' || $PrintTV != '') {
             $current_view = 'TVP';
         } elseif ($dvprint_x != '' || $PrintDV != '') {
             $current_view = 'DVP';
         } elseif ($Filter_x != '') {
             $current_view = 'Filters';
         } elseif ($SelectedID && !$deselect_x && !$delete_x || $addNew_x != '') {
             $current_view = 'DV';
     } else {
         $current_view = 'TVDV';
         if ($Print_x != '' || $PrintTV != '') {
             $current_view = 'TVP';
         } elseif ($dvprint_x != '' || $PrintDV != '') {
             $current_view = 'DVP';
         } elseif ($Filter_x != '') {
             $current_view = 'Filters';
     $this->HTML .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-11 col-md-12">';
     $this->HTML .= '<form ' . (datalist_image_uploads_exist ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data" ' : '') . 'method="post" name="myform" action="' . $this->ScriptFileName . '">';
     if ($Embedded) {
         $this->HTML .= '<input name="Embedded" value="1" type="hidden" />';
     $this->HTML .= '<script>';
     $this->HTML .= 'function enterAction(){';
     $this->HTML .= '   if($$("input[name=SearchString]:focus")[0] != undefined){ $("Search").click(); }';
     $this->HTML .= '   return false;';
     $this->HTML .= '}';
     $this->HTML .= '</script>';
     $this->HTML .= '<input id="EnterAction" type="submit" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: -250px;" onclick="return enterAction();">';
     $this->ContentType = 'tableview';
     // default content type
     if ($PrintTV != '') {
         $Print_x = 1;
         $_POST['Print_x'] = 1;
     // handle user commands ...
     if ($deselect_x != '') {
         $SelectedID = '';
     } elseif ($insert_x != '') {
         $SelectedID = call_user_func($this->TableName . '_insert');
         // redirect to a safe url to avoid refreshing and thus
         // insertion of duplicate records.
         $url = $this->RedirectAfterInsert;
         $insert_status = 'record-added-ok=' . rand();
         if (!$SelectedID) {
             $insert_status = 'record-added-error=' . rand();
         // compose filters and sorting
         foreach ($this->filterers as $filterer => $caption) {
             if ($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer] != '') {
                 $filtersGET .= '&filterer_' . $filterer . '=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer]);
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 20 * $FiltersPerGroup; $i++) {
             // Number of filters allowed
             if ($FilterField[$i] != '' && $FilterOperator[$i] != '' && ($FilterValue[$i] != '' || strpos($FilterOperator[$i], 'empty'))) {
                 $filtersGET .= "&FilterAnd[{$i}]={$FilterAnd[$i]}&FilterField[{$i}]={$FilterField[$i]}&FilterOperator[{$i}]={$FilterOperator[$i]}&FilterValue[{$i}]=" . urlencode($FilterValue[$i]);
         if ($Embedded) {
             $filtersGET .= '&Embedded=1&SelectedID=' . urlencode($SelectedID);
         $filtersGET .= "&SortField={$SortField}&SortDirection={$SortDirection}&FirstRecord={$FirstRecord}";
         $filtersGET .= "&DisplayRecords={$DisplayRecords}";
         $filtersGET .= '&SearchString=' . urlencode($SearchString);
         $filtersGET = substr($filtersGET, 1);
         // remove initial &
         if ($url) {
             /* if designer specified a redirect-after-insert url */
             $url .= (strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $insert_status;
             $url .= strpos($url, $this->ScriptFileName) !== false ? "&{$filtersGET}" : '';
             $url = str_replace("#ID#", urlencode($SelectedID), $url);
         } else {
             /* if no redirect-after-insert url, use default */
             $url = "{$this->ScriptFileName}?{$insert_status}&{$filtersGET}";
             /* if DV and TV in same page, select new record */
             if (!$this->SeparateDV) {
                 $url .= '&SelectedID=' . urlencode($SelectedID);
         @header('Location: ' . $url);
         $this->HTML .= "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"0;url=" . $url . "\">";
     } elseif ($delete_x != '') {
         $d = call_user_func($this->TableName . '_delete', $SelectedID, $this->AllowDeleteOfParents, $SkipChecks);
         // handle ajax delete requests
         if (is_ajax()) {
             die($d ? $d : 'OK');
         if ($d) {
             //$_REQUEST['record-deleted-error'] = 1;
             $this->HTML .= error_message($d);
         } else {
             $_REQUEST['record-deleted-ok'] = 1;
             $SelectedID = '';
     } elseif ($update_x != '') {
         $updated = call_user_func($this->TableName . '_update', $SelectedID);
         $update_status = 'record-updated-ok=' . rand();
         if ($updated === false) {
             $update_status = 'record-updated-error=' . rand();
         // compose filters and sorting
         foreach ($this->filterers as $filterer => $caption) {
             if ($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer] != '') {
                 $filtersGET .= '&filterer_' . $filterer . '=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer]);
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 20 * $FiltersPerGroup; $i++) {
             // Number of filters allowed
             if ($FilterField[$i] != '' && $FilterOperator[$i] != '' && ($FilterValue[$i] != '' || strpos($FilterOperator[$i], 'empty'))) {
                 $filtersGET .= "&FilterAnd[{$i}]={$FilterAnd[$i]}&FilterField[{$i}]={$FilterField[$i]}&FilterOperator[{$i}]={$FilterOperator[$i]}&FilterValue[{$i}]=" . urlencode($FilterValue[$i]);
         $filtersGET .= "&SortField={$SortField}&SortDirection={$SortDirection}&FirstRecord={$FirstRecord}&Embedded={$Embedded}";
         $filtersGET .= "&DisplayRecords={$DisplayRecords}";
         $filtersGET .= '&SearchString=' . urlencode($SearchString);
         $filtersGET = substr($filtersGET, 1);
         // remove initial &
         $redirectUrl = $this->ScriptFileName . '?SelectedID=' . urlencode($SelectedID) . '&' . $filtersGET . '&' . $update_status;
         @header("Location: {$redirectUrl}");
         $this->HTML .= '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;url=' . $redirectUrl . '">';
     } elseif ($addNew_x != '') {
         $SelectedID = '';
     } elseif ($Print_x != '') {
         // print code here ....
         $this->AllowNavigation = 0;
         $this->AllowSelection = 0;
     } elseif ($SaveFilter_x != '' && $this->AllowSavingFilters) {
         $filter_link = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '?SortField=' . urlencode($SortField) . '&SortDirection=' . $SortDirection . '&';
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 20 * $FiltersPerGroup; $i++) {
             // Number of filters allowed
             if (($FilterField[$i] != '' || $i == 1) && $FilterOperator[$i] != '' && ($FilterValue[$i] != '' || strpos($FilterOperator[$i], 'empty'))) {
                 $filter_link .= urlencode("FilterAnd[{$i}]") . '=' . urlencode($FilterAnd[$i]) . '&';
                 $filter_link .= urlencode("FilterField[{$i}]") . '=' . urlencode($FilterField[$i]) . '&';
                 $filter_link .= urlencode("FilterOperator[{$i}]") . '=' . urlencode($FilterOperator[$i]) . '&';
                 $filter_link .= urlencode("FilterValue[{$i}]") . '=' . urlencode($FilterValue[$i]) . '&';
         $filter_link = substr($filter_link, 0, -1);
         /* trim last '&' */
         $this->HTML .= '<div id="saved_filter_source_code" class="row"><div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">';
         $this->HTML .= '<div class="panel panel-info">';
         $this->HTML .= '<div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">' . $Translation["saved filters title"] . "</h3></div>";
         $this->HTML .= '<div class="panel-body">';
         $this->HTML .= $Translation["saved filters instructions"];
         $this->HTML .= '<textarea rows="4" class="form-control vspacer-lg" style="width: 100%;" onfocus="$j(this).select();">' . "&lt;a href=\"{$filter_link}\"&gt;Saved filter link&lt;a&gt;" . '</textarea>';
         $this->HTML .= "<div><a href=\"{$filter_link}\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($filter_link) . "\">{$Translation['permalink']}</a></div>";
         $this->HTML .= '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-block vspacer-lg" onclick="$j(\'#saved_filter_source_code\').remove();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i> ' . $Translation['hide code'] . '</button>';
         $this->HTML .= '</div>';
         $this->HTML .= '</div>';
         $this->HTML .= '</div></div>';
     } elseif ($Filter_x != '') {
         $orderBy = array();
         if ($SortField) {
             $sortFields = explode(',', $SortField);
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($sortFields as $sf) {
                 $tob = preg_split('/\\s+/', $sf, 2);
                 $orderBy[] = array(trim($tob[0]) => strtolower(trim($tob[1])) == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc');
             $orderBy[$i - 1][$tob[0]] = strtolower(trim($SortDirection)) == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
         $currDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks';
         // path to hooks folder
         $uff = "{$currDir}/{$this->TableName}.filters.{$mi['username']}.php";
         // user-specific filter file
         $gff = "{$currDir}/{$this->TableName}.filters.{$mi['group']}.php";
         // group-specific filter file
         $tff = "{$currDir}/{$this->TableName}.filters.php";
         // table-specific filter file
         	if no explicit filter file exists, look for filter files in the hooks folder in this order:
         		1. tablename.filters.username.php ($uff)
         		2. tablename.filters.groupname.php ($gff)
         		3. tablename.filters.php ($tff)
         if (!is_file($this->FilterPage)) {
             $this->FilterPage = 'defaultFilters.php';
             if (is_file($uff)) {
                 $this->FilterPage = $uff;
             } elseif (is_file($gff)) {
                 $this->FilterPage = $gff;
             } elseif (is_file($tff)) {
                 $this->FilterPage = $tff;
         if ($this->FilterPage != '') {
             @(include $this->FilterPage);
             $out = ob_get_contents();
             $this->HTML .= $out;
         // hidden variables ....
         $this->HTML .= '<input name="SortField" value="' . $SortField . '" type="hidden" />';
         $this->HTML .= '<input name="SortDirection" type="hidden" value="' . $SortDirection . '" />';
         $this->HTML .= '<input name="FirstRecord" type="hidden" value="1" />';
         $this->ContentType = 'filters';
     } elseif ($NoFilter_x != '') {
         // clear all filters ...
         for ($i = 1; $i <= datalist_filters_count * $FiltersPerGroup; $i++) {
             // Number of filters allowed
             $FilterField[$i] = '';
             $FilterOperator[$i] = '';
             $FilterValue[$i] = '';
         $DisplayRecords = 'all';
         $SearchString = '';
         $FirstRecord = 1;
         // clear filterers
         foreach ($this->filterers as $filterer => $caption) {
             $_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer] = '';
     } elseif ($SelectedID) {
     // apply lookup filterers to the query
     foreach ($this->filterers as $filterer => $caption) {
         if ($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer] != '') {
             if ($this->QueryWhere == '') {
                 $this->QueryWhere = "where ";
             } else {
                 $this->QueryWhere .= " and ";
             $this->QueryWhere .= "`{$this->TableName}`.`{$filterer}`='" . makeSafe($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer]) . "' ";
             // currently, only one filterer can be applied at a time
     // apply quick search to the query
     if ($SearchString != '') {
         if ($Search_x != '') {
             $FirstRecord = 1;
         if ($this->QueryWhere == '') {
             $this->QueryWhere = "where ";
         } else {
             $this->QueryWhere .= " and ";
         foreach ($this->QueryFieldsQS as $fName => $fCaption) {
             if (strpos($fName, '<img') === False) {
                 $this->QuerySearchableFields[$fName] = $fCaption;
         $this->QueryWhere .= '(' . implode(" LIKE '%" . makeSafe($SearchString) . "%' or ", array_keys($this->QuerySearchableFields)) . " LIKE '%" . makeSafe($SearchString) . "%')";
     // set query filters
     $QueryHasWhere = 0;
     if (strpos($this->QueryWhere, 'where ') !== FALSE) {
         $QueryHasWhere = 1;
     $WhereNeedsClosing = 0;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= datalist_filters_count * $FiltersPerGroup; $i += $FiltersPerGroup) {
         // Number of filters allowed
         // test current filter group
         $GroupHasFilters = 0;
         for ($j = 0; $j < $FiltersPerGroup; $j++) {
             if ($FilterField[$i + $j] != '' && $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] != '' && $FilterOperator[$i + $j] != '' && ($FilterValue[$i + $j] != '' || strpos($FilterOperator[$i + $j], 'empty'))) {
                 $GroupHasFilters = 1;
         if ($GroupHasFilters) {
             if (!stristr($this->QueryWhere, "where ")) {
                 $this->QueryWhere = "where (";
             } elseif ($QueryHasWhere) {
                 $this->QueryWhere .= " and (";
                 $QueryHasWhere = 0;
             $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterGroup> " . $FilterAnd[$i] . " (";
             for ($j = 0; $j < $FiltersPerGroup; $j++) {
                 if ($FilterField[$i + $j] != '' && $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] != '' && $FilterOperator[$i + $j] != '' && ($FilterValue[$i + $j] != '' || strpos($FilterOperator[$i + $j], 'empty'))) {
                     if ($FilterAnd[$i + $j] == '') {
                         $FilterAnd[$i + $j] = 'and';
                     // test for date/time fields
                     $tries = 0;
                     $isDateTime = FALSE;
                     $isDate = FALSE;
                     $fieldName = str_replace('`', '', $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]]);
                     list($tn, $fn) = explode('.', $fieldName);
                     while (!($res = sql("show columns from `{$tn}` like '{$fn}'", $eo)) && $tries < 2) {
                         $tn = substr($tn, 0, -1);
                     if ($row = @db_fetch_array($res)) {
                         if ($row['Type'] == 'date' || $row['Type'] == 'time') {
                             $isDateTime = TRUE;
                             if ($row['Type'] == 'date') {
                                 $isDate = True;
                     // end of test
                     if ($FilterOperator[$i + $j] == 'is-empty' && !$isDateTime) {
                         $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterItem> " . $FilterAnd[$i + $j] . " (" . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . "='' or " . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . " is NULL) </FilterItem>";
                     } elseif ($FilterOperator[$i + $j] == 'is-not-empty' && !$isDateTime) {
                         $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterItem> " . $FilterAnd[$i + $j] . " " . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . "!='' </FilterItem>";
                     } elseif ($FilterOperator[$i + $j] == 'is-empty' && $isDateTime) {
                         $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterItem> " . $FilterAnd[$i + $j] . " (" . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . "=0 or " . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . " is NULL) </FilterItem>";
                     } elseif ($FilterOperator[$i + $j] == 'is-not-empty' && $isDateTime) {
                         $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterItem> " . $FilterAnd[$i + $j] . " " . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . "!=0 </FilterItem>";
                     } elseif ($FilterOperator[$i + $j] == 'like' && !strstr($FilterValue[$i + $j], "%") && !strstr($FilterValue[$i + $j], "_")) {
                         $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterItem> " . $FilterAnd[$i + $j] . " " . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . " like '%" . makeSafe($FilterValue[$i + $j]) . "%' </FilterItem>";
                     } elseif ($FilterOperator[$i + $j] == 'not-like' && !strstr($FilterValue[$i + $j], "%") && !strstr($FilterValue[$i + $j], "_")) {
                         $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterItem> " . $FilterAnd[$i + $j] . " " . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . " not like '%" . makeSafe($FilterValue[$i + $j]) . "%' </FilterItem>";
                     } elseif ($isDate) {
                         $dateValue = toMySQLDate($FilterValue[$i + $j]);
                         $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterItem> " . $FilterAnd[$i + $j] . " " . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . " " . $GLOBALS['filter_operators'][$FilterOperator[$i + $j]] . " '{$dateValue}' </FilterItem>";
                     } else {
                         $this->QueryWhere .= " <FilterItem> " . $FilterAnd[$i + $j] . " " . $this->QueryFieldsIndexed[$FilterField[$i + $j]] . " " . $GLOBALS['filter_operators'][$FilterOperator[$i + $j]] . " '" . makeSafe($FilterValue[$i + $j]) . "' </FilterItem>";
             $this->QueryWhere .= ") </FilterGroup>";
             $WhereNeedsClosing = 1;
     if ($WhereNeedsClosing) {
         $this->QueryWhere .= ")";
     // set query sort
     if (!stristr($this->QueryOrder, "order by ") && $SortField != '' && $this->AllowSorting) {
         $actualSortField = $SortField;
         foreach ($this->SortFields as $fieldNum => $fieldSort) {
             $actualSortField = str_replace(" {$fieldNum} ", " {$fieldSort} ", " {$actualSortField} ");
             $actualSortField = str_replace(",{$fieldNum} ", ",{$fieldSort} ", " {$actualSortField} ");
         $this->QueryOrder = "order by {$actualSortField} {$SortDirection}";
     // clean up query
     $this->QueryWhere = str_replace('( <FilterGroup> and ', '( ', $this->QueryWhere);
     $this->QueryWhere = str_replace('( <FilterGroup> or ', '( ', $this->QueryWhere);
     $this->QueryWhere = str_replace('( <FilterItem> and ', '( ', $this->QueryWhere);
     $this->QueryWhere = str_replace('( <FilterItem> or ', '( ', $this->QueryWhere);
     $this->QueryWhere = str_replace('<FilterGroup>', '', $this->QueryWhere);
     $this->QueryWhere = str_replace('</FilterGroup>', '', $this->QueryWhere);
     $this->QueryWhere = str_replace('<FilterItem>', '', $this->QueryWhere);
     $this->QueryWhere = str_replace('</FilterItem>', '', $this->QueryWhere);
     // if no 'order by' clause found, apply default sorting if specified
     if ($this->DefaultSortField != '' && $this->QueryOrder == '') {
         $this->QueryOrder = "order by " . $this->DefaultSortField . " " . $this->DefaultSortDirection;
     // get count of matching records ...
     $TempQuery = 'SELECT count(1) from ' . $this->QueryFrom . ' ' . $this->QueryWhere;
     $RecordCount = sqlValue($TempQuery);
     $FieldCountTV = count($this->QueryFieldsTV);
     $FieldCountCSV = count($this->QueryFieldsCSV);
     $FieldCountFilters = count($this->QueryFieldsFilters);
     if (!$RecordCount) {
         $FirstRecord = 1;
     // Output CSV on request
     if ($CSV_x != '') {
         $this->HTML = '';
         if (datalist_db_encoding == 'UTF-8') {
             $this->HTML = "";
         // BOM characters for UTF-8 output
         // execute query for CSV output
         $fieldList = '';
         foreach ($this->QueryFieldsCSV as $fn => $fc) {
             $fieldList .= "{$fn} as `{$fc}`, ";
         $fieldList = substr($fieldList, 0, -2);
         $csvQuery = 'SELECT ' . $fieldList . ' from ' . $this->QueryFrom . ' ' . $this->QueryWhere . ' ' . $this->QueryOrder;
         // hook: table_csv
         if (function_exists($this->TableName . '_csv')) {
             $args = array();
