function get($id) { $id = getID($id); static $q = null; \cf\createStaticQuery($q, "SELECT id, code, name, action, method, template FROM cf_form WHERE id=:id"); $form = \cf\query2array($q, array('id' => $id)); if ($form['template']) { $form['template'] = \cf\query2array("\n\t\t\tSELECT name, subject, recipient, body \n\t\t\tFROM cf_mail_templates \n\t\t\tWHERE id=:id", array('id' => $form['template'])); } else { $form['template'] = false; } static $qFields = null; \cf\createStaticQuery($qFields, "\n\t\tSELECT code,type,name,fmt,descr,mandatory,max_length,min_length,value\n\t\tFROM cf_form_field\n\t\tWHERE form_id=:id\n\t\tORDER BY sort_order\n\t"); $form['fields'] = \cf\query2arrays($qFields, array('id' => $id), false, 'code'); foreach ($form['fields'] as &$f) { $f['code'] = $form['code'] . '[' . $f['code'] . ']'; if ($f['type'] == 'radio' || $f['type'] == 'checkbox') { $f['options'] = array(); foreach (explode(';', $f['fmt']) as $option) { $f['options'][] = trim($option); } } } return $form; }
public function getDuoshuoScript() { $short_name = $this->getConf('shortname'); $wiki_id = getID(); $wiki_title = tpl_pagetitle($wiki_id, true); $host = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https" : "http"; $host = $host . "://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $wiki_url = $host . wl($wiki_id); $doc = ' <!-- 多说评论框 start --> <div class="ds-thread" data-thread-key="" data-title="' . $wiki_title . '" data-url="' . $wiki_url . '"></div> <!-- 多说评论框 end --> <!-- 多说公共JS代码 start (一个网页只需插入一次) --> <script type="text/javascript"> var duoshuoQuery = {short_name:"' . $short_name . '"}; (function() { var ds = document.createElement("script"); ds.type = "text/javascript";ds.async = true; ds.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https:" : "http:") + "//"; ds.charset = "UTF-8"; (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]).appendChild(ds); })(); </script> <!-- 多说公共JS代码 end -->'; return $doc; }
/** * @param toiminto Toiminnon nimi jossa kyseinen komponentti sijaitsee. */ function Component($toiminto) { $this->ID = getID(get_class($this)); $this->TM = TranslationManager::instance(); $this->toiminto = $toiminto; $_SESSION['IDS'][$this->ID] = 1; }
/** * Load the needed libraries and initialize the named oAuth service * * @param string $servicename * @return null|\OAuth\Plugin\AbstractAdapter */ public function loadService(&$servicename) { $id = getID(); // $ID isn't set in trustExternal, yet $servicename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_]+/', '', $servicename); if (!$servicename) { return null; } require_once __DIR__ . '/phpoauthlib/src/OAuth/bootstrap.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/AbstractAdapter.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/oAuthHTTPClient.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/oAuthStorage.php'; $file = __DIR__ . '/classes/' . $servicename . 'Adapter.php'; if (!file_exists($file)) { return null; } require_once $file; $class = '\\OAuth\\Plugin\\' . $servicename . 'Adapter'; /** @var \OAuth\Plugin\AbstractAdapter $service */ $service = new $class($this->redirectURI()); if (!$service->isInitialized()) { msg("Failed to initialize {$service} authentication service. Check credentials", -1); return null; } // The generic service can be externally configured if (is_a($service->oAuth, 'OAuth\\OAuth2\\Service\\Generic')) { $service->oAuth->setAuthorizationEndpoint($this->getAuthEndpoint($servicename)); $service->oAuth->setAccessTokenEndpoint($this->getTokenEndpoint($servicename)); } return $service; }
function get($id) { $id = getID($id); static $q = null; \cf\createStaticQuery($q, "SELECT IFNULL(code,id) AS id, file, file_name, file FROM cf_file WHERE id=:id"); return \cf\query2array($q, array('id' => $id)); }
function isBlog() { if (getRootNS(getID()) == 'blog' || noNSorNS(getID()) == 'blog') { return true; } else { return false; } }
function Add($No, $isLast, $pdo) { $id = getID($No, $pdo); $data = Fetch_Data($id, $pdo); $last = $isLast; $name = $data['Name']; $phone = $data['phone']; $email = $data['email']; memberList($No, $id, $name, $phone, $email, $last); }
