public function doPatientCheck(RsPatient $patient, $beginMeasurement = null, $endMeasurement = null, $options = null) { $encounters = getEncounters($patient->id, $beginMeasurement, $endMeasurement, $this->getOptionId()); empty($encounters) ? $totalNumberAppt = 0 : ($totalNumberAppt = count($encounters)); if ($totalNumberAppt < $options[self::OPTION_ENCOUNTER_COUNT]) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public function doPatientCheck(RsPatient $patient, $beginDate = null, $endDate = null, $options = null) { // TODO Read from referrals to check for ditary consult? // TODO How to check for patient communication? // for now, check for any encounter $encounters = getEncounters($patient->id, $beginDate, $endDate); empty($encounters) ? $totalNumberAppt = 0 : ($totalNumberAppt = count($encounters)); if ($totalNumberAppt < 1) { return false; } else { return true; } }
private function exist_encounter($patient_id, $encounter_label, $begin_date = '', $end_date, $number) { // use the getEncounters() function from library/ $encounters = getEncounters($patient_id, $begin_date, $end_date, $encounter_label); empty($encounters) ? $totalNumberAppt = 0 : ($totalNumberAppt = count($encounters)); if ($totalNumberAppt < $number) { return false; } else { return true; } }
?> </span></td> <?php if (!$GLOBALS['athletic_team']) { ?> <td><span class='bold'><?php xl('Insurance', 'e'); ?> </span></td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php if ($result = getEncounters($pid)) { foreach ($result as $iter) { // $href = "javascript:window.toencounter(" . $iter['encounter'] . ")"; $reason_string = ""; $auth_sensitivity = true; // $linkbeg = "<a class='text' href='$href'>"; // TBD: include target=Main ? $linkend = "</a>"; if ($result4 = sqlQuery("select * from form_encounter where encounter='" . $iter["encounter"] . "' and pid='{$pid}'")) { $raw_encounter_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($result4["date"])); $encounter_date = date("D F jS", strtotime($result4["date"])); // if ($auth_notes_a || ($auth_notes && $iter['user'] == $_SESSION['authUser'])) $reason_string .= $result4["reason"] . "<br>\n"; // else // $reason_string = "(No access)"; $href = "javascript:window.toencounter(" . $iter['encounter'] . ",\"{$raw_encounter_date}\")"; $linkbeg = "<a class='text' href='{$href}'>";