             $mq = call_user_func_array($this->TableName . '_csv', array($csvQuery, $mi, &$args));
             $csvQuery = $mq ? $mq : $csvQuery;
         $result = sql($csvQuery, $eo);
         // output CSV field names
         for ($i = 0; $i < $FieldCountCSV; $i++) {
             $this->HTML .= "\"" . db_field_name($result, $i) . "\"" . $this->CSVSeparator;
         $this->HTML .= "\n\n";
         // output CSV data
         while ($row = db_fetch_row($result)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $FieldCountCSV; $i++) {
                 $this->HTML .= "\"" . str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", '"'), array(' ', ' ', ' ', '""'), strip_tags($row[$i])) . "\"" . $this->CSVSeparator;
             $this->HTML .= "\n\n";
         $this->HTML = str_replace($this->CSVSeparator . "\n\n", "\n", $this->HTML);
         $this->HTML = substr($this->HTML, 0, -1);
         // clean any output buffers
         while (@ob_end_clean()) {
         // output CSV HTTP headers ...
         header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
         header('Date: ' . @date("D M j G:i:s T Y"));
         header('Last-Modified: ' . @date("D M j G:i:s T Y"));
         header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
         header("Content-Length: " . (string) strlen($this->HTML));
         header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary");
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$this->TableName}.csv");
         // send output and quit script
         echo $this->HTML;
     $t = time();
     // just a random number for any purpose ...
     // should SelectedID be reset on clicking TV buttons?
     $resetSelection = $this->SeparateDV ? "document.myform.SelectedID.value = '';" : "document.myform.writeAttribute('novalidate', 'novalidate');";
     if ($current_view == 'DV' && !$Embedded) {
         $this->HTML .= '<div class="page-header">';
         $this->HTML .= '<h1>';
         $this->HTML .= '<a style="text-decoration: none; color: inherit;" href="' . $this->TableName . '_view.php"><img src="' . $this->TableIcon . '"> ' . $this->TableTitle . '</a>';
         $this->HTML .= '</h1>';
         $this->HTML .= '</div>';
     // quick search and TV action buttons
     if (!$this->HideTableView && !($dvprint_x && $this->AllowSelection && $SelectedID) && !$PrintDV) {
         $buttons_all = $quick_search_html = '';
         if ($Print_x == '') {
             // display 'Add New' icon
             if ($this->Permissions[1] && $this->SeparateDV) {
                 $buttons_all .= '<button type="submit" id="addNew" name="addNew_x" value="1" class="btn btn-success"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Add New'] . '</button>';
             // display Print icon
             if ($this->AllowPrinting) {
                 $buttons_all .= '<button onClick="document.myform.NoDV.value=1; ' . $resetSelection . ' return true;" type="submit" name="Print_x" id="Print" value="1" class="btn btn-default"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>';
             // display CSV icon
             if ($this->AllowCSV) {
                 $buttons_all .= '<button onClick="document.myform.NoDV.value=1; ' . $resetSelection . ' return true;" type="submit" name="CSV_x" id="CSV" value="1" class="btn btn-default"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt"></i> ' . $Translation['CSV'] . '</button>';
             // display Filter icon
             if ($this->AllowFilters) {
                 $buttons_all .= '<button onClick="document.myform.NoDV.value=1; ' . $resetSelection . ' return true;" type="submit" name="Filter_x" id="Filter" value="1" class="btn btn-default"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter"></i> ' . $Translation['filter'] . '</button>';
             // display Show All icon
             if ($this->AllowFilters) {
                 $buttons_all .= '<button onClick="document.myform.NoDV.value=1; ' . $resetSelection . ' return true;" type="submit" name="NoFilter_x" id="NoFilter" value="1" class="btn btn-default"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"></i> ' . $Translation['Reset Filters'] . '</button>';
             $quick_search_html .= '<div class="input-group" id="quick-search">';
             $quick_search_html .= '<input type="text" name="SearchString" value="' . htmlspecialchars($SearchString, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '" class="form-control" placeholder="' . htmlspecialchars($this->QuickSearchText) . '">';
             $quick_search_html .= '<span class="input-group-btn">';
             $quick_search_html .= '<button name="Search_x" value="1" id="Search" type="submit" onClick="' . $resetSelection . ' document.myform.NoDV.value=1; return true;"  class="btn btn-default" title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->QuickSearchText) . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></i></button>';
             $quick_search_html .= '<button name="NoFilter_x" value="1" id="NoFilter_x" type="submit" onClick="' . $resetSelection . ' document.myform.NoDV.value=1; return true;"  class="btn btn-default" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['Reset Filters']) . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"></i></button>';
             $quick_search_html .= '</span>';
             $quick_search_html .= '</div>';
         } else {
             $buttons_all .= '<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" id="sendToPrinter" onClick="window.print();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print'] . '</button>';
             $buttons_all .= '<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"></i> ' . $Translation['Cancel Printing'] . '</button>';
         /* if user can print DV, add action to 'More' menu */
         $selected_records_more = array();
         if ($AllowPrintDV) {
             $selected_records_more[] = array('function' => $this->SeparateDV ? 'print_multiple_dv_sdv' : 'print_multiple_dv_tvdv', 'title' => $Translation['Print Preview Detail View'], 'icon' => 'print');
         /* if user can mass-delete selected records, add action to 'More' menu */
         if ($this->AllowMassDelete && $this->AllowDelete) {
             $selected_records_more[] = array('function' => 'mass_delete', 'title' => $Translation['Delete'], 'icon' => 'trash', 'class' => 'text-danger');
         /* if user is admin, add 'Change owner' action to 'More' menu */
         /* also, add help link for adding more actions */
         if ($mi['admin']) {
             $selected_records_more[] = array('function' => 'mass_change_owner', 'title' => $Translation['Change owner'], 'icon' => 'user');
             $selected_records_more[] = array('function' => 'add_more_actions_link', 'title' => $Translation['Add more actions'], 'icon' => 'question-sign', 'class' => 'text-info');
         /* user-defined actions ... should be set in the {tablename}_batch_actions() function in hooks/{tablename}.php */
         $user_actions = array();
         if (function_exists($this->TableName . '_batch_actions')) {
             $args = array();
             $user_actions = call_user_func_array($this->TableName . '_batch_actions', array(&$args));
             if (is_array($user_actions) && count($user_actions)) {
                 $selected_records_more = array_merge($selected_records_more, $user_actions);
         $actual_more_count = 0;
         $more_menu = $more_menu_js = '';
         if (count($selected_records_more)) {
             $more_menu .= '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" id="selected_records_more"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-check"></i> ' . $Translation['More'] . ' <span class="caret"></span></button>';
             $more_menu .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">';
             foreach ($selected_records_more as $action) {
                 if (!$action['function'] || !$action['title']) {
                 $action['class'] = !isset($action['class']) ? '' : $action['class'];
                 $action['icon'] = !isset($action['icon']) ? '' : $action['icon'];
                 $more_menu .= '<li>' . '<a href="#" id="selected_records_' . $action['function'] . '">' . '<span class="' . $action['class'] . '">' . ($action['icon'] ? '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-' . $action['icon'] . '"></i> ' : '') . $action['title'] . '</span>' . '</a>' . '</li>';
                 // on clicking an action, call its js handler function, passing the current table name and an array of selected IDs to it
                 $more_menu_js .= "jQuery('[id=selected_records_{$action['function']}]').click(function(){ {$action['function']}('{$this->TableName}', get_selected_records_ids()); return false; });";
             $more_menu .= '</ul>';
         if ($Embedded) {
             $this->HTML .= '<script>$j(function(){ $j(\'[id^=notification-]\').parent().css({\'margin-top\': \'15px\', \'margin-bottom\': \'0\'}); })</script>';
         } else {
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="page-header">';
             $this->HTML .= '<h1>';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="row">';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="col-sm-8">';
             $this->HTML .= '<a style="text-decoration: none; color: inherit;" href="' . $this->TableName . '_view.php"><img src="' . $this->TableIcon . '"> ' . $this->TableTitle . '</a>';
             $this->HTML .= '</div>';
             if ($this->QuickSearch) {
                 $this->HTML .= '<div class="col-sm-4">';
                 $this->HTML .= $quick_search_html;
                 $this->HTML .= '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '</h1>';
             $this->HTML .= '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '<div id="top_buttons" class="hidden-print">';
             /* .all_records: container for buttons that don't need a selection */
             /* .selected_records: container for buttons that need a selection */
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="btn-group btn-group-lg visible-md visible-lg all_records pull-left">' . $buttons_all . '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="btn-group btn-group-lg visible-md visible-lg selected_records hidden pull-left hspacer-lg">' . $buttons_selected . ($actual_more_count ? $more_menu : '') . '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="btn-group-vertical btn-group-lg visible-xs visible-sm all_records">' . $buttons_all . '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="btn-group-vertical btn-group-lg visible-xs visible-sm selected_records hidden vspacer-lg">' . $buttons_selected . ($actual_more_count ? $more_menu : '') . '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="clearfix"></div><p></p>';
             $this->HTML .= '</div>';
         if ($Print_x != '') {
             /* fix top margin for print-preview */
             $this->HTML .= '<style>body{ padding-top: 0 !important; }</style>';
             /* disable links inside table body to prevent printing their href */
             $this->HTML .= '<script>jQuery(function(){ jQuery("tbody a").removeAttr("href").removeAttr("rel"); });</script>';
         // script for focusing into the search box on loading the page
         // and for declaring record action handlers
         $this->HTML .= '<script>jQuery(function(){ jQuery("input[name=SearchString]").focus();  ' . $more_menu_js . ' });</script>';
     // begin table and display table title
     if (!$this->HideTableView && !($dvprint_x && $this->AllowSelection && $SelectedID) && !$PrintDV && !$Embedded) {
         $this->HTML .= '<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">';
         $this->HTML .= '<thead><tr>';
         if (!$Print_x) {
             $this->HTML .= '<th style="width: 18px;" class="text-center"><input class="hidden-print" type="checkbox" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['Select all records']) . '" id="select_all_records"></th>';
         // Templates
         if ($this->Template != '') {
             $rowTemplate = @implode('', @file('./' . $this->Template));
             if (!$rowTemplate) {
                 $rowTemplate = '';
                 $selrowTemplate = '';
             } else {
                 if ($this->SelectedTemplate != '') {
                     $selrowTemplate = @implode('', @file('./' . $this->SelectedTemplate));
                     if (!$selrowTemplate) {
                         $selrowTemplate = '';
                 } else {
                     $selrowTemplate = '';
         } else {
             $rowTemplate = '';
             $selrowTemplate = '';
         // process translations
         if ($rowTemplate) {
             foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
                 $rowTemplate = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $rowTemplate);
         if ($selrowTemplate) {
             foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
                 $selrowTemplate = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $selrowTemplate);
         // End of templates
         // $this->ccffv: map $FilterField values to field captions as stored in ColCaption
         $this->ccffv = array();
         foreach ($this->ColCaption as $captionIndex => $caption) {
             $ffv = 1;
             foreach ($this->QueryFieldsFilters as $uselessKey => $filterCaption) {
                 if ($caption == $filterCaption) {
                     $this->ccffv[$captionIndex] = $ffv;
         // display table headers
         $totalColWidth = array_sum($this->ColWidth);
         $forceHeaderWidth = false;
         if ($rowTemplate == '' || $this->ShowTableHeader) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->ColCaption); $i++) {
                 /* Sorting icon and link */
                 $sort1 = $sort2 = $filterHint = '';
                 if ($this->AllowSorting == 1) {
                     if ($current_view != 'TVP') {
                         $sort1 = "<a href=\"{$this->ScriptFileName}?SortDirection=asc&SortField=" . $this->ColNumber[$i] . "\" onClick=\"{$resetSelection} document.myform.NoDV.value=1; document.myform.SortDirection.value='asc'; document.myform.SortField.value = '" . $this->ColNumber[$i] . "'; document.myform.submit(); return false;\" class=\"TableHeader\">";
                         $sort2 = "</a>";
                     if ($this->ColNumber[$i] == $SortField) {
                         $SortDirection = $SortDirection == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc";
                         if ($current_view != 'TVP') {
                             $sort1 = "<a href=\"{$this->ScriptFileName}?SortDirection={$SortDirection}&SortField=" . $this->ColNumber[$i] . "\" onClick=\"{$resetSelection} document.myform.NoDV.value=1; document.myform.SortDirection.value='{$SortDirection}'; document.myform.SortField.value = " . $this->ColNumber[$i] . "; document.myform.submit(); return false;\" class=\"TableHeader\">";
                         $sort2 = " <i class=\"text-warning glyphicon glyphicon-sort-by-attributes" . ($SortDirection == 'desc' ? '' : '-alt') . "\"></i>{$sort2}";
                         $SortDirection = $SortDirection == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc";
                 } else {
                     $sort1 = '';
                     $sort2 = '';
                 /* Filtering icon and hint */
                 if ($this->AllowFilters && is_array($FilterField)) {
                     // check to see if there is any filter applied on the current field
                     if (isset($this->ccffv[$i]) && in_array($this->ccffv[$i], $FilterField)) {
                         // render filter icon
                         $filterHint = '&nbsp;<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-xs' . ($current_view == 'TVP' ? ' disabled' : '') . '" name="Filter_x" value="1" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['filtered field']) . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter"></i></button>';
                 $this->HTML .= "\t<th class=\"{$this->TableName}-{$this->ColFieldName[$i]}\" " . ($forceHeaderWidth ? ' style="width: ' . ($this->ColWidth[$i] ? $this->ColWidth[$i] : 100) . 'px;"' : '') . ">{$sort1}{$this->ColCaption[$i]}{$sort2}{$filterHint}</th>\n";
         } else {
             // Display a Sort by drop down
             $this->HTML .= "\t<th><td colspan=" . (count($this->ColCaption) + 1) . ">";
             if ($this->AllowSorting == 1) {
                 $sortCombo = new Combo();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->ColCaption); $i++) {
                     $sortCombo->ListItem[] = $this->ColCaption[$i];
                     $sortCombo->ListData[] = $this->ColNumber[$i];
                 $sortCombo->SelectName = "FieldsList";
                 $sortCombo->SelectedData = $SortField;
                 $sortCombo->Class = 'TableBody';
                 $sortCombo->SelectedClass = 'TableBodySelected';
                 $d = $sortCombo->HTML;
                 $d = str_replace('<select ', "<select onChange=\"document.myform.SortDirection.value='{$SortDirection}'; document.myform.SortField.value=document.myform.FieldsList.value; document.myform.NoDV.value=1; document.myform.submit();\" ", $d);
                 if ($SortField) {
                     $SortDirection = $SortDirection == "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
                     $sort = "<a href=\"javascript: document.myform.NoDV.value=1; document.myform.SortDirection.value='{$SortDirection}'; document.myform.SortField.value='{$SortField}'; document.myform.submit();\" class=TableHeader><img src={$SortDirection}.gif border=0 width=11 height=11 hspace=3></a>";
                     $SortDirection = $SortDirection == "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
                 } else {
                     $sort = '';
                 $this->HTML .= $Translation['order by'] . " {$d} {$sort}";
             $this->HTML .= "</td></th>\n";
         // table view navigation code ...
         if ($RecordCount && $this->AllowNavigation && $RecordCount > $this->RecordsPerPage) {
             while ($FirstRecord > $RecordCount) {
                 $FirstRecord -= $this->RecordsPerPage;
             if ($FirstRecord == '' || $FirstRecord < 1) {
                 $FirstRecord = 1;
             if ($Previous_x != '') {
                 $FirstRecord -= $this->RecordsPerPage;
                 if ($FirstRecord <= 0) {
                     $FirstRecord = 1;
             } elseif ($Next_x != '') {
                 $FirstRecord += $this->RecordsPerPage;
                 if ($FirstRecord > $RecordCount) {
                     $FirstRecord = $RecordCount - $RecordCount % $this->RecordsPerPage + 1;
                 if ($FirstRecord > $RecordCount) {
                     $FirstRecord = $RecordCount - $this->RecordsPerPage + 1;
                 if ($FirstRecord <= 0) {
                     $FirstRecord = 1;
         } elseif ($RecordCount) {
             $FirstRecord = 1;
             $this->RecordsPerPage = 2000;
             // a limit on max records in print preview to avoid performance drops
         // end of table view navigation code
         $this->HTML .= "\n\t</tr>\n\n</thead>\n\n<tbody><!-- tv data below -->\n";
         $i = 0;
         $hc = new CI_Input();
         $hc->charset = datalist_db_encoding;
         if ($RecordCount) {
             $i = $FirstRecord;
             // execute query for table view
             $fieldList = '';
             foreach ($this->QueryFieldsTV as $fn => $fc) {
                 $fieldList .= "{$fn} as `{$fc}`, ";
             $fieldList = substr($fieldList, 0, -2);
             if ($this->PrimaryKey) {
                 $fieldList .= ", {$this->PrimaryKey} as '" . str_replace('`', '', $this->PrimaryKey) . "'";
             $tvQuery = 'SELECT ' . $fieldList . ' from ' . $this->QueryFrom . ' ' . $this->QueryWhere . ' ' . $this->QueryOrder;
             $result = sql($tvQuery . " limit " . ($i - 1) . ",{$this->RecordsPerPage}", $eo);
             while (($row = db_fetch_array($result)) && $i < $FirstRecord + $this->RecordsPerPage) {
                 $attr_id = htmlspecialchars($row[$FieldCountTV], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1');