function checkNS($ns) { // This tests for root NS or pagename //if ( (getRootNS(getID()) == $ns) || (noNSorNS(getID()) == $ns ) ) { // This version just tests the namespace, not a pagename. if (getRootNS(getID()) == $ns) { return true; } return false; }
function getSearchObject() { list($sParamName, $sParamValue, $sParamValue1, $sParamValue2, $sParamValue3) = $this->aAddParams; bx_import('Search', $this->oModule->_aModule); $sClassName = $this->oConfig->getClassPrefix() . 'Search'; $oSearch = new $sClassName($sParamValue, $sParamValue1, $sParamValue2, $sParamValue3); if (!empty($sParamValue) && !empty($sParamValue1) && isset($oSearch->aCurrent['restriction'][$sParamValue])) { $oSearch->aCurrent['restriction'][$sParamValue]['value'] = 'owner' == $sParamValue ? getID($sParamValue1) : $sParamValue1; } return $oSearch; }
protected function determineLang() { /** @var helper_plugin_translation $trans */ $trans = plugin_load('helper', 'translation'); if ($trans) { $value = $trans->getLangPart(getID()); if ($value) { return $value; } } global $conf; return $conf['lang']; }
public function onInitLangLoad(Doku_Event $event, $param = null) { $id = getID(); if (page_exists($id)) { return; } $page = $this->getActivity($id); if ($page instanceof \SimpleXMLElement && $page->attributes()->redirect == 'true' && !empty($page->attributes()->new_id)) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: " . wl($page->attributes()->new_id)); die; } // else just notify spiders page does not exist 404, instead of 200 header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); }
/** * [Custom event handler which performs action] * * @param Doku_Event $event event object by reference * @param mixed $param [the parameters passed as fifth argument to register_hook() when this * handler was registered] * @return void */ public function handle_ajax_call_unknown(Doku_Event &$event, $param) { if ($event->data != 'rating') { return; } $event->preventDefault(); $event->stopPropagation(); global $ID; $ID = getID(); // let the other handler do it $this->handle_vote($event, $param); /** @var helper_plugin_rating $hlp */ $hlp = plugin_load('helper', 'rating'); $hlp->tpl(true); }
/** * getID with given id in url and userewrite=2, no basedir set, dokuwiki not in document root. */ function test3() { global $conf; $conf['basedir'] = ''; $conf['userewrite'] = '2'; $conf['baseurl'] = ''; $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = '/var/www/'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = '/usr/share/dokuwiki/doku.php'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/dokuwiki/doku.php'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/dokuwiki/doku.php/wiki:dokuwiki'; $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/wiki:dokuwiki'; $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = '/var/www/wiki:dokuwiki'; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/dokuwiki/doku.php/wiki:dokuwiki'; $this->assertEqual(getID(), 'wiki:dokuwiki'); }
function getUserLocation($sUser, $sPwd, $sNick) { if (!($iId = BxDolXMLRPCUtil::checkLogin($sUser, $sPwd))) { return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval(array('error' => new xmlrpcval(1, "int")), "struct")); } $iProfileId = getID($sNick, false); $aLocation = BxDolService::call('wmap', 'get_location', array('profiles', $iProfileId, $iId)); if (-1 == $aLocation) { return new xmlrpcval("-1"); } if (!is_array($aLocation)) { return new xmlrpcval("0"); } return new xmlrpcval(array('lat' => new xmlrpcval($aLocation['lat']), 'lng' => new xmlrpcval($aLocation['lng']), 'zoom' => new xmlrpcval($aLocation['zoom']), 'type' => new xmlrpcval($aLocation['type']), 'address' => new xmlrpcval($aLocation['address']), 'country' => new xmlrpcval($aLocation['country'])), 'struct'); }
function search($term) { global $name, $path, $TweetsPulled, $TweetsAnalyzed, $tweets; $name = $term; $path = "Cache Files/cache" . $name . ".txt"; $id = getID($name); $pic = getProfilePic($id, $name); $max_id = getNextID($path); //gets next tweet to cache, creates file if new cache to be made $tweets = getTweets($name, $id, $TweetsPulled, $max_id); if (!isset($tweets) || count($tweets) < 1) { echo "<script> alert('Bad Twitter Handle'); </script>"; return; } $res = parseData($tweets, $TweetsAnalyzed); }
