Пример #1
function flights_find($arg)
    global $db, $flightsTable;
    global $takeoffRadious, $CONF;
    require_once "FN_pilot.php";
    $sitePass = $arg[0];
    $lat = $arg[1];
    $lon = -$arg[2];
    $limit = $arg[3];
    if (!securityCheck($sitePass)) {
        return new IXR_Error(4000, 'Access Denied');
    $firstPoint = new gpsPoint();
    $firstPoint->lat = $lat;
    $firstPoint->lon = $lon;
    if (count($waypoints) == 0) {
        $waypoints = getWaypoints(0, 1);
    $takeoffIDTmp = 0;
    $minTakeoffDistance = 10000000;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($waypoints as $waypoint) {
        $takeoff_distance = $firstPoint->calcDistance($waypoint);
        if ($takeoff_distance < $minTakeoffDistance) {
            $minTakeoffDistance = $takeoff_distance;
            $takeoffIDTmp = $waypoint->waypointID;
    $nearestWaypoint = new waypoint($takeoffIDTmp);
    if ($limit > 0) {
        $lim = "LIMIT {$limit}";
    } else {
        $lim = "";
    $where_clause = "AND takeoffID={$nearestWaypoint->waypointID}";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$flightsTable} WHERE private=0 {$where_clause} ORDER BY FLIGHT_POINTS  DESC {$lim} ";
    //echo $query;
    $res = $db->sql_query($query);
    if ($res <= 0) {
        return new IXR_Error(4000, 'Error in query! ' . $query);
    $flights = array();
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $name = getPilotRealName($row["userID"], $row["serverID"]);
        $link = htmlspecialchars("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row['ID'])));
        $this_year = substr($row['DATE'], 0, 4);
        $linkIGC = htmlspecialchars("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getRelMainDir() . str_replace("%PILOTID%", getPilotID($row["userServerID"], $row["userID"]), str_replace("%YEAR%", $this_year, $CONF['paths']['igc'])) . '/' . $row['filename']);
        //$flightsRelPath."/".$row[userID]."/flights/".$this_year."/".$row[filename] );
        if ($row['takeoffVinicity'] > $takeoffRadious) {
            $location = getWaypointName($row['takeoffID']) . " [~" . sprintf("%.1f", $row['takeoffVinicity'] / 1000) . " km]";
        } else {
            $location = getWaypointName($row['takeoffID']);
        $flights[$i]['pilot'] = htmlspecialchars($name);
        $flights[$i]['takeoff'] = htmlspecialchars($location);
        $flights[$i]['date'] = $row['DATE'];
        $flights[$i]['duration'] = $row['DURATION'];
        $flights[$i]['openDistance'] = $row['MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE'];
        $flights[$i]['OLCkm'] = $row['FLIGHT_KM'];
        $flights[$i]['OLCScore'] = $row['FLIGHT_POINTS'];
        $flights[$i]['OLCtype'] = $row['BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE'];
        $flights[$i]['displayLink'] = $link;
    return array($i, $flights);
    //return array($i,0);
Пример #2
        } else {
		  <p align="center"><span class="style111"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><?php 
</font></span> <br>
		  <a href="<?php 
            echo getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID));
            echo _PRESS_HERE_TO_VIEW_IT;
            echo _WILL_BE_ACTIVATED_SOON;
Пример #3
     if (!strpos($filter_clause, $pilotsTable) === false) {
         $extra_tbl .= " LEFT JOIN {$pilotsTable} ON \n\t\t\t\t\t\t({$flightsTable}.userID={$pilotsTable}.pilotID AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$flightsTable}.userServerID={$pilotsTable}.serverID) ";
 $query = "SELECT * FROM {$flightsTable} {$extra_tbl} WHERE \n\t\t\t\t firstLat>={$south} &&  firstLat<={$north} &&  \n\t\t\t\t firstLon>={$west} && firstLon<={$east} {$filter_clause}\n\t\t\t\t ORDER BY  FLIGHT_POINTS DESC LIMIT 100 ";
 //echo $query;
 $res = $db->sql_query($query);
 if ($res <= 0) {
     echo "<H3> Error in query! {$query} </H3>\n";
 $i = 0;
 $str = '';
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
     $name = getPilotRealName($row["userID"], $row["userServerID"], 0, 0, 0);
     $link = htmlspecialchars("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row['ID'])));
     $this_year = substr($row[DATE], 0, 4);
     $linkIGC = htmlspecialchars("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getRelMainDir() . str_replace("%PILOTID%", getPilotID($row["userServerID"], $row["userID"]), str_replace("%YEAR%", $this_year, $CONF['paths']['igc'])) . '/' . $row['filename']);
     //$flightsRelPath."/".$row[userID]."/flights/".$this_year."/".$row[filename] );
     if ($row['takeoffVinicity'] > $takeoffRadious) {
         $location = getWaypointName($row['takeoffID']) . " [~" . sprintf("%.1f", $row['takeoffVinicity'] / 1000) . " km]";
     } else {
         $location = getWaypointName($row['takeoffID']);
     $flight = new flight();
     $flight->getFlightFromDB($row['ID'], 0, $row);
     $extendedInfo = 0;
     $lineColor = "ff0000";
     $exaggeration = 1;
     $lineWidth = 2;
     $getFlightKML = $flight->getFlightKML() . "&c={$lineColor}&w={$lineWidth}&an={$extendedInfo}";

	map.setCenter (new GLatLng(lat,lon), 8, <?php 
echo $GMapType;

// Dynamic load of flight tracks
var flightLinkTemplate="<a href='<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => 'xxx')));
' target='_top'><?php 
echo _See_more_details;
function createFlightMarker(point, id , pilotName) {
	var marker = new GMarker(point,flightTakeoffIcon);
	var flightLink=flightLinkTemplate.replace("xxx",id);
	GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
	 	flightMarkers[id].openInfoWindowHtml("<img src='img/ajax-loader.gif'>");	 
	 	$.ajax({ url: 'GUI_EXT_flight_info.php?op=info_short&flightID='+id, dataType: 'html',  		
			  success: function(data) { 
Пример #5
function listFlights($res, $legend, $queryExtraArray = array(), $sortOrder = "DATE")
    global $db, $Theme;
    global $takeoffRadious;
    global $userID, $serverID;
    global $NACclubID;
    global $clubID, $clubFlights, $clubsList, $add_remove_mode;
    global $moduleRelPath;
    global $PREFS, $CONF;
    global $page_num, $pagesNum, $startNum, $itemsNum;
    global $currentlang, $nativeLanguage, $opMode;
    global $CONF_photosPerFlight, $CONF_use_validation, $CONF_airspaceChecks;
    global $CONF_new_flights_days_threshold;
    global $gliderCatList;
    $clubIcon = "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_club_small.gif' width=12 height=12 border=0 align='absmiddle' >";
    $removeFromClubIcon = "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_club_remove.gif' width=22 height=12 border=0 align='absmiddle' title='Remove flight from this league'>";
    $addToClubIcon = "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_club_add.gif' width=12 height=12 border=0 align='absmiddle' title='Add flight to this league'>";
    if ($clubID && (L_auth::isClubAdmin($userID, $clubID) || L_auth::isAdmin($userID))) {