                 /* pk value suitable for inserting into html tag attributes */
                 $js_id = addslashes($row[$FieldCountTV]);
                 /* pk value suitable for inserting into js strings */
                 $alt = ($i - $FirstRecord) % 2;
                 if (($PrintTV || $Print_x) && count($_POST['record_selector']) && !in_array($row[$FieldCountTV], $_POST['record_selector'])) {
                 $class = "TableBody" . ($alt ? 'Selected' : '') . ($fNumeric ? 'Numeric' : '');
                 if ($Print_x != '') {
                     $this->HTML .= '<tr>';
                 if (!$Print_x) {
                     $this->HTML .= $SelectedID == $row[$FieldCountTV] ? '<tr class="active">' : '<tr>';
                     $checked = is_array($_POST['record_selector']) && in_array($row[$FieldCountTV], $_POST['record_selector']) ? ' checked' : '';
                     $this->HTML .= "<td class=\"text-center\"><input class=\"hidden-print record_selector\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"record_selector_{$attr_id}\" name=\"record_selector[]\" value=\"{$attr_id}\"{$checked}></td>";
                 // templates
                 if ($rowTemplate != '') {
                     if ($this->AllowSelection == 1 && $SelectedID == $row[$FieldCountTV] && $selrowTemplate != '') {
                         $rowTemp = $selrowTemplate;
                     } else {
                         $rowTemp = $rowTemplate;
                     if ($this->AllowSelection == 1 && $SelectedID != $row[$FieldCountTV]) {
                         $rowTemp = str_replace('<%%SELECT%%>', "<a onclick=\"document.myform.SelectedField.value=this.parentNode.cellIndex; document.myform.SelectedID.value='" . addslashes($row[$FieldCountTV]) . "'; document.myform.submit(); return false;\" href=\"{$this->ScriptFileName}?SelectedID=" . htmlspecialchars($row[$FieldCountTV], ENT_QUOTES) . "\" class=\"{$class}\" style=\"display: block; padding:0px;\">", $rowTemp);
                         $rowTemp = str_replace('<%%ENDSELECT%%>', '</a>', $rowTemp);
                     } else {
                         $rowTemp = str_replace('<%%SELECT%%>', '', $rowTemp);
                         $rowTemp = str_replace('<%%ENDSELECT%%>', '', $rowTemp);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $FieldCountTV; $j++) {
                         $fieldTVCaption = current(array_slice($this->QueryFieldsTV, $j, 1));
                         $fd = $hc->xss_clean(nl2br($row[$j]));
                         /* Sanitize output against XSS attacks */
                         	the TV template could contain field placeholders in the format 
                         	<%%FIELD_n%%> or <%%VALUE(Field name)%%> 
                         $rowTemp = str_replace("<%%FIELD_{$j}%%>", thisOr($fd), $rowTemp);
                         $rowTemp = str_replace("<%%VALUE({$fieldTVCaption})%%>", thisOr($fd), $rowTemp);
                         if (strpos($rowTemp, "<%%YOUTUBETHUMB({$fieldTVCaption})%%>") !== false) {
                             $rowTemp = str_replace("<%%YOUTUBETHUMB({$fieldTVCaption})%%>", thisOr(get_embed('youtube', $fd, '', '', 'thumbnail_url'), 'blank.gif'), $rowTemp);
                         if (strpos($rowTemp, "<%%GOOGLEMAPTHUMB({$fieldTVCaption})%%>") !== false) {
                             $rowTemp = str_replace("<%%GOOGLEMAPTHUMB({$fieldTVCaption})%%>", thisOr(get_embed('googlemap', $fd, '', '', 'thumbnail_url'), 'blank.gif'), $rowTemp);
                         if (thisOr($fd) == '&nbsp;' && preg_match('/<a href=".*?&nbsp;.*?<\\/a>/i', $rowTemp, $m)) {
                             $rowTemp = str_replace($m[0], '', $rowTemp);
                     if ($alt && $SelectedID != $row[$FieldCountTV]) {
                         $rowTemp = str_replace("TableBody", "TableBodySelected", $rowTemp);
                         $rowTemp = str_replace("TableBodyNumeric", "TableBodySelectedNumeric", $rowTemp);
                         $rowTemp = str_replace("SelectedSelected", "Selected", $rowTemp);
                     if ($SearchString != '') {
                         $rowTemp = highlight($SearchString, $rowTemp);
                     $this->HTML .= $rowTemp;
                     $rowTemp = '';
                 } else {
                     // end of templates
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $FieldCountTV; $j++) {
                         $fType = db_field_type($result, $j);
                         $fNumeric = stristr($fType, 'int') || stristr($fType, 'float') || stristr($fType, 'decimal') || stristr($fType, 'numeric') || stristr($fType, 'real') || stristr($fType, 'double') ? true : false;
                         if ($this->AllowSelection == 1) {
                             $sel1 = "<a href=\"{$this->ScriptFileName}?SelectedID=" . htmlspecialchars($row[$FieldCountTV], ENT_QUOTES) . "\" onclick=\"document.myform.SelectedID.value='" . addslashes($row[$FieldCountTV]) . "'; document.myform.submit(); return false;\" class=\"{$class}\" style=\"padding:0px;\">";
                             $sel2 = "</a>";
                         } else {
                             $sel1 = '';
                             $sel2 = '';
                         $this->HTML .= "<td valign=top class={$class}><div class={$class}>&nbsp;{$sel1}" . $row[$j] . "{$sel2}&nbsp;</div></td>";
                 $this->HTML .= "</tr>\n";
         $this->HTML = preg_replace("/<a href=\"(mailto:)?&nbsp;[^\n]*title=\"&nbsp;\"><\\/a>/", '&nbsp;', $this->HTML);
         $this->HTML = preg_replace("/<a [^>]*>(&nbsp;)*<\\/a>/", '&nbsp;', $this->HTML);
         $this->HTML = preg_replace("/<%%.*%%>/U", '&nbsp;', $this->HTML);
         // end of data
         $this->HTML .= '<!-- tv data above -->';
         $this->HTML .= "\n</tbody>";
         if ($Print_x == '') {
             // TV
             $pagesMenu = '';
             if ($RecordCount > $this->RecordsPerPage) {
                 $pagesMenuId = "{$this->TableName}_pagesMenu";
                 $pagesMenu = $Translation['go to page'] . ' <select class="input-sm" id="' . $pagesMenuId . '" onChange="document.myform.writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.NoDV.value=1; document.myform.FirstRecord.value=(this.value * ' . $this->RecordsPerPage . '+1); document.myform.submit();">';
                 $pagesMenu .= '</select>';
                 $pagesMenu .= '<script>';
                 $pagesMenu .= 'var lastPage = ' . (ceil($RecordCount / $this->RecordsPerPage) - 1) . ';';
                 $pagesMenu .= 'var currentPage = ' . ($FirstRecord - 1) / $this->RecordsPerPage . ';';
                 $pagesMenu .= 'var pagesMenu = document.getElementById("' . $pagesMenuId . '");';
                 $pagesMenu .= 'var lump = ' . datalist_max_page_lump . ';';
                 $pagesMenu .= 'if(lastPage <= lump * 3){';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  addPageNumbers(0, lastPage);';
                 $pagesMenu .= '}else{';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  addPageNumbers(0, lump - 1);';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  if(currentPage < lump) addPageNumbers(lump, currentPage + lump / 2);';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  if(currentPage >= lump && currentPage < (lastPage - lump)){';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    addPageNumbers(';
                 $pagesMenu .= '      Math.max(currentPage - lump / 2, lump),';
                 $pagesMenu .= '      Math.min(currentPage + lump / 2, lastPage - lump - 1)';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    );';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  }';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  if(currentPage >= (lastPage - lump)) addPageNumbers(currentPage - lump / 2, lastPage - lump - 1);';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  addPageNumbers(lastPage - lump, lastPage);';
                 $pagesMenu .= '}';
                 $pagesMenu .= 'function addPageNumbers(fromPage, toPage){';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  var ellipsesIndex = 0;';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  if(fromPage > toPage) return;';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  if(fromPage > 0){';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    if(pagesMenu.options[pagesMenu.options.length - 1].text != fromPage){';
                 $pagesMenu .= '      ellipsesIndex = pagesMenu.options.length;';
                 $pagesMenu .= '      fromPage--;';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    }';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  }';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  for(i = fromPage; i <= toPage; i++){';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    var option = document.createElement("option");';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    option.text = (i + 1);';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    option.value = i;';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    if(i == currentPage){ option.selected = "selected"; }';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    try{';
                 $pagesMenu .= '      /* for IE earlier than version 8 */';
                 $pagesMenu .= '      pagesMenu.add(option, pagesMenu.options[null]);';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    }catch(e){';
                 $pagesMenu .= '      pagesMenu.add(option, null);';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    }';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  }';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  if(ellipsesIndex > 0){';
                 $pagesMenu .= '    pagesMenu.options[ellipsesIndex].text = " ... ";';
                 $pagesMenu .= '  }';
                 $pagesMenu .= '}';
                 $pagesMenu .= '</script>';
             $this->HTML .= "\n\t";
             if ($i) {
                 // 1 or more records found
                 $this->HTML .= "<tfoot><tr><td colspan=" . (count($this->ColCaption) + 1) . '>';
                 $this->HTML .= $Translation['records x to y of z'];
                 $this->HTML .= '</td></tr></tfoot>';
             if (!$i) {
                 // no records found
                 $this->HTML .= "<tfoot><tr><td colspan=" . (count($this->ColCaption) + 1) . '>';
                 $this->HTML .= '<div class="alert alert-warning">';
                 $this->HTML .= '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></i> ';
                 $this->HTML .= $Translation['No matches found!'];
                 $this->HTML .= '</div>';
                 $this->HTML .= '</td></tr></tfoot>';
         } else {
             // TVP
             if ($i) {
                 $this->HTML .= "\n\t<tfoot><tr><td colspan=" . (count($this->ColCaption) + 1) . '>' . $Translation['records x to y of z'] . '</td></tr></tfoot>';
             if (!$i) {
                 $this->HTML .= "\n\t<tfoot><tr><td colspan=" . (count($this->ColCaption) + 1) . '>' . $Translation['No matches found!'] . '</td></tr></tfoot>';
         $this->HTML = str_replace("<FirstRecord>", number_format($FirstRecord), $this->HTML);
         $this->HTML = str_replace("<LastRecord>", number_format($i), $this->HTML);
         $this->HTML = str_replace("<RecordCount>", number_format($RecordCount), $this->HTML);
         $tvShown = true;
         $this->HTML .= "</table></div>\n";
         if ($Print_x == '' && $i) {
             // TV
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="row">';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-2 vspacer-lg">';
             $this->HTML .= '<button onClick="' . $resetSelection . ' document.myform.NoDV.value = 1; return true;" type="submit" name="Previous_x" id="Previous" value="1" class="btn btn-default btn-block"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Previous'] . '</button>';
             $this->HTML .= '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-2 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-offset-3 text-center vspacer-lg">';
             $this->HTML .= $pagesMenu;
             $this->HTML .= '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-2 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-offset-3 text-right vspacer-lg">';
             $this->HTML .= '<button onClick="' . $resetSelection . ' document.myform.NoDV.value=1; return true;" type="submit" name="Next_x" id="Next" value="1" class="btn btn-default btn-block">' . $Translation['Next'] . ' <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i></button>';
             $this->HTML .= '</div>';
             $this->HTML .= '</div>';
     /* that marks the end of the TV table */
     // hidden variables ....
     foreach ($this->filterers as $filterer => $caption) {
         if ($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer] != '') {
             $this->HTML .= "<input name=\"filterer_{$filterer}\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . "\" type=\"hidden\" />";
             // currently, only one filterer can be applied at a time
     $this->HTML .= '<input name="SortField" value="' . $SortField . '" type="hidden">';
     $this->HTML .= '<input name="SelectedID" value="' . htmlspecialchars($SelectedID, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '" type="hidden">';
     $this->HTML .= '<input name="SelectedField" value="" type="hidden">';
     $this->HTML .= '<input name="SortDirection" type="hidden" value="' . $SortDirection . '">';
     $this->HTML .= '<input name="FirstRecord" type="hidden" value="' . $FirstRecord . '">';
     $this->HTML .= '<input name="NoDV" type="hidden" value="">';
     $this->HTML .= '<input name="PrintDV" type="hidden" value="">';
     if ($this->QuickSearch && !strpos($this->HTML, 'SearchString')) {
         $this->HTML .= '<input name="SearchString" type="hidden" value="' . htmlspecialchars($SearchString, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '">';
     // hidden variables: filters ...
     $FiltersCode = '';
     for ($i = 1; $i <= datalist_filters_count * $FiltersPerGroup; $i++) {
         // Number of filters allowed
         if ($i % $FiltersPerGroup == 1 && $i != 1 && $FilterAnd[$i] != '') {
             $FiltersCode .= "<input name=\"FilterAnd[{$i}]\" value=\"{$FilterAnd[$i]}\" type=\"hidden\">\n";
         if ($FilterField[$i] != '' && $FilterOperator[$i] != '' && ($FilterValue[$i] != '' || strpos($FilterOperator[$i], 'empty'))) {
             if (!strstr($FiltersCode, "<input name=\"FilterAnd[{$i}]\" value=")) {
                 $FiltersCode .= "<input name=\"FilterAnd[{$i}]\" value=\"{$FilterAnd[$i]}\" type=\"hidden\">\n";
             $FiltersCode .= "<input name=\"FilterField[{$i}]\" value=\"{$FilterField[$i]}\" type=\"hidden\">\n";
             $FiltersCode .= "<input name=\"FilterOperator[{$i}]\" value=\"{$FilterOperator[$i]}\" type=\"hidden\">\n";
             $FiltersCode .= "<input name=\"FilterValue[{$i}]\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($FilterValue[$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . "\" type=\"hidden\">\n";
     $FiltersCode .= "<input name=\"DisplayRecords\" value=\"{$DisplayRecords}\" type=\"hidden\" />";
     $this->HTML .= $FiltersCode;
     // display details form ...
     if (($this->AllowSelection || $this->AllowInsert || $this->AllowUpdate || $this->AllowDelete) && $Print_x == '' && !$PrintDV) {
         if ($this->SeparateDV && $this->HideTableView || !$this->SeparateDV) {
             $dvCode = call_user_func("{$this->TableName}_form", $SelectedID, $this->AllowUpdate, $this->HideTableView && $SelectedID ? 0 : $this->AllowInsert, $this->AllowDelete, $this->SeparateDV);
             $this->HTML .= "\n\t<div class=\"panel panel-default detail_view\">{$dvCode}</div>";
             $this->HTML .= $this->SeparateDV ? '<input name="SearchString" value="' . htmlspecialchars($SearchString, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '" type="hidden">' : '';
             if ($dvCode) {
                 $this->ContentType = 'detailview';
                 $dvShown = true;
     // display multiple printable detail views
     if ($PrintDV) {
         $dvCode = '';
         $_POST['dvprint_x'] = $_GET['dvprint_x'] = $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] = 1;
         // hidden vars
         foreach ($this->filterers as $filterer => $caption) {
             if ($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer] != '') {
                 $this->HTML .= "<input name=\"filterer_{$filterer}\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['filterer_' . $filterer], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . "\" type=\"hidden\" />";
                 // currently, only one filterer can be applied at a time
         // count selected records
         $selectedRecords = 0;
         if (is_array($_POST['record_selector'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['record_selector'] as $id) {
                 $this->HTML .= '<input type="hidden" name="record_selector[]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($id, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '">' . "\n";
         if ($selectedRecords && $selectedRecords <= datalist_max_records_dv_print) {
             // if records selected > {datalist_max_records_dv_print} don't show DV preview to avoid db performance issues.
             foreach ($_POST['record_selector'] as $id) {
                 $dvCode .= call_user_func($this->TableName . '_form', $id, 0, 0, 0, 1);
             if ($dvCode != '') {
                 $dvCode = preg_replace('/<input .*?type="?image"?.*?>/', '', $dvCode);
                 $this->HTML .= $dvCode;
         } else {
             $this->HTML .= error_message($Translation['Maximum records allowed to enable this feature is'] . ' ' . datalist_max_records_dv_print);
             $this->HTML .= '<input type="submit" class="print-button" value="' . $Translation['Print Preview Table View'] . '">';
     $this->HTML .= "</form>";
     $this->HTML .= '</div><div class="col-xs-1 md-hidden lg-hidden"></div></div>';
     // $this->HTML .= '<font face="garamond">'.htmlspecialchars($tvQuery).'</font>';  // uncomment this line for debugging the table view query
     if ($dvShown && $tvShown) {
         $this->ContentType = 'tableview+detailview';
     if ($dvprint_x != '') {
         $this->ContentType = 'print-detailview';
     if ($Print_x != '') {
         $this->ContentType = 'print-tableview';
     if ($PrintDV != '') {
         $this->ContentType = 'print-detailview';
     // call detail view javascript hook file if found
     $dvJSHooksFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/' . $this->TableName . '-dv.js';
     if (is_file($dvJSHooksFile) && ($this->ContentType == 'detailview' || $this->ContentType == 'tableview+detailview')) {
         $this->HTML .= "\n<script src=\"hooks/{$this->TableName}-dv.js\"></script>\n";
// hook: diseases_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('diseases_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = diseases_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include "{$d}/header.php";
} else {
    include "{$d}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: diseases_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('diseases_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = diseases_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include "{$d}/footer.php";
} else {
    include "{$d}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
Пример #15
// hook: reports_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('reports_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = reports_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: reports_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('reports_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = reports_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
function patients_form($selected_id = "", $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('patients');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == "") {
        return "";
    // combobox: gender
    $combo_gender = new Combo();
    $combo_gender->ListType = 2;
    $combo_gender->MultipleSeparator = ', ';