/** * AJAX call handler for ACL plugin * * @param Doku_Event $event event object by reference * @param mixed $param empty * @return void */ public function handle_ajax_call_acl(Doku_Event &$event, $param) { if ($event->data !== 'plugin_acl') { return; } $event->stopPropagation(); $event->preventDefault(); global $ID; global $INPUT; if (!auth_isadmin()) { echo 'for admins only'; return; } if (!checkSecurityToken()) { echo 'CRSF Attack'; return; } $ID = getID(); /** @var $acl admin_plugin_acl */ $acl = plugin_load('admin', 'acl'); $acl->handle(); $ajax = $INPUT->str('ajax'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if ($ajax == 'info') { $acl->_html_info(); } elseif ($ajax == 'tree') { $ns = $INPUT->str('ns'); if ($ns == '*') { $ns = ''; } $ns = cleanID($ns); $lvl = count(explode(':', $ns)); $ns = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':', '/', $ns)); $data = $acl->_get_tree($ns, $ns); foreach (array_keys($data) as $item) { $data[$item]['level'] = $lvl + 1; } echo html_buildlist($data, 'acl', array($acl, '_html_list_acl'), array($acl, '_html_li_acl')); } }
function getAllMembersSQL($groupName, $grouptype) { if ($grouptype == "InGame") { $groupName2 = str_replace(" ", "+", $groupName); $groupID = (int) getID($groupName2)["ownerID"]; $isCorp = (int) getID($groupName2)["ownerGroupID"]; if ($isCorp == 2) { return ' AND (corporationName ="' . $groupName . '") '; } else { if ($isCorp == 32) { return ' AND (allianceName ="' . $groupName . '") '; } else { if ($isCorp == 1) { return ' AND (characterName ="' . $groupName . '") '; } else { echo "No Corp or Alliance with this name exists, please check spelling."; } } } } elseif ($grouptype == "rischwa") { $groupName = str_replace("+", " ", $groupName); return getCoalitonAlliances($groupName); } }
/** * Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - * CC-BY License - */ require_once '../inc/'; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; bx_import('BxRSS'); bx_import('BxDolAdminDashboard'); define('BX_DOL_ADMIN_INDEX', 1); $bLogged = isLogged(); $bNeedCheck = $bLogged && isAdmin() && $_POST['relocate'] && strncasecmp($_POST['relocate'], BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN . 'license.php', strlen(BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN . 'license.php')) == 0; if ($bNeedCheck || isset($_POST['ID']) && isset($_POST['Password'])) { $iId = getID($_POST['ID']); $sPassword = process_pass_data($_POST['Password']); if (!$bLogged) { $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'before_login', 0, 0, array('login' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword, 'ip' => getVisitorIP())); $oZ->alert(); } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') { echo check_password($iId, $sPassword, BX_DOL_ROLE_ADMIN, false) ? 'OK' : 'Fail'; } else { if ($bNeedCheck || check_password($iId, $sPassword, BX_DOL_ROLE_ADMIN)) { if ($_POST['relocate'] && (strncasecmp($_POST['relocate'], BX_DOL_URL_ROOT, strlen(BX_DOL_URL_ROOT)) == 0 || strncasecmp($_POST['relocate'], BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN . 'license.php', strlen(BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN . 'license.php')) == 0)) { $sUrlRelocate = $_POST['relocate']; } else { $sUrlRelocate = BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN . 'index.php'; } $sUrlRelocate = bx_html_attribute($sUrlRelocate);
/** * Friend's member authentocation and setting up cookies **/ function SetCookieFromFriend() { global $en_aff; if ($en_aff && $_GET['idFriend']) { $idFriend = getID($_GET['idFriend'], 1); if ($idFriend) { setcookie("idFriend", $idFriend, time() + 10000 * 3600, "/"); } } }
define('DOKU_MEDIADETAIL', 1); require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/init.php'; //close session session_write_close(); $IMG = getID('media'); $ID = cleanID($INPUT->str('id')); if ($conf['allowdebug'] && $INPUT->has('debug')) { print '<pre>'; foreach (explode(' ', 'basedir userewrite baseurl useslash') as $x) { print '$' . "conf['{$x}'] = '" . $conf[$x] . "';\n"; } foreach (explode(' ', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT HTTP_HOST SCRIPT_FILENAME PHP_SELF ' . 'REQUEST_URI SCRIPT_NAME PATH_INFO PATH_TRANSLATED') as $x) { print '$' . "_SERVER['{$x}'] = '" . $_SERVER[$x] . "';\n"; } print "getID('media'): " . getID('media') . "\n"; print "getID('media',false): " . getID('media', false) . "\n"; print '</pre>'; } $ERROR = false; // check image permissions $AUTH = auth_quickaclcheck($IMG); if ($AUTH >= AUTH_READ) { // check if image exists $SRC = mediaFN($IMG); if (!@file_exists($SRC)) { //doesn't exist! header("HTTP/1.0 404 File not Found"); $ERROR = 'File not found'; } } else { // no auth