<script language="javascript">

function addClubFlight(clubID,flightID) {
        echo $moduleRelPath;
	$('#fl_'+flightID).html("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"removeClubFlight("+clubID+","+flightID+");return false;\"><?php 
        echo $removeFromClubIcon;

function removeClubFlight(clubID,flightID) {
        echo $moduleRelPath;
	$('#fl_'+flightID).html("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"addClubFlight("+clubID+","+flightID+");return false;\"><?php 
        echo $addToClubIcon;

        echo "<div class='tableInfo shadowBox'>You can administer this club ";
        if ($clubsList[$clubID]['addManual']) {
            if ($add_remove_mode) {
                $queryExtraArray['admClub'] = '0';
                echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'sortOrder' => $sortOrder) + $queryExtraArray) . "'>Return to normal view</a>";
            } else {
                $queryExtraArray['admClub'] = '1';
                echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'sortOrder' => $sortOrder) + $queryExtraArray) . "'>Add / remove flights</a>";
        echo "<div id='updateDiv' style='display:block'></div>";
        echo "</div>";
  	<table class='listTable' style='clear:both' width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
	  <td class='SortHeader indexCell' width="25"><?php 
    echo _NUM;
    printHeader(60, $sortOrder, "DATE", _DATE_SORT, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(160, $sortOrder, "pilotName", _PILOT, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(0, $sortOrder, "takeoffID", _TAKEOFF, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(40, $sortOrder, "DURATION", _DURATION_HOURS_MIN, $queryExtraArray);
    if ($CONF['list_flights']['fields']['scoring'][0] == 'LINEAR_DISTANCE') {
        printHeader(60, $sortOrder, "LINEAR_DISTANCE", _LINEAR_DISTANCE, $queryExtraArray);
    } else {
        printHeader(60, $sortOrder, "SCORE_SPEED", _MEAN_SPEED1, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(60, $sortOrder, "FLIGHT_KM", _OLC_KM, $queryExtraArray);
    printHeader(65, $sortOrder, "FLIGHT_POINTS", _OLC_SCORE, $queryExtraArray);
	  <td width="18" class='SortHeader'>&nbsp;</td>
  	  <td width="50" class='SortHeader'>&nbsp;</td>
	  <td width="70" class='SortHeader displayCell alLeft'><?php 
    echo _SHOW;
    $i = 1;
    $currDate = "";
    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($res)) {
        $is_private = $row["private"];
        $flightID = $row['ID'];
        if ($pilotNames[$row["userServerID"] . '_' . $row["userID"]]) {
            $name = $pilotNames[$row["userServerID"] . '_' . $row["userID"]];
        } else {
            $name = getPilotRealName($row["userID"], $row["userServerID"], 1);
            $pilotNames[$row["userServerID"] . '_' . $row["userID"]] = $name;
        $name = prepare_for_js($name);
        if ($takeoffNames[$row["flight_takeoffID"]]) {
            $takeoffName = $takeoffNames[$row["flight_takeoffID"]];
        } else {
            $takeoffName = prepare_for_js(getWaypointName($row["flight_takeoffID"], -1, 0, 20));
            $takeoffNames[$row["flight_takeoffID"]] = $takeoffName;
        $takeoffVinicity = $row["takeoffVinicity"];
        $takeoffNameFrm = formatLocation($takeoffName, $takeoffVinicity, $takeoffRadious);
        $sortRowClass = $i % 2 ? "l_row1" : "l_row2";
        $days_from_submission = floor((mktime() - datetime2UnixTimestamp($row["dateAdded"])) / 86400);
        // 60*60*24 sec per day
        if (!$is_private) {
            $privateIcon = '&nbsp;';
        } else {
            $privateIcon = '';
            if ($is_private & 0x1) {
                $privateIcon .= "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_private.gif' align='absmiddle' width='13' height='13'>";
            if ($is_private & 0x2) {
                $privateIcon .= "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/icon_disabled.gif' align='absmiddle' width='13' height='13'>";
            if ($is_private & 0x4) {
                $privateIcon .= "<img src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/locked.gif' align='absmiddle' width='13' height='13'>";
        if ($row["DATE"] != $currDate || $sortOrder != 'DATE') {
            $currDate = $row["DATE"];
            $dateStr = formatDate($row["DATE"]);
            $rowStr = " newDate ";
        } else {
            $dateStr = "<span class='dateHidden'>" . formatDate($row["DATE"]) . "</span>";
            $rowStr = "";
        $date2row = "";
        if ($days_from_submission <= $CONF_new_flights_days_threshold) {
            $newSubmissionStr = _SUBMIT_FLIGHT . ': ' . $row["dateAdded"] . ' GMT';
            $date2row .= leoHtml::img("icon_new.png", 25, 12, 'absmiddle', $newSubmissionStr, 'icons1');
        if ($row['excludeFrom'] & 0x1) {
            $date2row .= "*";
        //if ($extLinkImgStr) $extLinkImgStr="<a href='".$row["originalURL"]."' target='_blank'>$extLinkImgStr</a>";
        $date2row .= $extLinkImgStr;
        if ($date2row == '') {
            $date2row .= '&nbsp;';
        echo "\n\n<tr class='{$sortRowClass} {$rowStr}' id='row_{$flightID}'>\n";
        $duration = sec2Time($row['DURATION'], 1);
        $linearDistance = formatDistanceOpen($row["LINEAR_DISTANCE"]);
        $olcDistance = formatDistanceOpen($row["FLIGHT_KM"]);
        $olcScore = formatOLCScore($row["FLIGHT_POINTS"]);
        $gliderType = $row["cat"];
        // 1=pg 2=hg flex 4=hg rigid 8=glider
        # Martin Jursa 20.05.2007
        $scoreSpeed = formatSpeed($row["SCORE_SPEED"]);
        // get the OLC score type
        $olcScoreType = $row['BEST_FLIGHT_TYPE'];
        if ($olcScoreType == "FREE_FLIGHT") {
            $olcScoreTypeImg = "icon_turnpoints.gif";
        } else {
            if ($olcScoreType == "FREE_TRIANGLE") {
                $olcScoreTypeImg = "icon_triangle_free.gif";
            } else {
                if ($olcScoreType == "FAI_TRIANGLE") {
                    $olcScoreTypeImg = "icon_triangle_fai.gif";
                } else {
                    $olcScoreTypeImg = "photo_icon_blank.gif";
        $gliderBrandImg = brands::getBrandImg($row["gliderBrandID"], $row['flight_glider'], $gliderType);
        echo "\n<TD {$first_col_back_color} class='indexCell'><div>" . ($i - 1 + $startNum) . "</div>{$privateIcon}</TD>";
        echo "<TD class='dateString' valign='top'><div>{$dateStr}</div>{$date2row}";
        if ((L_auth::isClubAdmin($userID, $clubID) || L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) && $add_remove_mode) {
            // echo "<BR>";
            if (in_array($flightID, $clubFlights)) {
                echo "<div id='fl_{$flightID}' style='display:inline;margin:0px;padding:0px'><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"removeClubFlight({$clubID},{$flightID});return false;\">{$removeFromClubIcon}</a></div>";
            } else {
                echo "<div id='fl_{$flightID}' style='display:inline'><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"addClubFlight({$clubID},{$flightID});return false;\">{$addToClubIcon}</a></div>";
        echo "</TD>";
        echo "<TD  class='pilotTakeoffCell' colspan=2 " . $sortArrayStr["pilotName"] . $sortArrayStr["takeoffID"] . ">" . "<div id='p_{$i}' class='pilotLink'>";
        //echo "<span class='fl sprite-gr'></span>";
        //echo  getNationalityDescription($row["pilotCountryCode"],1,0);
        $thisPilot = new pilot($row["userServerID"], $row["userID"]);
        if ($thisPilot->isPilotLocal() || L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) {
            echo " <a href=\"javascript:pilotTip.newTip('inline', 0, 13, 'p_{$i}', 250, '" . $row["userServerID"] . "_" . $row["userID"] . "','" . addslashes($name) . "' )\"  onmouseout=\"pilotTip.hide()\">{$name}</a>\n";
        } else {
            echo " <a href=\"javascript:pilotTipExt.newTip('inline', 0, 13, 'p_{$i}', 200, '" . $row["userServerID"] . "_" . $row["userID"] . "','" . addslashes($name) . "' )\"  onmouseout=\"pilotTip.hide()\">{$name}</a>\n";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<div id='at_{$i}' class='takeoffLink'>";
        echo "<a id='t_{$i}' href=\"javascript:takeoffTip.newTip('inline',-25, 13,'t_{$i}', 250, '" . $row["takeoffID"] . "','" . addslashes($takeoffName) . "')\"  onmouseout=\"takeoffTip.hide()\">{$takeoffNameFrm}</a>\n";
        echo "</div></TD>" . "<TD>{$duration}</TD>";
        if ($CONF['list_flights']['fields']['scoring'][0] == 'LINEAR_DISTANCE') {
            echo "<TD class='distance'>{$linearDistance}</TD>";
        } else {
            echo "<TD class='speed'>{$scoreSpeed}</TD>";
        echo "<TD class='distance'>{$olcDistance}</TD>";
        //P. Wild 22.03.2011 - Deutschland Flüge Fett hervorheben, Admin Farbkennzeichnung Luftraum
        $tmpairspaceName = $row['airspaceCheckMsg'];
        if (strrchr($tmpairspaceName, "Punkte")) {
            echo "<TD nowrap class='OLCScore'><b>{$olcScore}</b>&nbsp;" . leoHtml::img($olcScoreTypeImg, 16, 16, 'top', formatOLCScoreType($olcScoreType, 0), 'icons1');
        } else {
            echo "<TD nowrap class='OLCScore'>{$olcScore}&nbsp;" . leoHtml::img($olcScoreTypeImg, 16, 16, 'top', formatOLCScoreType($olcScoreType, 0), 'icons1');
        if ($CONF_use_validation) {
            $isValidated = $row['validated'];
            if ($isValidated == -1) {
                $vImg = "icon_valid_nok.gif";
