Пример #1
  * Handles admin request related to the manage locale activity
  * The manage locale activity allows a user to add/delete locales, view
  * statistics about a locale as well as edit the string for that locale
  * @return array $data info about current locales, statistics for each
  *     locale as well as potentially the currently set string of a
  *     locale and any messages about the success or failure of a
  *     sub activity.
 function manageLocales()
     $parent = $this->parent;
     $locale_model = $parent->model("locale");
     $possible_arguments = array("addlocale", "deletelocale", "editlocale", "editstrings", "search");
     $search_array = array(array("tag", "", "", "ASC"));
     $data['SCRIPT'] = "";
     $data["ELEMENT"] = "managelocales";
     $data['CURRENT_LOCALE'] = array("localename" => "", 'localetag' => "", 'writingmode' => '-1', 'active' => 1);
     $data['WRITING_MODES'] = array(-1 => tl('system_component_select_mode'), "lr-tb" => "lr-tb", "rl-tb" => "rl-tb", "tb-rl" => "tb-rl", "tb-lr" => "tb-lr");
     $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "addlocale";
     $paging = true;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['arg']) && in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
         $clean_fields = array('localename', 'localetag', 'writingmode', 'selectlocale', 'active');
         $incomplete = false;
         $required = array('localename', 'localetag');
         foreach ($clean_fields as $field) {
             ${$field} = "";
             if ($field == 'active') {
                 $active = 0;
             if (isset($_REQUEST[$field])) {
                 $tmp = trim($parent->clean($_REQUEST[$field], "string"));
                 if ($field == "writingmode" && ($tmp == -1 || !isset($data['WRITING_MODES'][$tmp]))) {
                     $tmp = "lr-tb";
                 if ($tmp == "" && in_array($field, $required)) {
                     $incomplete = true;
                 ${$field} = $tmp;
             } else {
                 if (in_array($field, $required)) {
                     $incomplete = true;
         switch ($_REQUEST['arg']) {
             case "addlocale":
                 if ($incomplete) {
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >" . tl('system_component_locale_missing_info') . "</h1>')";
                 } else {
                     $locale_model->addLocale($localename, $localetag, $writingmode, $active);
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >" . tl('system_component_locale_added') . "</h1>')";
             case "deletelocale":
                 if (!$locale_model->checkLocaleExists($selectlocale)) {
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >" . tl('system_component_localename_doesnt_exists') . "</h1>')";
                     return $data;
                 $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >" . tl('system_component_localename_deleted') . "</h1>')";
             case "editlocale":
                 if (!$locale_model->checkLocaleExists($selectlocale)) {
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >" . tl('system_component_localename_doesnt_exists') . "</h1>')";
                     return $data;
                 $data['FORM_TYPE'] = "editlocale";
                 $info = $locale_model->getLocaleInfo($selectlocale);
                 $change = false;
                 if (isset($localetag) && $localetag != "") {
                     $info["LOCALE_TAG"] = $localetag;
                     $change = true;
                 if (isset($writingmode) && $writingmode != "") {
                     $info["WRITING_MODE"] = $writingmode;
                     $change = true;
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['update']) && $active != $info['ACTIVE']) {
                     $info['ACTIVE'] = $active;
                     $change = true;
                 $data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['active'] = $info['ACTIVE'];
                 $data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['localename'] = $info["LOCALE_NAME"];
                 $data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['localetag'] = $selectlocale;
                 $data['CURRENT_LOCALE']['writingmode'] = $info["WRITING_MODE"];
                 if ($change) {
                     echo "hi";
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >" . tl('system_component_locale_updated') . "</h1>')";
             case "editstrings":
                 if (!isset($selectlocale)) {
                 $paging = false;
                 $data["leftorright"] = getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr' ? "right" : "left";
                 $data['PREVIOUS_ACTIVITY'] = "manageLocales";
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['previous_activity']) && in_array($_REQUEST['previous_activity'], array("security", "searchSources"))) {
                     $data['PREVIOUS_ACTIVITY'] = $_REQUEST['previous_activity'];
                 $data["ELEMENT"] = "editlocales";
                 $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_NAME'] = $locale_model->getLocaleName($selectlocale);
                 $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'] = $selectlocale;
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['STRINGS'])) {
                     $safe_strings = array();
                     foreach ($_REQUEST['STRINGS'] as $key => $value) {
                         $clean_key = $parent->clean($key, "string");
                         $clean_value = $parent->clean($value, "string");
                         $safe_strings[$clean_key] = $clean_value;
                     $locale_model->updateStringData($selectlocale, $safe_strings);
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >" . tl('system_component_localestrings_updated') . "</h1>')";
                 } else {
                 $data['STRINGS'] = $locale_model->getStringData($selectlocale);
                 $data['DEFAULT_STRINGS'] = $locale_model->getStringData(DEFAULT_LOCALE);
                 $data['show'] = "all";
                 $data["show_strings"] = array("all" => tl('system_component_all_strings'), "missing" => tl('system_component_missing_strings'));
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['show']) && $_REQUEST['show'] == "missing") {
                     $data["show"] = "missing";
                     foreach ($data['STRINGS'] as $string_id => $translation) {
                         if ($translation != "") {
                 $data["filter"] = "";
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['filter']) && $_REQUEST['filter']) {
                     $filter = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['filter'], "string");
                     $data["filter"] = $filter;
                     foreach ($data['STRINGS'] as $string_id => $translation) {
                         if (strpos($string_id, $filter) === false) {
             case "search":
                 $search_array = $parent->tableSearchRequestHandler($data, array('name', 'tag', 'mode', 'active'), array('active'));
     if ($paging) {
         $parent->pagingLogic($data, $locale_model, "LOCALES", DEFAULT_ADMIN_PAGING_NUM, $search_array);
     return $data;
Пример #2
  * Handles admin requests for creating, editing, and deleting classifiers.
