/** * constructor, init the parent-class */ public function __construct() { //find the params to use $this->strFilename = urldecode(getGet("image")); //avoid directory traversing $this->strFilename = str_replace("../", "", $this->strFilename); $this->intMaxHeight = (int) getGet("maxHeight"); if ($this->intMaxHeight < 0) { $this->intMaxHeight = 0; } $this->intMaxWidth = (int) getGet("maxWidth"); if ($this->intMaxWidth < 0) { $this->intMaxWidth = 0; } $this->intFixedHeight = (int) getGet("fixedHeight"); if ($this->intFixedHeight < 0 || $this->intFixedHeight > 2000) { $this->intFixedHeight = 0; } $this->intFixedWidth = (int) getGet("fixedWidth"); if ($this->intFixedWidth < 0 || $this->intFixedWidth > 2000) { $this->intFixedWidth = 0; } $this->intQuality = (int) getGet("quality"); if ($this->intQuality <= 0 || $this->intQuality > 100) { $this->intQuality = 90; } $this->strSystemid = getGet("systemid"); $this->strElementId = getGet("elementid"); }
public function debugHelper() { echo "<pre>"; echo "<b>Kajona V4 Debug Subsystem</b>\n\n"; if (getGet("debugfile") != "") { echo "Loading path for " . getGet("debugfile") . "\n"; $strPath = array_search(getGet("debugfile"), class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getFolderContent("/debug", array(".php"))); if ($strPath !== false) { echo "Passing request to " . $strPath . "\n\n"; include _realpath_ . $strPath; } } else { echo "Searching for debug-scripts available...\n"; $arrFiles = class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getFolderContent("/debug", array(".php")); echo "<ul>"; foreach ($arrFiles as $strPath => $strOneFile) { echo "<li><a href='?debugfile=" . $strOneFile . "' >" . $strOneFile . "</a> <br />" . $strPath . "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } $arrTimestampEnde = gettimeofday(); $intTimeUsed = ($arrTimestampEnde['sec'] * 1000000 + $arrTimestampEnde['usec'] - ($this->arrTimestampStart['sec'] * 1000000 + $this->arrTimestampStart['usec'])) / 1000000; echo "\n\n<b>PHP-Time:</b> " . number_format($intTimeUsed, 6) . " sec \n"; echo "<b>Queries db/cachesize/cached/fired:</b> " . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() . "/" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getCacheSize() . "/" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache() . "/" . (class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() - class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache()) . "\n"; echo "<b>Templates cached:</b> " . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjTemplate()->getNumberCacheSize() . " \n"; echo "<b>Memory/Max Memory:</b> " . bytesToString(memory_get_usage()) . "/" . bytesToString(memory_get_peak_usage()) . " \n"; echo "<b>Classes Loaded:</b> " . class_classloader::getInstance()->getIntNumberOfClassesLoaded() . " \n"; echo "<b>Cache requests/hits/saves/cachesize:</b> " . class_cache::getIntRequests() . "/" . class_cache::getIntHits() . "/" . class_cache::getIntSaves() . "/" . class_cache::getIntCachesize() . " \n"; echo "</pre>"; }
function validateSinglePage(class_module_pages_page $objPage) { $arrElements = class_module_pages_pageelement::getAllElementsOnPage($objPage->getSystemid()); $intI = 0; $strPrevPlaceholder = ""; $strPrevLanguage = ""; foreach ($arrElements as $objOneElement) { $strCurLevel = $objOneElement->getSystemid() . " - " . $objOneElement->getIntSort() . " - " . $objOneElement->getStrRecordClass() . " - " . $objOneElement->getStrDisplayName() . " - " . $objOneElement->getStrPlaceholder(); if ($strPrevPlaceholder != $objOneElement->getStrPlaceholder() || $strPrevLanguage != $objOneElement->getStrLanguage()) { $intI = 1; } if ($objOneElement->getIntSort() != $intI) { $strCurLevel = "<span style='color: red'>expected: " . $intI . ", got " . $objOneElement->getIntSort() . " @ " . $strCurLevel . "</span>"; if (getGet("doFix") != "") { $strCurLevel .