            } else {
                if ($isValidated == 0) {
                    $vImg = "icon_valid_unknown.gif";
                } else {
                    if ($isValidated == 1) {
                        $vImg = "icon_valid_ok.gif";
            $valStr = leoHtml::img($vImg, 12, 12, '', '', 'icons1 listIcons');
            echo $valStr;
        echo "</TD>";
        echo "<TD><div class='catInfo'>";
        $gliderTypeDesc = $gliderCatList[$row["cat"]];
        if ($row["category"]) {
            $gliderTypeDesc .= " - " . $CONF['gliderClasses'][$row["cat"]]['classes'][$row["category"]];
            $categoryImg = "<div class='categoryListIconDiv'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_class_" . $row["category"] . ".png", 0, 0, 'top', $gliderTypeDesc, 'icons1', '') . "</div>";
        } else {
            $categoryImg = '';
        echo leoHtml::img("icon_cat_" . $row["cat"] . ".png", 0, 0, 'top', $gliderTypeDesc, 'icons1 catListIcon') . $categoryImg;
        echo "</div></td>\n\t<TD><div align='center'>{$gliderBrandImg}</div></td>";
        if (L_auth::airspaceVisible($userID, $row["userID"], $row["userServerID"])) {
            		$CONF_airspaceChecks && 
            			( L_auth::isAdmin($userID) || $CONF['airspace']['view']=='public' ||   
            			( $CONF['airspace']['view']=='registered' && $userID >0 ) || 
            			( $CONF['airspace']['view']=='own' && $userID == $row["userID"] && $row["userServerID"]==$serverID )   
            		) {*/
            if ($row['airspaceCheckFinal'] == -1) {
                //original: $airspaceProblem=' bgcolor=#F7E5C9 ';
                # peter Wild hack taking into account the deutschlandpokal-hack
                $tmpairspaceName = $row['airspaceCheckMsg'];
                if (strrchr($tmpairspaceName, "Punkte")) {
                    $airspaceProblem = ' bgcolor=#009cff ';
                    if (strpos($tmpairspaceName, "HorDist")) {
                        $airspaceProblem = ' bgcolor=#FFFF00 ';
                    //mod.31.12.08 different colours for bad infringements. P. Wild
                    if (strpos($tmpairspaceName, 'CLASSC') !== false) {
                        $airspaceProblem = ' bgcolor=#FF0008 ';
                    if (strpos($tmpairspaceName, 'CLASSD') !== false) {
                        $airspaceProblem = ' bgcolor=#FF0008 ';
                } else {
                    $airspaceColor = '';
                    foreach ($CONF['aispace']['list']['colors'] as $className => $classColor) {
                        if (strpos($tmpairspaceName, $className) !== false) {
                            $airspaceColor = $classColor;
                    if (!$airspaceColor) {
                        $airspaceColor = $CONF['aispace']['list']['colors']['ALLOTHER'];
                    $airspaceProblem = " bgcolor=#{$airspaceColor} ";
                # end hack
            } else {
                $airspaceProblem = '';
        $isExternalFlight = $row['externalFlightType'];
        echo "<TD {$airspaceProblem} align=left valign='top'>";
        echo "<div class='smallInfo'>";
        if ($isExternalFlight == 0 || $isExternalFlight == 2 || $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['treat_flights_as_local']) {
            // add class='betterTip' for tooltip
            $flightLinkUrl = getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row["ID"]));
            global $deletedFlights;
            if ($deletedFlights) {
                $flightLinkUrl .= "&deleted=1";
            echo "<a class='flightLink' id='tpa3_{$flightID}' href='" . $flightLinkUrl . "'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_look.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _SHOW, 'icons1 flightIcon', '', 1) . "</a>";
            echo "<a href='javascript:nop()' onclick=\"geTip.newTip('inline', -315, -5, 'ge_{$i}', 300, '" . $row["ID"] . "' , '{$currentlang}')\"  onmouseout=\"geTip.hide()\">" . leoHtml::img("geicon.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _Navigate_with_Google_Earth, 'icons1 geIcon', 'ge_' . $i) . "</a>";
        } else {
            echo "<a class='flightLink' href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row["ID"])) . "'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_look.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _SHOW, 'icons1 flightIcon') . "</a>";
            $originalKML = $row["originalKML"];
            global $CONF;
            if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$row["serverID"]]['isLeo'] == 1) {
                if ($row["original_ID"]) {
                    $originalKML = 'http://' . $CONF['servers']['list'][$row["serverID"]]['url_base'] . '/download.php?type=kml_trk&flightID=' . $row["original_ID"];
            if ($originalKML) {
                echo "<a  href='" . $originalKML . "'>" . leoHtml::img("geicon.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _Navigate_with_Google_Earth, 'icons1 geIcon') . "</a>";
            } else {
                echo leoHtml::img("photo_icon_blank.gif", 16, 16, '', '', 'icons1 geIcon');
        $photosNum = $row["hasPhotos"];
        if ($photosNum) {
            echo "<span><a class='betterTip2' id='tpa1_{$flightID}' href='javascript:nop();'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_camera.gif", 0, 0, '', $photosNum . ' ' . _PHOTOS, 'icons1 photoIcon2') . "</a></span>";
        if ($row["commentsNum"] > 0) {
            $hasComments = 1;
            if ($row["commentsNum"] > 1) {
                $commentsImgName = "icon_comments_many.gif";
            } else {
                $commentsImgName = "icon_comments.gif";
        } else {
            $hasComments = 0;
        if ($hasComments) {
            echo "<a class='betterTip' id='tpa2_{$flightID}' href='javascript:nop();'>" . leoHtml::img($commentsImgName, 0, 0, '', $row["commentsNum"] . ' ' . _COMMENTS, 'icons1 commentDiv', '', 1) . "</a>";
        if (1) {
            echo "<span class='preview'><a class='betterTip' id='tpa0_{$flightID}' href='javascript:nop()'>" . leoHtml::img("icon_info.gif", 0, 0, 'top', _SHOW, 'icons1 previewDiv', '', 1) . "</a></span>";
        if ($isExternalFlight && !$CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['treat_flights_as_local']) {
            $extServerStr = $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['name'];
            $extServerStrShort = $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['short_name'];
            if ($isExternalFlight == 2) {
                echo leoHtml::img("icon_link_dark.gif", 0, 0, '', _External_Entry . ": {$extServerStr}", 'icons1 extLink');
                echo "<div class='extLinkName'>{$extServerStrShort}</div>";
            } else {
                if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['isLeo']) {
                    $url_flight = $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['url_flight'];
                    if ($url_flight) {
                        $extFlightLink = 'http://' . str_replace("%FLIGHT_ID%", $row['original_ID'], $url_flight) . "&lng={$currentlang}";
                    } else {
                        $extFlightLink = 'http://' . $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['url'] . '&op=show_flight&flightID=' . $row['original_ID'] . "&lng={$currentlang}";
                } else {
                    $extFlightLink = $row['originalURL'];
                echo "<a href='{$extFlightLink}' target='_blank' class='extLinkDiv' title='{$extServerStr}: " . _Ext_text2 . "' >";
                // also put the direct link in the place of the photo
                echo "<img class='extServerLogo' src='" . $moduleRelPath . "/img/servers/" . sprintf("%03d", $row['serverID']) . ".gif' width='16' height='16'  border='0'/>";
                echo leoHtml::img("icon_link_dark.gif", 0, 0, '', '', 'icons1 extLinkIcon');
                echo "<div class='extLinkDescr'>{$extServerStrShort}</div>";
                //echo "<span class='extLinkDescr'>$extServerStrShort</span>";
                echo "</a>";
        # P.Wild, martin jursa: considering $CONF_new_flights_days_threshold
        global $CONF_new_flights_submit_window;
        //P. Wild - edited to submit window (old version false)
        $inWindow = empty($CONF_new_flights_submit_window) ? true : $days_from_submission <= $CONF_new_flights_submit_window;
        if ($row["userID"] == $userID && $inWindow || L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) {
            echo "<div id='ac_{$i}' class='actionLink'>";
            echo "<a href=\"javascript:flightActionTip.newTip('inline', -100, 13, 'ac_{$i}', 120, " . $row["ID"] . " )\"  onmouseout=\"flightActionTip.hide()\">" . leoHtml::img("icon_action_select.gif", 0, 0, 'bottom', '', 'icons1') . "</a>";
            echo "</div>";
        $checkedByStr = '';
        if ($row['checkedBy'] && L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) {
            $checkedByArray = explode(" ", $row['checkedBy']);
            $checkedByStr = "<div class='checkedBy' align=right>" . $checkedByArray[0] . "</div>";
            echo $checkedByStr;
        echo "</div>";
        echo "</TD>\n";
        echo "</TR>";
    echo "</table>\n\n";
Пример #6
      <input type="button" name="SubmitButton" id="SubmitButton" onclick='addTakeoffToArea()' value="Add takeoff to Area" />
      <input type="hidden" name="addTakeoffForm" value="1" /></td>