function __construct($sMode = '', $sValue = '', $sValue2 = '', $sValue3 = '') { switch ($sMode) { case 'pending': if (false !== bx_get('bx_store_filter')) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['keyword'] = array('value' => process_db_input(bx_get('bx_store_filter'), BX_TAGS_STRIP), 'field' => '', 'operator' => 'against'); } $this->aCurrent['restriction']['activeStatus']['value'] = 'pending'; $this->sBrowseUrl = "administration"; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_pending_approval'); unset($this->aCurrent['rss']); break; case 'my_pending': $oMain = $this->getMain(); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $oMain->_iProfileId; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['activeStatus']['value'] = 'pending'; $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/user/" . getNickName($oMain->_iProfileId); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_pending_approval'); unset($this->aCurrent['rss']); break; case 'search': if ($sValue) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['keyword'] = array('value' => $sValue, 'field' => '', 'operator' => 'against'); } if ($sValue2) { $this->aCurrent['join']['category'] = array('type' => 'inner', 'table' => 'sys_categories', 'mainField' => 'id', 'onField' => 'ID', 'joinFields' => ''); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category_type']['value'] = $this->aCurrent['name']; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value'] = $sValue2; if (is_array($sValue2)) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['operator'] = 'in'; } } $sValue = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue); $sValue2 = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue2); $this->sBrowseUrl = "search/{$sValue}/" . (is_array($sValue2) ? implode(',', $sValue2) : $sValue2); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_search_results') . ' ' . (is_array($sValue2) ? implode(', ', $sValue2) : $sValue2) . ' ' . $sValue; unset($this->aCurrent['rss']); break; case 'user': $iProfileId = $GLOBALS['oBxStoreModule']->_oDb->getProfileIdByNickName($sValue, false); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCurrentProfileID($iProfileId); // select profile subtab, instead of module tab if (!$iProfileId) { $this->isError = true; } else { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $iProfileId; } $sValue = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue); $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/user/{$sValue}"; $iProfileId = getID($sValue); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_by_author', $iProfileId ? getNickName($iProfileId) : $sValue); if (bx_get('rss')) { $aData = getProfileInfo($iProfileId); if ($aData['Avatar']) { $a = array('ID' => $aData['author_id'], 'Avatar' => $aData['thumb']); $aImage = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($a, 'browse'), 'Search'); if (!$aImage['no_image']) { $this->aCurrent['rss']['image'] = $aImage['file']; } } } break; case 'admin': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = 0; $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/admin"; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_admin_products'); break; case 'category': $this->aCurrent['join']['category'] = array('type' => 'inner', 'table' => 'sys_categories', 'mainField' => 'id', 'onField' => 'ID', 'joinFields' => ''); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category_type']['value'] = $this->aCurrent['name']; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value'] = $sValue; $sValue = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue); $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/category/" . title2uri($sValue); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_by_category', $sValue); break; case 'tag': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['tag']['value'] = $sValue; $sValue = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue); $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/tag/" . title2uri($sValue); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_by_tag', $sValue); break; case 'free': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['price'] = array('value' => 'Free', 'field' => 'price_range', 'operator' => '='); $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/free"; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_free_products') . ' ' . $sValue; break; case 'recent': $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/recent'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_recent'); break; case 'top': $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/top'; $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'top'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_top_rated'); break; case 'popular': $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/popular'; $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'popular'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_popular'); break; case 'featured': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['featured'] = array('value' => 1, 'field' => 'featured', 'operator' => '='); $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/featured'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_featured'); break; case 'calendar': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['calendar-min'] = array('value' => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$sValue}-{$sValue2}-{$sValue3} 00:00:00')", 'field' => 'created', 'operator' => '>=', 'no_quote_value' => true); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['calendar-max'] = array('value' => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$sValue}-{$sValue2}-{$sValue3} 23:59:59')", 'field' => 'created', 'operator' => '<=', 'no_quote_value' => true); $this->sEventsBrowseUrl = "browse/calendar/{$sValue}/{$sValue2}/{$sValue3}"; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_by_day', getLocaleDate(strtotime("{$sValue}-{$sValue2}-{$sValue3}"), BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT)); break; case '': $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store'); unset($this->aCurrent['rss']); break; default: $this->isError = true; } $oMain = $this->getMain(); $this->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = $oMain->_oDb->getParam('bx_store_perpage_browse'); if (isset($this->aCurrent['rss'])) { $this->aCurrent['rss']['link'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $oMain->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . $this->sBrowseUrl; } if (bx_get('rss')) { $this->aCurrent['ownFields'][] = 'desc'; $this->aCurrent['ownFields'][] = 'created'; $this->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = $oMain->_oDb->getParam('bx_store_max_rss_num'); } bx_store_import('Voting', $this->getModuleArray()); $oVotingView = new BxStoreVoting('bx_store', 0); $this->oVotingView = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? $oVotingView : null; $this->sFilterName = 'bx_store_filter'; parent::__construct(); }
$this->setSidebar(true); try { $acl = new Acl(USER_ID); if (!$acl->Access("x")) { throw new Exception("Access denied"); } $action = isset($this->args["var_a"]) ? $this->args['var_a'] : ""; $tpl = new Template(PATH_APPLICATIONS . "admin/tpl/members/"); switch ($action) { default: $tpl->loadFile("main.php"); break; case 'edit': $tpl->userid = getID($this->args['var_b']) ? getID($this->args['var_b']) : 0; $tpl->loadFile("edit.php"); break; case 'log': $tpl->userid = getID($this->args['var_b']) ? getID($this->args['var_b']) : 0; $tpl->loadFile("log.php"); break; case 'create': $tpl->loadFile("create.php"); break; } $tpl->build(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo error(_t($e->getMessage())); } ?>