    $combo_gender->ListBoxHeight = 10;
    $combo_gender->RadiosPerLine = 1;
    if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/patients.gender.csv')) {
        $gender_data = addslashes(implode('', @file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/patients.gender.csv')));
        $combo_gender->ListItem = explode(";;", $gender_data);
        $combo_gender->ListData = explode(";;", $gender_data);
    } else {
        $combo_gender->ListItem = explode(";;", "Male;;Female;;Other;;Unknown");
        $combo_gender->ListData = explode(";;", "Male;;Female;;Other;;Unknown");
    $combo_gender->SelectName = "gender";
    $combo_gender->AllowNull = false;
    // combobox: birth_date
    $combo_birth_date = new DateCombo();
    $combo_birth_date->DateFormat = "mdy";
    $combo_birth_date->MinYear = 1900;
    $combo_birth_date->MaxYear = 2100;
    $combo_birth_date->DefaultDate = parseMySQLDate('', '');
    $combo_birth_date->MonthNames = $Translation['month names'];
    $combo_birth_date->CSSOptionClass = 'Option';
    $combo_birth_date->CSSSelectedClass = 'SelectedOption';
    $combo_birth_date->NamePrefix = 'birth_date';
    // combobox: state
    $combo_state = new Combo();
    $combo_state->ListType = 0;
    $combo_state->MultipleSeparator = ', ';
    $combo_state->ListBoxHeight = 10;
    $combo_state->RadiosPerLine = 1;
    if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/patients.state.csv')) {
        $state_data = addslashes(implode('', @file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/hooks/patients.state.csv')));
        $combo_state->ListItem = explode(";;", $state_data);
        $combo_state->ListData = explode(";;", $state_data);
    } else {
        $combo_state->ListItem = explode(";;", "AL;;AK;;AS;;AZ;;AR;;CA;;CO;;CT;;DE;;DC;;FM;;FL;;GA;;GU;;HI;;ID;;IL;;IN;;IA;;KS;;KY;;LA;;ME;;MH;;MD;;MA;;MI;;MN;;MS;;MO;;MT;;NE;;NV;;NH;;NJ;;NM;;NY;;NC;;ND;;MP;;OH;;OK;;OR;;PW;;PA;;PR;;RI;;SC;;SD;;TN;;TX;;UT;;VT;;VI;;VA;;WA;;WV;;WI;;WY");
        $combo_state->ListData = explode(";;", "AL;;AK;;AS;;AZ;;AR;;CA;;CO;;CT;;DE;;DC;;FM;;FL;;GA;;GU;;HI;;ID;;IL;;IN;;IA;;KS;;KY;;LA;;ME;;MH;;MD;;MA;;MI;;MN;;MS;;MO;;MT;;NE;;NV;;NH;;NJ;;NM;;NY;;NC;;ND;;MP;;OH;;OK;;OR;;PW;;PA;;PR;;RI;;SC;;SD;;TN;;TX;;UT;;VT;;VI;;VA;;WA;;WV;;WI;;WY");
    $combo_state->SelectName = "state";
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='patients' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='patients' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `patients` where `id`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
        $combo_gender->SelectedData = $row["gender"];
        $combo_birth_date->DefaultDate = $row["birth_date"];
        $combo_state->SelectedData = $row["state"];
        $row['filed'] = sqlValue("select DATE_FORMAT(`filed`, '%c/%e/%Y %l:%i%p') from `patients` where `id`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $row['last_modified'] = sqlValue("select DATE_FORMAT(`last_modified`, '%c/%e/%Y %l:%i%p') from `patients` where `id`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
    } else {
        $combo_gender->SelectedText = $_REQUEST['FilterField'][1] == '4' && $_REQUEST['FilterOperator'][1] == '<=>' ? get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1]) : $_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1] : "Unknown";
        $combo_state->SelectedText = $_REQUEST['FilterField'][1] == '9' && $_REQUEST['FilterOperator'][1] == '<=>' ? get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1]) : $_REQUEST['FilterValue'][1] : "";
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if (($_POST['dvprint_x'] != '' || $_GET['dvprint_x'] != '') && $selected_id) {
        $templateCode = @implode('', @file('./templates/patients_templateDVP.html'));
        $dvprint = true;
    } else {
        $templateCode = @implode('', @file('./templates/patients_templateDV.html'));
        $dvprint = false;
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Patient details', $templateCode);
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1] && !$selected_id) {
        // allow insert and no record selected?
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<input type="image" src="insert.gif" name="insert" alt="' . $Translation['add new record'] . '" onclick="return validateData();">', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<input type="image" src="print.gif" vspace="1" name="dvprint" id="dvprint" alt="' . $Translation['printer friendly view'] . '" onclick="document.myform.reset(); return true;" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<input type="image" src="update.gif" vspace="1" name="update" alt="' . $Translation['update record'] . '" onclick="return validateData();">', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
            // set records to read only if user can't insert new records
            if (!$arrPerm[1]) {
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('id').length){ document.getElementsByName('id')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('last_name').length){ document.getElementsByName('last_name')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('first_name').length){ document.getElementsByName('first_name')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('gender').length){ var gender=document.getElementsByName('gender'); for(var i=0; i<gender.length; i++){ gender[i].disabled=true; } }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('birth_date').length){ document.getElementsByName('birth_date')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('birth_dateDay').length){ var birth_dateDay=document.getElementsByName('birth_dateDay')[0]; birth_dateDay.disabled=true;'white';'black'; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('birth_dateMonth').length){ var birth_dateMonth=document.getElementsByName('birth_dateMonth')[0]; birth_dateMonth.disabled=true;'white';'black'; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('birth_dateYear').length){ var birth_dateYear=document.getElementsByName('birth_dateYear')[0]; birth_dateYear.disabled=true;'white';'black'; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('age').length){ document.getElementsByName('age')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('address').length){ document.getElementsByName('address')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('city').length){ document.getElementsByName('city')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('state').length){ var state=document.getElementsByName('state')[0]; state.disabled=true;'white';'black'; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('zip').length){ document.getElementsByName('zip')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('home_phone').length){ document.getElementsByName('home_phone')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('work_phone').length){ document.getElementsByName('work_phone')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('mobile').length){ document.getElementsByName('mobile')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('filed').length){ document.getElementsByName('filed')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $jsReadOnly .= "\n\n\tif(document.getElementsByName('last_modified').length){ document.getElementsByName('last_modified')[0].readOnly=true; }\n";
                $noUploads = true;
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<input type="image" src="delete.gif" vspace="1" name="delete" alt="' . $Translation['delete record'] . '" onClick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');">', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', "<input type=image src=deselect.gif vspace=1 name=deselect alt=\"" . $Translation['deselect record'] . "\" onclick=\"document.myform.reset(); return true;\">", $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? "<input type=image src=cancel.gif vspace=1 name=deselect alt=\"" . $Translation['deselect record'] . "\" onclick=\"document.myform.reset(); return true;\">" : '', $templateCode);
    // process combos
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(gender)%%>', $combo_gender->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(gender)%%>', $combo_gender->SelectedData, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(birth_date)%%>', $combo_birth_date->GetHTML(), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(birth_date)%%>', $combo_birth_date->GetHTML(true), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(state)%%>', $combo_state->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(state)%%>', $combo_state->SelectedData, $templateCode);
    // process foreign key links
    if ($selected_id) {
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(last_name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(first_name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(gender)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(birth_date)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(age)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(address)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(city)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(state)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(zip)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(home_phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(work_phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(mobile)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(other_details)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(comments)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(filed)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(last_modified)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(id)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['id'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(last_name)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['last_name'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(first_name)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['first_name'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(gender)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['gender'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(birth_date)%%>', @date('n/j/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($row['birth_date'], ENT_QUOTES))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(age)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['age'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(address)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['address'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(city)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['city'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(state)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['state'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(zip)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['zip'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(home_phone)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['home_phone'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(work_phone)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['work_phone'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(mobile)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['mobile'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(other_details)%%>', '<textarea name="other_details" id="other_details" cols="50" rows="5" class="TextBox">' . htmlspecialchars($row['other_details'], ENT_QUOTES) . '</textarea>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(other_details)%%>', $row['other_details'], $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(other_details)%%>', $row['other_details'], $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(comments)%%>', '<textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="50" rows="5" class="TextBox">' . htmlspecialchars($row['comments'], ENT_QUOTES) . '</textarea>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(comments)%%>', $row['comments'], $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(comments)%%>', $row['comments'], $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(filed)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['filed'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(last_modified)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['last_modified'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(last_name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(first_name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(gender)%%>', 'Unknown', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(birth_date)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(age)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(address)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(city)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(state)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(zip)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(home_phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(work_phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(mobile)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(other_details)%%>', '<textarea name="other_details" id="other_details" cols="50" rows="5" class="TextBox"></textarea>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(comments)%%>', '<textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="50" rows="5" class="TextBox"></textarea>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(filed)%%>', '<%%creationDateTime%%>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(last_modified)%%>', '<%%editingDateTime%%>', $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!--', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', '-->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\tif(document.getElementById('" . $name . "_link')!=undefined){\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $name . "_link').style.visibility='visible';\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t}\n";
            for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
                $templateCode .= "\tif(document.getElementById('" . $name . "_plink{$i}')!=undefined){\n";
                $templateCode .= "\t\tdocument.getElementById('" . $name . "_plink{$i}').style.visibility='visible';\n";
                $templateCode .= "\t}\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n\tfunction validateData(){";
        $templateCode .= "\n\t\tif(\$F('last_name')==''){ alert('" . addslashes($Translation['error:']) . ' "Last name": ' . addslashes($Translation['field not null']) . "'); \$('last_name').focus(); return false; }";
        $templateCode .= "\n\t\tif(\$F('first_name')==''){ alert('" . addslashes($Translation['error:']) . ' "First name": ' . addslashes($Translation['field not null']) . "'); \$('first_name').focus(); return false; }";
        $templateCode .= "\n\t\tif(\$F('gender')==''){ alert('" . addslashes($Translation['error:']) . ' "Gender": ' . addslashes($Translation['field not null']) . "'); \$('gender').focus(); return false; }";
        $templateCode .= "\n\t\treturn true;";
        $templateCode .= "\n\t}";
        $templateCode .= "\n</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= "<script>";
    $templateCode .= "document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {";
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: patients_dv
    if (function_exists('patients_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        patients_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
Пример #17
function orders_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('orders');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    $AllowInsert = $arrPerm[1] ? true : false;
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    $filterer_CustomerID = thisOr(undo_magic_quotes($_REQUEST['filterer_CustomerID']), '');
    $filterer_EmployeeID = thisOr(undo_magic_quotes($_REQUEST['filterer_EmployeeID']), '');
    $filterer_ShipVia = thisOr(undo_magic_quotes($_REQUEST['filterer_ShipVia']), '');
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    // combobox: CustomerID
    $combo_CustomerID = new DataCombo();
    // combobox: EmployeeID
    $combo_EmployeeID = new DataCombo();
    // combobox: OrderDate
    $combo_OrderDate = new DateCombo();
    $combo_OrderDate->DateFormat = "mdy";
    $combo_OrderDate->MinYear = 1900;
    $combo_OrderDate->MaxYear = 2100;
    $combo_OrderDate->DefaultDate = parseMySQLDate('1', '1');
    $combo_OrderDate->MonthNames = $Translation['month names'];
    $combo_OrderDate->NamePrefix = 'OrderDate';
    // combobox: RequiredDate
    $combo_RequiredDate = new DateCombo();
    $combo_RequiredDate->DateFormat = "mdy";
    $combo_RequiredDate->MinYear = 1900;
    $combo_RequiredDate->MaxYear = 2100;
    $combo_RequiredDate->DefaultDate = parseMySQLDate('1', '1');
    $combo_RequiredDate->MonthNames = $Translation['month names'];
    $combo_RequiredDate->NamePrefix = 'RequiredDate';
    // combobox: ShippedDate
    $combo_ShippedDate = new DateCombo();
    $combo_ShippedDate->DateFormat = "mdy";
    $combo_ShippedDate->MinYear = 1900;
    $combo_ShippedDate->MaxYear = 2100;
    $combo_ShippedDate->DefaultDate = parseMySQLDate('', '');
    $combo_ShippedDate->MonthNames = $Translation['month names'];
    $combo_ShippedDate->NamePrefix = 'ShippedDate';
    // combobox: ShipVia
    $combo_ShipVia = new DataCombo();
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='orders' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='orders' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `orders` where `OrderID`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) {
            return error_message($Translation['No records found']);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
        $combo_CustomerID->SelectedData = $row['CustomerID'];
        $combo_EmployeeID->SelectedData = $row['EmployeeID'];
        $combo_OrderDate->DefaultDate = $row['OrderDate'];
        $combo_RequiredDate->DefaultDate = $row['RequiredDate'];
        $combo_ShippedDate->DefaultDate = $row['ShippedDate'];
        $combo_ShipVia->SelectedData = $row['ShipVia'];
    } else {
        $combo_CustomerID->SelectedData = $filterer_CustomerID;
        $combo_EmployeeID->SelectedData = $filterer_EmployeeID;
        $combo_ShipVia->SelectedData = $filterer_ShipVia;
    $combo_CustomerID->HTML = '<span id="CustomerID-container' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="CustomerID" id="CustomerID' . $rnd1 . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($combo_CustomerID->SelectedData, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '">';
    $combo_CustomerID->MatchText = '<span id="CustomerID-container-readonly' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="CustomerID" id="CustomerID' . $rnd1 . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($combo_CustomerID->SelectedData, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '">';
    $combo_EmployeeID->HTML = '<span id="EmployeeID-container' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="EmployeeID" id="EmployeeID' . $rnd1 . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($combo_EmployeeID->SelectedData, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '">';
    $combo_EmployeeID->MatchText = '<span id="EmployeeID-container-readonly' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="EmployeeID" id="EmployeeID' . $rnd1 . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($combo_EmployeeID->SelectedData, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '">';
    $combo_ShipVia->HTML = '<span id="ShipVia-container' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="ShipVia" id="ShipVia' . $rnd1 . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($combo_ShipVia->SelectedData, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '">';
    $combo_ShipVia->MatchText = '<span id="ShipVia-container-readonly' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="ShipVia" id="ShipVia' . $rnd1 . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($combo_ShipVia->SelectedData, ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '">';