= "\nSetting new sort-id to " . $intI . "\n"; $strQuery = "UPDATE " . _dbprefix_ . "system SET system_sort = ? WHERE system_id = ? "; class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->_pQuery($strQuery, array($intI, $objOneElement->getSystemid())); } } else { $strCurLevel = "<span style='color: green'>" . $strCurLevel . "</span>"; } echo "<div style='padding-left: 25px;'>" . $strCurLevel . "</div>"; $strPrevPlaceholder = $objOneElement->getStrPlaceholder(); $strPrevLanguage = $objOneElement->getStrLanguage(); $intI++; } }
public function __construct() { //start up system $this->objTemplates = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjTemplate(); $this->objLang = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang(); //init session-support $this->objSession = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjSession(); //set a different language? if (issetGet("language")) { if (in_array(getGet("language"), explode(",", class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjConfig()->getConfig("adminlangs")))) { $this->objLang->setStrTextLanguage(getGet("language")); //and save to a cookie $objCookie = new class_cookie(); $objCookie->setCookie("adminlanguage", getGet("language")); } } else { //init correct text-file handling as in admins $this->objLang->setStrTextLanguage($this->objSession->getAdminLanguage(true)); } $this->STR_ORIG_CONFIG_FILE = class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getCorePathForModule("module_system") . "/module_system/system/config/config.php"; $this->STR_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE = _realpath_ . "/project/system/config/config.php"; }
class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Content-Length: " . filesize(_realpath_ . $objFile->getStrFilename())); //End Session $this->objSession->sessionClose(); class_response_object::getInstance()->sendHeaders(); //Loop the file $ptrFile = @fopen(_realpath_ . $objFile->getStrFilename(), 'rb'); fpassthru($ptrFile); @fclose($ptrFile); ob_flush(); flush(); return ""; } else { class_response_object::getInstance()->setStrStatusCode(class_http_statuscodes::SC_FORBIDDEN); } } else { class_response_object::getInstance()->setStrStatusCode(class_http_statuscodes::SC_NOT_FOUND); } } else { class_response_object::getInstance()->setStrStatusCode(class_http_statuscodes::SC_NOT_FOUND); } //if we reach up here, something gone wrong :/ class_response_object::getInstance()->setStrRedirectUrl(str_replace(array("_indexpath_", "&"), array(_indexpath_, "&"), class_link::getLinkPortalHref(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_pages_errorpage_")))); class_response_object::getInstance()->sendHeaders(); class_response_object::getInstance()->sendContent(); return ""; } } //Create a object $objDownload = new class_download_manager(getGet("systemid")); $objDownload->actionDownload(); class_core_eventdispatcher::getInstance()->notifyGenericListeners(class_system_eventidentifier::EVENT_SYSTEM_REQUEST_AFTERCONTENTSEND, array(class_request_entrypoint_enum::DOWNLOAD()));
/** * @return string */ public function getReport() { $strReturn = ""; //showing a list using the pageview $objArraySectionIterator = new class_array_section_iterator($this->getTopQueriesCount()); $objArraySectionIterator->setPageNumber((int) (getGet("pv") != "" ? getGet("pv") : 1)); $objArraySectionIterator->setArraySection($this->getTopQueries($objArraySectionIterator->calculateStartPos(), $objArraySectionIterator->calculateEndPos())); $intI = 0; $arrLogs = array(); $objUser = new class_module_user_user(class_session::getInstance()->getUserID()); foreach ($objArraySectionIterator as $intKey => $arrOneLog) { if ($intI++ >= $objUser->getIntItemsPerPage()) { break; } $arrLogs[$intKey][0] = $intI; $arrLogs[$intKey][1] = $arrOneLog["search_log_query"]; $arrLogs[$intKey][2] = $arrOneLog["hits"]; } //Create a data-table $arrHeader = array(); $arrHeader[0] = "#"; $arrHeader[1] = $this->objLang->getLang("header_query", "search"); $arrHeader[2] = $this->objLang->getLang("header_amount", "search"); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->dataTable($arrHeader, $arrLogs); $strReturn .