      <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#E3F2F1"><div id ='resDiv'><BR /><BR /></div></td>
<h3>List of takeoffs that belong to this area</h3><BR />
<table class='stripeMe' id='takeoffList'>
            list($takeoffs, $takeoffsID) = area::getTakeoffs($areaID);
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($takeoffs as $name) {
                $takeoffID = $takeoffsID[$i];
                echo "<tr id='row_{$takeoffID}'><td>{$name}</td><td><div class='removeTakeoff' id='{$takeoffID}'>Remove Takeoff from area</div></td></tr>";
            echo "<div align=center><a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'area_admin', 'areaAction' => 'none', 'areaID' => 0)) . "'>RETURN TO LIST</a> </div><BR>";
Пример #7
    echo getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'useCurrent', 'brandID' => '0'));
    echo _Display_ALL;

} else {
    echo "<ul>\n<li><a href='" . ($catLink = getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'useCurrent', 'brandID' => '0')) . "'>" . _All_Brands . "</a></li>");
    foreach ($brandsListFilter as $brandNameFilter => $brandIDfilter) {
        echo "<li><a href='" . ($catLink = getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'useCurrent', 'brandID' => $brandIDfilter)) . "'>{$brandNameFilter}</a></li>");
    echo "</ul>\n";

<div id="newsDropDownID" class="secondMenuDropLayer"  >
<div class='closeButton closeLayerButton'></div>
<div class='content' style='padding:5px;'>
      <a href='<?php 
echo $thisURL;
echo leoHtml::img("icon_bookmark.gif", 0, 0, 'absmiddle', _This_is_the_URL_of_this_page, 'icons1');
Пример #8
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_area.php';
$areaID = makeSane($_GET['areaID'], 1);
openMain(_Flying_Areas, 0, 'icon_takeoff.gif');

  <table class=main_text width="564"  border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
echo _Name_of_Area;
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$areasTable} WHERE areaType=0 ORDER BY name";
// $query="SELECT * FROM $areasTable ORDER BY name";
// echo $query;
$res = $db->sql_query($query);
if ($res <= 0) {
    echo "No areas found <BR>";
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($res)) {
    echo "<tr> \n      <td>" . $row['name'] . "</td>\n\t  <td> ";
    echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'area_show', 'areaID' => $row['ID'])) . "'>" . _See_area_details . "</a>";
    echo "</td></tr> \n";
echo "</table>";
Пример #9
    function exportXML($forceProtocol = '')
        global $CONF_server_id, $CONF_photosPerFlight, $CONF;
        if ($forceProtocol == '') {
            if ($CONF['sync']['protocol']['format'] == 'JSON') {
                $useJSON = 1;
                require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/json/CL_json.php';
            } else {
                $useJSON = 0;
        } else {
            if ($forceProtocol == 'XML') {
                $useJSON = 0;
            } else {
                $useJSON = 1;
        $link = htmlspecialchars("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_waypoint', 'waypointIDview' => $this->waypointID)));
        if (!$useJSON) {
            return "<waypoint>\n<id>" . htmlspecialchars($this->waypointID) . "</id>\n<name>" . htmlspecialchars($this->name) . "</name>\n<intName>" . htmlspecialchars($this->intName) . "</intName>\n<location>" . htmlspecialchars($this->location) . "</location>\n<intLocation>" . htmlspecialchars($this->intLocation) . "</intLocation>\n<countryCode>" . htmlspecialchars($this->countryCode) . "</countryCode>\n<type>" . htmlspecialchars($this->type) . "</type>\n<lat>" . htmlspecialchars($this->lat()) . "</lat>\n<lon>" . htmlspecialchars($this->lon()) . "</lon>\n<link>" . htmlspecialchars($this->link) . "</link>\n<displayLink>" . $link . "</displayLink>\n<description>" . htmlspecialchars($this->description) . "</description>\n<modifyDate>" . htmlspecialchars($this->modifyDate) . "</modifyDate>\n</waypoint>";
        } else {
            return '{ 
"waypoint": {
"id" : ' . ($this->waypointID + 0) . ',
"name" : "' . json::prepStr($this->name) . '",
"intName" : "' . json::prepStr($this->intName) . '",
"location" : "' . json::prepStr($this->location) . '",
"intLocation" : "' . json::prepStr($this->intLocation) . '",
"countryCode" : "' . json::prepStr($this->countryCode) . '",
"type" : ' . ($this->type + 0) . ',
"lat" : ' . $this->lat() . ',
"lon" : ' . $this->lon() . ',
"link" : "' . json::prepStr($this->link) . '",
"displayLink" : "' . json::prepStr($link) . '",
"description" : "' . json::prepStr($this->description) . '",
"modifyDate" : "' . json::prepStr($this->modifyDate) . '"
Пример #10
	<td colspan=<?php 
    echo $num_of_cols;
 height=8 class="datesColumn" >
    <ul class='simpleList'>
    foreach ($clubsList as $clubsItem) {
        if ($clubsItem['id'] == $clubID) {
            $a_class = "class='boldFont'";
        } else {
            $a_class = "";
        echo "<li {$a_class}><a href='#' onclick='showClubDetails(" . $clubsItem['id'] . ")'>\n\t\t\t" . leoHtml::img("icon_info.png", 0, 0, 'absmiddle', _Club . " " . $clubsItem['desc'], 'icons1') . "</a>\n\t\t\t<a {$a_class} href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'useCurrent', 'clubID' => $clubsItem['id'], 'nacclubid' => '0', 'nacid' => '0')) . "'>" . $clubsItem['desc'] . "</a></li>\n";