  * This activity implements the logic for the page that lists existing
  * classifiers, including the actions that can be performed on them.
 function manageClassifiers()
     $parent = $this->parent;
     $crawl_model = $parent->model("crawl");
     $possible_arguments = array('createclassifier', 'editclassifier', 'finalizeclassifier', 'deleteclassifier', 'search');
     $data['ELEMENT'] = 'manageclassifiers';
     $data['SCRIPT'] = '';
     $data['FORM_TYPE'] = '';
     $search_array = array();
     $machine_urls = $parent->model("machine")->getQueueServerUrls();
     $num_machines = count($machine_urls);
     if ($num_machines < 1 || $num_machines == 1 && UrlParser::isLocalhostUrl($machine_urls[0])) {
         $machine_urls = NULL;
     $data['leftorright'] = getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr' ? 'right' : 'left';
     $classifiers = Classifier::getClassifierList();
     $start_finalizing = false;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['arg']) && in_array($_REQUEST['arg'], $possible_arguments)) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) {
             $name = substr($parent->clean($_REQUEST['name'], 'string'), 0, NAME_LEN);
             $name = Classifier::cleanLabel($name);
         } else {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['class_label'])) {
                 $name = substr($parent->clean($_REQUEST['class_label'], 'string'), 0, NAME_LEN);
                 $name = Classifier::cleanLabel($name);
             } else {
                 $name = "";
         switch ($_REQUEST['arg']) {
             case 'createclassifier':
                 if (!isset($classifiers[$name])) {
                     $classifier = new Classifier($name);
                     $classifiers[$name] = $classifier;
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\">" . tl('crawl_component_new_classifier') . '</h1>\');';
                 } else {
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\">" . tl('crawl_component_classifier_exists') . '</h1>\');';
             case 'deleteclassifier':
                   In addition to deleting the classifier, we also want to
                   delete the associated crawl mix (if one exists) used to
                   iterate over existing indexes in search of new training
                 if (isset($classifiers[$name])) {
                     $mix_name = Classifier::getCrawlMixName($name);
                     $mix_time = $crawl_model->getCrawlMixTimestamp($mix_name);
                     if ($mix_time) {
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\">" . tl('crawl_component_classifier_deleted') . '</h1>\');';
                 } else {
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\">" . tl('crawl_component_no_classifier') . '</h1>\');';
             case 'editclassifier':
                 if (isset($classifiers[$name])) {
                     $data['class_label'] = $name;
                     $this->editClassifier($data, $classifiers, $machine_urls);
                 } else {
                     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\">" . tl('crawl_component_no_classifier') . '</h1>\');';
             case 'finalizeclassifier':
                   Finalizing is too expensive to be done directly in the
                   controller that responds to the web request. Instead, a
                   daemon is launched to finalize the classifier
                   asynchronously and save it back to disk when it's done.
                   In the meantime, a flag is set to indicate the current
                   finalizing state.