= $this->objToolkit->getPageview($objArraySectionIterator, "stats", uniStrReplace("class_stats_report_", "", get_class($this))); return $strReturn; }
<?php @(include 'utilities/all.php'); header("Content-Type: application/json"); checkGetParameter('title'); checkGetParameter('price'); checkGetParameter('description'); checkGetParameter('photo'); checkGetParameter('thumbnail'); checkGetParameter('fb_id'); checkGetParameter('cat_name'); $title = cleanString(getGet('title')); $price = cleanString(getGet('price')); $description = cleanString(getGet('description')); $photo = cleanString(getGet('photo')); $thumbnail = cleanString(getGet('thumbnail')); $fb_id = cleanString(getGet('fb_id')); $cat_name = cleanString(getGet('cat_name')); $sql = "SELECT * FROM users, schools WHERE fb_id={$fb_id} AND users.school_id = schools.school_id"; $result = db_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $school_id = $row['school_id']; $user_name = $row['name']; #TODO: Checking if the user has submitted the maximum number of items $sql = "INSERT INTO items (item_title, item_price, item_description, item_photo, item_thumbnail, \n\tfb_id, cat_name, school_id, user_name)\n\t\tVALUES ('{$title}', {$price}, '{$description}', '{$photo}', '{$thumbnail}', {$fb_id}, \n\t'{$cat_name}', {$school_id}, '{$user_name}')"; $result = db_query($sql); $out['success'] = true; echo json_encode($out);
<?php @(include 'utilities/all.php'); header("Content-Type: application/json"); $school = cleanString(getGet('school')); $where = "WHERE 1 AND schools.school_id=users.school_id"; if ($school != '') { $where .= " AND school_id={$school}"; } $sql = "SELECT count(*) as num FROM users, schools {$where}"; #echo $sql; $result = db_query($sql); $arr = array(); $out = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); echo json_encode($out);
<?php /*"****************************************************************************************************** * (c) 2004-2006 by MulchProductions, www.mulchprod.de * * (c) 2007-2015 by Kajona, www.kajona.de * * Published under the GNU LGPL v2.1, see /system/licence_lgpl.txt * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * $Id$ * ********************************************************************************************************/ //Determine the area to load if (issetGet("admin") && getGet("admin") == 1) { define("_admin_", true); } else { define("_admin_", false); } define("_autotesting_", false); /** * Class handling all requests to be served with xml * * @package module_system */ class class_xml { private static $bitRenderXmlHeader = true; /** * @var class_response_object */ public $objResponse; /** * Starts the processing of the requests, fetches params and passes control to the request dispatcher * @return void
<?php include 'utilities/all.php'; require_once 'utilities/facebook.php'; include 'm_facebook.php'; $isLoggedIn; if (checkLogin($user)) { $isLoggedIn = true; } else { $isLoggedIn = false; } $user_id = getGet('user_id'); if ($user_id == '') { header("Location: index.php"); exit(0); } $param = array('userid' => $user_id); $otheruser = extrabaon_api("GetUserDetails", $param); @(include 'm_htmldoctype.php'); ?> <html> <head> <?php @(include 'm_htmlhead-init.php'); ?> <title></title> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="" /> <meta property="og:type" content="" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:title" content="" />
