public function SaveAction() { $actions = $this->params['action']; $subactions = $this->params['subaction']; $controllerRez = array(); if (is_array($subactions)) { foreach ($subactions as $controllerName => $controllerData) { foreach ($controllerData as $actionName => $actionData) { foreach ($actionData as $subactionName => $tmp) { $controllerRez[$controllerName][$actionName][] = $subactionName; } } } } if (is_array($actions)) { foreach ($actions as $controllerName => $controllerData) { foreach ($controllerData as $actionName => $tmp) { if (!isset($controllerRez[$controllerName][$actionName])) { $controllerRez[$controllerName][$actionName] = array(); } } } } $this->setModel("User_types"); $rights = serialize($controllerRez); $this->model->load($this->params['userType']); $this->model->set("rights", $rights); $this->model->update(); $router = getManager('CRouter'); $router->redirect($router->createUrl("Rights", "Index", array("userType" => $this->params['userType']))); }
public function checkAccess($controllerName, $actionName, $subactionName = '') { //$user = getManager('CUser'); $user = getManager('user'); $userRights = unserialize($user->getRights()); if (isset($userRights[$controllerName])) { if (isset($userRights[$controllerName][$actionName])) { if (!strlen($subactionName) || in_array($subactionName, $userRights[$controllerName][$actionName])) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { // TODO:: hardcoded admin controller name if ($controllerName == 'AdminController') { //$router = getManager('CRouter'); $router = getManager('router'); $router->redirect($router->createUrl('Admin', 'LoginForm')); } $flashMessage = getManager('CFlashMessage'); $flashMessage->setMessage("Доступ запрещен (Екшн " . $actionName . ")", FLASH_MSG_TYPES::$error); return false; } } else { // TODO:: hardcoded admin controller name if ($controllerName == 'AdminController') { //$router = getManager('CRouter'); $router = getManager('router'); $router->redirect($router->createUrl('Admin', 'LoginForm')); } $flashMessage = getManager('CFlashMessage'); $flashMessage->setMessage("Доступ запрещен (Контроллер " . $controllerName . ")", FLASH_MSG_TYPES::$error); return false; } }
public function displayAll() { $msgTypes = get_class_vars('FLASH_MSG_TYPES'); $session = getManager('CSession'); foreach ($msgTypes as $type) { if (!is_array($type)) { $msg = $session->read("FLASH_MSG_" . $type); if ($msg) { $this->renderMsg($msg, $type); } $session->clear("FLASH_MSG_" . $type); } } }
/** * Print all objects in a class */ function print_os($class) { $m = getManager(); if (!($os = $m->getAll($class))) { echo "no object in class {$class}\n"; return; } $i = 0; foreach ($os as $o) { echo $o; echo "\n"; if ($i++ > 5) { break; } } }
public function SaveAction() { echo "TestController/SaveAction<br/><br/>"; $data = $this->params; $form = new CFormData(); $form->setFields($this->formFields); $form->setData($data); $router = getManager('CRouter'); if ($form->validate()) { $this->model->setData($data); if (isset($this->params['id'])) { $this->model->id = $this->params['id']; $this->model->update(); echo '</pre>'; echo 'Запись обновлена. <a href="' . $router->createUrl('Test') . '">На главную</a></pre>'; } else { $this->model->insert(); echo '</pre>'; echo 'Запись вставлена. <a href="' . $router->createUrl('Test') . '">На главную</a></pre>'; } } else { if (isset($this->params['id'])) { $form->setTitle('Редактирование элемента'); $form->setHidden(array('id' => $this->params['id'])); } else { $form->setTitle('Добавление элемента'); } $form->setAction($router->createUrl('Test', 'Save')); $form->setSubmitText('Сохранить'); $form->setCancelText('Назад'); $form->setCancelUrl($router->createUrl('Test')); $form->initForm(); $this->view->content = $form->renderForm(); $this->view->display(); } echo '</pre>'; }
<?php /** * $Id: update.php 1043 2007-03-06 12:58:53Z nauhygon $ * * Copyright(c) 2005 by Oak Nauhygon. All rights reserved. * * @author Oak Nauhygon <*****@*****.**> * @version $Revision: 1043 $ $Date: 2007-03-06 07:58:53 -0500 (Tue, 06 Mar 2007) $ * @package ezpdo_bench * @subpackage ezpdo_bench.books */ include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common.php'; // get the persistence manager $m = getManager(); if (!($authors = $m->find("from Author where name = ?", $author_name))) { echo "Cannot find author [" . $author_name . "]\n"; exit; } // go through each author foreach ($authors as $author) { // change $name0 = $author->name; $author->name = $name0 . " (updated)"; $author->commit(); // change back $author->name = $name0; $author->commit(); } echo "Author [{$author_name}] is updated. Use `php find.php` to check.\n"; showPerfInfo();
/** * @return Test2Manager */ public static function getTest2Manager() { return getManager('Test2'); }