		// initial lookup values
		var current_CustomerID__RAND__ = { text: "", value: "<?php 
    echo addslashes($selected_id ? $urow['CustomerID'] : $filterer_CustomerID);
		var current_EmployeeID__RAND__ = { text: "", value: "<?php 
    echo addslashes($selected_id ? $urow['EmployeeID'] : $filterer_EmployeeID);
		var current_ShipVia__RAND__ = { text: "", value: "<?php 
    echo addslashes($selected_id ? $urow['ShipVia'] : $filterer_ShipVia);

		jQuery(function() {
			if(typeof(CustomerID_reload__RAND__) == 'function') CustomerID_reload__RAND__();
			if(typeof(EmployeeID_reload__RAND__) == 'function') EmployeeID_reload__RAND__();
			if(typeof(ShipVia_reload__RAND__) == 'function') ShipVia_reload__RAND__();
		function CustomerID_reload__RAND__(){
    if (($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) && !$dvprint) {

				/* initial default value */
				initSelection: function(e, c){
						url: 'ajax_combo.php',
						dataType: 'json',
						data: { id: current_CustomerID__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'CustomerID' }
							id: resp.results[0].id,
							text: resp.results[0].text
						jQuery('[id=CustomerID-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="CustomerID-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

						if(typeof(CustomerID_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') CustomerID_update_autofills__RAND__();
				width: ($j('fieldset .col-xs-11').width() - 99) + 'px',
				formatNoMatches: function(term){ return '<?php 
        echo addslashes($Translation['No matches found!']);
'; },
				minimumResultsForSearch: 10,
				loadMorePadding: 200,
				ajax: {
					url: 'ajax_combo.php',
					dataType: 'json',
					cache: true,
					data: function(term, page){ return { s: term, p: page, t: 'orders', f: 'CustomerID' }; },
					results: function(resp, page){ return resp; }
			}).on('change', function(e){
				current_CustomerID__RAND__.value =;
				current_CustomerID__RAND__.text = e.added.text;

