public static function userSched() { global $lng, $coach, $settings, $leagues, $divisions, $tours; if (!is_object($coach)) { status(false, "You must be logged in to schedule games"); return; } if (isset($_POST['creategame'])) { // Test input $trid = (int) $_POST['trid']; $round = (int) $_POST['round']; $own_team = (int) $_POST['own_team']; $errmsg = ''; // Logged in coach has access to the tour? if (!in_array($trid, array_keys($tours))) { $errmsg = 'You do not have access to the tournament ' . $tours[$trid]['tname']; } // Is the team is really owned by the logged in coach? if ($coach->coach_id != get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $own_team, 'owned_by_coach_id')) { $errmsg = 'The team ' . get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $own_team, 'name') . ' is not owned by you'; } // Create match if (!$errmsg) { list($exitStatus, $mid) = Match::create(array('team1_id' => $own_team, 'team2_id' => get_alt_col('teams', 'name', $_POST['opposing_team_autocomplete'], 'team_id'), 'round' => $round, 'f_tour_id' => $trid)); $backFromMatchLink = Mobile::isMobile() ? "index.php?mobile=1" : "index.php?section=matches&type=report&mid={$mid}"; status(!$exitStatus, $exitStatus ? Match::$T_CREATE_ERROR_MSGS[$exitStatus] : "<a href='{$backFromMatchLink}'>Click here</a> to open the match report"); if (!$exitStatus) { echo "<br>"; } } else { status(false, $errmsg); } } $trid = isset($_GET['trid']) && is_numeric($_GET['trid']) ? (int) $_GET['trid'] : 0; $lid = $trid ? get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_LEAGUE) : false; $lname = $lid ? get_parent_name(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_LEAGUE) : '- N/A -'; $did = $trid && get_alt_col('leagues', 'lid', $lid, 'tie_teams') == 1 ? get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_DIVISION) : false; $dname = $did ? get_parent_name(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_DIVISION) : false; $_DISABLED = !$trid ? 'DISABLED' : ''; #print_r(array($trid, $lid, $lname, $did)); title($lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched')); $LOCK_FORMS = false; ?> <div class='boxCommon'> <h3 class='boxTitle<?php echo T_HTMLBOX_MATCH; ?> '><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched'); ?> </h3> <div class='boxBody'> <form method="POST" id="usersched"> <?php echo "In tournament "; echo HTMLOUT::nodeList(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, 'trid', array(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => array('locked' => 0, 'type' => TT_FFA, 'allow_sched' => 1)), array(), array('sel_id' => $trid, 'extra_tags' => array('onChange="document.location.href = \'' . getFormAction('?section=matches&type=usersched') . '&trid=\' + $(this).val();"'), 'init_option' => '<option value="0">- ' . $lng->getTrn('matches/usersched/selecttour') . " -</option>\n")); echo ' as '; echo '<select name="round" id="round" ' . $_DISABLED . '>'; $T_ROUNDS = Match::getRounds(); foreach ($T_ROUNDS as $r => $d) { echo "<option value='{$r}' " . ($r == 1 ? 'SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $d . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <br><br> Your team <?php $teams = array(); foreach ($coach->getTeams($lid, $did, array('sortby' => 'team_id DESC')) as $t) { if (!$t->rdy || $t->is_retired) { continue; } $teams[] = $t; } ?> <select name='own_team' id='own_team' <?php echo $_DISABLED; ?> > <?php echo "<optgroup class='leagues' label='{$lname}'>\n"; if ($dname) { echo "<optgroup class='divisions' label=' {$dname}'>\n"; } foreach ($teams as $t) { echo "<option style='background-color: white; margin-left: -1em;' value='{$t->team_id}'> {$t->name}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> VS. <input type="text" id='opposing_team_autoselect' name="opposing_team_autocomplete" size="30" maxlength="50" <?php echo $_DISABLED; ?> > <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var options, b; options = { minChars:2, serviceUrl:'handler.php?type=autocomplete&obj=<?php echo T_OBJ_TEAM; ?> &trid=<?php echo $trid; ?> ', }; b = $('#opposing_team_autoselect').autocomplete(options); }); </script> <br><br><br> <input type="submit" name="creategame" value="<?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched'); ?> " <?php if (empty($teams) || $_DISABLED) { echo 'DISABLED'; } ?> > <?php if (Mobile::isMobile()) { echo '<a href="' . getFormAction('') . '">' . $lng->getTrn('common/back') . '</a>'; } ?> </form> </div> </div> <?php }
