public function loginPost()
     $status = true;
     $msg = '';
     $user_name = getFormGetPostValue('user_name');
     $password = getFormGetPostValue('password');
     if (empty($user_name) || empty($password)) {
         $status = false;
         $msg = '帐号或密码不能为空。';
     } else {
         $Modle = M('SysUser');
         $userInfo = $Modle->where("user_name='%s' and password='******'", $user_name, md5($password))->find();
         if (empty($userInfo)) {
             $status = false;
             $msg = '帐号或密码有误,请重试。';
         } else {
             $SysRoleUser = M('SysRoleUser');
             $roles = $SysRoleUser->where('user_id=%u', $userInfo['user_id'])->select();
             if (count($roles) == 0) {
                 $status = false;
                 $msg = '帐号未授权。';
             } else {
                 $roleids = array();
                 foreach ($roles as $value) {
                     $roleids[] = $value['role_id'];
                 // 加载菜单、请求
                 // role_id为0时是超级用户
                 if (in_array(0, $roleids)) {
                     session('isSuperUser', true);
                     $SysMenu = M('SysMenu');
                     $menus = $SysMenu->order('seq asc')->select();
                 } else {
                     session('isSuperUser', false);
                     $Model = M();
                     $menus = $Model->query("SELECT m.*\n            FROM ( SELECT * FROM sys_role_function rf WHERE rf.role_id in (%s) AND rf.type = 0 ) rf\n            JOIN sys_menu m ON m.menu_id = rf.mf_id order by m.seq asc", join(',', $roleids));
                     $map['role_id'] = array('in', $roleids);
                     $map['type'] = array('eq', 1);
                     $SysRoleFunction = M('SysRoleFunction');
                     $functionData = $SysRoleFunction->field('sys_function.text')->join('sys_function ON sys_function.function_id = sys_role_function.mf_id')->where($map)->select();
                     $functionList = array();
                     foreach ($functionData as $value) {
                         $functionList[] = $value['text'];
                 session('menus', $menus);
                 session('functions', $functionList);
                 session('userInfo', $userInfo);
                 session('isLock', false);
     $this->ajaxReturn(returnStatus($status, $msg));
 public function chooseOrgUserSave()
     $org_id = getFormGetPostValue('org_id');
     $uids = getFormGetPostValue('uids');
     $array = explode(',', $uids);
     if ($array && count($array) > 0) {
         $dataList = array();
         foreach ($array as $id) {
             $dataList[] = array('id' => getGuid(), 'org_id' => $org_id, 'user_id' => $id);
         $Model = M("SysOrgUser");