                 CrawlDaemon::start("classifier_trainer", $name, '', -1);
                 $classifier = $classifiers[$name];
                 $classifier->finalized = Classifier::FINALIZING;
                 $start_finalizing = true;
                 $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\">" . tl('crawl_component_finalizing_classifier') . '</h1>\');';
             case 'search':
                 $search_array = $parent->tableSearchRequestHandler($data, array('name'));
     $data['classifiers'] = $classifiers;
     if ($search_array == array()) {
         $search_array[] = array("name", "", "", "ASC");
     $parent->pagingLogic($data, 'classifiers', 'classifiers', DEFAULT_ADMIN_PAGING_NUM, $search_array, "", array('name' => 'class_label'));
     $data['reload'] = false;
     foreach ($classifiers as $label => $classifier) {
         if ($classifier->finalized == Classifier::FINALIZING) {
             $data['reload'] = true;
     if ($data['reload'] && !$start_finalizing) {
         $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\">" . tl('crawl_component_finalizing_classifier') . '</h1>\');';
     return $data;
Пример #3
  * Formats a cache of a web page (adds history ui and highlight keywords)
  * @param array $cache_item details meta information about the cache page
  * @param string $cache_file contains current web page before formatting
  * @param string $url that cache web page was originally from
  * @param string $summary_string summary data that was extracted from the
  *     web page to be put in the actually inverted index
  * @param int $crawl_time timestamp of crawl cache page was from
  * @param array $all_crawl_times timestamps of all crawl times currently
  *     in Yioop system
  * @param string $terms from orginal query responsible for cache request
  * @param array $ui_flags array of  ui features which
  *     should be added to the cache page. For example, "highlight"
  *     would way search terms should be highlighted, "history"
  *     says add history navigation for all copies of this cache page in
  *     yioop system.
  * return string of formatted cached page
 function formatCachePage($cache_item, $cache_file, $url, $summary_string, $crawl_time, $all_crawl_times, $terms, $ui_flags)
     //Check if it the URL is from the UI
     $hist_ui_open = in_array("hist_ui_open", $ui_flags) ? true : false;
     $date = date("F d Y H:i:s", $cache_item[self::TIMESTAMP]);
     $meta_words = PhraseParser::$meta_words_list;
     foreach ($meta_words as $meta_word) {
         $pattern = "/(\\b)({$meta_word}(\\S)+)/";
         $terms = preg_replace($pattern, "", $terms);
     $terms = str_replace("'", " ", $terms);
     $terms = str_replace('"', " ", $terms);
     $terms = str_replace('\\', " ", $terms);
     $terms = str_replace('|', " ", $terms);
     $terms = $this->clean($terms, "string");
     $phrase_string = mb_ereg_replace("[[:punct:]]", " ", $terms);
     $words = mb_split(" ", $phrase_string);
     if (!in_array("highlight", $ui_flags)) {
         $words = array();
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $did_dom = @$dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $cache_file);
     foreach ($dom->childNodes as $item) {
         if ($item->nodeType == XML_PI_NODE) {
         // remove hack
     $dom->encoding = "UTF-8";
     // insert proper
     $head = $dom->getElementsByTagName('head')->item(0);
     if (is_object($head)) {
         // add a noindex nofollow robot directive to page
         $head_first_child = $head->firstChild;
         $robot_node = $dom->createElement('meta');
         $robot_node = $head->insertBefore($robot_node, $head_first_child);
         $robot_node->setAttribute("name", "ROBOTS");
         $robot_node->setAttribute("content", "NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW");
         $comment = $dom->createComment(tl('search_controller_cache_comment'));
         $comment = $head->insertBefore($comment, $robot_node);
         // make link and script links absolute
         $head = $this->canonicalizeLinks($head, $url);
     } else {
         $body_tags = "<frameset><frame><noscript><img><span><b><i><em>" . "<strong><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><p><div>" . "<a><table><tr><td><th><dt><dir><dl><dd><pre>";
         $cache_file = strip_tags($cache_file, $body_tags);
         $cache_file = wordwrap($cache_file, 80);
         $cache_file = "<html><head><title>" . tl('search_controller_yioop_cache') . "</title></head>" . "<body>" . $cache_file . "</body></html>";
         $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $body = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
     //make tags in body absolute
     $body = $this->canonicalizeLinks($body, $url);
     $first_child = $body->firstChild;
     $text_align = getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr' ? "left" : "right";
     // add information about what was extracted from page
     if (in_array("summaries", $ui_flags)) {
         $summary_toggle_node = $this->createSummaryAndToggleNodes($dom, $text_align, $body, $summary_string, $cache_item);