} if ($tier == '') { $tier = 'Dungeon_1'; } // Class Selection $class = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["classfilter"])) { $class = $_REQUEST["classfilter"]; } // Create the Selection Form // First get the sets $all_sets = array_keys($roster->locale->act['ItemSets_Set']); sort($all_sets); $form = ''; $form .= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="membersList">'; $form .= '<form method="GET" name="myform" action="' . getFormAction() . '">'; $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="p" value="realm-ItemSets" />'; $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="realm" value="' . $roster->data['region'] . '-' . $roster->data['server'] . '" />'; $form .= '<tr><th class="membersRow1">Tier:</th>'; $form .= '<td class="membersRow1">'; $form .= '<select name="tierselect" size="1" onchange="window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($all_sets); $i++) { if ($tier == $all_sets[$i]) { $is_selected = 'selected'; } else { $is_selected = ''; } $form .= '<option value="' . makelink('realm-ItemSets&classfilter=' . $class . '&tierselect=' . $all_sets[$i], true) . '" ' . $is_selected . '>' . $roster->locale->act[$all_sets[$i]] . '</option>'; } $form .= '</select></td>'; // Then get the class names
public static function sec_mobile_main() { global $coach, $lng, $T_INJS; $teams = $coach->getTeams(); $selectedTeamId = Mobile_HTMLOUT::getSelectedTeamId(); $_SESSION["SelectedTeam"] = $selectedTeamId; foreach ($teams as $team) { if ($team->team_id == $selectedTeamId) { $selectedTeam = $team; } } if (!$selectedTeam) { echo $lng->getTrn('mobile/team/noteams'); return; } $playersOnSelectedTeam = $selectedTeam->getPlayers(); // Filter players depending on settings and view mode. $tmp_players = array(); foreach ($playersOnSelectedTeam as $player) { if ($player->is_dead || $player->is_sold) { continue; } array_push($tmp_players, $player); } $playersOnSelectedTeam = $tmp_players; foreach ($playersOnSelectedTeam as $player) { Player_HTMLOUT::setChoosableSkillsTranslations($player); } list($recentMatches, $pages) = Stats::getMatches(T_OBJ_TEAM, $selectedTeamId, false, false, false, false, array(), true, false); list($upcomingMatches, $pages) = Stats::getMatches(T_OBJ_TEAM, $selectedTeamId, false, false, false, false, array(), true, true); $allMatches = array_merge($recentMatches, $upcomingMatches); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var playersOnSelectedTeam = <?php echo json_encode($playersOnSelectedTeam); ?> ; var matches = <?php echo json_encode($allMatches); ?> ; var injuryTable = <?php echo json_encode($T_INJS); ?> ; $('#tabs').tabs(); $('#SelectedTeam').change(function() { this.form.submit(); }); var mobileViewModel = new MobileViewModel(playersOnSelectedTeam, matches); mobileViewModel.matchDialogViewModel.selectedPlayerViewModel.injuryTable(injuryTable); mobileViewModel.matchDialogViewModel.myTeamId(<?php echo $selectedTeamId; ?> ); ko.applyBindings(mobileViewModel); }); </script> <div class="main"> <form method="post" action="<?php echo getFormAction(''); ?> "> <select id="SelectedTeam" name="SelectedTeam"> <?php foreach ($teams as $team) { $isThisTeam = $team->team_id == $selectedTeamId; echo '<option value="' . $team->team_id . '"' . ($isThisTeam ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $team->name . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <span class="button-panel"> <img id="open-menu" src="images/menu.svg" alt="Menu" class="icon ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all" data-bind="click: showMenu" /> <ul id="menu" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-left ui-corner-left ui-corner-br" data-bind="visible: isMenuVisible"> <li><a href="<?php echo getFormAction('?section=management'); ?> "><?php echo $lng->getTrn('mobile/team/management'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="index.php"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('mobile/team/desktop_site'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo getFormAction('?logout=1'); ?> "><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/logout'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </span> </form> <div> <?php echo 'TV' . $selectedTeam->tv / 1000 . ', ' . $selectedTeam->treasury / 1000 . 'k, FF' . $selectedTeam->rg_ff; ?> <?php if ($selectedTeam->apothecary) { echo ', ' . $lng->getTrn('common/apothecary'); } ?> </div> <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#Teams"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/team'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="#Games"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/name'); ?> </a></li> </ul> <?php Mobile_HTMLOUT::teamSummaryView($playersOnSelectedTeam); ?> <?php Mobile_HTMLOUT::matchSummaryView($recentMatches, $upcomingMatches); ?> </div> </div> <?php }
