Пример #1
  * end action method handles payment confirm and saves order
 public function endAction()
     $config = Shopware()->Plugins()->Frontend()->PigmbhRatePAYPayment()->Config();
     $secret = $this->getPaymentShortName() == 'RatePAYInvoice'?  $config->security_code: $config->security_code_rate;
     $transactionId = Shopware()->Session()->pi_ratepay_transactionID;
     $hash = $secret . $transactionId;
     $this->saveOrder($transactionId, $hash);
     $sql = "SELECT `ordernumber` FROM `s_order` WHERE `transactionID` = ?";
     $this->ordernumber = Shopware()->Db()->fetchOne($sql, array($transactionId));
     $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `s_order` WHERE `transactionID` = ?";
     $this->orderId = Shopware()->Db()->fetchOne($sql, array($transactionId));
     Shopware()->Session()->pi_ratepay_ordernumber = $this->ordernumber;
     if ($this->getPaymentShortName() == 'RatePAYRate') $this->saveRateDetails();
     historyEntry($this->ordernumber, '<b class=\"green\">Bestellung ist eingegangen</b>', '', '', '');
     $sql = "UPDATE `s_order` SET `cleared` = ? WHERE `ordernumber` = ?";
     Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array((int)getAcceptedStatusId(), $this->ordernumber));
     $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'checkout', 'action' => 'finish', 'sUniqueID' => $hash, 'forceSecure' => true));
Пример #2
  * Gets all orders that where payed with RatePAY and delivers a JSON String.
  * Checks all orders that have the "pending" state and changes the state if neccesary.
  * @see templates/backend/plugins/PigmbhRatePAYPayment/index.php
  * @return void
 public function getOrdersAction()
     $start = (int)isset($this->Request()->start)? $this->Request()->start: 0;
     $limit = (int)isset($this->Request()->limit)? $this->Request()->limit: 10;
     $paidString = $this->Request()->nurbezahlt == 'true'? "AND a.cleared = ".(int)getAcceptedStatusId()."": "";
     $search = isset($this->Request()->search)? $this->Request()->search: '';
     $search = Shopware()->Db()->quote($search);
     $searchFor = isset($this->Request()->suchenach)?  $this->Request()->suchenach: 1;
     $searchString = "";
     if ($search == '') $searchFor = 3;
     switch ($searchFor) {
         case 1:
             $searchString = "a.ordernumber LIKE '%" . $search . "%'
                           OR a.transactionID LIKE '%" . $search . "%'
                           OR d.description LIKE '%" . $search . "%'
                           OR b.lastname LIKE '%" . $search . "%' ";
         case 2:
             $searchString = "a.ordernumber LIKE '%" . $search . "%'";
         case 3:
             $searchString = "a.transactionID LIKE '%" . $search . "%'";
         case 4:
             $searchString = "d.description LIKE '%" . $search . "%'";
         case 5:
             $searchString = "b.lastname LIKE '%" . $search . "%'";
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT
                 a.id AS id,
                 a.ordertime AS bestellzeit,
                 a.ordernumber AS bestellnr,
                 a.transactionID AS transaktion,
                 a.invoice_amount AS betrag,
                 CONCAT(b.firstname,' ', b.lastname) AS kunde,
                 c.description AS zahlstatus,
                 d.description AS bestellstatus,
                 e.description AS zahlart,
                 f.name AS sprache
             FROM `s_order` AS a
             LEFT JOIN `s_user_billingaddress` b ON a.userID = b.UserID
             LEFT JOIN `s_core_states` c ON a.cleared = c.id
             LEFT JOIN `s_core_states` d ON a.status = d.id
             LEFT JOIN `s_core_paymentmeans` e ON a.paymentID = e.id
             LEFT JOIN `s_core_multilanguage` f ON a.language = f.isocode
             WHERE " . $searchString . "
             " . $paidString . "
             AND(a.paymentID = ?	OR  a.paymentID = ? OR  a.paymentID = ?)