<?php require_once 'core.php'; require_once 'utility.php'; $name = getGet('name', ''); $team = getTeam("{$name}"); ?> <HEAD> <TITLE> <?php if ($team) { echo "NFL Team: {$name}"; } else { echo "NFL Team Lookup"; } ?> </TITLE> <?php echo $headBust; ?> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=WHITE> <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"> <?php if ($team) { ?> <TABLE ALIGN="CENTER"> <TR><H1><?php echo $name;
//新文件名 $new_file_name = date("YmdHis") . '_' . rand(10000, 99999) . '.' . $file_ext; //移动文件 $file_path = $save_path . $new_file_name; @chmod($file_path, 0644); //修改目录权限(Linux) if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $file_path) === false) { //开始移动 exit("返回错误: 上传文件失败。({$file_name})"); } $file_url = $save_url . $new_file_name; $fileName = uniqid('image', true) . $type; echo "<a href=\"" . $file_url . "\" target=\"_blank\">原图[{$file_url}]</a><br />"; echo "所在目录 \"{$save_url}\"<br />"; echo "Stored in: " . $file_name . "<br />"; echo "MD5效验:" . getGet("access2008_File_md5") . "<br />"; echo "<br />上传成功!你选择的是<font color='#ff0000'>" . getPost("select") . "</font>--<font color='#0000ff'>" . getPost("select2") . "</font>"; if (getPost("access2008_box_info_max") != "") { echo "<br />组件文件列表统计,总数量:" . getPost("access2008_box_info_max") . ",剩余:" . ((int) getPost("access2008_box_info_upload") - 1) . ",完成:" . ((int) getPost("access2008_box_info_over") + 1); } echo " <br />旋转角度:" . getPost("access2008_image_rotation"); } function filekzm($a) { $c = strrchr($a, '.'); if ($c) { return $c; } else { return ''; } }
/** * POST or GET */ function getRequest($key, $default = null) { return filter_has_var(INPUT_POST, $key) ? getPost($key, $default) : getGet($key, $default); }
<?php @(include 'utilities/all.php'); header("Content-Type: application/json"); $school = cleanString(getGet('school')); $category = cleanString(getGet('category')); $query = cleanString(getGet('query')); $where = "WHERE item_status=1"; if ($school != '') { $where .= " AND school_id={$school} "; } if ($category != '') { $where .= " AND cat_name='{$category}' "; } if ($query != '') { $where .= " AND (item_title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR item_description LIKE '%{$query}%') "; } $sql = "SELECT count(*) as num FROM items {$where} "; #echo $sql; $result = db_query($sql); $arr = array(); $out = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); echo json_encode($out);
function getGet($key, $default = '') { return getGet($key, $default); }
public function getGet($key, $ignoreStripTags = false) { return getGet($key, 'any', $ignoreStripTags); }
</head> <body> <?php function getGet($name, $default = "") { if (isset($_GET[$name])) { return $_GET[$name]; } else { return $default; } } $status = true; $message = ""; $numero = getGet("numero"); $date = getGet("date"); $list = getGet("list"); $file_name = $numero . ".db"; if ($numero == "") { $message = "<p>Le numéro n'est pas renseigné</p>"; $status = false; } if ($date == "") { $message = $message . "<p>La date n'est pas renseignée</p>"; $status = false; } if ($list == "") { $message = $message . "<p>La liste n'est pas renseignée</p>"; $status = false; } if ($status == true) { $db = new SQLite3($file_name);