<div id='filterResultDiv'></div>
Пример #11
// $Id: GUI_user_prefs.php,v 1.9 2010/03/14 20:56:11 manolis Exp $
if (isset($_REQUEST['updatePrefs'])) {
    // submit form
    $PREFS->themeName = makeSane($_POST['PREFS_themeName'], 0);
    $PREFS->itemsPerPage = makeSane($_POST['PREFS_itemsPerPage'], 1);
    $PREFS->metricSystem = makeSane($_POST['PREFS_metricSystem']);
    $PREFS->language = makeSane($_POST['PREFS_language']);
    $_SESSION["lng"] = $PREFS->language;
    $PREFS->viewCat = makeSane($_POST['PREFS_viewCat'], 1);
    $_SESSION["cat"] = $PREFS->viewCat;
    $PREFS->viewCountry = makeSane($_POST['PREFS_viewCountry']);
    $_SESSION["country"] = $PREFS->viewCountry;
    echo "<div align=center>" . _Your_settings_have_been_updated . "<br><br><a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights')) . "'>" . _RETURN_TO_FLIGHTS . "</a><br><br></div>";
<form name=userPrefs  method="POST" >
openMain(_MENU_MY_SETTINGS, 0, "icon_profile.png");

  <table  width="100%" border="0" bgcolor="#F4F3F1" cellpadding="3" align="left" class="box main_text" style="background-color:#F4F3F1">
      <td colspan="3" >&nbsp;</td>
      <td width="284" bgcolor="#E0E2F0"><div align="right"><?php 
echo _THEME;
Пример #12
 function hideSameFlights()
     // now is a good time to disable duplicate flights we have found from other servers
     // AND are from the same user (using pilot's mapping table to find that out)
     // addition: 2008/07/21 we search for all flight no only from same user/server
     global $db, $flightsTable;
     $query = "SELECT serverID,ID,externalFlightType, FROM {$flightsTable}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE hash='" . $this->hash . "' AND userID=" . $this->userID . " AND userServerID=" . $this->userServerID . " ORDER BY serverID ASC, ID ASC";
     $query = "SELECT serverID,ID,externalFlightType,userID,userServerID FROM {$flightsTable}\n\t\t\tWHERE hash='" . $this->hash . "' ORDER BY serverID ASC, ID ASC";
     // echo $query;
     $res = $db->sql_query($query);
     if ($res <= 0) {
         DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "flightData: Error in query: {$query}<br>");
         return array();
         // no duplicate found
     // we must disable all flights BUT one
     // rules:
     // 1. locally submitted flights have priority
     // 2. between external flights , the full synced have priority over simple links
     // 3. between equal cases the first submitted has priority.
     $i = 0;
     while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($res)) {
         $fList[$i] = $row;
     if ($i == 0) {
         return array();
         // no duplicate found
     usort($fList, "sameFlightsCmp");
     $i = 0;
     $msg = '';
     foreach ($fList as $i => $fEntry) {
         if (0) {
             echo "<pre>";
             echo "-------------------------<BR>";
             echo "-------------------------<BR>";
             echo "</pre>";
         if ($i == 0) {
             // enable
             $msg .= " Enabling ";
             $query = "UPDATE {$flightsTable} SET private = private & (~0x02 & 0xff ) WHERE  ID=" . $fEntry['ID'];
         } else {
             // disable
             $msg .= " Disabling ";
             $query = "UPDATE {$flightsTable} SET private = private | 0x02 WHERE  ID=" . $fEntry['ID'];
         $msg .= " <a href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $fEntry['ID'])) . "'>Flight " . $fEntry['ID'] . "</a> from <a href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'pilot_profile', 'pilotIDview' => $fEntry['userServerID'] . '_' . $fEntry['userID'])) . "'>PILOT " . $fEntry['userServerID'] . '_' . $fEntry['userID'] . "</a><BR>\n";
         $res = $db->sql_query($query);
         # Error checking
         if ($res <= 0) {
             echo "<H3> Error in query: {$query}</H3>\n";
     // now also make a test to see if all flights are from same user (alien mapped  to local)
     // if not , send a mail to admin to warn him and suggest a new mapping
     $pList = array();
     foreach ($fList as $i => $fEntry) {
         $pList[$fEntry['userServerID'] . '_' . $fEntry['userID']]++;
     if (count($pList) > 1) {
         // more than one pilot involved in this
         sendMailToAdmin("Duplicate flights", $msg);
         //echo "Duplicate flights".$msg;
     		foreach ($disableFlightsList as $dFlightID=>$num) {
     			$query="UPDATE $flightsTable SET private = private | 0x02 WHERE  ID=$dFlightID ";
     			$res= $db->sql_query($query);
     			# Error checking
     			if($res <= 0){
     				echo("<H3> Error in query: $query</H3>\n");
     		foreach ($enableFlightsList as $dFlightID=>$num) {
     			$query="UPDATE $flightsTable SET private = private & (~0x02 & 0xff ) WHERE  ID=$dFlightID ";
     			$res= $db->sql_query($query);
     			# Error checking
     			if($res <= 0){
     				echo("<H3> Error in query: $query</H3>\n");
Пример #13
function getAddFlightErrMsg($result, $flightID)
    $callingURL = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    if (is_array($flightID)) {
        $flightID = $flightID[0]['ID'];
    switch ($result) {
            $errMsg = _NO_SUCH_FILE;
            $errMsg = _FILE_DOESNT_END_IN_IGC;
            $errMsg = _THIS_ISNT_A_VALID_IGC_FILE;
            $errMsg = _THERE_IS_SAME_DATE_FLIGHT . "<br><br>" . _IF_YOU_WANT_TO_SUBSTITUTE_IT . " " . "<a href='{$callingURL}" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID)) . "'>" . _DELETE_THE_OLD_ONE . "</a>";
            $errMsg = _THERE_IS_SAME_FILENAME_FLIGHT . "<br><br>" . _IF_YOU_WANT_TO_SUBSTITUTE_IT . " " . "<a href='{$callingURL}" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID)) . "'>" . _DELETE_THE_OLD_ONE . "</a><br><br>" . _CHANGE_THE_FILENAME;
            $errMsg = _THERE_IS_SAME_DATE_FLIGHT . " (HASH) <br><br>" . _IF_YOU_WANT_TO_SUBSTITUTE_IT . " " . "<a href='{$callingURL}" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID)) . "'>" . _DELETE_THE_OLD_ONE . "</a>";
            $errMsg = "The date of the flight is in the future<BR>Please use the Year-month-day not the US Year-day-month format";
            $errMsg = _OUTSIDE_SUBMIT_WINDOW;
    return $errMsg;
Пример #14
$tkStr .= '
$sel_years = "";
for ($i = date("Y"); $i >= 2000; $i--) {
    if ($i == date("Y")) {
        $sel = " selected";
    } else {
        $sel = "";
    $sel_years .= "<option value='{$i}' {$sel}>{$i}</option>\n";
$sel_cat = "";
foreach ($CONF_glider_types as $gl_id => $gl_type) {
    if ($gl_id == $CONF_default_cat_view) {
        $is_type_sel = "selected";
    } else {
        $is_type_sel = "";
    $sel_cat .= "<option {$is_type_sel} value={$gl_id}>" . $gliderCatList[$gl_id] . "</option>\n";
if (!$CONF_use_htc_ie_hack) {
    $Ltemplate->assign_block_vars('ieHoverJS', array());
if ($userID > 0) {