     } else {
         $summary_toggle_node = $first_child;
     if (isset($cache_item[self::KEYWORD_LINKS]) && count($cache_item[self::KEYWORD_LINKS]) > 0) {
         $keyword_node = $this->createDomBoxNode($dom, $text_align, "zIndex: 1");
         $text_node = $dom->createTextNode("Z@key_links@Z");
         $keyword_node = $body->insertBefore($keyword_node, $summary_toggle_node);
         $set_key_links = true;
     } else {
         $keyword_node = $summary_toggle_node;
         $set_key_links = false;
     if (in_array("version", $ui_flags)) {
         $version_node = $this->createDomBoxNode($dom, $text_align, "zIndex: 1");
         $textNode = $dom->createTextNode(tl('search_controller_cached_version', "Z@url@Z", $date));
         $brNode = $dom->createElement('br');
         $this->addCacheJavascriptTags($dom, $version_node);
         $version_node = $body->insertBefore($version_node, $keyword_node);
     } else {
         $version_node = $keyword_node;
     //UI for showing history
     if (in_array("history", $ui_flags)) {
         $history_node = $this->historyUI($crawl_time, $all_crawl_times, $version_node, $dom, $terms, $hist_ui_open, $url);
     } else {
         $history_node = $dom->createElement('div');
     if ($history_node) {
     $body = $this->markChildren($body, $words, $dom);
     $new_doc = $dom->saveHTML();
     if (substr($url, 0, 7) != "record:") {
         $url = "<a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a>";
     $new_doc = str_replace("Z@url@Z", $url, $new_doc);
     $colors = array("yellow", "orange", "gray", "cyan");
     $color_count = count($colors);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($words as $word) {
         //only mark string of length at least 2
         if (mb_strlen($word) > 1) {
             $mark_prefix = crawlHash($word);
             if (stristr($mark_prefix, $word) !== false) {
                 $mark_prefix = preg_replace("/{$word}/i", '', $mark_prefix);
             $match = $mark_prefix . $word;
             $new_doc = preg_replace("/{$match}/i", '<span style="background-color:' . $colors[$i] . '">$0</span>', $new_doc);
             $i = ($i + 1) % $color_count;
             $new_doc = preg_replace("/" . $mark_prefix . "/", "", $new_doc);
     if ($set_key_links) {
         $new_doc = $this->addKeywordLinks($new_doc, $cache_item);
     return $new_doc;
Пример #4
  * Send the provided view to output, drawing it with the given
  * data variable, using the current locale for translation, and
  * writing mode
  * @param string $view   the name of the view to draw
  * @param array $data   an array of values to use in drawing the view
 function displayView($view, $data)
     $data['LOCALE_TAG'] = getLocaleTag();
     $data['LOCALE_DIR'] = getLocaleDirection();
     $data['BLOCK_PROGRESSION'] = getBlockProgression();
     $data['WRITING_MODE'] = getWritingMode();
         $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] = array();
         $machine = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? htmlentities($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) : "localhost";
         $machine_uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : "/";
         $protocol = isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? "https://" : "http://";
         if ($machine == '::1') {
             //IPv6 :(
             $machine = "[::1]/";
             //used if the fetching and queue serving on the same machine
         $data['YIOOP_INSTANCE'] = $protocol . $machine . $machine_uri;
         $data['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'] = 0;
         foreach ($this->model_instances as $model_name => $model) {
             $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] = array_merge($model->db->query_log, $data['QUERY_STATISTICS']);
             $data['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'] += $model->db->total_time;
         $locale_info = getLocaleQueryStatistics();
         $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] = array_merge($locale_info['QUERY_LOG'], $data['QUERY_STATISTICS']);
         $data['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'] += $locale_info['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'];
         $mail_total_time = AnalyticsManager::get("MAIL_TOTAL_TIME");
         $mail_messages = AnalyticsManager::get("MAIL_MESSAGES");
         if ($mail_total_time && $mail_messages) {
             $data['QUERY_STATISTICS'] = array_merge($mail_messages, $data['QUERY_STATISTICS']);
             $data['TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME'] += $mail_total_time;
     $data['c'] = isset($_REQUEST['c']) ? $_REQUEST['c'] : NULL;
     if (isset($_SESSION['DISPLAY_MESSAGE'])) {
Пример #5
  * Handles admin request related to the editing a crawl mix activity
  * @param array $data info about the fragments and their contents for a
  *     particular crawl mix (changed by this method)
 function editMix(&$data)
     $parent = $this->parent;
     $crawl_model = $parent->model("crawl");
     $data["leftorright"] = getLocaleDirection() == 'ltr' ? "right" : "left";