function sec_login() { global $lng, $settings; $_URL_forgotpass = "******"; if (isset($_GET['forgotpass'])) { if (!isset($_POST['_retry'])) { title($lng->getTrn('login/forgotpass')); } if (isset($_GET['cid']) && isset($_GET['activation_code'])) { $c = new Coach((int) $_GET['cid']); status($new_passwd = $c->confirmActivation($_GET['activation_code'])); echo "<br><br>"; echo $lng->getTrn('login/temppasswd') . " <b>{$new_passwd}</b><br>\n"; echo '<a href="' . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_COACH, $_GET['cid'], false, false) . '&subsec=profile">' . $lng->getTrn('login/setnewpasswd') . '.</a>'; } else { if (isset($_POST['coach_AC']) && isset($_POST['email'])) { $cid = get_alt_col('coaches', 'name', $_POST['coach_AC'], 'coach_id'); $c = new Coach($cid); $correct_user = $c->mail == $_POST['email']; status($correct_user, $correct_user ? '' : $lng->getTrn('login/mismatch')); if ($correct_user) { $c->requestPasswdReset(); echo "<br><br>"; echo $lng->getTrn('login/resetpasswdmail') . '.'; } else { // Return to same page. unset($_POST['coach']); unset($_POST['email']); $_POST['_retry'] = true; sec_login(); } } else { ?> <div class='boxCommon'> <h3 class='boxTitle<?php echo T_HTMLBOX_COACH; ?> '><?php echo $lng->getTrn('login/forgotpass'); ?> </h3> <div class='boxBody'> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_URL_forgotpass; ?> "> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('login/loginname'); ?> <br> <input type="text" name="coach_AC" size="20" maxlength="50"> <br><br> Email<br> <input type="text" name="email" size="20" maxlength="50"> <br><br> <input type="submit" name="reqAC" value="<?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/submit'); ?> "> </form> </div> </div> <?php } } } else { title($lng->getTrn('menu/login')); ?> <div class='boxCommon'> <h3 class='boxTitle<?php echo T_HTMLBOX_COACH; ?> '><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/login'); ?> </h3> <div class='boxBody'> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo getFormAction(''); ?> "> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('login/loginname'); ?> <br> <input type="text" name="coach" size="20" maxlength="50"><br><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('login/passwd'); ?> <br> <input type="password" name="passwd" size="20" maxlength="50"> <div style='display: none;'><input type='text' name='hackForHittingEnterToLogin' size='1'></div> <br><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('login/remember'); ?> <input type='checkbox' name='remember' value='1'> <br><br> <input type="submit" name="login" value="<?php echo $lng->getTrn('login/loginbutton'); ?> "> </form> <br><br> <?php if (!Mobile::isMobile()) { if (Module::isRegistered('Registration') && $settings['allow_registration']) { echo "<a href='handler.php?type=registration'><b>Register</b></a>"; } echo "<br><br>"; echo "<a href='{$_URL_forgotpass}'><b>" . $lng->getTrn('login/forgotpass') . '</b></a>'; } ?> </div> </div> <?php } }
private function _teamManagementBox($players, $team) { global $lng, $rules, $DEA, $T_ALLOWED_PLAYER_NR; ?> <div class="boxTeamPage"> <div class="boxTitle<?php echo T_HTMLBOX_COACH; ?> "><?php echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/title') . ' - ' . $team->name; ?> </div> <div class="boxBody"> <?php $base = 'profile/team'; $tmanage = array('hire_player' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/hire_player'), 'hire_journeyman' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/hire_journeyman'), 'fire_player' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/fire_player'), 'unbuy_player' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/unbuy_player'), 'rename_player' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/rename_player'), 'renumber_player' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/renumber_player'), 'rename_team' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/rename_team'), 'buy_goods' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/buy_goods'), 'drop_goods' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/drop_goods'), 'ready_state' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/ready_state'), 'retire' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/retire'), 'delete' => $lng->getTrn($base . '/box_tm/delete')); # If one of these are selected from the menu, a JavaScript confirm prompt is displayed before submitting. # Note: Don't add "hire_player" here - players may be un-bought if not having played any games. $tmange_confirm = array('hire_journeyman', 'fire_player', 'buy_goods', 'drop_goods'); // Set default choice. if (!isset($_POST['menu_tmanage'])) { reset($tmanage); $_POST['menu_tmanage'] = key($tmanage); } // If action is already chosen, then make it the default selected. if (isset($_POST['type']) && array_key_exists($_POST['type'], $tmanage)) { $_POST['menu_tmanage'] = $_POST['type']; } ?