    $Ltemplate->assign_block_vars('myMenu', array('LINK_MY_FLIGHTS' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'pilotID' => $userID, 'takeoffID' => '0', 'country' => '0', 'year' => '0', 'month' => '0', 'season' => '0')), 'LINK_MY_PROFILE' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'pilot_profile', 'pilotIDview' => $userID)), 'LINK_MY_STATS' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'pilot_profile_stats', 'pilotIDview' => $userID)), 'LINK_MY_SETTINGS' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'user_prefs'))));
$Ltemplate->assign_vars(array('lgStr' => $lgStr, 'ctStr' => $ctStr, 'tkStr' => $tkStr, 'YEARS_OPTION' => $sel_years, 'CATS_OPTION' => $sel_cat, 'LINK_SITES_GUIDE' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'sites')), 'LINK_SHOW_LAST_ADDED' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'sortOrder' => 'dateAdded', 'year' => '0', 'month' => '0', 'season' => '0', 'country' => '0', 'takeoffID' => '0', 'pilotID' => '0')), 'LINK_SHOW_PILOTS' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_pilots', 'comp' => '0')), 'LINK_SUBMIT_FLIGHT' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'add_flight')), 'SHOW_LEAGUE_URL' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'competition', 'country' => '%country%', 'year' => '%year%', 'month' => '0', 'cat' => '%cat%')), 'SHOW_FLIGHTS_URL' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'country' => '%country%', 'year' => '%year%', 'month' => '0', 'cat' => '%cat%', 'takeoffID' => '0', 'pilotID' => '0')), 'SHOW_TAKEOFFS_URL' => getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_takeoffs', 'country' => '%country%', 'takeoffID' => '0', 'pilotID' => '0', 'year' => '0', 'month' => '0', 'cat' => '0'))));
$noFooterMenu = 1;
Пример #15
$query = "SELECT  MAX(MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE) as record_km, ID FROM {$flightsTable}  WHERE takeoffID =" . $waypointIDview . " GROUP BY ID ORDER BY record_km DESC ";
$flightNum = 0;
$res = $db->sql_query($query);
if ($res > 0) {
    $flightNum = mysql_num_rows($res);
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    echo "<a href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row['ID'])) . "'>" . formatDistance($row['record_km'], 1) . "</a>";
echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'takeoffID' => $waypointIDview)) . "'>" . _See_flights_near_this_point . " [ " . $flightNum . " ]</a>";
          <td rowspan="3" class="col2_in"><p><strong>lat/lon (WGS84):</strong><br>
echo $wpInfo->lat . " , " . -$wpInfo->lon;
echo "<br>" . $wpInfo->getLatMinDec() . " , " . $wpInfo->getLonMinDec();
echo "<br>" . $wpInfo->getLatDMS() . " , " . $wpInfo->getLonDMS();
echo "<p>";
list($UTM_X, $UTM_Y, $UTMzone, $UTMlatZone) = $wpInfo->getUTM();
echo "<b>UTM:</b> {$UTMzone}{$UTMlatZone} X: " . floor($UTM_X) . " Y: " . floor($UTM_Y);
          <td class="col3_in"><div align="center"><strong><?php 
echo "<a href='" . getDownloadLink(array('type' => 'kml_wpt', 'wptID' => $waypointIDview)) . "'>" . _Navigate_with_Google_Earth . "</a>";
Пример #16
        //echo '<td class="datesColumn" valign="top">';
        echo $seasonStr;
        //echo '</td>';
    } else {
        if ($CONF['years']['use_calendar_years']) {
            for ($i = $CONF['years']['end_year']; $i >= $CONF['years']['start_year']; $i--) {
                echo '<tr><td class="datesColumn" valign="top">';
                echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'useCurrent', 'season' => 0, 'year' => $i, 'month' => '0', 'day' => '0')) . "'>{$i}</a>";
                echo '</td></tr>';
            if (!$CONF['years']['dont_show_all_years']) {
                echo '<tr><td class="datesColumn" valign="top">';
	<a style='text-decoration:underline;' href='<?php 
                echo getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'useCurrent', 'season' => '0', 'year' => '0', 'month' => '0', 'day' => '0'));
                echo _ALL_YEARS;
                echo '</td></tr>';

Пример #17
 // disable any private/disabled and airspace invalid flight from WXC score
 if ($row['private'] > 0) {
     $row['NacStatus'] = "d";
 //in case of detected airspace violation, pilot might still have approval for that airspace... so we allow sync when word "approved" is set at comment first
 if ($row['airspaceCheckFinal'] == "-1" && strtolower(substr($row['airspaceCheckMsg'], 0, 8) != "approved")) {
     $row['NacStatus'] = "d";
 $row['GliderCat'] = convertCat($row['cat'], $row['category']);
 if ($row['serverID'] == 0 || $row['serverID'] == $CONF_server_id) {
     $isLocal = 1;
 } else {
     $isLocal = 0;
 if ($isLocal) {
     $row['FlightUrl'] = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row['NacFlightId']));
 } else {
     if ($row['serverID'] != 0 && !$row['originalURL']) {
         if ($CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['isLeo'] == 1) {
             if (!$row['originalURL']) {
                 $row['originalURL'] = 'http://' . $CONF['servers']['list'][$row['serverID']]['url'] . '&op=show_flight&flightID=' . $row['original_ID'];
     $row['FlightUrl'] = $row['originalURL'];
 $row['FlightUrl'] = htmlspecialchars($row['FlightUrl']);
 $trackPath = getRelMainDir() . str_replace("%PILOTID%", getPilotID($row["userServerID"], $row["userID"]), str_replace("%YEAR%", substr($row['DATE'], 0, 4), $CONF['paths']['igc'])) . '/' . rawurlencode($row['filename']);
 $row['IgcUrl'] = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $trackPath;
 // the pilot id is serverid_pilotid to be able to distinguish ids across servers
Пример #18
 if ($countriesNum && 0) {
     $percent = floor(100 / $num_of_cols);
     for ($r = 0; $r < $num_of_rows; $r++) {
         $sortRowClass = $ii % 2 ? "l_row1" : "l_row2";
         echo "\n\n<tr class='{$sortRowClass}'>";
         for ($c = 0; $c < $num_of_cols; $c++) {
             //	echo "<td style='width:".$countriesDivWidth."px'>";
             echo "<td class='countryList' width='{$percent}%'>";
             //compute which to show
             //echo "c=$c r=$r i=$i<br>";
             $i = $c * $num_of_rows + $r % $num_of_rows;
             if ($i < $countriesNum) {
                 $countryName = $countriesNames[$i];
                 $countryName = trimText($countryName, 20);
                 $linkTmp = getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'useCurrent', 'country' => $countriesCodes[$i]));
                 echo "<a href='{$linkTmp}'>{$countryName}</a>\n";
                 if ($currentlang=='hebrew')
                 	echo "<a href='$linkTmp'>(".$countriesFlightsNum[$i].") $countryName</a>\n";
                 	echo "<a href='$linkTmp'>$countryName (".$countriesFlightsNum[$i].")</a>\n";
             } else {
                 echo "&nbsp;";
             echo "</td>";
         echo '</tr>';
Пример #19

