/** * returns an array of detailType structured information for all detailTypes * detailTypes = {"groups" => {"groupIDToIndex":{detailTypeGroupID:index}, * index:{propName:val,...},...}, * "names":{dtyID:name,...}, * "rectypeUsage" => { dtyID => [rtyID,...], ...}, * 'usageCount' => {dtyID:nonzero-count,...}, * "typedefs":{"commonFieldNames":[defDetailTypes Column names], * "commonNamesToIndex":{"defDetailTypes columnName":index,...}, * dtyID:{"commonFields":[val,....]}, * ...}, * 'lookups' => {basetype=>displayName); * * @global int $dbID databse ID * @param boolean $useCachedData if true does a lookup for the detailtypes structure in cache * @return object information describing all the detailtypes defined in the database * @uses getDetailTypeColNames() * @uses getColumnNameToIndex() * @uses getRectypeStructureFieldColNames() * @uses getDetailTypeGroups() * @uses getDetailTypeUsageCount() * @uses getDetailTypeDefUsage() * @uses getDtLookups() * @uses getCachedData() * @uses setCachedData() */ function getAllDetailTypeStructures($useCachedData = false) { global $dbID; $cacheKey = DATABASE . ":AllDetailTypeInfo"; if ($useCachedData) { $dtStructs = getCachedData($cacheKey); if ($dtStructs) { return $dtStructs; } } $dtG = getDetailTypeGroups(); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log(print_r($dtG,true)); $dtStructs = array('groups' => $dtG, 'names' => array(), 'rectypeUsage' => getDetailTypeDefUsage(), 'usageCount' => getDetailTypeUsageCount(), 'typedefs' => array('commonFieldNames' => getDetailTypeColNames(), 'fieldNamesToIndex' => getColumnNameToIndex(getDetailTypeColNames())), 'lookups' => getDtLookups()); $query = "select dtg_ID, dtg_Name, " . join(",", getDetailTypeColNames()); $query = preg_replace("/dty_ConceptID/", "", $query); if ($dbID) { //if(trm_OriginatingDBID,concat(cast(trm_OriginatingDBID as char(5)),'-',cast(trm_IDInOriginatingDB as char(5))),'null') as trm_ConceptID $query .= " if(dty_OriginatingDBID, concat(cast(dty_OriginatingDBID as char(5)),'-',cast(dty_IDInOriginatingDB as char(5))), concat('{$dbID}-',cast(dty_ID as char(5)))) as dty_ConceptID"; } else { $query .= " if(dty_OriginatingDBID, concat(cast(dty_OriginatingDBID as char(5)),'-',cast(dty_IDInOriginatingDB as char(5))), '') as dty_ConceptID"; } $query .= " from defDetailTypes left join defDetailTypeGroups on dtg_ID = dty_DetailTypeGroupID" . " order by dtg_Order, dtg_Name, dty_OrderInGroup, dty_Name"; $res = mysql_query($query); $dtStructs['sortedNames'] = mysql__select_assoc('defDetailTypes', 'dty_Name', 'dty_ID', '1 order by dty_Name'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { array_push($dtStructs['groups'][$dtG['groupIDToIndex'][$row[0]]]['allTypes'], $row[2]); if ($row[17]) { // dty_ShowInLists array_push($dtStructs['groups'][$dtG['groupIDToIndex'][$row[0]]]['showTypes'], $row[2]); } $dtStructs['typedefs'][$row[2]]['commonFields'] = array_slice($row, 2); $dtStructs['names'][$row[2]] = $row[3]; } setCachedData($cacheKey, $dtStructs); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log(print_r($dtStructs['typedefs'],true)); return $dtStructs; }
/** * returns an array of detailType structured information for all detailTypes * detailTypes = {"groups" => {"groupIDToIndex":{detailTypeGroupID:index}, * index:{propName:val,...},...}, * "names":{dtyID:name,...}, * "rectypeUsage" => { dtyID => [rtyID,...], ...}, * 'usageCount' => {dtyID:nonzero-count,...}, * "typedefs":{"commonFieldNames":[defDetailTypes Column names], * "commonNamesToIndex":{"defDetailTypes columnName":index,...}, * dtyID:{"commonFields":[val,....]}, * ...