<?php @(include 'utilities/all.php'); header("Content-Type: application/json"); $school = cleanString(getGet('school')); $category = cleanString(getGet('category')); $num = cleanString(getGet('num')); $where = "WHERE item_status=1"; if ($school != '') { $where .= " AND school_id={$school} "; } if ($category != '') { $where .= " AND cat_name='{$category}' "; } if ($num == '') { $num = 10; } $order = "ORDER BY item_date DESC"; $limit = "LIMIT {$num}"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM items {$where} {$order} {$limit}"; #echo $sql; $result = db_query($sql); $arr = array(); $count = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $arr[$count] = $row; $count++; } $out['items'] = $arr; echo json_encode($out);
exit; } else { $file = array(); $file['msg_attention'] = '<div class="notification attention png_bg"><div><span style="float:left;">上传失败: </span>' . $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"] . '</div></div>'; $file['msg_success_normal'] = '<div class="notification success png_bg"><div><span style="float:left;">上传成功: </span>' . $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"] . '</div></div>'; $file['msg_success_cover'] = '<div class="notification attention png_bg"><div><span style="float:left;">上传成功: </span>' . $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"] . ' 已覆盖</div></div>'; $file['file_type'] = '<span style="float:left;">文件类型: </span>' . $type . '<br />'; $file['file_size'] = '<span style="float:left;">文件大小: </span>' . dealsize($_FILES["Filedata"]["size"]) . '<br />'; $file['file_md5'] = '<span style="float:left;">MD5 校验 : </span>' . getGet("access2008_File_md5") . '<br />'; $file['info'] = '<div class="notification information png_bg"><div>' . $file['file_type'] . $file['file_size'] . $file['file_md5'] . '</div></div>'; $file['msg_error_exist'] = '<div class="notification error png_bg"><div><span style="float:left;">错误信息: </span>' . $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"] . '文件已存在</div></div>'; $file['msg_error_cover'] = '<div class="notification error png_bg"><div><span style="float:left;">错误信息: </span>覆盖上传失败</div></div>'; $file['msg_error_md5'] = '<div class="notification error png_bg"><div><span style="float:left;">错误信息: </span>文件MD5校验失败</div></div>'; $file['msg_error_unknow'] = '<div class="notification error png_bg"><div><span style="float:left;">错误信息: </span>未知错误</div></div>'; $file['msg_error_notallow'] = '<div class="notification error png_bg"><div><span style="float:left;">错误信息: </span>请检查文件类型和文件大小是否符合标准</div></div>'; if (getGet("access2008_File_md5") !== md5_file($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"])) { echo $file['msg_attention'], $file['info']; exit($file['msg_error_md5']); } if (file_exists($uploadfile) && !(bool) $_REQUEST['cover']) { echo $file['msg_attention'], $file['info']; exit($file['msg_error_exist']); } elseif (file_exists($uploadfile) && (bool) $_REQUEST['cover']) { if (@unlink($uploadfile) && move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"], $uploadfile)) { echo $file['msg_success_cover'], $file['info']; exit; } else { echo $file['msg_attention'], $file['info']; exit($file['msg_error_cover']); } } else {
<?php @(include 'utilities/all.php'); header("Content-Type: application/json"); checkGetParameter('item_id'); checkGetParameter('fb_id'); checkGetParameter('message'); $item_id = cleanString(getGet('item_id')); $fb_id = cleanString(getGet('fb_id')); $message = cleanString(getGet('message')); $sql = "INSERT INTO messages (item_id, fb_id, message) \n\tVALUES ({$item_id}, {$fb_id}, '{$message}')"; $result = db_query($sql); $out['success'] = true; echo json_encode($out);