function registerMember() { $bEnAff = getParam('en_aff') == 'on'; $oPC = new BxDolProfilesController(); //convert to profile $aProfile = $this->oPF->getProfileFromValues($this->aValues[0]); //create it list($iMemID, $sStatus) = $oPC->createProfile($aProfile); if (!$iMemID) { return array(false, 'Fail'); } if ($this->bCouple) { //convert $aProfile = $this->oPF->getProfileFromValues($this->aValues[1]); //create list($iMem1ID, $sStatus1) = $oPC->createProfile($aProfile, false, $iMemID); if (!$iMem1ID) { $oPC->deleteProfile($iMemID); return array(false, 'Fail'); } } //send new user notification if (getParam('newusernotify') == 'on') { $oPC->sendNewUserNotify($iMemID); } // Affiliate and friend checking if ($bEnAff && $_COOKIE['idAff']) { $vRes = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `aff` WHERE `ID` = {$_COOKIE['idAff']} AND `Status` = 'active'"); if (mysql_num_rows($vRes)) { $vRes = db_res("INSERT INTO `aff_members` (`idAff`,`idProfile`) VALUES ('{$_COOKIE['idAff']}', '{$iMemID}')"); } } if ($bEnAff && $_COOKIE['idFriend']) { $iFriendID = getID($_COOKIE['idFriend']); if ($iFriendID) { $vRes = db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `aff_num` = `aff_num` + 1 WHERE `ID` = '{$iFriendID}'"); createUserDataFile($iFriendID); } } reparseObjTags('profile', $iMemID); return array($iMemID, $sStatus); }
/** * Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - * CC-BY License - */ define('BX_JOIN_PAGE', 1); require_once './inc/'; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; bx_import('BxTemplJoinPageView'); check_logged(); if (isLogged()) { header('Location:' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'member.php'); exit; } $_page['header'] = _t('_JOIN_H'); $_page['header_text'] = _t('_JOIN_H'); if (getParam('reg_by_inv_only') == 'on' && getID($_COOKIE['idFriend']) == 0) { $_page['name_index'] = 0; $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t('_registration by invitation only')); PageCode(); exit; } $_page['name_index'] = 81; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $oJoinView = new BxTemplJoinPageView(); $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oJoinView->getCode(); $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->addJsTranslation('_Errors in join form'); $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->addJs(array('join.js', 'jquery.form.min.js')); $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->addCss(array('join.css', 'explanation.css')); PageCode();
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_DOKUWIKI_DO'])) { $ACT = trim(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_DOKUWIKI_DO'])); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['idx'])) { $ACT = 'index'; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['do'])) { $ACT = $_REQUEST['do']; } else { $ACT = 'show'; } // load and initialize the core system require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/init.php'; //import variables $INPUT->set('id', str_replace("", '', $INPUT->str('id'))); //soft-hyphen $QUERY = trim($INPUT->str('id')); $ID = getID(); $REV = $INPUT->int('rev'); $IDX = $INPUT->str('idx'); $DATE = $INPUT->int('date'); $RANGE = $INPUT->str('range'); $HIGH = $INPUT->param('s'); if (empty($HIGH)) { $HIGH = getGoogleQuery(); } if ($INPUT->post->has('wikitext')) { $TEXT = cleanText($INPUT->post->str('wikitext')); } $PRE = cleanText(substr($INPUT->post->str('prefix'), 0, -1)); $SUF = cleanText($INPUT->post->str('suffix')); $SUM = $INPUT->post->str('summary'); //make infos about the selected page available
$db->delete("friend_receiver = '" . USER_ID . "' AND friend_sender = '" . $friend_id . "' AND friend_status='0'"); if ($db->affectedRows()) { //$notif->add($friend_id, "friend", json_encode(array("type" => "decline", "user" => USER_ID))); break; } case 'remove': $friend_id = getID($this->args['var_b']); $db = new DB("friends"); $db->delete("friend_receiver = '" . $friend_id . "' AND friend_sender = '" . USER_ID . "' AND friend_status='1'"); $db->delete("friend_receiver = '" . USER_ID . "' AND friend_sender = '" . $friend_id . "' AND friend_status='1'"); if ($db->affectedRows()) { //$notif->add($friend_id, "friend", json_encode(array("type" => "remove", "user" => USER_ID))); break; } case 'add': $friend_id = getID($this->args['var_b']); if ($friend_id == USER_ID) { throw new Exception("Cannot add your self as friend"); } $db = new DB("friends"); $db->select("friend_receiver = '" . $friend_id . "' AND friend_sender = '" . USER_ID . "'"); if (!$db->numRows()) { $db->nextRecord(); if ($db->status == 0) { $db = new DB("friends"); $db->friend_sender = USER_ID; $db->friend_receiver = $friend_id; $db->friend_status = 0; $db->insert(); echo notice(_t("a friend request has been sent")); } else {