				if(typeof(CustomerID_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') CustomerID_update_autofills__RAND__();

					url: 'ajax_combo.php',
					dataType: 'json',
					data: { id: current_CustomerID__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'CustomerID' }
					$j('[id=CustomerID-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="CustomerID-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

					if(typeof(CustomerID_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') CustomerID_update_autofills__RAND__();

    } else {

				url: 'ajax_combo.php',
				dataType: 'json',
				data: { id: current_CustomerID__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'CustomerID' }
				jQuery('[id=CustomerID-container__RAND__], [id=CustomerID-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="CustomerID-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

				if(typeof(CustomerID_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') CustomerID_update_autofills__RAND__();

		function EmployeeID_reload__RAND__(){
    if (($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) && !$dvprint) {

				/* initial default value */
				initSelection: function(e, c){
						url: 'ajax_combo.php',
						dataType: 'json',
						data: { id: current_EmployeeID__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'EmployeeID' }
							id: resp.results[0].id,
							text: resp.results[0].text
						jQuery('[id=EmployeeID-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="EmployeeID-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

						if(typeof(EmployeeID_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') EmployeeID_update_autofills__RAND__();
				width: ($j('fieldset .col-xs-11').width() - 99) + 'px',
				formatNoMatches: function(term){ return '<?php 
        echo addslashes($Translation['No matches found!']);
'; },
				minimumResultsForSearch: 10,
				loadMorePadding: 200,
				ajax: {
					url: 'ajax_combo.php',
					dataType: 'json',
					cache: true,
					data: function(term, page){ return { s: term, p: page, t: 'orders', f: 'EmployeeID' }; },
					results: function(resp, page){ return resp; }
			}).on('change', function(e){
				current_EmployeeID__RAND__.value =;
				current_EmployeeID__RAND__.text = e.added.text;

				if(typeof(EmployeeID_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') EmployeeID_update_autofills__RAND__();

					url: 'ajax_combo.php',
					dataType: 'json',
					data: { id: current_EmployeeID__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'EmployeeID' }
					$j('[id=EmployeeID-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="EmployeeID-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

					if(typeof(EmployeeID_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') EmployeeID_update_autofills__RAND__();

    } else {

				url: 'ajax_combo.php',
				dataType: 'json',
				data: { id: current_EmployeeID__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'EmployeeID' }
				jQuery('[id=EmployeeID-container__RAND__], [id=EmployeeID-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="EmployeeID-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

				if(typeof(EmployeeID_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') EmployeeID_update_autofills__RAND__();

		function ShipVia_reload__RAND__(){
    if (($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) && !$dvprint) {

				/* initial default value */
				initSelection: function(e, c){
						url: 'ajax_combo.php',
						dataType: 'json',
						data: { id: current_ShipVia__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'ShipVia' }
							id: resp.results[0].id,
							text: resp.results[0].text
						jQuery('[id=ShipVia-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="ShipVia-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

						if(typeof(ShipVia_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') ShipVia_update_autofills__RAND__();
				width: ($j('fieldset .col-xs-11').width() - 99) + 'px',
				formatNoMatches: function(term){ return '<?php 
        echo addslashes($Translation['No matches found!']);
'; },
				minimumResultsForSearch: 10,
				loadMorePadding: 200,
				ajax: {
					url: 'ajax_combo.php',
					dataType: 'json',
					cache: true,
					data: function(term, page){ return { s: term, p: page, t: 'orders', f: 'ShipVia' }; },
					results: function(resp, page){ return resp; }
			}).on('change', function(e){
				current_ShipVia__RAND__.value =;
				current_ShipVia__RAND__.text = e.added.text;

				if(typeof(ShipVia_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') ShipVia_update_autofills__RAND__();

					url: 'ajax_combo.php',
					dataType: 'json',
					data: { id: current_ShipVia__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'ShipVia' }
					$j('[id=ShipVia-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="ShipVia-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

					if(typeof(ShipVia_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') ShipVia_update_autofills__RAND__();

    } else {

				url: 'ajax_combo.php',
				dataType: 'json',
				data: { id: current_ShipVia__RAND__.value, t: 'orders', f: 'ShipVia' }
				jQuery('[id=ShipVia-container__RAND__], [id=ShipVia-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="ShipVia-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

				if(typeof(ShipVia_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') ShipVia_update_autofills__RAND__();

    $lookups = str_replace('__RAND__', $rnd1, ob_get_contents());
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/orders_templateDVP.html');
    } else {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/orders_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Detail View', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%EMBEDDED%%>', $_REQUEST['Embedded'] ? 'Embedded=1' : '', $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1] && !$selected_id) {
        // allow insert and no record selected?
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return orders_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return orders_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if (!$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="dvprint" name="dvprint_x" value="1" onclick="$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return orders_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate || !$selected_id && !$AllowInsert) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#CustomerID').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#CustomerID_caption').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: 'white' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#EmployeeID').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#EmployeeID_caption').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: 'white' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#OrderDate').prop('readonly', true);\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#OrderDateDay, #OrderDateMonth, #OrderDateYear').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#RequiredDate').prop('readonly', true);\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#RequiredDateDay, #RequiredDateMonth, #RequiredDateYear').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ShippedDate').prop('readonly', true);\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ShippedDateDay, #ShippedDateMonth, #ShippedDateYear').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ShipVia').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#ShipVia_caption').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: 'white' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Freight').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Freight\">' + (jQuery('#Freight').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('.select2-container').hide();\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    } elseif ($AllowInsert && !$selected_id || $AllowUpdate && $selected_id) {
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', true);";
        // temporarily disable form change handler
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', false);";
        // re-enable form change handler
    // process combos
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(CustomerID)%%>', $combo_CustomerID->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(CustomerID)%%>', $combo_CustomerID->MatchText, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLCOMBOTEXT(CustomerID)%%>', urlencode($combo_CustomerID->MatchText), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(EmployeeID)%%>', $combo_EmployeeID->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(EmployeeID)%%>', $combo_EmployeeID->MatchText, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLCOMBOTEXT(EmployeeID)%%>', urlencode($combo_EmployeeID->MatchText), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(OrderDate)%%>', $selected_id && !$arrPerm[3] ? '<div class="form-control-static">' . $combo_OrderDate->GetHTML(true) . '</div>' : $combo_OrderDate->GetHTML(), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(OrderDate)%%>', $combo_OrderDate->GetHTML(true), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(RequiredDate)%%>', $selected_id && !$arrPerm[3] ? '<div class="form-control-static">' . $combo_RequiredDate->GetHTML(true) . '</div>' : $combo_RequiredDate->GetHTML(), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(RequiredDate)%%>', $combo_RequiredDate->GetHTML(true), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(ShippedDate)%%>', $selected_id && !$arrPerm[3] ? '<div class="form-control-static">' . $combo_ShippedDate->GetHTML(true) . '</div>' : $combo_ShippedDate->GetHTML(), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(ShippedDate)%%>', $combo_ShippedDate->GetHTML(true), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(ShipVia)%%>', $combo_ShipVia->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(ShipVia)%%>', $combo_ShipVia->MatchText, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLCOMBOTEXT(ShipVia)%%>', urlencode($combo_ShipVia->MatchText), $templateCode);
    /* lookup fields array: 'lookup field name' => array('parent table name', 'lookup field caption') */
    $lookup_fields = array('CustomerID' => array('customers', 'Customer'), 'EmployeeID' => array('employees', 'Employee'), 'ShipVia' => array('shippers', 'Ship Via'));
    foreach ($lookup_fields as $luf => $ptfc) {
        $pt_perm = getTablePermissions($ptfc[0]);
        // process foreign key links
        if ($pt_perm['view'] || $pt_perm['edit']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%PLINK({$luf})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default view_parent hspacer-lg" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_view_parent" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['View'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i></button>', $templateCode);
        // if user has insert permission to parent table of a lookup field, put an add new button
        if ($pt_perm['insert'] && !$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%ADDNEW({$ptfc[0]})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success add_new_parent" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_add_new" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['Add New'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i></button>', $templateCode);
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(OrderID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CustomerID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(EmployeeID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(OrderDate)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(RequiredDate)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ShippedDate)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(ShipVia)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Freight)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(OrderID)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['OrderID'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(OrderID)%%>', urlencode($urow['OrderID']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CustomerID)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CustomerID'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CustomerID)%%>', urlencode($urow['CustomerID']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(EmployeeID)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['EmployeeID'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(EmployeeID)%%>', urlencode($urow['EmployeeID']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(OrderDate)%%>', @date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($row['OrderDate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(OrderDate)%%>', urlencode(@date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($urow['OrderDate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1')))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(RequiredDate)%%>', @date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($row['RequiredDate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(RequiredDate)%%>', urlencode(@date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($urow['RequiredDate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1')))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ShippedDate)%%>', @date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($row['ShippedDate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ShippedDate)%%>', urlencode(@date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($urow['ShippedDate'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1')))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ShipVia)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['ShipVia'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ShipVia)%%>', urlencode($urow['ShipVia']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Freight)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Freight'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Freight)%%>', urlencode($urow['Freight']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(OrderID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(OrderID)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CustomerID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CustomerID)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(EmployeeID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(EmployeeID)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(OrderDate)%%>', '1', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(OrderDate)%%>', urlencode('1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(RequiredDate)%%>', '1', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(RequiredDate)%%>', urlencode('1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ShippedDate)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ShippedDate)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(ShipVia)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(ShipVia)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Freight)%%>', '0', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Freight)%%>', urlencode('0'), $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\$j(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        $templateCode .= $jsEditable;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= '<script>';
    $templateCode .= '$j(function() {';
    $templateCode .= "\tCustomerID_update_autofills{$rnd1} = function(){\n";
    $templateCode .= "\t\tnew Ajax.Request(\n";
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode .= "\t\t\t'orders_autofill.php?rnd1={$rnd1}&mfk=CustomerID&id='+encodeURIComponent('" . addslashes($row['CustomerID']) . "'),\n";
        $templateCode .= "\t\t\t{encoding: 'iso-8859-1', method: 'get'}\n";
    } else {
        $templateCode .= "\t\t\t'orders_autofill.php?rnd1={$rnd1}&mfk=CustomerID&id=' + encodeURIComponent(current_CustomerID{$rnd1}.value),\n";
        $templateCode .= "\t\t\t{encoding: 'iso-8859-1', method: 'get', onCreate: function(){ \$('CustomerID{$rnd1}').disable(); \$('CustomerIDLoading').innerHTML='<img src=loading.gif align=top>'; }, onComplete: function(){" . ($arrPerm[1] || ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) ? "\$('CustomerID{$rnd1}').enable(); " : "\$('CustomerID{$rnd1}').disable(); ") . "\$('CustomerIDLoading').innerHTML='';}}\n";
    $templateCode .= "\t\t);\n";
    $templateCode .= "\t};\n";
    if (!$dvprint) {
        $templateCode .= "\tif(\$('CustomerID_caption') != undefined) \$('CustomerID_caption').onchange=CustomerID_update_autofills{$rnd1};\n";
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: orders_dv
    if (function_exists('orders_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        orders_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
Пример #18
// hook: duck_mrs2016_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('duck_mrs2016_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = duck_mrs2016_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: duck_mrs2016_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('duck_mrs2016_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = duck_mrs2016_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
function residence_and_rental_history_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('residence_and_rental_history');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    $AllowInsert = $arrPerm[1] ? true : false;
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    $filterer_tenant = thisOr(undo_magic_quotes($_REQUEST['filterer_tenant']), '');
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    // combobox: tenant
    $combo_tenant = new DataCombo();
    // combobox: duration_of_residency_from
    $combo_duration_of_residency_from = new DateCombo();
    $combo_duration_of_residency_from->DateFormat = "mdy";
    $combo_duration_of_residency_from->MinYear = 1900;
    $combo_duration_of_residency_from->MaxYear = 2100;
    $combo_duration_of_residency_from->DefaultDate = parseMySQLDate('', '');
    $combo_duration_of_residency_from->MonthNames = $Translation['month names'];
    $combo_duration_of_residency_from->NamePrefix = 'duration_of_residency_from';
    // combobox: to
    $combo_to = new DateCombo();
    $combo_to->DateFormat = "mdy";
    $combo_to->MinYear = 1900;
    $combo_to->MaxYear = 2100;
    $combo_to->DefaultDate = parseMySQLDate('', '');
    $combo_to->MonthNames = $Translation['month names'];
    $combo_to->NamePrefix = 'to';
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='residence_and_rental_history' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='residence_and_rental_history' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `residence_and_rental_history` where `id`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) {
            return error_message($Translation['No records found']);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
        $combo_tenant->SelectedData = $row['tenant'];
        $combo_duration_of_residency_from->DefaultDate = $row['duration_of_residency_from'];
        $combo_to->DefaultDate = $row['to'];
    } else {
        $combo_tenant->SelectedData = $filterer_tenant;
    $combo_tenant->HTML = '<span id="tenant-container' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="tenant" id="tenant' . $rnd1 . '">';
    $combo_tenant->MatchText = '<span id="tenant-container-readonly' . $rnd1 . '"></span><input type="hidden" name="tenant" id="tenant' . $rnd1 . '">';