<?php //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // viewPropertySheet.php -- // // View the contents of any property sheet. // // Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Electric Cloud, Inc. // All rights reserved //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- require_once 'startup.php'; Html::includeCss("lib/styles/Header.css"); $path = getGet("path"); Data::$queries["genericProperties"] = array("request" => "getProperties", "constantArgs" => array("path", $path, "recurse", 0, 'expand', 0), "result" => "propertySheet"); $page = new Page("Properties", new StdFrame(new NavInfo()), new Header(array("id" => "pageHeader", "class" => "pageHeader", "title" => ecgettext("Properties"), "title2" => $path)), new SubSection(new PropertySection(array("id" => "properties", "title" => ecgettext("Properties"), "type" => "generic", "expandable" => 0))), new StdFrameEnd()); $page->show();
<?php require_once 'startup.php'; $projectName = getGet("projectName"); if (getPostData("formId") == "rollbackVersionedProject" && getPostData("action") == ecgettext("OK")) { $comment = getPostData("comment"); if ($comment == "") { Error::formError(ecgettext("A commit comment is required."), "comment"); } $version = getPostData("version"); $updateManager = new UpdateManager(); $update = $updateManager->createUpdate("runProcedure"); $update->addItem("projectName", "/plugins/@PLUGIN_KEY@/project"); $update->addItem("procedureName", "RollbackProjectChanges"); $update->addItem("actualParameter", array("actualParameterName" => "project_name", "value" => $projectName)); $update->addItem("actualParameter", array("actualParameterName" => "version", "value" => $version)); $update->addItem("actualParameter", array("actualParameterName" => "comment", "value" => $comment)); $updateManager->handleUpdates(); $response = $update->getResponse(); $id = $response->get("jobId"); Data::$queries["getJobInfo"] = array("request" => "getJobInfo", "constantArgs" => array("jobId", $id), "result" => "job"); $limit = 10; $i = 0; while (1) { $result = QueryManager::handleQueryNow("getJobInfo"); if ($i == $limit || $result->get("status") == "completed") { break; } sleep(1); $i++; }
<?php include_once "../protected/mysql.inc"; include_once "../commonstuff.php"; $contactLanguage1 = ContactCreateFromPost("language1"); $contactLanguage2 = ContactCreateFromPost("language2"); $getid = getGet("id", ""); if (strlen($getid) > 0) { $contactLanguage1 = ContactJoinGet("language1", $getid); $contactLanguage2 = ContactJoinGet("language2", $getid); } else { if (strlen($contactLanguage1->m[$map["name"]]) > 0) { ContactUpdate($contactLanguage1, $contactLanguage2); header("Location: index.php"); } } include "top.php"; ?> <h4> Edit existing structure </h4> <form action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $contactLanguage1->m[0]; ?> " name="id"> <table> <tr><td><b>Language</b></td><td><b><?php
<?php include_once "protected/mysql.inc"; include_once "commonstuff.php"; $searchcriteria = SearchCriteriaCreateFromPost(); $lang = getGet("lang", getPost("lang", "language1")); include "top.php"; //echo("start ".microtime_float()."<br/>"); //$starttime = microtime_float(); $query = createQuery($lang, $searchcriteria->group, $searchcriteria->location, $searchcriteria->media, $searchcriteria->searchterm, "true"); //echo $query; $result = mysql_query($query); //echo "<br/>".mysql_error(); $num = mysql_numrows($result); include "form.php"; $i = 0; echo "<div class=\"listarea\">\n"; while ($i < $num) { echo "<div class=\"listelement\">\n"; $contact = ContactFillAll($result, $i); $contact->prepareForHTML(); echo "<h3 class=\"structuretitle\">" . $contact->m[1] . "</h3>\n"; //name echo "<table class=\"shortlistelement\" width=\"100%\"" . ($num == 1 ? "style=\"display: none\"" : "") . ">\n"; echo "<tr><td width=\"61.8%\">" . $contact->m[2] . "</td>\n"; //kurzbeschreibung echo "<td style=\"padding-left: 15px\" >" . $contact->m[5] . "<br/><br/></td>\n"; //BasisAdresse echo "<td align=\"right\"><a class=\"showdetaillink\"><img src=\"TEX/down.png\" alt=\"down\" border=\"0\"/></a></td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "<table class=\"longlistelement\" width=\"100%\" " . ($num > 1 ? "style=\"display: none\"" : "") . ">\n";
