function getEmailAccounts() { try { $stmt = getAccounts(); $emails = array(); while ($result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $emails[] = $result->email; } return $emails; } catch (PDOException $e) { header('Location: ../vues/vue_interface_admin.php?error=db'); exit; } }
<?php include('config.php'); include('functions.php'); include('classes/client.class.php'); include('classes/security.class.php'); include('classes/securitycollection.class.php'); include('classes/isin.class.php'); include('classes/isincollection.class.php'); include('classes/transactioncollection.class.php'); //check, if client is already logged in. login(); if(!logged()) { include('login_header.php'); } //process data $transaction = new TransactionCollection(); $collection = new SecurityCollection(); $isinCollection = new IsinCollection; $client = new Client; $isins = $isinCollection->getIsins(); $accounts = getAccounts(); include($templates.'menu.html'); echo strtoupper('THANK YOU!<br/><br/>YOUR ORDER HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED!'); include($templates.'welcome.html'); include($templates.'footer.html'); ?>
function getUserData() { $uid = intval($_POST['uid']); if ($uid == 0) { die("error"); } if ($uid === intval($_SESSION['uid'])) { die(json_encode(getAccounts($uid)[0])); } $result = getAccounts($uid)[0]; if (isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { if (intval($result['user_id']) == intval($_SESSION['uid'])) { die(json_encode($result)); } if (intval($result['status']) > 1) { die(json_encode("error")); } } die(json_encode($result)); }
<?php include 'connection.php'; //handle connection to mysql DB //call the requested function if ($_POST['method'] == "getAccounts") { getAccounts(); //call getAccounts method } elseif ($_POST['method'] == "addAccount") { addAccount($_POST['json']); } //get all accounts function getAccounts() { global $mysqli; $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM accounts"; $accounts = getAccountsByQuery($strQuery); //return accounts as a json Object echo json_encode(array('Accounts' => $accounts)); } //get accounts from db filterd by parameter strQuery function getAccountsByQuery($strQuery) { global $mysqli; // get array of accounts $result = $mysqli->query($strQuery); $accounts = array(); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $accounts[] = $row; }
function addUser($username, $origin, $status, $password = null, $email = null, $fullname = null) { global $mysql; $username = mysql_html($username); $origin = mysql_html($origin); $status = mysql_html($status); $email = mysql_html($email); $fullname = mysql_html($fullname); if ($fullname == null) { $fullname = $username; } if ($password !== null) { $password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); } $q1 = "INSERT INTO 1fx_users (username, origin, status, password, email, fullname) VALUES ('{$username}', '{$origin}', '{$status}', '{$password}', '{$email}', '{$fullname}')"; $q2 = "SELECT user_id FROM 1fx_users WHERE username='******'"; $res = mysqli_query($mysql, $q1); if (!$res) { die(mysqli_error($mysql)); } $id = intval(mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($mysql, $q2))['user_id']); $q3 = "INSERT INTO 1fx_preferences (user_id) VALUES ({$id})"; mysqli_query($mysql, $q3); $userdata = getAccounts($id)[0]; $emailBody = "Hello " . $userdata['fullname'] . ",<br><br>Your account has been registered to the serverpanel named <a href='" . getProtocol() . "://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "'>" . substr($_SESSION['panel'], 0, -3) . "</a><br>Your account - {$username}<br>"; if (intval($origin) == 1) { $emailBody .= "The account comes from IPS4 system, so you can log in with your forum password<br>"; } $emailBody .= "<br>Best Regards!"; echo sendEmail($fullname, $userdata['email'], "You have been registered to " . substr($_SESSION['panel'], 0, -3), $emailBody); if ($status === "3") { $giveServerPermissions = "INSERT INTO 1fx_servers_user_map (server_id, user_id, can_see_rcon, can_update_mod, can_access_banlist, can_see_ftp, can_access_config, can_access_mapcycle_ents, can_stop_server) SELECT server_id, {$id} AS user_id, 1 AS can_see_rcon, 1 AS can_update_mod, 1 AS can_access_banlist, 1 AS can_see_ftp, 1 AS can_access_config, 1 AS can_access_mapcycle_ents, 1 AS can_stop_servers FROM 1fx_servers"; mysqli_query($mysql, $giveServerPermissions); } }
if (!isset($_SESSION['project_href'])) { getProjects($_SESSION['account_href'], $_SESSION['token']); } getTodos($_SESSION['project'], $_SESSION['token']); } else { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'redirect': if (!isset($_GET['code'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("verification code missing"); } $verification_code = $_GET['code']; $tokens = $oauth->exchangeVerificationCode($verification_code); $_SESSION['token'] = $tokens['access_token']; setcookie('token', $tokens['access_token']); file_put_contents('tokens', serialize($tokens) . "\n-----------------------\n", FILE_APPEND); getAccounts($tokens['access_token']); break; case 'choose_user': $_SESSION['account_href'] = $_POST['url_base']; setcookie('account_href', $_POST['url_base']); header('Location: index.php'); break; case 'choose_project': $_SESSION['project_href'] = $_POST['project_url']; setcookie('project_href', $_POST['project_url']); $_SESSION['project'] = $_POST['project']; setcookie('project', $_POST['project']); header('Location: index.php'); break; case 'logout': setcookie('project', null);
// WEBSERVICES DE LA TABLA ACCOUNTS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $app->get('/getAccounts', function () { //Importa el archivo que contiene el método require_once 'Servicios/getAccounts.php'; $app = new \Slim\Slim(); require_once 'Servicios/Auth.php'; $deviceId = $app->request->headers->get('deviceID'); $hash = $app->request->headers->get('hash'); $respuesta = auth($deviceId, $hash); if ($respuesta != "Auth_OK") { echo $respuesta; return; } //LLama el método que lee de la base de datos y obtiene la respuesta $respuesta = getAccounts(); //Muestra la respuesta al cliente echo $respuesta; }); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $app->get('/getAccount', function () { //Importa el archivo que contiene el método require_once 'Servicios/getAccount.php'; $app = new \Slim\Slim(); require_once 'Servicios/Auth.php'; $deviceId = $app->request->headers->get('deviceID'); $hash = $app->request->headers->get('hash'); $respuesta = auth($deviceId, $hash); if ($respuesta != "Auth_OK") { echo $respuesta; return;
All accounts </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="table-responsive table-bordered"> <table class="table"> <thead> <th>Username</th> <th>Origin</th> <th>E-mail</th> <th>Full name</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Options</th> </thead> <tbody> <?php $allAccounts = getAccounts(null, $_SESSION['uid']); $dataGot = false; foreach ($allAccounts as $myAccount) { $dataGot = true; ?> <tr id="row<?php echo $myAccount['id']; ?> "> <td><?php echo $myAccount['username']; ?> </td> <td><?php if ($myAccount['origin'] === "1") { echo "IPS Account";