> <form method="POST" name="menu_tmanage_form"> <select name="menu_tmanage" onchange="document.menu_tmanage_form.submit();"> <?php foreach ($tmanage as $opt => $desc) { echo "<option value='{$opt}'" . ($_POST['menu_tmanage'] == $opt ? 'SELECTED' : '') . ">{$desc}</option>"; } ?> </select> <!-- <input type="submit" name="tmanage" value="OK"> --> </form> <br><i><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/desc'); ?> :</i><br><br> <form name="form_tmanage" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php $DISABLE = false; switch ($_POST['menu_tmanage']) { /************** * Hire player **************/ case 'hire_player': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/hire_player'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/player'); ?> :<br> <select name='player'> <?php $active_players = array_filter($players, create_function('$p', "return (\$p->is_sold || \$p->is_dead || \$p->is_mng) ? false : true;")); $DISABLE = true; foreach ($DEA[$team->f_rname]['players'] as $pos => $details) { // Show players on the select list if buyable, or if player is a potential journeyman AND team has not reached journeymen limit. if ($team->isPlayerBuyable($details['pos_id']) && $team->treasury >= $details['cost'] || ($details['qty'] == 16 || $details['qty'] == 12) && count($active_players) < $rules['journeymen_limit']) { echo "<option value='{$details['pos_id']}'>" . $details['cost'] / 1000 . "k | " . $lng->GetTrn('position/' . strtolower($lng->FilterPosition($pos))) . "</option>\n"; $DISABLE = false; } } echo "</select>\n"; ?> <br><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/number'); ?> :<br> <select name="number"> <?php foreach ($T_ALLOWED_PLAYER_NR as $i) { foreach ($players as $p) { if ($p->nr == $i && !$p->is_sold && !$p->is_dead) { continue 2; } } echo "<option value='{$i}'>{$i}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <br><br> <?php echo $lng->GetTrn('common/journeyman'); ?> ? <input type="checkbox" name="as_journeyman" value="1"> <br><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/name'); ?> :<br> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="hire_player"> <?php break; /************** * Hire journeymen **************/ /************** * Hire journeymen **************/ case 'hire_journeyman': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/hire_journeyman'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/player'); ?> :<br> <select name="player"> <?php $DISABLE = true; foreach ($players as $p) { $price = $DEA[$team->f_rname]['players'][$p->pos]['cost']; if (!$p->is_journeyman || $p->is_sold || $p->is_dead || $team->treasury < $price || !$team->isPlayerBuyable($p->f_pos_id) || $team->isFull()) { continue; } echo "<option value='{$p->player_id}'>{$p->nr} {$p->name} | " . $price / 1000 . " k</option>\n"; $DISABLE = false; } ?> </select> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="hire_journeyman"> <?php break; /************** * Fire player **************/ /************** * Fire player **************/ case 'fire_player': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/fire_player') . ' ' . $rules['player_refund'] * 100 . "%.\n"; ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/player'); ?> :<br> <select name="player"> <?php $DISABLE = true; foreach ($players as $p) { if ($p->is_dead || $p->is_sold) { continue; } echo "<option value='{$p->player_id}'>" . ($rules['player_refund'] ? $p->value / 1000 * $rules['player_refund'] . "k refund | " : "") . "{$p->nr} {$p->name}</option>\n"; $DISABLE = false; } ?> </select> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="fire_player"> <?php break; /*************** * Un-buy player **************/ /*************** * Un-buy player **************/ case 'unbuy_player': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/unbuy_player'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/player'); ?> :<br> <select name="player"> <?php $DISABLE = true; foreach ($players as $p) { if ($p->is_unbuyable() && !$p->is_sold) { echo "<option value='{$p->player_id}'>{$p->nr} {$p->name}</option>\n"; $DISABLE = false; } } ?> </select> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="unbuy_player"> <?php break; /************** * Rename player **************/ /************** * Rename player **************/ case 'rename_player': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/rename_player'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/player'); ?> :<br> <select name="player"> <?php $DISABLE = true; foreach ($players as $p) { unset($color); if ($p->is_dead) { $color = COLOR_HTML_DEAD; } elseif ($p->is_sold) { $color = COLOR_HTML_SOLD; } echo "<option value='{$p->player_id}' " . (isset($color) ? "style='background-color: {$color};'" : '') . ">{$p->nr} {$p->name}</option>\n"; $DISABLE = false; } ?