/** * Create new profile; * * @param : $aProfileInfo (array) - remote profile's information; * * @param : $sAlternativeName (string) - profiles alternative nickname; * @return : error string or error or profile info array on success */ function _createProfileRaw($aProfileInfo, $sAlternativeName = '', $isAutoFriends = true, $isSetLoggedIn = true) { $sCountry = ''; $sCity = ''; // join by invite only if (getParam('reg_by_inv_only') == 'on' && (!isset($_COOKIE['idFriend']) || getID($_COOKIE['idFriend']) == 0)) { return _t('_registration by invitation only'); } // convert fields $aProfileFields = $this->_convertRemoteFields($aProfileInfo, $sAlternativeName); if (empty($aProfileFields['Email'])) { return _t('_Incorrect Email'); } // antispam check bx_import('BxDolStopForumSpam'); $oBxDolStopForumSpam = new BxDolStopForumSpam(); if (2 == getParam('ipBlacklistMode') && bx_is_ip_blocked()) { return _t('_Sorry, your IP been banned'); } elseif ('on' == getParam('sys_dnsbl_enable') && 'block' == getParam('sys_dnsbl_behaviour') && bx_is_ip_dns_blacklisted('', 'join oauth') || $oBxDolStopForumSpam->isSpammer(array('email' => $aProfileFields['Email'], 'ip' => getVisitorIP(false)), 'join oauth')) { return sprintf(_t('_sys_spam_detected'), BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'contact.php'); } // check fields existence; foreach ($aProfileFields as $sKey => $mValue) { if (!$this->_oDb->isFieldExist($sKey)) { // (field not existence) remove from array; unset($aProfileFields[$sKey]); } } // add some system values $sNewPassword = genRndPwd(); $sPasswordSalt = genRndSalt(); $aProfileFields['Password'] = encryptUserPwd($sNewPassword, $sPasswordSalt); $aProfileFields['Role'] = BX_DOL_ROLE_MEMBER; $aProfileFields['DateReg'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // set current date; $aProfileFields['Salt'] = $sPasswordSalt; // set default privacy bx_import('BxDolPrivacyQuery'); $oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacyQuery(); $aProfileFields['allow_view_to'] = $oPrivacy->getDefaultValueModule('profile', 'view_block'); // check if user with the same email already exists $iExistingProfileId = $this->_oDb->isEmailExisting($aProfileFields['Email']); // check redirect page if ('join' == $this->_oConfig->sRedirectPage && !$iExistingProfileId) { return array('remote_profile_info' => $aProfileInfo, 'profile_fields' => $aProfileFields, 'join_page_redirect' => true); } // create new profile if ($iExistingProfileId) { $iProfileId = $iExistingProfileId; } else { $iProfileId = $this->_oDb->createProfile($aProfileFields); } $oProfileFields = new BxDolProfilesController(); // remember remote profile id for created member $this->_oDb->saveRemoteId($iProfileId, $aProfileInfo['id']); // check profile status; if (!$iExistingProfileId) { if (getParam('autoApproval_ifNoConfEmail') == 'on') { if (getParam('autoApproval_ifJoin') == 'on') { $sProfileStatus = 'Active'; if (!empty($aProfileInfo['email'])) { $oProfileFields->sendActivationMail($iProfileId); } } else { $sProfileStatus = 'Approval'; if (!empty($aProfileInfo['email'])) { $oProfileFields->sendApprovalMail($iProfileId); } } } else { if (!empty($aProfileInfo['email'])) { $oProfileFields->sendConfMail($iProfileId); $sProfileStatus = 'Unconfirmed'; } else { if (getParam('autoApproval_ifJoin') == 'on') { $sProfileStatus = 'Active'; } else { $sProfileStatus = 'Approval'; } } } // update profile's status; $this->_oDb->updateProfileStatus($iProfileId, $sProfileStatus); $oProfileFields->createProfileCache($iProfileId); // send email notification if (!empty($aProfileInfo['email'])) { $oEmailTemplate = new BxDolEmailTemplates(); $aTemplate = $oEmailTemplate->getTemplate($this->_oConfig->sEmailTemplatePasswordGenerated, $iProfileId); $aNewProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($iProfileId); $aPlus = array('NickName' => getNickName($aNewProfileInfo['ID']), 'NewPassword' => $sNewPassword); sendMail($aNewProfileInfo['Email'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], '', $aPlus); } // update location if (BxDolModule::getInstance('BxWmapModule')) { BxDolService::call('wmap', 'response_entry_add', array('profiles', $iProfileId)); } // create