     $data["ELEMENT"] = "editmix";
     $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
     $mix = array();
     $timestamp = 0;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])) {
         $timestamp = substr($parent->clean($_REQUEST['timestamp'], "int"), 0, TIMESTAMP_LEN);
     } else {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['mix']['TIMESTAMP'])) {
             $timestamp = substr($parent->clean($_REQUEST['mix']['TIMESTAMP'], "int"), 0, TIMESTAMP_LEN);
     if (!$crawl_model->isCrawlMix($timestamp)) {
         $_REQUEST['a'] = "mixCrawls";
     if (!$crawl_model->isMixOwner($timestamp, $user_id)) {
         $_REQUEST['a'] = "mixCrawls";
     $mix = $crawl_model->getCrawlMix($timestamp);
     $owner_id = $mix['OWNER_ID'];
     $parent_id = $mix['PARENT'];
     $data['MIX'] = $mix;
     $data['INCLUDE_SCRIPTS'] = array("mix");
     //set up an array of translation for javascript-land
     $data['SCRIPT'] .= "tl = {" . 'social_component_add_crawls:"' . tl('social_component_add_crawls') . '",' . 'social_component_num_results:"' . tl('social_component_num_results') . '",' . 'social_component_del_frag:"' . tl('social_component_del_frag') . '",' . 'social_component_weight:"' . tl('social_component_weight') . '",' . 'social_component_name:"' . tl('social_component_name') . '",' . 'social_component_add_keywords:"' . tl('social_component_add_keywords') . '",' . 'social_component_actions:"' . tl('social_component_actions') . '",' . 'social_component_add_query:"' . tl('social_component_add_query') . '",' . 'social_component_delete:"' . tl('social_component_delete') . '"' . '};';
     //clean and save the crawl mix sent from the browser
     if (isset($_REQUEST['update']) && $_REQUEST['update'] == "update") {
         $mix = $_REQUEST['mix'];
         $mix['TIMESTAMP'] = $timestamp;
         $mix['OWNER_ID'] = $owner_id;
         $mix['PARENT'] = $parent_id;
         $mix['NAME'] = $parent->clean($mix['NAME'], "string");
         $comp = array();
         $save_mix = false;
         if (isset($mix['FRAGMENTS'])) {
             if ($mix['FRAGMENTS'] != NULL && count($mix['FRAGMENTS']) < MAX_MIX_FRAGMENTS) {
                 foreach ($mix['FRAGMENTS'] as $fragment_id => $fragment_data) {
                     if (isset($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'])) {
                         $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['RESULT_BOUND'] = $parent->clean($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'], "int");
                     } else {
                         $mix['FRAGMENTS']['RESULT_BOUND'] = 0;
                     if (isset($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'])) {
                         $comp = array();
                         foreach ($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'] as $component) {
                             $row = array();
                             $row['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'] = $parent->clean($component['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'], "int");
                             $row['WEIGHT'] = $parent->clean($component['WEIGHT'], "float");
                             $row['KEYWORDS'] = $parent->clean($component['KEYWORDS'], "string");
                             $comp[] = $row;
                         $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['COMPONENTS'] = $comp;
                     } else {
                         $mix['FRAGMENTS'][$fragment_id]['COMPONENTS'] = array();
                 $save_mix = true;
             } else {
                 if (count($mix['FRAGMENTS']) >= MAX_MIX_FRAGMENTS) {
                     $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
                 } else {
                     $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
         } else {
             $mix['FRAGMENTS'] = $data['MIX']['FRAGMENTS'];
         if ($save_mix) {
             $data['MIX'] = $mix;
     $data['SCRIPT'] .= 'fragments = [';
     $not_first = "";
     foreach ($mix['FRAGMENTS'] as $fragment_id => $fragment_data) {
         $data['SCRIPT'] .= $not_first . '{';
         $not_first = ",";
         if (isset($fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'])) {
             $data['SCRIPT'] .= "num_results:" . $fragment_data['RESULT_BOUND'];
         } else {
             $data['SCRIPT'] .= "num_results:1 ";
         $data['SCRIPT'] .= ", components:[";
         if (isset($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'])) {
             $comma = "";
             foreach ($fragment_data['COMPONENTS'] as $component) {
                 $crawl_ts = $component['CRAWL_TIMESTAMP'];
                 $crawl_name = $data['available_crawls'][$crawl_ts];
                 $data['SCRIPT'] .= $comma . " [{$crawl_ts}, '{$crawl_name}', " . $component['WEIGHT'] . ", ";
                 $comma = ",";
                 $keywords = isset($component['KEYWORDS']) ? $component['KEYWORDS'] : "";
                 $data['SCRIPT'] .= "'{$keywords}'] ";
         $data['SCRIPT'] .= "] }";
     $data['SCRIPT'] .= ']; drawFragments();';