		// initial lookup values
		var current_tenant__RAND__ = { text: "", value: "<?php 
    echo addslashes($selected_id ? $urow['tenant'] : $filterer_tenant);

		jQuery(function() {
		function tenant_reload__RAND__(){
    if (($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) && !$dvprint) {

				/* initial default value */
				initSelection: function(e, c){
						url: 'ajax_combo.php',
						dataType: 'json',
						data: { id: current_tenant__RAND__.value, t: 'residence_and_rental_history', f: 'tenant' }
							id: resp.results[0].id,
							text: resp.results[0].text
						jQuery('[id=tenant-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="tenant-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

						if(typeof(tenant_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') tenant_update_autofills__RAND__();
				width: '100%',
				formatNoMatches: function(term){ return '<?php 
        echo addslashes($Translation['No matches found!']);
'; },
				minimumResultsForSearch: 10,
				loadMorePadding: 200,
				ajax: {
					url: 'ajax_combo.php',
					dataType: 'json',
					cache: true,
					data: function(term, page){ return { s: term, p: page, t: 'residence_and_rental_history', f: 'tenant' }; },
					results: function(resp, page){ return resp; }
			}).on('change', function(e){
				current_tenant__RAND__.value =;
				current_tenant__RAND__.text = e.added.text;

				if(typeof(tenant_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') tenant_update_autofills__RAND__();
    } else {

				url: 'ajax_combo.php',
				dataType: 'json',
				data: { id: current_tenant__RAND__.value, t: 'residence_and_rental_history', f: 'tenant' }
				jQuery('[id=tenant-container__RAND__], [id=tenant-container-readonly__RAND__]').html('<span id="tenant-match-text">' + resp.results[0].text + '</span>');

				if(typeof(tenant_update_autofills__RAND__) == 'function') tenant_update_autofills__RAND__();

    $lookups = str_replace('__RAND__', $rnd1, ob_get_contents());
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/residence_and_rental_history_templateDVP.html');
    } else {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/residence_and_rental_history_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Residence and rental history details', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%EMBEDDED%%>', $_REQUEST['Embedded'] ? 'Embedded=1' : '', $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($AllowInsert) {
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return residence_and_rental_history_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return residence_and_rental_history_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if (!$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="dvprint" name="dvprint_x" value="1" onclick="$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return residence_and_rental_history_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate && !$AllowInsert || !$selected_id && !$AllowInsert) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#tenant').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#tenant_caption').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: 'white' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#address').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"address\">' + (jQuery('#address').val() || '') + '</p>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#landlord_or_manager_name').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"landlord_or_manager_name\">' + (jQuery('#landlord_or_manager_name').val() || '') + '</p>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#landlord_or_manager_phone').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"landlord_or_manager_phone\">' + (jQuery('#landlord_or_manager_phone').val() || '') + '</p>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#monthly_rent').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"monthly_rent\">' + (jQuery('#monthly_rent').val() || '') + '</p>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#duration_of_residency_from').prop('readonly', true);\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#duration_of_residency_fromDay, #duration_of_residency_fromMonth, #duration_of_residency_fromYear').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#to').prop('readonly', true);\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#toDay, #toMonth, #toYear').prop('disabled', true).css({ color: '#555', backgroundColor: '#fff' });\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#reason_for_leaving').replaceWith('<p class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"reason_for_leaving\">' + (jQuery('#reason_for_leaving').val() || '') + '</p>');\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    } elseif ($AllowInsert) {
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', true);";
        // temporarily disable form change handler
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', false);";
        // re-enable form change handler
    // process combos
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(tenant)%%>', $combo_tenant->HTML, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(tenant)%%>', $combo_tenant->MatchText, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLCOMBOTEXT(tenant)%%>', urlencode($combo_tenant->MatchText), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(duration_of_residency_from)%%>', $selected_id && !$arrPerm[3] ? '<p class="form-control-static">' . $combo_duration_of_residency_from->GetHTML(true) . '</p>' : $combo_duration_of_residency_from->GetHTML(), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(duration_of_residency_from)%%>', $combo_duration_of_residency_from->GetHTML(true), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBO(to)%%>', $selected_id && !$arrPerm[3] ? '<p class="form-control-static">' . $combo_to->GetHTML(true) . '</p>' : $combo_to->GetHTML(), $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%COMBOTEXT(to)%%>', $combo_to->GetHTML(true), $templateCode);
    // process foreign key links
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%PLINK(tenant)%%>', $combo_tenant->SelectedData ? "<span id=\"applicants_and_tenants_plink1\" class=\"hidden\"><a class=\"btn btn-default\" href=\"applicants_and_tenants_view.php?SelectedID=" . urlencode($combo_tenant->SelectedData) . "\"><i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-search\"></i></a></span>" : '', $templateCode);
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(tenant)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(address)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(landlord_or_manager_name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(landlord_or_manager_phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(monthly_rent)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(duration_of_residency_from)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(to)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(reason_for_leaving)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(notes)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(id)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['id'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(id)%%>', urlencode($urow['id']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(tenant)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['tenant'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(tenant)%%>', urlencode($urow['tenant']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(address)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['address'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(address)%%>', urlencode($urow['address']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(landlord_or_manager_name)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['landlord_or_manager_name'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(landlord_or_manager_name)%%>', urlencode($urow['landlord_or_manager_name']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(landlord_or_manager_phone)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['landlord_or_manager_phone'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(landlord_or_manager_phone)%%>', urlencode($urow['landlord_or_manager_phone']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(monthly_rent)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['monthly_rent'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(monthly_rent)%%>', urlencode($urow['monthly_rent']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(duration_of_residency_from)%%>', @date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($row['duration_of_residency_from'], ENT_QUOTES))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(duration_of_residency_from)%%>', urlencode(@date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($urow['duration_of_residency_from'], ENT_QUOTES)))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(to)%%>', @date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($row['to'], ENT_QUOTES))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(to)%%>', urlencode(@date('m/d/Y', @strtotime(htmlspecialchars($urow['to'], ENT_QUOTES)))), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(reason_for_leaving)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['reason_for_leaving'], ENT_QUOTES), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(reason_for_leaving)%%>', urlencode($urow['reason_for_leaving']), $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(notes)%%>', '<textarea name="notes" id="notes" rows="5">' . htmlspecialchars($row['notes'], ENT_QUOTES) . '</textarea>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(notes)%%>', $row['notes'], $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(notes)%%>', nl2br($row['notes']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(notes)%%>', urlencode($urow['notes']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(id)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(id)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(tenant)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(tenant)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(address)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(address)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(landlord_or_manager_name)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(landlord_or_manager_name)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(landlord_or_manager_phone)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(landlord_or_manager_phone)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(monthly_rent)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(monthly_rent)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(duration_of_residency_from)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(duration_of_residency_from)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(to)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(to)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(reason_for_leaving)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(reason_for_leaving)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(notes)%%>', '<textarea name="notes" id="notes" rows="5"></textarea>', $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\$j(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('[id^=\"{$name}_plink\"]').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        $templateCode .= $jsEditable;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= '<script>';
    $templateCode .= '$j(function() {';
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: residence_and_rental_history_dv
    if (function_exists('residence_and_rental_history_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        residence_and_rental_history_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
Пример #20
// hook: sic_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('sic_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = sic_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: sic_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('sic_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = sic_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
Пример #21
// hook: customurls_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('customurls_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = customurls_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: customurls_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('customurls_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = customurls_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
Пример #22
function categories_form($selected_id = '', $AllowUpdate = 1, $AllowInsert = 1, $AllowDelete = 1, $ShowCancel = 0)
    // function to return an editable form for a table records
    // and fill it with data of record whose ID is $selected_id. If $selected_id
    // is empty, an empty form is shown, with only an 'Add New'
    // button displayed.
    global $Translation;
    // mm: get table permissions
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('categories');
    if (!$arrPerm[1] && $selected_id == '') {
        return '';
    $AllowInsert = $arrPerm[1] ? true : false;
    // print preview?
    $dvprint = false;
    if ($selected_id && $_REQUEST['dvprint_x'] != '') {
        $dvprint = true;
    // populate filterers, starting from children to grand-parents
    // unique random identifier
    $rnd1 = $dvprint ? rand(1000000, 9999999) : '';
    if ($selected_id) {
        // mm: check member permissions
        if (!$arrPerm[2]) {
            return "";
        // mm: who is the owner?
        $ownerGroupID = sqlValue("select groupID from membership_userrecords where tableName='categories' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        $ownerMemberID = sqlValue("select lcase(memberID) from membership_userrecords where tableName='categories' and pkValue='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'");
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 1 && getLoggedMemberID() != $ownerMemberID) {
            return "";
        if ($arrPerm[2] == 2 && getLoggedGroupID() != $ownerGroupID) {
            return "";
        // can edit?
        if ($arrPerm[3] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[3] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[3] == 3) {
            $AllowUpdate = 1;
        } else {
            $AllowUpdate = 0;
        $res = sql("select * from `categories` where `CategoryID`='" . makeSafe($selected_id) . "'", $eo);
        if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) {
            return error_message($Translation['No records found']);
        $urow = $row;
        /* unsanitized data */
        $hc = new CI_Input();
        $row = $hc->xss_clean($row);
        /* sanitize data */
    } else {