system event $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'join', $iProfileId); $oZ->alert(); } // store IP bx_member_ip_store($iProfileId); // auto-friend members if they are already friends on remote site if ($isAutoFriends && method_exists($this, '_makeFriends')) { $this->_makeFriends($iProfileId); } // set logged if ($isSetLoggedIn) { $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iProfileId); $this->setLogged($iProfileId, $aProfile['Password'], '', false); } return array('remote_profile_info' => $aProfileInfo, 'profile_id' => $iProfileId, 'existing_profile' => $iExistingProfileId ? true : false); }
<?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"; echo "<board>\n"; include "../ConDBi.php"; /* ============================================== POST VARS ============================================== */ $uid = $_POST["uid"]; $id = getID($application); $title = $_POST["title"]; $content = $_POST["content"]; /* ============================================== INSERT REPLY ============================================== */ $stmt->prepare("INSERT INTO Board.board\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'', #uid(auto_increment)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tapplication,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcategory,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t?, #--> id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t?, #--> title\n\t\t\t\t\t\t?, #--> content\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnow(), #timestamp\n\t\t\t\t\t\t0, #hit\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCASE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHEN right_depth IS NULL THEN\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCONCAT(depth, 'A')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tELSE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCONCAT(depth, CHAR(ASCII(right_depth) + 1))\n\t\t\t\t\t\tEND depth,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t1 #live\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT B.application, B.category,, B.depth, right(D.depth, 1) right_depth\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBoard.board B LEFT OUTER JOIN Board.board D\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON = AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlength(D.depth) = length(B.depth) + 1 AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlocate(B.depth, D.depth) = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE B.uid = ? #parent uid -> as a role of fid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY D.depth DESC LIMIT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t) P"); $stmt->bind_param("sssd", $id, $title, $content, $uid); $stmt->execute(); $result = getResult($stmt); echo "\t<result>" . $result . "</result>\n"; echo "</board>"; $stmt->close(); $mysqli->close();
/** * getID with given id / in url and userewrite=2, no basedir set, Apache and CGI. */ function test5() { global $conf; $conf['basedir'] = ''; $conf['userewrite'] = '2'; $conf['baseurl'] = ''; $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = '/var/www/'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = '/var/www/dokuwiki/doku.php'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/dokuwiki/doku.php'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/dokuwiki/doku.php/?do=debug'; $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/'; $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = '/var/www/index.html'; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/dokuwiki/doku.php/'; $this->assertEqual(getID(), cleanID($conf['start'])); }
<?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"; echo "<board>\n"; include "../ConDBi.php"; $uid = $_POST["uid"]; $title = $_POST["title"]; $content = $_POST["content"]; $stmt->prepare("UPDATE Board.board \n\t\t\t\t\tSET title = ?, content = ?, timestamp = now() \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE uid = ? AND id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param("ssds", $title, $content, $uid, getID($application)); $stmt->execute(); $result = getResult($stmt); echo "\t<result>" . $result . "</result>\n"; echo "</board>"; $stmt->close(); $mysqli->close();