//phpCAS::logout(); //phpCAS::forceAuthentication(); header("Location: http://{$casAuthServer}{$casAuthUri}&category=auth.logout"); } //if ($action=='login') if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'login') { //phpCAS::forceAuthentication(); header("Location: http://{$casAuthServer}{$casAuthUri}&category=auth.login"); } if ($_SESSION['CASauthenticated'] === FALSE) { header("Location: http://{$casAuthServer}{$casAuthUri}&category=auth.login"); } } if (isset($_GET['token'])) { $action = getGet('action'); $siddy = getGet('sid'); $get = '?'; if ($action != FALSE) { $get .= "action=" . $action . "&"; } if ($siddy != FALSE) { $get .= "sid=" . $siddy . "&"; } header("Location: admin.php{$get}"); } function getGet($var) { switch ($var) { case "all": foreach ($_GET as $get) { return;
<?php include_once 'RestEntity.php'; //include_once 'MunicipioEntity.php'; include_once 'FormularioEntity.php'; $rest = new rest(); if (getGet('test') == 1) { //$rest->saveRedord('nhhh', '-64', '-32', '1391701813'); $rest->saveEncuesta(); } // $rest->rating(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $indice = $_GET['id']; } else { $indice = $_POST['id']; } $formulario = new Formularios(); $formulario = $formulario->getFormulario($indice); //getMunicipios(); print_r($formulario); function getGet($var) { if (isset($_GET[$var])) { return $_GET[$var]; } else { return ''; } }
<?php @(include 'utilities/all.php'); header("Content-Type: application/json"); checkGetParameter('item_id'); checkGetParameter('fb_id'); $item_id = cleanString(getGet('item_id')); $fb_id = cleanString(getGet('fb_id')); $sql = "UPDATE items SET item_status=2 WHERE item_id={$item_id} AND fb_id={$fb_id}"; $result = db_query($sql); $out['success'] = true; echo json_encode($out);
<!-- Url amigavel --> <?php function getGet($key) { return isset($_GET[$key]) ? $_GET[$key] : null; } $pg = getGet('a'); $file = is_file('view/' . $pg . '.php') ? 'view/' . $pg . '.php' : 'view/contato.php'; switch ($pg) { case 'contato': $title = 'Contato - '; break; case 'historia-loja': $title = 'História Comércio e Artes - '; break; default: $title = ''; }
<?php //设置sessionid session_id($_GET['sessionid']); session_start(); mb_http_input("utf-8"); mb_http_output("utf-8"); if (getGet('access2008_cmd') == '2') { // 提交MD5验证后的文件信息进行验证 //getGet("access2008_File_name") '文件名 //getGet("access2008_File_size") '文件大小,单位字节 //getGet("access2008_File_type") '文件类型 例如.gif .png //getGet("access2008_File_md5") '文件的MD5签名 die('0'); //返回命令 0 = 开始上传文件, 2 = 不上传文件,前台直接显示上传完成 } if (getGet('access2008_cmd') == '3') { //提交文件信息进行验证 //getGet("access2008_File_name") '文件名 //getGet("access2008_File_size") '文件大小,单位字节 //getGet("access2008_File_type") '文件类型 例如.gif .png die('1'); //返回命令 0 = 开始上传文件,1 = 提交MD5验证后的文件信息进行验证, 2 = 不上传文件,前台直接显示上传完成 } $php_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $php_url = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/'; //文件保存目录路径 $save_path = $php_path . './'; //默认为 update.php所在目录 $save_url = $php_url . './'; //默认为 update.php所在目录 //定义允许上传的文件扩展名
<?php include 'utilities/all.php'; require_once 'utilities/facebook.php'; include 'm_facebook.php'; if (!isGetSet('school_id')) { header("Location: index.php"); } $school_id = $_GET['school_id']; $category = getGet('category'); $query = getGet('query'); $page = getGet('page'); $numPerPage = 10; $numShow = 3; $param = array('school_id' => $school_id); $school_info = extrabaon_api("GetSchoolDetails", $param); $isLoggedIn; if (checkLogin($user)) { $isLoggedIn = true; } else { $isLoggedIn = false; } @(include 'm_htmldoctype.php'); ?> <html> <head> <?php @(include 'm_htmlhead-init.php'); ?> <title></title>