		// initial lookup values

		jQuery(function() {
    $lookups = str_replace('__RAND__', $rnd1, ob_get_contents());
    // code for template based detail view forms
    // open the detail view template
    if ($dvprint) {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/categories_templateDVP.html');
    } else {
        $templateCode = @file_get_contents('./templates/categories_templateDV.html');
    // process form title
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE%%>', 'Add/Edit Product Categories', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%RND1%%>', $rnd1, $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%EMBEDDED%%>', $_REQUEST['Embedded'] ? 'Embedded=1' : '', $templateCode);
    // process buttons
    if ($arrPerm[1] && !$selected_id) {
        // allow insert and no record selected?
        if (!$selected_id) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return categories_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save New'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="insert" name="insert_x" value="1" onclick="return categories_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i> ' . $Translation['Save As Copy'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%INSERT_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // 'Back' button action
    if ($_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
        $backAction = 'window.parent.jQuery(\'.modal\').modal(\'hide\'); return false;';
    } else {
        $backAction = '$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;';
    if ($selected_id) {
        if (!$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DVPRINT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="dvprint" name="dvprint_x" value="1" onclick="$$(\'form\')[0].writeAttribute(\'novalidate\', \'novalidate\'); document.myform.reset(); return true;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i> ' . $Translation['Print Preview'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" id="update" name="update_x" value="1" onclick="return categories_validateData();"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> ' . $Translation['Save Changes'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        if ($arrPerm[4] == 1 && $ownerMemberID == getLoggedMemberID() || $arrPerm[4] == 2 && $ownerGroupID == getLoggedGroupID() || $arrPerm[4] == 3) {
            // allow delete?
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete" name="delete_x" value="1" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $Translation['are you sure?'] . '\');"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> ' . $Translation['Delete'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPDATE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DELETE_BUTTON%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%DESELECT_BUTTON%%>', $ShowCancel ? '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="deselect" name="deselect_x" value="1" onclick="' . $backAction . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i> ' . $Translation['Back'] . '</button>' : '', $templateCode);
    // set records to read only if user can't insert new records and can't edit current record
    if ($selected_id && !$AllowUpdate || !$selected_id && !$AllowInsert) {
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#Picture').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"Picture\">' + (jQuery('#Picture').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('#CategoryName').replaceWith('<div class=\"form-control-static\" id=\"CategoryName\">' + (jQuery('#CategoryName').val() || '') + '</div>');\n";
        $jsReadOnly .= "\tjQuery('.select2-container').hide();\n";
        $noUploads = true;
    } elseif ($AllowInsert && !$selected_id || $AllowUpdate && $selected_id) {
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', true);";
        // temporarily disable form change handler
        $jsEditable .= "\tjQuery('form').eq(0).data('already_changed', false);";
        // re-enable form change handler
    // process combos
    /* lookup fields array: 'lookup field name' => array('parent table name', 'lookup field caption') */
    $lookup_fields = array();
    foreach ($lookup_fields as $luf => $ptfc) {
        $pt_perm = getTablePermissions($ptfc[0]);
        // process foreign key links
        if ($pt_perm['view'] || $pt_perm['edit']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%PLINK({$luf})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default view_parent hspacer-lg" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_view_parent" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['View'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i></button>', $templateCode);
        // if user has insert permission to parent table of a lookup field, put an add new button
        if ($pt_perm['insert'] && !$_REQUEST['Embedded']) {
            $templateCode = str_replace("<%%ADDNEW({$ptfc[0]})%%>", '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success add_new_parent" id="' . $ptfc[0] . '_add_new" title="' . htmlspecialchars($Translation['Add New'] . ' ' . $ptfc[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i></button>', $templateCode);
    // process images
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CategoryID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Picture)%%>', $noUploads ? '' : '<input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=204800>' . $Translation['upload image'] . ' <input type="file" name="Picture" id="Picture">', $templateCode);
    if ($AllowUpdate && $row['Picture'] != '') {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%REMOVEFILE(Picture)%%>', '<br><input type="checkbox" name="Picture_remove" id="Picture_remove" value="1"> <label for="Picture_remove" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">' . $Translation['remove image'] . '</label>', $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%REMOVEFILE(Picture)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(CategoryName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%UPLOADFILE(Description)%%>', '', $templateCode);
    // process values
    if ($selected_id) {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CategoryID)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CategoryID'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CategoryID)%%>', urlencode($urow['CategoryID']), $templateCode);
        $row['Picture'] = $row['Picture'] != '' ? $row['Picture'] : 'blank.gif';
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Picture)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['Picture'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Picture)%%>', urlencode($urow['Picture']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CategoryName)%%>', htmlspecialchars($row['CategoryName'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1'), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CategoryName)%%>', urlencode($urow['CategoryName']), $templateCode);
        if ($AllowUpdate || $AllowInsert) {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(Description)%%>', '<textarea name="Description" id="Description" rows="5">' . htmlspecialchars($row['Description'], ENT_QUOTES, 'iso-8859-1') . '</textarea>', $templateCode);
        } else {
            $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(Description)%%>', $row['Description'], $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Description)%%>', nl2br($row['Description']), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(Description)%%>', urlencode($urow['Description']), $templateCode);
    } else {
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CategoryID)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CategoryID)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(Picture)%%>', 'blank.gif', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%VALUE(CategoryName)%%>', '', $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%URLVALUE(CategoryName)%%>', urlencode(''), $templateCode);
        $templateCode = str_replace('<%%HTMLAREA(Description)%%>', '<textarea name="Description" id="Description" rows="5"></textarea>', $templateCode);
    // process translations
    foreach ($Translation as $symbol => $trans) {
        $templateCode = str_replace("<%%TRANSLATION({$symbol})%%>", $trans, $templateCode);
    // clear scrap
    $templateCode = str_replace('<%%', '<!-- ', $templateCode);
    $templateCode = str_replace('%%>', ' -->', $templateCode);
    // hide links to inaccessible tables
    if ($_POST['dvprint_x'] == '') {
        $templateCode .= "\n\n<script>\$j(function(){\n";
        $arrTables = getTableList();
        foreach ($arrTables as $name => $caption) {
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
            $templateCode .= "\t\$j('#xs_{$name}_link').removeClass('hidden');\n";
        $templateCode .= $jsReadOnly;
        $templateCode .= $jsEditable;
        if (!$selected_id) {
        $templateCode .= "\n});</script>\n";
    // ajaxed auto-fill fields
    $templateCode .= '<script>';
    $templateCode .= '$j(function() {';
    $templateCode .= "});";
    $templateCode .= "</script>";
    $templateCode .= $lookups;
    // handle enforced parent values for read-only lookup fields
    // don't include blank images in lightbox gallery
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/blank.gif" rel="lightbox\\[.*?\\]"/', 'blank.gif"', $templateCode);
    // don't display empty email links
    $templateCode = preg_replace('/<a .*?href="mailto:".*?<\\/a>/', '', $templateCode);
    // hook: categories_dv
    if (function_exists('categories_dv')) {
        $args = array();
        categories_dv($selected_id ? $selected_id : FALSE, getMemberInfo(), $templateCode, $args);
    return $templateCode;
// hook: order_details_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('order_details_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = order_details_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: order_details_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('order_details_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = order_details_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);

$currDir = dirname(__FILE__);
include "{$currDir}/defaultLang.php";
include "{$currDir}/language.php";
include "{$currDir}/lib.php";
$adminConfig = config('adminConfig');
/* no access for guests */
$mi = getMemberInfo();
if (!$mi['username'] || $mi['group'] == $adminConfig['anonymousGroup']) {
    @header('Location: index.php');
/* save profile */
if ($_POST['action'] == 'saveProfile') {
    /* process inputs */
    $email = isEmail($_POST['email']);
    $custom1 = makeSafe($_POST['custom1']);
    $custom2 = makeSafe($_POST['custom2']);
    $custom3 = makeSafe($_POST['custom3']);
    $custom4 = makeSafe($_POST['custom4']);
    /* validate email */
    if (!$email) {
        echo "{$Translation['error:']} {$Translation['email invalid']}";
        echo "<script>\$\$('label[for=\"email\"]')[0].pulsate({ pulses: 10, duration: 4 }); \$('email').activate();</script>";
    /* update profile */
    $updateDT = date($adminConfig['PHPDateTimeFormat']);
    sql("UPDATE `membership_users` set email='{$email}', custom1='{$custom1}', custom2='{$custom2}', custom3='{$custom3}', custom4='{$custom4}', comments=CONCAT_WS('\\n', comments, 'member updated his profile on {$updateDT} from IP address {$mi[IP]}') WHERE memberID='{$mi['username']}'", $eo);
    // hook: member_activity
Пример #25
} else {

<div class="row" id="custom_links">
/* custom home links, as defined in "hooks/links-home.php" */
if (is_array($homeLinks)) {
    $memberInfo = getMemberInfo();
    foreach ($homeLinks as $link) {
        if (!isset($link['url']) || !isset($link['title'])) {
        /* fall-back classes if none defined */
        if (!isset($link['grid_column_classes'])) {
            $link['grid_column_classes'] = $block_classes['other']['grid_column'];
        if (!isset($link['panel_classes'])) {
            $link['panel_classes'] = $block_classes['other']['panel'];
        if (!isset($link['link_classes'])) {
            $link['link_classes'] = $block_classes['other']['link'];
        if ($memberInfo['admin'] || @in_array($memberInfo['group'], $link['groups']) || @in_array('*', $link['groups'])) {
// hook: employment_and_income_history_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('employment_and_income_history_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = employment_and_income_history_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: employment_and_income_history_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('employment_and_income_history_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = employment_and_income_history_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
Пример #27
$php_root_path = "..";
require_once "{$php_root_path}/includes/";
$err_message = " Unable to process your request due to the following problems: <br>\n";
$header = "Registration Form";
$accepted_privilegeID_arr = array(1 => "");
$accepted_phaseID_arr = array(1 => "", 2 => "", 3 => "", 4 => "");
authentication($header, $accepted_privilegeID_arr, $accepted_phaseID_arr, $homepage, $php_root_path, $GLOBALS["DB_PREFIX"], &$err_message);
if (!array_key_exists('xml', $_POST)) {
$selectionXml = html_entity_decode($_POST['xml']);
// Retrieve the member information
$memberInfo = getMemberInfo($_SESSION["valid_user"]);
if ($memberInfo == null) {
// Retrieve the setting information
$settingInfo = get_Conference_Settings();
$formID = store_selection_xml($memberInfo->RegisterID, $selectionXml, &$err_message);
do_html_header($header, &$err_message);
<div style="padding-top: 20">
Your registration form has been lodged as <b>#<?php 
echo $formID;
Пример #28
// hook: employees_header
$headerCode = '';
if (function_exists('employees_header')) {
    $args = array();
    $headerCode = employees_header($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$headerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/header.php";
    $dHeader = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%HEADER%%>', $dHeader, $headerCode);
echo $x->HTML;
// hook: employees_footer
$footerCode = '';
if (function_exists('employees_footer')) {
    $args = array();
    $footerCode = employees_footer($x->ContentType, getMemberInfo(), $args);
if (!$footerCode) {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
} else {
    include_once "{$currDir}/footer.php";
    $dFooter = ob_get_contents();
    echo str_replace('<%%FOOTER%%>', $dFooter, $footerCode);
    // save member data
    $needsApproval = sqlValue("select needsApproval from membership_groups where groupID='{$groupID}'");
    sql("INSERT INTO `membership_users` set memberID='{$memberID}', passMD5='" . md5($password) . "', email='{$email}', signupDate='" . @date('Y-m-d') . "', groupID='{$groupID}', isBanned='0', isApproved='" . ($needsApproval == 1 ? '0' : '1') . "', custom1='{$custom1}', custom2='{$custom2}', custom3='{$custom3}', custom4='{$custom4}', comments='member signed up through the registration form.'", $eo);
    // admin mail notification
    /* ---- application name as provided in AppGini is used here ---- */
    if ($adminConfig['notifyAdminNewMembers'] == 2 && !$needsApproval) {
        @mail($adminConfig['senderEmail'], '[real estate] New member signup', "A new member has signed up for real estate.\n\nMember name: {$memberID}\nMember group: " . sqlValue("select name from membership_groups where groupID='{$groupID}'") . "\nMember email: {$email}\nIP address: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\nCustom fields:\n" . ($adminConfig['custom1'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom1']}: {$custom1}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom2'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom2']}: {$custom2}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom3'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom3']}: {$custom3}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom4'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom4']}: {$custom4}\n" : ''), "From: {$adminConfig['senderEmail']}\r\n\r\n");
    } elseif ($adminConfig['notifyAdminNewMembers'] >= 1 && $needsApproval) {
        @mail($adminConfig['senderEmail'], '[real estate] New member awaiting approval', "A new member has signed up for real estate.\n\nMember name: {$memberID}\nMember group: " . sqlValue("select name from membership_groups where groupID='{$groupID}'") . "\nMember email: {$email}\nIP address: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\nCustom fields:\n" . ($adminConfig['custom1'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom1']}: {$custom1}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom2'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom2']}: {$custom2}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom3'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom3']}: {$custom3}\n" : '') . ($adminConfig['custom4'] ? "{$adminConfig['custom4']}: {$custom4}\n" : ''), "From: {$adminConfig['senderEmail']}\r\n\r\n");
    // hook: member_activity
    if (function_exists('member_activity')) {
        $args = array();
        member_activity(getMemberInfo($memberID), $needsApproval ? 'pending' : 'automatic', $args);
    // redirect to thanks page
    $redirect = $needsApproval ? '' : '?redir=1';
// drop-down of groups allowing self-signup
$groupsDropDown = preg_replace('/<option.*?value="".*?><\\/option>/i', '', htmlSQLSelect('groupID', "select groupID, concat(name, if(needsApproval=1, ' *', ' ')) from membership_groups where allowSignup=1 order by name", $cg == 1 ? sqlValue("select groupID from membership_groups where allowSignup=1 order by name limit 1") : 0));
$groupsDropDown = str_replace('<select ', '<select class="form-control" ', $groupsDropDown);

if (!$noSignup) {
	<div class="row">
Пример #30
 * Check if the current logged-in user is an adminstrator
 * @return  boolean
function is_admin()
    $mi = getMemberInfo();
    if (!($mi['admin'] && (is_string($mi['group']) && $mi['group'] == 'Admins' || is_array($mi['group']) && array_search("Admins", $mi['group'])))) {
        return false;
    return true;