             AND a.cleared !='Abgebrochen'
             ORDER BY a.ordertime DESC
             LIMIT " . $start . "," . $limit . "";
     $orders = Shopware()->Db()->fetchAll($sql,array(
     $total = Shopware()->Db()->fetchAll(substr($sql, 0, strpos($sql, 'LIMIT')),array(
     foreach ($orders as $key => $order) {
         $dispatchId = $this->_getDispatchId($order['bestellnr']);
         $dispatchId == 0? $order['versand'] = 'Keine Versandkosten': $order['versand'] = $this->_getDispatchName($dispatchId);
         $order['userid'] = $this->_getUserId($order['bestellnr']);
         $order['kunde'] = htmlentities($order['kunde']);
         $order['RatePAYid'] = ($key + 1) + $start;
         $order['betrag'] = number_format($order['betrag'], 2, ',', '.');
         $order['bestellstatus_kurz'] = $this->_removeSpans($order['bestellstatus']);
         $order['bestellstatus']=  str_replace('\"', "", $order['bestellstatus']);
         $order['zahlstatus']=  str_replace('\"', "", $order['zahlstatus']);
         $order['zahlstatus_kurz'] = $this->_removeSpans($order['zahlstatus']);;
         $order['options_delete'] = '&nbsp;';
         $img = $this->_getImgPath($order['zahlart']);
         $order['zahlart'] = '<a title="Bestellung Nr. ' . $order['bestellnr'] . ' bearbeiten" class="mylogoonclick" onclick="orderwindow('
                           . $order['id'] . ',' . $order['bestellnr'] . ',\''  . $order['kunde'] . '\')">'
                           . '<img class="RatePAY_order_img" src="' . $img . '" width="65px";/></a>';
         $order['options_RatePAY'] = '<a class ="pencil myonclick" title="Bestellung Nr. ' . $order['bestellnr']
                                   . ' bearbeiten" onclick="orderwindow(' . $order['id'] . ',' . $order['bestellnr'] . ',\''
                                   . $order['kunde'] . '\')">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>';
         $orders[$key] = $order;
     echo json_encode(array("total" => count($total), "items" => $orders));
Пример #3
  * 	get Invoices that were made with this plugin and update payment ID
 protected function getOldInvoices() {
     try {
         $sql = "SELECT order_number, payment_name from pi_ratepay_orders";
         $ratepayOrders = Shopware()->Db()->fetchAll($sql);
         foreach($ratepayOrders as $ratepayOrder){
             $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `s_core_paymentmeans` WHERE `name` LIKE ?";
             $newPaymentId = Shopware()->Db()->fetchOne($sql, array($ratepayOrder['payment_name']));
             $sql = "UPDATE `s_order` SET `paymentID` = ?, `cleared` = ? WHERE `ordernumber` = ?";
             Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array((int)$newPaymentId,(int)getAcceptedStatusId(), $ratepayOrder["order_number"]));
             $sql = "UPDATE `pi_ratepay_orders` SET `payment_id`= ? WHERE `order_number` = ?";
             Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array((int)$newPaymentId, $ratepayOrder["order_number"]));
     catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception('<b>Fehler beim laden alter RatePAY Rechnungen(getOldInvoices)</b><br />' . $e);
Пример #4
 *  Confirm payment request
 * @param Object    $pi_RatePAY_request     Current request
 * @param Object    $config      Plugin     configobject
 * @param Array     $userData    Userdata
function confirmPayment($config, $userData) {
        Shopware()->Session()->pi_ratepay_Confirm = true;
        $liveMode = checkSandboxMode($userData["additional"]["payment"]["name"]);
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Views/Frontend/Ratenrechner/php/pi_ratepay_xml_service.php';
        $operation = 'PAYMENT_CONFIRM';
        $ratepay = new pi_ratepay_xml_service();
        $ratepay->live = $liveMode;
        $request = $ratepay->getXMLObject();
        $sql = "SELECT `ordernumber` FROM `s_order` WHERE `transactionID` = ?";
        $myordernumber = Shopware()->Db()->fetchOne($sql, array(Shopware()->Session()->pi_ratepay_transactionID));
        $customer = $userData['billingaddress']['firstname'] . ' ' . $userData['billingaddress']['lastname'];
        setRatepayHead($request, $operation, false, $myordernumber);
        $response = $ratepay->paymentOperation($request);
        if ($response) {
            $sql = "UPDATE `s_order` SET `cleared` = ? WHERE `ordernumber` = ?";
            if ((string) $response->head->processing->status->attributes()->code == "OK"
            && (string) $response->head->processing->result->attributes()->code == "400") {
                Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array((int)getAcceptedStatusId(), $myordernumber));
            else {
                Shopware()->Db()->query($sql, array((int)getDeclinedStatusId(), $myordernumber));
        else {
            writeLog("", Shopware()->Session()->pi_ratepay_transactionID,
                    "PAYMENT_CONFIRM", "", $request, "", $customer,$userData["additional"]["payment"]["name"]);
            return true;