// Leonardo XC Server, http://www.leonardoxc.net
// Copyright (c) 2004-2010 by Andreadakis Manolis
// This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
// $Id: GUI_flight_delete.php,v 1.12 2010/03/14 20:56:11 manolis Exp $
$flightID = makeSane($_REQUEST["flightID"], 1);
$confirmed = makeSane($_REQUEST["confirmed"]);
$flight = new flight();
if ($confirmed && ($flight->belongsToUser($userID) || L_auth::isAdmin($userID))) {
    echo "<br><span class='ok'>" . _THE_FLIGHT_HAS_BEEN_DELETED . "</span><br><br>";
    echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights')) . "'>" . _RETURN . "</a><br></div>";
} else {
    $location = formatLocation(getWaypointName($flight->takeoffID), $flight->takeoffVinicity, $takeoffRadious);
    openMain(_CAUTION_THE_FLIGHT_WILL_BE_DELETED, 0, "delete_icon.png");
    echo "<div align=center><br><b>" . _PILOT . ": " . $flight->userName . " &nbsp;&nbsp; " . _THE_DATE . ": " . formatDate($flight->DATE) . "  &nbsp;&nbsp; " . _TAKEOFF_LOCATION . ": " . $location . "</b> ";
    echo "<br><br><a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'delete_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID, 'confirmed' => '1')) . "'>" . _YES . "</a> | <a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>" . _NO . "</a>";
    echo "<br></div>";
Пример #20
                    //first delete old
                    $flight->{$var_name} = $_FILES[$var_name]['name'];
                    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$var_name]['tmp_name'], $flight->getPhotoFilename($i))) {
                        CLimage::resizeJPG($CONF['photos']['thumbs']['max_width'], $CONF['photos']['thumbs']['max_height'], $flight->getPhotoFilename($i), $flight->getPhotoFilename($i) . ".icon.jpg", $CONF['photos']['compression']);
                        CLimage::resizeJPG($CONF['photos']['normal']['max_width'], $CONF['photos']['normal']['max_height'], $flight->getPhotoFilename($i), $flight->getPhotoFilename($i), $CONF['photos']['compression']);
                    } else {
                        //upload not successfull
                        $flight->{$var_name} = "";
        open_inner_table(_CHANGE_FLIGHT_DATA, 650);
        echo "<center> <br><br>" . _THE_CHANGES_HAVE_BEEN_APPLIED . "<br><br><br>";
        echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID)) . "'>" . _RETURN_TO_FLIGHT . "</a><br><br><br>";
        echo "</center>";
    } else {
        // show the form
  <form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="changeFlight" value=1>
  <input type="hidden" name="flightID" value="<?php 
        echo $flightID;
        open_inner_table("Review Validation Status", 650, "change_icon.png");
        echo "<tr><td>";
		// put back original text
		//find the target lang
		var targetLang=$(this).attr('id').substring(4);
		// translate!
		url: 'http://<?php 
echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID));
		title: 'Flying',
		description:'Look at this flight',
		popup: true,
		popupText:'<img src="<?php 
echo $moduleRelPath;
/img/share.gif" border="0">',
		addEmail: true,
		compact: false,
		sites: ['facebook','delicious', 'digg','reddit','twitter','bookmarkit','myspace','stumbleupon']

	$("#rssButton").click(function() {		
Пример #22
            </u> </td>
echo $user['user_lastname'] . ' ' . $user['user_firstname'];
      <div align="center">
        <a href="<?php 
echo getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'login'));


}  // $_GET['rkey'];
Пример #23
          <td bgcolor="#EBE1C5" valign="top"><b><?php 
$query = "SELECT  MAX(MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE) as record_km, ID FROM {$flightsTable}  WHERE takeoffID =" . $waypointIDview . " GROUP BY ID ORDER BY record_km DESC ";
$flightNum = 0;
$res = $db->sql_query($query);
if ($res > 0) {
    $flightNum = mysql_num_rows($res);
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    echo "<a target='_blank' href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row['ID'])) . "'>" . formatDistance($row['record_km'], 1) . "</a>";
		          <p> <strong><?php 
echo "<a target='_blank'  href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'takeoffID' => $waypointIDview, 'year' => '0', 'month' => '0', 'season' => '0', 'pilotID' => '0', 'country' => '0', 'cat' => '0')) . "'>" . _See_flights_near_this_point . " [ " . $flightNum . " ]</a>";
        <tr bgcolor="#49766D">
          <td><div align="left" ></div>
              <div align="left" class="titleWhite"><b><?php 
        <tr bgcolor="#EBE1C5">
          <td width="271" bgcolor="#EBE1C5"><p><strong>lat/lon (WGS84):</strong><br>
echo $wpInfo->lat . " , " . -$wpInfo->lon;
echo "<br>" . $wpInfo->getLatMinDec() . " , " . $wpInfo->getLonMinDec();
	$("#ActionDiv").click(function() {	
		var methodID=$("#compareMethod").val();	
		var countryCode=$("#countryCode").val();
		var intName=$("#intName").val();

		var cStr='';
		if (countryCode) cStr='&countryCode='+countryCode;
		if (intName) cStr+='&intName=1';
		var linkStr='<?php 
echo getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'admin_takeoff_resolve'));