<?php // initialize include_once '../../../common/init.php'; if (!isLoggedInAdmin()) { redirect(''); } else { // include needed database functions include_once $BASE_PATH . 'database/auth.php'; $id = $_GET['id']; // fetch data $manager = getManager($id); // send data to smarty $smarty->assign('manager', $manager); // display smarty template $smarty->display('manager/managers/view_manager.tpl'); }
<td class="uemail"> <?php echo $do['email']; ?> </td> <td class="upassword"> <?php echo $do['password']; ?> </td> <td class="umanager" mid="<?php echo $do['manager_id']; ?> "> <?php echo getManager($do['manager_id']); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo date("d.m.Y H:i", strtotime(getLastLoginDate($do["id"]))); ?> </td> <td align="right"> <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(cart.quantity * cart.price) AS incart FROM cart LEFT JOIN orders ON cart.order_id = LEFT JOIN products ON cart.product_id = LEFT JOIN categories ON products.category_id = WHERE orders.status = 0 AND user_id = '" . $do["id"] . "' AND !categories.expected"); $res = mysql_fetch_array($query); echo number_format($res['incart'] + 0, 2, '.', ' '); ?> MDL </td>
function SaveBranchAction() { //var_dump($this -> branch_name, $this -> branch_access, $this -> branch_parent, $this -> branch_catalog); $session = getManager('CSession'); $user = unserialize($session->read('user')); $user_id = 0; if (isset($user['id']) && (int) $user['id'] > 0) { $user_id = (int) $user['id']; } $this->setModel("BlogsModel"); $this->model->resetSql(); $this->model->where('user_id = ' . $user_id); $this->model->setData($this->model->getOne()); // Set blog id for rightly check Branch Access $this->blog_id = (int) $this->model->get('id'); $branch_id = (int) $this->branch_id; $this->checkBranchAccess($branch_id, $user_id); $this->setModel("BlogTree"); $this->model->load($branch_id); $branch_data = $this->model->getData(); // Set data to tree model $this->setModel("BlogTree"); $this->model->resetSql(); $this->model->set('id', isset($branch_data['id']) ? (int) $branch_data['id'] : null); $this->model->set('blog_id', $this->blog_id); $this->model->set('name', $this->branch_name); $this->model->set('access', (int) $this->branch_access); $this->model->set('blogs_catalog_id', (int) $this->branch_catalog); $this->model->set('blog_banner_id', 0); // TODO::0 //$this -> model -> set('key', ''); if (!count($branch_data)) { $this->model->set('key', ''); } else { } $this->model->set('level', 0); $branch_id = (int) $this->model->save(); $router = getManager('CRouter'); $router->redirect($router->createUrl('Blog', 'EditBranch', array('id' => $branch_id))); }
<?php // initialize include_once '../../../common/init.php'; if (!isLoggedInAdmin()) { redirect(''); } else { // include needed database functions include_once $BASE_PATH . 'database/auth.php'; // fetch data $manager = getManager($_GET['id']); // send data to smarty $smarty->assign('manager', $manager); // display smarty template $smarty->display('manager/auth/form_edit.tpl'); }
private function getActionName($params) { if (isset($params[1]) && strlen(trim($params[1]))) { $actionName = ucwords($params[1]); $meth = get_class_methods($this->controllerName); if (in_array($actionName . 'Action', $meth)) { return ucwords($actionName) . 'Action'; } else { $flashMessage = getManager('CFlashMessage'); $session = getManager('CSession'); $flashMessage->setMessage("Действие не существует", FLASH_MSG_TYPES::$error); $lastPath = $session->read('LAST_PATH'); if ($lastPath) { $this->redirect($lastPath); } else { return DEFAULT_ACTION . 'Action'; } return DEFAULT_ACTION . 'Action'; } } else { return DEFAULT_ACTION . 'Action'; } }
global $managerList; $limit_start = $counter; $limit_stop = $counter + 20; $conn = db_connect(); $conn->set_charset("utf8"); // 指定数据库字符编码 $result = $conn->query("select,, manager.avatar, as company, manager.comments_number, manager.score from decoration_manager as manager, decoration_company as company WHERE = LIMIT {$limit_start}, {$limit_stop} "); if (!$result) { throw new Exception('Search user score failed.'); } $num_result = $result->num_rows; $managerList['total'] = $num_result; //数据库查询出来的字段全部是字符串,另外json定义跟数据库定义可能不一致,所以需要做相应地转换 for ($i = 0; $i < $num_result; $i++) { $row_db = $result->fetch_assoc(); $converted_row = array(); //保存转换后的单条记录 $converted_row['id'] = intval(stripslashes($row_db['id'])); $converted_row['name'] = stripslashes($row_db['name']); $converted_row['avatar'] = stripslashes($row_db['avatar']); $converted_row['company'] = stripslashes($row_db['company']); $converted_row['comments'] = intval(stripslashes($row_db['comments_number'])); $converted_row['score'] = intval(stripslashes($row_db['score'])); $managerList["row"][$i] = $converted_row; } $result->free(); $conn->close(); return json_encode($managerList); } $jsonStr = getManager($param_counter); print "{$jsonStr}";
function DeleteAction() { die(__METHOD__); $router = getManager('CRouter'); $router->redirect($router->createUrl('AdminParameter', 'EditGroup', array('id' => $this->controller_id))); }