> </select> <br><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/name'); ?> :<br> <input type='text' name='name' maxlength=50 size=20> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="rename_player"> <?php break; /************** * Renumber player **************/ /************** * Renumber player **************/ case 'renumber_player': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/renumber_player'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/player'); ?> :<br> <select name="player"> <?php $DISABLE = true; foreach ($players as $p) { unset($color); if ($p->is_dead) { $color = COLOR_HTML_DEAD; } elseif ($p->is_sold) { $color = COLOR_HTML_SOLD; } echo "<option value='{$p->player_id}' " . (isset($color) ? "style='background-color: {$color};'" : '') . ">{$p->nr} {$p->name}</option>\n"; $DISABLE = false; } ?> </select> <br><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/number'); ?> :<br> <select name="number"> <?php foreach ($T_ALLOWED_PLAYER_NR as $i) { echo "<option value='{$i}'>{$i}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="renumber_player"> <?php break; /************** * Rename team **************/ /************** * Rename team **************/ case 'rename_team': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/rename_team'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/name'); ?> :<br> <input type='text' name='name' maxlength='50' size='20'> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="rename_team"> <?php break; /************** * Buy team goods **************/ /************** * Buy team goods **************/ case 'buy_goods': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/buy_goods'); $goods_temp = $team->getGoods(); if ($DEA[$team->f_rname]['other']['rr_cost'] != $goods_temp['rerolls']['cost']) { echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/buy_goods_warn'); } ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/fdescs/thing'); ?> :<br> <select name="thing"> <?php $DISABLE = true; foreach ($team->getGoods() as $name => $details) { if ($name == 'ff_bought' && !$team->mayBuyFF()) { continue; } if (($team->{$name} < $details['max'] || $details['max'] == -1) && $team->treasury >= $details['cost']) { echo "<option value='{$name}'>" . $details['cost'] / 1000 . "k | {$details['item']}</option>\n"; $DISABLE = false; } } ?> </select> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="buy_goods"> <?php break; /************** * Let go (drop) of team goods **************/ /************** * Let go (drop) of team goods **************/ case 'drop_goods': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/drop_goods'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/fdescs/thing'); ?> :<br> <select name="thing"> <?php $DISABLE = true; foreach ($team->getGoods() as $name => $details) { if ($name == 'ff_bought' && !$team->mayBuyFF()) { continue; } if ($team->{$name} > 0) { echo "<option value='{$name}'>{$details['item']}</option>\n"; $DISABLE = false; } } ?> </select> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="drop_goods"> <?php break; /************** * Set ready state **************/ /************** * Set ready state **************/ case 'ready_state': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/ready_state'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/fdescs/teamready'); ?> <input type="checkbox" name="bool" value="1" <?php echo $team->rdy ? 'CHECKED' : ''; ?> > <input type="hidden" name="type" value="ready_state"> <?php break; /*************** * Retire **************/ /*************** * Retire **************/ case 'retire': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/retire'); ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/fdescs/retire'); ?> <input type="checkbox" name="bool" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="retire"> <?php break; /*************** * Delete **************/ /*************** * Delete **************/ case 'delete': echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/desc/delete'); if (!$this->isDeletable()) { $DISABLE = true; } ?> <hr><br> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('profile/team/box_tm/fdescs/suredeleteteam'); ?> <input type="checkbox" name="bool" value="1" <?php echo $DISABLE ? 'DISABLED' : ''; ?> > <input type="hidden" name="type" value="delete"> <?php break; } ?> <br><br> <input type="submit" name="button" value="OK" <?php echo $DISABLE ? 'DISABLED' : ''; ?> <?php if (in_array($_POST['menu_tmanage'], $tmange_confirm)) { echo "onClick=\"if(!confirm('" . $lng->getTrn('common/confirm_box') . "')){return false;}\""; } ?> > <?php if (Mobile::isMobile()) { echo '<a href="' . getFormAction('') . '">' . $lng->getTrn('common/back') . '</a>'; } ?> </form> </div> </div> <?php }