$workTable = "temp_leonardo_gliders";
//  $workTable=$flightsTable;
open_inner_table("ADMIN AREA :: Resolve Duplicate takeoffs", 850);
echo "<td align=left>";
if (!L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) {
    echo "<br><br>You dont have access to this page<BR>";
Пример #25
		$adminPanel.="<div style='display:inline'><a href='javascript:toggleVisibility(\"xmlOutput\")';>See XML</a></div>";
	$adminPanel.="<div style='display:inline'> :: <a href='javascript:toggleVisibility(\"adminPanel\")';>Admin options</a></div>";
	if ($CONF_show_DBG_XML) {
		$adminPanel.="<div id=xmlOutput style='display:none; text-align:left;'><hr>";
		$adminPanel.="XML from paraglidingEarth.com<br>";
		$adminPanel.="<pre>$xmlSites1</pre><hr>XML from paragliding365.com<br><pre>$xmlSites2</pre></div>";
	$adminPanel.="<div id='adminPanel' style='display:none; text-align:center;'><hr>";
	$adminPanel.="<a href='".getLeonardoLink(array('op'=>'show_flight','flightID'=>$flightID,'updateData'=>'1'))."'>"._UPDATE_DATA."</a> | ";
	$adminPanel.="<a href='".getLeonardoLink(array('op'=>'show_flight','flightID'=>$flightID,'updateMap'=>'1'))."'>"._UPDATE_MAP."</a> | ";
	$adminPanel.="<a href='".getLeonardoLink(array('op'=>'show_flight','flightID'=>$flightID,'updateCharts'=>'1'))."'>"._UPDATE_GRAPHS."</a> | ";
	$adminPanel.="<a href='".getLeonardoLink(array('op'=>'show_flight','flightID'=>$flightID,'updateScore'=>'1'))."'>"._UPDATE_SCORE."</a> ";

for ( $photoNum=1;$photoNum<=$CONF_photosPerFlight;$photoNum++){
	if ($flight->$photoFilename) {
		$images.="<a class='shadowBox imgBox' href='".$flight->getPhotoRelPath($photoNum).
				"' target=_blank><img src='".$flight->getPhotoRelPath($photoNum).".icon.jpg' border=0></a>";

// add support for google maps
// see the config options 
Пример #26
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
// $Id: MENU_fav.php,v 1.2 2012/09/17 22:33:49 manolis Exp $
<div id="dbg" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100px;height:20px;display:none;"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

var favList=[];
var favVisible=0;
var favSelectInit=0;
var compareUrlBase='<?php 
echo getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'compare', 'flightID' => '%FLIGHTS%'));
var compareUrl='';

function toogleFav() {
	if (favVisible) {
	} else {
Пример #27
echo _OR;
	<td colspan=<?php 
echo $num_of_cols;
		<div class="dropDownBoxH2"><?php 
echo $js;
			<a style='text-align:center; text-decoration:underline;' href='<?php 
echo getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'useCurrent', 'nacid' => !empty($forceNacId) ? $forceNacId : '0', 'nacclubid' => '0'));
echo _Display_ALL;

/* not needed currently
if (!$useNacClubPopUp) {
	$nacClubs=NACclub::getClubs($nacid, true);
Пример #28
            } else {
                $dateStr = '';
            echo "<span>{$dateStr}<a {$linkStr}>" . $newsItem['text'] . "</a></span>\n";
if ($CONF['news']['config']['showBestFlights']) {
    global $prefix, $db, $sitename, $user, $cookie, $flightsTable;
    global $CONF_glider_types, $gliderCatList, $module_name;
    $count = 1;
    $content .= "<span><b>Best scores for " . date("Y") . "</b> </span>";
    foreach ($CONF_glider_types as $gl_id => $gl_type) {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM {$flightsTable}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE DATE_FORMAT( DATE, '%Y' ) =" . date("Y") . " AND cat =" . $gl_id . "\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY flight_points DESC\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1 ";
        $result1 = $db->sql_query($query);
        // Listing Topics
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result1)) {
            $flightID = $row["ID"];
            $name = getPilotRealName($row["userID"], $row["serverID"], 0, 0, 0);
            $takeoffName = getWaypointName($row["takeoffID"]);
            $takeoffVinicity = $row["takeoffVinicity"];
            $takeoffNameFrm = formatLocation($takeoffName, $takeoffVinicity, $takeoffRadious);
            $flightDurationFrm = sec2Time($row['DURATION'], 1);
            $content .= "<span>:: <span>" . $gliderCatList[$gl_id] . "</span>";
            $content .= "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID)) . "'>";
            $content .= "{$name}</a> [ {$takeoffName} ] " . formatDate($row["DATE"]) . " <a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $flightID)) . "'>" . _OLC_SCORING . ":" . formatOLCScore($row['FLIGHT_POINTS']) . "</a> </span>";
            $count = $count + 1;
    echo $content;
Пример #29
    if ($inPageLink) {
        echo "<b>" . $description . "</b><br><img src=\\'img/icon_pin.png\\' align=\\'absmiddle\\' border=0> <a href=\\'javascript:show_waypoint({$wpID});\\' >" . _SITE_INFO . "</a><br>";
        // echo "<b>".$description."</b><br><img src='img/icon_pin.png' align='absmiddle' border=0> <a  href='GUI_EXT_waypoint_info.php?wID=$wpID' rel='facebox'>"._SITE_INFO."</a><br>";
    } else {
        echo "<b>" . $description . "</b><br><img src=\\'img/icon_pin.png\\' align=\\'absmiddle\\' border=0> <a  target=\\'_top\\' href=\\'" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_waypoint', 'waypointIDview' => $wpID)) . "\\'>" . _SITE_INFO . "</a><br>";
    $query = "SELECT  MAX(MAX_LINEAR_DISTANCE) as record_km, ID  FROM {$flightsTable}  WHERE takeoffID =" . $wpID . " GROUP BY ID ORDER BY record_km DESC ";
    $flightNum = 0;
    $res = $db->sql_query($query);
    if ($res > 0) {
        $flightNum = mysql_num_rows($res);
        if ($flightNum > 0) {
            echo "<img src=\\'img/icon_magnify_small.gif\\' align=\\'absmiddle\\' border=0> <a href=\\'" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights', 'takeoffID' => $wpID, 'year' => '0', 'month' => '0', 'season' => '0', 'pilotID' => '0', 'country' => '0', 'cat' => '0')) . "\\' target=\\'_top\\'>" . _See_flights_near_this_point . " [ " . $flightNum . " ]</a><br>";
            echo "<img src=\\'img/icon_trophy.gif\\' align=\\'absmiddle\\' border=0> <b>" . _SITE_RECORD . "</b>:";
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
            echo '<a target=\'_top\' href=\'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $row['ID'])) . '\'>' . formatDistance($row['record_km'], 1) . '</a>';
        } else {
            echo " No flights from this location";
    echo ' " } ';
} else {
    if ($op == "getTakeoffsForArea") {
        $areaID = $_GET['areaID'] + 0;
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$waypointsTable},{$areasTakeoffsTable}\t\n\t\t\tWHERE {$areasTakeoffsTable}.takeoffID = {$waypointsTable}.ID AND {$areasTakeoffsTable}.areaID={$areaID}";
        $dbres = $db->sql_query($sql);
        if ($dbres <= 0) {
            echo '{ "waypoints": [ ]  }';
        $res = '{ "waypoints": [ ';
                $FileText = Charset::convert($FileText, 'gb2312', 'utf-8');
            } else {
                $FileText = str_replace("charset={$encFrom}", "charset=utf-8", $FileText);
                $FileText = $NewEncoding->Convert($FileText, $encFrom, $encTo, $Entities);
            writeFile(LANG_ABS_PATH . "/utf8/countries-{$lang}.php", $FileText);
        echo "<strong>Converted {$lang}</strong><hr><BR>";
// end if admin_op
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li><a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'admin_languages', 'admin_op' => 'update')) . "'>Process ALL language files and create/update files in 'utf8'/'iso' dirs</a></li>";
foreach ($availableLanguages as $lang) {
    echo "<li><a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'admin_languages', 'admin_op' => 'update', 'update_lang' => $lang)) . "'>Process only " . strtoupper($lang) . " language files</a></li>";
echo "</ul><br>";
 * Get associative array of language constants, array key being the constant name
 * function modified by martin jursa 13.05.2009 to handle multiline defines too
 * @param string $file
 * @return array
function getDefinesAsArray($file)
    if (!($lines = @file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/language/' . $file))) {
        echo "No defines found<br>";
        return array();