}, * 'lookups' => {basetype=>displayName); * * @global int $dbID databse ID * @param boolean $useCachedData if true does a lookup for the detailtypes structure in cache * @return object information describing all the detailtypes defined in the database * @uses getDetailTypeColNames() * @uses __getColumnNameToIndex() * @uses __getRectypeStructureFieldColNames() * @uses getDetailTypeGroups() * @uses getDetailTypeUsageCount() * @uses getDetailTypeDefUsage() * @uses dbs_GetDtLookups() * @uses getCachedData() * @uses setCachedData() * * $dettypeids null means all, otherwise comma separated list of ids or list of field types (numeric,blocktext etc) * $imode 0 - only names and groupnames * 1 - only structure * 2 - full, both headers and structures * 3 - ids only */ function dbs_GetDetailTypes($system, $dettypeids = null, $imode) { $mysqli = $system->get_mysqli(); $dbID = $system->get_system('sys_dbRegisteredID'); /* ARTEM global $mysqli, $dbID; $cacheKey = DATABASE . ":AllDetailTypeInfo"; if ($useCachedData) { $dtStructs = getCachedData($cacheKey); if ($dtStructs) { return $dtStructs; } } */ $dtStructs = array(); if ($imode != 1) { $dtG = getDetailTypeGroups($mysqli); $dtStructs['groups'] = $dtG; $dtStructs['names'] = array(); } if ($imode > 0) { $dtStructs['typedefs'] = array('commonFieldNames' => getDetailTypeColNames(), 'fieldNamesToIndex' => __getColumnNameToIndex(getDetailTypeColNames())); $dtStructs['lookups'] = dbs_GetDtLookups(); } if (false && $imode == 2) { $dtStructs['rectypeUsage'] = getDetailTypeDefUsage($mysqli); $dtStructs['usageCount'] = getDetailTypeUsageCount($mysqli); } $where_exp = null; if ($dettypeids != null || $dettypeids != '' && $dettypeids != 'all') { if (!is_array($dettypeids)) { $dettypeids = array($dettypeids); } if ($dettypeids[0] != 'all') { //detect ID or TYPE if (is_int($dettypeids[0])) { $where_exp = ' dty_ID in (' . implode(',', $dettypeids) . ')'; } else { $where_exp = ' dty_Type in (\'' . implode("','", $dettypeids) . '\')'; } } } if ($imode == 3) { //ids only //$query = "select dty_ID from defDetailTypes"; if ($where_exp == null) { $where_exp = ''; } $res = mysql__select_list($mysqli, 'defDetailTypes', 'dty_ID', $where_exp); return $res; } else { $query = "select dtg_ID, dtg_Name, " . join(",", getDetailTypeColNames()); $query = preg_replace("/dty_ConceptID/", "", $query); if ($dbID) { //if(trm_OriginatingDBID,concat(cast(trm_OriginatingDBID as char(5)),'-',cast(trm_IDInOriginatingDB as char(5))),'null') as trm_ConceptID $query .= " if(dty_OriginatingDBID, concat(cast(dty_OriginatingDBID as char(5)),'-',cast(dty_IDInOriginatingDB as char(5))), concat('{$dbID}-',cast(dty_ID as char(5)))) as dty_ConceptID"; } else { $query .= " if(dty_OriginatingDBID, concat(cast(dty_OriginatingDBID as char(5)),'-',cast(dty_IDInOriginatingDB as char(5))), '') as dty_ConceptID"; } $query .= " from defDetailTypes left join defDetailTypeGroups on dtg_ID = dty_DetailTypeGroupID"; if ($where_exp != null) { $query = $query . ' where ' . $where_exp; } $query = $query . " order by dtg_Order, dtg_Name, dty_OrderInGroup, dty_Name"; } $res = $mysqli->query($query); //ARTEM $dtStructs['sortedNames'] = mysql__select_assoc('defDetailTypes', 'dty_Name', 'dty_ID', '1 order by dty_Name'); try { if (!$res) { error_log('FAILED QUERY: ' . $mysqli->error); //$query); error_log('Database: ' . HEURIST_DBNAME); } else { while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) { if ($imode != 1) { array_push($dtStructs['groups'][$dtG['groupIDToIndex'][$row[0]]]['allTypes'], $row[2]); if ($row[17]) { // dty_ShowInLists array_push($dtStructs['groups'][$dtG['groupIDToIndex'][$row[0]]]['showTypes'], $row[2]); } $dtStructs['names'][$row[2]] = $row[3]; } $dtStructs['typedefs'][$row[2]]['commonFields'] = array_slice($row, 2); } } } catch (Exception $e) { //trying to find veird error - missed trm_Modified column error_log('Message: ' . $e->getMessage()); error_log('QUERY: ' . $query); error_log('Database: ' . HEURIST_DBNAME); } //SPECIAL CASE for relation type #6 if ($imode > 0 && @$dtStructs['typedefs'][DT_RELATION_TYPE]) { $idx = $dtStructs['typedefs']['fieldNamesToIndex']['dty_JsonTermIDTree']; $dtStructs['typedefs'][DT_RELATION_TYPE]['commonFields'][$idx] = 0; $idx = $dtStructs['typedefs']['fieldNamesToIndex']['dty_TermIDTreeNonSelectableIDs']; $dtStructs['typedefs'][DT_RELATION_TYPE]['commonFields'][$idx] = ''; } //ARTEM setCachedData($cacheKey, $dtStructs); return $dtStructs; }